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Summary Large secretory cells are found in the pericarp of okra capsules. In early developmental stages these cells are conspicuous because of the great quantity of Golgi apparatus-derived, PAS positive substance stored between the protoplast and the cell wall. It is suggested that these cells may play a major role in the formation of okra mucilage.  相似文献   

The time taken to manipulate and swallow a prey item, termed ‘handling time’, increases with decreasing hunger in Spinachia spinachia (L.), Handling time is also dependent upon the size of the prey in relation to the size of the mouth. Estimates of the optimum prey size, defined as that prey which minimizes the value of the ‘cost/benefit’ ratio of handling time/mg dry weight of prey, agrees closely with the mean prey sizes of wild fish. Optimum prey size was found to be approximately half the maximum swallowing capacity of the mouth. The nature of the relationship between the cost/benefit ratio and prey weight was used to explain the facts that the size range of prey eaten is dependent upon fish length and that decreasing hunger results in fish becoming increasingly selective with respect to prey size.  相似文献   

A 16 X 10(6)-Mr glycoprotein isolated from bovine oestrus cervical mucus when reduced under conditions where disulphide-bond cleavage is essentially quantitative produces chains whose Mr from light-scattering and from sedimentation and diffusion data is some 4 X 10(6)-5 X 10(6). Pronase digestion of the chains indicates that glycosylated sequences of Mr 0.3 X 10(6)-0.5 X 10(6) are interspersed with enzyme-susceptible non-glycosylated peptide sequences.  相似文献   

Embryos of the viviparous teleost, “Characodon” eiseni, have unusual anal processes that function only during gestation and are lost shortly after birth. This study was undertaken to determine if the fine structure of the process epithelium supports the assumption that these cells have an absorptive function. The process epithelium is a single layer of columnar cells. At peak activity intercellular spaces become very large and isolate individual cells which simultaneously lose much of their cell mass. The cells are characterized by microvilli on their free surface, much pinocytic activity and by the formation of at least four different kinds of vesicles. There is much evidence that these vesicles fuse together. A distinctive characteristic of these cells is a system of tubules and flattened cisternae that somewhat resemble the endoplasmic reticulum yet they differ from it in several respects. It is suggested these profiles aid in fragmenting the cell at periods of peak absorptive activity, thereby increasing the cell surface. Possible mechanisms of food absorption are considered. The fine structure of these cells supports the contention that these embryonic processes serve as absorptive organs during gestation.  相似文献   

Summary Electronmicrographic montages of the olfactory tract at two levels in each of two fish (Carassius carassius L.) were constructed and fibre diameters measured using a Zeiss TGZ 3 particle size analyzer. Medial and lateral tract divisions, rhinocele and dorsal tela were identified. Ciliated ependymal cells line the rhinocele. Meninges form the outer covering of both tract divisions and the tela roofing the central canal.The lateral tract consists of 10–14 fasciculi in which myelinated nerve fibres are prominent. These fibres range in diameter between 0.2 and 1.8 (mean 0.7 ) consistent with conduction velocities averaging 0.6 m/sec recorded in the carp lateral olfactory tract.The medial division of the olfactory tract contains two larger fasciculi within which are numerous fine unmyelinated nerve fibres (mean diameter 0.17 ) arranged in bundles partly enveloped by glial cell processes. Myelinated nerve fibres are unevenly distributed within both fasciculi and have mean diameters of 0.6 .An interesting observation is the consistent presence of synapses within the largest bundle of the medial tract at all levels.Supported by Grant 5 Ro5 TW00154-03 from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.The authors are indebted to the Fisheries and Wildlife Department who generously provided the fish from Snob's Creek Fish Hatchery, and gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr. T. Armitage, Mr. J. Simmons and Miss D. Harrison.  相似文献   

The testes of the land hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus, contains germinal cells and non-germinative cells. The latter function in the manner of the vertebrate Sertoli cells in apparently providing nourishment, support and possibly hormones during spermiogenesis. Each Sertoli cell surrounds several germinal cells. The mitochondria, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus show changes in structure when in contact with germinal cells in different stages of spermiogenesis. These changes are suggestive of active synthesis and metabolism of cellular product(s).  相似文献   

Summary Morphological studies on teleost olfactory mucosa confirm the findings of previous authors regarding the general arrangement of conventional cell types, viz. receptor, sustentacular, mucous and basal, but teleosts show certain distinct differences. The receptor cells have the general mammalian bipolar shape but their peripheral dendrite does not project beyond the epithelial surface. In addition to numerous typical cilia, an exceptional ciliary formation was observed in which the filaments, instead of forming individual cilia, are grouped together in clusters and are enveloped in a single limiting membrane.At the junction between the finger-like process and the mucosal fold myelinated nerve fibres are observed within the subepithelial stroma.Within the postero-medial zone of the mucosa is a conspicuous well-differentiated new cell type. A thick rim of electron-dense cytoplasm, bounded by an outer trilaminar membrane, encloses prominent foliate (leaf-like) organelles, a basal nucleus, numerous mitochondria and vacuolar spaces. These foliaceous cells communicate with the external environment through a small stoma, their close association with epithelial components suggesting a possible secretory or absorptive function. Their intricate morphology, however, suggests that they may be receptors, but their role and neural connections still require definition.Supported by Grant 5 RO 5 TWOO 154-02 from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.The authors are indebted to Dr. A. S. Wilson for his helpful criticism and gratefully acknowledge the photographic technical assistance of Mr. J. Simmons and Mr. S. Frank.  相似文献   

In order to understand the means by which cellular aggregates were maintained in gynecologic samples, the fine structure of samples derived from a number of women of various ages was examined with special attention paid to the intercellular junctions. Most cells in the samples were squamous cells containing numerous intercellular fibrils and glycogen granules. Parabasal or intermediate cells were also seen as well as occasional endocervical cells. All of these cell types were often found as parts of aggregates and, while other cell junctions were present, desmosomes were the most prominent. It was concluded that desmosomes were probably responsible for maintaining the aggregated state of many of the cells found in gynecologic samples.  相似文献   

An abdominal pheromone-producing gland in Atta sp. was examined using light and electron microscopy techniques. The gland is composed of a bunch of juxtaposed secretory units in which the secretory ductules open on to a cribellum close to the sting base.The structure and cycles of the secreting units are described. Each includes a secretory cell with an ‘end apparatus’, ductule cells and epidermal cells. The secretory cycle of glycoproteins accumulated in the ‘end apparatus’ is discussed and a functional interpretation of the morphological components of the application system is proposed.  相似文献   

The development and fine structure of a Pleistophora sp. from larvae of Aedes sierrensis was investigated. The usual site of infection was the posterior midgut epithelium, and small uni- and binucleate forms were the first stages observed. There was no evidence of autogamy or the production of uninucleate sporonts. Binucleate sporonts produced prosporoblasts with two and four nuclei. Cellularization of the prosporoblasts resulted in sporoblasts which matured into spores. Heavily infected larvae have less fat body than healthy hosts and usually die when infected in the first or second instar. The pathogen could remain chronic and be carried into the adult host. Although natural infections were low, the pathogen could serve as a biological control agent.  相似文献   

A glycan isolated from the surface-layer glycoprotein of Bacillus stearothermophilus strain NRS 2004/3a was shown by 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy to have the tetrasaccharide repeating-unit ----4)-beta-ManpA2,3(NAc)2-(1----3)-alpha-GlcpNAc-(1----4)-beta- ManpA2,3(NAc)-(1----6)-alpha-Glcp(1----.  相似文献   

Rat macrophages express a binding structure for sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates (sialic acid-binding receptor, SAR) which can be detected by a rosette assay utilizing SRBC coated with bovine brain gangliosides (E-G). Freshly isolated rat bone marrow cells (BMC) contain about 5% SAR-positive cells. Rat BMC cultured for 1 wk with tissue culture media containing CSF-1 differentiate into a virtually pure population of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM phi). All BMDM phi bound E-G coated with an optimal concentration of gangliosides (100 micrograms/ml). When BMC were cultured for 1 wk with murine recombinant granulocyte-macrophage CSF, irrespective of the dose of GM-CSF, approximately 90% of the cells were identified as rat macrophages, and practically all expressed SAR. Only about 50% of BMDM phi bound SRBC coated with a suboptimal concentration of gangliosides (20 micrograms/ml). However, this percentage increased markedly after 8 to 72 h incubation with 1 to 10,000 U/ml purified murine IFN-alpha or IFN-beta, whereas murine or rat rIFN-gamma at doses above 10 U/ml led to a decrease of E-G binding. Human and murine rTNF-alpha enhanced rosette formation in a dose-dependent manner. These effects could be blocked by the respective anti-cytokine antibodies. Treatment of BMDM phi with dexamethasone also augmented E-G rosetting. The enhancement of E-G binding was abolished by pretreatment of BMDM phi with cycloheximide and actinomycin D but not with mitomycin C, suggesting that de novo synthesis of protein and RNA, but not DNA, is required. Our results demonstrate that all rat BMDM phi constitutively bear SAR, and that murine IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, and TNF-alpha, as well as dexamethasone, may augment SAR expression.  相似文献   

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