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Four congeneric species of pelagic copepods (Acartia margalefi,A. clausi, A. discaudata and A. grani) coexist in the r?a ofVigo, an estuary located on the NW Spanish coast. There is apartial segregation of the species along the axis of the r?a,their respective abundances decreasing exponentially from thezones of maximum densities. A. margalefi and A. grani have beenfound exclusively in the inner part of the r?a, while A. clausiis more abundant in the external zones, and A. discaudata occupiesan intermediate area. Temperature and salinity gradients seemto have less importance than the spatial differences in stability(in the sense of persistence of environmental factors) as determiningthe species segregation.  相似文献   

An efficient vitrification procedure was developed and successfullyapplied to cryopreserve six endangered West Australian species(family Haemodoraceae: Anigozanthos humilis ssp. chrysanthusHopper;A. kalbarriensis Hopper;A. viridis ssp. terraspectansHopper;Conostylis dielsia ssp.teres Hopper;C. micrantha Hopperand C. wonganensis Hopper). Species were initially evaluatedfor cryostorage using a basic vitrification protocol involving:culturing plantlets in vitro for 21 d; excision of shoot apices;preculture of apical tips on 0.4 M sorbitol for 2 d, followedby incubation in PVS2 (plant vitrification solution 2) for 25min at 0 °C, then direct immersion in liquid nitrogen (LN).Warming of retrieved material was for 1 min in a 40 °C waterbath. Using this protocol five of the six species exhibitedlow post-storage survival, while the sixth species, A. viridisssp. terraspectans posted higher survival (61.1%). Using A.viridis ssp. terraspectans as an indicator species, the initialprotocol was modified to include: 3 d preculture on 0.80 M glycerol,loading treatment with 2.0 M glycerol plus 0.4 M sucrose solutionfor 20 min, followed by 25 min exposure to a modified PVS2.Survival was significantly improved in the test species, andin further experiments three other species also showed significantimprovements with the new protocol. Key findings include: effectivenessof glycerol in the preculture medium; the effect of precultureduration; the importance of a loading stage for these species;and the successful use of modified PVS2 solutions with reducedor zero dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Copyright 2001 Annals ofBotany Company A. humilis ssp. chrysanthus, A. kalbarriensis, A. viridis ssp.terraspectans , Conostylis dielsia ssp. teres, C. micrantha, C. wonganensis, kangaroo paws, Haemodoraceae, vitrification, cryopreservation, rare and endangered, conservation  相似文献   

A multiple character analysis was undertaken of a broadly representativesample of three species:Canis lupus (wolf), C. latrans (coyote),and C. familiaris (dog). These species are clearly and significantlydistinguished by the technique of linear discrimination. Theanalysis provides a basis for the identification of skulls notobviously distinguishable by size or other diagnostic characters. Early populations of Canis n. niger and C. n. gregoryi (redwolf) are compared with the three species above and are foundto form a cluster with lupus and to be sharply distinct fromthe other two species. Additional comparisons show that whilelupus lycaon and niger both overlap with lupus, they are distinctfrom each other. This entire cluster is quite distinct fromlatrans, with niger being the farthest removed. A sample populationof C. n. gregoiyi, from the edge of the extending range of C.latrans, was examined and found to show too great a range ofvariation to be attributed to a single species.  相似文献   

A new species of diatoms, intermediate between Nitzschia cylindrus(Grun.) Hasle and Nitzschia pseudonana Hasle is described. Differencesin morphology of the three species are outlined. The new specieshas been recorded only between 37°N and 53°N in thePacific Ocean while N. cylindrus is bipolar and N. pseudonanais cosmopolitan in distribution.  相似文献   

Karyotype analysis of Alstroemeria angustifolia ssp. angustifolia,A. aurea, A. inodora, A. ligtu spp. ligtu, A. magnifica ssp.magnifica, A. pelegrina, A. philippii and A. psittacina usingFeulgen-staining and Giemsa C-banding techniques revealed foreach species a characteristic chromosome morphology and C-bandingpattern. These characteristics could be used to identify manyindividual chromosomes in diploid interspecific hybrids. Besidesinterspecific variation, some degree of intraspecific variationin C-banding pattern was observed within A. angustifolia ssp.angustifolia, A. aurea, A. ligtu ssp. ligtu, A. magnifica ssp.magnifica and A. philippii . All species had large chromosomes (2 n =2 x =16) and asymmetrickaryotypes. In many species the short arms of the acrocentricchromosomes were darkly stained upon Giemsa C-banding. Thesetelomeric bands seemed satellites. B-chromosomes were observedin one species, A. angustifolia ssp. angustifolia . A variablenumber of large intercalary and telomeric C-bands was presentin the Chilean species, whereas the Brazilian species showedonly small C-bands. The differences in karyotypes suggest anearly separation of the Chilean and Brazilian species, afterwhich speciation followed different evolutionary pathways. InAlstroemeria the Giemsa C-banding technique can be valuableto plant taxonomists for unravelling species relationships. Alstroemeria ; Inca lily; evolution; Giemsa C-banding; karyotype  相似文献   

中国的光肩星天牛类群   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
吴蔚文  蒋书楠 《昆虫学报》1998,41(3):284-290
该文讨论我国光肩星天牛Anoplophoraglabrlpennis(Motschulsky)类群的外部形态和外生殖器的主要鉴别特征,寄主、地理分布、起源及其演化。光肩星天牛主要分布在山西吕梁山、太行山以东的广大平原地区,寄主广泛,主要有榆、复叶槭、杨、柳、五角枫等。黄斑星天牛主要分布在秦岭以北,山西吕粱山太行山以西的陕甘宁地区,向东已扩展到河南、河北;主要为害杨树,也为害柳、榆。四川星天牛主要分布于秦岭以南的西部地区,北限在陕西太白山到甘肃天水一带;主要为害柳。在秦岭以北到天水之间是黄斑星天牛和四川星天牛的重叠分布区,山西太行山两侧南北走向的狭长地带是光肩星天牛和黄肩星天牛重叠分布区,两个狭长地带交会处,大约在秦岭以北的陕西和(或)山西境内有三个种的重叠分布区域.在云、贵、川地区广泛分布着四川星天牛,至今还没有发现光肩星天牛、黄斑星天牛和蓝角星天牛,后者应该是一个值得怀疑的种。  相似文献   

This paper deals with three species of the genus Anisomysiscollected from the South West coast of Australia of which A.gracilis and A. robustispina are new to science and A. bipanocularais reported for the first time from the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

The shell morphology and population dynamics of the five BritishUnionidae are compared within a sympatric population. Pseudanodontacomplanata is distinguished from Anodonta anatina and A. cygneaby the hinge length–shell length relationship; this morphologicaldistinction may serve as a useful tool in the identificationof this threatened species. The shell length at a given annuluswas remarkably similar for all five species, although the asymptoticlength is reached most quickly in P. complanata and Unio pictorum.P. complanata is relatively short-lived and attains the lowest maximumlength, while A. cygnea lives more than twice as long and attainsalmost double the length of P. complanata. Unio spp. have ashort gravid season over the summer, while Anodonta spp. havea long gravid period, lasting from Autumn through to Spring.Unlike other members of the Anodontinae, P. complanata has ashort breeding season, overlapping with that of the Unio spp. (Received 4 March 1998; accepted 23 April 1998)  相似文献   

中国狭蚱属分类学综述及一新种记述(直翅目: 短翼蚱科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2009,52(3):296-300
系统研究了分布于中国的狭蚱属Xistra的种类, 共计有6种,包括1新种, 即雅安狭蚱Xistra yaanensis sp. nov.。记述了中国己记录种的引证和分布地区, 提供了该属全部种类的分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

To clarify the way in which the light available for growth affectsrespiration in leaves of sun and shade plants, we examined therespiratory properties of mature leaves of Spinacia oleraceaL., a sun species, and of Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G. Don.,a shade species, that had been grown at various irradiances.In leaves of S. oleracea, the respiratory rates, on a dry massbasis, decreased with time during the night, and the higherwas the growth irradiance during the day, the higher was therespiratory rate. The marked decreases in the respiratory rateduring the night were accompanied by decreases in the concentrationof carbohydrates in the leaves. By contrast, the respiratoryrates of leaves of A. macrorrhiza were virtually constant throughoutthe night and the absolute rates were lower than those of S.oleracea even though the absolute value of the concentrationof carbohydrates and its decrease at night resembled to thosein S. oleracea. The maximum activities of respiratory enzymeswere also similar to those in S. oleracea. However, the leavesof A. macrorrhiza contained less soluble protein than thoseof S. oleracea. These results suggest that, in S. oleracea,the concentration of carbohydrates might determine the respiratoryrate while such is not the case in A. macrorrhiza. The lowerrespiratory rates in A. macrorrhiza might be due to a lowerdemand for ATP. (Received November 29, 1995; Accepted February 15, 1996)  相似文献   

Two new species of Horaiclavus, lacking radula, venom glandand proboscis, are described. The genus is placed in the subfamilyCrassispirinae (Turridae). Both species possess a peculiar foregutstructure, the muscular rhynchodaeal outgrowth situated in therhynchocoel. The possible function of the rhynchodaeal outgrowthis discussed. Other studied species of Horaiclavus possess aradula of a typical ‘crassispirine’ type but lackthe outgrowth. The anatomy of the foregut of the new speciesis superficially similar to that of Zemacies excelsa (Turridae:Zemaciinae), which also possesses an additional structure ofthe rhynchocoel, namely the ‘pyriform gland’. Conchologically,there is no resemblance between Zemacies and Horaiclavus andit is concluded that similar foregut arrangement appeared independentlyin both lineages. A new monotypic subfamily Zemaciinae was erectedmostly on the basis of the unique foregut arrangement of Zemaciesexcelsa. We express doubts concerning the importance of thesecharacters in establishing a new taxon of subfamilial rank andtherefore the validity of the subfamily Zemaciinae. (Received 16 May 2007; accepted 1 October 2007)  相似文献   

The new genus Atebbania is described for a new hydrobiid species,A. bernasconii, which lives in groundwaters of southern Morocco.Of the Hydrobiidae genera with known shell and anatomy Moitessieriais the closest to Atebbania. The two share the following characters:shell elongate; teleoconch surface with evident microsculpture;seminal receptacle absent. Atebbania is distinguished from Moitessieriaby: shell ovate; penis with a) apical stylet, b) one lobe bentdownward on left (inner) side and c) penial duct running nearthe right (outer) side; posterior end of foot indented. Atebbaniabernasconii n. sp., lives in a limited area, the Tiznit plainin southern Morocco. Other stygobiont hydrobiids from otherareas of Morocco are currently being studied. None of them appearsto be closely related to A. bernasconii or to the species ofMoitessieria (Received 10 February 1998; accepted 30 April 1998)  相似文献   

Three species of loricate choanoflagellates (Choanoflagdlida,Acanthoecidae), collected from the Andaman Sea near Phuket Island(SW Thailand), have been described and referred to Apheloeciongen.nov. (holotype: A. quadrispinum sp.nov.). All species possessa single-chambered lorica composed of one transverse costs overlaidby a limited number of longitudinal costae which converge posteriorly.Anteriorly the longitudinal costae protrude above the transversecosta as sharp pointed spines. In A. quadrispinum sp.nov. andA. pentacanthum sp.nov. the lorica is terminated by a shortposterior spine, whereas in A. articulatum sp.nov. the pedicelis much more prominent, consisting of several costal stripswhich are joined end-to-end. The species of Apheloecion appearto be most closely related to species of Calliacantha and Monocosta.None of the species described are so far known from localitiesoutside the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   

To characterize seasonal patterns of carbohydrate concentrationsin Actinidia species from different natural habitats, leaf,fruit and fine root tissue samples from five species (A. arguta,A. deliciosa, A. chinensis, A. polygama and A. eriantha) werecollected over one season, and analysed for fructose, glucose,sucrose, myo -inositol and starch concentrations. Sucrose andstarch peaked in leaf tissue around flowering time. In fruit,hexose sugars and/or myo -inositol transiently increased earlyin development. Starch accumulated in fruit of all species,beginning sooner after anthesis in A. arguta and A. polygamathan in the other species. Sucrose accumulation coincided withonset of net starch degradation in A. arguta but was delayedin the other species. At final fruit sampling, concentrationsof glucose and fructose were greater than sucrose in all speciesexceptA. arguta . myo -Inositol concentrations constituted >10%of total sugars for most of the season in leaf and fruit tissuesof all species except A. polygama. Fine roots of A. arguta andA. polygama contained significantly more starch and sucrosefor most of the year than those of the other species. Observeddifferences in seasonal carbohydrate patterns may reflect differentnatural habitats, with A. arguta and A. polygama growing naturallyin colder climates than the other species. Transient accumulationof sugars in fruit during early stages of development has beenconsidered to act as primary osmoticum for cell expansion. However,the presence of only low sugar concentrations in A. erianthaquestions this hypothesis. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Actinidia arguta, Actinidia deliciosa, Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia eriantha,Actinidia polygama , kiwifruit, carbohydrates, fruit, leaves, fine roots, seasonal  相似文献   

A new genus of Streptaxidae with four new species is describedfrom Central West Africa, viz. Sinistrexcisa cameruniae (typespecies) from Southwest Cameroon, and S. iradieri, S. cogoensisand S. fang from Equatorial Guinea. In addition to the shells,the genital anatomy of three species and the radula of one speciesare described. The species of Sinistrexcisa resemble some taxaof the heterogeneous genus Ptychotrema s.l., but differ conchologicallyby, among others, the extremely long and displaced aperturalsinus and the sinistrally coiled last quarter whorl, and anatomicallyby the morphology of the penis, especially the inner spinulation.A spermatophore was observed in the lower (distal) portion ofthe penis of a specimen of S. fang. This is probably the first recordof a spermatophore in the family Streptaxidae. (Received 9 October 1997; accepted 1 July 1998)  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) adapted to rock outcrops or ‘inselbergs’in neotropical rain forests have been identified as suitableplant models for studying population divergence and speciationduring continental plant radiations. Little is known about geneticrelationships and variation in reproductive strategies withinand among inselberg-adapted species, yet knowledge of theseparameters is important for understanding divergence processesand for conservation planning. Methods: Nuclear microsatellites were used to assess the role of clonalreproduction, estimate genetic diversity and explore geneticrelationships and variation in reproductive strategies for atotal of 15 populations of four closely related Alcantarea inselbergspecies in south-eastern Brazil: A. glaziouana, A. regina, A.geniculata and A. imperialis. Key Results: Clonal propagation is frequent in coastal populations of A.glaziouana and A. regina, but absent in the high-altitude speciesA. geniculata and A. imperialis. Considerable variation in clonaldiversity, gene diversity (He), allelic richness, and Wright'sinbreeding coefficient (FIS) exists within and between speciesof Alcantarea. A Bayesian analysis of coastal inselberg speciesindicated pronounced genetic structure. A neighbor-joining analysisgrouped populations of each species together with moderate bootstrapsupport, except for the high altitude species A. imperialis. Conclusions: The coastal inselberg species A. glaziouana and A. regina tendto propagate asexually via vegetative clonal growth, and bothreproductive strategies and breeding systems vary greatly betweenpopulations and species of Alcantarea. The microsatellite dataindicate a history of hybridization and reticulation involvingthe high-altitude species A. geniculata and A. imperialis inareas of co-occurrence. The results highlight the need to understandsimilarities and differences in reproductive strategies bothwithin and between related species for conservation planningand as a basis for understanding evolutionary processes in tropicalradiations.  相似文献   

The occurrence and abundance of the toxic, chain-forming dinoflagellateGymnodinium catenatum in a Tyrrhenian coastal lagoon, the Fusaro,during an annual sampling cycle are reported. Peak abundanceswere observed from late spring until early autumn Although veryhigh cell numbers were recorded, up to 1 5 x 106 cells l–1,no monospecific bloom of this species occurred. The first observationof G.catenatum in the Mediterranean occurred in the Fusaro andthe appearance of this species in a traditional shellfish farmingarea, where no shellfish intoxication has been reported to date,is discussed in relation to human interventions in the basin.In particular, intensive dredging in recent years with resuspensionof bottom sediments may have seeded the water body with cysts.A Gymnodinium n d species, illustrated using scanning electronmicroscopy, caused a monospecific bloom in concomitance withmaximum abundances of G.catenatum, apparently outcompeting thislatter species  相似文献   

The hypothesis that desiccation-tolerant mosses and lichensmay be more responsive to nutrient inputs accompanying intermittentdesiccation than mesophytic forest species was investigatedemploying species from semi-arid grassland in Hungary. Shootapices of the moss Syntrichia ruralis and marginal lobes ofthe lichen Cladonia convoluta were maintained for 7 weeks undercontrolled conditions. They were cultivated with or withouta weekly application of the major inorganic macronutrients,and either under constant hydration or with one or two 24 hperiods of desiccation each week. Growth of S. ruralis was stimulatedby nutrient additions, but lower weight increments were achievedwith increasing frequency of desiccation. All samples of thelichen showed positive growth, and no significant treatmenteffects were detected. A large net uptake of P occurred in nutrient-treatedmaterial of both species that was unaffected by the impositionof desiccation treatments. A smaller net uptake of K into theintracellular fraction was also observed when nutrients wereapplied, but in the moss this was against a baseline of decreasingK content. In contrast, more of the original K content was retainedin C. convoluta. In neither species was any clear evidence foundfor inhibition of nutrient uptake by the desiccation episodes.It is suggested that the lack of growth response in the lichenarises from an inability to bring together the additional nutrients,presumably mainly absorbed by the mycobiont, with photosynthateproduced by the photobiont. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Cladonia convoluta, Syntrichia ruralis, desiccation tolerance, mineral nutrition, phosphorus, potassium  相似文献   

The distribution of the sibling slug species Arion hortensiss.s. and Arion distinctus in Northern Switzerland is described.In the sampled area, both species were almost equally abundantand their distributions overlapped. Most of the sampled sitescontained both species. Arion hortensis s.s. is more commonin Switzerland than previously known, and its range extendsmore towards the east of Switzerland. Arion hortensis s.s. wasmore abundant in gardens than in the other habitats sampled.At sites where only A. distinctus occurred, the form with abipartite oviduct prevailed. At sites where both species werepresent, the form of A. distinctus with a tripartite oviductwas more common than the form with a bipartite oviduct. In captivity,one specimen of A. distinctus mated with one A. hortensis s.s.,as indicated by a spermatophore of A. distinctus that was found withinthe atrium of one A. hortensis s.s. A majority of the specimens couldby assigned to the correct species by their colouration, buta safe distinction between A. hortensis s.s. and A. distinctusis only possible using characters of the reproductive system. (Received 4 July 2000; accepted 19 September 2000)  相似文献   

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