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Potato production in the tropical lowlands during the rainyseason is constrained by high temperature and low irradiance.This study examined the effect of these two variables on drymatter production and allocation, using plant growth, leaf anatomy,gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Plantsof two clones, Solanum goniocalyx cv. Garhuash Huayro (GH) andDTO-33, a heat tolerant clone of S. tuberosum x S. phureja,were grown in growth chambers at 33/25 °C or 20/10 °Cday/night temperature. At each temperature, plants were grownin either 12 h high irradiance (430–450 µmol m–2s–1 PAR) or 12 h low irradiance (250–280 µmolm–2 s–1) both with a 6–h photoperiod extensionof 6 µmol m–2 s–1. Plants were harvested after10 d (initial harvest) and after 20 d (final harvest). By theend of the study DTO-33 had produced more dry matter and hadtuberized, whereas GH had a greater leaf area ratio (LAR) andspecific leaf area (SLA). The highest relative growth rate (RGR)was at low temperature and low irradiance, possibly due to acombination of thin leaves with a large surface area. At thehigh temperature, low irradiance had the opposite effect, producingthe lowest net assimilation rate (NAR) and lowest RGR. Bothtuber number and weight were markedly reduced by high temperature.Low irradiance, in combination with high temperature, producedvirtually no tubers. Stomatal density, which was greater onGH than in DTO-33, was increased at high temperature. When measuredat 30 °C both clones, especially DTO-33, showed heat-adaptationin terms of ability to maintain a high rate of net photosynthesisat 30 °C. Plants grown at high irr-adiance and low temperaturehad the lowest net photosynthetic rate at 30 °C. Concurrentmeasurements of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that onlythe initial (O) fluorescence parameter was affected. The dataconfirm the field observation that reduction in potato growthat high temperature can be aggravated by lower irradiance. Thisreduction is associated with a reduced leaf area and NAR. Growth analysis, heat adaptation, light  相似文献   

In earlier work the effects of light intensity over the range31 to 250 J cm–2 day–1 and carbon dioxide concentrationfrom 325 to 900 ppm with 8-h days at 18.3 °C and 16-h nightsat 15.6 °C were described. The present paper is concernedwith three further experiments with light levels up to 375 Jcm–2 day–1 (which corresponds to the daily totalin a glasshouse in southern England in early May or August andthe intensity is approximately that of mid-winter sunshine),carbon dioxide concentration up to 1500 ppm, and day temperaturesof 18.3 to 29.4 °C. Final plant weight was increased by light over the range 125–375J cm–2 day–1 and by carbon dioxide over the range325–900 ppm, with positive interaction between them; thisinteraction was increased by raising the temperature to 23.9°C and somewhat more at 29.4 °C day temperature. Leaf-arearatio and specific leaf area were reduced by increasing eitherlight or carbon dioxide but there was little effect of temperature.Leaf-weight ratios were uniform within experiments but therewere small consistent differences between one experiment andthe other two which also affected leaf-area ratios. Mean unit leaf rate was scarcely affected by day temperatureover the range investigated. There were the usual increasesdue to increased light and carbon dioxide concentration anda consistent difference in absolute value between one experimentand the other two. These differences in mean unit leaf rateare illustrated in detail in the ontogenetic trend of unit leafrate and plant size. Lower unit leaf rates were to a considerableextent compensated for by increased leaf-area ratios in theusual way. Despite the substantial differences in day temperature the specificwater contents (g water g dry weight–1) differed little,showing in the majority of cases higher values in the highertemperature for otherwise similar treatment combinations. Flower development was somewhat delayed at 23.9 °C day temperature,and substantially so at 29.4 °C. Lateral branch length wasincreased at 23.9 °C and excessively so at 29.4 °C.This reveals quite clearly that a temperature optimum for vegetativegrowth may not be the optimum for flowering performance norproduce a desirable plant shape. Despite the marked effects of temperature on rate of flowerdevelopment, the relationship between flower development andthe ratio of flower to total weight was the same for all treatmentcombinations in all three experiments and coincident with thatreported earlier. Gasometric determinations indicated that respiratory loss bythe whole plant was a smaller proportion of net photosyntheticgain at a temperature of 29.4 °C than at 18.3 °C andwas likewise a smaller proportion at 1500 ppm carbon dioxidethan at 325 ppm. If photorespiration of leaves is assumed tobe as great as their dark respiration, the respiratory lossesare in the range of 31–50 per cent of the gross gain.Greater rates of photorespiration would increase the proportionaterespiratory loss.  相似文献   

Two isolates of Azolla caroliniana Willd. (RAR, M-3) and oneof Azolla filiculoides LAM. (LA) were compared and characterizedin defined growth environments. A moderate environment (200–230µ mol m–2 S–1, 18/6 h photoperiod and 26/22C thermoperiods) was selected to record growth in near-optimumconditions. All isolates doubled their fresh and dry weightsin approximately 2–3 d during the first week of trials.Acetylene reduction rates were low for all isolates, but RAR(from Amazonian Colombia) generally grew the fastest. RAR alsoaccumulated more chlorophyll, its chlorophyll doubling times(2.14 0.1 d) were 1–2 d faster than those of M-3 orLA, and it retained the most stable chlorophyll a/b ratios andtotal chlorophyll densities. Growth data for all isolates convergedduring the second week. Dry-weight doubling times were longerthan 3 d. None of the isolates excreted measureable amountsof nitrogen in month-long trials. Stress trials were conducted using high light (450–510µ mol m–2 s–1) and/or high temperature (35/31C conditions Biomass yields were usually least inhibited, ifat all, with elevation of only photon flux densities. High temperaturealone stimulated the dry-weight growth only of M-3 comparedwith its growth under moderate conditions. Biomass, chlorophyll,and acetylene reduction data suggested that M-3 may have a higheroptimum growth temperature than RAR or LA. The combined effectof light and temperature stress depressed acetylene reductionrates in RAR and M-3 to a greater extent than did either parameteralone. High light levels had more effect than high temperatures ininhibiting chlorophyll doubling times and inducing anthocyaninproduction in RAR and M-3. These two isolates did not form anyanthocyanin in elevated temperatures. Pre-incubation in darknessbefore exposure to elevated light/temperature conditions facilitatedanthocyanin production in all isolates. LA, however, provedto be the isolate most sensitive to stress by heat, alone oraugmented by light stress, according to all criteria used. Azolla caroliniana Willd., Azolla filiculoides Lam., biomass and chlorophyll accumulation, anthocyanin production, acetylene reduction, light/temperature stress  相似文献   

The influence of mean temperature and total solar radiationon the daily increment of shoots of 12-year-old Picea sitchensisis described. Serial auto and cross-correlation analysis isused to show that variation in shoot increment is correlatedwith variations in weather occurring over several previous hours.The relationships between daily increments for the leading andtopmost five whorl shoots and the two controlling variablesof temperature and solar radiation are described for the firsthalf of the growing season by auto-regressive models fittedby time-series methods as described by Box and Jenkins. Thesedynamic system models showed that there was a delay of one dayand two days respectively in the influence of temperature andsolar radiation on shoot increment and that after these delaysthe response continued for more than a single day. The maximumfinal response (or steady state gain) of a typical topmost shootto temperature and solar radiation change was found to be 0.091mm d–1(°C)–1 and 0.027 mm d–1 (MJ m–2)–1.For the normal range of these variables experienced this indicatesthat shoot extension was five times more sensitive to changesin temperature than to those in solar radiation. Picea sitchensis, Sitka spruce, shoot growth, weather influences, ARMA model, time-series analysis, Box-Jenkins method  相似文献   

The effects of variations in temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30C)and salinity (8, 15, 20, 26, 32 p.p.t.) on cell size and ratesof photosynthesis and population growth were evaluated in axenic,light-limited (30 µE m–2 s–1) cultures ofan estuarine clone of the diatom Nitzschia americana. Experimentalconditions were chosen to reflect the range of natural conditionswhich occur in the clone's native environment, the Cape FearRiver Estuary, Nqrth Carolina. Rates of light-limited grossphotosynthesis; or photosynthetic efficiency (PSE), were determinedfrom short-term (1 h) 14C incubations. Diurnal variation inPSE was analyzed using 14C samples taken during times of estimatedmaximum and minimum rates of diurnal photosynthesis. The salinity-dependenttemperature response of PSE is characterized by a gradual increasein rates up to a temperature optimum at –25C, beyondwhich rates rapidly decline to zero at an upper lethal limit(30–40C). A similar pattern was observed in populationgrowth rates as a function of salinity and temperature. Independentof temperature, optimum salinity for growth was 26 p.p.t. Amaximum growth rate of 2.4 div d–1 was measured at 25Cand 26 p.p.t. The effect of non-optimum salinity is a reductionin growth rates relative to a predicted temperature-dependentmaximum. Salinity-dependent patterns of variation in cell volume,in general, mirrored the response of population growth suchthat cultures with relatively high growth rates were dominatedby small cells. Significant diurnal variation was observed inPSE; maximum diurnal rates were generally 1.5–3.5 timesgreater than minimum diurnal rates.  相似文献   

The relationship between chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary productivity(PP) in the uppermost water layer and the water column-based(0–15 m) integral values of those variables were examinedusing measurements taken in Lake Kinneret (Israel) from 1990to 2003. In 81% of all Chl a profiles examined, the distributionwas fairly uniform within the entire 0–15 m water column,and 12.3% of instances showed a prominent subsurface maximum,when the lake phytoplankton was dominated by the dinoflagellatePeridinium gatunense. Chl a can be reliably estimated by remotesensing techniques in the productive and turbid water of LakeKinneret, since Chl a concentration at surface layers can beextrapolated to the entire water column. Light vertical attenuationcoefficient average for wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm, Kd,ranged from 0.203 to 1.954 m–1 and showed high degreeof temporal variation. The maximal rate of photosynthetic efficiency,PBopt [average 3.16 (±1.50)], ranged from 0.25 to 8.85mg C m–3 h–1 mg Chl a–1. Using measured dataof Chl a, PBopt, and light as an input, a simple depth-integratedPP model allowed plausible simulation of PP. However, a lackof correlation between photosynthetic activity and temperature(or other variable with remotely sensed potential) renders theuse of models that require input of photosynthetic efficiencyto calculate integrated PP of little value in the case of productiveand turbid Lake Kinneret.  相似文献   

The rates of CO2 assimilation by potted spray carnation plants(cv. Cerise Royalette) were determined over a wide range oflight intensities (45–450 W m–2 PAR), CO2 concentrations(200–3100 vpm), and leaf temperatures (5–35 °C).Assimilation rates varied with these factors in a way similarto the response of single leaves of other temperate crops, althoughthe absolute values were lower. The optimal temperature forCO2 assimilation was between 5 and 10 °C at 45 W m–2PAR but it increased progressively with increasing light intensityand CO2 concentration up to 27 °C at 450 W m–2 PARand 3100 vpm CO2 as expressed by the equation TOpt = –6.47-h 2.336 In G + 0.031951 where C is CO2 concentration in vpmand I is photo-synthetically active radiation in W m–2.CO2 enrichment also increased stomatal resistance, especiallyat high light intensities. The influence of these results on optimalization of temperaturesand CO2 concentrations for carnation crops subjected to dailylight variation, and the discrepancy between optimal temperaturesfor growth and net photosynthesis, are discussed briefly  相似文献   

Both predicted (incubator) and measured (in situ) 14C-assimilationrates were studied from February to November 1981 at three stationsin Boknafjorden, a deep silled fjord of western Norway. Sampleswere taken from different light depths within the euphotic zone.A high degree of conformity was found between the two approaches.Daily values of carbon assimilation integrated over the euphoticzone varied between 0.05 and 1.4 g C m–2. Yearly primaryproduction varied between stations from 82 to 112 g C m–2(120–148 g C m–2 when based on average light conditions).The light-saturation curve parameters B and PBmax ranged from0.0056 to 0.0537 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 µE–1m2 and from 0.7 to 8.5 mg C mg Chla–1 h–2 (in situassimilation numbers ranged from 0.9 to 9.3 mg C mg Chla–1h–1) respectively, which compare well with those publishedfrom the northwestern side of the Atlantic. The overall importanceof light in controlling photosynthesis throughout the year wasrevealed by the light utilization index , estimated to be 0.43mg C mg Chla–1 E–1 m2. The maximum quantum yieldwas encountered on August 17, with 0.089 mol CE–1. Chla/Cratios above and below 0.010 were found to be typical for shade-and light-adapted cells respectively. Assimilation numbers andgrowth rates were linearly related only when considering light-adaptedcells. Consistent with the findings of this study, the applicabilityof IK, B and PBmax as indicators of light-shade adaptation propertiesshould be questioned. Maximum growth rates were encounteredduring an autumn bloom of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum(1.0 doublings day–1), while 0.7–0.8 doublings day–1were found for a winter bloom (water temperature of 2°C)of the diatom Skeletonema costatum. No unambiguous temperatureeffect on assimilation number and growth of phytoplankton couldbe recognized in Boknafjorden. A tendency towards increasedassimilation numbers coinciding with increased water columnstability was revealed. The highest PBmax values were oftenencountered at almost undetectable nutrient concentrations.At least during summer this could be attributed to recyclingof nutrients by macro- and/or microzooplankton, responsiblefor a greater part of the primary production now being grazeddown. This study supports the convention that the depth of theeuphotic zone may extend considerably below the 1% light depth.  相似文献   

Effects of variations in light intensity on diel patterns ofgrowth, respiration and organic release of Skeletonema costatum(Grev.) Cleve in a cyclostat were evaluated. Light intensitywas either constant during the tight period at levels from 1500to 15 µEm–2 s–1 or fluctuated throughout thelight period from 500 to 10 µEm–2 s–1 at ratesof either 1 or 12 cycles day–1. Periodicity in cell divisionwas observed only at light intensities of 130 Em–2 s–1and was decreased under diurnally varying tight. Under all lightconditions carbon and pigment growth were maximal during thelight period but well coupled throughout the 24 h period. Carbonassimilation during the dark period varied from 19 to 34% oftotal daily production and was a linear function of growth rate.Respiratory activity during the light period increased relativeto total daily respiration as growth rate increased. The increasein night-time carbon assimilation with growth rate interactedwith night-time respiration through the refixation of respiredcarbon, thus, influencing the pattern of respiratory loss ofcarbon. Rates of organic release (Ec) were maximal during thelight period and did variations consistently increased withtight intensity. Fluctuating light increased Ec relative toconstant light. Net growth efficiency was maximal at 130 µEm–2s–1 when cell division periodicity was greatest. Underother light conditions relatively higher rates of cell divisionoccorred at night and cell division periodicity was reducedas well as net growth efficiency. Cellular chemical fractionationindicated that under high or variable light conditions fixedcarbon was stored during the tight period for subsequent synthesisof protein and pigments, and division at night. Such an uncouplingof photosynthesis and other growth parameters resulted in greatermetabolic costs to the cell. 1Present address: Marine Biology, Lamont Doherty GeologicalObservatory, Palisades, NY 10964, USA  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on post-embryonic growth of Neomysisintermedia was investigated under unlimited food conditionsin the laboratory. The effect of temperature on the size ofnewly released animals was negligibly small, but body size wasinversely related to temperature in adults. This was mainlycaused by the difference in the number of molts before maturation.The specific growth rate of N. intermedia increased exponentiallywith a temperature coefficient, Q10 of 4.6 from 0.018 d–13C to 0.21 d–1 at 20C in juveniles, and with a temperaturecoefficient of 2.7 from 0.006 d–1 at 3C to 0.05 d–1at 25C in adults. The rate in juveniles levelled off above20C, and dropped at 29C. Brood size and brood interval decreasedwith temperature increase, while the daily specific reproductionrate increased. The specific growth rate of gravid females,including production of egg matter, increased exponentiallywith a temperature coefficient of 3.3 from 0.015 d–1 at10C to 0.093 d–1 at 25C. The present laboratory experiments confirmed the temperaturecontrol on the growth of N. intermedia suggested in a hyper-eutrophiclake.  相似文献   

NILWIK  H. J. M. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(2):137-146
A growth analysis was carried out with sweet pepper plants grownin a phytotron. Irradiance conditions were: 0.84 or 3.25 MJm–2 in 8 h, 1.67 MJ m–2 in 16 h and 2.51 MJ m–2in 24 h. Temperatures applied were 25 or 21 °C during thephotoperiod in combination with 25, 21 and 17 or 21, 17 and13 °C respectively during the nyctoperiod. Highest values for leaf area and total dry weight were foundwhen applying 1.67 MJ m–2 in 16 h, followed by 3.25 MJm–2 in 8 h, irrespective of the temperature regime. Continuousirradiance ultimately resulted in leaf drop. A reduction inthe day temperature decreased leaf area and total dry weight.At a day temperature of 25 °C the dry weight increased withdecreasing night temperature when applying 3.25 MJ m–2in 8 h. At a day temperature of 21 °C leaf area and dryweight were reduced when 17 or 13 °C were applied duringa 16 h nyctoperiod. Values for relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, leafarea ratio and leaf weight ratio strongly decreased with advancingplant age. The effects of irradiance treatment on RGR and NARwere analogous to those on total dry weight while the reversepattern was observed for the LAR. A decrease in day temperaturedecreased the RGR. The effects of night temperature exhibitedstrong interactions with day temperature and photoperiod. Theinfluence of temperature on RGR was largely mediated throughchanges in the LAR. The latter parameter was highly correlatedwith the specific leaf weight. Capsicum annuum L., sweet pepper, growth analysis, irradiance, temperature, plant age  相似文献   

Specific growth rates of Limnozhrix redekei, Planktothrix agardhii(cyanobacteria), Synedraacus, Stephanodiscus minutulus (diatoms),Scenedesmus acuminatus and Scenedesmus armatus (Chlorophyceae)were compared under different time structures of illumination,but the same daily light exposure, at 20C. Fluctuating irradiancesimulating a uniform rapid transport of the algal cells acrossthe aquatic light field on a cloudless day with Zeu/Zmix=1 wascompared with constant irradiance throughout the same photoperiodof 12 h length as well as a photoperiod of 6 h length. Fluctuatinglight (30 min for a cycle) resulted in a decrease in specificgrowth rates as compared with constant irradiance at the samephotoperiod length. This decrease amounts to 15–20% fordiatoms, 20–25% for Chlorophyceae and 35–40% forcyanobacteria, respectively. The decrease is somewhat lowerif the fluctuations simulating mixing are slower (60 min fora cycle). The specific growth rate is also decreased by a shorterphotoperiod, but this effect is more species specific. Regardingthe in vivo absorption spectra, fluctuating light or a shorterphotoperiod has little or no effect on the Chlorophyceae anddiatoms studied, whereas cyanobacteria show an increase in lightabsorption by chlorophyll a and phycobilins.  相似文献   

The plastochron index (PI) has been compared with leaf growthand biomass accumulation in young soya bean plants of severalcultivars that were grown in controlled environments with differentirradiance levels and durations, temperatures, and nitrogen(N) regimes. Increasing the photoperiod from 10 to 16 h day–1 increasedthe plastochron rate (PR) and the proportion of axillary growth.Doubling the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) to 1000µmol m–2S–1, increased PR and the proportionof roots to total plant weight, but decreased the proportionof stems plus petioles to total. In a series of experiments,the plants were grown in an 8 h photoperiod at constant temperaturesof 17, 20, 26 or 32 °C. As temperature increased, PR increased,but the duration of leaf expansion decreased. Leaves were largestat 20 and progressively smaller at 26, 32 and 17 °C. Biomasswas greatest for a given PI at 20 °C and decreased in theorder of 26, 32, and 17 °C. The proportion of axillary growthalso was greatest at 20 °C. When plants were grown in a15 h photoperiod at temperatures from 17.1 to 26.6 °C, leafsize continued to increase up to the highest temperature. At17 °C, the PR in the 15 h photoperiod (PPFD 390 µmol;m–2S–1) was about threefold greater than in 8 h(500 µmol m–2 S–1); biomass accumulation perday was about fivefold greater. Increasing N from 3 to 36 mMincreased PR about 10 per cent, altered biomass partitioningamong plant parts, and increased the biomass of the plants.The NO2 form of N markedly stimulated axillary growth as comparedwith the NH4+ form. Environment or cultivar had little influenceon the duration of leaf expansion in terms of PI. Cultivarsdid not differ consistently in biomass production and allocationin the different environments. Glycine max (L.) Merrill, soybean, soya bean, plastochron index, leaf development, growth analysis, partitioning, light, nitrogen, temperature  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to enhance our knowledge of thecontributions of doliolids to the planktonic community as consumersand secondary producers. The objectives are to quantify feedingand growth rates of Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids at fourfood concentrations and four temperatures in order to determinetheir impact as grazers throughout the water column. Althoughdoliolids are abundant in numerous regions of the coastal ocean,and are considered to be major planktonic grazers, data on ratesof feeding and growth are scarce. Laboratory experiments wereconducted at 16.5, 20, 23.5 and 26.5°C to quantify removalof a 50:50 volumetric concentration of Thalassiosira weissflogiiand Rhodomonas sp. at four different food concentrations of20, 60, 160 and 390 µg C l–1. Results from theseexperiments suggest that clearance rates are similar at concentrationsfrom 20 to 60 µg C l –1, and decrease as the foodconcentrations increase to 160 and 390 µg C l –1.The ingestion rates increase over a range of phytoplankton concentrationsfrom 20 to 160 µg C l –1, then decrease when abnormallyhigh concentrations of 390 µg C l –1 are offered.Clearance and ingestion rates increase as temperature increasesfrom 16.5 to 26.5°C. The exponential growth rates rangefrom k = 0.2–0.7, with the lowest rates occurring at thehighest food concentration. Growth rates increase with increasingtemperature from K = 0.1–0.3 at 16.5°C to 0.45–0.7at 26.5°C. In each case, the small- and medium-sized zooidshad higher growth rates than the larger gonozooids. These resultssuggest that doliolid feeding and growth rates are a functionof environmental food concentrations and temperatures, and implythat they can be important consumers in a changing neritic environment.  相似文献   

Nutrient-saturated cultures of Skeletonema costatum were grownat 15C and 42 combinations of photon flux density (PFD) anddaylength. The growth rate increased with the daylength andPFD up to 460–630 µE m–2 s–1 (maximum2.5 doublings day At 2000 µE m–2 s–1 the growthrate was reduced by 45%. The chlorophyll (chl) content of thecells and the rate of production of carbon per unit chlorophylland ambient light increased for declining light regimes as didcellular nitrogen and carbon. The N/C ratio, cellular phosphorusand ratios between in vivo fluorescence, with and without DCMU,and chlorophyll varied negligibly. The ATP/C ratio was linearlyrelated to the growth rate. The results were described mathematically.The chl/C ratio was low both in strong light and in marginallylow light, corresponding to low cellular chlorophyll and highcellular carbon, respectively. The observed increase in cellularnitrogen and carbon at shade adaptation probably represent anincrease in the size of internal stores of organic nitrogenand may imply that Skeletonema cells become enriched with organicnitrogen when staying in nitrate-rich subsurface layers, e.g.in or below a nutricline. However, close to zero growth in marginallight the cells become greatly enriched with respect to everymeasured factor. Such cells may be physiologically resting stageswhich may ensure survival during dark periods and promote rapiddevelopment during the initial phase of blooms. Cultures andnatural blooms of Skeleronema in the Trondheimsfjord exhibitvery similar patterns of variation.  相似文献   

The thesis that the minimum cell-phosphorus content of planktonalgae is a light- and temperature-independent species constantwas investigated using the marine plankton diatom Thalassiosirarotula. To what extent the maximum cell-phosphorus content isalso a constant, light- and temperature-independent quantityhas been tested in parallel. At 2.5C and 3.03 nE cm–2s–1 the minimum and maximum cell-phosphorus contents aregreater than the values for 16C and 8.93 nE cm–2 s–1by a factor of 5.7. The light intensities were kept near thelight saturation for the growth rate for all experimental temperatures(2.5, 6, 12 and 16C). The light dependence of the phosphoruscontent was tested at 12C. For 1.43 nE cm–2 s–1the minimum phosphorus content was lower by a factor of 2.5than for 64.28 and 80.36 nE cm–2 s–1 respectively.The maximum P-content for 2.86 nE cm–2 s–1 was 3.9times higher than for 64.28 nE cm–2 s–1 T. rotulais, on the basis of the stored P-content, only capable of betweenthree and five cell divisions. The N/P atomic ratios were, dependingupon light and temperature, between 56:1 and 226:1 for the minimumcell-phosphorus content, which implies a pronounced phosphorusdeficiency.  相似文献   

The causes of interspecific differences in the µ-l relationshipare examined in the context of a mechanistic model which relatesµ to irradiance in terms of six factors:, kc photosyntheticquotient (PQ), Chl a:C, respiration and excretion. The effectof cell size on the light saturated growth rate is also considered.It is shown that photosynthetic efficiency and PQ exhibit remarkablylittle interspecific variability, and average 0.024 ±0.005 µg C(µg Chl a)–1 h–1 (µEm–2 s–1)–1 and 1.5 ± 0.2 mol 02 molC–1 (when NO3 is the nitrogen source) respectively.Two useful relationships were derived: (i) between growth efficiency,g and Chl a:C at µ. = 0; (ii) between the compensationintensity, Ic and the Chl a-specific maintenance respirationrate. Both relationships were independent of temperature anddaylength. Species best adapted to growth at low light werefound to exhibit high Chl a:C ratios and low maintenance respirationrates. As a group, diatoms were consistently the best adaptedfor growth at low irradiance. Chiorophytes, haptophytes, chrysophytesand cryptophytes were intermediate in their performance at lowirradiance. Dinoflagellates exhibited extreme diversity, withspecies spanning the spectrum from very good performance atlow irradiance to very poor. A new µmax-cell carbon relationshipis given based on growth rates normalized to 15°C. Evidenceis presented to show that noise in this relationship can besignificantly reduced by using only carbon-specific growth ratesand using only data for species grown at the same daylength.  相似文献   

Centropages abdominalis is a neritic, omnivorous, temporallyabundant copepod present throughout the subarctic Pacific andits marginal seas. The two main objectives of this study wereto determine how temperature influences the development of C.abdominalis and whether growth rates of in situ populationsmay be limited by available food. At 6.9°C, median developmenttime from eggs laid to 50% adults was 42 days and the averageweight-specific somatic growth rate was 0.17 day–1. At4.6°C, median development time to adult was 59 days (projected)and growth rate averaged 0.08 day–1, suggesting that 4.6°Cmay be approaching the lower temperature for development andgrowth in this species. The functional relationship betweendevelopment time and temperature was established over the temperaturerange in which this species occurs. The in situ adult growthrates between 10 and 13°C averaged 0.14 day–1 andwere generally lower than the laboratory-reared juvenile growthrates, which may indicate that adult C. abdominalis are foodlimited in the field during summer and autumn.  相似文献   

The capacity of adult newt (Triturus viridescens) spleen cellsto secrete antibody at 4 C allows simultaneous visualizationand quantification of non-secretory (S) and secretory(S+) rosette forming cells (RFC). Visualization of mammalianS+ RFC requires 37 C, a temperature at which S RFC appearto be fragile. RFC can be distinguished as S or S+ dueto whether one or more layers of erythrocytes adhere to thesurface of sensitized spleen cells. Different doses of horseerythrocytes (HRBC) affect newt S RFC and S+ RFC differentially.By varying the time between injections of different concentrationsof chicken erythrocytes (CRBC, the "carrier") and a constantdosage of CRBC-TNP (trinitrophenyl, the hapten) it is possibleto measure "helper" activity that correlates with the populationof S RFC and is both dose and time dependent. By varyingassay time after "helper" activity has been maximized, one candetermine the cytodynamics of anti-TNP antibody producing cell(APC) activity. For the first time these morphologically separableRFC can be related to their suspected physiologic behavior.A shift from S RFC to S+ RFC takes place during the immuneresponse. That similar dose-dependent response curves can beshown in adultRana pipiens suggests that the newt responsesrepresent a fundamental vertebrate pattern.  相似文献   

A microcomputer simulation model is presented that describesthe generalized plankton production dynamics, in the surfacemixed layer, of the Juan de Fuca Eddy located on the southwesternBritish Columbia continental shelf. The Juan de Fuca Eddy simulationmodel evaluates how the annual biomass production of diatoms,copepods and euphausiids is forced by plankton feeding interactions,seasonal variability in upwelling, water temperature and solarradiation, and generalized fish predation. The model estimatesannual primary production of 345 g C m–2 year–1and secondary production of 19.4 g C m–2 year–1for copepods and 6 g C m–2 year–1 for euphausiids,during 1985–89; -90% of the annual plankton productionwas generated during the April-October upwelling season. Perturbationsof 22 abiotic and biotic parameters, one at a time by ±10%of nominal values, indicated that oceanic variability (e.g.upwelling rate) most strongly affected primary production. Conversely,zooplankton production was most sensitive to variability inbiological parameters describing zooplankton grazing potentialand growth (e.g. gross growth efficiency). Simulated seasonalbiomass patterns of diatoms, copepods and euphausiids were foundto closely match empirical data. However, euphausiid biomassproduction in the Juan de Fuca Eddy alone was unable to meetthe demands of estimated pelagic fish consumption. Local Eddyeuphausiid populations had to be supplemented, from regionaleuphausiids. by a mechanism that is proposed to be linked tothe seasonal pattern and intensity of positive Ekman transport(upwelling).  相似文献   

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