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Ann Silversides 《CMAJ》1996,155(1):96-97
Changes to pharmacare programs in British Columbia and Ontario were compared during a recent Toronto conference on the business aspects of Canadian health care. The brunt of the changes in BC are being borne by pharmaceutical companies and prescribers, while in Ontario the new program affects those who receive free drugs from the province and People and groups that rely on private health insurance.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events can substantially affect organismal performance and Darwinian fitness. In April 2011, a strong heat wave struck extensive geographical areas of the world, including Western Europe. At that time, we happened to resume and extend a long-term time series of seasonal genetic data in the widespread fly Drosophila subobscura, which provided a unique opportunity to quantify the intensity of the genetic perturbation caused by the heat wave. We show that the spring 2011 genetic constitution of the populations transiently shifted to summer-like frequencies, and that the magnitude of the genetic anomaly quantitatively matched the temperature anomaly. The results provide compelling evidence that direct effects of rising temperature are driving adaptive evolutionary shifts, and also suggest a strong genetic resilience in this species.  相似文献   

While a number of different plants can either breakdown a variety of organic contaminants or hyperaccumulate metals from the environment, even the most efficient of those plants is typically inhibited by the presence of the toxicant(s). The plant stress that is induced by the presence of various environmental toxicants typically limits a plant's growth and ultimately its ability to phytoremediate the toxicant(s). Here, it is argued that the simple strategy of adding plant growth-promoting bacteria (preferably endophytes) that reduce plant ethylene levels by ACC deaminase activity and have the ability to synthesize the phytohoromone IAA, and are used to phytoremediate various toxicants can significantly (and often dramatically) increase both plant growth and phytoremediation activity in the presence of those toxicants.  相似文献   

Extreme events, such as heat waves, are predicted to increase in frequency, duration, and severity as a consequence of climate change. However, global change research generally focuses on increases in mean temperatures and fails to address the potential impacts of increasingly severe heat waves. In addition, climate change may interact with another primary threat to biodiversity, non‐native species invasions. We assessed the impacts of a short‐term heat wave on the marine epibenthic fouling community of Bodega Harbor, California, USA, by exposing experimental mesocosms to a simulated heat wave in the laboratory and then monitoring community development in the field. We hypothesized that (1) juveniles would be more susceptible to heat waves than adults, (2) native species would be more susceptible than non‐native species, and (3) non‐native species would recover more quickly than native species. We observed no effect of the heat wave on juvenile species richness, either initially or during the recovery period, relative to communities at ambient seawater temperatures. In contrast, total adult species richness initially declined in response to the heat wave. Adult community composition also changed in heat‐wave treatments, with non‐natives representing the majority of species and occupying more cover than native species. The reduction in native richness associated with the heat wave persisted through the recovery period, whereas invasive richness was actually higher on heat‐wave versus ambient plates at 95 days. Heat waves have the potential to alter the composition of this community because of species‐, taxon‐, and/or origin‐specific responses; for example, non‐native bryozoans displayed greater resistance than native and non‐native tunicates. Recovery from the heat wave occurred via growth of resistant individuals and larval recruitment. Our study highlights the importance of considering species’ and community responses to heat waves, and not just mean predicted temperature increases, to evaluate the consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

Storey KB 《Cryobiology》2004,48(2):134-145
Winter survival for many cold-blooded species involves freeze tolerance, the capacity to endure the freezing of a high percentage of total body water as extracellular ice. The wood frog (Rana sylvatica) is the primary model animal used for studies of vertebrate freeze tolerance and current studies in my lab are focused on the freeze-induced changes in gene expression that support freezing survival. Using cDNA library screening, we have documented the freeze-induced up-regulation of a number of genes in wood frogs including both identifiable genes (fibrinogen, ATP/ADP translocase, and mitochondrial inorganic phosphate carrier) and novel proteins (FR10, FR47, and Li16). All three novel proteins share in common the presence of hydrophobic regions that may indicate that they have an association with membranes, but apart from that each shows unique tissue distribution patterns, stimulation by different signal transduction pathways and responses to two of the component stresses of freezing, anoxia, and dehydration. The new application of cDNA array screening technology is opening up a whole new world of possibilities in the search for molecular mechanisms that underlie freezing survival. Array screening of hearts from control versus frozen frogs hints at the up-regulation of adenosine receptor signaling for the possible mediation of metabolic rate suppression, hypoxia inducible factor mediated adjustments of anaerobic metabolism, natriuretic peptide regulation of fluid dynamics, enhanced glucose transporter capacity for cryoprotectant accumulation, defenses against the accumulation of advanced glycation end products, and improved antioxidant defenses as novel parts of natural freeze tolerance that remain to be explored.  相似文献   

Heat wave frequency, duration, and intensity are predicted to increase with global warming, but the potential impacts of short‐term high temperature events on forest functioning remain virtually unstudied. We examined canopy processes in a forest in Central Ontario following 3 days of record‐setting high temperatures (31–33 °C) that coincided with the peak in leaf expansion of dominant trees in late May 2010. Leaf area dynamics, leaf morphology, and leaf‐level gas‐exchange were compared to data from prior years of sampling (2002–2008) at the same site, focusing on Acer saccharum Marsh., the dominant tree in the region. Extensive shedding of partially expanded leaves was observed immediately following high temperature days, with A. saccharum losing ca. 25% of total leaf production but subsequently producing an unusual second flush of neoformed leaves. Both leaf losses and subsequent reflushing were highest in the upper canopy; however, retained preformed leaves and neoformed leaves showed reduced size, resulting in an overall decline in end‐of‐season leaf area index of 64% in A. saccharum, and 16% in the entire forest. Saplings showed lower leaf losses, but also a lower capacity to reflush relative to mature trees. Both surviving preformed and neoformed leaves had severely depressed photosynthetic capacity early in the summer of 2010, but largely regained photosynthetic competence by the end of the growing season. These results indicate that even short‐term heat waves can have severe impacts in northern forests, and suggest a particular vulnerability to high temperatures during the spring period of leaf expansion in temperate deciduous forests.  相似文献   

D Spurgeon 《CMAJ》1997,156(3):405-407
Spokespersons for McGill University''s medical school say they have experienced only minor recruitment problems because of the province''s ongoing threats to separate. David Spurgeon reports on the impact the politics of separation is having on medical life at McGill.  相似文献   

Senescence may evolve when genes have antagonistic effects between early reproduction and later age-specific mortality. Although widely consistent with data of quantitative genetics, this model has yet to be validated with the identification of a specific locus presenting such trade-offs. The molecular chaperone hsp70 may be a candidate for such a gene. Heat induced expression of the Hsp70 protein in adults decreases rates of age-specific mortality during normal aging, while maternally experienced heat shock depresses the production of mature progeny. Here we show that maternal heat shock reduces the proportion of egg hatch but not the viability of successfully hatched offspring. To assess whether heat induced maternal expression of hsp70 causes reduced egg hatch, we measured the proportion of eggs that hatch from females engineered to overexpress hsp70 transgenes. We used the same transgenic strains that extend longevity upon hsp70 expression and found that Hsp70 is sufficient to suppress egg hatch. The proportion of egg hatch as a function of hsp70 expression was not reduced in the first eggs laid after maternal heat shock, but appears in later laid eggs, which were at preoogenic and early vitellogenic stages during the maternal expression of hsp70. The contervailing effects of hsp70 upon fecundity and subsequent age-specific mortality exemplify antagonistic pleiotropy, and this trade-off could contribute to the evolution of Drosophila senescence.  相似文献   

Abstract  The rangeland shrub, Parkinsonia aculeata (parkinsonia), is considered to be a serious pastoral and environmental weed in Australia. Existing biological control agents have been ineffective and native-range surveying is currently being undertaken to find potential new agents. In this paper I develop unambiguous performance criteria to assist in prioritising potential biological control agents, and against which the success of our biological control program can be judged. These include a reduction of patch density (to below 30% cover) and size (<0.1 ha), a reduction in rates of spread and in-fill (by reducing seed production and understorey seed bank densities to <100 viable seeds m−2), and the explicit targeting of regions most at risk from parkinsonia impacts. The development of explicit, a priori performance criteria for biological control programs should help biological control develop into a more rigorous and predictive science.  相似文献   

Chilled embryos of pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, begin to vocally solicit parental heat at the pipped-egg stage. Honest signalling models predict that if vocal heat solicitation is a true reflection of need, then solicitation should be costly and costs should increase with the embryo's need for warmth. Using open-flow respirometry, we measured the metabolic costs associated with vocal heat solicitation by exposing embryos to either a decreasing or increasing series of body temperatures, ranging from 25 to 37.8 degrees C. We measured baseline costs (stable temperature, embryo silent) and costs associated with cold-induced calling at each temperature. At natural incubation temperature (37.8 degrees C), call rates and costs associated with calling were negligible, as was thermal need. Metabolic costs relative to baseline costs and costs per call increased with thermal need as body temperature declined. Absolute metabolic costs increased between 37.8 and 35 degrees C, then remained stable down to 25 degrees C. Call rates increased as embryos were chilled within the range of temperatures most frequently experienced in nature (35-37.8 degrees C), then decreased significantly for all lower temperatures, probably owing to reduced overall metabolic rate at lower temperatures (25-37.8 degrees C). The results generally support the honest signalling prediction that vocal heat solicitation is metabolically costly, and that costs increase with need. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

1. Climate change has affected zooplankton phenology and abundance in many freshwater ecosystems. The strong temperature anomalies that characterise summer heat waves make these events particularly suitable to study the effects of different seasonal warming patterns on zooplankton. Since heat waves are expected to occur more frequently under continuing climate change, they may also allow us to investigate how freshwater systems will be affected in the future. 2. Using a long‐term data set (1991–2007) from a shallow, eutrophic lake in Germany, we identify time periods in spring and summer during which cyclopoid copepods and bosminids are particularly sensitive to changes in water temperature. Based on this knowledge, we consider why summer populations responded differently to recent heat wave events that occurred at different times in the season. 3. Linear regressions of moving averages suggested that water temperatures shortly before and shortly after the clear‐water phase (CWP) were crucial for summer development of bosminids and cyclopoid copepods, respectively. Algal food availability (diatoms and cryptophytes) in the first weeks after the CWP also strongly influenced the summer populations of the two zooplankton groups. 4. Inter‐annual differences in water temperature during the critical time periods at least partly explained the contrasting responses of cyclopoid copepods and bosminids to heat wave events. 5. Our findings indicate that the zooplankton response to climate warming, particularly to heat wave events, is critically dependent on the temporal pattern of elevated water temperatures. Beyond that, we show that the summer zooplankton populations react to periods of warming in relation to events in the plankton annual cycle (such as the CWP in eutrophic lakes) rather than to warming at a fixed time in the season.  相似文献   

The costs of using and maintaining presumed adaptations are unknown for most animals. Energetically expensive traits, such as some agonistic and antipredator behaviors in animals, may incur trade-offs with other aspects of an animal's life history, such as feeding and reproduction. However, infrequent and brief use may reduce the costs of vigorous behaviors. The shaker muscles in the tails of rattlesnakes are an excellent system for studying the potential costs of a specialized defensive system. The high energetic cost of rattling may increase feeding requirements or use energy that could otherwise be available for reproduction. I used energetic modeling to test whether the cost of rattling in western diamond-backed rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox) can be high enough to increase feeding demands or reduce fecundity and fitness. Only very frequent and prolonged rattling would increase feeding needs and perhaps reduce fecundity to some degree. Typically, rattling probably incurs very low costs to feeding, reproduction, and hence fitness. These and other results suggest that many seemingly expensive adaptations may have minimal costs to energy budgets, reproduction, and fitness.  相似文献   

With the rapid pace of nucleic acid microarray technology development and a renewed national emphasis on detecting and characterizing microorganisms in environmental samples, there is a rush to operationalize existing microarray technologies and apply them to uncharacterized environmental backgrounds. The purpose of this article is to pause and ask a basic question: what do microarray data actually mean in the face of uncharacterized sample backgrounds? In attempting to answer this question, we draw a clear distinction between hypothesis-driven fundamental science and operational uses of microarray technology; assess microarray technology assumptions in the face of uncharacterized environments; offer an environmental microbiologist's perspective on technology needs and requirements for quantitatively analyzing microbial communities; and hopefully stimulate a scientific and technical dialogue around the concept of analytical environmental microbiology and future technology development.  相似文献   

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