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含肝素的凝血酶原复合物(PCC)用适量的硫酸鱼精蛋白中和后,作1:10和1:100稀稀测定激活凝血因子。肝素影响激活凝血因子测定,不同活性单位的PCC对某些厂家生产的PCC激活凝血因子测定无影响,但对有厂家生产的PCC激活凝血因子测定有影响。对国内5家血制品生产单位生产的15批PCC进行激活疑血因子测定,凝血酶活性通过者激活凝血因子也能通过。  相似文献   

目的通过比较以组分Ⅲ沉淀和血浆为原料制备人凝血酶原复合物(Prothrombin complex concentrates,PCC)过程中凝血因子活化情况,为选择最适PCC制备原料提供数据支持。方法分别对以组分Ⅲ沉淀和血浆为原料制备PCC过程中中间品的活化的凝血因子活性和人凝血酶活性两个项目进行检定,分析凝血因子的活化情况。观察以组分Ⅲ沉淀为原料制备PCC过程中添加肝素能否抑制PCC中凝血因子的活化。结果以组分Ⅲ沉淀为原料制备的PCC中间品活化的凝血因子活性和人凝血酶活性两个项目均不合格。以组分Ⅲ沉淀为原料制备PCC生产过程中添加肝素后,PCC中间品的活化的凝血因子活性和人凝血酶活性均不合格。以血浆为原料制备的PCC中间品活化的凝血因子活性和人凝血酶活性两个项目均合格。结论组分Ⅲ沉淀为原料制备PCC会增加凝血因子活化的风险,新鲜冰冻血浆可作为制备PCC的原料。  相似文献   

人凝血酶原复合物(Human prothrombin complex concentrate,PCC)是由健康人混合血浆中分离制备的一种血浆蛋白制剂,主要含有依赖于维生素K的凝血酶原(FⅡ)、凝血酶原转化因子(FⅦ)、抗乙型血友病因子(FⅨ)和自身凝血酶原(FX)。在临床上,PCC主要用于治疗乙型血友病和因维生素K缺乏或患肝病而引起的出血症状。近年来,随着PCC分离技术的发展和安全性的提高,PCC的使用量正在逐年增加。本文综述了PCC的制备工艺研究现状、临床使用和安全性。  相似文献   

人凝血酶原复合物(PCC)为人血浆中微量蛋白组份,其浓缩制剂由凝血因子II、VII、IX、X组成,在临床上具有治疗乙型血友病等疾病的确切疗效。本文综述了近来PCC及FIX浓缩制剂分离纯化工艺的研究进展及结合蛋白新型分离纯化技术的发展情况,讨论了该产品制备新工艺的开发方向。  相似文献   

目的对人凝血酶原复合物在制备工艺中凝血因子效价进行检测和分析。方法对PCC制备过程中的血浆、S/D病毒灭活、冻干工艺、干热病毒灭活前和后分别取样,检测分析凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ和Ⅹ效价,分别分析S/D病毒灭活、冻干工艺、干热病毒灭活前和后凝血因子效价的变化情况。分析PCC干热病毒灭活后的样品中四种凝血因子的效价比例。结果三批血浆中凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ和Ⅹ的活性在0.8~1.2 IU/m L之间。S/D病毒灭活前后PCC冻干工艺前后PCC中四种凝血因子活性无明显变化,而干热病毒灭活后PCC中四种凝血因子活性均有明显下降。三批PCC中四种凝血因子的比例基本一致,但是凝血因子Ⅶ效价较低,凝血因子Ⅱ效价偏高。结论通过PCC制备工艺中凝血因子效价的检测和分析可实现良好的质量控制。  相似文献   

目的优化人凝血酶原复合物的离子交换吸附工艺,提高PCC回收率。方法采用单因素试验的方法 ,以人凝血酶原复合物中凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ和Ⅹ吸附率为考察指标,初步优选吸附温度、吸附时间、凝胶用量和血浆pH四个工艺参数。结果优化试验结果为血浆温度20℃、吸附时间60 min、凝胶用量1.5 g/L、血浆pH7.4。结论确定了人凝血酶原复合物提取工艺的条件。  相似文献   

细胞外基质和基底膜的降解是癌细胞穿透组织屏障发生转移的重要步骤。硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖是细胞外基质和基底膜的组成成分,其多糖侧链可以被葡萄糖苷内切酶--肝素酶,特异性识别并切割,以破坏细胞外基质和基底膜的完整性,促进肿瘤转移。临床上肿瘤患者肝素酶高表达与肿瘤恶性程度和转移发生密切相关。深入了解硫酸乙酰肝素、肝素酶及它们与肿瘤转移相关的作用机制有助于我们寻找肿瘤治疗的新思路。本文将从硫酸乙酰肝素的合成调控、功能、肝素酶的转录和活性调节、肝素酶表达与肿瘤患者的临床特征,以及硫酸乙酰肝素、肝素酶与肿瘤转移的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

采用若干种人工合成的大孔阴离子交换树脂,对人血浆中凝血酶原复合物(PCC)的分离纯化性能进行了研究.同时.将DEAE-Sephadex A50时PCC的分离纯化性能与该类人工合成分离纯化材料进行了对比.研究结果表明,在各种人工合成大孔阴离子交换树脂中,CG-6对PCC具有较优的分离纯化性能;并系统研究了CG-6树脂对PCC分离纯化性能.  相似文献   

硫酸乙酰肝素(heparan sulfate,HS)是由多个硫酸化结构的二糖基单位重复形成的线型多糖,并以共价键形式连接于核心蛋白质形成硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖,几乎所有动物细胞均可以合成硫酸乙酰肝素.硫酸乙酰肝素可与许多生物活性分子相结合,其中包括肝素结合性生长因子(heparin-binding growth factor,HSGF),比如成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,FGF)、骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic protein,BMP)、β-转化生长因子(transforming growth factor-β,TGF-β)等.这些生长因子可促进骨的形成,但由于容易被蛋白酶降解失活而影响其临床效果,如大量使用可能导致肿瘤形成.硫酸乙酰肝素与生长因子结合可以保护生长因子免受蛋白酶降解并可促进生长因子与其受体结合,从而增强,延长生长因子的活性,并可能同时调控生长因子的信号传递,参与骨细胞的功能及活性的调节.近来在动物骨折模型中使用硫酸乙酰肝素可明显促进骨的愈合,因此硫酸已酰肝素有可能成为治疗骨折不愈合或延迟愈合的有利工具.  相似文献   

硫酸肝素蛋白多糖广泛分布于动物组织的细胞膜和细胞外基质,对于机体发育和维持生理平衡至关重要.聚糖链硫酸肝素特有的分子结构使得这类大分子复合物具有多种生物功能,这些功能主要通过与蛋白质配体的结合实现.细胞表面的硫酸肝素蛋白多糖介导多种细胞活性因子与其受体的结合,参与信号转导的过程.硫酸肝素蛋白多糖也是细胞间质的重要组成部分,与胶原蛋白一起维持间质结构的稳定.肝素酶通过降解硫酸肝素从而调节细胞因子的活性和细胞间质的微环境.因此,揭示硫酸肝素的分子结构及其功能是生物学的一个重要研究方向.然而,由于硫酸肝素结构复杂,且不均一,使得这个领域的研究发展相对缓慢.不过,随着分析手段的提高和完善,国际上对于硫酸肝素结构与功能的报道迅速增加,同时国内对于硫酸肝素的研究也逐步受到重视.关于硫酸肝素的生理功能最近已有几篇比较全面的综述.此综述主要介绍硫酸肝素在病变中的作用,旨在探讨利用硫酸肝素和肝素酶作为靶标,研发预防和治疗这些疾病药物的可能性.  相似文献   

The effects of heparin on prothrombin activation have been examined. Heparin was found to inhibit the rate of prothrombin activation by Factor Xa, calcium and phospholipid. In the absence of phospholipid, heparin had no effect on the rate of prothrombin activation. In contrast, heparin was found to increase the rate of activation of prethrombin-1 and prethrombin-2. Initial velocity studies indicated that heparin blocks lipid stimulation of prothrombin activation. In accord with this, binding studies demonstrated that heparin could displace Factor Xa, and in separate experiments, prothrombin, from phospholipid vesicles.  相似文献   

A plate method for demonstrating the breakdown of heparin and chondroitin sulphate by bacteria is described. The medium contained phytone, yeast extract and either heparin or chondroitin sulphate as organic nutrients. Sulphate, which is released by the breakdown of heparin or chondroitin sulphate, combined with barium chloride in the medium to form a white precipitate of barium sulphate on the plates.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the enhanced osteoblast activity of MG-63 cells cultured on titanium (Ti) with a heparin/BMP-2 (Hep/BMP-2) complex. The Ti substrates were initially modified by chemical grafting poly-l-lysine (PLL) using condensing agent, followed by immobilizing the heparin/BMP-2 complex to the PLL-grafted Ti substrate via electrostatic interactions. The surface modification of Ti substrates with PLL and/or Hep/BMP-2 complex were confirmed with scanning electron microscopy, contact angle measurements, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Immobilized BMP-2 was released from the Hep/BMP-2/Ti substrate in a sustained manner. In vitro studies revealed that osteoblasts grown on Hep/BMP-2/Ti substrate increased ALP activity, calcium deposition, ALP and osteocalcin levels as compared to those grown on pristine Ti or PLL-Ti. These results indicated that heparin/BMP-2 complex immobilized Ti substrate can be useful to effectively improve osteoblast activity.  相似文献   

We report here on a highly sensitive and rapid detection technique, multipulse flash chronopotentiometry, for the anticoagulant polyion heparin and its antidote protamine. The technique is based on a localized titration of the polyions at the surface of an appropriately formulated polymeric ion-selective membrane devoid of ion exchange properties to prohibit spontaneous extraction processes. A defined ion flux from the sample side to the membrane is induced electrochemically by applying a current pulse of appropriate amplitude and sign. The resulting depletion of the measured ions at the membrane surface gives rise to a characteristic limiting current or transition time and is observed as an inflection point in the resulting chronopotentiogram. The limiting current and the square root of the transition time are linear functions of the concentration of the polyion and yield sensitive and rapid analytical information attractive for clinical diagnostics applications. The polyion protamine is detected in 10-fold diluted blood samples in a matter of seconds via a cathodic current pulse. The utility of the technique for monitoring heparin/protamine titrations in physiological saline solutions is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A novel label-free fluorescence nanosensor was developed for ultrasensitive detection of protamine and heparin based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between NaYF4:Yb,Er upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The FRET system was formed by the electrostatic adsorption of AuNPs on UCNPs, and the fluorescence of UCNPs was significantly quenched. When protamine was added to the mixture of UCNPs–AuNPs, the AuNPs interacted with protamine and then desorbed from the surface of UCNPs and aggregated, resulting in the recovery of the fluorescence of UCNPs. On the addition of both protamine and heparin, the FRET system formed owing to the stronger interaction between heparin and protamine than that with AuNPs, leading to a marked fluorescence quenching of UCNPs. The concentrations of protamine and heparin were proportional to the changes of the fluorescence of UCNPs. The linear response range was obtained over the concentration ranges of 0.02 to 1.2 μg/ml and 0.002 to 2.0 μg/ml with low detection limits of 6.7 and 0.7 ng/ml for protamine and heparin, respectively. Simultaneous measurement of protamine and heparin in human serum can be achieved, suggesting that the nanosensor can be used in a complex biological sample matrix.  相似文献   

Two novel subtilisin-like serine proteases (AS-E1 and -E2) that activate prothrombin have been identified in a culture of the fungus Acremonium sp. The enzymes were purified through repeated hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The N-terminal sequences of AS-E1 (34.4 kDa) and AS-E2 (32 kDa) showed high similarity to the internal sequences of two distinct subtilisin-like hypothetical proteins from Chaetomium globosum. Both enzymes proteolytically activated prothrombin to meizothrombin(desF1)-like molecules, while the activation cleavage seemed to occur at a site (Tyr(316)-Ile(317)) that is four residues proximal to the canonical Xa cleavage site (Arg(320)-Ile(321)). Both enzymes inhibited plasma clotting, possibly due to extensive degradation of fibrinogen and production of meizothrombin(desF1)-like molecule.  相似文献   

Three models were used for the analysis of heparin concentration and the presence of mast cells, namely different fetal and adult bovine tissues, mast-cell-deficient mice and athymic mice. It was observed that heparin and mast cells are present mainly in spleen and liver during fetal development and in skin, lung and ileum in adults. A good correlation between the concentration of heparin and the number of mast cells was observed in all tissues examined. No heparin was detected in animals that did not have mast cells, such as the WBB6Fl W/Wv mice, again suggesting a correlation between mast cells and heparin. No differences in the other sulfated glycosaminoglycans were observed between the mast cell-deficient mice and the normal littermates and breeders. Studies in ‘nude’ mice have shown that the heparin concentration in different tissues is similar to normal strains.  相似文献   

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