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Entomoparasitic nematodes (EPNs) are being commercialized as a biocontrol measure for crop insect pests, as they provide advantages over common chemical insecticides. Mass production of these nematodes in liquid media has become a major challenge for commercialization. Producers are not willing to share the trade secrets of mass production and by doing so, have made culturing EPNs extremely difficult to advance existing technologies. Theoretically, mass production in liquid media is an ideal culturing method as it increases cost efficiency and nematode quantity. This paper will review current culturing methodologies and suggest basic culturing parameters for mass production. This review is focused on Heterorhabditis bacteriophora; however, this information can be useful for other nematode species.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the biocontrol potential of Steinernema thermophilum was tested against eggs and larval stages of two important lepidopteran insect pests, Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura (polyphagous pests), as well as Galleria mellonella (used as a model host). In terms of host susceptibility of lepidopteran larvae to S. thermophilum, based on the LC50 36 hr after treatment, G. mellonella (LC50 = 16.28 IJ/larva) was found to be more susceptible than S. litura (LC50 = 85 IJ/larva), whereas neither host was found to be significantly different from H. armigera (LC50 = 54.68 IJ/larva). In addition to virulence to the larval stages, ovicidal activity up to 84% was observed at 200 IJ/50 and 100 eggs of H. armigera and S. litura, respectively. To our knowledge this is the first report of entomopathogenic nematode pathogenicity to lepidopteran eggs. Production of infective juvenile (IJ) nematodes/insect larva was also measured and found to be positively correlated with rate of IJ for H. armigera (r = 0.990), S. litura (r = 0.892), as well as G. mellonella (r = 0.834). Both Phase I and Phase II of symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus indica were tested separately against neonates of H. armigera and S. litura by feeding assays and found to be virulent to the target pests; phase variation did not affect the level of virulence. Thus S. thermophilum as well as the nematode’s symbiotic bacteria applied separately have the potential to be developed as biocontrol agents for key lepidopteran pests.  相似文献   

Actively growing cultures of Photorhabdus luminescens were encapsulated in sodium alginate beads and examined for their ability to infect insect hosts. These beads, containing approximately 2.5 x 10(7)Photorhabdus cells per bead, when mixed with sterilized soil and exposed to Spodoptera litura larvae resulted in 100% mortality in 48 h, while the use of alginate encapsulated Heterorhabditis nematode resulted in 40% mortality after 72 h. The bacteria were reisolated from the dead insect thus proving Koch's postulates and demonstrating the ability of P. luminescens to kill the insect host on their own, independent of the symbiont nematode. The LC(50) dose of Photorhabdus cells was estimated at 1010 cells per larva for killing S. litura 6th instar larvae in 48 h.  相似文献   

The ability of Steinernema feltiae or Heterorhabditis bacteriophora infective juveniles (IJ), when applied to the soil surface, to infect a Galleria mellonella larva at the base of a soil-filled cup (276 cm³) was evaluated in the presence and absence of 100 larvae of a non-target insect, the aphid midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza, near the soil surface. In all four trials with either S. feltiae or H. bacteriophora, A. aphidimyza presence did not affect the number of IJ finding and infecting a G. mellonella larva. Steinernema feltiae and H. bacteriophora IJ movement (as measured by the percentage of IJ aggregating on either side of an experimental arena) in the presence of one or many A. aphidimyza larvae was evaluated in agar- and soil-filled petri dishes, respectively. Infective juvenile movement in the presence of A. aphidimyza did not differ from random, indicating that IJ were not attracted to A. aphidimyza. It is suggested, therefore, that A. aphidimyza does not reduce IJ efficacy when these two forms of biological control agent are present together in a field situation even though it is known that A. aphidimyza is susceptible to IJ of these species.  相似文献   

Restriction digests of amplified DNA from the mitochondrial genome and the nuclear ribosomal internally transcribed spacer region have been evaluated as genetic markers for species groups in Heterorhabditis. Six RFLP profiles have been identified. These profiles supported groupings determined by cross-breeding studies and were in agreement with less definitive groupings based on other biochemical and molecular methods. Digestion patterns of both amplification products provided strong evidence for the recognition of species groups, which include Irish, NW European, tropical, and a H. bacteriophora complex. The H. bacteriophora complex could be further resolved into three genotypes represented by H. zealandica, the H. bacteriophora, Brecon (Australian) type isolate for H. bacteriophora, and a grouping composed of isolates NC1, V16, HI82, and HP88. All cultures obtained of the H. megidis isolate were identical to the NW European group. These results could be used to aid monitoring of field release of Heterorhabditis as well as allowing a rapid initial assessment of taxonomic grouping.  相似文献   

In this study, antibacterial activity of metabolites secreted by the phase I variant of Photorhabdus luminescens was investigated. Bioactivity of these metabolites was screened against 28 different bacterial species and strains. Bacterial sensitivity was determined by a modified-version of the Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility method, whereas the phase I variant’s culture permeate was utilized as the “antibacterial” agent. This investigation demonstrates that 11 of the 28 bacterial species tested were sensitive to at least one of the secreted compounds or a combination thereof.  相似文献   

Infective-stage juveniles of Steinernema and Heterorhabditis spp. were cryopreserved using two-stage incubation in glycerol and 70% methanol before storage in cryotubes in liquid nitrogen. Optimal glycerol concentrations and incubation times for survival were determined for different species, but acceptable survival of all species and isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes can be obtained using 15% (w/w) glycerol and incubation for 48 hours. Mean survival was 69% for isolates of Steinernema and 68% for isolates of Heterorhabditis (n = 84). The maximum survival recorded was 97% for S. feltiae K254 stored in liquid nitrogen for 12 months.  相似文献   

A method for the cryopreservation of third-stage infective juveniles (IJ) of Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabiditis bacteriophora was developed. Cryoprotection was achieved by incubating the nematodes in 22% glycerol (S. carpocapsae) or 14% glycerol (H. bacteriophora) for 24 hours, followed by 70% methanol at 0 C for 10 minutes. The viability of S. carpocapsae frozen in liquid nitrogen as 20 μl volumes spread over cover slip glass was > 80%. Survival of H. bacteriophora frozen on glass varied from 10 to 60% but was improved to > 80% by replacing the glass with filter paper. Cryopreservation and storage of 1-ml aliqots of S. carpocapsae IJ resulted in > 50% survival after 8 months; pathogenicity was retained and normal in vitro development took place. Trehalose and glycerol levels increased and glycogen levels decreased during incubation of S. carpocapsae IJ in glycerol. Normal levels of trehalose, glycerol and glycogen were restored during post freezing rehydration.  相似文献   

The infectivity of infective juveniles(IJs) of Heterorhabditis megidis (strain NLH-E87.3) produced on small, medium and large larvae ofGalleria mellonella, and on medium and largelarvae of Otiorhynchus sulcatus was tested underlaboratory conditions against G. mellonella andO. sulcatus larvae. Infective juvenilesoriginating from small G. mellonella exposed toan initial dose of one IJ were more infectious thanthose from small cadavers exposed to a dose of 30 IJs.Independent of the initial inoculum size, IJs fromsmall cadavers of G. mellonella were moreinfectious than those from medium and large cadavers.At a dose of one IJ per larva, IJs originating frommedium size O. sulcatus cadavers were moreinfective against G. mellonella than againstO. sulcatus larvae. Large G. mellonellalarvae were less susceptible to all IJ batches thanmedium and small sized larvae.  相似文献   

Studies with last instar larvae of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), and the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.) were used to quantify the invasive ability of two strains (All and Mexican) of Steinernema carpocapsae and to determine how factors in the bioassay procedure affect both nematode invasion and host mortality. Nematode invasive ability was variable, with 10-50% of nematodes successfully infecting the host. The percentage of infectives invading the host (invasion efficiency) was positively related to increases in length of host exposure time and number of hosts per arena, negatively related to increases in substrate surface area per host, and not affected by nematode concentration. There was a direct relationship between concentration applied and the number of nematodes invading the host. Mortality was less affected than invasion efficiency by bioassay conditions and appears to be a much less sensitive index of nematode activity than invasive ability.  相似文献   

Culturing the bioluminescent bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens in nutrient broth (NB) is used to recover phase I cells. These phase I cells were highly luminescent for up to 7 h in this media and the luminosity could also be seen with the naked eye after a 15 min eye adjustment period in a dark room. Red pigmentation is a known trait of phase I cells and was visually distinct within the culture media. The color shade of the red pigment varied on nutrient agar and in NB suggesting that the concentration of the pigment produced is dependent upon density of phase I cells within a specified area. The specific growth rate (μ) and doubling time (g) was determined during the logarithmic growth phase to be 0.36 h−1 and 2.1 h, respectively in NB medium. The nematode-bacterium suspension was injected into larvae of Galleria mellonella to test for entomopathogencity. Within 24 h post-injection insect mortality was seen along with dark red pigmentation and extremely high luminosity indicating infection with P. luminescens.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis and their associated bacteria (Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdus spp., respectively) are lethal parasites of soil dwelling insects. We collected 168 soil samples from five provinces, all located in southern Thailand. Eight strains of EPNs were isolated and identified to species using restriction profiles and sequence analysis. Five of the isolates were identified as Heterorhabditis indica, and one as Heterorhabditis baujardi. Two undescribed Steinernema spp. were also discovered which matched no published sequences and grouped separately from the other DNA restriction profiles. Behavioral tests showed that all Heterorhabditis spp. were cruise foragers, based on their attraction to volatile cues and lack of body-waving and standing behaviors, while the Steinernema isolates were more intermediate in foraging behavior. The infectivity of Thai EPN strains against Galleria mellonella larvae was investigated using sand column bioassays and the LC(50) was calculated based on exposures to nematodes in 24-well plates. The LC(50) results ranged from 1.99-6.95 IJs/insect. Nine centimeter columns of either sandy loam or sandy clay loam were used to determine the nematodes' ability to locate and infect subterranean insects in different soil types. The undescribed Steinernema sp. had the greatest infection rate in both soil types compared to the other Thai isolates and three commercial EPNs (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema glaseri and Steinernema riobrave).  相似文献   

Migration of exsheathed infective juveniles of Steinernema carpocapsae to plasma of the host insect Spodoptera litura was not affected by treatments with the lectins concanavalin A, soybean agglutinin, or wheat germ agglutinin; with the enzymes neuraminidase, α-mannosidase, lipase, pronase, or phospholipase C; or with cetyl trimethylammonium bromide or spermidine. Treatment with sodium metaperiodate or sodium hypochlorite inhibited nematode attraction towards insect plasma; numbers of randomly wandering nematodes increased. Nematode migration towards the source of attraction was unaffected by temperatures below 33 C but was impaired at 35 and 37 C. The adverse effect of 5 mM and 10 mM NaIO₄ on migratory behavior was reversed 24 hours after rinsing with buffered saline. The effect of NaOCl on nematode behavior was slightly reversible at concentrations of 0.2 and 0.4% (v/v) but apparently irreversible at 0.6 and 1.0%. The effect of heat treatment at 35 and 37 C was reversible.  相似文献   

Seven Pakistani strains of entomopathogenic nematodes belonging to the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis were tested against last instar and adult stages of the pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.). These nematodes included Steinernema pakistanense Shahina, Anis, Reid and Maqbool (Ham 10 strain); S. asiaticum Anis, Shahina, Reid and Rowe (211 strain); S. abbasi Elawad, Ahmad and Reid (507 strain); S. siamkayai Stock, Somsook and Reid (157 strain); S. feltiae Filipjev (A05 strains); Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (1743 strain); and H. indica Poinar, Karunakar and David (HAM-64 strain). Activity of all strains was determined at four different nematode densities in Petri dishes and in concrete containers. A significant nematode density effect was detected for all nematode species tested. Overall, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, S. siamkayai, and S. pakistanense were among those that showed the highest virulence to pulse beetle larvae and adults. For all nematode species, the last larval stage of the pulse beetle seems to be more susceptible than the adult. LC(50) values in Petri dish and concrete containers were 14-340 IJs/larvae and 41-441 IJs/larvae, respectively, and 59-1376 IJs/adult and 170-684/adult, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the infection of larvae of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, by Heterorhabditis megidis H90 and Steinernema carpocapsae strain All, was determined. For both species, infection, reproduction, and development were fastest at 20 to 24 °C. Infection by both H. megidis and S. carpocapsae occurred between 8 and 16 °C; however, neither species reproduced at 8 °C. Among the nematodes used in experiments at 8 °C, no H. megidis and very few S. carpocapsae developed beyond the infective juvenile stage. Compared with H. megidis, S. carpocapsae invaded and killed G. mellonella larvae faster at 8 to 16 °C. By comparing invasion rates, differences in infectivity between the two nematode species were detected that could not be detected in conventional petri dish bioassays where mortality was measured after a specified period. Invasion of G. mellonella larvae by H. megidis was faster at 24 than at 16 °C.  相似文献   

The impact of the nematode-parasitic fungus Hirsutella rhossiliensis on the effectiveness of Steinernema carpocapsae, S. glaseri, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora against Galleria mellonella larvae was assessed in the laboratory. The presence of Hirsutella conidia on the third-stage (J3) cuticle of S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora interfered with infection of insect larvae. Conidia on the J3 cuticle of S. glaseri and on the ensheathing second-stage cuticle of H. bacteriophora did not reduce the nematodes'' ability to infect larvae. The LD₅₀ values for S. carpocapsae, S. glaseri, and H. bacteriophora in sand containing H. rhossiliensis were not different from those in sterilized sand when Galleria larvae were added at the same time as the nematodes. However, when Galleria larvae were added 3 days after the nematodes, the LD₅₀ of S. glaseri was higher in Hirsutella-infested sand than in sterilized sand, whereas the LD₅₀ of H. bacteriophora was the same in infested and sterilized sand. Although the LD₅₀ of S. carpocapsae was much higher in Hirsutella-infested sand than in sterilized sand, the data were too variable to detect a significant difference. These data suggest that H. bacteriophora may be more effective than Steinernema species at reducing insect pests in habitats with abundant nematode-parasitic fungi.  相似文献   

The plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar, is a major pest of pome and stone fruit. Our objective was to determine virulence and reproductive potential of six commercially available nematode species in C. nenuphar larvae and adults. Nematodes tested were Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Hb strain), H. marelatus (Point Reyes strains), H. megidis (UK211 strain), Steinernema riobrave (355 strain), S. carpocapsae (All strain), and S. feltiae (SN strain). Survival of C. nenuphar larvae treated with S. feltiae and S. riobrave, and survival of adults treated with S. carpocapsae and S. riobrave, was reduced relative to non-treated insects. Other nematode treatments were not different from the control. Conotrachelus nenuphar larvae were more susceptible to S. feltiae infection than were adults, but for other nematode species there was no significant insect-stage effect. Reproduction in C. nenuphar was greatest for H. marelatus, which produced approximately 10,000 nematodes in larvae and 5,500 in adults. Other nematodes produced approximately 1,000 to 3,700 infective juveniles per C. nenuphar with no significant differences among nematode species or insect stages. We conclude that S. carpocapsae or S. riobrave appears to have the most potential for controlling adults, whereas S. feltiae or S. riobrave appears to have the most potential for larval control.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition of Steinernema carpocapsae was studied in relation to diet and culture temperature. When reared at 18 and 27.5 C on Galleria mellonella or on an artificial diet supplemented with lard, linseed oil, or fish oil as lipid sources, nematode phospholipids contained an abundance of 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids, with eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n - 3)) predominant, regardless of the fatty acid composition of the diet. Because the level of linolenic acid (18:3(n - 3)) in nematode phospholipids was very low and because eicosapentaenoic acid was present even when its precursor (linolenic acid) was undetectable in the diet, S. carpocapsae likely produces n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by de novo biosynthesis, a pathway seldom reported in eukaryotic animals. Reduction of growth temperature from 25 to 18 C increased the proportion of 20:5(n - 3) but not other polyunsaturated fatty acids. A fluorescence polarization technique revealed that vesicles produced from phospholipids of nematodes reared at 18 C were less ordered than those from nematodes reared at 27.5 C, especially in the outermost region of the bilayer. Dietary fish oil increased fluidity in the outermost region but increased rigidity in deeper regions. Therefore, S. carpocapsae appears to modify its membrane physical state in response to temperature, and eicosapentaenoic acid may be involved in this response. The results also indicate that nematode membrane physical state can be modified dietarily, possibly to the benefit of host-finding or survival of S. carpocapsae at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the families Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae have a mutualistic–symbiotic association with enteric γ-Proteobacteria (Steinernema–Xenorhabdus and Heterorhabditis–Photorhabdus), which confer high virulence against insects. EPNs have been studied intensively because of their role as a natural mortality factor for soil-dwelling arthropods and their potential as biological control agents for belowground insect pests. For many decades, research on EPNs focused on the taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, genetics, physiology, biochemistry and ecology, as well as commercial production and application technologies. More recently, EPNs and their bacterial symbionts are being viewed as a model system for advancing research in other disciplines such as soil ecology, symbiosis and evolutionary biology. Integration of existing information, particularly the accumulating information on their biology, into increasingly detailed population models is critical to improving our ability to exploit and manage EPNs as a biological control agent and to understand ecological processes in a changing world. Here, we summarize some recent advances in phylogeny, systematics, biogeography, community ecology and population dynamics models of EPNs, and describe how this research is advancing frontiers in ecology.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) can be highly effective biocontrol agents, but their efficacy can be reduced due to exposure to environmental stress such as from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Our objectives were to 1) compare UV tolerance among a broad array of EPN species, and 2) investigate the relationship between reduced nematode viability (after exposure to UV) and virulence. Nematodes exposed to a UV radiation (254 nm) for 10 or 20 min were assessed separately for viability (survival) and virulence to Galleria mellonella. We compared 9 different EPN species and 15 strains: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Baine, fl11, Oswego, and Vs strains), H. floridensis (332), H. georgiana (Kesha), H. indica (HOM1), H. megidis (UK211), Steinernema carpocapsae (All, Cxrd, DD136, and Sal strains), S. feltiae (SN), S. rarum (17C&E), and S. riobrave (355). In viability assessments, steinernematids, particularly strains of S. carpocapsae, generally exhibited superior UV tolerance compared with the heterorhabditids. However, some heterorhabditids tended to be more tolerant than others, e.g., H. megidis and H. bacteriophora (Baine) were most susceptible and H. bacteriophora (Vs) was the only heterorhabditid that did not exhibit a significant effect after 10 min of exposure. All heterorhabditids experienced reduced viability after 20 min exposure though several S. carpocapsae strains did not. In total, after 10 or 20 min exposure, the viability of seven nematode strains did not differ from their non-UV exposed controls. In virulence assays, steinernematids (particularly S. carpocapsae strains) also tended to exhibit higher UV tolerance. However, in contrast to the viability measurements, all nematodes experienced a reduction in virulence relative to their controls. Correlation analysis revealed that viability among nematode strains is not necessarily related to virulence. In conclusion, our results indicate that the impact of UV varies substantially among EPNs, and viability alone is not a sufficient measure for potential impact on biocontrol efficacy as other characters such as virulence may be severely affected even when viability remains high.  相似文献   

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