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Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in a number of physiological processes in the airways, including host defense. Although the exact cellular and molecular source of the NO formation in airways is unknown, there is recent evidence that neuronal NO synthase (NOS1) contributes significantly to NO in the lower airways of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. NOS1 protein has been shown to be expressed in nasal epithelium, suggesting an involvement of NOS1-derived NO in upper airway biology. We here hypothesized that nasal NO concentrations in CF patients are related to genotype variants in the NOS1 gene. Measurements of nasal NO concentration and pulmonary function were performed in 40 clinically stable CF patients. Genomic DNA from all patients was screened for an intronic AAT-repeat polymorphism in the NOS1 gene using polymerase chain reaction and simple sequence length polymorphism (SSLP) analysis. The allele size at that locus was significantly (P = 0.001) associated with upper airway NO. Mean (+/- SD) nasal NO concentrations were 40.5 +/- 5.2 ppb in CF patients (n = 12) with high repeat numbers (i.e., both alleles > or =12 repeats) and 72.6 +/- 7.4 ppb in patients (n = 28) with low repeat numbers (i.e., at least one allele <12 repeats). Furthermore, in the group of CF patients harboring NOS1 genotypes associated with low nasal NO, colonization of airways with P. aeruginosa was significantly more frequent than in patients with NOS1 genotypes associated high nasal NO concentrations (P = 0.0022). We conclude that (1) the variability in CF nasal NO levels are related to naturally occurring variants in the NOS1 gene, and (2) that nasal NOS1-derived NO affects the susceptibility of CF airways to infection with P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

A neuronal NO synthase (NOS1) gene polymorphism is associated with asthma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent family-based studies have revealed evidence for linkage of chromosomal region 12q to both asthma and high total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. Among the candidate genes in this region for asthma is neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS1). We sought a genetic association between a polymorphism in the NOS1 gene and the diagnosis of asthma, using a case-control design. Frequencies for allele 17 and 18 of a CA repeat in exon 29 of the NOS1 gene were significantly different between 490 asthmatic and 350 control subjects. Allele 17 was more common in the asthmatics (0.83 vs 0.76, or 1.49 [95% CI 1.17-1.90], P = 0.013) while allele 18 was less common in the asthmatics (0.06 vs 0.12, or 0.49 [95% CI 0.34-0. 69], P = 0.0004). To confirm these results we genotyped an additional 1131 control subjects and found the frequencies of alleles 17 and 18 to be virtually identical to those ascertained in our original control subjects. Total serum IgE was not associated with any allele of the polymorphism. These findings provide support, from case-control association analysis, for NOS1 as a candidate gene for asthma.  相似文献   

The neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS, termed also NOS-I) is expressed in normal adult skeletal muscle, suggesting important functions for NO in muscle biology. However, the expression and subcellular localization of NOS in muscle development and myoblast differentiation are largely unknown. In the present study, NOS was immunolocalized with isoform-specific antibodies in developing muscle and in differentiated myoblast cultures (mouse C2C12) together with histochemical NADPH-dependent diaphorase activity that is blocked by specific NOS inhibitors and therefore designated as NOS-associated diaphorase activity (NOSaD). Western blot analysis revealed immunoreactive bands for NOS-I-III in lysates from perinatal and adult muscle tissue and C2C12-myotubes that comigrated with prototypical proteins. In embryonic skeletal muscle, but not in adult myofibers, diffuse cytosolic staining and lack of sarcolemmal NOSaD activity and NOS-I immunoreaction were evident. In both myoblasts and fusioned myotubes, NOSaD and NOS isoforms I-III colocalize in the cytosol. Additionally, members of the sarcolemmal dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (i.e., dystrophin, adhalin, β1-dystroglycan) immunolocalize in the cytosol of differentiating myoblasts, whereas anti-dystrophin and anti-β1-dystroglycan clearly delineate the sarcolemma in myotubes. Thus, expression of NOS isoforms I-III and NOSaD is cytosolic in fusion-competent myoblasts during myotube formation in vitro. Interaction of NOSaD/NOS-I with the sarcolemmal dystrophin-complex known from mature myofibers is apparently lacking in prenatal muscle development and differentiating myoblasts. Localization of NOS isoforms thus characterized in myogenic cultures may help further to investigate regulated NO formation in muscle cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Species-specific flash patterns in firefly species are important for the investigation of the evolution of Lampyridae. Since nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is one of the key enzymes controlling flash patterns, we determined the cDNA sequences of NOS in the Japanese fireflies Luciola lateralis and L. cruciata. The identity of the NOS sequences was very high between these 2 species. Firefly NOS also exhibited a high identity with those of other insect species, and the cofactor-binding domains were particularly well conserved. Many negatively selected sites were detected throughout the NOS sequences; however, no positive selection was detected. The phylogenetic relationship of insect NOS was different from that of the general classification system, although the lineages corresponded to the major recognized taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesised in the vascular endothelium by nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) and is an important factor in the regulation of blood pressure. Impaired synthesis of NO due to mutations in the NOS3 gene is associated with hypertension. To date several allelic variants of the NOS3 gene have been identified and their possible linkage with hypertension investigated. We studied the distribution of genotypes and frequency of alleles of the G11T polymorphism in intron 23 of the NOS3 gene in patients with hypertension and in a control group of healthy individuals. The polymorphism was determined by PCR-RFLP analysis. The distribution of genotypes in the patients with hypertension and in the healthy individuals did not differ significantly from the values predicted from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the general population. No major differences in the distribution of the G11T polymorphism in the patients and healthy individuals were found (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) reacts with superoxide to produce peroxynitrite, a potent oxidant and reportedly exerts cytotoxic action. Herein we validated the hypothesis that interaction of NO with superoxide exerts protection against superoxide toxicity using macrophages from mice with a knockout (KO) of inducible NO synthase (NOS2) and superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), either individually or both. While no difference was observed in viability between wild-type (WT) and NOS2KO macrophages, SOD1KO and SOD1-and NOS2-double knockout (DKO) macrophages were clearly vulnerable and cell death was observed within four days. A lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment induced the formation of NOS2, which resulted in NO production in WT and these levels were even higher in SOD1KO macrophages. The viability of the DKO macrophages but not SOD1KO macrophages were decreased by the LPS treatment. Supplementation of NOC18, a NO donor, improved the viability of SOD1KO and DKO macrophages both with and without the LPS treatment. The NOS2 inhibitor nitro-l-arginine methyl ester consistently decreased the viability of LPS-treated SOD1KO macrophages but not WT macrophages. Thus, in spite of the consequent production of peroxynitrite in LPS-stimulated macrophages, the coordinated elevation of NO appears to exert anti-oxidative affects by coping with superoxide cytotoxicity upon conditions of inflammatory stimuli.  相似文献   

Low levels of nitric oxide (NO) produced by constitutively expressed inducible NO synthase (NOS2) in tumor cells may be an important factor in their development. NOS2 expression is associated with high mortality rates for various cancers. Alternative splicing of NOS2 down-regulates its enzymatic activity, resulting in decreased intracellular NO concentrations. Specific probes to detect alternative splicing of NOS2 were used in two isogenic human colon cancer cell lines derived either from the primary tumor (SW480) or from a lymph node metastasis (SW620). Splicing variant of NOS2 S3, lacking exons 9, 10, and 11, was overexpressed in SW480 cells. NOS2 S3 was silenced in SW480 cells. Flow-cytometry analysis was used to estimate the intracellular NO levels and to analyze the cell cycle of the studied cell lines. Western blot analysis and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) were used to determine apoptosis and autophagy markers. SW480 and SW620 cells expressed NOS2 S3. Overexpression of the NOS2 S3 in SW480 cells downregulated intracellular NO levels. SW480 cells with knocked down NOS2 S3 (referred to as S3C9 cells) had higher intracellular levels of NO compared to the wild-type SW480 cells under serum restriction. Higher NO levels resulted in the loss of viability of S3C9 cells, which was associated with autophagy. Induction of autophagy by elevated intracellular NO levels in S3C9 cells under serum restriction, suggests that autophagy operates as a cytotoxic response to nitrosative stress. The expression of NOS2 S3 plays an important role in regulating intracellular NO production and maintaining viability in SW480 cells under serum restriction. These findings may prove significant in the design of NOS2/NO-based therapies for colon cancer.  相似文献   

Li J 《Life sciences》2002,71(24):2833-2843
Contraction of skeletal muscle evokes increases in arterial blood pressure and heart rate. Some regions of the brainstem have been implicated for expression of the cardiovascular responses to muscle contraction. Previous studies have reported that static muscle contraction induced c-Fos protein in the nucleus of tractus solitarii (NTS), lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), lateral tegmental field (FTL), subretrofacial nucleus (SRF), A1 region and periaqueductal gray (PAG) of the brainstem. Furthermore, neuronal NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d), which is considered as a marker of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), has been localized in those same regions. In this study, static muscle contraction was induced by electrical stimulation of the L7 and S1 ventral roots in anaesthetized cats. Distribution of c-Fos protein within neurons containing nNOS was evaluated by double labeling methods in order to determine if nNOS containing neurons in the brainstem were activated during muscle contraction. The results indicate that c-Fos protein colocalized with NADPH-d positive staining within the neurons of the SRF and PAG, but not within the NTS neurons. Distinct number of neurons with c-Fos protein was in close proximity to NADPH-d positive staining in the NTS, SRF, and PAG. Coexisting of c-Fos protein and NADPH-d positive staining was not observed in the LRN, FTL and A1 region. These findings demonstrate that nNOS containing neurons were activated by muscle contraction in the selective regions of the brainstem, and nNOS positive staining had close anatomic contacts with the neurons activated by contraction. This result provides neuroanatomic evidence suggesting that nitric oxide modulates the cardiovascular responses to muscle contraction within the NTS, SRF and PAG of the brainstem.  相似文献   

We have identified a mutation (-49C>T) in the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene in a Spanish familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patient. The mutation maps within repeat 3 of the LDLR gene promoter. This region binds Sp1 and collaborates with repeat 2 in the regulation of LDLR gene by sterols. To evaluate whether the mutation influenced the activity of the promoter, luciferase reporter plasmids containing 296 bp of the proximal promoter region were constructed. In transient transfection assays in HepG2 cells, the mutation resulted in an 80% reduction of promoter activity. Also, gel-shift assays demonstrated that the mutation severely affects Sp1 binding. However, the mutated promoter still retains the ability to respond to low sterol concentrations. As the analysis of the LDLR gene did not reveal any other changes, we conclude that the -49C>T mutation is the cause of FH in the patient. The analysis of the proband's pedigree indicated that not all the members of the family having the mutation disclose a FH phenotype.These results support the view that factors other than the presence of the mutation are important in the determination of the clinical phenotype in FH.  相似文献   

Cytokines generate nitric oxide (NO) in osteoblasts and neutrophils through the induction of NO synthase isoforms, endothelial (NOS3) and inducible (NOS2), thereby producing bone loss. In osteomyelitis (OM), a chronic infection of the bone, homozygosity for the NOS3 (27-bp repeat, intron 4 polymorphism) 4 allele was significantly more frequent among the 80 patients than in 300 healthy controls (p=0.044). No significant differences were found for other polymorphisms of the NOS genes such as NOS3, the promoter (-786T/C), and the missense change (E298D) in exon 7, and for NOS2, the G/A substitution at position 37498 in exon 22, the (CCTTT)(n), and (TAAA)(n) micro-satellites and the -954G/C in the promoter. Serum NO levels were significantly higher only in the OM patients homozygous for the NOS3 (27-bp repeat, intron 4 polymorphism) 4 allele, compared to controls. In the presence of bacteria or bacterial products, the neutrophils of these patients produced more NO. However, immunolabelling of osteoblasts for NOS3 in biopsy tissues did not correlate with the carriage of a determined NOS polymorphism but with the presence of bone inflammation. This is the first report of an association between a NOS3 polymorphism and the risk of developing OM.  相似文献   

Gene sequence analysis of cnorB and qnorB, both encoding nitric oxide reductases, was performed on pure cultures of denitrifiers, for which previously nir genes were analysed. Only 30% of the 227 denitrifying strains rendered a norB amplicon. The cnorB gene was dominant in Alphaproteobacteria, and dominantly coexisted with the nirK gene, coding for the copper-containing nitrite reductase. Both norB genes were equally present in Betaproteobacteria but no linked distributional pattern of nir and norB genes could be observed. The overall cnorB phylogeny was not congruent with the widely accepted organism phylogeny based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, with strains from different bacterial classes having identical cnorB sequences. Denitrifiers and non-denitrifiers could be distinguished through qnorB gene phylogeny, without further grouping at a higher taxonomic resolution. Comparison of nir and norB phylogeny revealed that genetic linkage of both genes is not widespread among denitrifiers. Thus, independent evolution of the genes for both nitrogen oxide reductases does also occur.  相似文献   

The association of the Ser326Cys polymorphism of the 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (OGG1) gene with type 2 diabetes was examined using a Japanese population (n (M/W): 4585 (2085/2500); age: 62.6 ± 10.9 years). HbA1c levels and frequency of diabetic subjects were significantly higher in subjects with genotypes with Cys allele than in those without (p = 0.032 and 0.037, respectively). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that genotypes with Cys allele were significantly associated with diabetes (OR: 1.32, p = 0.0289). In subjects whose glucose tolerance was classified by FPG and 2-h PG (n = 1.634), the association was more substantial (genotypes with Cys allele vs. without, OR: 1.70, p = 0.0059; genotypes Cys/Cys vs. Ser/Ser, OR: 2.19, p = 0.0008). In subjects with genotype Ser/Ser, the insulin secretion index, HOMA-β, increased in the subjects with glucose intolerance and decreased in the subjects with diabetes, while, in subjects with genotypes Ser/Cys + Cys/Cys, HOMA-β decreased as the glucose tolerance progressed (p for trend = 0.010).  相似文献   

The determinants of heart rate (HR) recovery after exercise are not well known, although attenuated HR recovery is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. Because acetylcholine receptor subtype M2 (CHRM2) plays a key role in the cardiac chronotropic response, we tested the hypothesis that, in healthy individuals, the CHRM2 gene polymorphisms might be associated with HR recovery 1 min after the termination of a maximal exercise test, both before and after endurance training. The study population consisted of sedentary men and women (n = 95, 42 +/- 5 yr) assigned to a training (n = 80) or control group (n = 15). The study subjects underwent a 2-wk laboratory-controlled endurance training program, which included five 40-min sessions/wk at 70-80% of maximal HR. HR recovery differed between the intron 5 rs324640 genotypes at baseline (C/C, -33 +/- 10; C/T, -33 +/- 7; and T/T, -40 +/- 11 beats/min, P = 0.008). Endurance training further strengthened the association: the less common C/C homozygotes showed 6 and 12 beats/min lower HR recovery than the C/T heterozygotes or the T/T homozygotes (P = 0.001), respectively. A similar association was found between A/T transversion at the 3'-untranslated region of the CHRM2 gene and HR recovery at baseline (P = 0.025) and after endurance training (P = 0.005). These data suggest that DNA sequence variation at the CHRM2 locus is a potential modifier of HR recovery in the sedentary state and after short-term endurance training in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether nitric oxide (NO) derived from nitric oxide synthase (NOS) induced by radiation is associated with tumorigenesis in the mammary glands. When rats were exposed to whole-body irradiation with gamma-rays (1.5 Gy) immediately after weaning and then treated with diethylstilbestrol, as an irradiated control, the tumor incidence (85%) was increased 7.6-fold in comparison with that (11.1%) of the non-irradiated control. The tumor incidence declined to 28.6% in the rats injected intraperitoneally with phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone (PBN, 160 mg/kg), an inhibitor of inducible NOS (iNOS) expression and also a spin trapping agent, 30 min before irradiation. Also, the tumor incidence (25%) in rats orally administered with N-(3-(aminomethyl)-benzyl)-acetamide (1400W, 2.3+/-0.1 mg/day), a highly selective inhibitor of iNOS, dissolved in drinking water for 3 days after the irradiation was less than one-third of that in the irradiated control. On treatment with PBN or 1400W, no adenocarcinoma developed. Many of the mammary tumors that developed in the irradiated rats were positive for the estrogen receptor (ER). In contrast, ER was not detected in the tumors yielded from irradiated rats administered with PBN or 1400W. These results indicate that iNOS-derived NO may participate in the formation of estrogen-dependent mammary adenocarcinomas following radiation.  相似文献   

It is known that nitric oxide modulates the prostaglandin generation. However, little is known about the regulatory action of prostaglandin on nitric oxide production. There is a molecular cross-talk between nitric oxide and prostaglandin. Here, we examined biochemical signalling pathways coupled to the prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) receptor related to nitric oxide synthase stimulation in rat submandibular gland. PGE(2) through the stimulation of its own receptor, triggered activation of phosphoinositide turnover (IPs), translocation of protein kinase C (PKC), stimulation of nitric oxide synthase activity (NOS) and increased production of cyclic GMP (cGMP). PGE(2) stimulation of NOS and cGMP production was blunted by agents interfering with calcium influx, calcium/calmodulin and phospholipase C (PLC) activities; while PKC inhibitor was able to stimulate PGE(2) effects. PGE(2) did not evoke amylase release, indicating that NOS/ cGMP pathway were not associated with this enzyme secretion. Our results suggest that this prostanoid could act as vasoactive chemical mediator through its ability to activate NOS-cGMP pathway via own gland membrane receptor.  相似文献   

AimsFructose (F) overload in rats induces metabolic dysfunctions that resemble the human metabolic syndrome. In this paper, we aimed to investigate the response of F overload rats to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge in terms of nitric oxide (NO) production and prostanoids (PR) release.Main methodsNO blood steady-state concentration was monitored through the detection of nitrosyl–hemoglobin complexes (NO–Hb) by electronic spin resonance. Production of 6-keto PGF1α, PGE2, PGF2α and TXB2 was measured in aorta and mesenteric beds by HPLC. Western blot analysis was used to examine the changes in the expression levels of NOS-2 and COX-2 in aorta.Key findingsOur results showed that increases in NO circulating steady-state concentration and PR production by aorta and mesenteric beds 6 h after LPS administration were significantly attenuated in F overload rats with respect to control animals. Oxidative stress parameters were equally affected in the presence or absence of the F treatment. Aorta protein levels of NOS-2 and COX-2, two enzymes inducible by LPS, were significantly lower in F overload rats with respect to control rats at the end of the treatment (?39% and ?61% for NOS-2 and COX-2 respectively).SignificanceThese results suggest that the metabolic alterations established by 15 weeks of F overload should affect the response to LPS challenge due to an attenuation in the induction of NOS-2 and COX-2. This effect would be one of the components contributing to abnormalities in the course of the inflammatory response in other conditions associated to insulin resistance, such as diabetes.  相似文献   

Li J  Chen C  Chen C  He Q  Li H  Li J  Moyzis RK  Xue G  Dong Q 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17365


Recent molecular genetics studies showed significant associations between dopamine-related genes (including genes for dopamine receptors, transporters, and degradation) and working memory, but little is known about the role of genes for dopamine modulation, such as those related to neurotensin (NT), in working memory. A recent animal study has suggested that NT antagonist administration impaired working memory in a learning task. The current study examined associations between NT genes and working memory among humans.


Four hundred and sixty healthy undergraduate students were assessed with a 2-back working memory paradigm. 5 SNPs in the NTSR1 gene were genotyped. 5 ANOVA tests were conducted to examine whether and how working memory differed by NTSR1 genotype, with each SNP variant as the independent variable and the average accuracy on the working memory task as the dependent variable.


ANOVA results suggested that two SNPs in the NTSR1 gene (rs4334545 and rs6090453) were significantly associated with working memory. These results survived corrections for multiple comparisons.


Our results demonstrated that NTSR1 SNP polymorphisms were significantly associated with variance in working memory performance among healthy adults. This result extended previous rodent studies showing that the NT deficiency impairs the working memory function. Future research should replicate our findings and extend to an examination of other dopamine modulators.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated that co-expression of ChSy-1 (chondroitin synthase-1), with ChPF (chondroitin-polymerizing factor) resulted in a marked augmentation of glycosyltransferase activities and the expression of the chondroitin polymerase activity of ChSy-1. These results prompted us to evaluate the effects of co-expression of the recently cloned CSS3 (chondroitin sulfate synthase-3) with ChPF, because ChSy-1 and CSS3 have similar properties, i.e. they possess GalNAcT-II (N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-II) and GlcAT-II (glucuronyltransferase-II) activities responsible for the elongation of CS (chondroitin sulfate) chains but cannot polymerize chondroitin chains by themselves. Co-expressed CSS3 and ChPF showed not only substantial GalNAcT-II and GlcAT-II activities but also chondroitin polymerase activity. Interestingly, co-expressed ChSy-1 and CSS3 also exhibited polymerase activity. The chain length of chondroitin formed by the co-expressed proteins in various combinations was different. In addition, interactions between any two of ChSy-1, CSS3 and ChPF were demonstrated by pull-down assays. Moreover, overexpression of CSS3 increased the amount of CS in HeLa cells, while the RNA interference of CSS3 resulted in a reduction in the amount of CS in the cells. Altogether these results suggest that chondroitin polymerization is achieved by multiple combinations of ChSy-1, CSS3 and ChPF. Based on these characteristics, we have renamed CSS3 ChSy-2 (chondroitin synthase-2).  相似文献   

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