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Uniparental disomy has been recently recognized as an important phenomenon in non-Mendelian inheritance of human genetic disorders. Several mechanisms for uniparental disomy, i.e., the presence of two homologous chromosomes derived from one parent, have been proposed. We studied two independent cases of abnormalities of chromosome 21 in which there were abnormal karyotypes at birth but blood cells with normal karyotype predominated later in life, and the cells with abnormalities disappeared. Uniparental isodisomy was observed in the normal cells in these individuals. The uniparental disomy in these families was the result of duplication of a chromosome in mitosis after the loss of the homologous abnormal chromosome. The duplication can be seen as mechanism for cell survival and is called here "compensatory" isodisomy, which provided a selective advantage for the cell population with the normal number of chromosomes 21.  相似文献   

The parental origin of the additional sex chromosomes in 8 cases with high-order sex chromosome polysomies was determined using DNA polymorphisms. The additional sex chromosomes were paternally derived in 3 48,XXYY cases, and maternal in origin in 1 48,XXXY case and 4 49,XXXXY cases. Thus, all extra chromosomes, within a particular patient, were always derived from only one parent. Their most likely origin was successive nondisjunction at the first and second meiotic division in one germ cell. The mechanism involved remains unclear, but appears to be independent of parental ages.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD 14) results in one of two distinct abnormal phenotypes, depending upon the parent of origin. This discordance may result from the reciprocal over-expression and/or under-expression of one or more imprinted genes. We report a case of segmental paternal isodisomy for chromosome 14 with features similar to those reported in other paternal disomy 14 cases. Microsatellite marker analysis revealed an apparent somatic recombination event in 14q12 leading to proximal biparental inheritance, but segmental paternal uniparental isodisomy distal to this site. Analysis of monochromosomal somatic cell hybrids containing either the paternally inherited or the maternally inherited chromosome 14 revealed no deletion of the maternally inherited chromosome 14 and demonstrated the presence of paternal sequences from D14S121 to the telomere on both chromosomes 14. Thus, the patient has paternal isodisomy for 14q12-14qter. Because the patient shows most of the features associated with paternal disomy 14, this supports the presence of the imprinted domain(s) distal to 14q12 and suggests that the proximal region of chromosome 14 does not contain imprinted genes that contribute significantly to the paternal UPD 14 phenotype.  相似文献   

The neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) gene has been hypothesized to be a recessive tumor suppressor, with mutations at the same locus on chromosome 22 that lead to NF2 also leading to sporadic tumors of the types seen in NF2. Flanking markers for this gene have previously been defined as D22S1 centromeric and D22S28 telomeric. Identification of subregions of this interval that are consistently rearranged in the NF2-related tumors would aid in better defining the disease locus. To this end, we have compared tumor and constitutional DNAs, isolated from 39 unrelated patients with sporadic and NF2-associated acoustic neuromas, meningiomas, schwannomas, and ependymomas, at eight polymorphic loci on chromosome 22. Two of the tumors studied revealed loss-of-heterozygosity patterns, which is consistent with the presence of chromosome 22 terminal deletions. By using additional polymorphic markers, the terminal deletion breakpoint found in one of the tumors, an acoustic neuroma from an NF2 patient, was mapped within the previously defined NF2 region. The breakpoint occurred between the haplotyped markers D22S41/D22S46 and D22S56. This finding redefines the proximal flanking marker and localizes the NF2 gene between markers D22S41/D22S46 and D22S28. In addition, we identified a sporadic acoustic neuroma that reveals a loss-of-heterozygosity pattern consistent with mitotic recombination or deletion and reduplication, which are mechanisms not previously seen in studies of these tumors. This finding, while inconsistent with models of tumorigenesis that invoke single deletions and their gene-dosage effects, lends further support to the recessive tumor-suppressor model.  相似文献   

Deletions ranging from 100 Kb to 1 Mb--too small to be detected under the microscope--may still involve dozens of genes, thus causing microdeletion syndromes. The vast majority of these syndromes are caused by haploinsufficiency of one or several genes and are transmitted as dominant traits. We identified seven patients originating from an extended family and presenting with a unique syndrome, inherited in a recessive mode, consisting of cystinuria, neonatal seizures, hypotonia, severe somatic and developmental delay, facial dysmorphism, and lactic acidemia. Reduced activity of all the respiratory chain enzymatic complexes that are encoded in the mitochondria was found in muscle biopsy specimens of the patients examined. The molecular basis of this disorder is a homozygous deletion of 179,311 bp on chromosome 2p16, which includes the type I cystinuria gene (SLC3A1), the protein phosphatase 2Cbeta gene (PP2Cbeta), an unidentified gene (KIAA0436), and several expressed sequence tags. The extent of the deletion suggests that this unique syndrome is related to the complete absence of these genes' products, one of which may be essential for the synthesis of mitochondrial encoded proteins.  相似文献   

Rod monochromacy (complete congenital achromatopsia) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait of unknown genetic location. The disorder is characterized by total absence of color discrimination because retinal cone photoreceptors do not develop; systemic features do not occur. A 20-year-old white female with rod monochromacy presented with short stature (less than 5th percentile), mild developmental delay, premature puberty, small hands and feet (length less than 5th percentile), minimal dysmorphism, and a reproductive history of three consecutive first-trimester miscarriages. Cytogenetic analysis showed 45,XX,rob(14;14) in all 30 cells examined. Southern analysis of DNA from the patient and her phenotypically normal mother and two brothers (her father is deceased) ascertained the parental origin of the 14;14 Robertsonian translocation. Analysis of RFLPs associated with nine VNTR probes and two dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms from chromosome 14 demonstrated that the patient had inherited two copies of a single allele, each of which was maternally derived. A fully informative RFLP analysis of three probes from chromosome 14 enabled reconstruction of the paternal haplotype and showed the lack of any paternal contribution to the subject. These data are consistent with maternal isodisomy for all portions of chromosome 14 tested by these markers. This finding suggests that rod monochromacy maps to chromosome 14, and it emphasizes the importance of uniparental isodisomy to provide a putative chromosomal assignment of a gene for a rare autosomal recessive disorder.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, progressive, X-linked muscle-wasting disorder with an incidence of approximately 1/3,500 male births. Females are also affected, in rare instances. The manifestation of mild to severe symptoms in female carriers of dystrophin mutations is often the result of the preferential inactivation of the X chromosome carrying the normal dystrophin gene. The severity of the symptoms is dependent on the proportion of cells that have inactivated the normal X chromosome. A skewed pattern of X inactivation is also responsible for the clinical manifestation of DMD in females carrying X;autosome translocations, which disrupt the dystrophin gene. DMD may also be observed in females with Turner syndrome (45,X), if the remaining X chromosome carries a DMD mutation. We report here the case of a karyotypically normal female affected with DMD as a result of homozygosity for a deletion of exon 50 of the dystrophin gene. PCR analysis of microsatellite markers spanning the length of the X chromosome demonstrated that homozygosity for the dystrophin gene mutation was caused by maternal isodisomy for the entire X chromosome. This finding demonstrates that uniparental isodisomy of the X chromosome is an additional mechanism for the expression of X-linked recessive disorders. The proband's clinical presentation is consistent with the absence of imprinted genes (i.e., genes that are selectively expressed based on the parent of origin) on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

We describe a large family in which a combination of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (fungal infections of the skin, nails, and mucous membranes) and thyroid disease segregate as an autosomal dominant trait with reduced penetrance. The family includes (a) four members with both candidiasis and thyroid disease, (b) five members, including one pair of phenotype-concordant MZ twins, with candidiasis only, and (c) three members with thyroid disease only. A whole-genome scan using DNA samples from 20 members of the family identified a candidate linkage region on chromosome 2p. By sampling additional individuals and genotyping supplementary markers, we established linkage to a region of approximately 15 cM bounded by D2S367 and D2S2240 and including seven adjacent markers consistent with linkage. With a penetrance estimate of.8, which was based on pedigree and affected status, the peak two-point LOD score was 3.70 with marker D2S2328, and the peak three-point LOD score was 3.82. This is the first linkage assignment of a dominant locus for mucocutaneous candidiasis.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy for chromosome 7 has been described previously in two individuals with cystic fibrosis. Here, we describe a third case that was discovered because the proband was homozygous for a mutation in the COL1A2 gene for type I procollagen, although his mother was heterozygous and his father did not have the mutation. Phenotypically, the proband was similar to the two previously reported cases with uniparental disomy for chromosome 7, in that he was short in stature and growth retarded. Paternity was assessed with five polymorphic markers. Chromosome 7 inheritance in the proband was analyzed using 12 polymorphic markers distributed along the entire chromosome. Similar analysis of the proband's two brothers established the phase of the alleles at the various loci, assuming minimal recombination. The proband inherited only maternal alleles at five loci and was homozygous at all loci examined, except one. He was heterozygous for an RFLP at the IGBP-1 locus at 7p13-p12. The results suggest that the isodisomy was not complete because of a recombination event involving the proximal short arms of two maternal chromosomes. In addition, the phenotype of proportional dwarfism in the proband suggests imprinting of one or more growth-related genes on chromosome 7.  相似文献   

The proteolipid protein gene (PLP) is normally present at chromosome Xq22. Mutations and duplications of this gene are associated with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD). Here we describe two new families in which males affected with PMD were found to have a copy of PLP on the short arm of the X chromosome, in addition to a normal copy on Xq22. In the first family, the extra copy was first detected by the presence of heterozygosity of the AhaII dimorphism within the PLP gene. The results of FISH analysis showed an additional copy of PLP in Xp22.1, although no chromosomal rearrangements could be detected by standard karyotype analysis. Another three affected males from the family had similar findings. In a second unrelated family with signs of PMD, cytogenetic analysis showed a pericentric inversion of the X chromosome. In the inv(X) carried by several affected family members, FISH showed PLP signals at Xp11.4 and Xq22. A third family has previously been reported, in which affected members had an extra copy of the PLP gene detected at Xq26 in a chromosome with an otherwise normal banding pattern. The identification of three separate families in which PLP is duplicated at a noncontiguous site suggests that such duplications could be a relatively common but previously undetected cause of genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Heterozygous inactivating mutations in the GNAS1 exons (20q13.3) that encode the alpha-subunit of the stimulatory G protein (Gsalpha) are found in patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia) and in patients with pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism (pPHP). However, because of paternal imprinting, resistance to parathyroid hormone (PTH)-and, sometimes, to other hormones that require Gsalpha signaling-develops only if the defect is inherited from a female carrier of the disease gene. An identical mode of inheritance is observed in kindreds with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib (PHP-Ib), which is most likely caused by mutations in regulatory regions of the maternal GNAS1 gene that are predicted to interfere with the parent-specific methylation of this gene. We report a patient with PTH-resistant hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia but without evidence for Albright hereditary osteodystrophy who has paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 20q and lacks the maternal-specific methylation pattern within GNAS1. Since studies in the patient's fibroblasts did not reveal any evidence of impaired Gsalpha protein or activity, it appears that the loss of the maternal GNAS1 gene and the resulting epigenetic changes alone can lead to PTH resistance in the proximal renal tubules and thus lead to impaired regulation of mineral-ion homeostasis.  相似文献   

When the chromosome aberrations induced in human leukocytes in culture with daunomycin (Dm) (0.015 g/ml, with or without added arginine) are analyzed with respect to sites of breakage and reunion, non-randomness is observed, both between and within chromosomes. These results suggest either a site-specificity of action of the drug or site-specific sensitivity or both. Superficially, the data give an indication of the phenomenon of somatic crossing-over having occurred. However, if chromosome breakage and reunions of broken ends are considered as two events, independent of each other, the frequency of exchanges between homologues and apparent homologues is lower than the expected frequency in cases of groups involving chromosomes 6–12/X and 13/15 and almost equal to the expected frequency in cases of chromosomes 1, 2 and 3.  相似文献   

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