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洛阳市城区雪松(Cedrus deodara)松针重金属含量空间分异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对雪松(Cedrus deodara)松针Pb、Cu、Zn、Cd等4种重金属含量的测定,分析洛阳市大气重金属污染空间分布状况。从洛阳市居民区、商业区、工业区、风景区等4类采样点,分10~15年生雪松松针(YS),10~15年生雪松地面落针(YD),20~30年生雪松松针(LS),20~30年生雪松落针(LD)等4种类型,采集雪松松针,测定其Pb、Cu、Zn、Cd等4种重金属含量。结果表明:洛阳城区雪松松针Pb、Cu、Zn、Cd平均含量为1.606、3.385、18.151和0.198mg·kg-1;松针类型间Cu和Zn含量差异显著,Pb和Cd含量差异不显著;采样点Pb、Cu和Zn含量差异显著,工业区居民区风景区,Cd含量差异不显著;采样点间雪松松针Pb、Cu、Zn含量变化主要受工业生产污染大气排放量和人为活动的影响,其含量值客观地反映出各采样点大气重金属污染状况,雪松可作为城市环境大气重金属污染的指示植物。  相似文献   

Gynodioecious species are defined by the co-occurrence of two clearly separated categories of plants: females and hermaphrodites. The hermaphroditic category may, however, not be homogeneous, as male fitness may vary among hermaphrodites as a result of many biological factors. In this study, we analysed estimates of pollen quantity and viability in the gynodioecious Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima, comparing hermaphrodites bearing a male-fertile cytotype and hermaphrodites bearing cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genes, which are counteracted by nuclear restoration factors. We show that: (i) pollen quantity continuously varies among restored hermaphrodites, suggesting a complex genetic determination of nuclear restoration; (ii) pollen viability was lower in restored (CMS) hermaphrodites than in non-CMS hermaphrodites, probably because of incomplete restoration in some of these plants; and (iii) pollen quantity and viability also varied among hermaphrodites with male-fertile cytotypes, possibly a result of a silent cost of restoration. Finally, we discuss the consequences of these results for pollen flow and the dynamics of gynodioecy.  相似文献   

Rosmarinic acid (RA) was assessed for its quorum sensing inhibitory (QSI) potential against Aeromonas hydrophila strains AH 1, AH 12 and MTCC 1739. The pathogenic strains of A. hydrophila were isolated from infected zebrafish and identified through biochemical analysis and amplification of a species-specific gene (rpsL). The biofilm inhibitory concentration (BIC) of RA against A. hydrophila strains was found to be 750 μg ml?1. At this concentration, RA reduced the QS mediated hemolysin, lipase and elastase production in A. hydrophila. In FT-IR analysis, RA treated A. hydrophila cells showed a reduction in cellular components. Gene expression analysis confirmed the down-regulation of virulence genes such as ahh1, aerA, lip and ahyB. A. hydrophila infected zebrafish upon treatment with RA showed increased survival rates. Thus, the present study demonstrates the use of RA as a plausible phytotherapeutic compound to control QS mediated biofilm formation and virulence factor production in A. hydrophila.  相似文献   

A pollen record obtained from a 2.2-m sediment succession deposited in a small lake in the province of Västerbotten, north-eastern Sweden, reveals the presence of continuous forest cover since 8,500 calendar years before present (cal b.p.). Forest with abundant Pinus (pine) and Betula (birch) initially colonized the area, followed by a dominance of deciduous trees, primarily Betula, from ca. 8,000 to ca. 3,200 cal b.p. Pollen accumulation rates of Quercus (oak), Ulmus (elm) and Tilia (linden) suggest the possible local presence of these thermophilous tree species during this period. The climate gradually became colder and moister around 3,500 cal b.p. and an increased abundance of Sphagnum spores indicates paludification. Picea (spruce) became established around 3,200 cal b.p. and less than 500 years later this was the dominant tree species around the lake. The fire frequency as inferred from charcoal particles exhibits a general increase from ca. 3,000 cal b.p. with subsequent charcoal accumulation maxima at around 2,800 cal b.p., 1,700 cal b.p. and in recent time. The human influence on vegetation was significant during the last 200–300 years. Soil erosion increased substantially and fern spores amount to ca. 55% of the total pollen assemblage in the uppermost samples. These results suggest an extensive anthropogenic impact on the local forest ecosystem, with abundant logging, burning and ditching in the vicinity of the lake. Independent evidence of sub-recent human-induced environmental change is provided by historical accounts. Complementary information on catchment soil development and aquatic nutrient status was provided by records of magnetic susceptibility and elemental carbon, and nitrogen contents obtained from the same sediment core.  相似文献   

Probst C  Cotty PJ 《Fungal biology》2012,116(4):503-510
Aflatoxins are highly carcinogenic mycotoxins frequently produced by Aspergillus flavus. Contamination of maize with aflatoxins imposes both economic and health burdens in many regions. Identification of the most important etiologic agents of contamination is complicated by mixed infections and varying aflatoxin-producing potential of fungal species and individuals. In order to know the potential importance of an isolate to cause a contamination event, the ability of the isolate to produce aflatoxins on the living host must be determined. Aflatoxin production in vitro (synthetic and natural media) was contrasted with in vivo (viable maize kernels) in order to determine ability of in vitro techniques to predict the relative importance of causal agents to maize contamination events. Several media types and fermentation techniques (aerated, non-aerated, fermentation volume) were compared. There was no correlation between aflatoxin production in viable maize and production in any of the tested liquid fermentation media using any of the fermentation techniques. Isolates that produced aflatoxins on viable maize frequently failed to produce detectable (limit of detection = 1 ppb) aflatoxin concentrations in synthetic media. Aflatoxin production on autoclaved maize kernels was highly correlated with production on viable maize kernels. The results have important implications for researchers seeking to either identify causal agents of contamination events or characterize atoxigenic isolates for biological control.  相似文献   

Ca2+-CaM signaling is involved in pollen tube development. However, the distribution and function of CaM and the downstream components of Ca2+-CaM signal in pollen tube development still need more exploration. Here we obtained the CaM–GFP fusion protein transgenic line of Nicotiana tobacum SRI, which allowed us to monitor CaM distribution pattern in vivo and provided a useful tool to observe CaM response to various exogenous stimulations and afforded solid evidences of the essential functions of CaM in pollen tube growth. CaM–GFP fusion gene was constructed under the control of Lat52-7 pollen-specific promoter and transformed into Nicotiana tobacum SRI. High level of CaM–GFP fluorescence was detected at the germinal pores and the tip-to-base gradient of fluorescence was observed in developing pollen tubes. The distribution of CaM at apical dome had close relationship with the pulsant growth mode of pollen tubes: when CaM aggregated at the apical dome, pollen tubes stepped into growth state; When CaM showed non-polarized distribution, pollen tubes stopped growing. In addition, after affording exogenous Ca2+, calmidazolium (antagonism of CaM) or Brefeldin A (an inhibitor of membrane trafficking), CaM turned to a uniform distribution at the apical dome and pollen tube growth was held back. Taken together, our results showed that CaM played a vital role in pollen tube elongation and growth rate, and the oscillation of tip-to-base gradient of CaM was required for the normal pulsant growth of pollen tube.  相似文献   

Dibutyl phthalate, oleic acid and terpineol were used to extract paclitaxel in situ fromTaxus chinensis suspension cultures. Oleic acid/terpineol (1:1, v/v) added to the cultures gave a higher paclitaxel concentration, compared with either of them alone. Oleic acid/terpineol (1:1, v/v) incorporated into the cultures at 3:50 (v/v) 4 days after elicitation, which was carried out by adding 50 mg chitosan l–1, 60 M methyl jasmonate and 30 M Ag+ to 10-day-old cultures, resulted in the greatest paclitaxel production of 48 mg l–1 at day 10 after elicitation. This was double that of the culture by elicitation, and 7-fold higher than that of the culture by in situ extraction.  相似文献   

Many studies of the evolution of life-history traits assume that the underlying population dynamical attractor is stable point equilibrium. However, evolutionary outcomes can change significantly in different circumstances. We present an analysis based on adaptive dynamics of a discrete-time demographic model involving a trade-off whose shape is also an important determinant of evolutionary behaviour. We derive an explicit expression for the fitness in the cyclic region and consequently present an adaptive dynamic analysis which is algebraic. We do this fully in the region of 2-cycles and (using a symbolic package) almost fully for 4-cycles. Simulations illustrate and verify our results. With equilibrium population dynamics, trade-offs with accelerating costs produce a continuously stable strategy (CSS) whereas trade-offs with decelerating costs produce a non-ES repellor. The transition to 2-cycles produces a discontinuous change: the appearance of an intermediate region in which branching points occur. The size of this region decreases as we move through the region of 2-cycles. There is a further discontinuous fall in the size of the branching region during the transition to 4-cycles. We extend our results numerically and with simulations to higher-period cycles and chaos. Simulations show that chaotic population dynamics can evolve from equilibrium and vice-versa.  相似文献   

Apertures are key characters of pollen grains with systematic importance in angiosperms. They function as sites for pollen tube exit, water uptake, transfer of recognition substances and accommodation of volume changes. Not all pollen has apertures; inaperturate pollen (lacking obvious apertures) characterizes many angiosperm groups, especially in early divergent angiosperms and monocots, but also eudicots. In order to expand our knowledge of the systematic distribution, possible functional significance and development of inaperturate pollen in angiosperms, this review focuses on inaperturate and cryptoaperturate (with hidden apertures) pollen in the large eudicot clade, which comprises about 75% of present‐day angiosperm species. It includes new TEM observations of inaperturate pollen from four exemplar taxa selected from different parts of the eudicot phylogeny. Two categories of inaperturate (including cryptoaperturate) pollen occur in eudicots. (1) Sterile attractant or feeding pollen associated with functional dioecy has evolved iteratively at least six times in conjunction with complex breeding systems in the core eudicots. (2) Fertile pollen has evolved numerous times independently throughout eudicots, though generally in a relatively small number of individual taxa. Notable exceptions are the petaliferous crotonoid Euphorbiaceae s.s., in which fertile inaperturate pollen occurs in c. 1500 species, and two subfamilies of Apocynaceae s.l. (Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae) with c. 2500 species with fertile inaperturate pollen in pollinia. Fertile inaperturate pollen is sometimes (but not always) associated with an aquatic habit, parasitism, insectivory, heterostyly, anemophily or pollinia. Most fertile inaperturate pollen has a thin exine, or the exine is largely restricted to isolated components (muri, protuberances, subunits) separated by thinner areas which probably function as apertures. In cryptoaperturate pollen, the aperture is covered by continuous exine which probably has a protective function, similar to an operculum. Developmentally, inaperturate pollen is not associated with any particular tetrad type or meiotic spindle orientation (unlike some apertures) due to the absence of a colpal shield of endoplasmic reticulum or other organelles and hence is independent of microsporogenesis type. The lack of a colpal shield during the tetrad stage of development permits complete deposition of first primexine and then exine around each microspore, possibly mediated by the action of the DEX1 protein. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155 , 29–48.  相似文献   

The composition and seasonal distribution of airborne pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, has been studied between June 2001 and December 2003 using the Rotorod sampler (model 40). The results show that the main pollen types during this period were Cupressaceae, Fraxinus, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Pinus, Urticaceae, Ulmus, Olea and Styphnolobium. The highest concentrations occurred from August to December (end of winter and spring), accounting for 80% of the total annual pollen count. The greatest diversity was found in the spring, with the major of pollen coming from short-flowering plant types, such as Populus, Acer, Platanus, Juglans, Tamarix, Ailanthus and Typha. The potential sources of pollen from woody ornamental species are Cupressus sempervirens, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Fraxinus pennsylvanica. whereas those from herbaceous species are the Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae, which are found within the city and also in the surrounding natural vegetation, and the Urticaceae, which are only present in the city. Marked annual differences were noted during the study period. The increase in 2002 may have been due to the abundant rainfall that occurred prior to the spring season, which would have favored the vegetative stage and flower development of plants. The decrease in pollen concentration in 2003 was mainly due to low rainfall throughout the year.  相似文献   

Annual pollen-accumulation rates (PAR) of Fagus (beech) obtained within the framework of the Pollen Monitoring Programme (PMP) were analyzed in pollen traps along a N–S transect from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea in different European vegetation units. The study regions are situated in the lowlands of northern Poland, the uplands of SE Poland, the Czech Krkono?e Mts, the Czech ?umava Mts, the Swiss Jura Mts, the Swiss Alps, the Bulgarian Rila Mts and the Bulgarian Strandzha Mts. Most time series are 10 or 11 years long, some are 5–16 years long. Inter-annual fluctuations in Fagus PAR were analyzed and compared with seed mast years. Years with high Fagus PAR and others with low Fagus PAR occurred most frequently in parallel within each region and often in two neighbouring regions. 2006 was exceptional as it had a very high Fagus sylvatica pollen deposition in all study regions and it was also a mast year. In Bulgaria, the trend in the 5 years of Fagus orientalis PAR in the Strandzha Mts differed from that of F. sylvatica PAR in the Rila Mts. Aiming at establishing the relationship between average Fagus PAR and tree cover, differences in Fagus PAR (averaged per pollen trap) were related in each region to the proportion of beech trees in the vegetation within 2 km of the pollen traps, the distance to the nearest pollinating Fagus tree, regional or local presence of beech forests, the degree of landscape openness, and the size of forest opening in which a trap is situated. Average Fagus PAR was found to track the regional abundance of beech trees in the vegetation, not the distance of the nearest Fagus tree. Regional occurrence of beech-dominated forests was reflected by a Fagus PAR of ca. 1,400 grains cm?2 year?1, local abundance very close to pollen traps by ca. 2,400 grains, small patches of forest with admixture of Fagus by ca. 170–220 grains, and scarcity or absence of Fagus by ca. 40 grains or less.  相似文献   

Plantago L. species are very common in nitrified areas such as roadsides and their pollen is a major cause of pollinosis in temperate regions. In this study, we sampled airborne pollen grains in the city of León (NW, Spain) from January 1995 to December 2011, by using a Burkard® 7-day-recording trap. The percentage of Plantago pollen compared to the total pollen count ranged from 11 % (1997) to 3 % (2006) in the period under study. Peak pollen concentrations were recorded in May and June. Our 17-year analysis failed to disclose significant changes in the seasonal trend of plantain pollen concentration. In addition, there were no important changes in the start dates of pollen release and the meteorological parameters analyzed did not show significant variations in their usual trends. We analyzed the influence of several meteorological parameters on Plantago pollen concentration to explain the differences in pollen concentration trends during the study. Our results show that temperature, sun hours, evaporation, and relative humidity are the meteorological parameters best correlated to the behavior of Plantago pollen grains. In general, the years with low pollen concentrations correspond to the years with less precipitation or higher temperatures. We calculated the approximate Plantago flowering dates using the cumulative sum of daily maximum temperatures and compared them with the real bloom dates. The differences obtained were 4 days in 2009, 3 days in 2010, and 1 day in 2011 considering the complete period of pollination.  相似文献   

The investigation of airborne pollen and fungalspore concentrations was carried out in Cracowbetween 1997–1999. For this study thevolumetric method has been employed (Burkard).At the same time the clinical diagnosis ofpollen allergy in 40 patients was obtained onthe basis of an interview, positive skin pricktests with pollen extracts and increasedspecific IgE level. An increase in seasonalallergy symptoms in all patients occurred fromthe middle of May to the middle of August.Eighty eight percent of the patients (35 out of40) were sensitive to Poaceae pollen and about50% of them were additionally sensitive totree and herb pollen excluding grasses. Forpatients with additional allergy to tree pollenthe seasonal symptoms started at the end ofMarch (Betula) while for patients withadditional allergy to herb pollen it wasextended to the middle of September (Artemisia).Five people out of 40 revealed positive skinreactions to Alternaria spores and anincrease in specific IgE level. Positive skinreaction to Cladosporium spores with noincrease in specific IgE level occurred in 2patients. The increase in seasonal allergysymptoms in people sensitive to Alternariaspores noted in July and August could becaused not only by these spores but also byPoaceae pollen.  相似文献   

 Germinating pollen from larch (Larix occidentalis), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and white pine (Pinus monticola) were co-cultured with megagametophytes dissected from cones of other genera (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Larix×eurolepis and Pinus monticola). Pollen was presented to megagametophytes possessing archegonia which were either alive, degenerating or dead. In addition, pollen was presented to fertilized megagametophytes and to megagametophytes that had been cut in half. Megagametophyte penetration by pollen tubes and male gamete release into archegonia were verified by serial sections of glycomethacrylate-embedded specimens. Pollen tubes penetrated through any part of the apex of the megagametophyte. Division of the body cell into the two gametes was regularly observed. Delivery of gametes was confirmed between spruce and larch. Pollen tubes also penetrated fertilized megagametophytes, dead or degenerating archegonia as well as wounded and/or cut surfaces. This demonstrates the inability of the male gametophyte to optimize its mating efforts, since it is unable to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy archegonia. The megagametophyte cells are unable to optimize male selection. They may produce secretions of a generally attractive nature, as pollen is attracted to the apex of the megagametophyte, but archegonia themselves do not produce pollen-specific signals of either a promotive or inhibitory nature. These results open new avenues for the development of novel breeding strategies where natural breeding barriers may be bypassed. Received: 19 March 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1998  相似文献   

We examined diurnal and nocturnal nectar secretion across sexual stages in protandrous Alstroemeria aurea, a bumble bee-pollinated herb with long-lived flowers native to the southern Andes. We found the following patterns: (1) most nectar was produced diurnally and (2) three times more sugar was secreted during the male than female phase, not only because the male phase lasted longer but also because the rate of nectar production was higher. This 3:1 ratio in nectar production matched the ratio of the minimum number of bumble bee visits required on average to saturate male (pollen removal) vs. female (seed set) functions. Standing crop of nectar, on the other hand, did not differ greatly between male- and female- stage flowers left open to visitors, because the high-production male-phase flowers were visited more frequently than female- phase flowers. In an experiment concurrent with the repeated nectar sampling of individual flowers over their life-span, we removed pollen from anthers or deposited pollen on stigmas by hand. Neither treatment, designed to mimic effects of visits by Alstroemeria's native bumble bee pollinator, affected nectar production. The absence of plasticity in nectar secretion in relation to pollination events may reflect a low cost of nectar production, or may result from developmental constraints related to the evolution of the synchronous protandry that characterizes A. aurea.  相似文献   

The apoptosis program of physiological cell death elicits a range of non-phlogistic homeostatic mechanisms—“recognition, response and removal”—that regulate the microenvironments of normal and diseased tissues via multiple modalities operating over short and long distances. The molecular mechanisms mediate intercellular signaling through direct contact with neighboring cells, release of soluble factors and production of membrane-delimited fragments (apoptotic bodies, blebs and microparticles) that allow for interaction with host cells over long distances. These processes effect the selective recruitment of mononuclear phagocytes and the specific activation of both phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. While much evidence is available concerning the mechanisms underlying the recognition and responses of phagocytes that culminate in the engulfment and removal of apoptotic cell bodies, relatively little is yet known about the non-phagocytic cellular responses to the apoptosis program. These responses regulate inflammatory and immune cell activation as well as cell fate decisions of proliferation, differentiation and death. Here, we review current knowledge of these processes, considering especially how apoptotic cells condition the microenvironments of normal and malignant tissues. We also discuss how apoptotic cells that persist in the absence of phagocytic clearance exert inhibitory effects over their viable neighbors, paying particular attention to the specific case of cell cultures and highlighting how new cell-corpse-clearance devices—Dead-Cert® Nanoparticles—can significantly improve the efficacy of cell cultures through effective removal of non-viable cells in the absence of phagocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

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