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Aspidistra obtusata is described and illustrated as a new species from southern Vietnam. The new species resembles A. truongii, but differs in smaller diameter of perigone (12.6–14.9 mm vs 25–35 mm), shape of tepals (elliptic, obtuse vs triangular‐ovate) and pistil (widely obconic vs mushroom‐shaped). A molecular characterization of the new species (based on data of plastid psbA‐trnH and nuclear 5S‐NTS regions) is also given, and compared with the most similar congeners.  相似文献   

Aristolochia bhamoensis from Myanmar is here described and illustrated. This new species is morphologically similar to A. faviogonzalezii (confined to northern Vietnam) and A. cathcartii (growing in the Himalayan region) but is distinguished from the latter two species by having a cream‐white upper part of the perianth tube, with visible purple ridges, a trumpet‐shaped limb, 5.0–5.5 cm diameter, inner surface of limb lobes densely covered with dark‐purple bristles, a nearly circular mouth, 3.2–3.5 cm wide, upper half of throat being dark‐purple to blackish, without striations or dots, and lower half purple, with conspicuous white striation. Morphological characters such as a 3‐lobed gynostemium and a 3‐lobed limb support a placement of the new species in the subgenus Siphisia. A diagnostic key is provided to the seven Siphisia species known from Myanmar.  相似文献   

Aristolochia bidoupensis Do sp. nov. is newly described. This new species, currently only known from southern Vietnam, is most similar to Aristolochia faviogonzalezii (northern Vietnam) and A. moupinensis (China), but can be distinguished from the latter two by the following characters: flowers terminal, axillary, solitary, peduncle 1.3–1.5 cm long, bracteole ovate, 3–4 × 2–3 mm, limb discoid‐shaped with three expanded lobes, not revolute, internal surface uniformly dark purple, smooth, throat uniformly golden without dots. Morphological characters such as a 3‐lobed gynostemium and a 3‐lobed limb place the new species in A. subgen. Siphisia.  相似文献   

Five species belonging to the family Prymnesiaceae (one Prymnesium and four Chrysochromulina) have been identified in cultures obtained from water collected in the Bay of Banyuls‐sur‐Mer (Mediterranean Sea, France) using LM, SEM, and TEM. Two are described as new species, Chrysochromulina lanceolata sp. nov. and C. pseudolanceolata sp. nov. Both species are large and lanceolate with an acute posterior and two anterior arms. They are easily detectable with LM but difficult to distinguish to species level with live cells, without experience. EM reveals two completely different scale patterns in the two species. Cells of C. lanceolata are 21–38 μm long, 7–12 μm wide, and 3–7 μm thick. They possess two subequal flagella (30–51 and 29–44 μm), and the haptonema is shorter than the flagella (23–37 μm). The cell body is covered by plate and spine scales. Cells of C. pseudolanceolata sp. nov. are slightly smaller (15–18 × 6–8 μm) with more rounded extremities, two subequal flagella (19–26 and 17–24 μm), and the haptonema is longer than the flagella (about 35 μm). Three types of plate scales are observed in this species. Other findings are C. alifera Parke et Manton and C. throndsenii Eikrem (a new record for the Mediterranean Sea). Prymnesium faveolatum Fresnel, a new toxic species recently described, is illustrated with both LM and SEM.  相似文献   

A new species of Rubiaceae, Spiradiclis glabra, is described and illustrated from China. The species is most similar to S. fusca, but differs by having 5–7 pairs of adaxially unconspicuous secondary veins in the leaves, stipules 2–5 mm long, calyx lobes ovate‐triangular, corollas slightly purple–reddish, tubes 13–15 mm long, inside with a pubescent ring of long hairs at the throat, and stamens near the base in long‐styled form. The conservation status of this new species was assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ (VU) according to IUCN.  相似文献   

Primulina guangxiensis Yan Liu & W. B. Xu, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is related to Primulina tabacum Hance, but differs in the leaf blade being obliquely ovate to obliquely oblong‐ovate, 2.5–6.0×1.3–4.3 cm, eith margin entire to repand and base inequilateral, petiole slimly terete, 1.5–6.0 cm long, ca 2–3 mm across, cymes 1–2‐branched, 1–5‐flowered and corolla tube hypocrateriform, 20–25 mm long, 2 mm across. The new species is rare, currently known only from one site in a karst cave in western Guangxi.  相似文献   

Cycas dharmrajii L.J.Singh (Cycadaceae), a new species from the Andaman Islands, India is described and illustrated, and its conservation status is assessed. An abnormal branching habit of the giant trunk, its swollen base, often branched, polymorphic aerial roots, medium‐sized leaves, megasporophylls with well‐defined 10–28 paired lateral hook‐like structures and 1–3 pairs of ovules, 2‐schizo‐lysigenous mucilage canals in leaflet, and characteristic pitting on the periclinal walls of the epidermal cells of the leaflets distinguishes it from all previously known species. A key to the species of Cycas from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is also provided.  相似文献   

Rubia austrozhejiangensis Z. P. Lei, Y. Y. Zhou & R. W. Wang, a new species of Rubiaceae from China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. ovatifolia Z. Ying Zhang and R. argyi (H. Lév. & Vaniot) H. Hara ex Lauener, but differs from the former in having stems and branches cylindrical, not quadrate‐angled, long‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate leaf blades, many‐flowered inflorescence, and smaller mericarps, 3–4 mm in diameter. In R. ovatifolia, stems and branches are quadrate‐angled, leaf blades ovate, ovate‐cordate to rounded cordate, and the inflorescences are sparsely flowered. Compared to R. argyi, the new species has cylindrical, not quadrate‐angled stems and branches, leaf blades that are long‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate, 3–5‐veined, and slightly reflexed corolla lobes. In R. argyi, stems and branches are quadrate‐angled or winged, the corolla lobes are spreading, and the mericarps are 5–7 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Pternopetalum arunachalense M. Bhaumik & P. Satyanar. is a new species from Arunachal Pradesh in India and is described and illustrated here. This new species is similar to P. trichomanifolium (Franch.) Hand.‐Mazz. by highly dissected, ternate 2–4‐pinnate leaves, ultimate segments linear and erect elongate styles but differs by generally smaller habit and scabrid mericarps with 1–2 vittae in each furrow and commissure.  相似文献   

A new species of Goniothalamus (Blume) Hook.f. & Thomson (Annonaceae), G. banii B. H. Quang, R. K. Choudhary & V.T. Chinh, is described and illustrated from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. This species shows morphological similarities with G. uvarioides King and G. donnaiensis Finet & Gagnep. but is differentiated by having 22–30 (or more) secondary veins in the leaf, a 1–3‐flowered cyme, a ca 2–3 cm long pedicel, lanceolate and tomentose outer petals, stipitate obovoid‐oblong monocarps, and a single‐seeded monocarp.  相似文献   

Four sand‐dwelling species of the marine dinoflagellate genus Sinophysis, including one new species, have been examined from intertidal and subtidal sand, from the Sea of Japan. The morphological features of these species were observed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Sinophysis minima sp. nov. is flattened laterally and is 17.5–35.0 μm in length and 15.0–27.5 μm in depth, with a length/depth ratio of 1.1–1.4, an epitheca depth of 5.0–7.5 μm, and a sulcus length of about three‐quarters the hypotheca length. Sinophysis ebriola (Herdman) Balech, Sinophysis grandis Hoppenrath and Sinophysis stenosoma Hoppenrath were recorded for the first time in the seas of Russia. Sinophysis stenosoma is the most common species in the Sea of Japan. All species usually occurred together in the region investigated. Additional information on the known species is provided.  相似文献   

Chirita tiandengensis Fang Wen & Hui Tang, a new species of Chirita from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. napoensis Z. Y. Li, C. lunglinensis W. T. Wang and C. obtusidentata W. T. Wang, but differs by leaf blades ovate‐lanceolate, both surfaces sparsely strigulose; cymes 5‐ or 8‐flowered, bracts narrowly lanceolate, 6–8×1.5–2.0 mm; larger flowers (3.8–4.6 cm long), pink corolla, infundibuliform‐tubular tube; backside of anthers puberulous, filaments straight; staminodes glabrous, fused on the capitate top; stigma bipartite to the base with narrowly lanceolate lobes.  相似文献   

A new species of the orchid genus Myoxanthus, M. oliviae, is described based on Peruvian material. The novelty resembles M. serripetalus from which it differs by the 7–8‐veined lateral sepals (versus 6‐ or 9‐veined), the petals contracted below the apex and expanded again into a sagittate apex (versus apex caudate) and entire lip middle lobe (versus fimbriate). The flowers of M. oliviae are pale brownish‐purple, internally intensively suffused with yellow, dark‐purple spotted. The new species grows among rocks at the elevation of 2700–3100 m a.s.l. A key to Peruvian Myoxanthus representatives is provided.  相似文献   

Hemiboea lutea F. Wen, G. Y. Liang & Y. G. Wei, a new species in Gesneriaceae is described and illustrated from Guangxi, China. It differs from the similar species H. cavaleriei by having sessile or subsessile leaves, longer peduncles (6–10 cm), spheroidal or triangular‐spheroidal subinvolucre, 5‐divided calyx with lobes fused for 1/3 of their length, revolute and uncinate apex of calyx lobes, larger bright yellow corolla (5–7 cm long), longer staminodes with indistinctively uncinate anther and longer pistil (3.5–3.7 cm).  相似文献   

The new species Picrorhiza tungnathii Pusalkar is described and illustrated from the western Himalaya, India. It is distinguished from the allied P. kurrooa Royle ex Benth. by being 10–25 cm tall, having a moderately dense, (10–)15–25‐flowered spike, a zygomorphic, 2‐lipped, glandular‐ciliate corolla that is equaling or slightly exceeding the calyx and partly visible or sub‐exserted between the calyx lobes, a conspicuously long (longer than the corolla lobes), curved corolla tube (1/2–4/5 the length of the calyx), unequal corolla lobes that are ovate‐lanceolate to lanceolate, acute to sub‐acuminate and moderately ciliate, a mid‐lobe of the upper lip that is obliquely erect, galeate with retuse or emarginate apex, lateral corolla lobes that are slightly smaller than the mid‐lobe of the upper lip, a lower corolla lip that is slightly shorter than the lateral lobes, obliquely erect or spreading, didynamous, long‐exserted (2–3 times the corolla) stamens, pollen of the Paederota‐type and a style that is 2–3 times as long as the corolla.  相似文献   

Corydalis pseudohemsleyana (Papaveraceae), a new species from western Hubei, central China, is described and illustrated. It is most similar to C. hemsleyana, but differs by its racemes 13–26‐flowered (vs 4–8‐flowered), outer petals truncate to emarginate at apex, with a short mucro in notch (vs obtuse to subacute), and the spurs cylindric (vs conical).  相似文献   

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