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Klimeš  Adam  Klimešová  Lada  Bartušková  Alena  Klimešová  Jitka 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(11):1159-1166

Herbaceous climbers (vines) represent a growth strategy in which the stem lacks most of its supporting function. This has led to the hypothesis that herbaceous climbers are structural parasites that invest less into stems than self-supporting plants. So far, the support for this idea has been ambiguous, as woody and herbaceous plants have been discussed jointly and evidence is often based on young plants in pot experiments. We collected in wild fully grown temperate herbaceous climbers and self-supporting herbs to examine the idea. We made a phylogenetically informed comparison of biomass allocation into stems and leaves of 16 climber species and 74 self-supporting herbs. Furthermore, we compared our results with those published for woody climbers to gain insight into different biomass allocation between herbaceous and woody growth forms. We found that herbaceous climbers and self-supporting herbs do not differ in their proportion of stem biomass to leaf biomass. Herbaceous climbers reach much higher in the canopy thanks to their climbing habit and in average more than seven times longer stems, but contrary to the expectation and unlike their woody counterparts, they do not save on investment into the stem. Herbaceous climbers and self-supporting herbs represent a study system which provides insight into biomass scaling with versus without supporting function where both stems as well as leaves are seasonal.


S R Musk 《Radiation research》1991,125(3):262-266
The effect of caffeine upon the radiosensitivities of three human tumor lines was examined and correlated with its action upon the radiation-induced S-phase and G2-phase blocks. Caffeine was found to reduce at least partially the S-phase and G2-phase blocks in all the cell lines examined but potentiated cytotoxicity in only one of the three tumor lines. That reductions have been demonstrated to occur in the absence of increased cell killing provides supporting evidence for the hypothesis that reductions may not be causal in those cases when potentiation of radiation-induced cytotoxicity is observed in the presence of caffeine.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict can drive the evolution of genomic imprinting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Day T  Bonduriansky R 《Genetics》2004,167(4):1537-1546
Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon whereby the expression of an allele differs depending upon its parent of origin. There is an increasing number of examples of this form of epigenetic inheritance across a wide range of taxa, and imprinting errors have also been implicated in several human diseases. Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution of genomic imprinting, but there is not yet a widely accepted general hypothesis for the variety of imprinting patterns observed. Here a new evolutionary hypothesis, based on intralocus sexual conflict, is proposed. This hypothesis provides a potential explanation for much of the currently available empirical data, and it also makes new predictions about patterns of genomic imprinting that are expected to evolve but that have not, as of yet, been looked for in nature. This theory also provides a potential mechanism for the resolution of intralocus sexual conflict in sexually selected traits and a novel pathway for the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Transformed callus does not necessarily regenerate transformed shoots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying a disarmed Ti plasmid vector was used for the transformation of flax tissue. Transformed callus was obtained from inoculated hypocotyl segments and healthy green shoots were regenerated from this callus. Nopaline assays on shoot tissue were positive for nopaline content if carried out soon after removal of the shoot from the callus but negative if carried out 2–3 weeks after removal. All of these shoots gave rise to kanaymcin sensitive progeny and were most likely escapes arising from non-transformed cells protected from the selective agent by transformed cells in the callus. Careful analysis of regenerated shoots from transformed callus is necessary in order to distinguish escapes from true transgenics.  相似文献   

Natural selection is often invoked to explain differences in brain size among vertebrates. However, the particular agents of selection that shape brain size variation remain obscure. Recent studies suggest that predators may select for larger brains because increased cognitive and sensory abilities allow prey to better elude predators. Yet, there is little direct evidence that exposure to predators causes the evolution of larger brains in prey species. We experimentally tested this prediction by exposing families of 1000–2000 F2 hybrid benthic‐limnetic threespine stickleback to predators under naturalistic conditions, along with matched controls. After two generations of selection, we found that fish from the predator addition treatment had significantly smaller brains (specifically smaller telencephalons and optic lobes) than fish from the control treatment. After an additional generation of selection, we reared experimental fish in a common environment and found that this difference in brain size was maintained in the offspring of fish from the predator addition treatment. Our results provide direct experimental evidence that (a) predators can indeed drive the evolution of brain size–‐but not in the fashion commonly expected and (b) that the tools of experimental evolution can be used to the study the evolution of the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

Pollak E 《Genetics》1978,90(2):383-389
A population with two alleles at one locus is considered. It is assumed that there is random mating of adults and that matings in which a particular pair of genotypes is involved may have a different mean number of offspring, or fecundity, than other types of matings. There is assumed to be no other selection. It is shown that the genotypic frequencies that maximize the mean fecundity of the population are not necessarily the same as the stable equilibrium frequencies. Thus, examples can be found for which the mean fecundity decreases from one generation to the next, and one such example is presented. An example in which there is no stable equilibrium, and the mean fecundity oscillates, is also given.  相似文献   

In comparisons across Drosophila species, faster pre-adult development is phenotypically correlated with increased pre-adult competitive ability, suggesting that these two traits may also be evolutionary correlates of one another. However, correlations between traits within- and among- species can differ, and in most cases it is the within-species genetic correlations that are likely to act as constraints on adaptive evolution. Moreover, laboratory studies on Drosophila melanogaster have shown that the suite of traits that evolves in populations subjected to selection for faster development is the opposite of the traits that evolve in populations selected for increased pre-adult competitive ability. This observation led us to propose that, despite having a higher carrying capacity and a reduced minimum food requirement for completing development than controls, D. melanogaster populations subjected to selection for faster development should have lower competitive ability than controls owing to their reduced larval feeding rates and urea tolerance. Here, we describe results from pre-adult competition experiments that clearly show that the faster developing populations are substantially poorer competitors than controls when reared at high density in competition with a marked mutant strain. We briefly discuss these results in the context of different formulations of density-dependent selection theory.  相似文献   



It has been reported that participants judge an object to be closer after a stick has been used to touch it than after touching it with the hand. In this study we try to find out why this is so.


We showed six participants a cylindrical object on a table. On separate trials (randomly intermixed) participants either estimated verbally how far the object is from their body or they touched a remembered location. Touching was done either with the hand or with a stick (in separate blocks). In three different sessions, participants touched either the object location or the location halfway to the object location. Verbal judgments were given either in centimeters or in terms of whether the object would be reachable with the hand. No differences in verbal distance judgments or touching responses were found between the blocks in which the stick or the hand was used.


Instead of finding out why the judged distance changes when using a tool, we found that using a stick does not necessarily alter judged distances or judgments about the reachability of objects.  相似文献   

D Haig 《Heredity》2014,113(2):96-103
Common misconceptions of the ‘parental conflict'' theory of genomic imprinting are addressed. Contrary to widespread belief, the theory defines conditions for cooperation as well as conflict in mother–offspring relations. Moreover, conflict between genes of maternal and paternal origin is not the same as conflict between mothers and fathers. In theory, imprinting can evolve either because genes of maternal and paternal origin have divergent interests or because offspring benefit from a phenotypic match, or mismatch, to one or other parent. The latter class of models usually require maintenance of polymorphism at imprinted loci for the maintenance of imprinted expression. The conflict hypothesis does not require maintenance of polymorphism and is therefore a more plausible explanation of evolutionarily conserved imprinting.  相似文献   

ProW is an Escherichia coli inner membrane protein that consists of a 100-residue-long periplasmic N-terminal tail (N-tail) followed by seven closely spaced transmembrane segments. N-tail translocation presumably proceeds in a C-to-N-terminal direction and represents a poorly understood aspect of membrane protein biogenesis. Here, using an in vivo depletion approach, we show that N-tail translocation in a ProW derivative comprising the N-tail and the first transmembrane segment fused to the globular P2 domain of leader peptidase depends both on the bacterial signal recognition particle (SRP) and the Sec-translocase. Surprisingly, however, a deletion construct with only one transmembrane segment downstream of the N-tail can assemble properly even under severe depletion of SecE, a central component of the Sec-translocase, but not under SRP-depletion conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the SRP-targeting pathway does not necessarily deliver SRP-dependent inner membrane proteins to the Sec-translocase. The data further suggest that N-tail translocation can proceed in the absence of a functional Sec-translocase.  相似文献   

Recent modeling studies exploring the effect of consumers’ adaptivity in diet composition on food web complexity invariably suggest that adaptivity in foraging decisions of consumers makes food webs more complex. That is, it allows for survival of a higher number of species when compared with non-adaptive food webs. Population-dynamical models in these studies share two features: parameters are chosen uniformly for all species, i.e. they are species-independent, and adaptive foraging is described by the search image model. In this article, we relax both these assumptions. Specifically, we allow parameters to vary among the species and consider the diet choice model as an alternative model of adaptive foraging. Our analysis leads to three important predictions. First, for species-independent parameter values for which the search image model demonstrates a significant effect of adaptive foraging on food web complexity, the diet choice model produces no such effect. Second, the effect of adaptive foraging through the search image model attenuates when parameter values cease to be species-independent. Finally, for the diet choice model we observe no (significant) effect of adaptive foraging on food web complexity. All these observations suggest that adaptive foraging does not always lead to more complex food webs. As a corollary, future studies of food web dynamics should pay careful attention to the choice of type of adaptive foraging model as well as of parameter values.  相似文献   

Pristine peatlands have generally low nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions but drainage and management practices enhance the microbial processes and associated N2O emissions. It is assumed that leaving peat soils from intensive management, such as agriculture, will decrease their N2O emissions. In this paper we report how the annual N2O emission rates will change when agricultural peat soil is either left abandoned or afforested and also N2O emissions from afforested peat extraction sites. In addition, we evaluated a biogeochemical model (DNDC) with a view to explaining GHG emissions from peat soils under different land uses. The abandoned agricultural peat soils had lower mean annual N2O emissions (5.5?±?5.4?kg?N?ha?1) than the peat soils in active agricultural use in Finland. Surprisingly, N2O emissions from afforested organic agricultural soils (12.8?±?9.4?kg?N?ha?1) were similar to those from organic agricultural soils in active use. These emissions were much higher than those from the forests on nutrient rich peat soils. Abandoned and afforested peat extraction sites emitted more N2O, (2.4?±?2.1?kg?N?ha?1), than the areas under active peat extraction (0.7?±?0.5?kg?N?ha?1). Emissions outside the growing season contributed significantly, 40% on an average, to the annual emissions. The DNDC model overestimated N2O emission rates during the growing season and indicated no emissions during winter. The differences in the N2O emission rates were not associated with the age of the land use change, vegetation characteristics, peat depth or peat bulk density. The highest N2O emissions occurred when the soil C:N ratio was below 20 with a significant variability within the measured C:N range (13–27). Low soil pH, high nitrate availability and water table depth (50–70?cm) were also associated with high N2O emissions. Mineral soil has been added to most of the soils studied here to improve the fertility and this may have an impact on the N2O emissions. We infer from the multi-site dataset presented in this paper that afforestation is not necessarily an efficient way to reduce N2O emissions from drained boreal organic fields.  相似文献   

A long‐standing debate in ecology deals with the role of nitrogen and phosphorus in management and restoration of aquatic ecosystems. It has been argued that nutrient reduction strategies to combat blooms of phytoplankton or floating plants should solely focus on phosphorus (P). The underlying argument is that reducing nitrogen (N) inputs is ineffective because N2‐fixing species will compensate for N deficits, thus perpetuating P limitation of primary production. A mechanistic understanding of this principle is, however, incomplete. Here, we use resource competition theory, a complex dynamic ecosystem model and a 32‐year field data set on eutrophic, floating‐plant dominated ecosystems to show that the growth of non‐N2‐fixing species can become N limited under high P and low N inputs, even in the presence of N2 fixing species. N2‐fixers typically require higher P concentrations than non‐N2‐fixers to persist. Hence, the N2 fixers cannot deplete the P concentration enough for the non‐N2‐fixing community to become P limited because they would be outcompeted. These findings provide a testable mechanistic basis for the need to consider the reduction of both N and P inputs to most effectively restore nutrient over‐enriched aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study explores so-called Darwinian Daisyworlds mathematically rigorously in detail. The original Daisyworld was introduced by Watson & Lovelock (1983) to demonstrate how two species of daisies regulate the global temperature of their planet through competition among these species against the rising solar luminosity, i.e. the Gaia hypothesis. Its variants are Darwinian Daisyworlds in which daisies can adapt themselves to the local temperature. Robertson & Robinson (1998) insist their Darwinian daisies lose the ability for temperature regulation on the basis of their spreadsheet simulations. Lenton & Lovelock (2000) point out that the constraints on adaptation recovers Darwinian daisies' ability of temperature regulation on the basis of their Euler-code simulations. The present study shows there exist the exact and closed-form solutions to these two Daisyworlds. The results contradict the former studies: Robertson and Robinson's daisies do regulate the global temperature even longer than non-adaptive daisies; Lenton and Lovelock's daisies are less adaptive than Robertson and Robinson's daisies because of the constraints on adaptation; the introduction of weak adaptability drives species into a dead end of evolution. Thus, the present results confirm that the Gaia hypothesis and Darwinian evolution can coexist.  相似文献   

As a consequence of parental imprinting in mice, the paternal allele encoding insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) is expressed, whereas the maternal allele is silent in most tissues. To examine whether cis-acting sequences involved in imprinting are located in the vicinity of the lgf-2 gene, we have constructed mouse transgenic lines and studied the expression of a 30 kb rat lgf-2 transgene, in which the coding region has been replaced with the lacZ reporter sequence. Chromatin position effects and/or absence of long-range regulatory elements seem to have affected tissue-specific expression in the transgenic mice. However, in one of six expressing lines, staining of embryos for β-galactosidase activity was detected in a minor subset of tissues normally transcribing the endogenous homolog, but only when the transgene was transmitted paternally. This transgene was integrated into mouse chromosome 19, which is apparently free of imprinted loci. Although the possibility that the lgf-2 transgene was inserted into an as yet unidentified imprinted iocus is discussed, a more likely interpretation of our results is that the transgene carries at least a portion of its own imprinting signal, because it consists of the genomic sequences of a locus already known to be imprinted and maintains the correct imprinting mode. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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