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LEAD LEVELS IN NORTH AMERICAN CHILDREN AND ADULTS have declined in the past 3 decades, but lead persists in the environment in lead paint, old plumbing and contaminated soil. There are also a number of occupations and hobbies that carry a high risk of lead exposure. There is no evidence for a threshold below which lead has no adverse health effects. Blood lead levels previously considered safe are now known to cause subtle, chronic health effects. The health effects of lead exposure include developmental neurotoxicity, reproductive dysfunction and toxicity to the kidneys, blood and endocrine systems. Most lead exposures are preventable, and diagnosing lead poisoning is relatively simple compared with diagnosing health effects of exposures to other environmental toxins. Accurate assessment of lead poisoning requires specific knowledge of the sources, high-risk groups and relevant laboratory tests. In this article we review the multiple, systemic toxic effects of lead and provide current information on groups at risk, prevention, diagnosis and clinical treatment. We illustrate how the CH2OPD2 mnemonic (Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Diet and Drugs) and specific screening questions are useful tools for physicians to quickly obtain an environmental exposure history and identify patients at high risk of lead exposure. By applying effective primary prevention, case-finding and treatment interventions for lead exposure, both the individual patient and the larger community reap the benefits of better health.CaseA previously healthy 2-year-old girl and her mother visit their family physician because of the daughter''s 2-month history of intermittent complaints of a mild “tummy ache.” There is no associated vomiting, weight loss, or change in appetite, bowels or diet. There are no abnormal findings on physical examination. When asked about symptom onset the mother reports that it began shortly after the family started to renovate their kitchen. They live in an old farmhouse on the outskirts of town and drink water from a drilled well on the property. The physician decides to take an environmental exposure history using the CH2OPD2 mnemonic (Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Diet and Drugs; for children, the occupation question refers to workplace contaminants brought into the child''s environment).1 The child''s exposure history (Open in a separate windowQuestions surrounding this case: Is the family at risk of health effects from lead exposure? Who else might be at risk? Are other laboratory tests indicated? Where can the physician get advice on the significance of the family''s blood lead levels? How should this case of lead exposure be treated?To some extent lead is one of the small success stories of environmental health. The association of lead poisoning with cognitive impairment is well established2 and has resulted in the removal of lead from gasoline, paint and food cans. Despite these preventive measures, however, silent, low-level lead exposure continues to present a problem for many communities and populations. In 1997, data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys showed that 4.4% of children in the United States had elevated blood lead levels.3 Black children living in older housing, children living in metropolitan areas with populations of 1 million or more and poor children living in older housing were at highest risk of exposure.3In Canada children living near a point-source smelter in the South Riverdale area of Toronto were tested in 1973 and found to have an unusually high mean lead level (1.34 μmol/L).4 Canada''s Federal–Provincial Committee on Environmental and Occupational Health suggested in 1994 that 5%–10% of Canadian children living in urban areas have blood lead levels exceeding 0.48 μmol/L, even though they are not exposed to point sources.5 The Ontario government estimated in 1994 that 4% of children in the province still had blood lead levels above 0.48 μmol/L;6 a 1992 study found that the mean level in Ontario children had fallen from 0.91 μmol/L in 1972 to 0.29 μmol/L in 1988.7 A study of Vancouver children using blood lead levels collected in 1989 found that 8% had elevated levels (mean 0.29 μmol/L).8 A later study of the children living in Trail, BC, the site of a lead and zinc smelter, demonstrated that 50% had an elevated blood lead level.9  相似文献   

AIR POLLUTION CONTRIBUTES TO PREVENTABLE ILLNESS AND DEATH. Subgroups of patients who appear to be more sensitive to the effects of air pollution include young children, the elderly and people with existing chronic cardiac and respiratory disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. It is unclear whether air pollution contributes to the development of asthma, but it does trigger asthma episodes. Physicians are in a position to identify patients at particular risk of health effects from air pollution exposure and to suggest timely and appropriate actions that these patients can take to protect themselves. A simple tool that uses the CH2OPD2 mnemonic (Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Diet and Drugs) can help physicians take patients'' environmental exposure histories to assess those who may be at risk. As public health advocates, physicians contribute to the primary prevention of illness and death related to air pollution in the population. In this article we review the origins of air pollutants, the pathophysiology of health effects, the burden of illness and the clinical implications of smog exposure using the illustrative case of an adolescent patient with asthma.Case A 16-year-old girl and her mother visit their family physician in July because the daughter woke up at 6 am that morning with shortness of breath, a cough and tightness in her chest. The girl has a history of asthma and used salbutamol soon after the onset of symptoms, with some but not total relief. She reports having had no symptoms during the previous month. She had a few episodes of wheezing the previous summer, which resolved with the use of salbutamol, and a cough that persisted for 2 weeks after an upper respiratory tract infection in the winter. She has no history of allergies, hayfever or other medical problems. She is a nonsmoker and has no family history of allergies. Audible wheezing is detected on physical examination, but the girl does not appear to be in distress. Her vital signs are normal, as are the results of the ear-nose-throat and cardiovascular examinations. Respiratory examination reveals wheezing throughout chest, no focal findings and a centrally placed trachea. The girl''s calves are soft and nontender, and there is no evidence of ankle edema. Her peak expiratory flow is 240 L/min (expected for height 400 L/min). Spirometry testing is unavailable. Fifteen minutes after 2 puffs of salbutamol her peak expiratory flow increases to 320 L/min. To identify possible exposures that may have contributed to the asthma episode, the physician quickly takes an environmental exposure history using the CH2OPD2 mnemonic — Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Drugs and Diet (1Table 1Open in a separate windowQuestions surrounding this case: What was the patient''s exposure to outdoor air pollutants? How should the patient and family be counselled about dealing with these trigger factors? What are the possible inducers and triggers from indoor air pollution? How can the patient and family find out about the status of outdoor air quality in their community?  相似文献   

PUBLIC CONCERN AND AWARENESS ARE GROWING about adverse health effects of exposure to environmental contaminants. Frequently patients present to their physicians with questions or concerns about exposures to such substances as lead, air pollutants and pesticides. Most primary care physicians lack training in and knowledge of the clinical recognition, management and avoidance of such exposures. We have found that it can be helpful to use the CH2OPD2 mnemonic (Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Diet and Drugs) as a tool to identify a patient''s history of exposures to potentially toxic environmental contaminants. In this article we discuss why it is important to take a patient''s environmental exposure history, when and how to take the history, and how to interpret the findings. Possible routes of exposure and common sources of potentially toxic biological, physical and chemical substances are identified. A case of sick-building syndrome is used to illustrate the use of the mnemonic.CaseA 40-year-old married bookkeeper presents with a 3-year history of headaches. She describes having “tight,” bitemporal headaches almost daily that resolve after taking three 325-mg tablets of ASA. She also complains of a “spacey” feeling, difficulty concentrating and remembering, fatigue, a stuffy nose and a full feeling in her ears. Her symptoms improve on weekends and over the holidays and seem to be worse in the winter. Over the past 2 years she has noticed that she gets a stuffy nose and headaches when exposed to perfumes, tobacco smoke and automobile exhaust. Her past medical history is remarkable only for infantile eczema. Her family history is unremarkable other than her mother having hypothyroidism. She is taking no medications other than ASA, does not smoke, reports having no allergies and says she is happily married with no major family, financial or social concerns. She enjoys her work and coworkers. On physical examination she has puffy, dark circles under her eyes, there is loss of light reflex on her left ear drum, and her nasal mucosa appears edematous and erythematous. There are multiple excoriated, erythematous papules 5 mm in diameter on her face, anterior chest and anterior lower legs.Questions surrounding this case: What is sick-building syndrome and how do patients commonly present? What causes or contributes to sick-building syndrome? What are the risk factors? How should cases be managed?  相似文献   

The assessment of pollutant effects on health status requires the mergence and analysis of two different databases: pollution measurements and health care information. This paper compares two subsets of these data: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency data on ambient air pollutants and Ohio Medicare data on respiratory diseases. Small area analysis was performed to assess statewide variations in hospital admission rates for respiratory diseases. The ambient air pollutant levels for each small area were compared to the variations in respiratory disease rates. Five groups of diseases correlated with pollutant levels. In addition, pollutant levels were significantly associated with medical complications. This study demonstrates the feasibility and benefit of linking environmental and health care databases and suggests the need for a more comprehensive, automated analysis of more pollutants and diseases.  相似文献   

Hazardous organic pollutants represent a threat to human, animal, and environmental health. If left unmanaged, these pollutants could cause concern. Many researchers have stepped up efforts to find more sustainable and cost-effective alternatives to using hazardous chemicals and treatments to remove existing harmful pollutants. Environmental biotechnology, such as bioremediation and phytoremediation, is a promising field that utilizes natural resources including microbes and plants to eliminate toxic organic contaminants. This technology offers an attractive alternative to other conventional remediation processes because of its relatively low cost and environmentally-friendly method. This review discusses current biological technologies for the removal of organic contaminants, including chlorinated hydrocarbons, focusing on their limitation and recent efforts to correct the drawbacks.  相似文献   

Soils are the final sink for multiple organic pollutants emitted to the environment. Some of these chemicals which are toxic, recalcitrant and can bioaccumulate in living organism and biomagnify in trophic chains are classified persistent organic pollutants (POP). Vast areas of arable land have been polluted by POPs and the only economically possible means of decontamination is bioremediation, that is the utilization of POP-degrading microbes. Especially useful can be non-ligninolytic fungi, as their fast-growing mycelia can reach POP molecules strongly bond to soil minerals or humus fraction inaccessible to bacteria. The mobilized POP molecules are incorporated into the fungal plasma membrane where their degradation begins. The presence of POP molecules in the membranes can change their physical properties and trigger toxic effects to the cell. To avoid these phenomena fungi can quickly remodel the phospholipid composition of their membrane with employing different phospholipases and acyltransferases. However, if the presence of POP downregulates the phospholipases, toxic effects and the final death of microbial cells are highly probable. In our studies we applied multicomponent Langmuir monolayers with their composition mimicking fungal plasma membranes and studied their interactions with two different microbial phospholipases: phospholipase C (α-toxin) and phospholipase A1 (Lecitase ultra). The model membranes were doped with selected POPs that are frequently found in contaminated soils. It turned out that most of the employed POPs do not downregulate considerably the activity of phospholipases, which is a good prognostics for the application of non-ligninolytic fungi in bioremediation.  相似文献   

Linking exposure to environmental pollutants with biological effects   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Exposure to ambient air pollution has been associated with cancer. Ambient air contains a complex mixture of toxics, including particulate matter (PM) and benzene. Carcinogenic effects of PM may relate both to the content of PAH and to oxidative DNA damage generated by transition metals, benzene, metabolism and inflammation. By means of personal monitoring and biomarkers of internal dose, biologically effective dose and susceptibility, it should be possible to characterize individual exposure and identify air pollution sources with relevant biological effects. In a series of studies, individual exposure to PM(2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and benzene has been measured in groups of 40-50 subjects. Measured biomarkers included 1-hydroxypyrene, benzene metabolites (phenylmercapturic acid (PMA) and trans-trans-muconic acid (ttMA)), 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in urine, DNA strand breaks, base oxidation, 8-oxodG and PAH bulky adducts in lymphocytes, markers of oxidative stress in plasma and genotypes of glutathione transferases (GSTs) and NADPH:quinone reductase (NQO1). With respect to benzene, the main result indicates that DNA base oxidation is correlated with PMA excretion. With respect to exposure to PM, biomarkers of oxidative damage showed significant positive association with the individual exposure. Thus, 8-oxodG in lymphocyte DNA and markers of oxidative damage to lipids and protein in plasma associated with PM(2.5) exposure. Several types of DNA damage showed seasonal variation. PAH adduct levels, DNA strand breaks and 8-oxodG in lymphocytes increased significantly in the summer period, requiring control of confounders. Similar seasonal effects on strand breaks and expression of the relevant DNA repair genes ERCC1 and OGG1 have been reported.In the present setting, biological effects of air pollutants appear mainly related to oxidative stress via personal exposure and not to urban background levels. Future developments include personal time-resolved monitors for exposure to ultrafine PM and PM(2.5,) use of GPS, as well as genomics and proteomics based biomarkers.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of toxic and environmental pollutants.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organic chemicals that are toxic to humans and to the environment can be transformed and metabolized by a variety of microorganisms. Such chemicals include trichloroethylene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, toluene, phenols, chlorinated phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. This review focuses on some of the most important recent developments in the biodegradation of these toxic chemicals. Depending on the compound and the organism, the extent of our understanding ranges from the molecular level to the conceptual.  相似文献   

植物-微生物联合对环境有机污染物降解的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
环境中有机污染物的过量积累对生态系统及人类健康造成严重威胁。近年来,许多学者研究发现植物-微生物联合作用对环境中有机污染物的去除及生态系统的修复具有非常显著的效果。本文主要从植物-内生菌、植物-菌根菌以及植物-根际微生物这三个层面详细阐述植物-微生物联合降解有机污染物的研究现状,分析植物-微生物在联合降解中的作用,揭示植物-微生物联合降解的机理。但就目前而言,植物-微生物联合降解有机污染物仍存在许多问题,植物-微生物联合降解有机污染物的机理及生态学效应仍不清楚。因此,还需要进一步探讨其潜在作用机制并加强应用实践,这将有助于污染生态系统的治理,促进环境可持续发展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To examine whether road traffic in a big city has a direct effect on pulmonary function and respiratory symptoms in children. DESIGN--Cross sectional study. SETTING--Of all 7445 fourth grade children (aged 9-11 years) in Munich, 6537 were examined. Of the children with German nationality and the same residence during the past five years and known exposure data, 4678 questionnaires and 4320 pulmonary function tests could be analysed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Variables of pulmonary function by forced expiration and respiratory symptoms reported in a questionnaire; census data on car traffic collected in the school district. RESULTS--Density of car traffic ranged from 7000 to 125,000 cars per 24 hours. Multiple regression analysis of peak expiratory flow showed a significant decrease of 0.71% (95% confidence interval 1.08% to 0.33%) per increase of 25,000 cars daily passing through the school district on the main road. Maximum expiratory flow when 25% vital capacity had been expired was decreased by 0.68% (1.11% to 0.25%). In contrast, response to cold air challenge was not increased. The adjusted odds ratio for the cumulative prevalence of recurrent wheezing with the same exposure was 1.08 (1.01 to 1.16). Cumulative prevalence of recurrent dyspnoea was increased, with an odds ratio of 1.10 (1.00 to 1.20). Lifetime prevalence of asthma (odds ratio 1.04; 0.89 to 1.21) and recurrent bronchitis (1.05; 0.98 to 1.12) were not significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS--High rates of road traffic diminish forced expiratory flow and increase respiratory symptoms in children.  相似文献   

As a consequence of both increasing population and industrialization in agro-economic sector, Pakistan has inevitably been confronted by multicomplex environmental challenges. Owing in part to poor regulatory framework, pollution due to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has caused serious problems throughout the country. Resultantly, extensive use of POPs is causing vigorous deterioration of environment and human health. The current study addresses: (1) the general information on associated ecological effects and toxicity assessment by meta-analysis for local fauna and flora (2) their respective occurrence in living organisms; and (3) sources and distribution patterns of various POPs classes in environmental compartments of Pakistan. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the environment of Pakistan is highly contaminated with organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), dechlorane plus (DP), and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), which is further supported with the meta-analysis. Nevertheless, unavailability of environmental quality standards and food safety for POPs render it a forthcoming challenge of multicompartment toxicity exposure. Therefore, strategies must be planned for risk assessment of biologically active POPs, while the POP waste inventory should be elevated, along with the necessary measures to promote appropriate handling and treatment of POP as a matter of prime importance.  相似文献   

徐磊  段林  陈威 《应用生态学报》2009,20(1):205-212
碳纳米材料具有广阔的应用前景,近年来已成为一大研究热点.工程碳纳米材料的大量生产和使用将不可避免地造成这些材料向环境中的释放,可能带来环境和生态风险.一方面,碳纳米材料本身具有环境毒性,另一方面碳纳米材料对环境中有毒有害污染物有较强的吸附性能,因此会影响污染物迁移转化等环境行为.目前,对碳纳米材料生态风险的研究主要集中于碳纳米材料对生物体可能的毒性,而对其自身环境行为以及影响污染物迁移归趋等方面的研究较少.本文简要概述了碳纳米材料的来源、暴露途径、环境行为以及对污染物迁移归趋的影响,阐述了这些研究对于评估碳纳米材料的环境和生态风险所具有的重要意义.  相似文献   

溶解性有机质对土壤中有机污染物环境行为的影响   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
土壤中溶解性有机质(DOM)是生物活性和物理化学反应活性都很活跃的有机组分,主要通过疏水吸附、分配、氢键、电荷转移、共价键、范德华力等多种作用与有机污染物结合,提高溶液中有机污染物的溶解度,改变土壤中有机污染物的吸附-解吸、迁移-转化等环境行为.DOM对有机污染物的吸附-解吸、迁移-转化过程的影响有双重性:一方面,DOM与有机污染物在土壤表面的共吸附可增加土壤对有机污染物的吸附容量,促进有机污染物在土壤中的吸持;另一方面,DOM对有机污染物的增溶作用,有利于土壤中有机污染物的解吸,提高移动性.作为光敏剂,DOM能提高土壤中有机物的光解反应速率.在一定条件下,DOM也可影响土壤中有机污染物的水解过程.DOM对土壤中有机污染物环境行为的影响与DOM和有机污染物的性质及其相互作用的介质条件密切相关.  相似文献   

A variety of so-called innocuous chemicals can have insidious and long lasting effects on the developing male reproductive system. Developmental exposures of male rabbits to common industrial contaminants in drinking water (a mixture of arsenic, chromium, lead, benzene, chloroform, phenol, and trichloroethylene); alkyl phenols (e.g. octylphenol); water disinfection by-products (e.g. dibromoacetic acid); anti-androgenic pesticides (e.g. p,p'-DDT and vinclozolin); and plasticizers (e.g. dibutyl phthalate) produce testicular dysgenesis. The lesions include testicular carcinoma in situ, also called intratubular germ cell neoplasia--the precursor lesion of germ cell tumors in men, and acrosomal dysgenesis--characterized by sharing of a dysplastic acrosome by two or more spermatids resulting in characteristic sperm acrosomal-nuclear malformations. Certain manifestations of testicular dysgenesis arch across environmental agents, and sequelae of intentional developmental exposures of rabbits duplicate what has been encountered in deer, horses, and humans for which the etiology is uncertain.  相似文献   

From various environmental pollutants studied so far, specific effects on the reproductive system of small fish species Poecilia reticulata (guppy) and Oryzias latipes (medaka) were noted in the case of beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (induction of vitellogenesis and hermaphroditism, both indicative of estrogenic activity; 32 micrograms/l) and methyl mercury (impaired spermatogenesis; 1.8 micrograms/l). The latter effect was attributed to a disturbance of mitosis.  相似文献   

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