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N-Acetylglucosaminyl(diphosphodolichol) N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase, also known as Enzyme II, is the second enzyme in the dolichol pathway. This pathway is responsible for the assembly of the tetradecasaccharide pyrophosphate dolichol, which is the substrate for oligosaccharyl transferase. In order to study the specificity of Enzyme II, four unnatural dolichol diphosphate monosaccharides were synthesized, with the C-2 acetamido group in the natural substrate Dol-PP-GlcNAc 1a replaced by fluoro, ethoxy, trifluoroacetamido, and amino functionalities. These analogues 1b-e were evaluated as glycosyl acceptors for Enzyme II, which catalyzes the formation of dolichol diphosphate chitobiose (Dol-PP-GlcNAc(2)) from UDP-GlcNAc and Dol-PP-GlcNAc. Enzyme II from pig liver was found to be highly specific for its glycosyl acceptor and the acetamido group shown to be a key functional determinant for this glycosylation reaction.  相似文献   

The hamster gene for uridine diphosphate N-acetyl-D-glucosamine:dolichyl phosphate N-acetylglucosaminyl phosphoryl transferase(L-G1PT) was found to extend over 6.5 kb and to contain nineexons. The exons ranged in size from 63 to 214 bp, encodingthe 408 amino acid protein. The introns ranged from 85 bp to1.4 kb. Upstream 5' sequences included two possible TATA boxes,one possible CCAAT box and at least two potential GC boxes.Heterologous expression was successful in Schizosaccharomycespombe, and resulted in cells that were tunicamycin resistantand had 12-fold more L-G1PT activity than wild-type cells. Antiserumprepared to a hydrophilic peptide (residues 300–320) ofthe L-G1PT protein reacted with a 35–36 kDa protein inmembrane samples from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells andS.pombe cells that had increased levels of L-G1PT activity.In both cases, antigenic peptide competed with the 35–36kDa protein detected by the antiserum. N-acetylglucosarmine 1-phosphate transferase dolichol glycosylation  相似文献   

Some properties of an enzyme designated as a two-component ribonucleotidyl transferase from E. coli are presented. The enzyme in the presence of magnesium ions catalyzes the synthesis of polyribonucleotide chains using all four nucleoside triphosphates as substrates. The enzyme consists of two components; component A in the presence of Mg2+ catalyzes the synthesis of homo- and heteropolymers using ATP, CTP and UTP but not GTP as substrates. Component B itself does not catalyze any synthesis at all, but its addition to component A affects this component in two ways: quantitatively—the activity of component A considerably increases, and qualitatively—both components together are capable of catalyzing the synthesis of polyribonucleotides consisting of all four ribonucleotides.  相似文献   

Sequence specificity of exonuclease III from E. coli.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The influence of the nucleotide sequence on the digestion of deoxyribonuclease from E. coli, has been investigated. It was found that the rate at which mononucleotides are released varies in a sequence dependent fashion. C-residues are cleaved off rapidly and G-residues slowly while A and T are released at an intermediate rate. Quantitative analyses of digestion experiments with synthetic DNA fragments made it possible to determine rate constants for the cleavage of several dinucleotide bonds by exonuclease III. These values were found to differ by up to a factor of 3. Summation of the differences can lead to appreciable variation in the overall rate of digestion of a DNA strand. The nucleotide specificity of exonuclease III leads to a transient appearance of a series of discrete DNA fragments intermediate in digestion and a stable set of fragments in limit digests, i.e. at the point when all DNA has become single-stranded. This property of exonuclease III needs to be taken into account for the application of the enzyme in the analysis of nucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

Summary A modified procedure for the purification of E. coli galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (E.C. was developed which reproducibly gives pure enzyme. The purified enzyme was shown to be a dimeric protein with a subunit molecular weight of 41,000 and its amino acid composition and content of free sulfhydryl groups were determined. The N-terminal and C-terminal amino acid sequences were found to be NH2-thr-gln-phe-asn-pro-val-asp and -ser(val leu)-ala-COOH respectively. This N-terminal sequence allowed the identification of the start of the transferase gene in the DNA sequence determined by GRINDLEY. Furthermore it appears to define a nine base intercistronic region between the epimerase and transferase genes.Abbreviations Cyclic AMP Cyclic adenosine 2151 monophosphate - DPN Diphosphopyridine nucleotide - UDP Uridine diphosphate - EDTA Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

The RNA sequences boxA, boxB and boxC constitute the nut regions of phage λ. They nucleate the formation of a termination-resistant RNA polymerase complex on the λ chromosome. The complex includes E. coli proteins NusA, NusB, NusG and NusE, and the λ N protein. A complex that includes the Nus proteins and other factors forms at the rrn leader. Whereas RNA-binding by NusB and NusE has been described in quantitative terms, the interaction of NusA with these RNA sequences is less defined. Isotropic as well as anisotropic fluorescence equilibrium titrations show that NusA binds only the nut spacer sequence between boxA and boxB. Thus, nutR boxA5-spacer, nutR boxA16-spacer and nutR boxA69-spacer retain NusA binding, whereas a spacer mutation eliminates complex formation. The affinity of NusA for nutL is 50% higher than for nutR. In contrast, rrn boxA, which includes an additional U residue, binds NusA in the absence of spacer. The Kd values obtained for rrn boxA and rrn boxA-spacer are 19-fold and 8-fold lower, respectively, than those for nutR boxA-spacer. These differences may explain why λ requires an additional protein, λ N, to suppress termination. Knowledge of the different affinities now describes the assembly of the anti-termination complex in quantitative terms.  相似文献   

Ribokinase (RK) was expressed in the Escherichia coli ER2566 cells harboring the constructed expression plasmid encompassing the rbsK gene, encoding ribokinase. The recombinant enzyme was purified from sonicated cells by double chromatography to afford a preparation that was ca. 90% pure and had specific activity of 75 micromol/min mg protein. Catalytic activity of RK: (i) is strongly dependent on the presence of monovalent cations (potassium>ammonium>cesium), and (ii) is cooperatively enhanced by divalent magnesium and manganese ions. Besides D-ribose and 2-deoxy-D-ribose, RK was found to catalyze the 5-O-phosphorylation of D-arabinose, D-xylose, and D-fructose in the presence of ATP, and potassium and magnesium ions; L-ribose and L-arabinose are not substrates for the recombinant enzyme. A new radiochemical method for monitoring the formation of D-pentofuranose-5-[32P]phosphates in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP and RK is reported.  相似文献   

Membrane isolated from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 incorporated GlcNAc from UDP-GlcNAc directly onto undecaprenyl phosphate via transphosphorylation and subsequent transglucosylations. Chain lengths of 6, 4, and 1 units of GlcNAc were found. Approximately 80% of the isotope incorporated was extracted into chloroform:methanol (2:1 v/v), and could be distinguished from the undecaprenyl disaccharide cell wall intermediate by a different elution pattern on DEAE-cellulose (acetate form). The GlcNAc-lipid(s) were eluted from a similar column in chloroform:methanol:water (10:10:3, v/v) with 6 mM NH4COOH indicating a pyrophosphate linkage between the lipid and the GlcNAc. The GlcNAc-lipid(s) were not degraded by conditions which completely deacylated [32P]glyceryl phospholipids, but were rapidly hydrolyzed by mild acid treatment (0.005 N HCl, 90 degrees) with the release of oligosaccharide phosphate (typical of sugars linked to undecaprenyl pyrophosphate). Catalytic hydrogenation of the GlcNAc-lipid(s) resulted in the release of water-soluble sugar phosphate. Under these same conditions, undecaprenyl pyrophosphate and undecaprenyl disaccharide cell wall intermediate were similarly effected while [32P]glyceryl phospholipids remained intact. The formation of GlcNAc-lipid(s) in vitro was inhibited if membranes were prepared from cells previously treated with bacitracin. Thus, the GlcNAc-lipid(s) has the properties of undecaprenyl poly(N-acetylglucosaminyl pyrophosphate) and may represent a new synthetic role of the polyisoprenyl lipid in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the lipid carrier undecaprenyl phosphate (C(55)-P) requires the dephosphorylation of its precursor, undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (C(55)-PP). The latter lipid is synthesized de novo in the cytosol and is also regenerated after its release from the C(55)-PP-linked glycans in the periplasm. In Escherichia coli the dephosphorylation of C(55)-PP was shown to involve four integral membrane proteins, BacA, and three members of the type 2 phosphatidic acid phosphatase family, PgpB, YbjG, and YeiU. Here, the PgpB protein was purified to homogeneity, and its phosphatase activity was examined. This enzyme was shown to catalyze the dephosphorylation of C(55)-PP with a relatively low efficiency compared with diacylglycerol pyrophosphate and farnesyl pyrophosphate (C(15)-PP) lipid substrates. However, the in vitro C(55)-PP phosphatase activity of PgpB was specifically enhanced by different phospholipids. We hypothesize that the phospholipids are important determinants to ensure proper conformation of the atypical long axis C(55) carrier lipid in membranes. Furthermore, a topological analysis demonstrated that PgpB contains six transmembrane segments, a large periplasmic loop, and the type 2 phosphatidic acid phosphatase signature residues at a periplasmic location.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan (PG) is a highly cross‐linked polysaccharide that encases bacteria, resists the effects of turgor and confers cell shape. PG precursors are translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane by the lipid carrier undecaprenyl phosphate (Und‐P) where they are incorporated into the PG superstructure. Previously, we found that one of our Escherichia coli laboratory strains (CS109) harbors a missense mutation in uppS, which encodes an enzymatically defective Und‐P(P) synthase. Here, we show that CS109 cells lacking the bifunctional aPBP PBP1B (penicillin binding protein 1B) lyse during exponential growth at elevated temperature. PBP1B lysis was reversed by: (i) reintroducing wild‐type uppS, (ii) increasing the availability of PG precursors or (iii) overproducing PBP1A, a related bifunctional PG synthase. In addition, inhibiting the catalytic activity of PBP2 or PBP3, two monofunctional bPBPs, caused CS109 cells to lyse. Limiting the precursors required for Und‐P synthesis in MG1655, which harbors a wild‐type allele of uppS, also promoted lysis in mutants lacking PBP1B or bPBP activity. Thus, simultaneous inhibition of Und‐P production and PG synthases provokes a synergistic response that leads to cell lysis. These findings suggest a biological connection that could be exploited in combination therapies.  相似文献   

The glycosyl transferase of the Escherichia coli bifunctional penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 1b catalyzes the assembly of lipid-transported N-acetylglucosaminyl-beta-1,4-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-Ala-gamma-D-Glu-meso-A2pm-D-Ala-D-Ala units (lipid II) into linear peptidoglycan chains. These units are linked, at C1 of N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc), to a C55 undecaprenyl pyrophosphate. In an in vitro assay, lipid II functions both as a glycosyl donor and as a glycosyl acceptor substrate. Using substrate analogues, it is suggested that the specificity of the enzyme for the glycosyl donor substrate differs from that for the acceptor. The donor substrate requires the presence of both N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and MurNAc and a reactive group on C1 of the MurNAc and does not absolutely require the lipid chain which can be replaced by uridine. The enzyme appears to prefer an acceptor substrate containing a polyprenyl pyrophosphate on C1 of the MurNAc sugar. The problem of glycan chain elongation that presumably proceeds by the repetitive addition of disaccharide peptide units at their reducing end is discussed.  相似文献   

Two families of membrane enzymes catalyze the initiation of the synthesis of O-antigen lipopolysaccharide. The Salmonella enterica Typhimurium WbaP is a prototypic member of one of these families. We report here the purification and biochemical characterization of the WbaP C-terminal (WbaP(CT)) domain harboring one putative transmembrane helix and a large cytoplasmic tail. An N-terminal thioredoxin fusion greatly improved solubility and stability of WbaP(CT) allowing us to obtain highly purified protein. We demonstrate that WbaP(CT) is sufficient to catalyze the in vitro transfer of galactose (Gal)-1-phosphate from uridine monophosphate (UDP)-Gal to the lipid carrier undecaprenyl monophosphate (Und-P). We optimized the in vitro assay to determine steady-state kinetic parameters with the substrates UDP-Gal and Und-P. Using various purified polyisoprenyl phosphates of increasing length and variable saturation of the isoprene units, we also demonstrate that the purified enzyme functions highly efficiently with Und-P, suggesting that the WbaP(CT) domain contains all the essential motifs to catalyze the synthesis of the Und-P-P-Gal molecule that primes the biosynthesis of bacterial surface glycans.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei expresses complex glycoproteins throughout its life cycle. A review of its repertoire of glycosidic linkages suggests a minimum of 38 glycosyltransferase activities. Of these, five have been experimentally related to specific genes and a further nine can be associated with candidate genes. The remaining linkages have no obvious candidate glycosyltransferase genes; however, the T. brucei genome contains a family of 21 putative UDP sugar-dependent glycosyltransferases of unknown function. One representative, TbGT8 , was used to establish a functional characterization workflow. Bloodstream and procyclic-form TbGT8 null mutants were created and both exhibited normal growth. The major surface glycoprotein of the procyclic form, the procyclin, exhibited a marked reduction in molecular weight due to changes in the procyclin glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor side-chains. Structural analysis of the mutant procyclin GPI anchors indicated that TbGT8 encodes a UDP-GlcNAc: β-Gal-GPI β1-3 GlcNAc transferase. This is only the second GPI-modifying glycosyltransferase to have been identified from any organism. The glycosylation of the major glycoprotein of bloodstream-form T. brucei , the variant surface glycoprotein, was unaffected in the TbGT8 mutant. However, changes in the lectin binding of other glycoproteins suggest that TbGT8 influences the processing of the poly N-acetyllactosamine-containing asparagine-linked glycans of this life cycle stage.  相似文献   

Lipoproteins are important for bacterial growth and virulence and interest in them as targets for antibiotic development is growing. Lipoprotein N-acyl transferase (Lnt) catalyzes the final step in the lipoprotein posttranslational processing pathway. The mature lipoprotein can remain in the inner membrane or be trafficked to the outer membrane in the case of diderm prokaryotes. With a view to obtaining high-resolution crystal structures of membrane integral Lnt for use in drug discovery a program was undertaken to generate milligram quantities of stable, homogenous and functional protein. This involved screening across bacterial species for suitable orthologues and optimization at the level of protein expression, solubilization and stability. Combining biophysical and functional characterization, orthologous Lnt from Escherichia coli and the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa was identified as suitable for the proposed structure determination campaign that ultimately yielded crystal structures. The rational approaches taken that eventually provided structure-quality protein are presented in this report.  相似文献   

Pan JJ  Yang LW  Liang PH 《Biochemistry》2000,39(45):13856-13861
Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (UPPs) catalyzes condensation of eight molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate with farnesyl pyrophosphate to yield C(55)-undecaprenyl pyrophosphate. We have mutated the aspartates and glutamates in the five conserved regions (I to V) of UPPs protein sequence to evaluate their effects on substrate binding and catalysis. The mutant enzymes including D26A, E73A, D150A, D190A, E198A, E213A, D218A, and D223A were expressed and purified to great homogeneity. Kinetic analyses of these mutant enzymes indicated that the substitution of D26 in region I with alanine resulted in a 10(3)-fold decrease of k(cat) value compared to wild-type UPPs. Its IPP K(m) value has only minor change. The mutagenesis of D150A has caused a much lower IPP affinity with IPP K(m) value 50-fold larger than that of wild-type UPPs but did not affect the FPP K(m) and the k(cat). The E213A mutant UPPs has a 70-fold increased IPP K(m) value and has a 100-fold decreased k(cat) value compared to wild-type. These results suggest that D26 of region I is critical for catalysis and D150 in region IV plays a significant role of IPP binding. The E213 residue in region V is also important in IPP binding as well as catalysis. Other mutant UPPs enzymes in this study have shown no significant change (<5-fold) of k(cat) with exception of E73A and D218A. Both enzymes have 10-fold lower k(cat) value relative to wild-type UPPs.  相似文献   

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