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介绍蔬果中常见种类的营养成分及对人体的保健作用,如水果及绿叶蔬菜富含维生素C,对儿童智商的发育有密切关系,对心血管疾病和防癌有一定作用。黄或红色果蔬含有丰富的胡萝卜素,在体内可转化为维生素A,能加快儿童的生长发育、促进智力的发展。果蔬中含大量的维生素,能增强肠道的蠕动,加快体内多余和有毒物质的排出。文中例举的蔬菜和水果,其营养成分各有所长,保健作用也各不相同。  相似文献   

蔬菜、水果与人体健康(下)颜素珠(暨南大学生物系广州510632)(续1995年第30卷第3期第22页)水果类的例举我国水果的种类繁多,品质各异,有寒性(梨、香蕉、西瓜、猕猴桃等)与温性(荔枝、龙眼、大枣、葡萄、桃子等)之分。果品中的营养成分也是其它...  相似文献   

蔬菜、水果中除了含有人体必需的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维等营养成分外,还含有各种抗氧化物质,在预防细胞氧化损伤和抗衰老过程中发挥着积极作用。近年来,国内一些研究团队开展了一系列蔬菜、水果抗氧化作用与有效成分的研究工作,取得可喜的研究进展。体外研究结果表明,大部分蔬菜、水果均具有一定的抗氧化活性,以及清除多种自由基的作用;多酚类物质可能是蔬菜、水果发挥抗氧化作用的重要物质。  相似文献   

内蒙古欧李果肉和果仁中营养成分分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对内蒙古欧李果肉及果仁中营养成分进行研究,结果表明,欧李中维生素、矿物质、蛋白质等营养成分丰富,其中VC的质量分数为590.1 mg.kg-1,远远高于苹果、草莓、葡萄、柑橘、西红柿等水果的VC含量;矿物质元素Ca质量分数在果肉中达428.1 mg.kg-1,是其它水果Ca含量的2~10倍;果仁中达3.743 g.kg-1,其含量与杏仁中相当;蛋白质含量丰富,氨基酸种类齐全,必需氨基酸在果肉和果仁中所占比例达氨基酸总量的1/3以上,为以后的研究开发利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

采用常规生化分析方法,测定了油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel.)肉质果、肉质叶基本营养成分,用原子吸收光谱法测定微量元素含量,用高效液相色谱仪测定维生素C的含量,用氨基酸全自动分析仪测定氨基酸的种类,应用模糊识别法和氨基酸比值系数法对油茶肉质果、肉质叶蛋白质营养价值进行了全面评价,并与12种常见热带、亚热带水果进行对照比较。结果表明油茶肉质果、肉质叶富含糖、酸、蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪。其微量元素和维生素C含量高于一些常见水果。油茶肉质果、肉质叶的必需氨基酸(EAA)占氨基酸总量(TAA)的37%和35%,其蛋白营养价值要优于12种水果。因此,油茶肉质果、肉质叶的营养价值优于一些常见水果,是一种值得开发利用的优质水果。  相似文献   

食醋是我国传统调味品,是以粮食或水果为原料,经多种微生物天然发酵酿造而成的调味品,其营养成分丰富,含有维生素、微量元素,天然盐、氨基酸和非挥发性有机酸(醋酸、乳酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸)等多种有益成分。这些有益成分不仅能使菜肴增添滋味,而且在医学上也具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

果梅的研究:Ⅰ.果梅营养成分的测定和研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文报告了对四川省马边县、平武县的果梅果肉的主要营养成分的测定结果。研究表明:果梅肉中总酸含量为6.4%,还原糖含量为1.3%。还含钙29.7mg/100g,含磷29.1mg/100g。含铁为1.4mg/100g。其钙磷比为1:1。在维生素方面,果梅肉含与其它几种水果相近数量的V_C(3.gmg/100g)和V_(B_1)(0.062mg/100g),但其V_(B_2)含量是其它几种水果的数百倍,达到5.6mg/100g。此外,本文尝试定义出糖酸比(T值)。作为表征某水果(或其制品)口味酸或甜的相对量化指标。  相似文献   

草莓作为一种多年生的宿根草本植物,在我们国家有着很长的种植栽培历史,而且其丰富的营养成分,成为人们日常生活中食用的一种重要水果。因此,研究草莓的营养特性,提升草莓种植平衡施肥的水平,对于草莓的种植效益与食用品性有着重要的意义。基于此,本文以草莓的营养特性与平衡施肥方法作为研究的主题,结合实践进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   

山楂是具有消食化积、降血压、降血脂及抗癌等多种疗效的中药,同时又是富含营养成分的水果。山楂中的三萜酸是降压活性成分。经分离和鉴定证明英国山楂(Crataegus oxyacatha)等多种山楂中含有熊果酸、齐墩果酸和山楂酸,但从中国山楂属植物中仅分离鉴定出熊果酸。本文从开发利用北山楂果实中的三萜酸资源出发,应用TLC法  相似文献   

植物中一些物质的保健作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据联合国卫生组织的调查,在素食为主的亚洲地区,心血管疾病和癌症的发病率远低于肉食为主的西方国家,提示食用植物与某些老年性疾病的防治有一定的关系。研究表明,增加蔬菜、水果和豆类等植物的食用可降低心血管疾病和癌症的发病率,尤其以十字花科蔬菜、绿叶蔬菜、胡萝卜、柑桔类和黄豆制品的作用最为显著。食用植物的有益作用不能简单地归因于维生素等营养成分,还有一些其它重要物质,近年来相继被证明对心血管疾病和癌症具有防治作用。  相似文献   

The shrub Pistacia terebinthus produces crowded infructescences with up to several hundred fruits, which are bright red when unripe and turn green when ripe. Most fruits contain an empty seed and never reach maturity. More ripe fruits were removed by birds from experimental bicolored fruit displays (consisting of infructescences with ten ripe fruits and stripped of unripe fruits, paired with infructescences with only unripe fruits) than from monocolored ones (single infructescences with ten ripe fruits and stripped of unripe fruits). Thus, the presence of unripe fruits seems to increase the conspicuousness or attractiveness of fruit displays to fruit-eating birds. A second experiment compared ripe fruit removal from experimental infructescences having only ripe fruits, with that from control infructescences containing both ripe fruits and natural numbers of unripe fruits, all on P. terebinthus plants. Unlike the first experiment, each bicolored display in this case consisted of a single infructescence with both unripe and ripe fruits. A higher proportion of ripe fruits was removed by birds from infructescences free of unripe fruits. This result suggests that the presence of unripe fruits reduces the accessibility of ripe fruits for fruit-eating birds. This is further supported by field observations of bird foraging behavior.  相似文献   

系统比较了转多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)反义基因和对照番茄果实成熟过程中绿熟、转色、粉顶、粉红、全红5个时期的PG活性和与其相关的生理、生化组分的动态变化。实验表明,转基因果与对照果相比,PG活性始终处于较低水平,PG活性强烈被抑制是在全红期;果实的硬度、贮藏寿命指数都高于对照果;番茄红素合成积累进程被延缓;可溶性果胶含量、电解质外渗百分率均低于对照果。外源乙烯刺激引起对照果PG活性剧增,而转基因果表现钝化。讨论了PG活性与果实成熟、耐贮性及软化的关系,及对外源乙烯刺激的敏感性。首次明确提出PG活性在对照果中极大地表达,在转基因果中强烈被抑制是在全红期 ,而不是在整个成熟期;PG活性在果实软化中起直接和重要作用;PG活性的高低与番茄红素的合成与积累有关。  相似文献   

PG与番茄果实成熟的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
系统比较了转多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)反义基因和对照番茄果实成熟过程中绿熟、转色、粉顶、粉红、全红5个时期的PG活性和与其相关的生理、生化组分的动态变化.实验表明,转基因果与对照果相比,PG活性始终处于较低水平,PG活性强烈被抑制是在全红期;果实的硬度、贮藏寿命指数都高于对照果;番茄红素合成积累进程被延缓;可溶性果胶含量、电解质外渗百分率均低于对照果.外源乙烯刺激引起对照果PG活性剧增,而转基因果表现钝化.讨论了PG活性与果实成熟、耐贮性及软化的关系,及对外源乙烯刺激的敏感性.首次明确提出PG活性在对照果中极大地表达,在转基因果中强烈被抑制是在全红期,而不是在整个成熟期;PG活性在果实软化中起直接和重要作用;PG活性的高低与番茄红素的合成与积累有关.  相似文献   

Climacteric rise, ethylene production, peroxidase activity and its isozyme and their interrelationships during the ripening of tomato fruits have been studied. It was found' that there was parallelism between ethylene production and climacteric rise. The climacteric rise of tomato fruits was hastened by ethylene applied at the mature green stage. The ethylene production was inhibited by low oxygen and high carbon dioxide partial pressure. The peroxidase activity in the tomato fruits appeared to be different at three stages, higher in the half red fruits and lower in both green mature and fully red fruits. This activity was increased by ethylene and decreased by lower partial pres- sure of oxygen. The peroxidase isozymes sppeared also different at different stages of ripening. There were 4 bands in young fruits, 3 in green mature fruits, 5 in half red fruits and 3 in fully red fruits. After the application of ethylene to the tomato fruits, there appear one new band of peroxidase isozyme.  相似文献   

Water relations of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fruits have received less attention than those of leaves, although crop water status has an important influence on fruit physiology. This study was conducted to describe diurnal changes in the water relations of cotton fruits and subtending leaves. Young, expanding fruits and full-sized fruits were compared because of previously reported changes in xylem maturity with ontogeny. Diurnal changes in relative water content were greater in leaves than in the capsule walls of fruits. The capsule walls of young fruits had a higher relative water content than subtending leaves, and water content was lower in full-sized (87%) than in expanding (92%) fruits. Water potentials of subtending leaves were always approximately 0-3 MPa lower than those of capsule walls. Water potential gradients favoured passive water flow from young fruits to branches, but water potentials of branches and the capsule walls of full-sized fruits were similar (?0.7 MPa). Water potential gradients were consistent throughout the day. These results indicate that xylem transport to young fruits is unlikely, but may occur in older fruits.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolate KG13 caused necrotic, sunken anthracnose symptoms on unwounded, wax-removed, and wounded green pepper fruits and on wounded red fruits 7 days after inoculation. Hypersensitive reactions with small brownish discolorations, on some occasions, were found on unwounded red fruits. The isolate produced whitish symptoms with brown margins, but not the typical anthracnose on red fruits wax-removed by chloroform treatment. Generally, wax-removed red fruits, but not green ones, produced larger lesions and more conidia than untreated controls. Wounded pepper fruits had larger lesions than those with other treatments. More germinated conidia, appressoria, and infection hyphae were found on wax-removed fruits than on controls; however, differences between green and red fruits were not found. Cuticular wax layers of fruits were dissolved partially by chloroform and the outer epidermal cells were disrupted slightly. Anthracnose development was negatively related with fruit developmental stage. Well-developed fruits had more cuticular wax than less developed fruits. These results suggest that the cuticular wax layers of pepper fruits may play a significant role in fruit infection by C. gloeosporioides isolate KG13, and mainly determine the incompatibility of red fruits to the isolate. Biochemical differences may also play a role.  相似文献   

Although many studies have been published on avian fruit selection, few have addressed the effects of fruit scarcity on the patterns of fruit choice. Here, we compared the consumption of seven bird species for six simultaneously present maturation stages of Goupia glabra fruits. Ripe G. glabra fruits contain more lipids, carbohydrates and energy, and fewer phenols, than unripe fruits. All bird species selected from among ripening stages and removed a higher proportion of ripe fruits than of intermediate or unripe fruits. Importantly, however, fruit choice was flexible in all species. Whether birds preferred or avoided fruits of intermediate ripeness depended on the overall fruit supply. When ripe fruits were scarce, birds showed a higher acceptance of fruits of intermediate ripeness, but still rejected the least ripe fruit stages. In a foraging bout, most birds fed on fruits of the same ripeness. By doing so, birds maximised instantaneous energy gain per time, because search time was longer for riper fruits while energy intake was lower for less ripe fruits. The results suggest that birds select fruits based on fine-scale differences in profitability, but accept less profitable fruits during low fruit abundance. If environmental factors such as overall fruit availability influence avian fruit choice, we suggest that the potential for directional selective pressures on fruit compounds is restricted.  相似文献   

Effect of fruit size and seediness (seed number per fruit) was examined on germination and early growth of seedlings in Mesua ferrea L. Fruiting incidence (number of fruited trees in a population) and fruit loading (number of fruits per tree) vary from one year to the other, and were greater in 1997 than in 1998. Seeds from large fruits (> 40 g) are preferred for forestry plantations and those from small fruits (< 40 g) are discarded, despite a greater proportion of small fruits (63.2 %) than large fruits (36.8 %). A fruit, large or small in size, may contain one, two, three or four seeds. The germination percentage of seeds increased from 1-seeded through 4-seeded fruits both in laboratory and greenhouse conditions, and both in case of large and small fruits. Conversely, the mean seed weight and germination time decreased along this gradient, i.e. seeds from 1-seeded fruits were the heaviest and required maximum time for germination, and the seeds from 4-seeded fruits were the lightest and required minimum time for germination. The seeds from small fruits were lighter in weight, achieved lower germination percentages and required greater germination time than the seeds from large fruits in all four seeded categories. Seedlings from seeds from 1-seeded fruits survived better and with stronger vigour after 1 year of growth than seedlings from 2-, 3- and 4-seeded fruits. Further, seedling survival and vigour were greater for seeds from large rather than small fruits.  相似文献   

Diffusible IAA and dominance phenomena in fruits of apple and tomato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationships between indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) diffusing out of the fruit and competition among fruits, and between fruits and shoot tips were investigated using apple ( Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Jonagold) and tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Dominant fruits always had more diffusible IAA than subordinated, inhibited fruits. Alterations in dominance – by fruit- or shoot tip removal – led to significant changes in diffusible IAA by the remaining fruits. This change could be detected one day after dominance modification.
It is suggested that diffusible IAA is involved in the correlative signal regulating dominance relationship between fruits, and between fruits and shoots in apple and tomato.  相似文献   

套袋微域环境对富士苹果果皮结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郝燕燕  赵旗峰  刘群龙  李文来 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2831-2836
对富士苹果果实进行双层纸袋套袋处理,通过分析袋内微域环境变化,研究套袋微域环境对果皮扫描与透射结构的影响。结果表明:套袋内微域的黑暗环境导致果皮的光合能力缺失,表皮第一层细胞内容物减少,缺少脂质体,取而代之的是游离的脂体小球,说明表皮细胞形成角质层的物质来源缺乏,导致角质层变薄。与外界比较,套袋内昼夜具较高的温度与湿度,形成所谓的"小温室"环境,而且,由于受套袋的保护,使果实免受外界环境的直接刺激,导致套袋果实的果面光洁平滑,果点小且色淡,蜡质层龟裂均匀,且裂口深度远小于未套袋果;但摘袋后果面龟裂产生的裂纹频度增大,说明环境的改变影响蜡质层龟裂。研究结果从果皮结构的变化为套袋果实外观品质的变化提供了理论依据,同时为果实摘袋后的补钙实施提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

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