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生物技术作为一种环境污染治理的新型技术手段,在当前有非常广泛的应用,具有着高效性、低能耗以及成本低等等诸多的优点。本文针对环境生物技术在污染治理方面的应用进行研究,以期能够为环境污染治理提供更多的经验。  相似文献   

随着经济的飞速发展,我国环境污染状况也越来越厉害。合理有效地处理环境污染物、保护环境不受侵害已经是迫在眉睫的事情。随着近年生物技术的飞速发展,利用微生物等生物技术处理环境污染物,已凸显出其独特的优势。利用生物技术处理环境污染具有高效、安全、廉价等优点,已引起重视。本文针对环境保护方面的现代生物技术进行探讨,具体探讨了生物技术在环境保护方面的应用,希望与同行切磋。  相似文献   

生物技术在环境保护中的研究与应用概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从废水、废气、固体废弃物处理及环境监测和环境修复等几个方面介绍了生物技术在环境污染治理和环境保护中的应用与研究进展,分析了生物处理工艺的特点及优势,预言了环境生物技术今后的发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

固态发酵技术在资源环境中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
发酵工程是生物技术的瓶颈,固态发酵作为发酵工程一个重要的部分,在资源环境应用研究方面取得了重要进展,主要表现在生物燃料,生物农药,生物转化,生物解毒及生物修复等领域,解决了能源危机,治理环境污染等问题,综述了近几年固态发酵技术在资源环境领域应用中一些重要的发展。  相似文献   

人类社会的发展离不开对自然资源的需求和对环境的影响,因此自然环境与人类社会的发展步伐之间存在着相互制约的紧密联系。近年来日益突出的自然资源紧张和环境污染严重的问题严重影响了社会经济的进一步发展,社会各界都在寻求解决环境问题的新技术,现代化的生物技术为人类提供了崭新的途径,本文将对生物技术解决环境问题时发挥的重要作用予以讨论。  相似文献   

《农业与环境生物技术文摘》创刊于 1993年 ,是世界著名的剑桥科学文摘 (CSA)近 40个系列检索刊物之一。该刊内容广泛 ,涉及微生物、植物、动物有关的生物技术研究 ,其中农业应用包括动植物病害的诊断与控制 ,生物技术在动植物育种、害虫防治、土壤微生物、废弃物处理、环境污染、能源、矿物和发酵及工艺工程中的应用。该刊把农业与环境生物技术分为 12个一级类目、34个二级类目、4个三级类目 :一般热点与评述专利遗传工程 微生物、植物、动物、克隆载体生物信息学与计算机应用方法 固定、色谱、细胞培养、深低温保藏、新细胞系、免疫…  相似文献   

农业是生物技术应用极为广泛的领域,以现代生物技术为核心的农业科技革命,推动了农业生物技术的快速发展.归纳起来农业生物技术在农业生产中的应用主要有基因工程、胚胎移植、克隆技术、农业生物质利用、兽用生物制品开发等.这些新技术为应对世界性的人口激增、耕地锐减、粮食短缺、农药过度使用、环境恶化和能源危机等问题提供了新的手段和方法。  相似文献   

生物技术可分为两类:一是传统的生物技术,即利用天然生物的机能及其酶系统进行物质生产和净化环境的技术;二是新兴的生物技术,即利用基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程等新兴生物技术,人工改造的生物机能及其酶系统进行物质生产和净化环境的技术。生物技术在环境保护方面的应用,也可大致分为两类:一类是用于消除环境污染的直接应用,如环境污染的生物净化、废弃物的生物综合利用、污染的生物监测等;  相似文献   

安徽日报1987年8月5日讯: 由国务院发展研究中心技术经济组、《中国科技日报》社、《生物学杂志》社等21个单位联合主办的全国生物技术与经济社会发展研讨会,定于今年10月21日至28日在安徽省绩溪召开。21世纪将是生物科学的时代,生物技术对社会将愈来愈发生重大影响。为加速生物技术与经济社会发展一体化的进程,为我国生物技术的研究开发与应用提供决策依据和参考,会议将讨论生物技术的发展趋势和我国的发展对策,重点研讨大农业中的生物技术、微生物产业中的生物技术和蛋白质工程.也将讨论医学领域、环境与资源中的生物  相似文献   

为介绍、推广应用生物技术领域的新成果、新思路、新方法和新技术,带动应用生物技术研究的快速发展,科学出版社自2007年起将正式启动《应用生物技术大系》丛书的出版。本丛书以医药生物技术、工业生物技术、农业生物技术、环境生物技术、海洋生物技术、生物资源与安全等领域作为主要出版方向,读者对象定位于生物技术与生物工程相关专业的师生、科研工作者、技术人员以及企业研发人员等。《应用生物技术大系》目前已被列为“十一五”国家重点图书出版规划,现向社会公开征集书稿,热忱欢迎从事工业、医药以及农业生物技术研究的专家学者踊跃投…  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(12):1937-1943
We are facing serious environmental challenges, and environmental biotechnology is an enabling technology to reduce or eliminate pollution. In recent years, environmental pollution in China has been receiving great attention, and this paper provides an up-to-date review on progress in biodegradation research in China. This progress includes the isolation of extremophilic microorganisms for pollutant degradation in extreme conditions and the study of genes and enzymes related to biodegradation pathways. Biodegradation engineering has potential as an interesting and powerful platform, where genetic engineering, process engineering, and signal transduction engineering are applied together. In addition, pollutant treatment combined with the production of renewable sources of bioenergy by microorganisms is attractive.  相似文献   

Zhong W  Chen J 《Biotechnology journal》2006,1(11):1241-1252
Biotechnology could be widely applied in the technological development of environmental protection. This report gives a brief Chinese review on the major progress of environmental biotechnology in the following fields: Monitoring technology and treatment of dioxin-like chemicals and cyanobacterial toxins, biofiltration for air pollution control, solid waste treatment and reutilization, bioremediation of soil pollution, risk assessment and control of endocrine disturbing substances in environment, wastewater treatment, clean production and recycling economy. The effect of government policy and fund on the progress of environmental biotechnology is also discussed.  相似文献   

Research on white rot fungi for environmental biotechnology has been conducted for more than 20 years. In this article, we have reviewed processes for cell growth and enzyme production including the factors influencing enzyme productivity and the methods for enhancement of enzyme production. Significant progress has been achieved in molecular biology related to white rot fungi, especially related to the extraction of genetic material (RNA and DNA), gene cloning and the construction of genetically engineered microorganisms. The development of biotechnologies using white rot fungi for environmental pollution control has been implemented to treat various refractory wastes and to bioremediate contaminated soils. The current status and future research needs for fundamentals and application are addressed in this review.  相似文献   

Sustainable development: how can biotechnology contribute?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sustainable development has become a priority for the world's policy makers. Among the broad range of technologies with the potential to reach the goal of sustainability, biotechnology could take an important place, especially in the fields of food production, renewable raw materials and energy, pollution prevention, and bioremediation. However, technical and economic problems still need to be solved. In some cases, the environmental impact of biotechnological applications has been misjudged; in other cases, expectations cannot yet be matched.  相似文献   

Tseng  C.K. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,512(1-3):11-20
Algae have been part of Chinese life for thousands of years. They are widely used as food and have been cited in Chinese literature as early as 2500 years ago. However, formal taxonomic studies on Chinese algae were initiated by foreign scientists only about 200 years ago, and by Chinese phycologists only about 90 years ago. This paper summarizes the history of modern phycological studies on Chinese algae and provides an overview of the achievements of phycological studies by Chinese scientists, especially on algal taxonomy, morphology, genetics, ecology and environmental research, physiology, biotechnology, algal culture, applied phycology and space phycology, in the last century. Recent development in phycological research focuses on algal floristic and molecular systematics, algal molecular biotechnology, applied phycology including micro and macroalgal cultivation and algal product development, and the roles of algae in environmental pollution control. These areas will also be the main focuses of Chinese phycological research in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》2022,40(12):1519-1534
Various materials have been used to remove environmental contaminants for decades and have been an effective strategy for environmental cleanups. The current nonrenewable materials used for this purpose could impose secondary hazards and challenges in further downstream treatments. Biomass-based materials present viable, renewable, and sustainable solutions for environmental remediation. Recent biotechnology advances have developed biomaterials with new capacities, such as highly efficient biodegradation and treatment train integration. This review systemically discusses how biotechnology has empowered biomass-derived and bioinspired materials for environmental remediation sustainably and cost-effectively.  相似文献   

新世纪中国土壤微生物学的展望   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
从土壤微生物生态和资源开发利用、根际微生物、生物固氮、菌根及内生真菌、土壤生物化学、环境污染防治及生物净化微生物、土壤微生物多样性和应用现代生物技术手段实现土壤微生物资源、陆地 海洋微生物资源的生理活性物质的开发研究及其产业化等 8个方面 ,阐述了我国土壤微生物研究成就 ,今后在这一领域的研究和发展及推动微生物生物技术的产业化方面的设想和看法  相似文献   

In a practical sense, biotechnology is concerned with the production of commercial products generated by biological processes. More formally, biotechnology may be defined as "the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing of material by biological agents to provide goods and services" (Cantor, 2000). From a historical perspective, biotechnology dates back to the time when yeast was first used for beer or wine fermentation, and bacteria were used to make yogurt. In 1972, the birth of recombinant DNA technology moved biotechnology to new heights and led to the establishment of a new industry. Progress in biotechnology has been truly remarkable. Within four years of the discovery of recombinant DNA technology, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were making human insulin, interferon, and human growth hormone. Now, recombinant DNA technology and its products--GMOs are widely used in environmental biotechnology (Glick and Pasternak, 1988; Cowan, 2000). Bioremediation is one of the most rapidly growing areas of environmental biotechnology. Use of bioremediation for environmental clean up is popular due to low costs and its public acceptability. Indeed, bioremediation stands to benefit greatly and advance even more rapidly with the adoption of molecular techniques developed originally for other areas of biotechnology. The 1990s was the decade of molecular microbial ecology (time of using molecular techniques in environmental biotechnology). Adoption of these molecular techniques made scientists realize that microbial populations in the natural environments are much more diverse than previously thought using traditional culture methods. Using molecular ecological methods, such as direct DNA isolation from environmental samples, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), PCR methods, nucleic acid hybridization etc., we can now study microbial consortia relevant to pollutant degradation in the environment. These techniques promise to provide a better understanding and better control of environmental biotechnology processes, thus enabling more cost effective and efficient bioremediation of our toxic waste and contaminated environments.  相似文献   

生命科学与生物技术的发展推动了"生物经济"概念的形成。在对生物经济概念的缘起和演变进行系统梳理的基础上,对国际生物经济战略与政策动态进行了全景式扫描和综合分析,归纳出生物经济战略所共有的主流特征。这些特征包括:生物经济发展领域涵盖广,多方位促进经济绿色转型;以可持续为指归,形成迈向可持续未来的综合平台;将生物质作为驱动生物经济的基础资源,重视加强创新技术的研发。  相似文献   

生命科学与生物技术的发展推动了"生物经济"概念的形成与生物经济时代的来临,进而导致农业、健康医疗、环保、工业制造等产业的生产与消费方式正在发生深刻变革。分别从生物经济对未来农业、健康医疗、环保及制造业的影响进行分析,提出了生物经济成长(GREW)战略。作为一个战略体系,GREW战略包括相互交叉、相互依存与影响的四个子战略:新型农业(Green biotech based)战略、健康医疗(Red biotech based)战略、绿色环保(Grey or Environmental biotech based)战略,以及绿色制造业(White biotech based)战略。GREW战略的及时提出与逐步形成,对于生物产业发展规划及政策制定具有高度前瞻性意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

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