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神经元限制性沉默因子(NRSF)是神经元发育中的一个负调探因子。它与靶序列神经元限制性沉默子(NRSE)相互作用,主要调控神经元特异性基因,防止神经元基因在非神经元组织中的异位表达以及防止神经发生中神经元表型的提前表达。最近的研究表明,NRSF还可调控神经元转录编码基因和某些非神经元基因,暗示它在胚胎发育中可能起着更为广泛的作用。  相似文献   

目的:建立NTera2/CloneD1细胞向神经元分化的模型,检测神经元限制性沉默因子(NRSF)经分化培养基诱导后表达的变化。方法:收集正常培养的NTera2/CloneD1细胞及经全反式维甲酸(RA)、阿糖胞苷(AraC)、尿苷分阶段诱导共28 d的细胞,显微镜下观察诱导前后细胞的形态学变化;免疫荧光法检测NTera2/CloneD1细胞诱导前后干性标志Nestin、Sox2和成熟神经元特异性标志NF-200、β-tubulinⅢ的表达情况;应用RT-PCR和免疫荧光法对NRSF进行mRNA和蛋白水平的检测。结果:显微镜下观察到正常培养的NTera2/CloneD1细胞呈克隆样生长,经分化培养基诱导后的NTera2/CloneD1细胞表现出典型的神经元样细胞形态。免疫荧光检测表明,未诱导的NTera2/CloneD1细胞表达神经干细胞的标志Sox2、Nestin,不表达成熟神经元特异性蛋白NF-200、β-tubulinⅢ;而经RA等诱导分化的细胞则不表达Sox2、Nestin,表达NF-200、β-tubulinⅢ。RT-PCR和免疫荧光检测显示,NRSF在诱导分化后的NTera2/CloneD1细胞中的表达量显著降低。结论:建立了NTera2/CloneD1细胞向神经元分化的模型,NRSF在诱导后的NTera2/CloneD1细胞中表达量显著下调,提示NTera2/CloneD1细胞在诱导过程中可能通过下调NRSF,使受到NRSF负性调控的神经元特异性蛋白启动表达并上调,进而实现NTera2/CloneD1细胞向神经元的定向分化。  相似文献   

目的:观察神经元限制性沉默因子(NRSF)在正常成年小鼠胰腺组织中的表达情况。方法:以6~8周BALB/c小鼠胰腺为实验材料,制备冰冻切片,与地高辛标记的NRSF cDNA探针进行原位杂交,观察mRNA表达,并结合免疫组织化学方法检测NRSF和胰岛素的表达。结果:原位杂交显示,NRSF mRNA仅表达于胰腺组织外分泌部腺泡腺细胞中,胞浆呈蓝紫色,与免疫荧光组织化学检测NRSF蛋白表达的部位一致,而胰岛细胞中无NRSF mRNA及蛋白的表达。免疫酶组织化学染色显示,胰岛大部分细胞中表达胰岛素,胞浆染成黄棕色,而腺泡腺细胞则不表达胰岛素。结论:NRSF与胰岛素不存在共定位关系,即成年小鼠胰岛细胞不表达NRSF,而表达胰岛素。提示NRSF蛋白表达的消失可能是建立完全分化成熟、具有完好分泌反应的胰岛细胞所必需的。  相似文献   

为了研究神经元限制性沉默因子(NRSF)调控神经元及胰岛细胞中神经特异性基因的表达,进一步寻找胰岛细胞中可能存在的其他NRSF调控基因.先用生物信息学手段对相关基因进行了分析.筛选及序列比对发现,人胰岛素核心启动子区有一段与NRSE相似的序列,提示,它可能受NRSF调控.构建了含NRSF基因的慢病毒载体,将其稳定转染于INS-1细胞.构建了3种荧光素酶报告载体:含有人胰岛素启动子-荧光素酶(hInsP-LUC)的慢病毒载体,pGL3-Basic载体和含有2拷贝NRSE样基序-荧光素酶(NRSE-LUC)的报告载体.利用稳定转染及瞬时转染实验观察NRSF对报告载体中荧光素酶活性的影响.利用电泳迁移率变动分析实验观察NRSE样基序与NRSF蛋白的结合情况,并通过竞争结合实验、引入特异性抗体实验证实探针与蛋白质结合的特异性.RT-PCR检测证实,感染空病毒的INS-1细胞不表达NRSF,感染含目的基因慢病毒的INS-1细胞能表达NRSF.将含有hInsP-LUC的慢病毒载体稳定转染于上述2种细胞,荧光素酶活性分析结果显示,NRSF的过表达能明显降低胰岛素启动子的活性.瞬时转染hInsP-LUC报告系统于上述2种细胞,结果也显示NRSF能明显抑制胰岛素启动子-荧光素酶的活性.将含有NRSE-LUC的报告载体瞬时转染于上述2种细胞,结果表明过表达NRSF的INS-1细胞组的荧光素酶相对值比对照组有明显下降.电泳迁移率变动分析实验进一步证实,此NRSE样序列可以与NRSF蛋白特异结合,这种特异结合可以被标准的NRSE序列所竞争.结果表明,人胰岛素启动子中含有NRSE样序列,该序列通过与NRSF蛋白结合从而抑制人胰岛素启动子的转录活性.这一研究工作有助于进一步了解NRSF在胰岛细胞中的调控作用.  相似文献   

白血病抑制因子与发育和干细胞生长,分化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
白血病抑制因子(LeukemiaInhibitoryFactor,LIF),作为一种细胞因子,可分为分泌型与基质型两种。它借助gp130作为信号传递者,与另外四种细胞因子无论在相应受体的结构、信号通路以及功能上都具有较大的重叠性。LIF是典型的多功能生长因子,对于细胞的生长、增殖与分化有广泛的作用,与胚胎发育、神经发育、造血系统发育,以及临床许多领域诸如子宫内着床、急性期反应等都密切相关。LIF最显著的生物学功能是抑制胚胎干细胞的体外分化,维持其传代和多能性。对于LIF信号传导途径的进一步揭示将有助于早日弄清其作用的机制。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞体外分化为多巴胺能神经元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,胚胎干细胞在体外分化为多巴胺能神经元方面取得了重大突破,这对神经发生的基础性研究和神经细胞移植具有重要意义。现对胚胎干细胞体外定向诱导分化为多巴胺能神经元的方法、相关细胞因子及检测鉴定等方面进行了分析和比较,并探讨了当前存在的问题和今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞体外分化的研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
从一个受精卵发育为完整机体的过程中,具有相同基因的未分化干细胞如何产生形态和 功能各异的许多细胞?这是数十年来生物学家所一直关注的细胞分化问题。随着生命科学研究的发展,现在普遍认为细胞分化是基因差异性表达的结果,完全取决于哪些基因被激活,在什么时间和空间被激活。哺乳动物胚胎体积小,又在子宫内发育,实验研究较困难。在八十年代初,从小鼠早期胚胎的内细胞团(inner cellmass)或桑椹胚分离建立了具发育全能性的胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,简称ES细  相似文献   

王世华  边春景  赵春华 《遗传》2008,30(12):1545-1549
摘要: 胚胎干细胞是一类具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能的细胞, 其自我更新和多向分化过程都在遗传和表观遗传的严格调控下进行的。越来越多的研究表明microRNA 也在这一过程中发挥重要的作用。microRNA是一类内源性的非编码RNA, 能够通过与靶mRNA特异性的结合而导致靶mRNA降解或抑制其翻译, 从而对基因进行转录后调控。文章就microRNA在胚胎干细胞中的表达及其作用的研究进展做一综述。主要讨论一些在胚胎干细胞中特异性表达的microRNA, 以及这些microRNA 对胚胎干细胞自我更新和未分化状态的维持和继续分化增殖的调控作用。  相似文献   

猕猴胚胎干细胞的诱导分化和凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单层培养法研究维生素A酸(RA)、神经生长因子(NGF)、上皮生长因子(EGF)和碱性成纤维生长因子(bFGF)对猕猴胚胎干细胞系R366.4的诱导分化和凋亡的作用。结果表明:①不添加任何生长因子的条件下,细胞分化不定向,各种细胞所占的比例表现出明显的随机性;②添加单一生长因子能促进细胞的分化进程,并使某一类或某几类的分化细胞比例上升,RA和NGF均能促进神经样细胞的形成,EGF促进内皮样细胞的形成,bFGF提高成纤维样细胞的比例;③在分化的过程中伴有细胞早期和晚期凋亡的发生,RA和NGF可增加细胞凋亡的数量。这种由生长因子诱导的动物胚胎干细胞的分化可能存在种间差异。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞诱导分化为雄性生殖细胞的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES细胞)具有自我更新及无限分化潜能,理论上可以分化为生殖细胞。目前,在人及鼠中已有体外诱导ES细胞分化为成熟精子的报道。系统阐述影响ES细胞分化为雄性生殖细胞的内源性及外源性因素,并结合国内外最新研究进展总结其诱导分化方法,展望应用前景,期望为从事相关研究的学者提供参考。  相似文献   

In this work we describe the establishment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the role of bFGF in adipocyte differentiation. The totipotency of ESCs and MSCs was assessed by immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR of totipotency factors. MSCs were successfully used to induce osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. MSCs that differentiated into adipocytes were stimulated with and without bFGF. The OD/DNA (optical density/content of total DNA) and expression levels of the specific adipocyte genes PPARγ2 (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ2) and C/EBPs were higher in bFGF cells. Embryonic bodies had a higher adipocyte level compared with cells cultured in plates. These findings indicate that bFGF promotes adipocyte differentiation. MSCs may be useful cells for seeding in tissue engineering and have enormous therapeutic potential for adipose tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is one of leading causes of death throughout the U.S. and the world. The damage of cardiomyocytes resulting from ischemic injury is irreversible and leads to the development of progressive heart failure, which is characterized by the loss of functional cardiomyocytes. Because cardiomyocytes are unable to regenerate in the adult heart, cell-based therapy of transplantation provides a potential alternative approach to replace damaged myocardial tissue and restore cardiac function. A major roadblock toward this goal is the lack of donor cells; therefore, it is urgent to identify the cardiovascular cells that are necessary for achieving cardiac muscle regeneration. Pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells have enormous potential as a source of therapeutic tissues, including cardiovascular cells; however, the regulatory elements mediating ES cell differentiation to cardiomyocytes are largely unknown. In this review, we will focus on extrinsic factors that play a role in regulating different stages of cardiomyocyte differentiation of ES cells.  相似文献   

骨髓移植是目前治疗恶性白血病以及遗传性血液病最有效的方法之一。但是HLA相匹配的骨髓捐献者严重短缺,骨髓造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)体外培养困难,在体外修复患者骨髓造血干细胞技术不成熟,这些都大大限制了骨髓移植在临床上的应用。多能性胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)具有自我更新能力,在合适的培养条件下分化形成各种血系细胞,是造血干细胞的另一来源。在过去的二十多年里,血发生的研究是干细胞生物学中最为活跃的领域之一。小鼠及人的胚胎干细胞方面的研究最近取得了重大进展。这篇综述总结了近年来从胚胎干细胞获得造血干细胞的成就,以及在安全和技术上的障碍。胚胎干细胞诱导生成可移植性血干细胞的研究能够使我们更好地了解正常和异常造血发生的机制,同时也为造血干细胞的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

Availability of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) has enhanced human neural differentiation research. The derivation of neural progenitor (NP) cells from hESC facilitates the interrogation of human embryonic development through the generation of neuronal subtypes and supporting glial cells. These cells will likely lead to novel drug screening and cell therapy uses. This review will discuss the current status of derivation, maintenance and further differentiation of NP cells with special emphasis on the cellular signaling involved in these processes. The derivation process affects the yield and homogeneity of the NP cells. Then when exposed to the correct environmental signaling cues, NP cells can follow a unique and robust temporal cell differentiation process forming numerous phenotypes.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which are isolated from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst stage embryo, have the potential to give rise to an entire organism and to generate every body cell type. Much improvement has been made in the field of induction and differentiation of ESCs during the last two years, such as the ESCs differentiation into germ cells (2003) and the cloning of human ESCs (2004), both of which were chosen respectively as one of the top ten achievements evaluated by academic journals. Great attention was also paid to the research of the new genes which could maintain ESCs in the undifferentiated state and the research of the induction and differentiation of ESCs.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞分化过程中的表观遗传调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一类既有自我更新能力,并具有多向分化潜能的细胞,胚胎干细胞具有非常重要的理论研究意义和临床应用前景。近期以胚胎干细胞为模型,研究有关干细胞分化的表观遗传调控已成为新的研究热点。本文就胚胎干细胞分化过程中DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA调控以及与胚胎干细胞分化密切相关的表观遗传学动态变化做一概述,对表观遗传学改变与胚胎干细胞分化关系的基础研究进行探讨。  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) culture provides a biomimicry of the naive microenvironment that can support cell proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration. Some growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), facilitate normal meiosis during oocyte maturation in vivo. In this study, a scaffold‐based 3D coculture system using purified alginate was applied to induce oocyte differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). mESCs were induced to differentiate into oocyte‐like cells using embryoid body protocol in the two‐dimensional or 3D microenvironment in vitro. To increase the efficiency of the oocyte‐like cell differentiation from mESCs, we employed a coculture system using ovarian granulosa cells in the presence or absence of epidermal growth factor (+EGF or ?EGF) for 14 days and then the cells were assessed for germ cell differentiation, meiotic progression, and oocyte maturation markers. The cultures exposed to EGF in the alginate‐based 3D microenvironment showed the highest level of premeiotic (Oct4 and Mvh), meiotic (Scp1, Scp3, Stra8, and Rec8), and oocyte maturation (Gdf9, Cx37, and Zp2) marker genes (p < .05) in comparison to other groups. According to the gene‐expression patterns, we can conclude that alginate‐based 3D coculture system provided a highly efficient protocol for oocyte‐like cell differentiation from mESCs. The data showed that this culture system along with EGF improved the rate of in vitro oocyte‐like cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of stem/progenitor cells with pluripotent capacity to differentiate into mesodermal and non‐mesodermal cell lineages, including osteocytes, adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, epithelial cells, and neurons. MSCs reside primarily in the bone marrow, but also exist in other sites such as adipose tissue, peripheral blood, cord blood, liver, and fetal tissues. When stimulated by specific signals, these cells can be released from their niche in the bone marrow into circulation and recruited to the target tissues where they undergo in situ differentiation and contribute to tissue regeneration and homeostasis. Several characteristics of MSCs, such as the potential to differentiate into multiple lineages and the ability to be expanded ex vivo while retaining their original lineage differentiation commitment, make these cells very interesting targets for potential therapeutic use in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The feasibility for transplantation of primary or engineered MSCs as cell‐based therapy has been demonstrated. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the signals that control trafficking and differentiation of MSCs. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 984–991, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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