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“细菌-虫黄藻-珊瑚”是生态系统中一对经典的三角关系,其中包含着复杂的物质流、信息流和能量流,三者的平衡与稳定是维护珊瑚礁生态系统健康的重要保障。过去20年里针对共生体交互关系进行了大量研究,并取得了一些重要成果,明确了“细菌-虫黄藻-宿主”三者之间的物质代谢、营养交换以及与环境的交互关系。然而,基于共生系统的复杂性,一些现象背后的机制仍然未被充分揭示,尤其是共生体之间的通讯交流。信号分子介导的相互作用是珊瑚共生体稳态维持和高效运转的内在驱动力。本文以珊瑚共生体系中化学信号为重点,尝试梳理最新的研究进展,包括细菌与细菌、细菌与珊瑚、细菌与虫黄藻以及虫黄藻与珊瑚之间的通讯方式,重点关注了群体感应信号(QS)、二甲基巯基丙酸盐(DMSP)、糖类信号、脂类信号以及非编码RNA。选择性例举了QS信号介导的微生物协作和竞争、DMSP调节下的细菌和宿主的相互作用,以及环境胁迫下珊瑚和虫黄藻对非编码RNA的响应过程,强调了它们在共生体中的作用模式和生态意义。并对今后的研究重点和可能方向进行了提炼,包括研究维度的扩充、新技术-新方法的应用以及生态模型的构建等,旨在提升对三角关系互作方式的认识,增进对珊瑚共生体的理解,探索基于通讯语言的操纵方式为珊瑚礁生态系统的恢复和保护提供新思路。  相似文献   

韦革宏  马占强 《微生物学报》2010,50(11):1421-1430
土壤重金属污染严重影响了人类健康和生态系统稳定,已成为亟待解决的现实问题。在重金属污染地,氮素的极端不足是植被恢复主要限制因子之一。根瘤菌-豆科植物共生体系是固氮能力最强的生物固氮体系,在促进重金属污染地氮素循化和营养元素积累中具有重要作用。本文阐述土壤重金属污染的修复方法及其特点,微生物抗重金属的机理及促植物生长和重金属积累的特性,根瘤菌-豆科植物共生体系在土壤重金属污染修复中的优越性,研究现状及应用潜力。提出应用"豆科植物-根瘤菌共生体系"修复重金属污染土壤的新思路和新任务。  相似文献   

细菌双杂交系统是一种用于体内研究蛋白质之间相互作用的有力工具。近年来,新的细菌双杂交系统被不断地开发,并被广泛地应用于病原微生物基因产物功能和致病机制研究。本文主要就细菌双杂交系统的原理与分类,在对病原微生物蛋白质之间相互作用的识别与作用域作图、基因组范围的蛋白质之间相互作用图谱的描绘、基因工程和药物的开发中的应用以及其优缺点等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

代谢组学以完整的生物体为研究对象,运用合适的分析测试手段检测靶向或非靶向代谢物,结合统计模型进行分析解释。随着微藻研究的深入,微藻与代谢组学结合探究分子作用机理的研究日益增多。本文总结代谢组学的发展概况、研究流程及常用分析技术特点和代谢组学在微藻领域的研究进展,展望代谢组学在微藻研究的应用前景与发展趋势,并提出实际应用中所面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   

几种微生物制剂和微藻在水产养殖中的应用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
工厂化高密度养殖,需人工大量投喂饲料,饵料残余及水产动物的排泄物溶解于水中,对养殖水体造成污染,危害养殖对象的健康生长。对鱼虾疾病用药物防治只是暂时性手段,广谱抗生素杀死或抑制了敏感细菌而保留了耐药的致病菌,破坏或干扰了水体原有的正常微生物区系的生态平衡,更增加了养殖动物感染病菌的机会,抗生素在生物体内的残留,最终会对人体产生危害。微生物应用于水产养殖来改善水体生态环境,抑制杀死病原微生物,并可作为饲料添加剂,补充营养成分,改善养殖动物胃肠道有益菌群,达到生态防治的目的,使养殖生产良性发展,取得更好的经济效益、生态效益。本文对目前国内外较为普遍应用于水产养殖的几种微生物、微藻类在水处理、防治病原微生物和病害发生方面的应用情况和发展动态进行了分析。    相似文献   

植物内生细菌在植物修复重金属污染土壤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属污染是威胁人群健康和经济可持续发展的重要环境问题。植物修复具有经济、环保等特点,已成为治理重金属污染土壤的重要技术。如何提高植物对重金属的抗性、促进植物生长是影响植物修复效率的关键之一。内生菌群-植物共生关系在此方面具有独特优势。其中,植物内生细菌可改善植物营养、降低植物病菌感染、影响酶活性,以及分泌激素、含铁载体和有机配位体等,进而提高超积累植物对重金属的吸收作用。本文综述了近年来国内外关于抗重金属植物内生细菌筛选与应用的研究进展,分析了内生细菌促进植物生长、增强植物对重金属抗性、促进重金属向茎叶转移的机理,阐述了植物内生细菌在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用前景与研究重点。  相似文献   

代谢组学技术在微藻研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵燕妮  李悦  安靖  刘欢  王希越 《微生物学报》2021,61(7):1799-1815
代谢组学(metabolomics/metabonomics)是系统生物学的重要组成部分之一,主要通过分析生物体受环境刺激、病理生理或基因变异等因素引起的内源性小分子代谢物变化来研究其生理功能与代谢之间的关系,进而揭示代谢物变化背后的代谢调控机制与机理.代谢组学技术具有灵敏度高、选择范围广和分析速度快等特点,逐渐在微藻...  相似文献   

细胞/细菌及其相互作用研究对于生命科学、药物研发、医学诊疗等领域的研究具有重要意义。微流控芯片分析技术因微环境可控、生物相容性好、检测并行性、微型化等特性,正发展成为细胞/细菌及其相互作用研究的高效手段。本文在简要介绍基于微流控芯片分析技术的细胞-细菌分析方法和技术基础之上,对微流控芯片上细胞-细菌相互作用模型的建立进行了讨论,重点针对细胞-细菌及其相互作用过程的芯片检测进行了综述,尤其对芯片集成的光电检测技术及其测试效果进行总结和比较。通过芯片集成微流体控制、多种光电传感监测模块,使微流控芯片分析技术成为细胞/细菌及其相互作用过程分析和检测的支撑平台和优势手段。最后,对微流控光电检测技术在细胞-细菌相互作用检测中面临的挑战及发展趋势进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

微藻由于在医药、食品、可再生燃料和化学原料等方面的潜力,受到了研究者越来越多的关注和青睐。然而,合适基因编辑方法和转化工具的缺乏,使得微藻基因工程的进展还相对比较缓慢。随着分子生物和基因编辑技术的发展,CRISPR 技术凭借简便、特异和高效的优势,逐渐成为探讨基因功能、提高植物育种和增加代谢物产物等研究的有力手段。基于此,本文综述了CRISPR/Cas 的2 种主要类型,重点论述了其在微藻领域中的应用进展,并总结了CRISPR 技术在微藻应用中所存在的问题,期望为以后的研究提供启发和参考。  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)‐degrading bacteria from sediments of the Bizerte lagoon, and to determine their ability to resist other pollutants such as antibiotics and heavy metals. Methods and Results: More than 100 strains were isolated for their ability to use fluoranthene as the sole carbon and energy source. Most of them showed antibiotic and heavy metal resistance; 20 representative strains were selected for further analysis. 16S rRNA coding sequences analysis showed that the majority of the selected bacteria (75%) were affiliated to the Gammaproteobacteria. The selected strains also utilized high molecular weight PAHs containing up to four benzene rings and showed different profiles of PAH substrate usage suggesting different PAH degradation pathways. These results are consistent with the fact that nah‐like genes and idoA‐like genes, involved in PAH degradation, were detected in 6 and 1 strains respectively. Conclusions: The Bizerte lagoon, polluted by many human activities, leads to the co‐selection of strains able to cope with multiple contaminants. Significance and Impact of the Study: Polluted areas are often characterized by the concomitant presence of organic pollutants, heavy metals and antibiotics. This study is one of the first showing bacterial strains adapted to multiple contaminants, a promising potential for the development of bioremediation processes.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to investigate the effect of nutrient supplement (urea fertilizer) and microbial species augmentation (mixed culture of Aeromonas, Micrococcus, and Serratia sp.) on biodegradation of lubricating motor oil (LMO) and lead uptake by the autochthonous microorganism in LMO and lead-impacted soil were investigated. The potential inhibitory effects of lead on hydrocarbon utilization were investigated over a wide range of lead concentrations (25–200 mg/kg) owing to the complex co-contamination problem frequently encountered in most sites. Under aerobic conditions, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) removal was 45.3% in the natural attenuation microcosm while a maximum of 72% and 68.2% TPH removal was obtained in biostimulation and bioaugmentation microcosms, respectively. Lead addition, as lead nitrate, to soil samples reduced the number of hydrocarbon degraders in all samples by a wide range (11–52%) depending on concentration and similarly, the metabolic activities were affected as observed in mineralization of LMO (3–60%) in soils amended with various lead concentrations. Moreover, the uptake of lead by the autochthonous microorganisms in the soil reduced with increase in the initial lead concentration. First-order kinetics described the biodegradation of LMO very well. The biodegradation rate constants were 0.015, 0.033, and 0.030 day?1 for LMO degradation in natural attenuation, biostimulation and bioaugmentation treatment microcosms, respectively. The presence of varying initial lead concentration reduced the biodegradation rate constant of LMO degradation in the biostimulation treatment microcosm. Half-life times were 46.2, 21, and 23 days for LMO degradation in natural attenuation, biostimulation and bioaugmentation treatment microcosms, respectively. The half-life time in the biostimulation treatment microcosm was increased with a range between 10.7 and 39.2 days by the presence of different initial lead concentration. The results have promising potential for effective remediation of soils co-contaminated with hydrocarbons and heavy metals.  相似文献   

Over 18 months, enterobacteria were isolated from the raw (189 isolates) and treated (156 isolates) wastewater of a municipal treatment plant. The isolates were identified as members of the genera Escherichia (76%), Shigella (7%), Klebsiella (12%) and Acinetobacter (4%). Antimicrobial susceptibility phenotypes were determined using the agar diffusion method for the antibiotics amoxicillin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, tetracycline and cephalothin, the disinfectants hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, quaternary ammonium/formaldehyde and iodine, and the heavy metals nickel, cadmium, chromium, mercury and zinc. Class 1 integrons were detected by PCR amplification using the primers CS5 and CS3. Compared with the raw influent, the treated wastewater presented higher relative proportions of Escherichia spp. isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin and cephalothin (P<0.0001 and P<0.05, respectively). Except for mercury, which showed a positive correlation with tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, no significant positive correlations were observed between antibiotic, disinfectant and heavy metal resistance. The variable regions of class 1 integrons, detected in c. 10% of the Escherichia spp. isolates, contained predominantly the gene cassettes aadA1/dhfrI.  相似文献   

Design and implementation of wastewater treatment is inevitable due to toxic effects of wastewater irrigation on crops, soil and human health. Current investigation is the pioneer attempt on full-scale hybrid constructed wetland system (HCWS) built for municipal wastewater treatment from Pakistan. HCWS was comprised of vertical sub-surface flow constructed wetland (VSSF-CW) and five phyto-treatment ponds connected in series. Higher environmental risk was associated with untreated municipal wastewater usage in irrigation as estimated through discharge of metals to recipient soils. Treatment efficiency percentages recorded for HCWS reclaimed water quality parameters were, i.e., EC (56.68), TDS (56.86), alkalinity (39.67), chloride (39.68), sulfate (46.73), Na (28.80), Mn (65.24), Cr (78.07), Ni (81.02), BOD (68.74), total hardness (19.56), Fe (70.09), phosphate (55.40), Pb (80.48), COD (63.64), Mg (17.24), K (60.05), Co (100), Cu (67.73), Zn (59.97), Cd (100), and Ca (21.47) respectively. Wastewater treatment in HCWS was due to aquatic plants [Phragmites australis Cav. Trin. ex Steud., Canna indica L. Typha latifolia L., and Hydrocotyle umbellata L.], microbial activities and substrate based wetland processes. The HCWS treated water was well under irrigation standards and recommended for safer crop production in water scarce regions.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to probe the agronomic response of hybrid cultivar of okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. var. JK 7315) grown in secondary treated municipal wastewater irrigated soil with field investigations. The concentrations of the municipal wastewater viz., 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% along with the control (groundwater) were used for the irrigation of the H. esculentus. The study revealed that the concentrations of the municipal wastewater showed significant (p < 0.05/p < 0.01) effect on the soil parameters after wastewater fertigation in comparison to groundwater in both the seasons. The maximum agronomic performance of the H. esculentus was recorded with 60% concentration of the municipal wastewater in both the seasons. The contamination factor of heavy metals varied in the H. esculentus plants and soils. In the H. esculentus plants, following fertigation with municipal wastewater, the contamination factor of manganese was the highest, while that of chromium was the lowest. Intermediate contamination factor were observed for zinc, copper, and cadmium. Therefore, secondary treated municipal wastewater can be used as an agro-fertigant after appropriate dilution (up to 60%) to achieve the maximum yield of the H. esculentus.  相似文献   

N. F. Gray 《Plant and Soil》1988,108(2):286-290
The effects of the major soil nutrients and seven common metals on the distribution of nematophagous fungi were evaluated by comparing the concentration of the elements in soils with and without nematophagous fungi. Mineral nutrients, which were all positively correlated with nematode density, were the most important elements determining the presence of such fungi. Endoparasites producing adhesive conidia were independent of all the elements tested, while those species forming ingested conidia were isolated from soils high in nutrients, indicating a strong dependence on nematode density. Knob forming predators which rely on their ability to spontaneously produce traps to obtain nutrients were isolated from soils with low concentrations of mineral nutrients, while species with constricting rings were isolated from richer soils containing a greater density of nematodes. Net-forming species were largely independent of soil fertility, although generally they were isolated from soils with limited nutrientsd, especially K. Like other fungi, nematophagous fungi are generally not found in soils containing elevated concentrations of heavy metals. The results indicate that even concentrations of heavy metals which naturally occur in Irish soils can restrict the distribution of this fungal group. However the endoparasiteMeria coniospora is tolerant to all metals and to Cu in particular.  相似文献   

Removal efficiency of gold from a solution of pure tetrachloroaurate ions was investigated using microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology. The effects of type of catholyte solution and initial gold concentration on the removal efficiency were considered. Due to its presence at high levels in the gold wastewater, the effect of copper ions on the removal efficiency of the gold ions was also studied. The effects of pH and initial biomass concentration on the gold removal efficiency was also determined. The results showed that after 5 h contact time, 95% of gold removal efficiency from a wastewater containing 250 ppm of initial gold ions at ambient temperature using 80 g/L yeast concentration was achieved. After 48 h of the cell''s operation under the same condition, 98.86% of AuCl4 ions were successfully removed from the solution. At initial gold concentration in the waste solution of 250 ppm, pH 2, and initial yeast concentration of 80 g/L, 100% removal efficiency of the gold was achieved. On the other hand, the most suitable condition for copper removal was found at a pH of 5.2, where 53% removal efficiency from the waste solution was accomplished.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to understand the potential of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) in heavy metal uptake from the soil and wastewater. Four main irrigation treatments including T1 (treated industrial wastewater), T2 (1:1 ratio of municipal:industrial wastewater), T3 (treated municipal wastewater) and T4 (fresh water) were applied. Moreover, the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus mosseae, on plant growth and heavy metal concentration was evaluated. Three main criteria including bioconcentration factor (BCF), translocation factor (TF) and heavy metal uptake were applied to assess the potential of vetiver grass in accumulation and translocation of heavy metals to aerial parts. The highest concentration of heavy metals was found in plant and soil irrigated with T1 treatment followed by T2, T3 and the lowest concentrations were found in T4 treatment. Irrigation with treated municipal wastewater led to a significant increase in plant biomass and heavy metal uptake compared to other treatments. In T1 treatment (industrial wastewater), vetiver grass caused a significant decrease in Zn, Fe, Cu, Cd and Pb concentrations in soil as compared to no-plant treatment (without planting vetiver grass). Therefore, vetiver grass, irrigated with treated industrial wastewater, is a promising method for the development of urban and industrial green space.  相似文献   

为拓展新型生物脱氮技术的应用领域,研究了生产性短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化装置处理制药废水的启动性能。制药废水氨氮浓度为(430.40±55.43)mg/L时,氨氮去除率达(81.75±9.10)%,实现了短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺对制药废水的生物脱氮。制药废水短程硝化系统的启动时间约为74 d,亚硝氮积累率达(52.11±9.13)%,证明了结合模拟废水和实际废水的"两步法"模式对短程硝化系统启动的适用性。制药废水厌氧氨氧化系统的启动时间约为145 d,最大容积氮去除速率达6.35 kg N/(m3·d),容积效能为传统硝化-反硝化工艺的数十倍,证明了结合菌种自繁和菌种流加的模式对厌氧氨氧化系统启动的适用性。  相似文献   

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