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It is shown that the cationic oligopeptides octadeca(L-lysine) (Lys18) and octadeca(L-ornithine) (Orn18) can induce a parallel duplex for the natural DNA oligomer dT10 with thymine-thymine base pairs. Complexation of the ammonium groups in the peptide side chains with the DNA phosphates leads to diminished electrostatic phosphate-phosphate repulsions, which allows this T-T base pair formation. From combined NOESY 1H NMR and molecular mechanics studies, it follows that the parallel duplex is right-handed, with the peptide located in the groove of the duplex. For the natural DNA oligomers dC10, d(C6T6), and d(T6C2T2), only Lys18 is able to induce the formation of parallel duplexes with C-C and T-T base pairs. It is shown that, for Orn18, a complexation must occur with one of the nonbonded oxygen atoms in the phosphate groups (OR) in such a way that unfavorable steric interactions are present with the C-C base pairs, which have a larger propellor twist angle than T-T base pairs. An analogy is presented between peptide complexation with the phosphates and the neutralization of the phosphate groups by methylation, which is known to lead to parallel duplexes with T-T base pairs (for both the Sp and Rp configurations) and C-C base pairs (only for the Sp configuration). 相似文献
Poly(L-lysine) (PLL) dendrimer are amino acid based macromolecules and can be used as drug delivery agents. Their branched structure allows them to be functionalized by various groups to encapsulate drug agents into their structure. In this work, at first, an attempt was made on all-atom simulation of PLL dendrimer of different generations. Based on all-atom results, a course-grained model of this dendrimer was designed and its parameters were determined, to be used for simulation of three generations of PLL dendrimer, at two pHs. Similar to the all-atom, the coarse-grained results indicated that by increasing the generation, the dendrimer becomes more spherical. At pH 7, the dendrimer had larger size, whereas at pH 12, due to back folding of branching chains, they had the tendency to penetrate into the inner layers. The calculated radial probability and radial distribution functions confirm that at pH 7, the PLL dendrimer has more cavities and as a result it can encapsulate more water molecules into its inner structure. By calculating the moment of inertia and the aspect ratio, the formation of spherical structure for PLL dendrimer was confirmed. 相似文献
Interaction between polylysine and DNA's of varied G + C contents was studied using thermal denaturation and circular dichroism (CD). For each complex there is one melting band at a lower temperature tm, corresponding to the helix–coil transition of free base pairs, and another band at a higher temperature t′m, corresponding to the transition of polylysine-bound base pairs. For free base pairs, with natural DNA's and poly(dA-dT) a linear relation is observed between the tm and the G + C content of the particular DNA used. This is not true with poly(dG)·poly(dC), which has a tm about 20°C lower than the extrapolated value for DNA of 100% G + C. For polylysine-bound base pairs, a linear relation is also observed between the t′m and the G + C content of natural DNA's but neither poly(dA-dT) nor poly(dG)·poly(dC) complexes follow this relationship. The dependence of melting temperature on composition, expressed as dtm/dXG·C, where XG·C is the fraction of G·C pairs, is 60°C for free base pairs and only 21°C for polylysine-bound base pairs. This reduction in compositional dependence of Tm is similar to that observed for pure DNA in high ionic strength. Although the t′m of polylysine-poly(dA-dT) is 9°C lower than the extrapolated value for 0% G + C in EDTA buffer, it is independent of ionic strength in the medium and is equal to the tm0 extrapolated from the linear plot of tm against log Na+. There is also a noticeable similarity in the CD spectra of polylysine· and polyarginine·DNA complexes, except for complexes with poly(dA-dT). The calculated CD spectrum of polylysine-bound poly(dA-dT) is substantially different from that of polyarginine-bound poly(dA-dT). 相似文献
Duplex structure formation between oligo(dA)''s and oligo(dT)''s generated by thymine-specific interaction with netropsin. 总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1

The formation of oligomeric duplex molecules in the presence of the antibiotic netropsin in the series p(dA)n-p(dT)n is demonstrated using low-temperature CD measurements. Addition of Netropsin to mixtures of oligomers generates the same type of CD spectra as observed for poly(dA)-poly(dT) and maintains the duplex structure at temperatures at which base pairing of free oligomers is thermodynamically unstable. The shortest chain length forming a netropsin complex by thymine-specific interaction with the oligopeptide is represented by p(dA)4-p(dt)4. Studies with sequence isomers show that adjacent thymine residues strongly favour the complex formation with the oligopeptide. 相似文献
Studies on poly(L-lysine50, L-tyrosine50)-DNA interaction 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Interaction between poly(Lys50, Tyr50) and DNA has been studied by absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence spectroscopy and thermal denaturation in 0.001M Tris, pH 6.8. The binding of this copolypeptide to DNA results in an absorbance enhancement and fluorescence quenching on tyrosine. There is also an increase in the tyrosine CD at 230 nm. The CD of DNA above 250 nm is slightly shifted to the longer wavelength which is qualitatively similar to, but quantitatively much smaller than, that induced by polylysine binding. At physiological pH the poly(Lys50, Tyr50)–DNA complex is soluble until there is one lysine and one tyrosine per nucleotide in the complex. The same ratio of amino acid residues to nucleotide has also been observed in copolypeptide-bound regions of the complex. The addition of more poly(Lys50, Tyr50) to DNA yields a constant melting temperature, Tm′, for bound base pairs at 90°C which is close to that of polylysine-bound DNA under the same condition. The melting temperature, Tm, of free base pairs at about 60°C on the other hand, is increased by 10°C as more copolypeptide is bound to DNA. As the temperature is raised, both absorption and CD spectra of the complexes with high coverage are changed, suggesting structural alteration, perhaps deprotonation, on bound tyrosine. The results in this report also suggest that intercalation of tyrosine in DNA is unlikely to be the mode of binding. 相似文献
Electrostatic interaction of poly(L-lysine) with dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid studied by X-ray diffraction 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Structure of dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid (DPPA) bilayers in the presence of poly(L-lysine) is proposed from the results of X-ray diffraction obtained by a storage phosphor detector with a high resolution called an imaging plate. The small-angle X-ray diffraction pattern exhibits that DPPA/poly(L-lysine) complex forms a highly ordered multilamellar structure. The electron density profile of the DPPA/poly(L-lysine) complex draws that only one poly(L-lysine) layer is intercalated between the neighboring DPPA bilayers. The wide-angle X-ray diffraction pattern suggests that the presence of poly(L-lysine) hardly affects the nature of hydrocarbon chain packing in the DPPA bilayers. The X-ray reflection from the DPPA/poly(L-lysine) complex indicates that the poly(L-lysine) molecules adopt a beta-sheet conformation on the surface of the DPPA bilayers. The both surface areas occupied by a headgroup of the DPPA and by a lysine residue in poly(L-lysine) are estimated from the observed spacings. The number ratio of lysine residues to DPPA headgroups per unit area is greater than unity. Therefore, one DPPA headgroup interacts with more than one lysine residue electrostatically, i.e., the electric charge distributions in both the surface of a DPPA bilayer and the poly(L-lysine) beta-sheet are incommensurate. 相似文献
This study communicates the molecular design, preparation, and biological application of novel symmetric amphiphilic polycationic dendritic poly(L-lysine)-b-poly(L-lactide)-b-dendritic poly(L-lysine) D2-LLA15-D2 bearing two two-generation poly(L-lysine) PLL dendrons D2 and a central hydrophobic biodegradable poly(L-lactide) block LLA15. First, an amino-protected precursor of L1-OH was designed and synthesized and was further employed to prepare L1-LLA15 with an organic 4-(dimethylamino)-pyridine-mediated living-ring-opening polymerization of l-lactide. Subsequently, the hydroxy end-capped L1-LLA15 was coupled to synthesize a new triblock L1-LLA15-L1 with two one-generation amino-protected PLL dendrons L1. Furthermore, with a repeated trifluoroacetic-acid-mediated amino deprotection-protection cycle, new amphiphilic triblock D2-LLA15-D2 was successfully prepared. By means of NMR, mass spectrometry, and gel permeation chromatography, these synthetic precursors and final amphiphilic product were characterized to bear well-defined triblock structures. In addition, this synthesized amphiphilic triblock polycationic macromolecule was applied as a new polycationic plasmid DNA carrier, and its DNA binding affinity was examined via an agarose electrophoresis and a fluorescence titration assay along with two important references of hydrophilic dendritic D2-HEX-D2 and double-hydrophilic D2-PEG-4K-D2 bearing the same two D2 dendrons; much enhanced DNA binding affinity was interestingly revealed for the new amphiphilic structural D2-LLA15-D2. Moreover, the assembled polyplex microparticles of plasmid DNA/polycationic carrier were further analyzed by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy, indicating their averaged nanoparticle size around 150-200 nm. As for the cytotoxicity of the new D2-LLA15-D2, MTT assays were conducted with a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (SMMC-7721), indicating a very low cytotoxicity as compared with commercial linear PLL-23K and PEI-2K, and a DNase I degradation of the assembled polyplex particles was also done in the HBS buffer solution to evaluate their stabilities. Finally, employing the new amphiphilic D2-LLA15-D2 as gene carrier, in vitro gene transfection experiments were conducted with the SMMC-7721 cell line, indicating a transfection efficiency increase of at least 10 times higher than that of the naked plasmid DNA under a N/P charge ratio of 10. Therefore, these interesting results may provide a new possible way to construct efficient polycationic macromolecular gene carriers with low toxicity and less expensive low-generation PLL dendrons. 相似文献
Masashi Kawaichi Jun Oka Kunihiro Ueda Osamu Hayaishi 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1981,101(2):672-679
A new method was developed to separate mono- and oligo-(ADP-ribose) with chain lengths below 11 ADP-ribose units by size difference of one ADP-ribose residue. The separation was performed on a DEAE-cellulose column by elution with a NaCl gradient (0–0.3 ) in the presence of 7 urea at pH 7.6. Using this method, the chain length distribution of oligo(ADP-ribose) molecules attached to histones by incubation of isolated nuclei with radioactive NAD was determined. The average chain length estimated from this distribution coincided exactly with the value obtained by the phosphodiesterase digestion method, suggesting that the oligomers were synthesized directly on histones and not elongated from pre-existing ADP-ribose. 相似文献
The interaction between a cationic poly(amido amine) (PAMAM) dendrimer of generation 4 and double-stranded salmon sperm DNA in 10 mM NaBr solution has been investigated using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. The structural parameters of the formed aggregates as well as the complex formation process were studied in dilute solutions. When DNA is mixed with PAMAM dendrimers, it undergoes a transition from a semiflexible coil to a more compact conformation due to the electrostatic interaction present between the cationic dendrimer and the anionic polyelectrolyte. The DLS results reveal that one salmon sperm DNA molecule forms a discrete aggregate in dilute solution with several PAMAM dendrimers with a mean apparent hydrodynamic radius of 50 nm. These discrete complexes coexist with free DNA at low molar ratios of dendrimer to DNA, which shows that cooperativity is present in the complex formation. The formation of the complexes was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis measurements. DNA in the complexes was also found to be significantly more protected against DNase catalyzed digestion compared to free DNA. The number of dendrimers per DNA chain in the complexes was found to be approximately 35 as determined by steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. 相似文献
It has previously been shown that open complex formation at a promoter containing a block substitution of nonalternating A-T sequences in the spacer DNA separating the contacted -10 and -35 regions could be accelerated by distamycin. No stimulation was observed at a promoter with a substitution of alternating A-T base pairs in the same region or at the promoter with wild-type spacer. Here we compare the effect of distamycin [tris(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide), formally a P3] with that of its extended homologues P4, P5, and P6. It is found that the stimulatory potential of these synthetic oligopeptides which bind in the minor groove of DNA ranks in the order P4 greater than (distamycin, P5) greater than P6. The interaction of these peptides with the three promoters was studied by monitoring the positions of the promoter DNA protected from MPE-Fe(II) cleavage in the presence of different concentrations of ligand. The results suggest that a higher affinity of oligopeptide for the spacer DNA than for the -10 and/or -35 region is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for stimulation. Different patterns of protected DNA regions are seen with each of the three promoters; with distamycin, P4, and P5, a unique arrangement of protected regions is observed for the variant containing nonalternating A-T base pairs in its spacer DNA. These data support the hypothesis that differences in the ways the minor-groove binders interact with each of the promoter variants account for the observed differential stimulation. We further postulate that it is a ligand-induced structural change in the nonalternating A-T DNA which is responsible for the activation of open complex formation at the promoter containing this substitution. 相似文献
Lac repressor-operator interaction: DNA length dependence 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The interaction of the E. coli lac operon repressor with its operator DNA has been directly examined as a function of the length of operator-containing DNA. The apparent bimolecular association rate constants were calculated as ka = (kd/KD), where the dissociation equilibrium constant, KD and the dissociation rate constant, kd, were measured by nitrocellulose filter adsorption assays. The values obtained for the overall association rate constants are compared with theoretical association rate curves for specific mechanisms. Association of the repressor with short operator containing DNA fragments (less than 70 base pairs) occurs at rates expected of three-dimensional diffusion. Our data also imply that at longer DNA lengths a combination of three-dimensional diffusion with one-dimensional sliding along with hopping and/or intersegment transfer must be involved to facilitate the repressor operator association. 相似文献
The interaction of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) with DNA was studied by using an electrochemical DNA biosensor. The binding mechanism of sildenafil citrate was elucidated by using constant current potentiometry and differential pulse voltammetry at DNA-modified glassy carbon electrode. The decrease in the guanine oxidation peak area or peak current was used as an indicator for the interaction in 0.2M acetate buffer (pH 5). The binding constant (K) values obtained were 2.01+/-0.05 x 10(5) and 1.97+/-0.01 x 10(5)M(-1) with constant current potentiometry and differential pulse voltammetry, respectively. A linear dependence of the guanine peak area or peak current was observed within the range of 1-40 microM sildenafil citrate with slope=-2.74 x 10(-4)s/microM, r=0.989 and slope=-2.78 x 10(-3)microA/microM, r=0.995 by using constant current potentiometry and differential pulse voltammetry, respectively. Additionally, binding constant values for sildenafil citrate-DNA interaction were determined for the pH range of 4-8 and in biological fluids (serum and urine) at pH 5. The influence of sodium and calcium ions was also studied to elucidate the mechanism of sildenafil citrate-DNA interaction under different solution conditions. The present study may prove to be helpful in extending our understanding of the anticancer activity of sildenafil citrate from cellular to DNA level. 相似文献
Kiyofumi Murakami Takayuki Sano Naohisa Kure Katsushi Ishii Tatsuya Yasunaga 《Biopolymers》1983,22(9):2035-2044
The interaction of methyl orange with poly(L -lysine) was studied kinetically by the stopped-flow technique with CD detection, as well as by static CD titration experiments. In the static experiments, the differences observed in the polymer-to-dye ratio dependences of the CD spectra and absorption spectra suggested at least two kinds of bound states of the methyl orange attached to the polymer. The kinetic experiments using the stopped-flow apparatus, however, revealed four distinct reaction processes. The reaction mechanism was elucidated from the concentration dependence of the time constant for each process as follows: the first process was attributed to the bimolecular binding step of methyl orange to the side chain of poly(L -lysine), the second and third process were ascribed to the intramolecular reaction of the polymer–dye complex, and the fourth process was found to be the intermolecular aggregation of the polymer–dye complex. The origin of the stacking of methyl orange on poly(L -lysine) is discussed on the basis of the characteristics of signal amplitudes obtained from the kinetic experiments for these processes. 相似文献
Monte Carlo simulations [(N, V, T)-ensemble] were performed for the hydration shell of poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) in canonical B form and for the hydration shell of poly(dA).poly(dT) in canonical B conformation and in a conformation with narrow minor groove, highly inclined bases, but with a nearly zero-inclined base pair plane (B' conformation). We introduced helical periodic boundary conditions with a rather small unit cell and a limited number of water molecules to reduce the dimensionality of the configuration space. The coordinates of local maxima of water density and the properties of one- and two-membered water bridges between polar groups of the DNA were obtained. The AT-alternating duplex hydration mirrors the dyad symmetry of polar group distribution. At the dApdT step, a water bridge between the two carbonyl oxygens O2 of thymines is formed as in the central base-pair step of Dickerson's dodecamer. In the major groove, 5-membered water chains along the tetranucleotide pattern d(TATA).d(TATA) are observed. The hydration geometry of poly(dA).poly(dT) in canonical B conformation is distinguished by autonomous primary hydration of the base-pair edges in both grooves. When this polymer adopts a conformation with highly inclined bases and narrow minor groove, the water density distribution in the minor groove is in excellent agreement with Dickerson's spine model. One local maximum per base pair of the first layer is located near the dyad axis between adjacent base pairs, and one local maximum per base pair in the second shell lies near the dyad axis of the base pair itself. The water bridge between the two strands formed within the first layer was observed with high probability. But the water molecules of the second layer do not have a statistically favored orientation necessary for bridging first layer waters. In the major groove, the hydration geometry of the (A.T) base-pair edge resembles the main features of the AT-pair hydration derived from other sequences for the canonical B form. The preference of the B' conformation for oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts may express the tendency to common hydration of base-pair edges of successive base pairs in the grooves of B-type DNA. The mean potential energy of hydration of canonical B-DNA was estimated to be -60 to -80 kJ/mole nucleotides in dependence on the (G.C) contents. Because of the small system size, this estimation is preliminary. 相似文献
The Aib-D Ala dipeptide segment has a tendency to form both type-I'/III' and type-I/III β-turns. The occurrence of prime turns facilitates the formation of β-hairpin conformations, while type-I/III turns can nucleate helix formation. The octapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-DAla-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1) has been previously shown to form a β-hairpin in the crystalline state and in solution. The effects of sequence truncation have been examined using the model peptides Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-Phe-NHMe (2, 6), Boc-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-NHMe (3, 7), and Boc-Aib-Xxx-NHMe (4, 8), where Xxx=DAla, Aib. For peptides with central Aib-Aib segments, Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-Phe-NHMe (6), Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7), and Boc-Aib-Aib-NHMe (8) helical conformations have been established by NMR studies in both hydrogen bonding (CD3OH) and non-hydrogen bonding (CDCl3) solvents. In contrast, the corresponding hexapeptide Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-DAla-Leu-Phe-Val-NHMe (2) favors helical conformations in CDCl3 and β-hairpin conformations in CD3 OH. The β-turn conformations (type-I'/III) stabilized by intramolecular 4→1 hydrogen bonds are observed for the peptide Boc-Aib-D Ala-NHMe (4) and Boc-Aib-Aib-NHMe (8) in crystals. The tetrapeptide Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7) adopts an incipient 3(10)-helical conformation stabilized by three 4→1 hydrogen bonds. The peptide Boc-Val-Aib-DAla-Leu-NHMe (3) adopts a novel α-turn conformation, stabilized by three intramolecular hydrogen bonds (two 4→1 and one 5→1). The Aib-DAla segment adopts a type-I' β-turn conformation. The observation of an NOE between Val (1) NH?HNCH3 (5) in CD3OH suggests, that the solid state conformation is maintained in methanol solutions. 相似文献
Poly(Lys48, His52), a random copolypeptide of L -lysine (48%) and L -histidine (52%), was used as a model protein for investigating the effects of protonation on the imidazole group of histidines on protein binding to DNA. The complexes formed between poly(Lys48, His52) and DNA were examined using absorbance, circular dichroism (CD), and thermal denaturation. Although increasing pH reduces the charges on histidine side chains in the model protein, the protein still binds the DNA with approximately one positive charge per negative charge in protein-bound regions. Nevertheless, CD and melting properties of poly(Lys48, His52)-DNA complexes still depend upon the solution pH which determines the protonation state of imidazole group of histidine side chains. At pH 7.0, the complexes show two characteristic melting bands with a tm (46–51°C) for free base pairs and a t′m (94°C) for protein-bound base pairs. The t′m of the complexes is reduced to 90°C at pH 9.2, although at this pH there is still one lysine per phosphate in protein-bound regions. Presumably, the presence of deprotonated histidine residues destabilizes the native structure of protein-bound DNA. The binding of this model protein to DNA causes a red shift of the crossover point and both a red shift and a reduction of the positive CD band of DNA near 275 nm. This phenomenon is similar to that caused by polylysine binding. These effects, however, are greatly diminished when histidine side chains in the model protein are deprotonated. The structure of already formed poly(Lys48, His52)·DNA complexes can be perturbed by changing the solution pH. However, the results suggest a readjustment of the complex to accommodate charge interactions rather than a full dissociation of the complex followed by reassociation between the model protein and DNA. 相似文献
Three DNA polymerases that use poly(rA).oligo(dT) were partially purified from cytoplasmic extracts of cultured mouse cells (after removal of mitochondria), and characterized. One is similar to, and may be the same as, the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma. The other two enzymes, one 7.5 S and the other 3.6 S, share some properties with DNA polymerases beta and gamma, e.g. their responses to certain inhibitors; however, they are not clearly identified with any previously well-characterized mammalian DNA polymerases. It is also demonstrated that the response of DNA polymerase gamma to N-ethylmaleimide is template dependent, and that DNA polymerase alpha has an authentic (albeit small) activity with poly(rA).oligo(dT). 相似文献