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In vivo mutation assays based on the Pig-a null phenotype, that is, the absence of cell surface glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored proteins such as CD59, have been described. This work has been accomplished with hematopoietic cells, most often rat peripheral blood erythrocytes (RBCs) and reticulocytes (RETs). The current report describes new sample processing procedures that dramatically increase the rate at which cells can be evaluated for GPI anchor deficiency. This new method was applied to blood specimens from vehicle, 1,3-propane sultone, melphalan, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea treated Sprague Dawley rats. Leukocyte- and platelet-depleted blood samples were incubated with anti-CD59-phycoerythrin (PE) and anti-CD61-PE, and then mixed with anti-PE paramagnetic particles and Counting Beads (i.e., fluorescent microspheres). An aliquot of each specimen was stained with SYTO 13 and flow cytometric analysis was performed to determine RET percentage, RET:Counting Bead ratio, and RBC:Counting Bead ratio. The major portion of these specimens were passed through ferromagnetic columns that were suspended in a magnetic field, thereby depleting each specimen of wild-type RBCs (and platelets) based on their association with anti-PE paramagnetic particles. The eluates were concentrated via centrifugation and the resulting suspensions were stained with SYTO 13 and analyzed on the flow cytometer to determine mutant phenotype RET:Counting Bead and mutant phenotype RBC:Counting Bead ratios. The ratios obtained from pre- and post-column analyses were used to derive mutant phenotype RET and mutant phenotype RBC frequencies. Results from vehicle control and genotoxicant-treated rats are presented that indicate the scoring system is capable of returning reliable mutant phenotype cell frequencies. Using this wild-type cell depletion strategy, it was possible to interrogate ≥ 3 million RETs and ≥ 100 million RBCs per rat in approximately 7 min. Beyond considerably enhancing the throughput capacity of the analytical platform, these blood-processing procedures were also shown to enhance the precision of the measurements.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is an important waterborne pathogen and is among the most common intestinal parasites of humans worldwide. Its fecal-oral transmission leads to the presence of cysts of this pathogen in the environment, and so far, quantitative rapid screening methods are not available for various matrices, such as surface waters, wastewater, or food. Thus, it is necessary to establish methods that enable reliable rapid detection of a single cyst in 10 to 100 liters of drinking water. Conventional detection relies on cyst concentration, isolation, and confirmation by immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM), resulting in low recoveries and high detection limits. Many different immunomagnetic separation (IMS) procedures have been developed for separation and cyst purification, so far with variable but high losses of cysts. A method was developed that requires less than 100 min and consists of filtration, resuspension, IMS, and flow cytometric (FCM) detection. MACS MicroBeads were used for IMS, and a reliable flow cytometric detection approach was established employing 3 different parameters for discrimination from background signals, i.e., green and red fluorescence (resulting from the distinct pattern emitted by the fluorescein dye) and sideward scatter for size discrimination. With spiked samples, recoveries exceeding 90% were obtained, and false-positive results were never encountered for negative samples. Additionally, the method was applicable to naturally occurring cysts in wastewater and has the potential to be automated.  相似文献   

The INCA program converts Consort 30-generated fluorescence list mode data collected from Indo-1-stained cells to absolute intracellular calcium concentrations (nM Ca2+i). The calcium data are plotted vs. time, allowing the user to analyze the fractions of cells responding to a given stimulus. Converted files can be restored to disk after replacing FL1 and FL2 with time and calcium, respectively, for future analysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Various protocols for estimation of telomere length in individual cells by flow cytometry using fluorescence in situ hybridization of fluorescently labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes (Flow-FISH) have been described. Combined analysis of telomere length and cell phenotype, however, remains difficult because few fluorochromes with suitable emission spectra tolerate the harsh conditions needed for DNA denaturation during hybridization of the telomere-specific PNA probe. We overcame these problems and developed a method for measuring telomere length in cell subsets characterized by the expression of two surface antigens. METHODS: Alexa Fluor 488 and Alexa Fluor 546 were used for cell surface staining. Antigen-antibody complexes were covalently cross-linked onto the cell membrane before Flow-FISH. Cells were hybridized with a PNA probe conjugated to cyanine 5 (Cy5). Hoechst 33342 (HO342) was added for determination of cellular DNA content. For assay standardization, we added an aliquot of a single batch of 1,301 cells to each sample as an internal control before hybridization with the PNA probe. Samples were prepared in duplicate and analyzed on a standard three-laser BD LSR flow cytometer. For assay validation, the same samples were analyzed in parallel to correlate the percentage of telomere length of the sample versus 1,301 control cells to the mean size of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) of DNA as determined by Southern gel analysis. RESULTS: The method permitted clear identification of lymphocyte subsets in samples hybridized for Flow-FISH, with subset frequencies comparable to those of untreated samples. At a concentration of 10 nM, the Cy5-labeled telomere-specific PNA probe produced a bright fluorescence signal well separated from background. Addition of HO342 in low concentration did not interfere with Cy5 telomere fluorescence, produced adequate DNA histograms, and permitted clear identification of cell phenotype. The probe concentration of 10 nM also proved optimal for inclusion of 1,301 control cells for assay standardization. Telomere length estimations by the current method correlated highly with TRF calculations by Southern gel hybridization (r(2)= 0.9, P = 0.0003). Application of our protocol to the analysis of human CD8CD28 lymphocyte subsets showed that CD8(+bright)CD28(-) lymphocytes generally exhibit shorter telomeres than CD8(+bright)CD28(+) cells. These data concurred with previous results of telomere shortening in CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells that were obtained by using different techniques. CONCLUSIONS: The multiparameter Flow-FISH protocol permitted rapid determination of differences in telomere length in subpopulations characterized by two surface markers without prior cell separation.  相似文献   

Nuclear suspensions were prepared from archival material of cancer biopsies. DNA content analysis by flow cytometry was performed after storage at -80 degrees C for 24 h and 6 months, compared to 24 h storage at +4 degrees C. No significant variations in CV or DNA indices were observed. Repeated freezing and thawing did not reduce the DNA histogram quality.  相似文献   

A comparative flow-cytometric and image-cytometric study was performed on 166 human breast cancers. Parallel measurements of 67 cases showed a good correlation between the DNA indices measured with each of the techniques. However, minor ploidy abnormalities were detected with flow cytometry. Only with this technique about 70% of the tumors appeared to be aneuploid. DNA profiles obtained with image cytometry frequently contained DNA values above the modal G2 value of the tumor. At least part of these broadly scattered DNA profiles resulted from multiploid tumors, as was found with flow cytometry. The mean percentage of cells with DNA contents exceeding the modal G0G1 value in image-cytometric DNA profiles (non- G0G1 cells) appeared to be highest in aneuploid lymph-node-positive (N+) tumors and lowest in near-diploid lymph-node-negative (N-) tumors. Near-diploid tumors were more frequently (70%) estrogen receptor positive (ER+) than were aneuploid tumors (50%), whereas highly aneuploid tumors with low or negative ER contents tended to be N+. Tumors with a high percentage of non- G0G1 cells value were predominantly estrogen-receptor negative (ER-).  相似文献   

M R Zocchi  S Heltai  A Poggi 《Cytometry》1989,10(6):762-771
This study provides a direct correlation, via dual-parameter flow cytometric analysis (simultaneous assessment of surface immunofluorescence and DNA content), between activated T-cell entry into the S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle and the kinetics of expression of a novel T-cell activation antigen, termed CK226. This molecule was identified by the specific monoclonal antibody on the leukaemic T-cell line CEM/K, and it was expressed by 8-30% of resting peripheral blood lymphocytes and the majority of monocytes and granulocytes. A large fraction of activated lymphocytes acquired the CK226 antigen before DNA synthesis. Moreover, this molecule was expressed on virtually all G0/G1 and S/G2/M phase cells by day 2 after phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) activation and at day 6 after stimulation in a mixed lymphocyte culture. The time course of expression of other known activation antigens, such as Tac and transferrin receptor, was comparable to that of CK226. Based on the relationships between CK226 expression on cycling cells and the stimulatory effects of the specific monoclonal antibody, we conclude that CK226 should be considered an early activation antigen, which defines a new pathway of T-cell activation.  相似文献   

Mouse fibroblasts 3T3.4E and two cell lines obtained by fusion (3T3.4E cells x normal human keratinocytes), (3T3 x NHK), and (3T3.4E cells x hand wart keratinocytes), (3T3 x HWK), were compared for mitochondrial activity and content between 5 and 20 days of culture, from the 16th to 20th passage, by using Rh 123 and NAO respectively. In 3T3.4E cells both Rh 123 and NAO fluorescence were similar after 5 and 7 days of culture, indicating no modification of mitochondrial activity and content at that time. However, in cells derived from fusion of 3T3 x NHK or 3T3 x HWK, Rh 123 increased from 5 to 20 days whereas NAO fluorescence was maximal at 7 days of culture and then decreased, indicating that their mitochondrial activity differed from that of 3T3.4E cells. No difference was observed between the 16th and 20th passage. Quantitative morphometry and flow cytometry gave good correlations at 7 days of culture for the cell size, estimated either by the cell area or the cell diameter, and for mitochondria content, evaluated either by the number of mitochondria per cell or NAO fluorescence intensity.Abbreviations FCS Fetal Calf Serum - mt DNA mitochondrial DNA - NAO nonyl-acridine orange - PBS Phosphate Buffer Saline - Rh 123 Rhodamine 123 - 3T3 x NHK (3T3.4E cells x normal human keratinocytes) - 3T3 x HWK (3T3.4E cells x hand wart keratinocytes)  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analysis of paraffin-embedded solid tumors has permitted review of large series of archival tissue in attempts to relate abnormal DNA content to prognosis. Limitations of the technique include: 1) a laborious, time-consuming procedure; 2) variation in technique between laboratories; and 3) lack of an objective method of computing DNA indices. Critical evaluation of our technique has shortened the time involved in dewaxing and rehydration, selectively utilized patient's own normal tissue as the internal standard, proved reproducibility of stored specimens, standardized DNA index computation, and developed a statistical analysis to confirm aneuploidy. These technical improvements and the development of a statistical analysis provide a way to shorten the procedure time and standardize the data generated from flow cytometric DNA analysis so as to improve the quality of retrospective reviews of paraffin-embedded tumors and accelerate the definition of flow cytometry's role as a prognostic indicator.  相似文献   

D B Bloch  B R Smith  K A Ault 《Cytometry》1983,3(6):449-452
Technical problems have previously prevented the application of fluorescence activated cell sorting to the study of adherent cell populations. We have developed a procedure for attachment of human monocyte-macrophages to 14-20 micrometer microspheres. These adherent cells on microspheres retained phagocytic capacity, could be stained for cell surface antigens using indirect immunofluorescence, and could be maintained in long-term culture. They could be examined and sorted on a fluorescence activated cell sorter while still in the adherent state. This technique facilitates the flow cytometric study of adherent cells and permits the isolation of subpopulations of these cells.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for quality control of blood products requires more sensitive methods to enumerate residual cells. Presently, the reported threshold (in cells per microliter) is 400 for red blood cells, 30-500 for platelets, and 1 for leukocytes. To examine precision and linearity in enumerating residual platelets and red blood cells, EDTA-anticoagulated blood from healthy donors was serially diluted with serum, stained in TruCount tubes using a no-lyse/no-wash procedure and a monoclonal antibody cocktail against the CD42a (FL1) and glycophorin-A (FL2) epitopes, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Leukocyte counts were determined in separate tubes. Cell preparation and analysis were performed once for 20 blood samples each and 20 times using the same specimen. Acquisition from the same tube was performed separately for platelets (threshold on FL1) and red blood cells (threshold on FL2). Multiparameter analysis was used for data evaluation. Linear results were obtained for platelets per microliter between 3,410 and 5 and for red blood cells per microliter between 54,000 and 3. For the lower cell concentrations, the coefficient of variation was 16.7% for platelets and 10.9% for red blood cells. The presented method allows the distinction between physiologically intact and ghost red blood cells. The method represents a reliable, sensitive, and accurate approach to quantify platelets and red blood cells in diluted blood. It can be applied to enumerate residual cells in plasma products and meets the increasing demand for quality control in blood components.  相似文献   

The growth and antibody production of the SP2/0-derived hybridoma HB124 (ATCC) grown in media containing varying amounts of fetal bovine serum (FBS) were monitored using biochemical and flow cytometric methods. Hybridomas grown in 100 ml spinner flasks with RPMI-1640 containing varying amounts of serum demonstrated that cell growth, viability and IgG production show significant changes when serum content is decreased from 10.0 to 5.5 to 1.0 and 0.5%. A longer lag phase resulted when the lower serum content media were used. Cellular rates of glucose uptake showed a significant increase as serum levels were lowered. Similarly, exponential phase IgG production rates increased as the amount of serum was decreased, probably as a result of the decreased rate of exponential growth. Flow cytometric analysis showed a similar increase in cellular IgG content as medium serum levels declined. In contrast, the maximum IgG concentrations were found in flasks containing 1% FBS or above with the lowest concentration in the 0.5% FBS flask being due to the lower numbers of viable cells. Cells grown in microporous hollow fiber reactors were fed with medium containing serum which was decreased stepwise with time. Decreasing medium serum content stepwise from 10 to 2.5% resulted in increased antibody production. However, complete removal of serum from the medium resulted in a significant drop in antibody productivity. Cumulative antibody production was equivalent for cells grown entirely in medium containing 10% FBS and for those which experienced a drop to 2.5% FBS. To compare a defined serum-free medium preparation with medium containing 10% FBS, cells were again grown in batch suspension culture and analyzed. The growth rates were similar but there was a significant difference in IgG production rates. The serum-free culture exhibited both higher cellular production rates and higher IgG concentrations. These results indicate that decreasing medium serum content can adversely affect antibody yield because of lower cell viabilities, not because of lower production rates. Use of a defined serum-free medium, as done in this study, results in higher yields because of a higher IgG production rate as well as good cell growth and viability.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence hybridization to interphase nuclei in liquid suspension allows quantification of chromosome-specific DNA sequences using flow cytometry and the analysis of the three-dimensional positions of these sequences in the nucleus using fluorescence microscopy. The three-dimensional structure of nuclei is substantially intact after fluorescence hybridization in suspension, permitting the study of nuclear organization by optical sectioning. Images of the distribution of probe and total DNA fluroescence within a nucleus are collected at several focal planes by quantitative fluorescence microscopy and image processing. These images can be used to reconstruct the three-dimensional organization of the target sequences in the nucleus. We demonstrate here the simultaneous localization of two human chromosomes in an interphase nucleus using two probe labeling schemes (AAF and biotin). Alternatively, dual-beam flow cytometry is used to quantify the amount of bound probe and total DNA content. We demonstrate that the intensity of probe-linked fluorescence following hybridization is proportional to the amount of target DNA over a 100-fold range in target content. This was shown using four human/hamster somatic cell hybrids carrying different numbers of human chromosomes and diploid and tetraploid human cell lines hybridized with human genomic DNA. We also show that populations of male, female, and XYY nuclei can be discriminated by measuring their fluores-cence intensity following hybridization with a Y-chromosome-specific repetitive probe. The delay in the increase in Y-specific fluorescence until the end of S-phase is consistent with the results recorded in previous studies indicating that these sequences are among the last to replicate in the genome. A chromosome-17-specific repetitive probe is used to demonstrate that target sequences as small as one megabase (Mb) can be detected using fluorescence hybridization and flow cytometry.  相似文献   

A rapid, simple, and reliable flow cytometric method using the histochemical fluorescent stain Hoechst 33342 in presence of the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 has been reported. The processing of melanoma cell cultures to get nuclei stained with the fluorescent dye was accomplished in one step and within an hour permitted concurrent flow cytometric measurement of cell density and cell cycle analysis. The preparation is stable for more than three weeks at room temperature for flow cytometry. The histograms are reproducible and exhibit a coefficient of variation of less than 2.5% (G1 peak). The cell density measurements varied within +/- 5% limits.  相似文献   

Three different technical protocols were used to prepare samples for flow cytometric (FCM) analysis. Each protocol developed worked best for only certain organs. Protocol I involved mincing small pieces of fresh tissue in the propidium iodide (PI) staining solution and filtering through packed glass wool. The organs that were prepared by protocol I were: submandibular gland, urinary bladder, liver, thymus, bone marrow, spleen, lung, kidney and testis. Protocol II involved exposure of the organ to 0.5% acetic acid for 48 h prior to mincing in the PI. The organs that were prepared by protocol II were: uterus, rectum, colon, ileum, and heart. Protocol III utilized an exposure to 0.5% acetic acid, pepsinization, and then staining with PI. The tissues that were prepared by protocol III were the epithelium of the anterior surface of the cornea and the epithelium of the surface of the tongue. A total of 16 different organs and tissues were successfully prepared. For each organ, averaged DNA histograms were analyzed by nonparametric and parametric programs and the results (phase fractions) are presented in tabular form. Several of the organs used came from animals exposed to 1.0 mg/kg vincristine (VC) for 5-6 h to test the capability of the different protocols to detect the enlargement of the G2 + M compartment by the accumulation of VC-arrested mitotic figures. The stability of the many different sample preparations was tested by comparing averaged DNA histograms obtained on the day of sample preparation to averaged DNA histograms of the same set of samples after storage at 4 degrees C, with or without fixation in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin, for days to weeks. After staining with propidium iodide, fixation of the sample with a final concentration of 2-3% phosphate-buffered formalin, was the procedure adopted to assure sample stability. The demonstration of sample stability permits sample preparation to occur at one site followed by transport of the samples to the FCM laboratory at another geographical location. The major findings of this work were a) technical protocols were developed which resulted in acceptable nuclear suspensions for FCM from 16 different murine organs or tissues, b) the stability of these samples can be assured by fixing the PI stained nuclear suspension with formalin, and c) each different protocol was capable of detecting and preserving at least some of the mitotic figures arrested and collected by vincristine.  相似文献   

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