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(Na+,K+)-ATPase (EC from kidney is more sensitive to inhibition by vanadate than red cell (Na+,K+)-ATPase. The difference appears to be in the apparent affinities of the two enzymes for K+ and Na+ at sites where K+ promotes and Na+ opposes vanadate binding. As a result of Na+-K+ competition at these sites, reversal of vanadate inhibition was accomplished at lower Na+ concentrations in red cell than in kidney (NA+,K+)-ATPase. It is possible that vanadate could selectively regulate Na+ transport in the kidney.  相似文献   

(Na+, K+)-ATPase (EC from kidney is more sensitive to inhibition by vanadate than red cell (Na+,K+)-ATPase. The difference appears to be in the apparent affinities of the two enzymes for K+ and Na+ at sites where K+ promotes and Na+ opposes vanadate binding. As a result of Na+-K+ competition at these sites, reversal of vanadate inhibition was accomplished at lower Na+ concentrations in red cell than in kidney (Na+,K+)-ATPase. It is possible that vanadate could selectively regulate Na+ transport in the kidney.  相似文献   

D L McGill 《Biochemistry》1991,30(27):6727-6734
The effects of several guanine nucleotide analogues on (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity of membranes isolated from several tissues were analyzed to determine if a G-protein might be involved in the hormonal regulation of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase. Submillimolar concentrations of GTP gamma S, but not GMPPNP, inhibit rat skeletal muscle and axolemma, but not kidney, (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity. Furthermore, GDP beta S does not reverse GTP gamma S inhibition, but rather itself slightly inhibits (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity. Dithiothreitol can block and reverse GTP gamma S inhibition of skeletal muscle (Na+,K+)-ATPase; the results obtained with axolemma membranes are complicated by the inhibition of (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity in these membranes by DTT. Results showing that high membrane concentrations can mute the inhibitory action of GTP gamma S suggest that a minor contaminant in GTP gamma S preparations is responsible for inhibiting (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity. Neither vanadate, a heavy metal, GDP, phosphate, nor thiophosphate, however, is responsible for this inhibition, and the inhibitory activity elutes with GTP gamma S from Sephadex G-10 columns. It is concluded that GTP gamma S or a structural derivative of GTP gamma S inhibits the (Na+,K+)-ATPase, in a tissue-specific manner, not by interaction with a G-protein as a GTP analogue, but through a direct chemical interaction with the (Na+,K+)-ATPase or some regulatory protein. The terminal SH group of the nucleotide analogue is probably required for this interaction.  相似文献   

Lanthanides are useful probes in Ca2+ binding proteins, including sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase. Here, we report that lanthanides compete with Rb+ and Na+ for occlusion in renal (Na+,K+)-ATPase. The lanthanides appear to bind at a single site and act as competitive antagonists, without themselves becoming occluded. All lanthanides tested are effective with the order of potencies Pr greater than Nd greater than La greater than Eu greater than Tb greater than Ho greater than Er, but differences are small. The presence of Mg2+ ions does not affect competition of La3+ with Na+ or K+ suggesting that the effects are not exerted via divalent metal sites. Lanthanides compete with Rb+ and Na+ in membranes digested with trypsin so as to produce 19-kDa and smaller fragments of the alpha-chain (Karlish, S.J.D., Goldshleger, R., and Stein, W. D. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 4566-4570), also suggestive of a direct interaction of lanthanides with Na+ and K+ sites. Effects of lanthanides on conformational changes of fluorescein-labeled (Na+,K+)-ATPase are Na(+)-like. They stabilize the E1 state and compete with K+ ions. The Ki for La3+ is 0.445 microM. The apparent affinity in fluorescence assays is proportional to enzyme concentration (Ki = 32.4*[protein] + 0.445 microM La3+), suggesting that lanthanides are also bound nonspecifically (possibly to phospholipids). Direct assays confirm that Tb3+ binding is nonspecific. Measurements of the rate of various conformational transitions show that the rate of E2(K+)----E1(X) (X = Na+ or La3+) is significantly inhibited by La3+ compared to Na+. La3+ ions also slightly accelerate the rate of the E1----E2(K+) conformational transition. The dissociation rate of La3+ has been measured by monitoring the rate of E1(La3+)----E2(K+). It is 1.741 s-1 at 25 degrees C. Based on this value, it is unlikely that La3+ ions are stably occluded, consistent with the conclusion from occlusion experiments. In the future, lanthanides bound to monovalent cation sites with high affinity may become useful probes for location and characterization of sites, although it will be necessary to take into account the large amount of nonspecific binding.  相似文献   

The association and dissociation rate constants for the interaction of [3H]-ouabain with partially purified rat brain (Na+,K+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC in vitro were estimated from the time course of the [3H]-ouabain binding observed in the presence of Na+, Mg2+ and ATP by a polynomial approximation-curve-fitting technique. The reduction of the association rate constant by K+ was greater than its reduction of the dissociation rate constant. Thus, the affinity of Na+,K+)-ATPase for ouabain was reduced by K+. The binding-site concentration was unaffected by K+. Consistent with these findings, the addition of KCl to an incubation mixture at the time when [3H]-ouabain binding to (Na+,K+)ATPase is close to equilibrium, caused an immediate decrease in bound ouabain concentration, apparently shifting towards a new, lower equilibrium concentration. Dissociation rate constants which were estimated following the termination of the ouabain-binding reaction were different from those estimated with above methods and may not be useful in predicting the ligand effects on equilibrium of the ouabain-enzyme interaction.  相似文献   

The effect of anti-ATPase antibodies with epitopes near Asp-351 (PR-8), Lys-515 (PR-11) and the ATP binding domain (D12) of the Ca(2+)-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (EC was analyzed. The PR-8 and D12 antibodies reacted freely with the Ca(2+)-ATPase in the native membrane, indicating that their epitopes are exposed on the cytoplasmic surface. Both PR-8 and D12 interfered with the crystallization of the Ca(2+)-ATPase, suggesting that their binding sites are at interfaces between ATPase molecules. PR-11 had no effect on ATPase-ATPase interactions or on the ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The epitope of PR-11 is suggested to be the VIDRC sequence at residues 520-525, while that of D12 at residues 670-720 of the Ca(2+)-ATPase. The use of predictive algorithms of antigenicity for identification of potential antigenic determinants in the Ca(2+)-ATPase is analyzed.  相似文献   

W J Ball 《Biochemistry》1984,23(10):2275-2281
Several hybridoma cell lines secreting antibodies specific to the membrane (Na+,K+)-dependent ATPase from lamb kidney medulla have been isolated by using the methods developed by Kohler and Milstein. One of these antibodies (designated M7-PB- E9 ) has been shown to be directed against a functional epitope or antigenic site of the catalytic (alpha) subunit of the enzyme. Although this antibody was raised to the "native" holoenzyme, it has a higher apparent affinity toward the isolated, delipidated, and inactive alpha subunit than toward the holoenzyme. This antibody shows a 10-fold faster initial rate of binding to the alpha subunit than to the holoenzyme. The antibody dissociation rates from both isolated alpha subunit and holoenzyme are similarly slow, and the binding can be considered a pseudoirreversible reaction. By binding at this site, the antibody, however, acts like a "partial competitive inhibitor" with respect to ATP and acts as an uncompetitive or mixed competitive inhibitor with respect to the Na+ and K+ dependence of ATPase hydrolysis. This antibody also does not alter the cooperativity at either the Na+ or the K+ sites. The antibody causes a partial inhibition of the Na+- and MgATP-dependent phosphoenzyme intermediate formation but has no effect on either ADP in equilibrium ATP exchange or the K+-stimulated dephosphorylation step. In addition, the K+-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity of the enzyme was not affected. In the presence of Mg2+, the antibody stimulates the rate of cardiac glycoside binding [( 3H]ouabain) to the (Na+,K+)-ATPase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A new assay is described for rat (Na+,K+)-ATPase [EC] prepared from renal medullary or crude liver membranes. With ATP at 1 μm, initial rates of ouabain-sensitive decreases in substrate concentrations are followed by measuring diminished ATP-driven luciferin-luciferase light production. Under these conditions, using highly purified enzyme preparations, Na+ and K+ ions stimulate and inhibit initial ATP hydrolysis rates, respectively. Therefore, it is likely that the assay measures Na+-ATPase partial reactions of the pump. A monospecific polyclonal rabbit anti-rat pump antiserum blocks Na+-dependent ATPase measured with the luciferase-linked ATPase assay, whereas conventional assays of purified pump activity at 3.0 mm ATP fail to reveal immunochemical blockade.  相似文献   

Insulin affects the sodium affinity of the rat adipocyte (Na+,K+)-ATPase   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The K0.5 for intracellular sodium of the two forms of (Na+,K+)-ATPase which exist in rat adipocytes (Lytton, J., Lin, J. C., and Guidotti, G. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1177-1184) has been determined by incubating the cells in the absence of potassium in buffers of varying sodium concentration; these conditions shut off the Na+ pump and allow sodium to equilibrate into the cell. The activity of Na+,K+)-ATPase was then monitored with 86Rb+/K+ pumping which was initiated by adding isotope and KCl to 5 mM, followed by a 3-min uptake period. Atomic absorption and 22Na+ tracer equilibration were used to determine the actual intracellular [Na+] under the different conditions. The K0.5 values thus obtained were 17 mM for alpha and 52 mM for alpha(+). Insulin treatment of rat adipocytes had no effect on the intracellular [Na+] nor on the Vmax of 86Rb+/K+ pumping, but did produce a shift in the sodium ion K0.5 values to 14 mM for alpha (p less than 0.025 versus control) and 33 mM for alpha(+) (p less than 0.005 versus control). This change in affinity can explain the selective stimulation of alpha(+) by insulin under normal incubation conditions. Measurement of the K0.5 for sodium ion of (Na+,K+)-ATPase in membranes isolated from adipocytes revealed only a single component of activation with a low K0.5 of 3.5 or 12 mM in the presence of 10 or 100 mM KCl, respectively. Insulin treatment of the isolated membranes or of the cells prior to membrane separation had no effect on these values.  相似文献   

1. Digitonin treated membrane preparations purified from dog kidney lose their (Na+,K+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC activity, but the K+-phosphatase and Na+-dependent ADP-ATP exchange activities survive and remain ouabain-sensitive. Because the enzyme preparations consist largely of pure (Na+,K+)-ATPase, these effects of digitonin must be intrinsic to the Na+ pump. 2. Concomitant with these enzymatic changes, digitonin treatment alters the sensitivity of the phosphatase and exchange activities to ouabain. 3. Attempts to measure ouabain binding by the usual centrifugation or filtration methods proved unsuccessful. A filtration method involving a double 0.01 mum filter and omitting water washes is necessary to demonstrate ouabain binding. Under these conditions, ouabain binding capacity appears to be unchanged in the presence of digitonin, but the apparent dissociation constant is doubled. 4. Ouabain binding is rendered more reversible by digitonin treatment, since washing filters with water removes a large fraction of bound ouabain without affecting the retention of exchange activity. 5. The double filter method traps essentially all of the ADP-ATP exchange activity on the filter. However, a large and somewhat variable proportion of the K+-phosphatase activity passes through the filter. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel analysis of the filtrate shows that a small amount of filtrable protein catalyzed this phosphatase activity at greatly increased turnover rates. Both subunits of the (Na+, K+)-ATPase are present in this latter protein fraction.  相似文献   

A method is described for purification of (Na+, K+)-ATPase which yielded approximately 60 mg of enzyme from 800 g of cardiac muscle with specific activities ranging from 340 to 400 mumol inorganic phosphate/mg protein per h (units/mg). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated the presence of a major 94 000 dalton polypeptide and four or five lesser components, one of which was a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 58 000. The enzyme preparation bound 600-700 pmol of [3H]ouabain/mg protein when incubated in the presence of either Mg2+ plus Pi, or Mg2+ plus ATP plus Na+, and incorporated more than 600 pmol 32P/mg protein when incubated with gamma-32P-labelled ATP in the presence of Mg2+ and Na+. The preparation is approximately 35% pure.  相似文献   

J W Freytag  J A Reynolds 《Biochemistry》1981,20(25):7211-7214
The molecular weights of the polypeptide chains from (Na+,K+)-ATPase of porcine kidney medulla have been determined by analytical sedimentation equilibrium. The alpha-subunit molecular weight is 93 900, and the beta subunit is a glycoprotein with a polypeptide molecular weight of 32 300 (41 400 including protein and carbohydrate). Amino acid and carbohydrate compositions are presented together with related properties (i.e., partial specific volumes, extinction coefficients, and hydrophobic/hydrophilic amino acid content).  相似文献   

Since the mechanism underlying the insulin stimulation of (Na+,K+)-ATPase transport activity observed in multiple tissues has remained undetermined, we have examined (Na+,K+)-ATPase transport activity (ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake) and Na+/H+ exchange transport (amiloride-sensitive 22Na+ influx) in differentiated BC3H-1 cultured myocytes as a model of insulin action in muscle. The active uptake of 86Rb+ was sensitive to physiological insulin concentrations (1 nM), yielding a maximum increase of 60% without any change in 86Rb+ permeability. In order to determine the mechanism of insulin stimulation of (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity, we demonstrated that insulin also stimulates passive 22Na+ influx by Na+/H+ exchange transport (maximal 200% increase) and an 80% increase in intracellular Na+ concentration with an identical time course and dose-response curve as insulin-stimulated (Na+,K+)-ATPase transport activity. Incubation of the cells with high [Na+] (195 mM) significantly potentiated insulin stimulation of ouabain-inhibitable 86Rb+ uptake. The ionophore monensin, which also promotes passive Na+ entry into BC3H-1 cells, mimics the insulin stimulation of ouabain-inhibitable 86Rb+ uptake. In contrast, incubation with amiloride or low [Na+] (10 mM), both of which inhibit Na+/H+ exchange transport, abolished the insulin stimulation of (Na+,K+)-ATPase transport activity. Furthermore, each of these insulin-stimulated transport activities displayed a similar sensitivity to amiloride. These results indicate that insulin stimulates a large increase in Na+/H+ exchange transport and that the resulting Na+ influx increases the intracellular Na+ concentration, thus activating the internal Na+ transport sites of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase. This Na+ influx is, therefore, the mediator of the insulin-induced stimulation of membrane (Na+,K+)-ATPase transport activity classically observed in muscle.  相似文献   

Adenovirus-dependent release of choline phosphate from KB cells at pH 6.0 was partially blocked by ouabain. In K+-containing medium, maximum inhibition of release was obtained by 10(-5) M ouabain and half-maximal inhibition was achieved by about 0.5 X 10(-6)M ouabain. Ouabain did not block either the binding or the uptake of adenovirus by KB cells. Without K+, about 25% of cell-associated choline phosphate was released by adenovirus, whereas with 1 mM K+ about 50% was released. This activation by K+ was blocked by 0.1 mM ouabain. HeLa cells behaved like KB cells, but a mutant of HeLa cells resistant to ouabain (D98-OR) released much lower amounts of choline phosphate in response to human adenovirus type 2 (Ad2). Wild-type D98-OR cells bound nearly the same amount of adenovirus as did normal HeLa cells. Ad2 also increased the activity of Na+,K+-ATPase in KB cells, with maximum activation at 50 micrograms of Ad2 per ml. In D98-OR cells, Ad2 failed to activate Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Ad2-dependent lysis of endocytic vesicles (receptosomes) was assayed by measuring Ad2-dependent enhancement of epidermal growth factor-Pseudomonas exotoxin toxicity. This action of adenovirus was increased when K+ was present in the medium. Under the conditions used, K+ had no effect on the amount of Ad2 or epidermal growth factor taken up by the cells. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that Ad2-dependent cellular efflux of choline phosphate and adenovirus-dependent lysis of receptosomes may require Na+,K+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The (Na+,K+) ATPase in plasma membranes isolated from rat adipocytes is insensitive to insulin (Lytton J., Lin, J.C., and Guidotti, G. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1177-1184). For this reason, the characteristics of the (Na+,K+) pump in adipocyte ghosts, prepared by hypotonic lysis of adipocytes (Rodbell, M. (1967) J. Biol. Chem. 242, 5744-5750), were studied. Herein it is demonstrated that the (Na+,K+) pump in ghosts is identical to that described in isolated plasma membranes, sharing the following characteristics: 1) the Ki values for ouabain are 1.3 x 10(-7) M and 4.5 x 10(-5) M for the alpha 2 and alpha 1 isozymes, respectively; 2) the K0.5 values for sodium are 11.4 +/- 1.6 and 7.2 +/- 3.8 mM for the alpha 2 and alpha 1 isozymes, respectively; 3) both forms of the (Na+,K+) pump are insensitive to insulin stimulation, presumably because the activities are already maximal. The ghosts are not in an insulin-stimulated state because the activity of the glucose transporter is not increased as it is in ghosts prepared from insulin-treated cells. In addition, presented evidence demonstrates that ghost internal sodium concentration, [Na+]i, is very sensitive to changes in the activity of the (Na+,K+) pump. If the [Na+]i, of adipocytes is also very sensitive to the activity of the (Na+,K+) pump, the mechanism of insulin stimulation of the adipocyte (Na+,K+) pump requires reexamination.  相似文献   

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