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The ectoparasitic snail Sayella laevigata was first describedby Orbigny (1842) and first placed in the genus Sayella by Odé (1994) without discussion. This study provides justificationfor this assignment to the genus Sayella Dall, 1885 and to the subfamilySayellinae Wise, 1996. Sayella laevigata possesses an elongatepenis, with subapical swelling tapering to a short terminalnipple, that is characteristic of the genus.  相似文献   

Phacus pleuronectes (O. F. Müller) Dujardin is a phototrophic euglenoid with small discoid chloroplasts, a flat rigid body, and longitudinally arranged pellicular strips. The flagellar apparatus consisted of two basal bodies and three flagellar roots typical of many phototrophic euglenoids but also had a large striated fiber that connected the two basal bodies and associated with the ventral root. The three roots, in combination with the dorsal microtubular band, extended anteriorly and formed the major cytoskeletal elements supporting the reservoir membrane and ultimately the pellicle. A cytoplasmic pocket arose in the reservoir/canal transition region. It was supported by the ventral root and a C-shaped band of electron-opaque material that lined the cytoplasmic side of the pocket. A large striated fiber extended from this C-shaped band toward the reservoir membrane. The striated fibers in the basal apparatus and associated with the microtubule-reinforced pocket in P. pleuronecte s appear to be similar to those of the phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

The feeding veil or pallium of the thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium spinulosum Schiller is a highly vesiculate membranous sac containing several arched, sometimes bifurcated microtubular ribbons. It originates from an internal microtubular basket, passes through a sphincter-like osmiophilic ring located inside the posterior flagellar pore, and emerges from the cell at that pore. The osmiophilic ring is part of an interconnected myonemal system (composed of two striated collars and several striated connectives) that is anchored to the pore plate and to two inward protrusions composed of minute sulcal plates. A related species, Protoperidinium punctulatum (Paulsen) Balech, also possesses a microtubular basket/osmiophilic ring complex. Elongate electron-dense bodies within the basket resemble digestive secretory granules found in other protists. Granular, electron-lucent microbodies clustered at the anterior end of the basket may also have a role in prey digestion. Dense membranous whorls observed within a P. spinulosum cell presented as it was preparing to initiate feeding indicate a condensed storage site for pallium membranes. A narrow microtubule-strengthened pseudopodal appendage found in two non-feeding cells constitutes the tow filament that serves as the initial linkage between the dinoflagellate and its food. The structures that constitute the pallium and pallium precursors, described here for the first time, are unlike those of other known protists, although some similarities with the dinoflagellate peduncle are evident. The existence of this unique system of organelles may have important ramifications in the search for evolutionary relationships among protists.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus and presumptive vestigial feeding apparatuses of a cold-water, photosynthetic, quadriflagellate euglenoid is described. The organism possesses two similar sets of flagella each consisting of one short and one long flagellum. Each pair of flagella is associated with three microtubular roots for a total of six roots in the basal apparatus. At the level of the ventral basal bodies, each intermediate root is nine-membered, while the ventral roots are composed of eight to nine microtubules. Only one of the ventral roots lines the single microtubule reinforced pocket. A four-membered dorsal root attaches to each dorsal basal body, and at the level of the reservoir each gives rise to a dorsal band. An additional bundle of microtubules, not arising from the microtubular roots of the basal apparatus, begins posterior to the basal apparatus as a small group of a few microtubules and extends anteriorly on the right ventral side of the reservoir ending at the canal. At the level of the stigma, the microtubules are organized into a multi-layered bundle that continues to increase in size and eventually splits to form two bundles at the level of the canal. We postulate that these bundles may represent the remnants of a rod-and-vane-type feeding apparatus like that found in many phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

几种枝角类的卵鞍形态及表面超微结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陆开宏 《动物学报》2001,47(5):565-572
用光镜和扫描电镜对浙东地区八种常见淡水枝角类卵鞍形态和表面结构进行了观察和比较。卵鞍形态多为三角形或豆荚形,表面大都具特定的纹饰,内储冬卵1-2枚。卵鞍的形态、表面纹饰、冬卵的数量的排列方向具有种的特异性。枝角类的分类地位相距越远,卵鞍形态和表面结构相差越大,相近种和亚种间的卵鞍在光镜下难以区别,亚显微结构却有一定的差异。卵鞍的形态和结构作为枝角类的分类依据是有意义的。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa is examinedfor the first time in the heterogastropod family Mathildidae(Mathilda brevicula Bavay and Mathilda sp.). Mathildid spermatozoaexhibit the following features: (1) an ovoid acrosomal vesicleshowing curved dense layers basally and underlain by a thincurved plate; (2) a solid, rod-shaped nucleus showing a shallowbasal invagination (nucleus helically keeled in Mathilda sp.);(3) a midpiece composed of a 9+2 axoneme, 9 thick and periodicallybanded coarse fibres (associated with the axonemal doublets)and a continuous mitochondrial derivative; (5) glyco-gen piececomposed of the axoneme surrounded by dense granules; (6) andend piece (paddle-shaped terminally). Results of the study demonstratethat mathildids share the same key sperm and spermi-ogenic featuresobserved in the Architectonicidae. The monophyly of the Architectonicoidea,established by previous authors on anatomical grounds, is thereforeconfirmed using sperm morphology. Spermatozoa of the two mathildidsinvestigated lack the periodically banded midpiece structuresseen in investigated species of Architectonica (A. pcrspectiva(Linnaeus), A. perdix (Hinds)), Heliacus (H. (Heliacus) variegatus(Gmelin)) and Pseudotorinia (P. laseronorum (Iredale)) therebyresembling most closely the spermatozoaof Philippia lutea (Lamarck)and Psilaxis oxytropis (A. Adams) which also lack suchbandedstructures. Given the widely accepted primitive status of theMathildidae within the Architectonicoidea, the genera Philippiaand Psilaxis may prove to be relatively basal rather than advancedgenera within the Architectonicidae. Thi: view needs to be testedby examination of sperm morphology in other genera of the Architectonicidaeand also the basal mathildid genus Tuba sensu lato (= Gegania+ Tubena). Such information will be vital in any future cladisticstudy of the Architectonicoidea. (Received 16 June 1994; accepted 6 February 1995)  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜和光学体视显微镜,首次对仅分布于中国新疆及毗邻中亚细亚地区的、稀见荒漠拟态昆虫--荒漠竹节虫Sceptrophasma bituberculatum(Redtenbacher)卵的外部形态和超微结构进行了观察和描述,探讨其对干旱荒漠环境的适应性结构特征.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹成熟卵形态和超微结构的研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
堵南山  姜焕伟 《动物学报》1995,41(3):229-234
中华绒螯蟹的成熟卵仅有初级卵膜,无次级和三级卵巢,质膜初期厚而多层,且具皱褶,卵核在卵的发育过程中变化很大,未发见中心粒,内质网和高尔基体均始见于蟹卵发育的初期,皮层颗粒先出现于蟹卵深部,随后移到卵的表层,无滋养细胞,蟹卵由卵泡细胞提供物质,形成卵黄,此外,还可直接从血淋巴内摄取卵黄前身物质。  相似文献   

The fine structure of the tubular and acinous salivary glandsof Nucella lapillus (L.) has been studied and some histochemicaland enzyme tests have been carried out. The clusters of subepithelialcells of the tubular glands secrete a glycoprotein composedof chains of tubular macromolecules resembling secretions knownto have adhesive properties which may assist in boring. Thesecretion is rich in disulphide groups, as are many toxins,and is believed to be responsible for the recently demonstratedpharmacological activity of the glands. It is proposed thatflaccid paralysis is induced in prey by envenomation with thissecretion during rasping, after soft parts have been exposedby an ‘anti-predator’ reaction to secretion fromthe hypobranchial gland of Nucella. The secretory vesicles ofboth types of gland cells in the acinous glands have heterogeneouscontents indicating that their secretions are complex. The majorcomponent in those of the mucous cells is an acid mucopolysaccharidetypical of a lubricant or releasing agent. The ciliated basalcells resemble typical enzyme-secreting cells and the majorconstituent of their secretion is a finely granular glycoprotein. (Received 8 January 1990; accepted 5 June 1990)  相似文献   

Cephaleuros parasiticus Karsten, an endophyte of Magnolia grandiflora L. has been examined with light, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The discoid thalli are composed of filaments which ramify throughout the leaf tissues beneath the epidermis. Algal filaments do not penetrate host cells, but do produce black leaf spots which have been mistaken for those caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulate (Ston.) Spauld. and Schrenk. Two distinct thallus types occur, often simultaneously on a single leaf. One bears clusters of zoosporangiate branches which seasonally emerge through the ventral (and rarely, dorsal) surface of the leaf. In contrast, the other thallus type bears gametangia which break through the dorsal leaf surface. Zoosporangia and gametangia have never been found on the same thallus. The zoosporangia are smaller than, but almost identical in shape to, those of C. virescens Kunze. Simple plasmodesmata are present in crosswalls and acetolysis indicates that little or no sporopollenin is present in the cell walls. The ultrastructure of biflagellate gametes and quadriflagellate zoospores is virtually indistinguishable from that reported for C. virescens and similar to that reported for Phycopeltis and Trentepohlia. In both gametes and zoospores there are keeled flagella, overlapping and parallel basal bodies, two 3-layered multilayered structures with microtubular splines, and two medial compound microtubular roots. Pyrenoids, eyespots, flagellar and body scales, striated roots (or rhizoplasts), and distal bands are absent. Two presumptive mating structures are present in each biflagellate gamete, and flagellar collars occur in both types of motile cells. The extreme similarity in motile cell ultrastructure revealed in this interspecific comparison parallels that similarity revealed in intergeneric comparisons.  相似文献   

本文详细研究了1种海生4条鞭毛的单胞绿藻——广东四片藻鞭毛器的亚微结构和囊壳的形成。4条鞭毛着生于细胞前端凹陷的基部,鞭毛表面覆盖2层鳞片;基体呈纵向平行的“Z”字形排列;具纹纤维连接内外径向排列的两个基体;4个片层状的卵形盘(或称半桥粒(halfdesmosome))微管和纤维物质构成的复合体将鞭毛器和根丝体固着在质膜和囊壳上。根丝体通过两束交叉的微管带与两个邻近的外侧基体相连接。这种连接方式与其它已研究过的四片藻是不同的。囊壳的形成开始于内膜系统,特别是高尔基体。纤维丛和电子密集颗粒在其中合成、修饰,同时由高尔基体衍生的小泡转移到原生质体表面特定的区域,然后经若干步骤接合成完整的囊壳。这个区域与蛋白核的位置相关,表明聚合星状颗粒酶是在蛋白核位点制造或释放的,同时分泌到细胞外。囊壳沿边生长组装与细胞质发育产生特征性的前端鞭毛凹陷同时发生。  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of Pyrobotrys has a number of features that are typical of the Chlorophyceae, but others that are unusual for this class. The two flagella are inserted at the apex, but they extend to the side of the cell toward the outside of the colony, here designated as the ventral side. Four basal bodies are present, two of which extend into flagella. Four microtubular rootlets alternate between the functional and accessory basal bodies. In each cell, the two ventral rootlets are nearly parallel, but the dorsal rootlets are more widely divergent. The rootlets alternate between two and four microtubules each. A striated distal fiber connects the two functional basal bodies in the plane of the flagella. Two additional, apparently nonstriated, fibers connect the basal bodies proximal to the distal fiber. Another striated fiber is associated with each four-membered rootlet near its insertion into the flagellar apparatus. A fine periodic component is associated with each two-membered rootlet. A rhizoplast-like structure extends into the cell from each of the functional basal bodies. The arrangement of these components does not reflect the 180° rotational symmetry that is usually present in the Chlorophyceae, but appears to be derived from a more symmetrical ancestor. It is suggested that the form of the flagellar apparatus is associated with the unusual colony structure of Pyrobotrys.  相似文献   

The morphology of the spermatozoon of Physa acuta (Draparnaud,1801) was examined using TEM. It was found to be of the modified-type,sharing characteristic features of other basommatophoran species.However, differences were noted in some cases, for example,in P. acuta the nucleus was torpedo-shaped with two helicalkeels, the midpiece possessed a maximum of three glycogen helices,the end piece was long and tapered and the total length of thespermatozoon was 365 µm. No identical spermatozoa havebeen found in other basommatophoran gastropods studied so far.If spermatozoon morphology is unique for individual specieswithin the genus Physa, it may provide a useful taxonomic toolin helping to clarify the uncertainty that surrounds the systematicsof this genus. (Received 26 February 1990; accepted 28 June 1990)  相似文献   

J. Kear  P. J. K. Burton 《Ibis》1971,113(4):483-493
This paper describes a preliminary study of the feeding behaviour of the territorial Blue Duck. The bird is unusual in possessing lateral bill flaps and, in a number of head and skull characters, differs from a typical dabbling duck. Herbst's corpuscles are absent from the outer 60% of the width of the flaps and this is thought to indicate that any tactile function is subsidiary. It is tentatively suggested that an additional function is protective, and that the flaps cushion the jaw edges during vigorous food searching beneath stones on rocky stream bottoms. Food taken in summer was analysed from remains in droppings and from gut contents and was found to consist of aquatic insects, principally case-living and free-living caddis larvae, and algae. Some short-term variation in the diet was noted. It is suggested, also tentatively, that the decline in Blue Duck numbers since the 19th century has been associated with the introduction of trout which are potentially direct food competitors. Further ecological research on this unique species is required.  相似文献   

脉红螺消化系统的形态学研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
侯林  程济民 《动物学报》1991,37(1):7-15
脉红螺消化系统由十二个器官组成。其消化管壁都由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜四层结构构成。作者对消化腺的细胞进行了较详细的描述,并利用组化方法测定消化腺细胞中含有的酶类。作者还对部分器官的超微结构进行了观察。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the sperm of Epiphragmophora tucumanensis(Doering), a pulmonate land snail belonging to the family Xanthonychidae,was examined. The results showed that this spermatozoon presents a similarmorphology to the other advanced stylommatophoran sperm described.The most peculiar characteristic is the form of the nucleus,which is straight instead of helically coiled. An acrosome ispresent, composed of an apical vesicle and an acrosomal pedestal.The connecting piece or neck region is formed by a basal bodyplus a centriolar derivative. It is also the point of originof coarse fibres that accompany the axoneme. Thus, the axonemalcomplex exhibits a 9+9+2 pattern. The midpiece is an elongatedregion composed of paracrystalline and matrix materials (collectively,the mitochondrial derivative) enclosing a single glycogen helixand the axoneme. The mitochondrial derivative extends to theposterior tip of the spermatozoon. As observed in other stylommatophorans,both an annulus and a glycogen piece are absent. (Received 25 October 1993; accepted 4 February 1994)  相似文献   

Walter J.  Bock 《Ibis》1972,114(1):61-78
Ciridops possesses a tubular tongue with a fringed tip and lateral sides. Closure of the tube is by overlap of the lateral fringes.
The tongue skeleton possesses an elongated basihyale, parallel paraglossalia with broad, rounded posterior processes and a slight concavity on the dorsolateral surface of the ceratobranchiale.
All the tongue muscles could be described, although some had been damaged. The M. hypoglossus anterior is absent. The M. ceratoglossus and the M. hypoglossus obliquus are large, the latter muscle inserts completely on the basihyale. A newly discovered muscle, the M. thyreohyoideus superior, is described.
The glottal muscles are described, and their actions in opening and closing the glottis are outlined.
Comparison of Ciridops (Drepanidinae) and Loxops (Psittirostrinae) suggests that the Drepanididae are monophyletic. The closest resemblance in morphology of the tongue apparatus is with the cardueline finches, not with the "coerebids".  相似文献   

The feeding apparatus of Kalablepharis ovalis (isolated from a freshwater impoundment in Colorado) and Katablepharis clone G-2 (isolated from the littoral of the Black Sea near Yalta in the Crimea) consists of inner and outer oval-shaped arrays of microtubules that begin at the anterior end of the cell and pass into the posterior of the cell. Each array of microtubules contains groups of microtubules with two to eight microtubules per group depending on the position of the array in the cell. A specialized area of the plasma membrane, the mouth, occurs at the anterior end of the cell. The mouth is oval with the long axis oriented dorsoventrally and consists of a raised ridge surrounding a central depression. The anterior end of the microtubules of the inner and outer arrays supports the raised ridge of the mouth. In freeze-fracture replicas, the protoplasmic face of the plasma membrane contains intramembrane particles on the raised ridge of the mouth. Three small membrane-cisternae occur on the protoplasmic side of the plasma membrane in the area of the mouth. Katablepharis clone G-2 also has five or six additional large membrane-cisternae associated with the inner microtubular array in the anterior portion of the cell. These larger membrane-cisternae do not occur in K. ovalis. Vesicles with electron-dense contents occur in association with the microtubular arrays. Katablepharis ovalis has a second type of vesicle containing a single-membrane profile associated with the microtubule arrays. The structure of the microtubular arrays in Katablepharis is compared with similar structures in suctorian ciliates and dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

罗非鱼内耳形态结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
罗非鱼内耳器官结构与典型硬骨鱼的内耳结构一致。球状囊呈椭圆体状,其耳五充满整个囊体,耳石上有明显的中央沟,中央沟在形态上与球状囊听斑一致;听囊呈圆形,听囊耳五约占整个听囊一半,耳石较薄且较透明,有明显外缘区和中央区之分;椭圆囊呈不规则椭球体状,其耳石占椭圆囊的较小部分,耳石表面粗糙。罗非鱼耳石膜为一层胶质膜,位于耳石和听斑之间,并触及所有毛细胞,膜有大量小孔,小孔处恰为毛细胞的纤毛束伸入,纤毛束透过小孔触及到耳石。扫描电镜观察表明,罗非鱼内耳听斑也由毛细胞和支持细胞组成,听斑表面有大量具一定分布规律的纤毛束。罗非鱼内耳听觉器官主要有三种纤毛束类型:F_1、F_2和F_3型。按照纤毛束的取向一致性,球状囊听斑划分三个区;听囊听斑和椭圆囊听斑均划分两个区。  相似文献   

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