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Summary DNA from the kangaroo rat,Dipodomys ordii, contains a 3.3-kb, highly repeated sequence that is interspersed throughout the genome in small tandem clusters. One 3.3-kb unit has been cloned into pBR322 and the nucleotide sequence determined. The clone used was shown to be representative of the bulk of such sequences found in the genomic DNA. The sequence contains 10 homologous subunits each ca. 260 bp in length. Comparison of these to one another yielded a 258-bp consensus sequence containing a 35-bp terminal inverted repeat. Two unique stretches also occur. One of these contains a region that could serve as a promoter for RNA polymerase III; the other contains a sequence related to the ARS sequences of yeast. It is proposed that an ancestral sequence similar to the consensus sequence was amplified to 10 or more units, and that, subsequently, two other sequences were inserted. The properties of these insertions may have led to the dispersal of the sequence throughout the genome.  相似文献   

By manipulating plant variety and predator species, we investigated the interactions of plant and predator traits in determining predation effectiveness. The predators were all coccinellid adults (Hippodamia convergens, Hippodamia variegata, Coccinella apunctata, and Coccinella septempunctata) and the prey were cabbage aphids (Brevicoryne brassicae). Foraging behavior of the four predators was observed on four crucifers that differed widely in their structures and surface textures (Brassica oleracea caulorapa, Brassica campestris, Brassica juncea crispifolia, and Hirschfeldia incana). Predation rates were significantly influenced by plant variety, a result we attribute to direct effects of plant morphology on predator mobility, falling frequency, and prey accessibility. Predation rates did not vary significantly among the ladybirds, although the four species did exhibit distinct foraging strategies as measured by time spent actively foraging, the rate of encountering aphids, and the fraction of aphids encountered that were consumed. The coccinellids also differed in their propensity for flying away from the plant, and in the frequency with which they fell from the plant. We did not detect any significant interaction effects between plant and predator species, suggesting that the main effects of plant and predator species may overwhelm their interactions in this kind of system. Our results suggest that the level of predation upon herbivorous insects may depend more upon plant architecture than on the particular species of natural enemies present.  相似文献   

Synopsis Herbivory by wide-ranging fishes is common over tropical reefs, but rare in temperate latitudes where the effects of herbivorous fishes are thought to be minimal. Along the west coast of North America, herbivory by fishes on nearshore reefs is largely restricted to a few members of the Kyphosidae, distributed south of Pt. Conception. This paper presents information on natural diets and results from feeding choice experiments for two abundant kyphosids from intertidal habitats in San Diego, California —Girella nigricans andHermosilla azurea, and similar data for the lined shore crab,Pachygrapsus crassipes, which also forages over intertidal reefs. These results are compared with the availability of algae in intertidal habitats measured during summer and winter, on both disturbed and undisturbed habitats. The diets of juveniles ofG. nigricans andH. azurea collected from nearshore habitats were dominated by animal prey (mainly amphipods), but adults of these fishes, andP. crassipes, consumed algae nearly exclusively, with 26, 10, and 14 taxa of algae identified fromG. nigricans, H. azurea, andP. crassipes, respectively. Algae with sheet-like morphologies (e.g.Ulva sp.,Enteromorpha sp., members of the Delesseriaceae) were the principal algae in the diets of the fishes, and calcareous algae (e.g.Corallina sp.,Lithothrix aspergillum) and sheet-like algae (Enteromorpha sp.) comprised the greatest identifiable portion of the shore crab's diet. Feeding choice experiments indicated that the fishes preferred filamentous algae (e.g.Centroceras clavulatum, Polysiphonia sp.,Chondria californica) and sheet-like algae (e.g.Enteromorpha sp.,Ulva sp.,Cryptopleura crispa) over other algal morphologies, whereas the shore crab chose jointed calcareous algae (e.g.Lithothrix aspergillum, Corallina vancouveriensis, Jania sp.) most frequently. The diets and preferences for algae by the fishes were generally most similar to the assemblage of algae available in early successional (disturbed) habitats during summer when sheet-like and filamentous algae are abundant. The shore crab exhibited the opposite trend with a diet more similar to late successional (undisturbed) habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Several lines of evidence show that soil texture plays an important role in the distribution of desert-dwelling heteromyid rodents. This is not surprising, since texture influences the energetic cost of digging burrows and of scratching at the soil surface to harvest buried seeds. Texture also may influence the efficiency with which seeds can be separated from the soil particles with which they are mixed. To explore mechanisms of particle separation by foraging heteromyids we measured seed harvest rates and size selection in the laboratory for a variety of seed sizes and soil textures. Harvest rate declined with increasing soil coarseness, and the preference for seeds of intermediate size that was apparent in fine soil disappeared when seeds were mixed with soil slightly coarser than the preferred seed size. In addition, there was evidence that particle separation efficiency is sensitive to the relative sizes of seeds and soil. A discontinity in the function relating harvest rate to soil texture occurred at finer soil textures for small seeds than for large seeds, suggesting that harvest techniques change once soil particle diameter equals or exceeds that of seeds. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that heteromyids use a combination of gravity-and rake-sorting mechanisms for particle separation.  相似文献   

The composition and density of soil seed banks beneath co-occurring Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus greggii shrubs from three chaparral stands last burned 9, 35 and 85 years before 1986 were investigated. The overall density of seeds in the soil, as estimated by germinations under greenhouse conditions, increased with time since fire (ca. 8000 to 25000/m2). However, this increase was due entirely to the accumulation of A. fasciculatum seed in the soil (ca. 2000 to 21000/m2). In contrast, the density of C. greggii seed was different in each of the three stands, but was not correlated with time since fire: maximum densities were recorded from the 35 year old stand (ca. 2000/m2).A total of 31 taxa germinated and 17 occurred in sufficient numbers to be analyzed statistically. Germinable seed densities of three herb species were not influenced by soil source (beneath A. fasciculatum or C. greggii), time since fire, or the direct effects of a controlled fire treatment. Germinable seed densities of a further nine species were significantly influenced by the elapsed time since stands last burned. The densities of four decreased and five increased. Four of the species that increased in seed density over the three stands were annuals, suggesting that the chaparral sub-canopy habitat is not as unfavorable for annuals as is often assumed. The fire treatment decreased germinable seed densities of four annual species by 40–70%, but increased the germinable seed densities of the shrubs A. fasciculatum and C. greggii, and the annual Phacelia brachyloba. Our results indicate that seeds of A. fasciculatum will increase in the soil bank for at least 85 years after fire in chaparral where it is dominant. In contrast, seed reserves of C. greggii appear to be influenced primarily by site-specific patterns of seed production and by the intensity of post-dispersal seed predation.  相似文献   

Sponges have evolved a variety of chemical and structural defense mechanisms to avoid predation. While chemical defense is well established in sponges, studies on structural defense are rare and with ambiguous results. We used field and laboratory experiments to investigate predation patterns and the anti-predatory defense mechanisms of the sponge Melophlus sarasinorum, a common inhabitant of Indo-pacific coral reefs. Specifically, we aimed to investigate whether M. sarasinorum is chemically or structurally defended against predation and if the defenses are expressed differently in the ectosomal and choanosomal tissue of the sponge. Chemical defense was measured as feeding deterrence, structural defense as feeding deterrence and toughness. Our results demonstrated that chemical defense is evenly distributed throughout the sponge and works in conjunction with a structurally defended ectosome to further reduce predation levels. The choanosome of the sponge contained higher protein levels, but revealed no structural defense. We conclude that the equal distribution of chemical defenses throughout M. sarasinorum is in accordance with Optimal Defense Theory (ODT) in regards to fish predation, while structural defense supports ODT by being restricted to the surface layer which experiences the highest predation risks from mesograzers.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of two small gobies, Trimma caudomaculata and T. caesiura, were surveyed on coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan. Both species actively exhibited foraging attempts beneath overhanging reef structures during the daytime, and fed on small animals, mainly copepods. Trimma caudomaculata formed feeding schools in water columns to swallow mainly Calanoida and Harpacticoida. Trimma caesiura stayed by themselves on the reef substratum and captured mainly Harpacticoida by taking short jumps into the water column. Diet compositions of these congeneric gobies may reflect differences in their foraging behaviors and use of microhabitats.  相似文献   

Summer food habits of Sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae) on Yakushima Island, southern Japan, were studied focusing in particular onPseudosasa owatarii, a dwarf bamboo native to the island. Fecal analyses showed that the food habit of the Sika deer on Yakushima island was plastic: the dietary composition was dominated by graminoids (ca. 90%), particularlyP. owatarii (50%–60%) in the bamboo grassland of theP. owatarii zone above the timber line, whereas leaves and non-leafy parts of woody plants were important in the crytomeria forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest below the timber line. The maximum culm age ofP. owatarii was 8.5 yr, but the majority of leaves (97.8%) were younger than 2.5 yr. Since the weight contribution of the leaves is great (27.7%) and the turnover rate is high, theP. owatarii grassland affords a good foraging place for the Sika deer on Yakushima Island.  相似文献   

Y. Lubin  J. Henschel 《Oecologia》1996,105(1):64-73
We tested the alternative hypotheses that foraging effort will increase (energy maximizer model) or decrease (due to increased costs or risks) when food supply increased, using a Namib desert burrowing spider, Seothyra henscheli (Eresidae), which feeds mainly on ants. The web of S. henscheli has a simple geometrical configuration, comprising a horizontal mat on the sand surface, with a variable number of lobes lined with sticky silk. The sticky silk is renewed daily after being covered by wind-blown sand. In a field experiment, we supplemented the spiders' natural prey with one ant on each day that spiders had active webs and determined the response to an increase in prey. We compared the foraging activity and web geometry of prey-supplemented spiders to non-supplemented controls. We compared the same parameters in fooddeprived and supplemented spiders in captivity. The results support the costs of foraging hypothesis. Supplemented spiders reduced their foraging activity and web dimensions. They moulted at least once and grew rapidly, more than doubling their mass in 6 weeks. By contrast, food-deprived spiders increased foraging effort by enlarging the diameter of the capture web. We suggest that digestive constraints prevented supplemented spiders from fully utilizing the available prey. By reducing foraging activities on the surface, spiders in a prey-rich habitat can reduce the risk of predation. However, early maturation resulting from a higher growth rate provides no advantage to S. henscheli owing to the fact that the timing of mating and dispersal are fixed by climatic factors (wind and temperature). Instead, large female body size will increase fitness by increasing the investiment in young during the period of extended maternal care.  相似文献   

Stomodeal trophallaxis plays a major role in ant colony nutrition and communication. While the rate of food distribution at the individual level (worker to worker) is rapid, factors affecting the rate of food distribution at the colony level remain poorly understood. We used the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say), as a model species to investigate the factors affecting the rate of spread of liquid carbohydrate food throughout a colony. To track the movement of the food we used protein marking and double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, DAS-ELISA. Increasing colony size while keeping the number of donor workers constant significantly decreased the number of individuals testing positive for the marker. After 8 h of trophallactic interactions with ten donors, 92 ± 5% of recipient workers tested positive in a colony of 125 and 38 ± 5% tested positive in a colony of 1,000. Interestingly, as colony size increased and the percentage of workers testing positive decreased, the proportion of workers actually receiving food increased. Food originating from a single donor fed approximately 12 individuals in colonies comprised of 125 recipients and approximately 38 individuals in colonies comprised of 1,000 recipients. Thus, the per capita consumption of food decreased as colony size increased, most likely because the amount of food reaching the colony was limited. Increasing the number of donors while keeping colony size constant significantly increased the number of recipient ants testing positive for the marker. As the number of donor workers doubled, the percentage of recipients testing positive more than doubled suggesting that the number of individuals receiving food increases with increasing colony size, while the per capita amount of food decreases. When food was available ad libitum and in close proximity to the nest, numerous workers fed directly at the food source. This dramatically increased the rate and the extent of food distribution to both the workers and the queens and colony size had no significant effect on the spread of the marker in the workers or the queens. The rate and the extent of food distribution at the colony level may depend on a number of factors including the number of successful foragers, the size and density of the recipient colony, and the recipient caste.  相似文献   

We analysed barnacle Branta leucopsis and pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus summer diets (May–July 2003) based on the proportions of different plant constituents in the faecal material of adult breeding birds in Sassendalen, Svalbard to assess potential inter-specific competition. Diets were highly restricted and overlapped little during pre-nesting and post hatch. During incubation both species showed greatest variety in their diet, reflecting site-specific differences in local food abundance. However, locally the diets of pink-footed and barnacle geese resembled each other most at this time (although still differing significantly). The conflicting needs of nest defence and maintenance of body condition constrains the extent of the feeding resource utilised by nesting pairs and explains slightly greater dietary overlap at this time. Hence, there is little evidence of inter-specific competition (interference or depletion) at present, but this is most likely to be manifest during the incubation period in the future if goose numbers continue to increase. More detailed investigations of the degree of spatial overlap of the two species and their effects on plant structure, quality and community composition are necessary to predict likely outcomes of expected increases in numbers of both goose species.  相似文献   

Populations of the endangered giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens (Heteromyidae), have suffered increasing fragmentation and isolation over the recent past, and the distribution of this unique rodent has become restricted to 3% of its historical range. Such changes in population structure can significantly affect effective population size and dispersal, and ultimately increase the risk of extinction for endangered species. To assess the fine-scale population structure, gene flow, and genetic diversity of remnant populations of Dipodomys ingens, we examined variation at six microsatellite DNA loci in 95 animals from six populations. Genetic subdivision was significant for both the northern and southern part of the kangaroo rat’s range although there was considerable gene flow among southern populations. While regional gene diversity was relatively high for this endangered species, hierarchical F-statistics of northern populations in Fresno and San Benito counties suggested non-random mating and genetic drift within subpopulations. We conclude that effective dispersal, and therefore genetic distances between populations, is better predicted by ecological conditions and topography of the environment than linear geographic distance between populations. Our results are consistent with and complimentary to previous findings based on mtDNA variation of giant kangaroo rats. We suggest that management plans for this endangered rodent focus on protection of suitable habitat, maintenance of connectivity, and enhancement of effective dispersal between populations either through suitable dispersal corridors or translocations.  相似文献   

The influx of K+ into excised roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) previously grown with or without K+ was measured in K+ solutions ranging in concentration from 0.01 to 50 mM. In both species the K+ influx was lower in the roots with high K+ content. The extent of reduction by high internal [K+] decreased with external concentration above 1 mM. These results support the contention that at high external concentrations passive diffusion makes significant contributions to observed fluxes.  相似文献   

We explored the role of food quality in herbivore preference for macroalgae by comparing consumption of Acanthophora spicifera with and without elevated tissue nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Algal enrichment effects on herbivory were examined in coral, seagrass, and mangrove habitats along a sparsely populated Honduran island protected from fishing. Nutrient enrichment led to significantly increased grazing by herbivores across habitats. Consumption of enriched algae increased by 91% compared to controls among the mangrove roots, where herbivory rates were generally lowest. In the heavily grazed seagrass and coral habitats, nutrient enrichment increased consumption by 30 and 20%, respectively, with the effect more spatially variable than among the mangrove roots. We suggest that, at least on the local scale, intact herbivore populations may be able to compensate for effects of increased nutrient supply by locating and consuming nutrient-enriched algae, but that the importance of this mechanism varies both among and within habitats.Communicated by: R. C. Carpenter  相似文献   

Botanical and chemical compositions of the rumen contents of 58 Sika deer on Mt Goyo, northern Japan, collected from summer of 1988 to spring of 1989, were analyzed.Sasa nipponica, a dwarf bamboo, was important in summer (35.0%) and winter (61.4%), but it decreased to 5.6% and was replaced by browse leaves in fall, and to 28.0% and was replaced by dead leaves, twigs and bark of woody plants in winter. Crude protein was 20–25% lower in the washed fraction than in the gross fraction. It was highest (16.2%) in summer and lowest (8.6%) in winter. High protein content in summer and fall foods was attributed to forb and browse leaves. Seasonal fluctuation in protein content in the foods of these Sika deer was greater than red deer on Rhum, Scotland and smaller than wapiti in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. Climatically, winter severity of Mt Goyo is intermediate between the two localities, which seems to explain the seasonal fluctuation of the protein level. Crude fiber wasca 33% in the ‘washed’ fraction, and did not change seasonally.  相似文献   

Adults of the rice stink bug, Oebalus pugnax (F.), preferred panicles of vasey grass, Paspalum urvillei Steud., over those of 11 species of other grasses and one species of sedge (Cyperus) associated with cultivated rice, Oryza sativa (L.). The number of feeding adults increased approximately 2 times from 1 h post-infestation (PI) to 6 h PI. The number of feeding females was greater than males at 1 h PI but no different at 6 h PI. Both sexes fed significantly (P<0.05) more on O. sativa panicles than on P. urvillei panicles at 6 h PI. Both sexes also fed significantly (P<0.05) more on 28 and 21 cm long O. sativa panicles than on 7 cm long panicles, but no such differences existed in feeding among P. urvillei panicles.
Résumé Les adultes d'Oebalus pugnax F. ont préféré les panicules de Paspalum urivillei Stend à celles de 11 autres Graminées et 1 Cypéracée associées au riz cultivé, Oryza sativa L. Le nombre d'adultes s'alimentant a cru environ 2 fois de la lère (1P1) à la 6ème (6P1) heure ayant suivi l'infestation. Le nombre de femelles s'alimentant était supérieur à celui des mâles 1 heure après (1P1), mais ne présentait pas de différence 6 h après l'infestation (6P1). Les 2 sexes s'alimentaient significativement plus (P< 0.05) sur les panicules d'O. sativa que sur celles de P. urvillei 6 heures après l'infestation (6P1). Les 2 sexes se sont alimentés significativement plus (P< 0,05) sur des panicules d'O. sativa de 28 et 21 cm que sur ceux de 7 cm, mais aucune différence n'était observée dans l'alimentation sur les panicules de P. urvillei.

Summary In Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest of south-western Australia dense germination and regeneration of the native legumeAcacia Pulchella R. Br. can occur following moderate to high intensity fire. The effect of this legume understorey on rate of decomposition and change in nutrient content ofE. marginata litter was investigated using the mesh bag techniques and by examining four components of forest floor litter representing increasing stages of decomposition. E. marginata leaf litter confined in mesh bags lost 37% of its initial dry weight in the first 8 months on the forest floor and 44% of its initial dry weight after 20 months. During this period weight loss was similar for leaf litter located in forest without legume understorey and for leaf litter placed under dense stands ofA. pulchella. MixingA. pulchella litter withE. marginata litter had no significant effect on rate ofE. marginata litter breakdown. The presence of understorey vegetation had a marked effect on chemical composition of decomposingE. marginata leaves. After 8 and 20 months exposure on the forest floor, leaf litter in mesh bags placed underA. pulchella understorey had significantly (P<0.001) higher concentration and contained significantly (P<0.001) greater amounts of N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg than leaf litter placed in areas without legume understorey. This effect was particularly marked for N and P. In forest without legume understorey the amounts of these two nutrients inE. marginata leaf litter changed little during the first 20 months of decomposition, but forE. marginata leaf litter in mesh bags underA. pulchella there were absolute gains of up to 68% in the amount of N and 109% in the amount of P during this period. This represents accumulation of N and P from sources outside the litter bags. The concentration of N, P, S, Ca and Mg were higher at each of the four stages of decomposition in eucalypt leaf litter collected from the forest floor beneathA. pulchella compared to eucalypt leaf litter collected in forest without understorey. Concentrations of N, P and S increased with stage of decomposition. Levels of these three nutrients in eucalypt litter from under the legume were 1.5 to 2.9 fold higher than in the same component of litter from forest without understorey. The effect of legume understorey on nutrient concentrations in the forest floor and on Cielement ratios in decomposing litter is discussed in relation to long term rates of litter breakdown and net mineralisation of litter nutrients.  相似文献   

We investigated how dietary fats and oils of different fatty acid composition influence the seasonal change of body mass, fur colour, testes size and torpor in Djungarian hamsters, Phodopus sungorus, maintained from autumn to winter under different photoperiods and temperature regimes. Dietary fatty acids influenced the occurrence of spontaneous torpor (food and water ad libitum) in P. sungorus maintained at 18°C under natural and artificial short photoperiods. Torpor was most pronounced in individuals on a diet containing 10% safflower oil (rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids), intermediate in individuals on a diet containing 10% olive oil (rich in monounsaturated fatty acids) and least pronounced in individuals on a diet containing 10% coconut fat (rich in saturated fatty acids). Torpor in P. sungorus on chow containing no added fat or oil was intermediate between those on coconut fat and olive oil. Dietary fatty acids had little effect on torpor in animals maintained at 23°C. Body mass, fur colour and testes size were also little affected by dietary fatty acids. The fatty acid composition of brown fat from hamsters maintained at 18°C and under natural photoperiod strongly reflected that of the dietary fatty acids. Our study suggests that the seasonal change of body mass, fur colour and testes size are not significantly affected by dietary fatty acids. However, dietary fats influence the occurrence of torpor in individuals maintained at low temperatures and that have been photoperiodically primed for the display of torpor.Abbreviations BAT brown adipose tissue - bm body mass - FA fatty acid(s) - MR metabolic rate - MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid(s) - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid(s) - SFA saturated fatty acid(s) - T a air temperature - T b body temperature - Ts body surface temperature(s) - TNZ thermoneutral zone - UFA unsaturated fatty acid(s)  相似文献   

Darwin pointed out that plants with vertical inflorescences are likely to be outcrossed if the inflorescence is acropetalous (flowers from the bottom up), the flowers are protandrous (pollen is dispersed before stigmas are receptive), and pollinators move upward on the inflorescence. This syndrome is common in species pollinated by bees and flies, and very few exceptions are known. We investigated flowering phenology and pollinator behavior in Besseya bullii (Scrophulariaceae) and found that it did not fit Darwin's syndrome. The vertical inflorescence was acropetalous but the flowers were distinctly protogynous, so flowers with newly receptive stigmas appeared on the inflorescence above those with dehiscing anthers. A number of small insects visited B. bullii; bees in the family Halictidae (Augochlorella striata and Dialictus spp.) were most common. When insects moved between gender phases within inflorescences, they moved up more often than down (61% versus 39% of observations, respectively) but this difference was only marginally significant. Most visits were to male-phase flowers only, and this preference was more pronounced for pollen-foraging insects than for nectar-foraging insects. B. bullii was self-compatible, so its flowering characteristics potentially could result in considerable self-pollination. However, an average of 38% of the lowermost flowers opened before any pollen was available on the same inflorescence; these solo females had a high probability of outcrossing (though fruit set was relatively low in the bottom portion of the inflorescence). Upper flowers may also be outcrossed because downward insect movement was not uncommon. Therefore protogyny in B. bullii may not necessarily lead to more selfing than would protandry.  相似文献   

Summary Female eastern spruce budworm larvae, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), inoculated with a medium lethal spore dosage of the microsporidium Nosema fumiferanae (Thomson) exhibited significant reductions in consumptive index (CI), nitrogen consumptive index (NCI), relative growth rate (RGR), and gross (ECI) and net (ECD) production effeciencies when compared to microsporidian-free larvae. Diseased larvae also exhibited significant increases in approximate digestibility (AD), N utilization efficiency (NUE), and larval moisture content. Both healthy and diseased insects were reared on 2.5% N and 4.5% N diets. Those on the 2.5% N diet showed significant increases in CI, although NCI was still lower than NCI measured for larvae reared on 4.5% N. NUE was also higher on the 2.5% N diet. Diseased cohorts reared on 2.5% N diet had significantly greater mortality than those reared on 4.5% N diet. Pupal weight and development time of infected individuals did not respond to dietary N concentration. However, healthy insects achieved greater pupal weights in a shorter time on the 4.5% N diet than those on the 2.5% N diet. Mortality of healthy insects was unaffected by dietary N.  相似文献   

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