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DNA sliding clamps attach to polymerases and slide along DNA to allow rapid, processive replication of DNA. These clamps contain many positively charged residues that could curtail the sliding due to attractive interactions with the negatively charged DNA. By single-molecule spectroscopy we have observed a fluorescently labeled sliding clamp (polymerase III beta subunit or beta clamp) loaded onto freely diffusing, single-stranded M13 circular DNA annealed with fluorescently labeled DNA oligomers of up to 90 bases. We find that the diffusion constant for the beta clamp diffusing along DNA is on the order of 10(-14) m(2)/s, at least 3 orders of magnitude less than that for diffusion through water alone. We also find evidence that the beta clamp remains at the 3' end in the presence of Escherichia coli single-stranded-binding protein. These results may imply that the clamp not only acts to hold the polymerase on the DNA but also prevents excessive drifting along the DNA.  相似文献   

The conformation of the polysaccharide hyaluronan (HA) has been investigated by tapping mode atomic force microscopy in air. HA deposited on a prehydrated mica surface favored an extended conformation, attributed to molecular combing and inhibition of subsequent chain recoil by adhesion to the structured water layer covering the surface. HA deposited on freshly cleaved mica served as a defect in a partially structured water layer, and favored relaxed, weakly helical, coiled conformations. Intramolecularly condensed forms of HA were also observed, ranging from pearl necklace forms to thick rods. The condensation is attributed to weak adhesion to the mica surface, counterion-mediated attractive electrostatic interactions between polyelectrolytes, and hydration effects. Intermolecular association of both extended and condensed forms of HA was observed to result in the formation of networks and twisted fibers, in which the chain direction is not necessarily parallel to the fiber direction. Whereas the relaxed coil and partially condensed conformations of HA are relevant to the native structure of liquid connective tissues, fully condensed rods may be more relevant for HA tethered to a cell surface or intracellular HA, and fibrous forms may be relevant for HA subjected to shear flow in tight intercellular spaces or in protein-HA complexes.  相似文献   

A large DNA analysis method which enable to obtain spatial information of positions of specific sequences along DNA molecule has been developed. Making use of the phenomenon that large DNA molecule is elongated stably under alternative current field in a concentrated linear polymer solution, direct observation of elongated individual lambda DNA molecules with fluorescence probes was carried out using fluorescence microscopy. Then, the spatial positions of the fluorescence spot of the probe on the DNA molecule were determined by image analysis.  相似文献   

Single long DNA molecule (T4 DNA) in agarose gel was visualized with a fluorescence microscope. We confirmed alternating current electric fields is effective for stretching of single DNA molecule in agarose gel. This stretching phenomenon was observed with wide range of agarose gel concentration from 0.5%(W/V) to 1.5%. From this observation, the presence of agarose gel fiber is essential for this stretching phenomenon. The stretching process of several DNA molecules in gel shows discontinuity, which is never observed in polymer systems. It would be based on topological restriction from gel fibers.  相似文献   

Splicing is an essential eukaryotic process in which introns are excised from precursors to messenger RNAs and exons ligated together. This reaction is catalyzed by a multi-MegaDalton machine called the spliceosome, composed of 5 small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) and a core set of ~100 proteins minimally required for activity. Because of the spliceosome's size, its low abundance in cellular extracts, and its highly dynamic assembly pathway, analysis of the kinetics of splicing and the conformational rearrangements occurring during spliceosome assembly and disassembly has proven extraordinarily challenging. Here, we review recent progress in combining chemical biology methodologies with single molecule fluorescence techniques to provide a window into splicing in real time. These methods complement ensemble measurements of splicing in vivo and in vitro to facilitate kinetic dissection of pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Using single molecule force spectroscopy we examine the response of heparin chains to mechanical stretching. We find that at forces below 200 pN heparin behaves as a simple entropic spring. At approximately 200 pN heparin displays a large enthalpic elasticity, which is evident as a pronounced plateau in the force-extension relationship. We determine that this enthalpic elasticity is produced by sugar rings of heparin flipping to more energetic and more extended conformations. We estimate that in vivo, the forces which stretch heparin are comparable to the forces that trigger conformational transitions in our single molecule atomic force microscopy measurements. We hypothesize that these conformational transitions have biological significance in that they provide a mechanism to finely regulate the affinity of various ligands toward heparin, for example, in secretory granules undergoing exocytosis and during the mechanical interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The complex C1 triggers the activation of the Complement classical pathway through the recognition and binding of antigen-antibody complex by its subunit C1q. The globular region of C1q is responsible for C1 binding to the immune complex. C1q can also bind nonimmune molecules such as DNA and sulfated polysaccharides, leading either to the activation or inhibition of Complement. The binding site of these nonimmune ligands is debated in the literature, and it has been proposed to be located either in the globular region or in the collagen-like region of C1q, or in both. Using single molecule fluorescence microscopy and DNA molecular combing as reporters of interactions, we have probed the C1q binding properties of T4 DNA and of fucoidan, an algal sulfated fucose-based polysaccharide endowed with potent anticomplementary activity. We have been able to visualize the binding of C1q as well as of C1 and of the isolated collagen-like region to individual DNA strands, indicating that the collagen-like region is the main binding site of DNA. From binding assays with C1r, one of the protease components of C1, we concluded that the DNA binding site on the collagen-like region is located within the stalk part. Competition experiments between fucoidan and DNA for the binding of C1q showed that fucoidan binds also to the collagen-like region part of C1q. Unlike DNA, the binding of fucoidan to collagen-like region involves interactions with the hinge region that accommodate the catalytic tetramer C1r2-C1s2 of C1. This binding property of fucoidan to C1q provides a mechanistic basis for the anticomplementary activity of the sulfated polysaccharide.  相似文献   

A fluorescence microscopy technique was used to image the dynamics of individual DNA molecules. Lambda, calf thymus, cosmid (circular), and T4 DNA were studied with the fluorescent dye acridine orange. Experiments with DNAase I were conducted, and the results indicate that these observations correspond to DNA molecules. The results of experiments with circular DNA provide strong evidence that these were single DNA molecules. Molecules were observed free in solution or attached to a glass or copper surface at one or several points. The Brownian motion of these molecules was observed, indicating that DNA in solution exists in a partially supercoiled state. Some molecules appeared stretched and were attached to the surface by their termini; the lengths of these molecules were measured. Such molecules also exhibited elastic behavior upon breaking. The power of this technique is demonstrated in images of cosmid DNA molecules, catenanes, and DNA extending from T4 phage particles. These results suggest immediate applications to molecular biology, such as examining the dynamics of protein-DNA interactions. Areas of ongoing research are discussed.  相似文献   

Characterisation of multi-protein interactions in cellular networks can be achieved by optical microscopy using multidimensional single molecule fluorescence imaging. Proteins of different species, individually labelled with a single fluorophore, can be imaged as isolated spots (features) of different colour light in different channels, and their diffusive behaviour in cells directly measured through time. Challenges in data analysis have, however, thus far hindered its application in biology. A set of methods for the automated analysis of multidimensional single molecule microscopy data from cells is presented, incorporating Bayesian segmentation-based feature detection, image registration and particle tracking. Single molecules of different colours can be simultaneously detected in noisy, high background data with an arbitrary number of channels, acquired simultaneously or time-multiplexed, and then tracked through time. The resulting traces can be further analysed, for example to detect intensity steps, count discrete intensity levels, measure fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or changes in polarisation. Examples are shown illustrating the use of the algorithms in investigations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling network, a key target for cancer therapeutics, and with simulated data.  相似文献   

A method for analyzing large DNA which makes it possible to obtain spatial information on the positions of specific sequences along a DNA molecule has been developed. Making use of the fact that large DNA molecules are stably elongated under an alternating-current field in a concentrated linear polymer solution, the direct observation of elongated individual lambda DNA molecules with fluorescence probes was carried out using fluorescence microscopy. The spatial positions of the fluorescent spots of the probe (fluorescence-labeled restriction endonuclease EcoRI) on DNA molecules were determined by image analysis. As expected, fluorescent spots of EcoRI were observed at certain positions on lambda DNA, where sequences to which EcoRI binds are located. Finally, the potential application of single large DNA molecule analysis using this DNA-stretching method is discussed.  相似文献   

Yasue Goto  Katsumi Ueda 《Planta》1988,173(4):442-446
Microfilament bundles (MFBs) of F-actin were observed by fluorescence microscopy in cells ofSpirogyra treated with rhodamine-phalloidin. Four types of MFBs could be recognized on the basis of locality and appearance: those dispersed in the cytoplasm near the cell surface; those beneath the plasma membrane running parallel to each other; those at the edges of the chloroplast; and those surrounding the nucleus. Each type exhibited a unique behavior during the cell cycle. Microfilament bundles dispersed in the cytoplasm came together at the middle of the cell to form a fibril ring at the mitotic prophase. The fibril ring decreased in diameter, causing the development of a furrow in the protoplast that progressed from the outside to the inside. After the completion of furrowing, the MFBs in the fibril ring dispersed beneath the plasma membrane. Microfilament bundles surrounding the nucleus formed a net-like cage which became invisible at the mitotic anaphase, while MFBs seen at the chloroplast edges persisted there during the cell cycle without changing their position. Parallel MFBs running perpendicular to the long axis of the cell were seen at all stages in the cell cycle.Abbreviations MF microfilament - MFB microfilament bundle - MT microtubule  相似文献   

Fluorescent labeling of a short sequence of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) was achieved by ligating a labeled dsDNA fragment to a stem–loop triplex forming oligonucleotide (TFO). After the TFO has wound around the target sequence by ligand-induced triple helix formation, its extremities hybridize to each other, leaving a dangling single-stranded sequence, which is then ligated to a fluorescent dsDNA fragment using T4 DNA ligase. A non-repeated 15 bp sequence present on lambda DNA was labeled and visualized by fluorescence microscopy after DNA combing. The label was found to be attached at a specific position located at 4.2 ± 0.5 kb from one end of the molecule, in agreement with the location of the target sequence for triple helix formation (4.4 kb from one end). In addition, an alternative combing process was noticed in which a DNA molecule becomes attached to the combing slide from the label rather than from one of its ends. The method described herein provides a new tool for the detection of very short sequences of dsDNA and offers various perspectives in the micromanipulation of single DNA molecules.  相似文献   

To study the orientation and dynamics of myosin, we measured fluorescence polarization of single molecules and ensembles of myosin decorating actin filaments. Engineered chicken gizzard regulatory light chain (RLC), labeled with bisiodoacetamidorhodamine at cysteine residues 100 and 108 or 104 and 115, was exchanged for endogenous RLC in rabbit skeletal muscle HMM or S1. AEDANS-labeled actin, fully decorated with labeled myosin fragment or a ratio of approximately 1:1000 labeled:unlabeled myosin fragment, was adhered to a quartz slide. Eight polarized fluorescence intensities were combined with the actin orientation from the AEDANS fluorescence to determine the axial angle (relative to actin), the azimuthal angle (around actin), and RLC mobility on the <10 ms timescale. Order parameters of the orientation distributions from heavily labeled filaments agree well with comparable measurements in muscle fibers, verifying the technique. Experiments with HMM provide sufficient angular resolution to detect two orientations corresponding to the two heads in rigor. Experiments with S1 show a single orientation intermediate to the two seen for HMM. The angles measured for HMM are consistent with heads bound on adjacent actin monomers of a filament, under strain, similar to predictions based on ensemble measurements made on muscle fibers with electron microscopy and spectroscopic experiments.  相似文献   

We used scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy to observe and analyze individual DNA– protein complexes formed between human nucleotide excision repair (NER) proteins and model DNA substrates. For this purpose human XPA protein was fused to EGFP, purified and shown to be functional. Binding of EGFP-labeled XPA protein to a Cy3.5-labeled DNA substrate, in the presence and absence of RPA, was assessed quantitatively by simultaneous excitation and emission detection of both fluorophores. Co-localization of Cy3.5 and EGFP signals within one diffraction limited spot indicated complexes of XPA with DNA. Measure ments were performed on samples in a 1% agarose matrix in conditions that are compatible with protein activity and where reactions can be studied under equilibrium conditions. In these samples DNA alone was freely diffusing and protein-bound DNA was immobile, whereby they could be discriminated resulting in quantitative data on DNA binding. On the single molecule level ~10% of XPA co-localized with DNA; this increased to 32% in the presence of RPA. These results, especially the enhanced binding of XPA in the presence of RPA, are similar to those obtained in bulk experiments, validating the utility of scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy for investigating functional interactions at the single molecule level.  相似文献   

R Peters  H Sauer  J Tschopp    G Fritzsch 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(8):2447-2451
A new type of single channel recording is described. Large pores were generated in the membranes of resealed human erythrocyte ghosts by incubation with perforin (cytolysin). The flux of the polar fluorescent probe Lucifer Yellow was measured in single ghosts by the fluorescence microphotolysis (photobleaching) technique. The distribution of flux rates for ghosts treated with a limiting perforin concentration showed equidistantly spaced peaks suggesting that subpopulations of ghosts with 0, 1 and 2 pores were resolved. Furthermore, distributions obtained for very different perforin concentrations could be well simulated by using one common value for the flux rate of the single pore (k = 4.65 x 10(-3) s) and assuming a Poisson distribution of pores among ghosts. The flux rate of the single pore corresponds to a pore radius of approximately 50 A, a value which is much smaller than that obtained previously by electron microscopic studies but which agrees well with recent electrical single channel recordings. Mature perforin pores were observed to be very stable. No closing events were detected at a time resolution of 0.2 s for a wide range of temperatures and Ca2+ concentrations. However, the formation of new pores was an unexpectedly slow process. Fluorescence microscopic single channel recording as introduced by this study is applicable to a variety of cellular systems and fluorescent probes and thus may complement the information obtainable by electrical single channel recording of anorganic ion fluxes.  相似文献   

Stretched DNA structures observed with atomic force microscopy.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Double-stranded DNA molecules are occasionally found that appear to be straightened and stretched in atomic force microscope (AFM) images. Usually pBS+ plasmid and lambda DNA show relaxed structures with bends and kinks along the strands and have measured contour lengths consistent to about 5-7%; they also appear not to cross over each other, except in very high concentrations. The anomalous molecules observed here, compared with the majority of molecules in the preparation, show contour lengths increased by as much as 80% and have measured heights of about half that of normal relaxed DNA. Some molecules also appear to be in transition between stretched and relaxed forms. These observations are consistent with an uncoiling of the DNA helix without breakage of the covalent bonds in the deoxyribose-phosphate backbone.  相似文献   

Drugs may interact with double stranded DNA via a variety of binding modes, each mode giving rise to a specific pharmacological function. Here we demonstrate the ability of single molecule force spectroscopy to discriminate between different interaction modes by measuring the mechanical properties of DNA and their modulation upon the binding of small molecules. Due to the unique topology of double stranded DNA and due to its base pair stacking pattern, DNA undergoes several well-characterised structural transitions upon stretching. We show that small molecule binding markedly affects these transitions in ways characteristic to the binding mode and that these effects can be detected at the level of an individual molecule. The minor groove binder berenil, the crosslinker cisplatin and the intercalator ethidium bromide are compared.  相似文献   

Rapid DNA mapping by fluorescent single molecule detection   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
DNA mapping is an important analytical tool in genomic sequencing, medical diagnostics and pathogen identification. Here we report an optical DNA mapping strategy based on direct imaging of individual DNA molecules and localization of multiple sequence motifs on the molecules. Individual genomic DNA molecules were labeled with fluorescent dyes at specific sequence motifs by the action of nicking endonuclease followed by the incorporation of dye terminators with DNA polymerase. The labeled DNA molecules were then stretched into linear form on a modified glass surface and imaged using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. By determining the positions of the fluorescent labels with respect to the DNA backbone, the distribution of the sequence motif recognized by the nicking endonuclease can be established with good accuracy, in a manner similar to reading a barcode. With this approach, we constructed a specific sequence motif map of lambda-DNA. We further demonstrated the capability of this approach to rapidly type a human adenovirus and several strains of human rhinovirus.  相似文献   

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