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The primary inhibitor of plasmin in human plasma.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A complex between plasmin and an inhibitor was isolated by affinity chromatography from urokinase-activated human plasma. The complex did not react with antibodies against any of the known proteinase inhibitors in plasma. A rabbit antiserum against the complex was produced. It contained antibodies agianst plasminogen+plasmin and an alpha2 protein. By crossed immunoelectrophoresis the alpha2 protein was shown to form a complex with plasmin, when generated by urokinase in plasma, and with purified plasmin. The alpha2 protein was eluted by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration with KD approx. 0.35, different from the other inhibitors of plasmin in plasma, and corresponding to an apparent relative molecular mass (Mr) of about 75000. By sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, the Mr of the complex was found to be approx. 130000. After reduction of the complex two main bands of protein were observed, with Mr, about 72000 and 66000, probably representing an acyl-enzyme complex of plasmin-light chain and inhibitor-heavy chain, and a plasmin-heavy chain. A weak band with Mr 9000 was possibly an inhibitor-light chain. The inhibitor was partially purified and used to titrate purified plasmin of known active-site concentration. The inhibitor bound plasmin rapidly and strongly. Assuming an equimolar combining ratio, the concentration of active inhibitor in normal human plasma was estimated to be 1.1 mumol/1. A fraction about 0.3 of the antigenic inhibitor protein appeared to be functionally inactive. In plasma, plasmin is primarily bound to the inhibitor. Only after its saturation does lysis of fibrinogen and fibrin occur and a complex between plasmin and alpha2 macroglobulin appear.  相似文献   

The interaction of human plasmin with the newly discovered alpha2-plasmin inhibitor was investigated. It was found from rate measurements that the reaction involves the rapid formation of a first enzyme-inhibitor complex, followed by the slow irreversible transition to another complex. L-Lysine influences the first step, but not the second.  相似文献   

Thrombin and plasmin, both of which are serine proteases in the plasma of vertebrates, play essential roles in blood clotting and fibrinolysis, respectively, and regulation of their activities is important to suppress the excessive reactions within the vascular network and to prevent tissue injury. Along with the peptidic inhibitors belonging to the serpin family, we found that cholesterol sulfate (CS), which is present at the concentration of 2.0+/-1.2 nmol/ml in human plasma, was a potent inhibitor of both plasma thrombin and plasmin. Thrombin, as determined both using a chromogenic substrate and the natural substrate, fibrinogen, was inactivated upon reaction with CS in a dose-dependent manner, but not in the presence of the structurally related steroid sulfates, I3SO3-GalCer and II3NAalpha-LacCer, suggesting that both the sulfate group and the hydrophobic side chain of CS are necessary for the inhibitory activity of CS. Preincubation of thrombin with CS at 37 degrees C for 10 min was required to achieve maximum inhibition, and virtually complete inhibition was achieved at a molar ratio of CS to thrombin of 18:1. CS-treated thrombin had the same Km and a lower Vmax than the original enzyme, and a higher molecular weight. The molecular weight and activity of the original enzyme were not observed on the attempted separation of the CS-treated enzyme by gel permeation chromatography and native PAGE, indicating that the inactivation of thrombin by CS is irreversible. In contrast, CS was readily liberated from the enzyme by SDS-PAGE, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions are involved in the CS-mediated inactivation of thrombin. When acidic lipids were reacted with thrombin after dissolving them in DMSO, I3SO3-GalCer, steroid sulfates and II3NAalpha-LacCer, as well as CS, but not SDS and sodium taurocholate, exhibited inhibitory activity, probably due to micellar formation facilitating interaction between thrombin and negatively charged lipids. On the other hand, plasmin, as determined using a chromogenic substrate, was more susceptible to acidic lipids than thrombin. CS, I3SO3-GalCer and II3NAalpha-LacCer, all of which are present in serum, inhibited the activity of plasmin in aqueous media, as well as in DMSO-mediated lipid solutions. Thus, acidic lipids in plasma were demonstrated to possess regulatory activity as endogenous detergents toward both enzymes for blood clotting and fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

Fresh plasma was seeded with trace amounts of highly purified biologically intact iodine-labelled plasminogen and the plasmin-inhibitor complexes formed after activation with streptokinase or urokinase separated by gel filtration. Two radioactive peaks were observed, the first one eluted in the void volume and the second one just before the 7-S globulin peak. In incompletely activated samples, the second peak was always predominant over the first one. Both components were purified with high yield by a combination of affinity chromatography on lysine-agarose and gel filtration, and investigated by dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis. Neither component reacted with antisera against alpha1-antitrypsin, antithrombin III, C1-esterase inhibitor, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor or alpha1-antichymotrypsin. The component of the first peak appeared to be a complex between plasmin and alpha2-macroglobulin which reacted with antisera against human plasminogen and against alpha2-macroglobulin. The component of the second peak had a molecular weight (Mr) of 120000-140000 by dodecyl-sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and lpon reduction displayed a doublet band with an Mr of 65000-70000 and a band with Mr 11000. It reacted with antisera against plasminogen and with antisera raised against this complex and absorbed with purified plasminogen. The latter antisera reacted with a single component in plasma which is different from the above-mentioned plasma protease inhibitors. Specific removal of this component from plasma by immuno-absorption resulted in disappearance of the fast-reacting antiplasmin activity whereas alpha2-macroglobulin was found to represent the slower-reacting plasmin-neutralizing activity. In the presence of normal plasma levels of these proteins, the specific removal or absence of alpha1-antitrypsin, antithrombin III or C1-esterase inhibitor did not alter the inactivation rate of plasmin when added to plasma in quimolar amounts to that of plasminogen. It is concluded that only two plasma proteins are important in the binding of plasmin generated by activation of the plasma plasminogen, namely a fast-reacting inhibitor which is different from the known plasma protease inhibitors and which we have provisionally named antiplasmin, and alpha2-macroglobulin, which reacts more slowly.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive method has been developed to assess the fibrinolytic activity of plasmin from the change in the column height of fibrin gel. Two conditions were used: 1) 37 degrees C and 16 h incubation at plasmin concentrations of 0.5-50 micrograms/ml and 2) 25 degrees C and 1-2.5 h incubation at plasmin concentrations of 50-1000 micrograms/ml. The method permits to observe the kinetics of fibrinolysis at plasmin concentrations higher that 10 micrograms/ml. The results have shown that the method is applicable for quantitation of plasminogen in human plasma. The method is precise and well reproducible.  相似文献   

The inhibition of plasmin, (EC, thrombin (EC, trypsin (EC and chymotrypsin (EC by antiplasmin, the recently described fast-reacting plasmin inhibitor of human plasma, was studied. To determine the quantitative importance of antiplasmin relative to the other plasma protease inhibitors, enzyme inhibition assays were performed on whole plasma and on plasma specifically depleted in antiplasmin, after addition of excess enzyme. Plasmin was the only enzyme for which the inhibitory capacity of antiplasmin-depleted plasma was lower than that of normal plasma. To determine the affinity of the enzymes for antiplasmin, as compared to the other inhibitors, various amounts of enzymes were added to normal plasma and the formation of enzyme-antiplasmin complexes studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis using specific antisera against antiplasmin. Plasmin and trypsin, but not thrombin or chymotrypsin formed complexes with antiplasmin. It is concluded that antiplasmin is the only fast-reacting plasmin inhibitor of human plasma. It is also a fast-reacting inhibitor of trypsin but only accounts for a very small part of the fast-reacting trypsin-inhibitory activity of plasma. This can be explained by the low concentration of antiplasmin (1 muM) in normal plasma, compared to the other inhibitors (e.g. alpha1-antitrypsin: 40-80 muM).  相似文献   

The primary inhibitor of plasmin in human plasma was purified by a four-step procedure involving fractional (NH(4))(2)SO(4) precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography on a column of DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and affinity chromatography on both a plasminogen-CH-Sepharose 4B column and a column of 6-aminohexanoic acid covalently coupled through the carboxylate function to AH-Sepharose 4B. No impurities in the final preparation could be detected when tested by immunoelectrophoresis against a range of specific antisera or against rabbit anti-human serum. On polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis the inhibitor preparation showed a single band. The dissociation constant for the inhibitor-plasminogen complex was determined to be approx. 3mum at pH7.8. The reactions of the inhibitor with human plasmin and with bovine trypsin were studied. Comparison of the results obtained confirms the hypothesis previously presented, namely that the reaction of the inhibitor with plasmin involves at least two steps, the initial rapid formation of an enzyme-inhibitor complex followed by a slow irreversible transition to another complex. The results also indicate that the reaction of the inhibitor with trypsin involves just a single, irreversible step, so that this reaction seems to be less complicated than that of the inhibitor with plasmin. The ways in which 6-aminohexanoic acid influences the reactions were studied. The same value for the dissociation constant (approx. 26mum) for 6-aminohexanoic acid is obtained for both its effect on the reaction of the inhibitor with trypsin and for competitive inhibition of trypsin. The inhibitory effect of 6-aminohexanoic acid thus seems to be due to its blocking of the active site of trypsin. In contrast with this, the inhibitory effects of l-lysine and 6-aminohexanoic acid on the inhibitor-plasmin reaction occur at concentrations much too low to affect the active site of plasmin. The possible dependence of the reaction of the inhibitor with plasmin on a second site(s) on plasmin is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of human and bovine serum albumin with Cibacron Blue and Blue Dextran in aqueous solution was studied by means of difference spectroscopy. Both human and bovine albumin interact strongly with underivatized Cibacron Blue in three independent binding sites (K = 105). On the contrary, Blue Dextran interacts strongly only with human albumin, but does not bind appreciably to bovine albumin. These results suggest that the binding sites are exposed and easily accessible in human albumin, while in bovine albumin they are sterically hindered and therefore not accessible to the bulky Blue Dextran.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of the plasma proteinase plasmin (EC was partially purified from washed and lysed human blood platelets by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and affinity chromatrography on Sepharose-linked purified plasminogen. The material contained none of the known plasma proteinase inhibitors when studied by crossed-immunoelectrophoresis and electroimmunoassay, but inhibited a clot-lysis-time assay and an esterolytic assay that used the synthetic substrate S-2251 (D-Val-Leu-Lys-p-nitroanilide). The inhibitory activity had the same mobility as the alpha 2-plasma proteins on preparative agarose-gel electrophoresis. Titration of the inhibitor preparation by active-site-titrated plasmin demonstrated a dissociation constant of approx. 0.1 nM. The inhibition was complete within 1 min. The inhibitor increased the mobility in agarose-gel electrophoresis of purified activator-free plasmin or 125I-labelled plasmin, as demonstrated by crossed-immunoelectrophoresis against specific immunoglobulins against plasminogen or by radioautography. The results strongly suggest the presence in platelets of a plasmin inhibitor different from the known plasma proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a new lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL) activity assay method. Seventy normal volunteers were recruited. Lipase activities were assayed by measuring the increase in absorbance at 546 nm due to the quinoneine dye. Reaction mixture-1 (R-1) contained dioleoylglycerol solubilized with lauryldimethylaminobetaine, monoacylglycerol-specific lipase, glycerolkinase, glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase, peroxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase, and apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II). R-2 contained Tris-HCl (pH 8.7) and 4-aminoantipyrine. Automated assay of lipase activities was performed with an automatic clinical analyzer. In the assay for HL + LPL activity, 160 microl R-1 was incubated at 37 degrees C with 2 microl of sample for 5 min, and 80 microl R-2 was added. HL activities were measured under the same conditions without apoC-II. HL and LPL activities were also measured by the conventional isotope method and for HL mass by ELISA. Lipase activity detected in a 1.6 M NaCl-eluted fraction from a heparin-Sepharose column was enhanced by adding purified apoC-II in a dose-dependent manner, whereas that eluted by 0.8 M NaCl was not. Postheparin plasma-LPL and HL activities measured in the present automated method had high correlations with those measured by conventional activity and mass methods. This automated assay method for LPL and HL activities is simple and reliable and can be applied to an automatic clinical analyzer.  相似文献   

An improved automated method for determining vitamin C in plasma and tissues is described. Total vitamin C was determined after oxidation to dehydroascorbic acid by reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The recovery of ascorbic acid added to plasma was 98 to 101% with a coefficient of variation of 1.8%. Interaction between samples with low, medium, and high concentrations was 1% and the coefficient of variation on 60 replicate analyses of plasma was 2.0%. In the analysis of 16 samples of rat plasma, results obtained by the automated method were essentially the same as those obtained by the original manual method. It was possible to determine vitamin C in 0.15 ml of plasma containing as little as 1.2 μg/ml. Vitamin C was also measured in extracts of rat heart, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, liver, and brain.  相似文献   

Using trace amounts of [125I]-plasminogen and conventional biochemical techniques, the distribution of the labeled zymogen amongst the various protease inhibitors was studied in whole plasma before and after activation with urokinase and streptokinase. A small percentage of the labeled enzyme was bound to α2-macroglobulin while a majority was complexed to a component in plasma immunologically distinct from the well known human antiplasmins. The inhibitor was identified as α2-antiplasmin and confirmed the existence of this antiprotease recently described by others. These data also suggest that the other antiplasmins may play a minor, yet important role in the regulation of plasmin activity under different physiological conditions.  相似文献   

A new intracellular inhibitor of plasmin and trypsin was isolated from porcine leukocytes by ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography. In dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis a single protein band with an apparent molecular mass of 15 kDa was found under reducing conditions. On isoelectric focusing three protein bands with isoelectric points between pH 4.0 and 4.5 were found. The association rate constants and the inhibition constants were determined for porcine plasmin and bovine trypsin. The inhibitor shows no immunologic cross-reactivity with any of the tested leukocyte inhibitors. On the basis of its N-terminal amino-acid sequence a great degree of similarity to Kunitz-type inhibitors was observed.  相似文献   

A method is described by which the heavy chain of human plasmin, obtained by partial reduction of urokinase-activated plasminogen with 2-mercaptoethanol, is adsorbed on lysine coupled to polyacrylamide. The heavy chain is recovered from the adsorbent by elution with 6-aminohexanoic acid (yield 60-65%). Sulfhydryl titrations of the heavy chain showed that the partial reduction involved primarily the cleavage of the sole interchain disulfide bridge of plasmin. Dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis gave essentially a single band corresponding to a component of about 60000 molecular weight. The NH2-terminal amino acid was predominantly threonine. 6-Aminohexanoic acid at different concentrations caused significant variations of the sedimentation and diffusion constants of the heavy chain indicating inhibitor-induced conformational alterations of the protein. The present results suggest that in plasmin only the heavy chain is capable of interacting with 6-aminohexanoic acid, and it appears that it is primarily this chain which plays an important role in the inhibition of the enzyme by 6-aminohexanoic acid.  相似文献   

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