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The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 protein complex has emerged as a central player in the cellular DNA damage response. Mutations in scaANBS1, which encodes the apparent homologue of human Nbs1 in Aspergillus nidulans, inhibit growth in the presence of the anti-topoisomerase I drug camptothecin. We have used the scaANBS1 cDNA as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screening and report the identification of the A. nidulans Mre11 homologue (mreA). The inactivated mreA strain was more sensitive to several DNA damaging and oxidative stress agents. Septation in A. nidulans is dependent not only on the uvsBATR gene, but also on the mre11 complex. scaANBS1 and mreA genes are both involved in the DNA replication checkpoint whereas mreA is specifically involved in the intra-S-phase checkpoint. ScaANBS1 also participates in G2-M checkpoint control upon DNA damage caused by MMS. In addition, the scaANBS1 gene is also important for ascospore viability, whereas mreA is required for successful meiosis in A. nidulans. Consistent with this view, the Mre11 complex and the uvsCRAD51 gene are highly expressed at the mRNA level during the sexual development.  相似文献   

The Mre11 complex is a central component of the DNA damage response, with roles in damage sensing, molecular bridging, and end resection. We have previously shown that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ku70 (yKu70) deficiency reduces the ionizing radiation sensitivity of mre11Δ mutants. In this study, we show that yKu70 deficiency suppressed the camptothecin (CPT) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) sensitivity of nuclease-deficient mre11-3 and sae2Δ mutants in an Exo1-dependent manner. CPT-induced G(2)/M arrest, γ-H2AX persistence, and chromosome breaks were elevated in mre11-3 mutants. These outcomes were reduced by yKu70 deficiency. Given that the genotoxic effects of CPT are manifest during DNA replication, these data suggest that Ku limits Exo1-dependent double-strand break (DSB) resection during DNA replication, inhibiting the initial processing steps required for homology-directed repair. We propose that Mre11 nuclease- and Sae2-dependent DNA end processing, which initiates DSB resection prevents Ku from engaging DSBs, thus promoting Exo1-dependent resection. In agreement with this idea, we show that Ku affinity for binding to short single-stranded overhangs is much lower than for blunt DNA ends. Collectively, the data define a nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)-independent, S-phase-specific function of the Ku heterodimer.  相似文献   

A DNA damage response pathway controlled by Tel1 and the Mre11 complex.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T Usui  H Ogawa  J H Petrini 《Molecular cell》2001,7(6):1255-1266
We define a DNA damage checkpoint pathway in S. cerevisiae governed by the ATM homolog Tel1 and the Mre11 complex. In mitotic cells, the Tel1-Mre11 complex pathway triggers Rad53 activation and its interaction with Rad9, whereas in meiosis it acts via Rad9 and the Rad53 paralog Mre4/Mek1. Activation of the Tel1-Mre11 complex pathway checkpoint functions appears to depend upon the Mre11 complex as a damage sensor and, at least in meiotic cells, to depend on unprocessed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The DSB repair functions of the Mre11 complex are enhanced by the pathway, suggesting that the complex both initiates and is regulated by the Tel1-dependent DSB signal. These findings demonstrate that the diverse functions of the Mre11 complex in the cellular DNA damage response are conserved in mammals and yeast.  相似文献   

Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) proteins have diverse cellular functions including chromosome segregation, condensation and DNA repair. They are grouped based on a conserved set of distinct structural motifs. All SMC proteins are predicted to have a bipartite ATPase domain that is separated by a long region predicted to form a coiled coil. Recent structural data on a variety of SMC proteins shows them to be arranged as long intramolecular coiled coils with a globular ATPase at one end. SMC proteins function in pairs as heterodimers or as homodimers often in complexes with other proteins. We expect the arrangement of the SMC protein domains in complex assemblies to have important implications for their diverse functions. We used scanning force microscopy imaging to determine the architecture of human, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Pyrococcus furiosus Rad50/Mre11, Escherichia coli SbcCD, and S.cerevisiae SMC1/SMC3 cohesin SMC complexes. Two distinct architectural arrangements are described, based on the way their components were connected. The eukaryotic complexes were similar to each other and differed from their prokaryotic and archaeal homologs. These similarities and differences are discussed with respect to their diverse mechanistic roles in chromosome metabolism.  相似文献   

The Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS), a chromosomal instability disorder, is characterized in part by cellular hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation. Repair of DNA double-strand breaks by radiation is dependent on a multifunctional complex containing Rad50, Mre11, and the NBS1 gene product, p95 (NBS protein, nibrin). The role of p95 in these repair processes is unknown. Here it is demonstrated that Mre11 is hyperphosphorylated in a cell cycle-independent manner in response to treatment of cells with genotoxic agents including gamma irradiation. This response is abrogated in two independently established NBS cell lines that have undetectable levels of the p95 protein. NBS cells are also deficient for radiation-induced nuclear foci containing Mre11, while those with Rad51 are unaffected. An analysis of the kinetic relationship between Mre11 phosphorylation and the appearance of its radiation-induced foci indicates that the former precedes the latter. Together, these data suggest that specific phosphorylation of Mre11 is induced by DNA damage, and p95 is essential in this process, perhaps by recruiting specific kinases.  相似文献   

The Mre11:Rad50 complex is central to DNA double strand break repair in the Archaea and Eukarya, and acts through mechanical and nuclease activities regulated by conformational changes induced by ATP binding and hydrolysis. Despite the widespread use of Mre11 and Rad50 from hyperthermophilic archaea for structural studies, little is known in the regulation of these proteins in the Archaea. Using purification and mass spectrometry approaches allowing nearly full sequence coverage of both proteins from the species Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, we show for the first time post‐translational methylation of the archaeal Mre11:Rad50 complex. Under basal growth conditions, extensive lysine methylations were identified in Mre11 and Rad50 dynamic domains, as well as methylation of a few aspartates and glutamates, including a key Mre11 aspartate involved in nuclease activity. Upon γ‐irradiation induced DNA damage, additional methylated residues were identified in Rad50, notably methylation of Walker B aspartate and glutamate residues involved in ATP hydrolysis. These findings strongly suggest a key role for post‐translational methylation in the regulation of the archaeal Mre11:Rad50 complex and in the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are repaired by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR). Recent genetic data in yeast shows that the choice between these two pathways for the repair of DSBs is via competition between the NHEJ protein, Ku, and the HR protein, Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 (MRX) complex. To study the interrelationship between human Ku and Mre11 or Mre11/Rad50 (MR), we established an in vitro DNA end resection system using a forked model dsDNA substrate and purified human Ku70/80, Mre11, Mre11/Rad50, and exonuclease 1 (Exo1). Our study shows that the addition of Ku70/80 blocks Exo1-mediated DNA end resection of the forked dsDNA substrate. Although human Mre11 and MR bind to the forked double strand DNA, they could not compete with Ku for DNA ends or actively mediate the displacement of Ku from the DNA end either physically or via its exonuclease or endonuclease activity. Our in vitro studies show that Ku can block DNA resection and suggest that Ku must be actively displaced for DNA end processing to occur and is more complicated than the competition model established in yeast.  相似文献   

Yuichi Matsushima 《BBA》2009,1787(5):290-20499
The mitochondrial replicative DNA helicase is an essential cellular protein that shows high similarity with the bifunctional primase-helicase of bacteriophage T7, the gene 4 protein (T7 gp4). The N-terminal primase domain of T7 gp4 comprises seven conserved sequence motifs, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and an RNA polymerase basic domain. The putative primase domain of metazoan mitochondrial DNA helicases has diverged from T7 gp4 and in particular, the primase domain of vertebrates lacks motif I, which comprises a zinc binding domain. Interestingly, motif I is conserved in insect mtDNA helicases. Here, we evaluate the effects of overexpression in Drosophila cell culture of variants carrying mutations in conserved amino acids in the N-terminal region, including the zinc binding domain. Overexpression of alanine substitution mutants of conserved amino acids in motifs I, IV, V and VI and the RNA polymerase basic domain results in increased mtDNA copy number as is observed with overexpression of the wild type enzyme. In contrast, overexpression of three N-terminal mutants W282L, R301Q and P302L that are analogous to human autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia mutations results in mitochondrial DNA depletion, and in the case of R301Q, a dominant negative cellular phenotype. Thus whereas our data suggest lack of a DNA primase activity in Drosophila mitochondrial DNA helicase, they show that specific N-terminal amino acid residues that map close to the central linker region likely play a physiological role in the C-terminal helicase function of the protein.  相似文献   

The Mre11 complex undergoes dramatic relocalization in the nuclei of gamma-irradiated and replicating human cells. In this study, we examined Mre11 complex localization and chromatin association in synchronous cultures to examine the molecular determinants of relocalization. The data indicate that the complex is deposited on chromatin in an S phase-specific manner. Mre11 complex chromatin association in S phase was resistant to detergent extraction, in contrast to that in gamma-irradiated cells. The complex exhibits extensive colocalization with proliferating cell nuclear antigen throughout S phase, and chromatin loading is enhanced by replication fork stalling, suggesting that the replication fork is a site of Mre11 complex chromatin loading. This is supported by the observation that the complex localized to single-stranded DNA arising in hydroxyurea-treated cells. Although the Mre11 complex appears to function as a DNA damage sensor, limited colocalization with Brca1 or gamma-H2AX was observed, arguing that neither DNA damage nor gamma-H2AX is required for Mre11 complex chromatin loading. These data provide a potential molecular basis for promotion of sister chromatid association and recombination by the Mre11 complex as well as for ATM-Mre11 complex-dependent activation of cell cycle checkpoints.  相似文献   

Steiner S  Born W  Fischer JA  Muff R 《FEBS letters》2003,555(2):285-290
The receptor-activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 1 is a single-transmembrane-domain protein associated with the calcitonin-like receptor (CLR) to reveal a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor. The extracellular region of RAMP1 contains six conserved cysteines. Here, Cys(27) in myc-tagged human (h) RAMP1 was deleted (hRAMP1Delta1), and Cys(40), Cys(57), Cys(72), Cys(82) and Cys(104) were each replaced by Ala. In COS-7 cells expressing hCLR/myc-hRAMP1Delta1 or -C82A, cell surface expression, [(125)I]halphaCGRP binding and cAMP formation in response to halphaCGRP were similar to those of hCLR/myc-hRAMP1. Cell surface expression of myc-hRAMP1-C72A was reduced to 24+/-7% of myc-hRAMP1, and that of -C40A, -C57A and -C104A was below 10%. [(125)I]halphaCGRP binding of hCLR/myc-hRAMP1-C72A was 13+/-3% of hCLR/myc-hRAMP1 and it was undetectable in hCLR/myc-hRAMP1-C40A-, -C57A- and -C104A-expressing cells. Maximal cAMP stimulation by halphaCGRP in hCLR/myc-hRAMP1-C40A- and -C72A-expressing cells was 14+/-1% and 33+/-2% of that of the hCLR/myc-hRAMP1 with comparable EC(50). But cAMP stimulation was abolished in cells expressing hCLR/myc-hRAMP1-C57A and -C104A. In conclusion, CGRP receptor function was not affected by the deletion of Cys(27) or the substitution of Cys(82) by Ala in hRAMP1, but it was impaired by the substitution of Cys(40), Cys(57), Cys(72) and Cys(104) by Ala. These four cysteines are required for the transport of hRAMP1 together with the CLR to the cell surface.  相似文献   

The Mre11 complex has been implicated in diverse aspects of the cellular response to DNA damage. We used in situ fractionation of human fibroblasts to carry out cytologic analysis of Mre11 complex proteins in the double-strand break (DSB) response. In situ fractionation removes most nucleoplasmic protein, permitting immunofluorescent localization of proteins that become more avidly bound to nuclear structures after induction of DNA damage. We found that a fraction of the Mre11 complex was bound to promyelocyte leukemia protein bodies in undamaged cells. Within 10 min after gamma irradiation, nuclear retention of the Mre11 complex in small granular foci was observed and persisted until 2 h postirradiation. In light of the previous demonstration that the Mre11 complex associated with ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DSBs, we infer that the protein retained under these conditions was associated with DNA damage. We also observed increased retention of Rad51 following IR treatment, although IR induced Rad51 foci were distinct from Mre11 foci. The ATM kinase, which phosphorylates Nbs1 during activation of the S-phase checkpoint, was not required for the Mre11 complex to associate with DNA damage. These data suggest that the functions of the Mre11 complex in the DSB response are implicitly dependent upon its ability to detect DNA damage.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba CARMIL was previously shown to co-purify with capping protein (CP) and to bind pure CP. Here we show that this interaction inhibits the barbed end-capping activity of CP. Even more strikingly, this interaction drives the uncapping of actin filaments previously capped with CP. These activities are CP-specific; CARMIL does not inhibit the capping activities of either gelsolin or CapG and does not uncap gelsolin-capped filaments. Although full-length (FL) CARMIL (residues 1-1121) possesses both anti-CP activities, C-terminal fragments like glutathione S-transferase (GST)-P (940-1121) that contain the CARMIL CP binding site are at least 10 times more active. We localized the full activities of GST-P to its C-terminal 51 residues (1071-1121). This sequence contains a stretch of 25 residues that is highly conserved in CARMIL proteins from protozoa, flies, worms, and vertebrates (CARMIL Homology domain 3; CAH3). Point mutations showed that the majority of the most highly conserved residues within CAH3 are critical for the anti-CP activity of GST-AP (862-1121). Finally, we found that GST-AP binds CP approximately 20-fold more tightly than does FL-CARMIL. This observation together with the elevated activities of C-terminal fragments relative to FL-CARMIL suggests that FL-CARMIL might exist primarily in an autoinhibited state. Consistent with this idea, proteolytic cleavage of FL-CARMIL with thrombin generated an approximately 14-kDa C-terminal fragment that expresses full anti-CP activities. We propose that, after some type of physiological activation event, FL-CARMIL could function in vivo as a potent CP antagonist. Given the pivotal role that CP plays in determining the global actin phenotype of cells, our results suggest that CARMIL may play an important role in the physiological regulation of actin assembly.  相似文献   

In prokaryotes the genome is organized in a dynamic structure called the nucleoid, which is embedded in the cytoplasm. We show here that in the archaeon Haloferax volcanii, compaction and reorganization of the nucleoid is induced by stresses that damage the genome or interfere with its replication. The fraction of cells exhibiting nucleoid compaction was proportional to the dose of the DNA damaging agent, and results obtained in cells defective for nucleotide excision repair suggest that breakage of DNA strands triggers reorganization of the nucleoid. We observed that compaction depends on the Mre11‐Rad50 complex, suggesting a link to DNA double‐strand break repair. However, compaction was observed in a radA mutant, indicating that the role of Mre11‐Rad50 in nucleoid reorganisation is independent of homologous recombination. We therefore propose that nucleoid compaction is part of a DNA damage response that accelerates cell recovery by helping DNA repair proteins to locate their targets, and facilitating the search for intact DNA sequences during homologous recombination.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs, the DNA damage response and cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Human tumors frequently have defects in the maintenance of genomic integrity, which involve a loss of the appropriate response to DNA damage. These pathways of genome integrity include key proteins involved in cell cycle checkpoints, histone modifications, and DNA repair. In this review, we discuss opportunities for therapeutic intervention by exploiting these defects, with an emphasis on those processes which are primarily associated with the repair of double-strand breaks. As these defects are specific to tumor cells, the development of new anti-cancer agents targeting these pathways may have an enhanced therapeutic window, with limited normal tissue toxicity.  相似文献   

Chk1 in the DNA damage response: conserved roles from yeasts to mammals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Chen Y  Sanchez Y 《DNA Repair》2004,3(8-9):1025-1032
Chk1 is an evolutionarily conserved protein kinase that functions to ensure genomic integrity upon genotoxic stress. Studies to date have revealed striking similarities among Chk1 pathways of different organisms. In this review we discuss what is known about Chk1 activation and what downstream factors are regulated by Chk1 to counter replication blocks and DNA damage induced by UV, IR, and other genotoxic agents. Where applicable, we also compare the role of Chk1 with that of the Chk2 protein kinase in the checkpoint responses.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA damage resulting in double-strand breaks (DSBs) is controlled by gene products executing homologous recombination or end-joining pathways. The MRE11 gene has previously been implicated in DSB repair in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Here we have developed a methodology to study the roles of the murine Mre11 homolog in pluripotent embryonic stem cells. Using a gene targeting approach, a triple LoxP site cassette was inserted into a region of MRE11 genomic DNA flanking conserved phosphodiesterase motifs. The addition of Cre recombinase activity promotes deletions of three types that can be scored. We find that deletion at phosphodiesterase motif III encoded in the N-terminus of Mre11 is acheived in the presence of a wild-type MRE11 allele. However, when the wild-type MRE11 allele is inactivated by gene targeted insertion of a neo marker, only Cre recombination events that allow expression of wild-type Mre11 protein are observed. Therefore, Mre11 is required for normal cell proliferation. This methodology introduces a means to study important regions of essential genes in cell culture models.  相似文献   

Yeast Mre11 functions with Rad50 and Xrs2 in a complex that has pivotal roles in homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways. Vertebrate Mre11 is essential. Conditionally, MRE11 null chicken DT40 cells accumulate chromosome breaks and die upon Mre11 repression, showing frequent centrosome amplification. Mre11 deficiency also causes increased radiosensitivity and strongly reduced targeted integration frequencies. Mre11 is, therefore, crucial for HR and essential in mitosis through its role in chromosome maintenance by recombinational repair. Surprisingly perhaps, given the role of Mre11 in yeast NHEJ, disruption of NHEJ by deletion of KU70 greatly exacerbates the effects of MRE11 deficiency, revealing a significant Mre11-independent component of metazoan NHEJ.  相似文献   

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