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The lichen genus Erioderma is shown to be particularly species-rich in Ecuador, especially in the upper cloud forest (3000–3400m). Altogether seventeen species are recorded of which the following are new: E. barbellatum, E. cyathophorum, E. divisum, E. gloriosum, E. papyraceum, E. pycnidiferum, E. sinuatum , most of which also occur in the neighbouring countries. Two further taxa from these are described as new: E. latilobatum from Bolivia and E. peruvianum from Peru and Bolivia.  相似文献   

Three species of Lasallia Mérat and nine species of Umbilicaria Hoffmann are reported from the East African mountains, their vegetative propagules, chemistry, ecology, and distribution are discussed and keys to them are provided. The new combinations Umbilicaria africana (Jatta) Krog & Swinscow, U. soralifera (Frey) Krog & Swinscow, and U. umbilicarioides (B. Stein) Krog & Swinscow are made. Umbilicaria bolusiana Frey, U. haumaniana Frey and U. propagulifera (Vainio) Llano are reduced to synonymy with U. umbilicarioides , and U. glauca var. ruwenzoriensis Frey to synonymy with Lasallia papulosa (Ach.) Llano.  相似文献   

Hypothalline, hyphomycetous anamorphs - thalloconidia - from 18 taxa in the lichen genus Umbilicaria have been studied in detail with the aid of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. These asexual propagules are brown to dark brown, single-to multi-cellular (up to 2500 cells), spherical to irregular, smooth to rugged; their walls two- or three-layered. The thalloconidia are produced and seceded directly from the cortex and/or the rhizinomorphs on the lower side of the thallus. Conidiomata and conidiophores are absent. The characteristics of the thalloconidia prove to be of substantial value for taxonomical work at the specific level. The anamorphs of U. antarctica and U. esculenta are described for the first time. Thirty-five taxa from the genus Umbilicaria and 10 from the genus Lasallia were screened for the occurrence of thalloconidia with negative result.  相似文献   

The genus Sarrameana (lichenised Ascomycotina: Sarrameanaceae) comprises four species: S. albidoplumbea, S. cyamidia comb. nov., S. septata and S. tasmanica . The genus is characterised by a distinctive ascus and excipulum structure, mostly straight, simple paraphyses and thin-walled, spiralled, simple or spuriously septate ascospores. Its relationships to other genera in the Lecanorales are discussed briefly. Species of Sarrameana are corticolous in cool, humid forests. Their distribution suggests a mainly austral cool temperate origin for the genus.  相似文献   

Two new compounds isolated from an extract of a Central Asian lichen [Umbilicaria proboscidea (L.) Schrader=Syn.: Gyrophora proboscidea (L.) Ach.] are glucosides with mono- and di-prenylated xanthones as the aglycones and a saccharide moiety from two glucoses linked at C-7. The structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis (1D and 2D NMR, MS, IR and UV) and by hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Abstract:Sclerophyton is reported for the first time from India and two species of this genus, namely S. elegans Eschw. and a new species S. indicum U. V. Makhija & B. A. Adawadkar are recorded.  相似文献   

A key to the 10 species of Cremosperma occurring in Ecuador is presented, including four new species that are described: C. ecuadoranum, C. humidum, C. muscicola and C. reldioides . A new variety is C. hirsutissimum var. glabrum. Cremosperma demissum and C. album , originally described from Ecuador and Colombia, respectively, are reduced to C. hirsutissimum var. demissum and C. hirsutissimum var. album. Cremosperma pusillum var. ecuadorense is transferred to C. hirsutissimum var. hirsutissimum . The distribution of Cremosperma is discussed.  相似文献   

Extensive material of Caloplaca from Arctic and Antarctic regions has been critically examined. A list of 49 species is presented for Arctic regions. They are presumed to have a more or less circumpolar distribution. Twenty-two species are listed from the Antarctic region, but about ten more, probably undescribed species, are present there. About one-third of the species in the Antarctic region are bipolar or widespread in cold regions; these include mainly terricolous and muscicolous species and none of them are maritime. It is assumed that migration of the bipolar or cosmopolitan species has taken place along the Andean mountain chain, whereas the maritime polar species have evolved separately in the two hemispheres. The Caloplaca species of the Antarctic region are provisionally assigned to the following distribution types: continental Antarctic, western Antarctic, insul-Antarctic and sub-Antarctic. Caloplaca exsecuta, C. saxicola and C. phaeocarpella are recorded as new to the Antarctic region. Caloplaca johnstonii (Dodge) Søchting & Olech, comb, nov., is established as the correct name of C. tenuis Øvstedal.  相似文献   

报道新疆拟橙衣属地衣的6个分类单位。其中南方拟橙衣Fulgensia australis,荒漠拟橙衣F.desertorum和苔生拟橙衣F.schistidii为中国新记录种。在形态学、解剖学、化学及生态学方面对它们进行了简短的论述。此外,还提供了形态特征和内部解剖特征照片以及新疆种类的分种检索表。研究所用的标本采自托木尔峰、铁力买提达坂、阿尔金山和准葛尔盆地等,保存于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院地衣标本室。  相似文献   

Abstract: A taxonomic revision of 15 taxa of Diploschistes from India and Nepal is presented. Two species, D. awasthii and D. nepalensis, are described as new. Diploschistes caesioplumbeus (Nyl.,) Vainio, D. diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch and D. euganeus (Massal.) Steiner are new records for the lichen flora of India.  相似文献   

Collections from high altitudes (3840–5100 m a.s.l.) have added several species to the Pannariaceae of Ecuador: Fuscopannaria praetermissa, Pannaria hookeri, Psoroma paleaceum and Psoroma tenue are new to the Andes, and phytogeographic consequences of these are discussed. The following new taxa are described: Parmeliella corallina P. M. Jørg. & Palice, Parmeliella psoromoides P. M. Jørg. & Palice, Psoroma cinnamomeum ssp. andinum P. M. Jørg. & Palice and Santessoniella macrospora P. M. Jørg. & Palice. They are part of a high‐andean element which is not well known and is indicative of a migration route between the polar regions. In addition, two species with associated cyanobacteria, as the primary or secondary symbiont, are reported for the first time from South America: Thelignya lignyota (Wahlenb.) P. M. Jørg. & Henssen and Pilophorus cereolus (Ach.) Th. Fr, both originating from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Thirty-four species of the lichen genus Physcia (s. str.) in Central and South America are defined. Morphology, anatomy, chemistry, distribution, habitat, relation to other taxa and some evolutionary trends are discussed. A key to the species is presented. Eleven species are described as new; P. cinerea, P. convexella, P. coronifera, P. decorticata, P. kalbii, P. lobulata, P. lopezii, P. manuelii, P. rolfii, P. sinuosa , and P. tenuis. P. nubila is a new name for Heterodermia desertorum .  相似文献   

Summary Six species of Stereocaulon and one unnamed taxon (close to S. glabrum) are reported from South Georgia, the maritime Antarctic islands and Antarctic Peninsula. S. caespitosum is new to the western sub-Antarctic. Variations in morphology and secondary chemistry are provided, and the ecology and geographical distribution in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic biomes are given for each taxon.  相似文献   

报道了中国鳞叶衣属Pannaria的11个种,其中包括6个中国新记录种:安第斯鳞叶衣P. andina、粒芽鳞叶衣P. elatior、多育鳞叶衣P. prolificans、多枝鳞叶衣P. ramulosa、灰棕鳞叶衣P. subfusca和密芽鳞叶衣P. tavaresii。本文对11个种的形态特征进行了描述和讨论,并提供了中国新记录种图片和中国鳞叶衣属物种检索表。  相似文献   

Moberg, R. 1995. The lichen genus Phaeophyscia in China and Russian Far East. -Nord. J. Bot. 15: 319–335. Copenhagen ISSN 0107–055X.
Fifteen species, more than half of the total known species in the lichen genus Phaeophyscia , are shown to be present in China and Russian Far East. Morphology, anatomy, chemistry, distribution, habitat, relations to other taxa and some evolutionary trends are discussed. A key to the species is presented and regional distribution maps of all species are given. Several species are new to the area. New combinations are: Phaeophyscia endococcina var. endococcinodes and Phaeophyscia hispidula var. exornatula . The following names are reduced to synonymy: Phaeophyscia endococcinodes, Physcia endococcinodes var. megalospora, Physcia endococcinodes var. stellata, Phaeophyscia imbricata, Phaeophyscia exornatula, Phaeophyscia limbata , and Physcia endococcina var. latiloba .  相似文献   

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