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甘草腺毛的形态发生和组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜及薄切片技术对甘草的腺毛形态发生和发育过程进行了观察,并对腺毛发育过程中黄酮类成分积累进行了组织化学定位研究。结果表明:甘草腺毛为多细胞构成的盾状腺毛,有长柄和短柄2种类型;前者主要分布在花萼片上,而后者主要分布于叶片上。组化鉴定结果显示:腺毛中存在着黄酮类成分、其他亲脂类和非纤维素多糖类成分;在腺毛的发育过程中,黄酮类物质是随腺毛的发育成熟,在头部盘状结构的分泌细胞及角质层下腔中积累。研究结果对进一步探讨甘草叶中黄酮类成分的合成及其作用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

利用光学显微技术和扫描电镜技术,研究了香薷营养生长期和生殖生长期的枝条上部、中部、下部叶片的腺毛种类、分布及数量;采用组织化学染色和荧光显微技术,观察香薷腺毛分泌黄酮类物质的过程,探讨香薷叶表皮腺毛的泌香机理,为生产中确定提取香薷黄酮类物质的最佳取材时期提供依据。结果表明:(1)香薷叶表皮有头状腺毛和盾状腺毛,成熟的头状腺毛包括基细胞、柄细胞和头部,头部较小,呈半圆球型,直径为(20±2)μm;发育近成熟的盾状腺毛头部较大,呈盾状,直径为(60±5)μm。(2)香薷叶片远轴面和近轴面均有腺毛的分布,远轴面分布较多,近轴面分布较少;盾状腺毛主要分布在叶的远轴面,头状腺毛在叶的两面均有分布;腺毛密度随节位的降低而减少,节位相同时,营养生长期叶片上的腺毛密度(283.9个/mm2)高于生殖生长期(194.4个/mm2)。(3)香薷头状腺毛和盾状腺毛均能分泌黄酮类物质,且随着腺毛的发育成熟,黄酮类物质逐渐积累于腺毛的头部。  相似文献   

野薄荷叶腺毛的发育形态学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了分布于我国东北部的野薄荷叶表面腺毛的结构和发育。主要腺毛有两种:多细胞盾状腺毛和弯曲单细胞头状腺毛。多细胞盾状腺毛由1个基细胞,1个柄细胞和一个由8-12个分泌细胞构成的头部组成。单细胞头状腺毛由1个基细胞,1个柄细胞和一个分泌细胞头部构成。  相似文献   

冬凌草水溶性化学成分研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
新鲜冬凌草用70%丙酮水溶液组织破碎提取,然后经Diaion HP-20、Toyopearl HW-40、MCI Gd、silica gel等柱层析方法分离得到5个单体化合物,经波谱分析鉴定为α-D-呋喃果糖(1),阿魏酸(2),丹参素甲正丁酯(3),3,4-二羟基苯乳酸(4),延命素-1β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(5)。除延命素-1β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷外,其它4个化合物均为首次从冬凌草及其同属植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜技术,观察了龙葵“四叶一心”期时叶片及茎表皮的腺毛的种类、分布,探究了不同类型腺毛的起源、生长、成熟、分泌、衰老等发育过程的细胞学特征;通过组织化学染色和荧光显微技术,观察了龙葵腺毛成分、分布,为龙葵的进一步开发利用提供参考。结果表明:(1)龙葵腺毛分为单细胞头腺毛和多细胞头腺毛两类,前者主要分布于茎表面和叶上下表皮,后者主要分布于茎表面的单细胞头腺毛之间、叶脉及叶边缘;(2)龙葵腺毛发育起始于表皮细胞突起,单细胞头腺毛行顶端生长,具1-4个柄细胞,四种类型;多细胞头腺毛可再分为一层、两层与三层多细胞头腺毛,另具三种特殊类型;(3)龙葵成熟腺毛具分泌能力,通过皮下空间的物质积累导致腺毛头细胞表面形成突起、包块、破口,最终释放分泌物;而头细胞与柄细胞随即皱缩、衰老。(4)超微结构显示,腺毛头细胞中内质网与高尔基体极为丰富,合成代谢及分泌活动活跃,产生大量包裹嗜锇物质的囊泡,囊泡与细胞壁融合,进而将嗜锇物质转移至细胞壁并积累,随后储存在角质层下的皮下空间直至分泌释放;(5)组织化学染色结果表明,腺毛含有萜类、生物碱、脂类、蛋白质、酚类和多糖。头细胞中主要含有萜类、生物碱、脂类、蛋白质、酚类和中性多糖;柄细胞中主要含有萜类、生物碱、脂类。  相似文献   

本文研究了分布在细叶益母草(Leonurus sibiricus)叶表面三种腺毛的发育过程,在此基础上,对2-细胞头状腺毛、4-细胞头状腺毛和8-细胞盾状腺毛的多样性特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

唇形科植物腺毛及其分泌研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
唇形科植物的茎和叶通常着生腺毛,能分泌芳香油,腺毛的分布密度越大其分泌能力越强。对近年来该科植物腺毛及其分泌的研究进展作一综述,对腺毛的结构类型、发生发育和分泌物及其分泌过程作了介绍,指出了该研究领域中存在的问题。  相似文献   

为进行中药溪黄草基原植物的品种鉴定,采用光镜和电镜对线纹香茶菜(原变种)[Isodon lophanthoides var.lophanthoides]叶上腺毛的发育进行细胞学研究。结果表明,线纹香茶菜具有头状腺毛和盾状腺毛2种类型。头状腺毛无色透明,由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和1或2个头部分泌细胞构成;盾状腺毛为红色,由1或2个基细胞、1个柄细胞和4~8个分泌细胞构成头部。2种腺毛均由原表皮细胞经两次平周分裂形成,后因柄细胞和头部细胞所处的分化状态不同而形成两类腺毛。2种腺毛超微结构表明,质体、高尔基体和粗面内质网为主要分泌物产生和运输的细胞器。当盾状腺毛成熟时,角质层下间隙充满了分泌物,其分泌物的性质很可能决定了线纹香茶菜腺毛的颜色。  相似文献   

烟草腺毛发育过程中叶绿体形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用荧光显微技术和电镜技术,对不同发育时期烟草叶面腺毛的叶绿素荧光和叶绿体结构进行了比较研究.结果发现,在腺毛发育初期,腺头细胞叶绿素荧光明显,叶绿体类囊体结构清晰;随着腺头细胞的分裂和生长,叶绿素荧光逐渐增强,叶绿体数目逐渐增多,类囊体发达,嗜锇颗粒产生;在腺毛发育成熟以后,叶绿素荧光减弱,类囊体膜降解,嗜锇颗粒增多;随着腺毛的分泌活动增强,叶绿体完全降解,磷脂双层膜消失,嗜锇颗粒扩散到细胞质中,并最终聚集在细胞质膜附近.  相似文献   

本文研究了分布在细叶益母草(Leonurussibiricus) 叶表面三种腺毛的发育过程,在此基础上,对2细胞头状腺毛、4细胞头状腺毛和8细胞盾状腺毛的多样性特征进行了讨论  相似文献   

Abstract: Glandular trichomes (ca. 16 per anther) on the anthers of Leonurus sibiricus produce a secretion that, when touched, is liberated at once and becomes sticky when in contact with the air. With successive visitations of the pollinators (species of Bombus in naturalized populations) the number of secretion‐containing glands on each anther diminishes by mechanical rupture. On the pollinators, the secretion mixed with pollen was found adhered to the integument on the parts making contact with the anthers and stigma, mostly on the scape of the antennae. These trichomes are anatomically identical to the glandular scales common in the entire family and are formed by a multicellular cuticle‐bounded structure, with a foot and head. The secretion is accumulated as a milky emulsion under the cuticle, outside the primary cell wall, and is liberated by rupture of the cuticle. The composition possibly differs from what generally distinguishes these glandular trichomes, i.e. volatile oils that give these plants their particular smell. Such volatile compounds are generally assumed to have defensive or attractive functions, different from those observed in this study, which would be strictly mechanical.  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of leaf trichomes of Tetradenia riparia were studied using light and scanning microscopy. Three morphologically distinct types of trichomes were observed on T. riparia leaf surfaces: glandular capitate (short and long stalked), peltate and non-glandular. The glandular and non-glandular trichomes were present in abundance on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces. Young leaves were densely covered with trichomes; however, the density of trichomes decreases progressively with leaf maturity. This suggests that the trichomes are established early in leaf differentiation and their density decreases with leaf development and age.  相似文献   

Isodon umbrosus was pollinated by two bumblebee pollinators, Bombus honshuensis and B. diversus. B. diversus was a secondary pollinator when both pollinators were present, but in the absence of B. honshuensis, B. diversus pollinated I. umbrosus, and the resulting seed production was comparable to when visited by the two bumblebee species together. Not only the high visitation frequency of B. diversus but also the low ratio of seed to ovules (= average seed set × fruit set) of I. umbrosus compensated for the low pollination efficiency of B. diversus. Since, the low pollination efficiency of B. diversus, based on the finding that the low average seed set of I. umbrosus did not require a definite morphological match between flowers and pollinators, and did not require very frequent visitations to each flower. In other words, Isodon umbrosus could briefly maintain constant seed production under the condition of the low ratio of seeds to ovules (the low seed set and the low fruit set) and a large number of flowers without B. honshuensis as legitimate pollinator. On the other hand, I. effusus was exclusively pollinated by B. diversus and produced almost the same volume of seeds as I. umbrosus. Isodon effusus had fewer flowers than I. umbrosus, but this smaller number of flowers was compensated for by the high ratio of seeds to ovules in I. effusus, which was maintained by frequent visitations of the morphologically matched pollinator, B. diversus. Received 17 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 10 February 2000  相似文献   

Sideritis italica (Mill.) Greuter et Burdet belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is endemic to Italy. The glandular trichomes (morphology, distribution, histochemistry, and ultrastructure) of the plant were studied for the first time, along with the chemical composition of the essential oils. Abundant non-glandular hairs and peltate (type A) and capitate (types B, C(1), and C(x)) glandular trichomes were observed both on the vegetative and reproductive organs. The histochemical procedures and the ultrastructural investigation enabled specific location of the main site of essential oil production mainly in type-A peltate hairs. Particular emphasis is given to the release mechanism of the secreted material in all of the types of glands, and the potential taxonomic value of the indumentum in the Lamiaceae family is briefly discussed. Essential oils were hydrodistilled from flowering aerial parts of S. italica, and 136 compounds (112 in flowerheads, 79 in vegetative parts) were identified. The quantitative prevalence of diterpenoids (43.4% in flowerheads and 22.3% in vegetative parts) was the most significant characteristic of the essential oil of S. italica that could be classified as a diterpene-rich essential oil according to the classification of Kirimer.  相似文献   

Stachys tymphaea (Lamiaceae) is a perennial herb growing in forest openings and dry meadows of central and southern Italy. It was investigated for the first time here, determining the content of secondary metabolites, the micromorphology of glandular trichomes, the histochemical localization of secretion, and the biological activity of the volatile oil, namely, the cytotoxic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. The plant showed a peculiar molecular pattern, being rich of biophenolic compounds as flavonoids, phenylethanoid glycosides, and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, but poor of iridoids, which are known as marker compounds of the genus Stachys. The essential oil was characterized by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses, revealing a high percentage of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (54.6%), with germacrene D (30.0%) and (E)‐β‐farnesene (12.4%) as the most abundant compounds, while other main components were representatives of the diterpenes (19.2%), represented mainly by (E)‐phytol (11.9%). This composition supported the taxonomic relationships in the genus Stachys, which comprises oil‐poor species producing essential oils rich in hydrocarbons, with germacrene D as one of the predominant components. The micromorphological study revealed three types of glandular hairs, i.e., Type A peltate trichomes, being the primary sites of essential oil biosynthesis, Type B short‐stalked trichomes, typical mucopolysaccharide producers, and Type C long capitate trichomes, secreting a complex mixture of both lipophilic and hydrophilic substances, with a major phenolic fraction. Moreover, the MTT assay revealed the potential of the volatile oil to inhibit A375, HCT116, and MDA‐MB 231 tumor cells lines (IC50 values of 23.9–34.4 μg/ml).  相似文献   

Sideritis montana subsp. montana is a small annual herb occurring in countries bordering the Mediterranean and Balkan regions. The secondary metabolism of this plant has not been fully explored so far. The aim of the present study was to understand the complex mixture of secondary metabolites and the type of secretory structures. The polar constituents were isolated by column chromatography from the ethanolic extract, and their structure was elucidated by NMR and MS. The essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC/MS. The plant indumentum was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. To complete the work, the essential oil antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity on tumor cells were evaluated by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, and MTT methods. Four different classes of secondary metabolites were isolated, namely flavonoids, caffeoylquinic derivatives, glycosidic hydroquinones and iridoids. The essential oil was mainly characterized by sesquiterpenene hydrocarbons. Peltate and long‐capitate hairs were the main sites where terpenes and polar constituents are produced. The secondary metabolites found in S. montana subsp. montana are of chemotaxonomic interest, some of them being typical of the genus Sideritis. The trichomes types observed partially differ from those described in other members of the genus Sideritis. The essential oil showed noteworthy inhibition on tumor cells.  相似文献   

冬凌草组织培养及其愈伤组织诱导研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验采用L9(34)正交试验方法优化冬凌草组织培养快繁培养基,筛选冬凌草增殖、生根和愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基配方。结果表明:不定芽诱导的最适培养基为MS+0.2 mg/L IBA+0.1 mg/L6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA;生根培养基为1/2 MS+1 mg/L IBA+1 g/L活性炭;以冬凌草茎段为外植体诱导愈伤最佳培养基为MS+1.5 mg/L6-BA+2 mg/L2,4-D。  相似文献   

对国产11种2变种共16个居群的香茶菜属植物的染色体数目进行了研究。除线纹香茶菜细花变种以外,其它种类的染色体数目均为首次报道。研究结果表明,有12个物种为二倍体,其染色体数目均为2n=24,推测该属植物的染色体基数为x=12。而细锥香茶菜既有染色体数目为2n=24的居群,也存在2n=48的居群,表明该种为二倍体或四倍体,同时2n=48的染色体数目也是香茶菜属内的首次报道。  相似文献   

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