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Stanyon R  Stone G  Garcia M  Froenicke L 《Genomics》2003,82(2):245-249
We present the first report of reciprocal chromosome painting between humans and a rodent. Gene mapping and sequencing data lead to the generalization that rodent genomes are highly rearranged. In contrast, our results show a surprising conservation of genome structure between humans and squirrels. The synteny of 12 human chromosomes was entirely conserved (5, 6, 9, 11, 13-15, 17, 18, 20, 21, and X). Of the 12 syntenic associations of human chromosomes present in the squirrel, six are well-known ancestral eutherian associations (3/21, 4/8, 7/16, 12/22, 14/15, 16/19). Apparently, few derived translocations characterize the evolutionary origin of the rodents. One association (10p/1qter) may be a cladistic marker for the cohort Glires, linking rodents and lagomorphs.  相似文献   

We used reciprocal chromosome painting with both African green monkey (C. aethiops) and human chromosome specific DNA probes to delineate homologous regions in the two species. Probes were derived by fluorescence-activated chromosome flow sorting and then were reciprocally hybridized to metaphase spreads of each species. Segments in the size range of a single chromosome band were identified, demonstrating the sensitivity of the approach when comparing species that diverged more than 20 million years ago. Outgroup analysis shows that the great difference in diploid numbers between the African green monkey (2n = 60) and humans (2n = 46) is mainly owing to fissions, and the direction of change is towards increasing diploid numbers. However, most break points apparently lie outside of the centromere regions, suggesting that the changes were not solely Robertsonian as has been previously assumed. No reciprocal translocations have occurred in the phylogenetic lines leading to humans or African green monkeys. The primate paints established here are a valuable tool to establish interspecies homology, to define rearrangements, and to determine the mechanisms of chromosomal evolution in primate species. Received: 10 December 1998 / Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

We report on reciprocal painting between humans and two Cercopithecini species, Erythrocebus patas (patas monkey) and Cercopithecus neglectus (De Brazza's monkey). Both human and monkeys chromosome-specific probes were made by degenerate oligonucleotide primed PCR (DOP-PCR) from flow sorted chromosomes. Metaphases of both monkey species were first hybridized with human chromosome-specific probes and then human metaphases were hybridized with chromosome paints from each monkey species. The human paint probes detected 34 homologous segments on the C. neglectus karyotype, while the C. neglectus probes, including the Y, revealed 41 homologous segments on the human karyotype. The probes specific for human chromosomes detected 29 homologous segments in the E. patas karyotype, while the patas monkey probes painted 34 segments on the human karyotype. We tested various hypotheses of Cercopithecini phylogeny and taxonomy developed by morphologists, molecular biologists and cytogeneticists. Our hybridization data confirm that fissions (both Robertsonian and non-Robertsonian) are the main mechanism driving the evolutionary trend in Cercopithecini toward higher diploid numbers and strongly suggest an early phylogenetic bifurcation in Cercopithecini. One branch leads to Cercopithecus neglectus/Cercopithecus wolfi while the other line leads to Erythrocebus patas/Chlorocebus aethiops. Allenopithecus nigroviridis may have diverged prior to this major phylogenetic node.  相似文献   

The domestic dog is increasingly being recognized as a useful model for human disease. The aim of this study was to conduct the first detailed whole-genome comparison of human and dog using bidirectional heterologous chromosome painting (reciprocal Zoo-FISH) analysis. We used whole-chromosome paint probes produced from degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR amplification of high-resolution bivariate flow-sorted human and dog chromosomes. No fewer than 68 evolutionarily conserved segments were identified between the dog and the human karyotypes. The use of elongated metaphase chromosomes for both species allowed the boundaries of each evolutionarily conserved segment to be determined to subband resolution. The distribution of conserved segments is discussed, as are the applications of these data in refining the current status of the dog genome map.  相似文献   

We mapped chromosomal homologies in two species of Chiropotes (Pitheciini, Saki Monkeys) and one species of Aotus (Aotinae, Owl Monkey) by multi-directional chromosome painting. Human chromosome probes were hybridized to Chiropotes utahicki, C. israelita and Aotus nancymae metaphases. Wooly Monkey chromosome paints were also hybridized to Owl Monkey metaphases. We established Owl Monkey chromosome paint probes by flow sorting and reciprocally hybridized them to human chromosomes. The karyotypes of the Bearded Saki Monkeys studied here are close to the hypothesized ancestral platyrrhine karytoype, while that of the Owl Monkey appears to be highly derived. The A. nancymae karyotype is highly shuffled and only three human syntenic groups were found conserved coexisting with 17 derived human homologous associations. A minimum of 14 fissions and 13 fusions would be required to derive the A. nancymae karyotype from that of the ancestral New World primate karyotype. An inversion between homologs to segments of human 10 and 16 suggests a link between Callicebus and Chiropotes, while the syntenic association of 10/11 found in Aotus and Callicebus suggests a link between these two genera. Future molecular cytogenetic work will be needed to determine whether these rearrangements represent synapomorphic chromosomal traits.  相似文献   

We used multidirectional chromosome painting with probes derived by bivariate fluorescence-activated flow sorting of chromosomes from human, black lemur (Eulemur macaco macaco) and tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri, order Scandentia) to better define the karyological relationship of tree shrews and primates. An assumed close relationship between tree shrews and primates also assists in the reconstruction of the ancestral primate karyotype taking the tree shrew as an ”outgroup” species. The results indicate that T. belangeri has a highly derived karyotype. Tandem fusions or fissions of chromosomal segments seem to be the predominant mechanism in the evolution of this tree shrew karyotype. The 22 human autosomal painting probes delineated 40 different segments, which is in the range found in most mammals analyzed by chromosome painting up to now. There were no reciprocal translocations that would distinguish the karyotype of the tree shrew from an assumed primitive primate karyotype. This karyotype would have included the chromosomal forms 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3/21, 4–11, 12a/22a, 12b/22b, 13, 14/15, 16a, 16b, 17, 18, 19a, 19b, 20 and X and Y and had a diploid chromosome number of 2n=50. Of these forms, chromosomes 1a, 1b, 4, 8, 12a/22a, and 12b/22bmay be common derived characters that would link the tree shrew with primates. To define the exact phylogenetic relationships of the tree shrews and the genomic rearrangements that gave rise to the primates and eventually to humans further chromosome painting in Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Dermoptera and Chiroptera is needed, but many of the landmarks of genomic evolution are now known. Received: 11 February 1999; in revised form: 17 June 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

L C Amar  D Arnaud  J Cambrou  J L Guenet    P R Avner 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(13B):3695-3700
Two libraries enriched in murine X chromosome material have been constructed in the lambda vector NM 1149 from flow-sorted chromosomes. Inserts of unique genomic sequence DNA were purified and their X chromosome specificity characterised by hybridisation to a panel of somatic cell hybrid lines. Of the first five such X chromosome-specific probes characterised, all detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between inbred mouse laboratory strains such as C57BL/6 and BALB/c and the SPE/Pas mouse strain established from a wild Mus spretus mouse, when their DNAs are digested with the restriction enzyme TaqI. Taking advantage of these RFLPs, all five probes have been localised on the X chromosome using an interspecific backcross between the B6CBARI and SPE/Pas mouse strains segregating the X chromosome markers hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (Hprt) and Tabby (Ta). Three of the probes map to the region between the centromere and Hprt, and two distal to Ta. Since such X-specific sequence probes detect RFLPs between M. spretus and M. musculus domesticus DNAs with high frequency, a large panel of well localised probes should soon be available for studies of biological problems associated with the X chromosome which can best be approached using the murine species.  相似文献   

A male mouse with irregular white spotting, typical of piebald, s, arose during an experiment designed to search for mutations induced in spermatogonial cells by ethylnitrosourea (ENU). On being examined cytologically it was found to carry 40 chromosomes but was effectively XXY since one of the two X chromosomes present was distally fused to a Y chromosome. In common with the previously described XXY mice, all of which carried 41 chromosomes, the mouse was sterile with a total absence of germ cells. Because of this, it was not possible to determine if the white spotting was inherited. The spotting could not be related to any observable abnormality of chromosomes known to carry spotting genes, nor could it be linked in any way with the X and Y fusion. It was concluded from the cytological considerations and the time interval (6 months) that had elapsed between mutagen treatment and birth of the offspring, that whereas the spotting was probably the result of ENU damage in a spermatogonial stem cell, the XY fusion was probably a later and spontaneous event.  相似文献   

Phenotypic analyses of a set of homozygous-lethal deletion mutants at the pink-eyed dilution (p) locus has resulted in the identification of p-linked obesity locus 1 (plo 1), distal to the p locus, as a locus involved in the modulation of body fat and/or affecting lipid metabolism in these mice. The plo 1 region maps to mouse chromosome 7 (MMU 7) between two genes, Gabrb3 and Ube3a, which have been used as anchor points to generate an integrated deletion and physical map of plo 1 that encompasses about 1.2-1.3 Mb. A deletion/physical map was constructed and the genomic DNA between the two loci was sequenced to identify genes mapping to this region. Data show that Atp10c, a novel type IV ATPase a putative phospholipid transporter, is the only coding unit in this region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Sub-populations of neurons producing melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) are characterized by distinct projection patterns, birthdates and CART/NK3 expression in rat. Evidence for such sub-populations has not been reported in other species. However, given that genetically engineered mouse lines are now commonly used as experimental models, a better characterization of the anatomy and morphofunctionnal organization of MCH system in this species is then necessary. Combining multiple immunohistochemistry experiments with in situ hybridization, tract tracing or BrdU injections, evidence supporting the hypothesis that rat and mouse MCH systems are not identical was obtained: sub-populations of MCH neurons also exist in mouse, but their relative abundance is different. Furthermore, divergences in the distribution of MCH axons were observed, in particular in the ventromedial hypothalamus. These differences suggest that rat and mouse MCH neurons are differentially involved in anatomical networks that control feeding and the sleep/wake cycle.  相似文献   

Syntenic conservation between humans and cattle. I. Human chromosome 9   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bovine X hamster hybrid somatic cells have been used to investigate the syntenic relationship of nine loci in the bovine that have homologous loci on human chromosome 9. Six loci, ALDH1, ALDOB, C5, GGTB2, GSN, and ITIL, were assigned to the previously identified bovine syntenic group U18 represented by ACO1, whereas the other three loci, ABL, ASS, and GRP78, mapped to a new, previously unidentified autosomal syntenic group. Additionally, a secondary locus, ABLL, which cross-hybridized with the ABL probe, was mapped to bovine syntenic group U1 with the HSA 1 loci PGD and ENO1. The results predict that ACO1 will map proximal to ALDH1; GRP78 distal to ITIL and C5; GSN proximal to AK1, ABL, and ASS on HSA 9; GRP78 to MMU 2; and ITIL and GSN to MMU 4.  相似文献   

Bovine X hamster and bovine X mouse hybrid somatic cells have been used to investigate the syntenic relationship of nine loci in the bovine that have homologous loci on human chromosome 12. Eight loci, including A2M, GLI, HOX3, IFNG, INT1, KRAS2, NKNB, and PAH, were assigned to the previously identified bovine syntenic group U3 represented by GAPD. However, a single locus from the q-terminus of HSA 12, ALDH2, mapped to a new, previously unidentified autosomal syntenic group. These results indicate the existence of a very large ancestral syntenic group spanning from the p-terminus to q24 of HSA 12 and containing over 4% of the mammalian genome. Additionally, the results predict that ALDH2 is distal to PAH and IFNG on HSA 12, the type II keratin gene complex will reside between q11 and q21 of HSA 12, A2M will map to MMU 6, and LALBA and GLI will map to MMU 15.  相似文献   

The gene coding for rat parathyroid hormone-like peptide (PTHLH) was previously assigned to rat chromosome 2 (Hendy et al., 1988). We reexamined this assignment. According to our results, the gene is on rat chromosome 4. Taking into account the known localizations of the KRAS2 (Kras-2) oncogene and the PTHLH gene, this assignment strongly suggests that a synteny group is conserved on rat chromosome 4, mouse chromosome 6, and human chromosome 12.  相似文献   

Six independent DNA probes, lambda Mm1C-150, lambda Mm1C-153, lambda Mm1C-156, lambda Mm1C-162, lambda Mm1C-163, and lambda Mm1C-165, have been isolated from a library of microdissected fragments from mouse chromosome 1, spanning cytogenetic bands C2 to C5. These DNA probes have been mapped by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with respect to 12 marker loci previously assigned to this portion of mouse chromosome 1, in a panel of 251 segregating Mus spretus x C57BL/6J interspecific backcross mice. The gene order and intergene distances were determined by segregation analysis to be centromere- lambda Mm1C-162-11.1 cM-Col3a1-8.8 cM-Len-2-2.6 cM-lambda Mm1C-163-1.6 cM-Fn-1-1.6 cM-Tp-1-0.8 cM-lambda Mm1C-165/Vil-0.4 cM-Inha-2.8 cM-lambda Mm1C-153-2.4 cM-lambda Mm1C-156-1.2 cM-Pax-3-5.6 cM-Akp-3-0.8 cM-Acrg-2.0 cM-Sag-0.5 cM-Col6a3-1.8 cM-lambda Mm1C-150-15.4 cM-Ren1,2. Four of these probes map within a chromosome 1 segment that is homologous to human chromosome 2q. Southern blotting analyses indicate that one of these anonymous probes, lambda Mm1C-165, detects DNA fragments highly conserved across species. These novel polymorphic probes should prove useful for linkage and physical mapping of this chromosomal region.  相似文献   

Twelve loci have been assigned to rat chromosome 5: aldolase B (ALDOB), atrial natriuretic factor (ANF = pronatriodilatin, PND), D4RP1, DSI1, galactosyltransferase (GGTB2), glucose transporter (GLUT1), interferon alpha 1 and related interferon alpha (INFA), interferon beta (INFB), lymphocyte-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK), oncogene MOS, alpha 2U-globulin (major urinary protein, MUP), and orosomucoid (ORM, also called alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, AGP). Among these, the interferon alpha and beta genes map in the q22-23 region, which also contains a transformation suppressor gene (SAI1). The other loci reside outside this region. This study also indicated that the rat genome contains 2 LCK genes, unlike the human and murine genomes. These new assignments on rat chromosome 5 demonstrate that this chromosome is highly homologous to mouse chromosome 4 and carries synteny groups conserved on human chromosome 9 (interferon alpha and beta, galactosyltransferase, orosomucoid, and aldolase B genes) and on the short arm of human chromosome 1 (MYCL, glucose transporter, protein kinase LCK, and atrial natriuretic factor genes).  相似文献   

Though numerous studies have shown that gene transfer occurs between distantly related bacterial genera under laboratory conditions, the frequency and breadth of horizontal transfer events in nature remain unknown. Previous evidence for natural intergeneric transfers came from studies of genes in human pathogens, bacteria that colonize the same host. We present evidence that natural transfer of a tetracycline resistance gene, tetQ, has occurred between bacterial genera that normally colonize different hosts. A DNA sequence comparative approach was taken to examine the extent of horizontal tetQ dissemination between species of Bacteroides, the predominant genus of the human colonic microflora, and between species of Bacteroides and of the distantly related genus Prevotella, a predominant genus of the microflora of the rumens and intestinal tracts of farm animals. Virtually identical tetQ sequences were found in a number of isolate pairs differing in taxonomy and geographic origin, indicating that extensive natural gene transmission has occurred. Among the exchange events indicated by the evidence was the very recent transfer of an allele of tetQ usually found in Prevotella spp. to a Bacteroides fragilis strain.  相似文献   

We have produced somatic cell hybrids between totipotent mouse teratocarcinoma cells and rat hepatoma cells. These hybrids were tested for the expression of liver specific functions expressed in the hepatoma cell parent and for their ability to differentiate when injected into nude mice. The results of this study indicate that hybrid cell clones do not resemble either of the parental cells, since they do not produce albumin and tyrosine aminotransferase that are expressed in the rat hepatoma parent, and are incapable of forming either teratocarcinomas or hepatomas when injected in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Using an interspecific cross, a mouse chromosome 8 linkage map spanning 72 cM has been defined by the segregation of restriction fragment length variants. Linkage and genetic distance were established for 10 loci by analysis of 114 meiotic events and indicated the following gene order: (centromere)-Insr-3.5 cM-Plat-26.3 cM-Crryps/Mel/Jund-3.5 cM-Junb/Ucp-10.5 cM-Mt-1-27.2 cM-Acta2-0.9 cM-Aprt. These data provide further definition of mouse chromosome 8 linkage relationships and the relationship between segments of this chromosome and human chromosomes 8, 16, and 19.  相似文献   

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