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Dong M  Liu G  Pinon DI  Miller LJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(17):6693-6700
Type A and B cholecystokinin (CCK) receptors are highly homologous members of the class-I family of G protein-coupled receptors that bind CCK with high affinity. However, they have divergent structural specificities, with the type A receptor requiring seven carboxyl-terminal residues including a sulfated tyrosine and the type B receptor requiring only the carboxyl-terminal tetrapeptide. The aim of this work was to utilize affinity labeling to determine spatial approximations with photolabile p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (Bpa) residues sited at each end of CCK as docked at the type B CCK receptor, contrasting this with analogous work using similar probes docked at the type A receptor. Both probes were fully efficacious, potent agonists that stimulated intracellular calcium in receptor-bearing CHO-CCKBR cells (EC(50) values: Bpa(24) probe, 41 +/- 9 pM; Bpa(33) probe, 15 +/- 3.3 pM). They bound specifically, with high affinity (K(i) values: Bpa(24) probe, 0.60 +/- 0.17 nM; Bpa(33) probe, 0.58 +/- 0.11 nM). Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the covalently labeled receptor suggested the first extracellular loop as the region of labeling by each probe, distinct from the type A CCK receptor regions labeled using the same probes (third loop and amino-terminal tail, respectively). This was confirmed by subsequent enzymatic and chemical cleavage of labeled wild-type and mutant receptors. Sequential cycles of Edman degradation of labeled receptor fragments identified the specific residues within loop one labeled by each probe (Bpa(24) probe labeled Phe(122); Bpa(33) probe labeled Thr(119)). This provides a direct demonstration of distinct modes of docking the same high-affinity ligand to highly homologous receptors.  相似文献   

This communication reviews briefly the preparation of two photoreactive arylazido insulins and the use of these insulin derivatives to photolabel the insulin receptor of rat adipocytes. These experiments showed that the receptor contains disulfide linked subunits of 130,000, 90,000, and 40,000 daltons. When not reduced by dithiothreitol, three receptor species of 380,000, 300,000, and 230,000 daltons were detected. Based on the results of photolabeling we propose that the 300,000-dalton species is composed of one 130,000-, one 90,000-, and two 40,000-dalton subunits in disulfide linkages.  相似文献   

We have determined crystal structures of Sec4, a member of the Rab family in the G protein superfamily, in two states: bound to GDP, and to a non-hydrolyzable GTP analog, guanosine-5'-(beta, gamma)-imidotriphosphate (GppNHp). This represents the first structure of a Rab protein bound to GDP. Sec4 in both states grossly resembles other G proteins bound to GDP and GppNHp. In Sec4-GppNHp, structural features common to active Rab proteins are observed. In Sec4-GDP, the switch I region is highly disordered and displaced relative to the switch I region of Ras-GDP. In two of the four molecules of Sec4-GDP in the asymmetric unit of the Sec4-GDP crystals, the switch II region adopts a conformation similar to that seen in the structure of the small G protein Ran bound to GDP. This allows residues threonine 76, glutamate 80, and arginine 81 of Sec4 to make contacts with other conserved residues and water molecules important for nucleotide binding. In the other two molecules in the asymmetric unit, these interactions do not take place. This structural variability in both the switch I and switch II regions of GDP-bound Sec4 provides a possible explanation for the high off-rate of GDP bound to Sec4, and suggests a mechanism for regulation of the GTPase cycle of Rab proteins by GDI proteins.  相似文献   

Despite its biological importance, our knowledge of active site structure and relevance of critical amino acids in CYP2E1 catalytic processes remain limited. In this study, we identified CYP2E1 active site residues using photoaffinity labeling with 7-azido-4-methylcoumarin (AzMC) coupled with a CYP2E1 homology model. In the absence of light, AzMC was an effective competitor against substrate p-nitrophenol oxidation by CYP2E1. Photoactivation of AzMC led to a concentration-dependent loss in CYP2E1 activity and structural integrity resulting from the modification of both heme and protein. The photo-labeling reaction degraded heme and produced a possible heme adduct. Probe incorporation into the protein occurred at multiple sites within substrate recognition sequence 5 (SRS-5). Based on a CYP2E1 homology model, we hypothesize AzMC labels SRS-5 residues, Leu363, Val364, and Leu368, in the active site. In addition, we propose a series of phenylalanines, especially Phe106, mediate contacts with the coumarin.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling of receptors by bound agonists can provide important spatial constraints for molecular modeling of activated receptor complexes. Secretin is a 27-residue peptide hormone with a diffuse pharmacophoric domain that binds to the secretin receptor, a prototypic member of the Class B family of G protein-coupled receptors. In this work, we have developed, characterized, and applied two new photolabile probes for this receptor, with sites for covalent attachment in peptide positions 12 and 14, surrounding the previously most informative site of affinity labeling of this receptor. The [Tyr10,(BzBz)Lys12]rat secretin-27 probe covalently labeled receptor residue Val6, whereas the [Tyr10,(BzBz)Lys14]rat secretin-27 probe labeled receptor residue Pro38. When combined with previous photoaffinity labeling data, there are now seven independent sets of constraints distributed throughout the peptide and receptor amino-terminal domain that can be used together to generate a new molecular model of the ligand-occupied secretin receptor. The amino-terminal domain of this receptor presented a stable platform for peptide ligand interaction, with the amino terminus of the peptide hormone extended toward the transmembrane helix domain of the receptor. This provides clear insights into the molecular basis of natural ligand binding and supplies testable hypotheses regarding the molecular basis of activation of this receptor.  相似文献   

Huber SK  Scheidig AJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(13):2821-2829
The Ras-related human GTPase Rab4a is involved in the regulation of endocytosis through the sorting and recycling of early endosomes. Towards further insight, we have determined the three-dimensional crystal structure of human Rab4a in its GppNHp-bound state to 1.6 Angstroms resolution and in its GDP-bound state to 1.8 Angstroms resolution, respectively. Despite the similarity of the overall structure with other Rab proteins, Rab4a displays significant differences. The structures are discussed with respect to the recently determined structure of human Rab5a and its complex with the Rab5-binding domain of the bivalent effector Rabaptin-5. The Rab4 specific residue His39 modulates the nucleotide binding pocket giving rise to a reduced rate for nucleotide hydrolysis and exchange. In comparison to Rab5, Rab4a has a different GDP-bound conformation within switch 1 region and displays shifts in position and orientation of the hydrophobic triad. The observed differences at the S2-L3-S3 region represent a new example of structural plasticity among Rab proteins and may provide a structural basis to understand the differential binding of similar effector proteins.  相似文献   

The ErbB growth factor receptor family members are key players in vital physiological and pathological processes. Like other receptor tyrosine kinases, the ErbBs are bi-topic membrane proteins, whose extracellular and intracellular domains are connected by single transmembrane span. In recent years the crystal structures of the extracellular and intracellular domains of some ErbBs have been determined. We integrated the available structural information with phylogenetic, biochemical, biophysical, genetic, and computational data into a suggested model for the regulation and activation of these receptors. According to the model, regulation is maintained by a dynamic equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric states in various conformations. Along this dynamic equilibrium, variations in the points of interactions within the dimers alter the activation state and ligand-binding affinities. The active state was recently shown to be associated with an asymmetric dimer of the kinase domains. That finding enabled us to elucidate, in molecular terms, the directionality observed in the activation process of ErbB heterodimers; it can explain, for example, the preferential activation of ErbB2 by ErbB1 over activation of ErbB1 by ErbB2. Sequence alterations that reverse this directionality lead to aberrant signaling and cancer. Our model also offers molecular interpretations of the effects of various oncogenic alterations that interfere with the regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Specific insulin receptor proteins of plasma membrane preparations from various tissues of the rat were identified using a photoreactive insulin derivative, NεB29-mono(azidobenzoyl)insulin. Except for the brain, all tissues examined showed the specific photolabeling of two proteins of Mr~130K and ~90K. In brain tissue, only one protein, Mr~115K, was specifically labeled. Liver and adipocyte membranes of the genetic obese (obob) mice showed decreased labeling of both 130K and 90K proteins when compared to those of lean littermates. Labeling of these proteins in liver plasma membranes was abolished by trypsin, whereas neuraminidase increased their electrophoretic mobility in SDS-polyacrylamide gel. The labeling of these two proteins was inhibited by a human anti-receptor serum which also formed an immunocomplex with both proteins. The labeling of the 115K protein in brain tissue was, however, not affected by the antiserum.  相似文献   

Henry LK  Khare S  Son C  Babu VV  Naider F  Becker JM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(19):6128-6139
Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid cells communicate with their opposite mating type through peptide pheromones (alpha-factor and a-factor) that activate G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). S. cerevisiaewas used as a model system for the study of peptide-responsive GPCRs. Here, we detail the synthesis and characterization of a number of alpha-factor (Trp-His-Trp-Leu-Gln-Leu-Lys-Pro-Gly-Gln-Pro-Met-Tyr) pheromone analogues containing the photo-cross-linkable group 4-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa). Following characterization, one analogue, [Bpa(1), Tyr(3), Arg(7), Phe(13)]alpha-factor, was radioiodinated and used as a probe for Ste2p, the GPCR for alpha-factor. Binding of the di-iodinated probe was saturable (K(d) = 200 nM) and competable by alpha-factor. Cross-linking into Ste2p was specific for this receptor and reversed by the wild-type pheromone. Chemical and enzymatic cleavage of the receptor/radioprobe complex indicated that cross-linking occurred on a portion of Ste2p spanning residues 251-294 which encompasses transmembrane domain 6, the extracellular loop between transmembrane domains 6 and 7, and transmembrane domain 7. This fragment was verified using T7-epitope-tagged Ste2p and a biotinylated, photoactivatable alpha-factor. After cross-linking with the biotinylated photoprobe and trypsin cleavage, the cross-linked receptor fragment was revealed by both an anti T7-epitope antibody and a biotin probe. This is the first determination of a specific contact region between a Class IV GPCR and its ligand. The results demonstrate that Bpa alpha-factor probes are useful in determining contacts between alpha-factor and Ste2p and initiate mapping of the ligand binding site of this GPCR.  相似文献   

We have studied the genes coding for the variant-specific surface antigen (VSA) in a series of seven trypanosome clones derived from AnTat 1.1: 1.1 leads to 1.3 leads to 1.6 leads to 1.16 leads to 1.1C leads to 1.3B leads to 1.18 These genes are all telomeric (1-5), and their surrounding, although sometimes similar, differs in each case. The length between these antigen genes and the corresponding DNA end appears to increase at each antigenic switch, with however occasional sharp size reductions, often linked to the involvement of the telomere in gene expression. This increase is due to a constant "growth" of the telomeres, at a rate of about 28 bp per day in at least four cases and probably linked to chromosome duplication. The telomere harbouring the transcribed VSA gene is growing slightly faster (about 36 bp per day), and it is the only one whose size reduction is progressive, leading to a terminal length heterogeneity within a clone. As a result, the active VSA gene is found in a population of telomeres which, as the trypanosomes divide, becomes increasingly heterogeneous, with however a preferred discrete size class about 1.4 kb smaller. The fact that the "active" telomere is the only one in a chromatin conformation highly sensitive to DNAaseI (1-4, 6), suggests that chromatin structure influences the rate and extent of both size increase and shortening of telomeres.  相似文献   

Full structural characterization of G protein-coupled receptors has been limited to rhodopsin, with its uniquely stable structure and ability to be crystallized. For other members of this important superfamily, direct structural insights have been limited to NMR structures of soluble domains. Two members of the Class II family have recently had the structures of their isolated amino-terminal regions solved by NMR, yet it remains unclear how that domain is aligned with the heptahelical transmembrane bundle domain of those receptors. Indeed, three distinct orientations have been suggested for different members of this family. In the current work, we have utilized fluorescence resonance energy transfer to establish the distances between four residues distributed throughout fully biologically active, high affinity analogues of secretin and distinct residues in each of four extracellular regions of the intact secretin receptor. These 16 distance constraints were utilized along with nine photoaffinity labeling spatial approximation constraints to study the three proposed orientations of the peptide-binding amino terminus and helical bundle domains of this receptor. In the best model, the carboxyl terminus of secretin was found to bind in a groove above the beta-hairpin region of the receptor amino terminus, with its amino-terminal end adjacent to the third extracellular loop and top of transmembrane segment VI. This refined model of the intact receptor was also fully consistent with the spatial approximation of the Trp(48)-Asp(49)-Asn(50) endogenous agonist segment with the third extracellular loop region that it has been shown to photolabel. This provides strong evidence for the orientation of peptide-binding and signaling domains of a prototypic Class II G protein-coupled receptor.  相似文献   

The chromatin structure of the ribosomal DNA in Xenopus laevis was studied by micrococcal nuclease digestions of blood, liver and embryonic cell nuclei. We have found that BglI-restricted DNA from micrococcal nuclease-digested blood cell nuclei has an increased electrophoretic mobility compared to the undigested control. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of liver cell nuclei causes a very slight shift in mobility, only in the region of the spacer containing the "Bam Islands". In contrast, the mobility of ribosomal DNA in chromatin of embryonic cells, under identical digestion conditions, remains unaffected by the nuclease activity. Denaturing gels or ligase action on the nuclease-treated DNA abolishes the differences in the electrophoretic mobility. Ionic strength and ethidium bromide influence the relative electrophoretic migration of the two DNA fragment populations, suggesting that secondary structure may play an important role in the observed phenomena. In addition, restriction analysis under native electrophoretic conditions of DNA prepared from blood, liver and embryonic cells shows that blood cell DNA restriction fragments always have a faster mobility than the corresponding fragments of liver and embryo cell DNA. We therefore propose that nicking activity by micrococcal nuclease modifies the electrophoretic mobility of an unusual DNA conformation, present in blood cell, and to a lesser extent, in liver cell ribosomal chromatin. A possible function for these structures is discussed. The differences of the ribosomal chromatin structures in adult and embryonic tissues may reflect the potential of the genes to be expressed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of CYP3A4-substrate interactions has been investigated using a battery of techniques including cysteine scanning mutagenesis, photoaffinity labeling, and structural modeling. In this study, cysteine scanning mutagenesis was performed at seven sites within CYP3A4 proposed to be involved in substrate interaction and/or cooperativity. Photolabeled CYP3A4 peptide adducts were further characterized by mass spectrometric analysis for each mutant after proteolytic digestion and isolation of fluorescent photolabeled peptides. Among the tryptic peptides of seven tested mutants, three photolabeled peptides of the F108C mutant, ECYSVFTNR (positions 97-105), VLQNFSFKPCK (positions 459-469), and RPCGPVGFMK (positions 106-115) were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS and nano-LC/ESI QTOF MS. The site of modification was further localized to the substituted Cys-108 residue in the mutant peptide adduct RPCGPVGFMK (positions 106-115) by nano-LC/ESI QTOF MS/MS. In summary, we described a potentially useful method to study P450 active sites using a combination of cysteine scanning mutagenesis and photoaffinity labeling.  相似文献   

General anesthetics have been reported to alter the functions of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling systems. To determine whether these effects might be mediated by direct binding interactions with the GPCR or its associated G protein, we studied the binding character of halothane on mammalian rhodopsin, structurally the best understood GPCR, by using direct photoaffinity labeling with [(14)C]halothane. In the bleached bovine rod disk membranes (RDM), opsin and membrane lipids were dominantly photolabeled with [(14)C]halothane, but none of the three G protein subunits were labeled. In opsin itself, halothane labeling was inhibited by unlabeled halothane with an IC(50) of 0.9 mM and a Hill coefficient of -0.8. The stoichiometry was 1.1:1.0 (halothane:opsin molar ratio). The IC(50) values of isoflurane and 1-chloro-1,2, 2-trifluorocyclobutane were 5.0 and 15 mM, respectively. Ethanol had no effect on opsin labeling by halothane. A nonimmobilizer, 1, 2-dichlorohexafluorocyclobutane, inhibited halothane labeling by 50% at 0.05 mM. The present results demonstrate that halothane binds specifically and selectively to GPCRs in the RDM. The absence of halothane binding to any of the G protein subunits strongly suggests that the functional effects of halothane on GPCR signaling systems are mediated by direct interactions with receptor proteins.  相似文献   

The calcitonin receptor is a member of the class B family of G protein-coupled receptors, closely related to secretin and parathyroid hormone receptors. Although mechanisms of ligand binding have been directly explored for those receptors, current knowledge of the molecular basis of calcitonin binding to its receptor is based only on receptor mutagenesis. In this work we have utilized the more direct approach of photoaffinity labeling to explore spatial approximations between distinct residues within calcitonin and its receptor. For this we have developed two human calcitonin analogues incorporating a photolabile p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine residue in the mid-region and carboxyl-terminal half of the peptide in positions 16 and 26, respectively. Both probes specifically bound to the human calcitonin receptor with high affinity and were potent stimulants of cAMP accumulation in calcitonin receptor-bearing human embryonic kidney 293 cells. They covalently labeled the calcitonin receptor in a saturable and specific manner. Further purification, deglycosylation, specific chemical and enzymatic cleavage, and sequencing of labeled wild type and mutant calcitonin receptors identified the sites of labeling for the position 16 and 26 probes as receptor residues Phe137 and Thr30, respectively. Both were within the extracellular amino terminus of the calcitonin receptor, with the former adjacent to the first transmembrane segment and the latter within the distal amino-terminal tail of the receptor. These data are consistent with affinity labeling of other members of the class B G protein-coupled receptors using analogous probes and may suggest a common ligand binding mechanism for this family.  相似文献   

Summary Understanding the molecular mechanism underlying how the peptide ligands bind to their receptors with subsequent receptor activation and cellular response is of great long-term value in designing receptor-targeted drugs. This is more difficult for class-II G protein-coupled receptors as only minimal structural data is available and their natural peptide ligands contain a large and diffuse pharmacophore. To address this problem, photoaffinity labeling studies have been developed to identify the spatial proximity between the photophore-modified ligand and its receptor. This minireview looks at the application of this approach in determining the proximal sites between class-II G protein-coupled receptor peptide ligands and their corresponding receptors, including parathyroid hormone, secretin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. More specifically, we will highlight interaction sites between positions 19, 16 and 26 of calcitonin with C134−K141, and F137 and T30 of the receptor, respectively.  相似文献   

Psoralen cross-linking was used to produce intramolecular cross-links in the Escherichia coli 16 S ribosomal RNA in the inactive and active forms of the 30 S subunit. A number of psoralen cross-links were made in the inactive form that were not made in the active form. The most frequent of these cross-links was sequenced by a series of techniques and identified as C-924 to U-1532. In this region, a three-base complementary, (921-923).(1532-1534), forms a site where psoralen can stack and produce a cross-link between C-924 and U-1532. When psoralen monoadducts were placed on inactive subunits and the conformation was switched to the active form before cross-linking, a new cross-link involving U-1393 was detected. U-1393 is part of the complementarity, (923-925).(1391-1393), that has previously been proposed as being an element of the functional secondary structure on the basis of sequence comparison. The complementarity between (921-923).(1532-1534) occurs in most nonmitochondrial small subunit RNAs; however, there are several counter examples in which it does not occur. This suggests that this alternate secondary structure interaction is not necessary for the function of the 30 S subunit.  相似文献   

Two different photoaffinity analogs of 4-hydroxy coumarin, 3-(p-azidobenzyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin (AzBHC) and 3-(4-azido-5-iodosalicylamido)-4-hydroxycoumarin (AzISAHC), are being used in the identification of warfarin-binding proteins present in mammalian tissue (Myszka, D. G., and Swenson, R. P. (1990) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 172, 415-422; Myszka, D. G., and Swenson, R. P. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 4789-4797). In this study, [14C]AzBHC, but not [125I]AzISAHC, was observed to specifically label a 15,000-dalton protein present in both the microsomal and cytosolic fractions of rat liver. Pretreatment of the crude protein samples with warfarin or dicoumarol completely protected the 15-kDa protein from modification by [14C]AzBHC, indicating that this photoaffinity reagent is specifically labeling a coumarin-binding protein. 4-Hydroxycoumarin itself and AzISAHC were unable to block the incorporation of this photoaffinity probe. The 15-kDa protein was isolated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and subjected to amino-terminal sequence analysis. The first 20 amino acid residues analyzed were found to be identical with the amino-terminal sequence of rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) (Gordon J. I., Alpers, D. H., Ockner, R. K., and Strauss, A. W. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 3356-3363). Photoaffinity labeling and protection experiments carried out on purified preparations of L-FABP paralleled the labeling results obtained in the microsomes and cytosol, confirming that L-FABP is capable of specifically binding AzBHC, warfarin, and dicoumarol. Oleic acid, an established ligand for L-FABP, can compete with the binding of the photoaffinity probe; however, it was less effective in protecting the protein than warfarin. The specificity of labeling of crude liver fractions by warfarin photoaffinity analogs reported here as well as the high concentration of FABP in liver tissue together suggest that this protein may represent a major hepatic receptor responsible for the uptake and/or transport of various oral 4-hydroxycoumarin-based anticoagulant drugs.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal domains of secretin family peptides have been shown to contain key determinants for high affinity binding to their receptors. In this work, we have examined the interaction between carboxyl-terminal residues within secretin and the prototypic secretin receptor. We previously utilized photoaffinity labeling to demonstrate spatial approximation between secretin residue 22 and the receptor domain that includes the first 30 residues of the amino terminus (Dong, M., Wang, Y., Pinon, D. I., Hadac, E. M., and Miller, L. J. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 903-909). Here, we further refined the site of labeling with the p-benzoyl-phenylalanine (Bpa(22)) probe to receptor residue Leu(17) using progressive cleavage of wild type and mutant secretin receptors (V13M and V16M) and sequence analysis. We also developed a new probe incorporating a photolabile Bpa at position 26 of secretin, closer to its carboxyl terminus. This analogue was also a potent agonist (EC(50) = 72 +/- 6 pm) and bound to the secretin receptor specifically and with high affinity (K(i) = 10.3 +/- 2.4 nm). It covalently labeled the secretin receptor at a single site saturably and specifically. This was localized to the segment between residues Gly(34) and Ala(41) using chemical and enzymatic cleavage of labeled wild type and A41M mutant receptor constructs and immunoprecipitation of epitope-tagged receptor fragments. Radiochemical sequencing identified the site of covalent attachment as residue Leu(36). These new insights, along with our recent report of contact between residue 6 within the amino-terminal half of secretin and this same amino-terminal region of this receptor (Dong, M., Wang, Y., Hadac, E. M., Pinon, D. I., Holicky, E. L., and Miller, L. J. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 19161-19167), support a key role for this region, making the molecular details of this interaction of major interest.  相似文献   

We have utilized the Sanders salt fractionation technique (Sanders, M. M. (1978) J. Cell Biol. 79, 97-109) to analyze the products of micrococcal nuclease digestion of adult chicken erythrocyte nuclei. By dot-blot hybridization with specific gene probes, it is found that nucleosomes from the globin gene domain, including a region extending to about 10 kilobase pairs 5' to the beta p gene are selectively enriched in the fractions eluted at low salt. In contrast, a single copy sequence located at about 10 kilobase pairs 5' to the beta p gene was concentrated in the less salt-soluble fractions. The vitellogenin and ovalbumin genes, which are never expressed in erythroid tissues, are also concentrated in the less salt-soluble fractions. Some more generally expressed genes (histone H4, thymidine kinase) appear to be more uniformly distributed. The low salt fractions are depleted in H1/H5, enriched in high mobility group 14 and 17, and contain somewhat more highly acetylated histones.  相似文献   

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