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过量表达苹果酸脱氢酶对大肠杆菌NZN111产丁二酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大肠杆菌NZN111是敲除了乳酸脱氢酶的编码基因 (ldhA) 和丙酮酸-甲酸裂解酶的编码基因 (pflB) 的工程菌,厌氧条件下由于辅酶NAD(H) 的不平衡导致其丧失了代谢葡萄糖的能力。构建了苹果酸脱氢酶的重组菌大肠杆菌NZN111/pTrc99a-mdh,在厌氧摇瓶发酵过程中通过0.3 mmol/L的IPTG诱导后重组菌的苹果酸脱氢酶 (Malate dehydrogenase,MDH) 酶活较出发菌株提高了14.8倍,NADH/NAD+的比例从0.64下降到0.26,同时NAD+和NADH浓度分别  相似文献   

大肠杆菌NZN111厌氧发酵的主要产物为丁二酸,是发酵生产丁二酸的潜力菌株。但是由于敲除了乳酸脱氢酶的编码基因 (ldhA) 和丙酮酸甲酸裂解酶的编码基因 (pflB),导致辅酶NADH/NAD+不平衡,厌氧条件下不能利用葡萄糖生长代谢。构建烟酸转磷酸核糖激酶的重组菌Escherichia coli NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB,在厌氧摇瓶发酵过程中通过添加0.5 mmol/L的烟酸、0.3 mmol/L的IPTG诱导后重组菌的烟酸转磷酸核糖激酶 (Nicotinic acid phosphor  相似文献   

研究了在好氧培养基中分别添加不同碳源对两阶段发酵菌体生长、酶活及代谢产物分布的影响,结果表明添加4mmol/L葡萄糖和12,54,80mmol/L乙酸钠均可以提高好氧阶段的菌体密度和相关酶活。将不同条件下培养的菌体转接厌氧发酵后,厌氧阶段的酶活和代谢产物分布也发生改变。进一步对酶活及代谢产物分析表明:Escherichia coli NZN111(sfcA)厌氧发酵过程中,磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化激酶(PCK)是产丁二酸的关键酶,丙酮酸激酶(PYK)主要和副产物丙酮酸的积累有关,异柠檬酸裂解酶(ICL)对丁二酸产量也有一定影响。好氧培养基中添加80mmol/L乙酸钠,厌氧发酵结束时丁二酸的质量收率可达89.0%,相比对照提高了16.6%。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌NZN111是敲除了乳酸脱氢酶的编码基因(ldhA)和丙酮酸-甲酸裂解酶的编码基因(pflB)的发酵生产丁二酸的潜力菌株。厌氧条件下NADH不能及时再生为NAD+,引起胞内辅酶NAD(H)的不平衡,最终导致厌氧条件下菌株不能利用葡萄糖生长代谢。nadD为催化NAD(H)合成途径中烟酸单核苷酸(NaMN)生成烟酸腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NaAD)的烟酸单核苷酸腺苷酰转移酶(Nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase,NAMNAT)的编码基因,通过过量表达nadD基因能够提高NAD(H)总量与维持合适的NADH/NAD+比例。文中构建了重组菌E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-nadD,在厌氧摇瓶发酵过程中通过添加终浓度为1.0 mmol/L的IPTG诱导表达,重组菌E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-nadD中NAD+和NADH的浓度分别比宿主菌E.coli NZN111提高了3.21倍和1.67倍,NAD(H)总量提高了2.63倍,NADH/NAD+从0.64降低为0.41,使重组菌株恢复了厌氧条件下生长和代谢葡萄糖的能力。重组菌与对照菌相比,72 h内可以消耗14.0 g/L的葡萄糖产6.23 g/L的丁二酸,丁二酸产量增加了19倍。  相似文献   

为了考察过量表达苹果酸酶对于E.coli NZN111(ldhA::Kan pfl::Cam)厌氧发酵产丁二酸的影响, 将连接有苹果酸酶基因sfcA的表达载体pTrc99a-sfcA转化进NZN111中, 构建了重组NZN111(pTrc99a-sfcA)。0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导8 h后, 测定的苹果酸酶比酶活为30.67 u/mg, 比受体菌提高了140倍。采用两阶段发酵模式, 结果表明: 过量表达的苹果酸酶在NZN111体内催化了从丙酮酸到苹果酸的逆向反应, 丁二酸是发酵过程中积累的主要有机酸, 且当加入0.7 mmol/L IPTG诱导, 初始葡萄糖糖浓度为18.5 g/L时, 选择对数生长期后期的菌种以10%的接种量转入厌氧发酵, 发酵结束时发酵液中丁二酸的浓度为12.84 g/L, 对葡萄糖的收率为69.43%, 乙酸为0.58 g/L, 二者浓度比为22:1, 没有检测到甲酸和乳酸。构建的菌种具有高产丁二酸和副产物极少的优点, 在同类菌种中处于先进水平。  相似文献   

构建了共表达烟酸转磷酸核糖激酶(NAPRTase)和丙酮酸羧化酶(PYC)的重组质粒pTrc99a-pncB-pyc,并考察了重组菌E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB-pyc生产丁二酸的能力。结果表明:重组菌NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB-pyc的NAPRTase和PYC的比酶活达到最高,分别为20.75和1.04 U/mg,同时,辅酶NADH、NAD+及NAD(H)总量达到最高。厌氧摇瓶发酵结果:48 h能够消耗17.5 g/L的葡萄糖生成14.08 g/L的丁二酸,而丙酮酸的产量大幅度降低,仅为0.11 g/L。本研究为基因工程菌大肠杆菌厌氧条件下发酵生产丁二酸提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

考察了E.coli NZN111及其重组菌株E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB发酵生产丁二酸的性能。E.coli NZN111两阶段发酵丁二酸的同时,会造成丙酮酸的大量积累。研究发现:通过过量表达烟酸转磷酸核糖激酶,两阶段发酵重组菌株E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB,减少丙酮酸的积累且无副产物乙酸生成,提高丁二酸的产量,丁二酸得率和耗糖速率分别提高了139%和20%。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌tyrR基因剔除及其对苯丙氨酸生物合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TyrR是大肠杆菌芳香族氨基酸生物合成和运输途径中的一种全局性调控蛋白质。采用双交换同源重组的方法定位突变大肠杆菌染色体tyrR基因 ,在该基因中插入带有卡那霉素抗性基因的DNA片段 ,使之失活 ,实现基因剔除。经PCR、DNA测序、lacZ报告基因等多种方法证实了基因剔除的可靠性。tyrR基因剔除后 ,大肠杆菌芳香族氨基酸生物合成中受TyrR蛋白调控的关键酶的酶活力有所提高 :3 脱氧 2 阿拉伯庚酮糖 7 磷酸合成酶(DAHPS ,由aroG编码 )酶活力提高了 1.0 8倍 ,转氨酶 (AT ,由tyrB编码 )酶活力提高了 2 .70倍 ;突变菌株发酵生产苯丙氨酸的能力提高了 1.5 9倍 ;同时 ,与芳香族氨基酸运输相关的通透酶基因aroP(P)的阻遏被解除 ,细胞运输芳香族氨基酸的能力提高了 70 .2 %。  相似文献   

吴盛露  杜海  徐岩 《微生物学通报》2022,49(6):2281-2294
解析传统固态发酵中产生的生物热对微生物菌群代谢的影响,是认识发酵机制、调控发酵过程、保证发酵效率的关键之一。固态发酵过程中,微生物菌群代谢活动所产生的生物热及传热效率低等问题引起微环境温度升高,进而影响微生物的生长与代谢。然而,关于传统固态发酵微生物受生物热的影响及其适应机制仍不明晰。因此,本文以传统固态发酵体系为研究对象,阐述持续生物热介导的高温对固态发酵过程中微生物群落演替和代谢功能的影响,并提出复杂群落中具有多层次调控微生物代谢以适应高温环境的方式,主要从微生物群体与个体层面介绍可能存在的耐热机制。了解生物热对传统固态发酵微生物的影响及潜在的耐热机制,有助于靶向调控发酵过程、强化高温发酵等,以满足未来的工业化需求。  相似文献   

两步发酵过程中有机酸对产1,3-丙二醇的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
考察了基因工程菌发酵生产1.3 丙二醇过程中,有机酸对发酵过程的影响,并选用了不同的离子交换树脂对甘油发酵液进行处理。发现有机酸、特别是乳酸对1.3丙二醇生产的抑制作用最明显。在使用离子交换树脂处理有机酸的过程中,确定了使用005号离子交换树脂处理效果最好,005号离子交换树脂可除去大部分的有机酸,处理后的发酵液发酵产1.3丙二醇产量比未处理的发酵液产量提高166%,转化率提高34%。  相似文献   

总结了大肠杆菌中C源分解代谢( carbon catabolite repression,CCR)现象的原理及特点,综述并分析了如何通过对宿主菌进行基因工程改造以解除碳代谢抑制,以实现大肠杆菌利用多种C源。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain NZN111 could convert glucose to succinic acid efficiently in anaerobic conditions after the induction of gluconeogenic carbon sources in aerobic conditions. Acetate shows a strong effect on both yield and productivity of succinic acid. In this study, the fed-batch process of succinic acid production by NZN111 using acetate in a chemically defined medium in the aerobic stage was investigated and developed. Increasing cell density could increase succinic acid with a productivity of 3.97 g/(L h) in the first 8 h of the anaerobic phase with an overall yield of 1.42 mol/mol glucose in a 5 L fermentor. However, there was strong repression from succinic acid in the later anaerobic stage. When succinic acid exceeded 30 g/L, the glucose consumption rate began to drop sharply along with the succinic acid production rate. Supplementation with glucose from 30 to 70 g/L in the anaerobic stage showed little effect on succinic acid production. Acetic acid and pyruvic acid accumulated had no effect on succinic acid formation because of their low concentration. With acetate as the sole carbon source for aerobic cultivation in the following scale-up, 60.09 g/L of succinic acid was produced with a yield of 1.37 mol/mol in a 50 L bioreactor.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain NZN111, a pflB and ldhA double mutant of E. coli W1485, is considered a candidate of succinic acid producer. However, it is reported that this strain fails to ferment glucose anaerobically. In this study, it was demonstrated that when a gluconeogenic carbon source was used to replace glucose in aerobic culture, the NZN111 cells restored the ability to ferment glucose in the subsequent anaerobic culture with succinic acid as the major product even though no further genetic manipulation had been carried out. Activities of enzymes including phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase, PEP carboxylase, isocitrate lyase, malate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, and pyruvate kinase in the NZN111 cells aerobically grown on different carbon sources were measured, and enhanced anaplerotic and oxaloacetate-reducing activities were revealed. Furthermore, supply of MgCO3 or NaHCO3 greatly improved succinate production by the malate-grown NZN111 cells. At the same time, pyruvic acid production was significantly reduced. When the malate-grown cells were anaerobically cultured in a salt medium with high pH buffering capacity, succinic acid was produced at a specific productivity of 308 mg/(g DCW h) with a molar yield of 1.31 mol succinic acid/mol glucose.  相似文献   

以一株表达人胰高血糖素样肽-1融合蛋白的重组大肠杆菌为研究对象,首先通过摇瓶实验对碳源种类进行了初步选择,发现葡萄糖和甘油对菌体生长以及GLP-1融合蛋白表达较为适宜。进一步在5 L反应器上对初始葡萄糖及甘油浓度进行了考察,发现高浓度碳源有利于菌体生长却抑制GLP-1融合蛋白表达,但能提高GLP-1融合蛋白的体积得率。在0.25%初始葡萄糖或甘油存在的条件下,在培养过程中流加葡萄糖或甘油维持其在发酵液中的浓度,比较了两者对菌体生长以及GLP-1融合蛋白表达的影响,结果发现,以甘油为碳源时,菌体生长以及GLP-1融合蛋白的表达量均高于以葡萄糖为碳源的结果,最终发酵液的菌浓(OD_(600))可达到25.4,较葡萄糖为碳源时19.1提高了33.0%,GLP-1融合蛋白表达水平和体积得率分别可达到22.4%和1.051 g/L,较葡萄糖为碳源的15.8%和0.504 g/L分别提高41.8%和108.5%。该结果对GLP-1融合蛋白表达菌株发酵条件的进一步优化提供了依据。  相似文献   

Conversion of lignocellulose to lactic acid requires strains capable of fermenting sugar mixtures of glucose and xylose. Recombinant Escherichia coli strains were engineered to selectively produce L-lactic acid and then used to ferment sugar mixtures. Three of these strains were catabolite repression mutants (ptsG ) that have the ability to simultaneously ferment glucose and xylose. The best results were obtained for ptsG strain FBR19. FBR19 cultures had a yield of 0.77 (g lactic acid/g added sugar) when used to ferment a 100 g/l total equal mixture of glucose and xylose. The strain also consumed 75% of the xylose. In comparison, the ptsG + strains had yields of 0.47–0.48 g/g and consumed 18–22% of the xylose. FBR19 was subsequently used to ferment a variety of glucose (0–40 g/l) and xylose (40 g/l) mixtures. The lactic acid yields ranged from 0.74 to 1.00 g/g. Further experiments were conducted to discover the mechanism leading to the poor yields for ptsG + strains. Xylose isomerase (XI) activity, a marker for induction of xylose metabolism, was monitored for FBR19 and a ptsG + control during fermentations of a sugar mixture. Crude protein extracts prepared from FBR19 had 10–12 times the specific XI activity of comparable samples from ptsG + strains. Therefore, higher expression of xylose metabolic genes in the ptsG strain may be responsible for superior conversion of xylose to product compared to the ptsG + fermentations. Received 14 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 28 June 2002  相似文献   

An integrated metabolic model for the production of acetate by Escherichia coli growing on glucose under aerobic conditions was presented previously (Ko et al., 1993). The resulting model equations can be used to explain phenomena often observed with industrial fermentations, i.e., increased acetate production which follows from high glucose uptake rate, a low dissolved oxygen concentration, a high specific growth rate, or a combination of these conditions. However, several questions still need to be addressed. First, cell composition is growth rate and media dependent. Second, the macromolecular composition varied between E. coli strains. And finally, a model that represents the carbon fluxes between the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) and the hexose monophosphate (HMP) pathways when cells are subject to internal and/or external stresses is still not well defined. In the present work, we have made an effort to account for these effects, and the resulting model equations show good agreement for wild-type and recombinant E. coli experimental data for the acetate concentration, the onset of acetate secretion, and cell yield based on glucose. These results are useful for optimizing aerobic E. coli fermentation processes. More specifically, we have determined the EMP pathway carbon flux profiles required by the integrated metabolic model for an accurate fit of the acetic acid profile data from a wild-type E. coli strain ML308. These EMP carbon flux profiles were correlated with a dimensionless measurement of biomass and then used to predict the acetic acid profiles for E. coli strain F-122 expressing human immunodeficiency virus-(HIV(528)) beta-galactosidase fusion protein. The effect of different macromolecular compositions and growth rates between these two E. coli strains required a constant scaling factor for improved quantitative predictions.  相似文献   

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