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A new species of Manihot was discovered in the course of revising the taxonomy of some species of the genus occurring in the Midwest Region of Brazil. Its morphology resembles species which belong to different sections of the genus. However, a set of characters related to stem, leaves, inflorescences and flowers serves to differentiate it from the closest species, especially from M. falcata, to which it is most similar. The geographical distribution and conservation status of the new species as well as its flowering and fruiting period are also provided. Additionally, anatomical information about the aerial parts of the stem, a novelty regarding the wild species of the genus, is provided.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate two species of Manihot that occur in Caatinga (semiarid) vegetation in Brazil and redescribe and lectotypify M. quinquefolia Pohl, which was only known from a single collection made by J. E. B. Pohl in 1827. Manihot elongata P.Carvalho & M.Martins is widely distributed and Manihot alterniflora P.Carvalho & M.Martins is endangered because of its small populations and restricted area of occurrence. We establish M. quinquefolia as the only species of Manihot in the Caatinga with compound leaves. An identification key is provided for the 13 species of Manihot present in the Caatinga.  相似文献   

The genus Miliusa in Cambodia and Vietnam is reviewed. Cambodia and Vietnam each harbors six species of Miliusa, including three which are described as new to science: one from Cambodia (Miliusa cambodgensis sp. nov.), the other two from Vietnam (M. astiana and M. ninhbinhensis spp. nov.). In addition, a complete nomenclature and relevant information about the Miliusa species previously known from Cambodia and Vietnam are provided, including keys to the Cambodian and Vietnamese species, the designation of a lectotype for M. baillonii and the synonymization of M. balansae var. elongatoides, M. chunii and M. sinensis with M. balansae.  相似文献   

Phyllanthus brunelii Roux, a new shrubby species from Thailand is described. P. brunelii has apparently until now been confused with P. reticulatus Poir. Its pollen structure suggests affinities between the subgenera Kirganelia (A. Juss.) Webster and Gomphidium (Baill.) Webster.  相似文献   

The distinction between “bitter” and “sweet” (toxic and non-toxic) varieties of the cyanide-containing food crop manioc (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) has a long tradition in the tropical forest areas of South and Central America where it was first cultivated. Yet this distinction has no taxonomic basis. The levels of cyanogenic glucosides found in manioc varieties not only vary widely, but do not correspond with any other known morphological or ecological feature. Nonetheless, these two “varieties” are commonly reported to have distinct geographical and cultural distributions and each is associated with a particular traditional food complex. This paper reviews the literature regarding the nature, distribution, and traditional uses of manioc varieties and concludes that (1) the geographical and cultural distribution of bitter and sweet varieties of manioc may not be as distinct as has been thought; (2) traditional categories of bitter and sweet manioc may stem more from culturally derived belief systems than from actual known levels of toxicity; and (3) the choice of complex and labor intensive processing methods usually associated with bitter manioc may not be required for detoxification but rather for the derived food products, particularly manioc flour.  相似文献   

Euphorbia gokakensis, a new succulent species of Euphorbiaceae, is described from the Belgaum district of Karnataka, India. The new species belongs to Euphorbia subgen. Euphorbia, and closely resembles Euphorbia caducifolia Haines. However, it is distinguished by its characteristic dwarf habit forming a compact cushion that hardly exceeds 50 cm in height.  相似文献   

Manihot allemii M. J. Silva is described and illustrated as a new species, and its morphological affinities and conservation status is discussed. It is most similar to M. salicifolia Pohl in having a subshrubby and erect habit and in the general aspect of its unlobed leaves, but differs from it in having leaves that are conspicuously petiolate, an inflorescence that is a congested spike‐like thyrse, entire and diminute bracts and bracteoles subtending flowers of both sexes, pistillate calyx that is deeply lobed with oblong lobes, and staminate flowers with 8 or 10 stamens. Both species belong to a group of 14 species recognized by their possession of entire and unlobed leaves, which are the subject of taxonomic studies by the second author. Some notes on the leaf anatomy of species of Manihot that have entire and unlobed leaves are also presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Plukenetia from the Peruvian Department of Amazonas is described. Plukenetia huayllabambana R. W. Bussmann, C. Téllez & A. Glenn sp. nov. seems to be endemic to rocky patches in the cloud forest region of Mendoza. The species is similar to Plukenetia volubilis L., a species widely known from the Caribbean and Latin America, and Plukenetia stipellata L. J. Gillespie, which is only known from Central America. Both of these species occur only up to about 1200  m a.s.l., while Plukenetia huayllabambana has only been found above 1300  m a.s.l. The new species distinctly differs in its small number of stamens, stylar column length, and very large fruits and seeds. In Peru, Plukenetia spp. are widely known as 'Sacha Inchi' (forest Peanut), and Plukenetia huayllabambana could have a good potential to become an income source for the local communities.  相似文献   

The leaf anatomy of nine species of Manihot Mill. has been studied with the objective of finding anatomical features that contribute to our understanding of the taxonomy of the genus. Leaf samples were collected in the field and from herbarium specimens, and standardized methods were used for both light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The following species were studied: M. bellidifolia P. Carvalho & M. Martins, M. brachyandra Pax & K. Hoffm., M. caerulescens Pohl, M. diamantinensis Allem, M. elongata sp. nov. ined., M. jacobinensis Müll. Arg. (I), M. jacobinensis Müll. Arg. (II), M. longiracemosa P. Carvalho & M. Martins, M. maracasensis Ule, M. reniformis Pohl, M. tripartita (Spreng) Müll. Arg. and Manihot sp. Anatomically, the analysis revealed differences that indicate the importance of leaf anatomy in the species‐level taxonomy. Presence of fibers in the bundle sheath, and presence or absence of papillae and fibers in the midrib are diagnostic characters. Although these characteristics were not enough to separate all of the species, or to group them into a section, they did show taxonomic importance at the species level. In addition, morphoanatomical differences and geographical distribution support Manihot sp. as a distinct species.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is one of the most important pests of cassava in Africa and several countries of Asia due to the damage caused by direct feeding, the excretion of honeydew, and its capacity as a vector of cassava mosaic geminivirus. There is a general consensus that B. tabaci is a complex of morphologically indistinguishable populations with different biotypes. In the Americas, the polyphagous biotype B does not appear to feed on cassava. Recent studies indicate that it is possible, however, for biotype B to gradually adapt to cassava using phylogenetically related hosts. Therefore, the possibility that some wild species of cassava constitute intermediate hosts in the adaptation process may lead to the establishment of biotype B on commercial varieties of Manihot esculenta. In here, we evaluated Jatropha gossypiifolia, two wild species of cassava (Manihot flabellifolia and M. carthaginensis) and a commercial cassava variety (MCol 2063) as hosts of biotype B. The highest oviposition rate (2.7 eggs /two days) occurred on M. esculenta, although the development time (44 d) was the longest when compared to M. carthaginensis and J. gossypiifolia. About 60% of the population could reproduce on the wild cassava species vs. 55% on J. gossypiifolia and 27.5% on the commercial variety. Our data suggest that J. gossypiifolia is a suitable host and the wild species M. carthaginensis can constitute a potential intermediate host in the adaptation of biotype B to commercial varieties of cassava.  相似文献   

Euphorbia venkatarajui, a new succulent species of Euphorbiaceae, is described from Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh state, India. The new species belongs to the subgenus Euphorbia, and it closely resembles Euphorbia gokakensis S.R. Yadav, Malpure and Chandore and E. caducifolia Haines., but differs in certain distinct characters.  相似文献   

Olsen KM 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(5):901-911
The nature of gene flow in plants -- including the propensity for interspecific introgression -- makes them interesting candidates for phylogeographical analysis. Plant phylogeography studies have been limited, however, by the availability of suitable intraspecific variation. In this study, DNA sequence variation from a nuclear gene [Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; (G3pdh)] was used to examine the population history of Manihot esculenta ssp. flabellifolia and a potentially hybridizing species, M. pruinosa. These species occur in the rainforest-savanna ecotone adjoining the Amazon basin, a region believed to have undergone major habitat shifts since the Pleistocene. Geographical distributions of the G3pdh haplotypes indicate genetic isolation-by-distance across the range of M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia. However, there is greater genetic similarity between northeastern and western populations than would be expected given the present species distribution. A nested clade analysis suggests that northeastern and western populations were connected by gene flow until relatively recently, when they became fragmented. This inferred fragmentation event is consistent with post-Pleistocene habitat shifts proposed for the Amazon basin. At the interspecific level, haplotype sharing with M. pruinosa may reflect either recent interspecific introgression or incomplete lineage sorting between these closely related species.  相似文献   

Four new Passalora species were found on leaves of Cerrado native plants of the genus Peixotoa (Malpighiaceae). Two of the new Passalora species (P. peixotae-reticulatae and P. cerradensis) belong in Section Mycovellosiella, while P. peixotoae-goianae and P.brasilianensis belong in Section Phaeoramularia.  相似文献   

A new species, Asplundia altiscandens E. S. Leal from the Brazilian Amazon, is described and illustrated. It belongs to subgenus Asplundia and is related to A. ferruginea and A. nonoensis. Diagnostic characters, a distribution map and taxonomic comments are provided.  相似文献   

Evolvulus flavus is a new species of Convolvulaceae found in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Brazil. It is characterized by flowers with a yellow corolla and 4‐locular ovary. Illustrations and taxonomic notes are presented. Only four individuals of this new species have been located, resulting in its classification as ‘Endangered’ (EN) in accordance with the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

Two new species of Microlicia from campos rupestres of Minas Gerais are described, illustrated and compared with their relatives. Microlicia crassa sp. nov. is similar to M. formosa, and M. maculata sp. nov. is similar to M. isophylla and M. tetrasticha. The trichomes covering both surfaces of the leaves of the two new species and their relative, M. isophylla may be characterized as sessile glands under a stereomicroscope, but anatomical studies revealed the presence of a short stalk. Microlicia crassa and M. maculata are assessed as “Endangered”, according to the IUCN categories and criteria.  相似文献   

Two new orchid species from the Cyrtochilum halteratum‐alliance, Cyrtochilum kraenzlinianum and C. maasii, are described and illustrated based on Colombian material. Both novelties are similar to C. halteratum, but they are separable from this species based on floral characteristics. Information about the habitat and ecology of the new species as well as brief notes on their taxonomic affinities are provided.  相似文献   

Microstachys crassifolia, a new species from Chapada dos Veadeiros region in the State of Goias, central Brazil, is here described and illustrated. Its habit and general morphology resembles that of M. nana Silva & Esser, an endemic species from the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Both species are hemicryptophytes from grasslands, with a well‐developed underground system, glabrous leaves and reddish inflorescences and fruits, but M. crassifolia has fleshy leaves without glands while M. nana has membranaceous leaves with pateliform, submarginal glands.  相似文献   

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