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Seasonal and spatial variation in soil nematode communities was investigated in a field study conducted on a loessial plain in the northern Negev Desert, Israel. Soil samples from 0- to 50-cm depths were collected seasonally during 2001 under the canopy of Atriplex halimus and Hammada scoparia, and between shrubs (control). Total population abundance ranged from 8 to 887 individuals per 100 g soil, represented by 32 genera from 16 families. Significant temporal and vegetation effects were elucidated using most ecological indices applicable to express nematode community composition. Of those indices computed, only the Shannon index, the modified maturity index, and genus dominance distinguished differences in vertical distribution.  相似文献   

High-latitude, shelf Antarctic benthic communities are highly diversified and structured, dominated by benthic suspension feeders, and are subject to major natural disturbances. This study focuses on spatial patterns of the Antarctic benthos emphasizing the succession process after iceberg disturbance. For this purpose, underwater photographs (1 m2 each) from the southeastern Weddell Sea shelf (<300 m depth) were analyzed using techniques from the field of landscape ecology. Here, we examine measurements of spatial patterns (landscape indices) to describe changes in structural patterns along successional stages on these Antarctic benthic communities. We show a gradual separation from the early to older stages of succession based on sessile benthic cover area, size, shape, diversity, and interspersion and juxtaposition indices. Conceptually, the results describe a gradient from samples belonging to first stages of recovery with low cover area, low complexity of patch shape, small patch size, low diversity and patches poorly interspersed to samples from later stages with higher values of these indices. Cover area was the best predictor of recovery. We conclude that a variety of factors affect the observed successional sequences of Antarctic shelf benthic communities after iceberg disturbance, including the existence and dispersal abilities of propagules, growth rates, and competition between species. Overall, changes in the magnitude, frequency, and duration of disturbance regimes and alterations of ecosystem resilience pose major challenges for conservation of Antarctic benthos. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Land-use history and large-scale disturbances interact to shape secondary forest structure and composition. How introduced species respond to disturbances such as hurricanes in post-agriculture forest recovery is of particular interest. To examine the effects of hurricane disturbance and previous land use on forest dynamics and composition, we revisited 37 secondary forest stands in former cattle pastures across Puerto Rico representing a range of exposure to the winds of Hurricane Georges in 1998. Stands ranged from 21 to>80 yr since agricultural abandonment and were measured 9 yr posthurricane. Stem density decreased as stands aged, while basal area and species richness tended to increase. Hurricane disturbance exerted contrasting effects on stand structure, contingent on stand age. In older stands, the basal area of large trees fell, shifting to a stand structure characteristic of younger stands, while the basal area of large trees tended to rise in younger stands with increasing hurricane disturbance. These results demonstrate that large-scale natural disturbances can alter the successional trajectory of secondary forest stands recovering from human land use, but stand age, precipitation and soil series were better predictors of changes in stand structure across all study sites. Species composition changed substantially between census intervals, but neither age nor hurricane disturbance consistently predicted species composition change. However, exposure to hurricane winds tended to decrease the abundance of the introduced tree Spathodea campanulata, particularly in smaller size classes. In all sites the abundance of the introduced tree Syzygium jambos showed a declining trend, again most strongly in smaller size classes, suggesting natural thinning through succession.  相似文献   

The effects of the application of poultry litter at 0.0, 6.7, 13.4, and 20.1 tons/ha on population changes during the growing season on nematode communities were evaluated in two cotton production fields in North Carolina. Numbers of bactivorous nematodes increased at midseason in response to the rate at which litter was applied but decreased with increasing litter application rates at cotton harvest. Numbers of fungivores at cotton harvest were related positively to the rate of litter applied, and this affected a positive increase in the fungivore-to-bacterivore ratio at this sampling date. The rate at which poultry litter was applied resulted in an increase in the bacterivore to plant-parasite ratio, and this corresponded with increased cotton lint yield. Trophic diversity was increased by litter application rate at cotton harvest at one location but not at another. The plant-parasite maturity index was greater consistently at one site than at a second site where the Hoplolaimus columbus population density was above the damage threshold for cotton. The population density of H. columbus was suppressed with increasing rates of poultry litter application, but other plant-parasitic nematodes were affected marginally.  相似文献   

Aim The assembly of a forest flora on sites abandoned from agriculture is potentially limited by the physical and chemical suitability of soils. This paper describes the post‐agricultural development of soil in deciduous forest sites to gauge its importance in limiting a second‐growth forest flora. Location Northern Delaware and south‐eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Methods A chronosequence of 99 second‐growth forest sites was assembled in the Piedmont region. Stand age ranged from 0–20 to > 100 years since canopy closure, as determined from historical aerial photographs. Seventy‐four sites are likely to have experienced cultivation before regeneration of forest. The presence of large rocks or pit‐and‐mound microtopography suggests that the remaining 25 sites were not cultivated, although they were probably used as pasture and/or woodlot. Soil organic content, moisture, pH, and concentrations of extractable potassium, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and sulphur were measured in samples from each site. Coarse woody debris, size of the largest tree, canopy openness and several microtopographic features were also recorded. Results Most soil variables fell into two separate but internally correlated groups: the first group including organic matter, moisture and sulphur; the second including pH, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In formerly cultivated sites, organic matter, moisture and sulphur increased gradually through the chronosequence, approaching values recorded in uncultivated sites at 81–100 years. Calcium, potassium, magnesium and pH declined sharply between the 21–40‐ and 41–60‐year classes – probably an indirect effect related to geographic location and selective abandonment. Phosphorous also declined with time, but the decline was not as clearly defined. Main conclusions The progress of soil recovery observed here is faster than rates implied in other studies, possibly because these sites experienced a period as pasture before reversion to forest. Sites appear to have returned to undisturbed‐forest levels as fast as or faster than the predicted accumulation of a forest flora, suggesting that assembly of second‐growth forest communities is not limited by the rate of soil development in this region.  相似文献   

Nematode-resistant tropical legumes are effective in reducing populations of plant-parasitic nematodes when used in rotation systems. Mixed cropping is a common practice of many small farmers in Central America, but little is known about the effects of tropical legumes on nematode communities under these systems. To examine the effects of intercropping on the nematode fauna associated with squash (Cucurbita pepo) and cucumber (Cucumis sativa) in Honduras, two field experiments were conducted to compare nematode density and diversity in soil under cucurbits grown as a monocrop with that in soil under cucurbits intercropped with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) or hairy indigo (Indigofera hirsuta). A parallel series of field tests compared soil nematode communities associated with a cucurbit monocrop and a cucurbit intercropped with marigold (Tagetes patula), which may decrease nematode populations through the production of toxic root exudates. Among all four tests, over a period of 90 days, there were no consistent differences in densities of various nematode genera or trophic groups in intercropped versus monocropped plants, nor were there consistent differences in community diversities among treatments.  相似文献   

Regional assessment of nematode communities to monitor the condition or ecological health of agricultural soils requires sampling programs with measures of known reliability and the ability to detect differences over time. Numbers of fields sampled in a region, samples taken per field, and subsamples assayed per sample must be balanced with cost to provide the best sampling scheme. We used components of variance from statewide surveys in North Carolina (1992) and Nebraska (1993) to estimate number of (i) fields to be sampled; (ii) 20-core, composite soil samples to be obtained for each field; and (iii) subsamples to be assayed for each composite sample to detect a specified amount of change in index values within a geographic region. Variances for these three components were used to estimate the degree of reliability for five ecologically based indices (four measures of maturity and one of diversity) of nematode communities. Total variance for maturity and diversity indices, based upon communities of free-living nematodes, was greater in North Carolina than in Nebraska; the opposite was true for indices based strictly upon maturity of communities of plant-parasitic nematodes or of all nematodes in soil. Variability within samples was greater in North Carolina than in Nebraska, especially for maturity indices based only upon free-living nematodes. We identified two possible sampling strategies for a regional survey: Option 1, with two independent samples per field and a single subsample assayed per sample, which would provide a reliability ratio value ≥0.6 for most indices; and Option 2, with three independent samples per field and two subsamples assayed per sample, which would provide a reliability ratio value ≥0.7 for several indices. When cost was considered, Option 1 was the better strategy. Number of fields to be sampled within a region or state varied with the index chosen; with specific indices, however, a 10% change in mean index value could be detected with a sample of 50 to 100 fields.  相似文献   

We investigated variation in carbon stock in soils and detritus (forest floor and woody debris) in chronosequences that represent the range of forest types in the US Pacific Northwest. Stands range in age from <13 to >600 years. Soil carbon, to a depth of 100 cm, was highest in coastal Sitka spruce/western hemlock forests (36±10 kg C m?2) and lowest in semiarid ponderosa pine forests (7±10 kg C m?2). Forests distributed across the Cascade Mountains had intermediate values between 10 and 25 kg C m?2. Soil carbon stocks were best described as a linear function of net primary productivity (r2=0.52), annual precipitation (r2=0.51), and a power function of forest floor mean residence time (r2=0.67). The highest rates of soil and detritus carbon turnover were recorded on mesic sites of Douglas‐fir/western hemlock forests in the Cascade Mountains with lower rates in wetter and drier habitats, similar to the pattern of site productivity. The relative contribution of soil and detritus carbon to total ecosystem carbon decreased as a negative exponential function of stand age to a value of ~35% between 150 and 200 years across the forest types. These age‐dependent trends in the portioning of carbon between biomass and necromass were not different among forest types. Model estimates of soil carbon storage based on decomposition of legacy carbon and carbon accumulation following stand‐replacing disturbance showed that soil carbon storage reached an asymptote between 150 and 200 years, which has significant implications to modeling carbon dynamics of the temperate coniferous forests following a stand‐replacing disturbance.  相似文献   

西藏拉鲁湿地夏季土壤线虫群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年6–7月,对拉鲁湿地5个样点的土壤动物进行了调查,共捕获土壤线虫10183条,隶属于2纲6目8科14属,其中真矛线属(Eudorylaimus)、似绕线属(Anaplectus)、地单宫属(Geomonhystera)为优势类群,占土壤线虫总个体数的62.23%。营养类群有食细菌线虫和捕食-杂食线虫。不同样点中,土壤线虫的类群数和个体数垂直分布差异显著(P<0.05),大小顺序为0–5 cm>5–15 cm。5个样点的土壤线虫Shannon-Weiner多样性指数(H′)依次为3#>5#>4#>1#>2#。5个样点间土壤线虫群落的相似程度为极不相似到中等不相似(S值在0.154–0.667)。  相似文献   

Different disturbances in similar habitats can produce unique successional assemblages of plants. We collected plant species composition and cover data to investigate the effects of three common types of disturbances—fire, anthropogenic clearing (‘cleared’), and clearing followed by goat grazing (‘cleared‐and‐grazed’)—on early‐successional coppice (dry forest) community structure and development on Eleuthera, Bahamas. For each disturbance type, both the ground layer (<0.5 m height) and shrub layer (>0.5 m height) were sampled in eight patches (>1 ha) of varying age (1–28 yr) since large‐scale mature coppice disturbance. Overall, plant communities differed among disturbance types; several common species had significantly higher cover in the shrub layer of fire patches, and cleared‐and‐grazed patches exhibited higher woody ground cover. Total percent cover in the shrub layer increased in a similar linear fashion along the investigated chronosequence of each disturbance type; however, cover of the common tree species, Bursera simaruba, increased at a notably slower rate in cleared‐and‐grazed patches. The pattern of increase and subsequent decrease in cover of Lantana spp. and Zanthoxylum fagara in the shrub layer was characterized by longer persistence and higher covers, respectively, in cleared‐and‐grazed patches, which also exhibited low peak cover and fast decline of nonwoody ground cover. Our results suggest that goats may accelerate some aspects of succession (e.g., quickly removing nonwoody ground cover) and retard other aspects (e.g., inhibiting growth of tree species and maintaining early‐successional shrubs in the shrub layer). These effects may lead to different successional trajectories, and have important conservation implications.  相似文献   

Previous reports suggest that fungivorous nematodes are the only trophic group in forest soils affected by elevated CO2. However, there can be ambiguity within trophic groups, and we examined data at a genus level to determine whether the conclusion remains similar. Nematodes were extracted from roots and soil of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) forests fumigated with either ambient air or CO2-enriched air. Root length and nematode biomass were estimated using video image analysis. Most common genera included Acrobeloides, Aphelenchoides, Cephalobus, Ditylenchus, Ecphyadorphora, Filenchus, Plectus, Prismatolaimus, and Tylencholaimus. Maturity Index values and diversity increased with elevated CO2 in loblolly pine but decreased with elevated CO2 in sweet gum forests. Elevated CO2 treatment affected the occurrence of more nematode genera in sweet gum than loblolly pine forests. Numbers were similar but size of Xiphinema decreased in elevated CO2. Abundance, but not biomass, of Aphelenchoides was reduced by elevated CO2. Treatment effects were apparent at the genus levels that were masked at the trophic level. For example, bacterivores were unaffected by elevated CO2, but abundance of Cephalobus was affected by CO2 treatment in both forests.  相似文献   

森林演替会通过改变植物群落组成和土壤环境影响土壤生物群落, 反过来, 土壤生物群落的变化也会对生态系统的演替产生反馈作用, 但迄今南亚热带森林演替过程中土壤生物群落的变化特征尚不清晰。本研究以广东省鼎湖山的南亚热带森林演替序列(马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林-针阔叶混交林-季风常绿阔叶林)为对象, 研究了森林演替过程中土壤线虫多样性和群落结构的动态变化及其影响因素。通过采集不同演替阶段的土壤样品, 分析和比对了不同演替阶段土壤线虫的多度、多样性、群落组成、土壤线虫生态指数以及土壤理化性质的差异。结果表明: (1)在南亚热带森林演替过程中, 针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林土壤线虫的α多样性显著高于马尾松林, 但土壤线虫总数和各营养类群多度及其相对丰度并无显著变化; (2)针阔叶混交林中土壤线虫富集指数显著高于马尾松林, 表明其土壤养分状况要好于马尾松林, 而季风常绿阔叶林土壤线虫结构指数较高, 表明其受干扰程度较低; (3)针阔叶混交林的土壤含水量和土壤理化性质(除土壤总磷含量)已达到季风常绿阔叶林的水平, 但两者的土壤pH值均显著低于马尾松林, 而土壤pH值和土壤含水量是影响土壤线虫群落动态变化的主要因素。综上所述, 南亚热带森林中土壤线虫多度、多样性和群落结构对森林演替的响应略有不同, 演替过程中土壤环境因素的趋同是导致针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林中土壤线虫多样性和群落特征相似的主要原因。  相似文献   

Abstract In late 2001 a category 3 cyclone impacted forest plots that were established in Tonga in 1995, and additionally, one plot was accidentally burned by an escaped land‐clearing fire. Subsequent surveys provide observations of 10 years of forest dynamics in this poorly studied region, and the first reported observations of large interannual variation in juvenile (seedling and sapling) abundance in the western tropical Pacific. The severely disturbed (burned) plot was initially colonized by a non‐native early pioneer, Carica papaya L., but 3.5 years later a native pioneer, Macaranga harveyana (Muell. Arg.) Muell. Arg., was the most abundant tree species. The seedling layer included some long‐lived pioneers and shade‐tolerant species. Two mature forest plots affected only by the cyclone changed very little over a decade. Late‐successional shade‐tolerant species that dominated the overstory were also abundant as seedlings and saplings. This is in contrast with a 30‐ to 40‐year‐old, formerly cultivated, secondary forest plot that still shows no recruitment of late‐successional dominants, in spite of the proximity of remnant forest patches. This study suggests differing pathways of succession following shifting cultivation versus cyclone and fire disturbances in Tonga. Land use legacies appear to have a long‐lasting effect on community composition.  相似文献   

We used LANDIS, a model of forest disturbance and succession, to simulate successional dynamics of forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The simulated environments are based on the Great Smoky Mountains landscapes studied by Whittaker. We focused on the consequences of two contrasting disturbance regimes—fire exclusion versus frequent burning—for the Yellow pine (Pinus L., subgenus Diploxylon Koehne) and oak (Quercus L.) forests that occupy dry mountain slopes and ridgetops. These ecosystems are a conservation priority, and declines in their abundance have stimulated considerable interest in the use of fire for ecosystem restoration. Under fire exclusion, the abundance of Yellow pines is projected to decrease, even on the driest sites (ridgetops, south‐ and west‐facing slopes). Hardwoods and White pine (P. strobus L.) replace the Yellow pines. In contrast, frequent burning promotes high levels of Table Mountain pine (P. pungens Lamb.) and Pitch pine (P. rigida Mill.) on the driest sites and reduces the abundance of less fire‐tolerant species. Our simulations also imply that fire maintains open woodland conditions, rather than closed‐canopy forest. For oaks, fire exclusion is beneficial on the driest sites because it permits oaks to replace the pines. On moister sites (north‐ and east‐facing slopes), however, fire exclusion leads to a diverse mix of oaks and other species, whereas frequent burning favors Chestnut oak (Q. montana Willd.) and White oak (Q. alba L.) dominance. Our results suggest that reintroducing fire may help restore decadent pine and oak stands in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  相似文献   

Soil nematode species diversity is often high, both at ecosystem and single soil-core scales. First, how can so many species coexist? There is evidence of niche partitioning, notably of physical space, but vast interspecific overlaps and trait plasticity seem equally common. It appears that coexistence of species with similar resource needs is made possible by small-scale disturbance and predation, which likely reduce local population sizes and interspecific competition. Regional processes such as dispersal, large-scale disturbance, and aggregation, which govern ecosystem level diversity, may also affect local species interactions and soil-core scale diversity. Second, what is the significance of having so many species, with so few trophic functions, for ecosystem processes? Focusing on bacterivore diversity, it is clear that species contributions to decomposition, likely to differ as a function of individual biologies, are concealed by the trophic group approach. However, considerable functional redundancy probably exists, which may explain why decomposition processes are maintained in highly disturbed soils despite the extinction of many species. Thus, soil nematode diversity is important for the long-term stability of soil functioning, and merits protection and further study.  相似文献   

Results of mycological surveys of root-knot and cyst nematodes from tropical regions indicate that most fungal species associated with females or cysts of species of Globodera, Heterodera, and Meloidogyne are those found with nematodes from temperate areas. Some fungal species, however, were found in higher frequency in tropical regions than in temperate countries; e.g., Cylindrocarpon destructans and Ulocladium atrum were the most common species associated with G. pallida and G. rostochiensis cysts in Peru. These fungi are not so frequent in nematodes from temperate areas. Fungi associated with diseased nematodes in the tropics vary greatly in nutritional requirements and include thermophilic species as well as cold-tolerant fungi. Multi-cropping systems possible in most tropical regions may be designed to increase the frequency of occurrence of microbial species antagonistic to phytonematodes.  相似文献   

Soil is essential for the sustenance of life. Diverse soil organisms support several biological processes such as organic matter decomposition, mineralization, nutrient cycling, and controlling pests and diseases. Among multicellular soil organisms, nematodes are ubiquitous, functionally diverse, and abundant. Notably, agricultural practices have diverse impacts on plants, soils, and soil organisms. Tillage affects nematodes directly by altering pore size and disrupting the continuity of water films and indirectly by affecting the lower trophic groups such as bacteria and fungi. The primary goal of this study was to examine the effect of increasing levels of physical disturbance on nematode communities in an undisturbed forest ecosystem. The experiment included four treatments: control with no disturbance, surface litter removed with no litter and no vegetation, tilling the soil with a rototiller every 2 mon, and every 2 wk. Tillage significantly reduced the overall abundance and overall richness of nematode communities over time. Among nematode trophic groups, tillage significantly reduced the abundance and richness of bacterial feeders, predators, and omnivores over time. The abundance and richness of c-p 2, c-p 4, and c-p 5 class nematodes were significantly decreased by tillage. Unlike tillage, minimal disturbance such as removal of surface litter resulted in a significant decrease in the abundance of only three genera: Acrobeles, Aporcelaimellus, and Boleodorus. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis revealed that nematodes of higher c-p classes such as Dorylaimida, Aporcelaimellus, Alaimus, Clarkus, and Tripyla were sensitive to physical disturbances. Bacterial feeders belonging to the c-p 2 class such as Tylocephalus, Acrobeles, Ceratoplectus, Plectus, and Pseudacrobeles were significantly reduced by tillage. Moreover, tillage significantly reduced the functional metabolic footprint of nematodes, which indicates decreased metabolic activity, reduced C inflow, and poorly structured soil food webs. Previous studies conducted in agricultural ecosystems determined that Clarkus, Filenchus, and Plectus were tolerant to tillage; however, they were found sensitive to tillage in our study. Overall, our study suggests that increasing levels of physical disturbance are detrimental to nematode community abundance and diversity that could affect soil ecosystem stability and sustainability.  相似文献   

Traditional biogeochemical theories suggest that ecosystem nitrogen retention is controlled by biotic N limitation, that stream N losses should increase with successional age, and that increasing N deposition will accelerate this process. These theories ignore the role of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) as a mechanism of N loss. We examined patterns of organic and inorganic N export from sets of old-growth and historically (80–110 years ago) logged and burned watersheds in the northeastern US, a region of moderate, elevated N deposition. Stream nitrate concentrations were strongly seasonal, and mean (± SD) nitrate export from old-growth watersheds (1.4 ± 0.6 kg N ha−1 y−1) was four times greater than from disturbed watersheds (0.3 ± 0.3 kg N ha−1 y−1), suggesting that biotic control over nitrate loss can persist for a century. DON loss averaged 0.7 (± 0.2) kg N ha−1 y−1 and accounted for 28–87% of total dissolved N (TDN) export. DON concentrations did not vary seasonally or with successional status, but correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which varied inversely with hardwood forest cover. The patterns of DON loss did not follow expected differences in biotic N demand but instead were consistent with expected differences in DOC production and sorption. Despite decades of moderate N deposition, TDN export was low, and even old-growth forests retained at least 65% of N inputs. The reasons for this high N retention are unclear: if due to a large capacity for N storage or biological removal, N saturation may require several decades to occur; if due to interannual climate variability, large losses of nitrate may occur much sooner. Received 27 April 1999; accepted 30 May 2000.  相似文献   

We studied how forest fire affects the structure of ant communities in the long term and how microhabitat variables that influence communities of ants in different succession stages change. For this purpose, we selected five sites burnt 3 to 26 years prior to the study and a control site unburnt for at least 50 years. Sampling of ants was conducted in four pit-fall traps in four transects in three replication plots at every successional site and in two plots at the control site. Microhabitat variables regarding the vegetation structure and litter layers were recorded and related to the abundances of ants. The results show that subshrubs, leaves, and needles were the most important microhabitat variables that affected the ant communities. In certain ant genera, significant changes depending upon successional gradient were determined. While the genera Aphaenogaster and Cataglyphis had non-linear relationships with successional gradient, negative linear relationships were found in Crematogaster and Prenolepis. Messor is the only genus caught in high numbers in the earliest successional stage. It showed a decrease with successional gradient. Significant changes in ant communities along the successional gradient were associated with the characteristics of vegetation and the litter layer.  相似文献   

The density and floristic composition of the soil seed bank was assessed in six cloud forest fragments with different levels of human disturbance in central Veracruz, Mexico. A total of 8416 seeds germinated in 60 soil samples, at 5‐cm depth, corresponding to 107 species, 85 genera, and 48 families. Significant differences were found among study sites in seed densities with values ranging from 873 to 3632/m2. Tree species contributed 20 percent of the total soil seed bank in four sites and herbs accounted for the majority of the species in each site. Among tree species, Trema micrantha displayed the highest seed density, accounting for 84 percent of the germinated seeds. In general, the tree species composition of the soil seed bank did not closely reflect the composition of the tree community. Results suggest that disturbance produced by human activities (trail use, selective cutting of trees, livestock) may influence the size and composition of the soil seed bank in forest fragments. Sites where human activity has been reduced showed the highest proportion of dormant seeds.  相似文献   

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