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边际多样性方法及其在绵羊品种保护中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文介绍了边际多样性方法,并利用微卫星DNA遗传距离、灭绝概率等结果分析了中国北方11个绵羊品种的品种贡献率、边际多样性及保护潜力。结果表明,苏尼特羊(Sunite sheep)的边际多样性最高(-0.2008),其次为滩羊(Tan sheep)(-0.1932)、兰州大尾羊(Lanzhou large tailed sheep)(-0.1843);岷县黑裘皮羊(Minxian black fur sheep)最低(-0.1268)。保护潜力最大的品种为兰州大尾羊(0.1419),其次为同羊(Tong sheep)(0.1017),最小的为小尾寒羊(Small tailed Han sheep)(0.0365)。根据边际多样性方法,作者认为确定需要保护的品种应该依据最大保护潜力而不是品种的濒危程度。11个绵羊品种的保护顺序依次是兰州大尾羊、同羊、汉中羊(Hanzhong sheep)、甘家羊(Ganjia sheep)、欧拉羊(Oula sheep)、岷县黑裘皮羊、乔科羊(Qiaoke sheep)、苏尼特羊、乌珠穆沁羊(Ujumqin sheep)和小尾寒羊。  相似文献   

福建家鸭品种的分子遗传多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过筛选的28个多态性较好的微卫星标记检测了福建省金定鸭、莆田黑鸭、连城白鸭、山麻鸭4个家鸭品种的遗传多样性.利用等位基因频率计算了各群体的遗传参数、群体间的Nei氏标准遗传距离DS和DA遗传距离,并采用邻近法(NJ)和类平均法(UPGMA)进行聚类分析和比较.结果表明,福建省4个家鸭品种全部群体的平均杂合度为0.5353,遗传一致性较好,应加强各保种场(区)多样性的保护;各品种间的遗传距离远近顺序在两种遗传距离DS和DA的结果中完全一致,以DA和DS为基础分别得到的UPGMA和NJ的聚类结果完全相同,表明在应用微卫星标记分析品种的遗传多样性时,使用更多的微卫星位点,才可以获得更准确更具普遍性的结论.4个家鸭品种的聚类与各品种的经济类型、生态地域分布关系密切.  相似文献   

A set of eleven pig breeds originating from six European countries, and including a small sample of wild pigs, was chosen for this study of genetic diversity. Diversity was evaluated on the basis of 18 microsatellite markers typed over a total of 483 DNA samples collected. Average breed heterozygosity varied from 0.35 to 0.60. Genotypic frequencies generally agreed with Hardy-Weinberg expectations, apart from the German Landrace and Schwäbisch-Hällisches breeds, which showed significantly reduced heterozygosity. Breed differentiation was significant as shown by the high among-breed fixation index (overall FST = 0.27), and confirmed by the clustering based on the genetic distances between individuals, which grouped essentially all individuals in 11 clusters corresponding to the 11 breeds. The genetic distances between breeds were first used to construct phylogenetic trees. The trees indicated that a genetic drift model might explain the divergence of the two German breeds, but no reliable phylogeny could be inferred among the remaining breeds. The same distances were also used to measure the global diversity of the set of breeds considered, and to evaluate the marginal loss of diversity attached to each breed. In that respect, the French Basque breed appeared to be the most "unique" in the set considered. This study, which remains to be extended to a larger set of European breeds, indicates that using genetic distances between breeds of farm animals in a classical taxonomic approach may not give clear resolution, but points to their usefulness in a prospective evaluation of diversity.  相似文献   

Preservation of rare genetic stocks requires assessment of within-population genetic diversity and between-population differentiation to make inferences on their degree of uniqueness. A total of 194 Tuscan cattle (44 Calvana, 35 Chianina, 25 Garfagnina, 31 Maremmana, 31 Mucca Pisana and 28 Pontremolese) individuals were genotyped for 34 microsatellite markers. Moreover, 56 samples belonging to Argentinean Creole and Asturiana de la Montaña cattle breeds were used as an outgroup. Genetic diversity was quantified in terms of molecular coancestry and allelic richness. STRUCTURE analyses showed that the Tuscan breeds have well-differentiated genetic backgrounds, except for the Calvana and Chianina breeds, which share the same genetic ancestry. The between-breed Nei's minimum distance (Dm) matrices showed that the pair Calvana–Chianina was less differentiated (0.049 ± 0.006). The endangered Tuscan breeds (Calvana, Garfagnina, Mucca Pisana and Pontremolese) made null or negative contributions to diversity, except for the Mucca Pisana contribution to allelic richness (CT = 1.8%). The Calvana breed made null or negative within-breed contributions (f¯W = 0.0%; CW = −0.4%). The Garfagnina and Pontremolese breeds made positive contributions to between-breed diversity but negative and high within-breed contributions, thus suggesting population bottleneck with allelic losses and increase of homozygosity in the population. Exclusion of the four endangered Tuscan cattle breeds did not result in losses in genetic diversity (f¯T = −0.7%; CT = −1.2%), whereas exclusion of the non-endangered breeds (Chianina and Maremmana) did (f¯T = 2.1%; CT = 3.9%); the simple exclusion of the Calvana breed from the former group led to losses in genetic diversity (f¯T = 0.47%; CT = 2.34%), indicating a diverse significance for this breed. We showed how quantifying both within-population diversity and between-population differentiation in terms of allelic frequencies and allelic richness provides different and complementary information on the genetic backgrounds assessed and may help to implement priorities and strategies for conservation in livestock.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in four indigenous chicken breeds from the Veneto region of Italy was assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 99 individuals were analysed using three AFLP primer combinations that produced 70 polymorphisms. Four indigenous Veneto chicken breeds (Ermellinata, Padovana, Pépoi and Robusta) and a reference broiler line were included in the analysis. Breed-specific markers were identified in each breed. The expected heterozygosity did not differ significantly among the indigenous Veneto chicken breeds and the broiler line. The coefficient of gene variation (Gst) value across loci indicated that almost half of the total variability was observed among breeds. Nei's standard genetic distance between pairs of breeds showed that the distance between the broiler line and the Pépoi breed was greater than the distances between the broiler line and the other three chicken breeds. Cluster analysis based on standard genetic distances between breeds indicated that the Padovana and Pépoi breeds were closely related. Factorial analysis based on a binary matrix of the AFLP data showed a clear distinction of all breeds.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess genetic diversity within and between nine Vietnamese local chicken breeds and two Chinese breeds included for comparison. Genotyping 29 microsatellites revealed high diversity of both Vietnamese and Chinese breeds. Cluster analysis using the structure software suggested six clusters as the most likely grouping of the 11 breeds studied. These groups encompassed four homogeneous clusters, one formed by the two Chinese breeds and the other three representing a single breed each: the Mekong Delta breed Ac, the South Central Coast breed Choi, and the Red River Delta breed Dong Tao. The six remaining breeds formed two additional admixed clusters.  相似文献   

In times of rapid global and unforeseeable environmental changes, there is an urgent need for a sustainable cattle breeding policy, based on a global view. Most of the indigenous breeds are specialized in a particular habitat or production system but are rapidly disappearing. Thus, they represent an important resource to meet present and future breeding objectives. Based on 105 microsatellites, we obtained thorough information on genetic diversity and population structure of 16 cattle breeds that cover a geographical area from the domestication centre near Anatolia, through the Balkan and alpine regions, to the North-West of Europe. Breeds under strict artificial selection and indigenous breeds under traditional breeding schemes were included. The overall results showed that the genetic diversity is widespread in Buša breeds in the Anatolian and Balkan areas, when compared with the alpine and north-western European breeds. Our results reflect long-term evolutionary and short-term breeding events very well. The regular pattern of allele frequency distribution in the entire cattle population studied clearly suggests conservation of rare alleles by conservation of preferably unselected traditional breeds with large effective population sizes. From a global and long-term conservation genetics point of view, the native and highly variable breeds closer to the domestication centre could serve as valuable sources of genes for future needs, not only for cattle but also for other farm animals.  相似文献   

China is rich in chicken genetic resources, and many indigenous breeds can be found throughout the country. Due to poor productive ability, some of them are threatened by the commercial varieties from domestic and foreign breeding companies. In a large-scale investigation into the current status of Chinese poultry genetic resources, 78 indigenous chicken breeds were surveyed and their blood samples collected. The genomes of these chickens were screened using microsatellite analysis. A total of 2740 individuals were genotyped for 27 microsatellite markers on 13 chromosomes. The number of alleles of the 27 markers ranged from 6 to 51 per locus with a mean of 18.74. Heterozygosity (H) values of the 78 chicken breeds were all more than 0.5. The average H value (0.622) and polymorphism information content (PIC, 0.573) of these breeds suggested that the Chinese indigenous chickens possessed more genetic diversity than that reported in many other countries. The fixation coefficients of subpopulations within the total population (F ST) for the 27 loci varied from 0.065 (LEI0166) to 0.209 (MCW0078), with a mean of 0.106. For all detected microsatellite loci, only one (LEI0194) deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) across all the populations. As genetic drift or non-random mating can occur in small populations, breeds kept on conservation farms such as Langshan chicken generally had lower H values, while those kept on large populations within conservation regions possessed higher polymorphisms. The high genetic diversity in Chinese indigenous breeds is in agreement with great phenotypic variation of these breeds. Using Nei’s genetic distance and the Neighbor-Joining method, the indigenous Chinese chickens were classified into six categories that were generally consistent with their geographic distributions. The molecular information of genetic diversity will play an important role in conservation, supervision, and utilization of the chicken resources.  相似文献   

China is regarded as one of the domestication cen-ters for chickens and archaeological studies provided evidence of chicken domestication in northern Chinaas early as 6000 BC[1]. At present, China has the larg-est chicken population in the world, represen…  相似文献   

Extinction of breeds threatens genetic diversity of livestock species. The need to conserve genetic diversity is widely accepted but involves in general two questions: (i) is the expected loss of diversity in a set of breeds within a defined future time horizon large enough to establish a conservation plan, and if so (ii) which breeds should be prioritised for such a conservation plan? The present study uses a marker assisted methodology to address these questions. The methodology combines core set diversity measures with a stochastic method for the estimation of expected future diversity and breed marginal diversities. The latter is defined as the change in the total diversity of all breeds caused by a one unit decrease in extinction probability of a particular breed. The stochastic method was validated by means of simulations. A large field data set consisting of 44 North Eurasian cattle breeds was analysed using simplified determined extinction probabilities. The results show that the expected loss of diversity in this set within the next 20 to 50 years is between 1 and 3% of the actual diversity, provided that the extinction probabilities which were used are approximately valid. If this loss is to be reduced, it is sufficient to include those three to five breeds with the highest marginal diversity in a conservation scheme.  相似文献   

夏腊梅的遗传多样性及其保护   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
夏腊梅(Sinocalycanthus chinensis)是国家二级保护的珍稀濒危植物,夏腊梅属(Sinocalycanthus)的唯一代表,仅间断分布于我国浙江省临安市天台县极狭小的范围内,本文采用等位酶淀粉凝胶电泳技术对采自上述两地的天然居群和天目山自然保护区引种的人工居群的553个样品进行了遗传多样性检测,并与浙江腊梅(Chimonan-thus zhejiangensis)作对比,检测结果表明夏腊梅的遗传多样性极低,从14个酶系统检测到的23个位点看,在物种水平上每位点的等位基因平均数(A)为1.2,多态位点(P)占21.7%,观察杂合度(Ho)为0.010。在居群水平上,A=1.0-1.1,P=0-13.0%,Ho=0-0.014。而对照种浙江腊梅杭州植物园人工居群的上述指标分别为A=1.5,P=39.1%,Ho=0.071。夏腊梅的2个自然居群之间在Mdh-4,Pgd-3和Sod-1发生显著的分化,但居群内亚居群间几乎没有分化,在天目山自然保护区引种的人工居群中没有检测到多态性,说明作为迁地保护的天目山自然保护区人工居群并没能有效地保护夏腊梅的遗传多样性,由于目前自然保护区基本上采用不加人为干预的经营方式,划人龙塘山自然保护区内的自然亚居群会因为森林的自然演替而灭绝,所以,自然保护区目前的这种经营方式不适合对夏腊梅的保护,夏腊梅的例子说明,当我们对保护对象的生物学特性缺乏认识时,我们既不知道应该保护什么,也不知道应该如何保护。  相似文献   

遗传多样性与濒危植物保护生物学研究进展   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
尽管对于濒危物种的遗传学人们已经进行了大量研究,但是种群遗传学在植物保护中的实际地位尚存在很大争议。濒危物种的遗传多样性可能会由于遗传漂变、近交的作用而丧失;但这种丧失更可能是濒危的结果而不是濒危的起因。遗传多样性水平与物种生存力之间没有任何必然的联系。但植物种群遗传结构如果由于自交不亲和等位基因的丧失和与亲缘种杂交造成的遗传同化而发生改变,那么它对物种生存力会产生明显负作用。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within and between breeds (and lines) of pigs was investigated. The sample comprised 68 European domestic breeds (and lines), including 29 local breeds, 18 varieties of major international breeds, namely Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Large White and Piétrain, and 21 commercial lines either purebred or synthetic, to which the Chinese Meishan and a sample of European wild pig were added. On average 46 animals per breed were sampled (range 12–68). The genetic markers were microsatellites (50 loci) and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism, 148 loci). The analysis of diversity showed that the local breeds accounted for 56% of the total European between-breed microsatellite diversity, and slightly less for AFLP, followed by commercial lines and international breeds. Conversely, the group of international breeds contributed most to within-breed diversity, followed by commercial lines and local breeds. Individual breed contributions to the overall European between- and within-breed diversity were estimated. The range in between-breed diversity contributions among the 68 breeds was 0.04–3.94% for microsatellites and 0.24–2.94% for AFLP. The within-breed diversity contributions varied very little for both types of markers, but microsatellite contributions were negatively correlated with the between-breed contributions, so care is needed in balancing the two types of contribution when making conservation decisions. By taking into account the risks of extinction of the 29 local breeds, a cryopreservation potential (priority) was estimated for each of them.  相似文献   

DNA遗传标记在山羊遗传多样性研究上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述DNA遗传标记在山羊的遗传多样性分析上的应用,并分别叙述了RFLP、线粒体DNA多态性、RAID、微卫星标记、AFLP等几个方面目前在山羊上的研究。  相似文献   

We estimated neutral diversity of 21 European cattle breeds with 105 microsatellites. Nine of them resembled unselected Balkan Buša strains with diffuse breeding barriers and the 12 others were strongly differentiated, isolated breeds. Because of the impact of neutral genetic diversity on long-term population adaptive capacity, we discuss the long-term outcome of different conservation priorities in a subdivided metapopulation of the investigated cattle breeds. The optimal contribution to a pool of total genetic diversity allocated more than 95% of long-term relevant neutral diversity to virtually unselected strains of the Balkan Buša, while the maximization of total variance preferred inbred breeds. Current artificial selection methods, such as genomic selection sped up and a recovery of underestimated traits becomes quickly impossible. We emphasize that currently neutral and even deleterious alleles might be required for future genotypes in sustainable and efficient livestock breeding and production systems of a 21st century. We provide cumulative evidences that long-term survival relies on genetic complexity and complexity relies on allelic diversity. Our results suggest that virtually unselected, nonuniform strains harbor a crucial proportion of neutral diversity and should be conserved with high global priority. As one example, we suggest a cooperative maintenance of the nondifferentiated, highly fragmented, and fast vanishing metapopulation of Balkan Buša.  相似文献   

The quantitative assessment of genetic diversity within and between populations is important for decision-making in genetic conservation plans. In our study, we applied the livestock core set method to define the contribution of 15 cattle breeds, 11 of which are Portuguese indigenous cattle breeds, to genetic diversity. In livestock core set theory genetic diversity is defined as the maximum genetic variance that can be obtained in a random-mating population that is bred from the populations present in that core set. Two methods to estimate marker-estimated kinships to obtain the contributions to the core set were used in this study: the weighted log-linear model (WLM) and the weighted log-linear mixed model (WLMM). The breeds that contributed most to diversity in the core set were Holstein-Friesian followed by the Portuguese Mertolenga and Cachena for both WLM and WLMM methods. The ranking of relative contributions of cattle breeds was maintained when we considered only the Portuguese cattle breeds. Furthermore, we were able to identify the marginal contributions and respective losses of diversity for each of the 11 Portuguese cattle breeds when we considered a subset of populations that are not threatened of being lost (the Safe set composed of the four exotic breeds present in this study). When WLM was used losses in genetic diversity ranged from 2.68 to 0.65% while the loss in founder genome equivalents ranged from 37.37 to 8.43% for Mertolenga and Brava de Lide breeds respectively. When WLMM was used losses in genetic diversity and founder genome equivalents were less extreme than for the WLM method, ranging from 1.27 to 0.69 and 26.8 to 12.99 respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this empirical simulation study was to evaluate the use of a combination of semen and embryos in the creation of gene banks for reconstruction of an extinct breed. Such an approach was compared for banks with varying proportions of embryos on the basis of the amount of the material to be stored, time for reconstruction, maintenance of genetic variability, and probability of failure during reconstruction. Four types of populations were simulated, based on reproductive rate: single offspring, twinning, enhanced reproduction, and litter bearing. Reconstruction was simulated for banks consisting of different combinations of semen and reduced numbers of embryos (expressed as a percentage of the material needed for a bank containing exclusively embryos and ranging from 10 to 90%). The use of a combination of semen and embryos increased the number of insemination cycles needed for reconstruction and the level of genetic relatedness in the reconstructed population. The risk for extinction was unacceptably high when a very low proportion of embryos (< 20%) was used. However, combining semen with embryos could decrease costs, allowing for the conservation of more breeds, and specific strategies for semen use could decrease the level of relationships in the reconstructed breed.  相似文献   

We studied different genetic models and evaluation systems to select against a genetic disease with additive, recessive or polygenic inheritance in genetic conservation schemes. When using optimum contribution selection with a restriction on the rate of inbreeding (ΔF) to select against a disease allele, selection directly on DNA-genotypes is, as expected, the most efficient strategy. Selection for BLUP or segregation analysis breeding value estimates both need 1–2 generations more to halve the frequency of the disease allele, while these methods do not require knowledge of the disease mutation at the DNA level. BLUP and segregation analysis methods were equally efficient when selecting against a disease with single gene or complex polygene inheritance, i.e. knowledge about the mode of inheritance of the disease was not needed for efficient selection against the disease. Smaller schemes or schemes with a more stringent restriction on ΔF needed more generations to halve the frequency of the disease alleles or the fraction of diseased animals. Optimum contribution selection maintained ΔF at its predefined level, even when selection of females was at random. It is argued that in the investigated small conservation schemes with selection against a genetic defect, control of ΔF is very important.  相似文献   

Marker-assisted conservation of European cattle breeds: An evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two methods have been developed for the assessment of conservation priorities on the basis of molecular markers. According to the Weitzman approach, contributions to genetic diversity are derived from genetic distances between populations. Alternatively, diversity within and across populations is optimized by minimizing marker-estimated kinships. We have applied, for the first time, both methods to a comprehensive data set of 69 European cattle breeds, including all cosmopolitan breeds and several local breeds, for which genotypes of 30 microsatellite markers in 25–50 animals per breed have been obtained. Both methods were used to calculate the gain in diversity if a breed was added to a set of nine non-endangered breeds. Weitzman-derived diversities were confounded by genetic drift in isolated populations, which dominates the genetic distances but does not necessarily increase the conservation value of a breed. Marker-estimated kinships across populations were less disturbed by genetic drift than the Weitzman diversities and assigned high conservation values to Mediterranean breeds, which indeed have genetic histories that differ from the non-endangered breeds. Prospects and limitations of marker-assisted decisions on conservation priorities are discussed.  相似文献   

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