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Decker PV  Yu DY  Iizuka M  Qiu Q  Smith MM 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1209-1220
Esa1 is the only essential histone acetyltransferase (HAT) in budding yeast. It is the catalytic subunit of at least two multiprotein complexes, NuA4 and Piccolo NuA4 (picNuA4), and its essential function is believed to be its catalytic HAT activity. To examine the role of Esa1 in DNA damage repair, we isolated viable esa1 mutants with a range of hypersensitivities to the toposide camptothecin. Here we show that the sensitivity of these mutants to a variety of stresses is inversely proportional to their level of histone H4 acetylation, demonstrating the importance of Esa1 catalytic activity for resistance to genotoxic stress. Surprisingly, individual mutations in two residues directly involved in catalysis were not lethal even though the mutant enzymes appear catalytically inactive both in vivo and in vitro. However, the double-point mutant is lethal, demonstrating that the essential function of Esa1 relies on residues within the catalytic pocket but not catalysis. We propose that the essential function of Esa1 may be to bind acetyl-CoA or lysine substrates and positively regulate the activities of NuA4 and Piccolo NuA4.  相似文献   

Esa1 (essential Sas2-related acetyltransferase 1) and Tip60 (HIV-1 TAT-interactive protein, 60 kDa) are key members of the MYST family of histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and play important functions in many cellular processes. In this work, we designed, synthesized and evaluated a series of substrate-based analogs for the inhibition of Esa1 and Tip60. The structures of these analogs feature that coenzyme A is covalently linked to the side chain amino group of the acetyl lysine residues in the histone peptide substrates. These bisubstrate analogs exhibit stronger potency in the inhibition of Esa1 and Tip60 compared to the small molecules curcumin and anacardic acid. In particular, H4K16CoA was tested as one of the most potent inhibitors for both Esa1 and Tip60. These substrate-based analog inhibitors will be useful mechanistic tools for analyzing biochemical mechanisms of Esa1 and Tip60, defining their functional roles in particular biological pathways, and facilitating protein crystallization and structural determination.  相似文献   

Rearrangement of chromosome band 6p21 is recurrent in endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) and targets the PHF1 gene. So far, PHF1 was found to be the 3' partner in the JAZF1-PHF1 and EPC1-PHF1 chimeras but since the 6p21 rearrangements involve also other chromosomal translocation partners, other PHF1-fusions seem likely. Here, we show that PHF1 is recombined with a novel fusion partner, MEAF6 from 1p34, in an ESS carrying a t(1;6)(p34;p21) translocation as the sole karyotypic anomaly. 5'-RACE, RT-PCR, and sequencing showed the presence of an MEAF6-PHF1 chimera in the tumor with exon 5 of MEAF6 being fused in-frame to exon 2 of PHF1 so that the entire PHF1 coding region becomes the 3' terminal part of the MEAF6-PHF1 fusion. The predicted fusion protein is composed of 750 amino acids and contains the histone acetyltransferase subunit NuA4 domain of MEAF6 and the tudor, PHD zinc finger, and MTF2 domains of PHF1. Although the specific functions of the MEAF6 and PHF1 proteins and why they are targeted by a neoplasia-specific gene fusion are not directly apparent, it seems that rearrangement of genes involved in acetylation (EPC1, MEAF6) and methylation (PHF1), resulting in aberrant gene expression, is a common theme in ESS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Lee YS  Nakahara K  Pham JW  Kim K  He Z  Sontheimer EJ  Carthew RW 《Cell》2004,117(1):69-81
The RNase III enzyme Dicer processes RNA into siRNAs and miRNAs, which direct a RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) to cleave mRNA or block its translation (RNAi). We have characterized mutations in the Drosophila dicer-1 and dicer-2 genes. Mutation in dicer-1 blocks processing of miRNA precursors, whereas dicer-2 mutants are defective for processing siRNA precursors. It has been recently found that Drosophila Dicer-1 and Dicer-2 are also components of siRNA-dependent RISC (siRISC). We find that Dicer-1 and Dicer-2 are required for siRNA-directed mRNA cleavage, though the RNase III activity of Dicer-2 is not required. Dicer-1 and Dicer-2 facilitate distinct steps in the assembly of siRISC. However, Dicer-1 but not Dicer-2 is essential for miRISC-directed translation repression. Thus, siRISCs and miRISCs are different with respect to Dicers in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Multiple roles for acetylation in the interaction of p300 HAT with ATF-2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karanam B  Wang L  Wang D  Liu X  Marmorstein R  Cotter R  Cole PA 《Biochemistry》2007,46(28):8207-8216

Translesion synthesis (TLS) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires at least Rev1p and polymerase zeta (Pol zeta), a complex of the Rev3 polymerase and its accessory factor Rev7p. Although their precise role(s) are poorly characterized, in vitro studies suggest that each protein contributes to TLS in a manner dependent on the particular lesion and surrounding DNA sequence. In the present study, strand segregation analysis is used to attempt to identify the role(s) of the Rev1 and Rev7 proteins during TLS. This assay uses double-stranded plasmids containing a genetic marker opposite to a replication blocking lesion (N-2-acetylaminofluorene; AAF) to measure TLS quantitatively and qualitatively in vivo. The AAF adduct is localized within a repetitive sequence in a manner that allows the formation of misaligned primer-template replication intermediates. Elongation from a misaligned intermediate fixes a frameshift mutation (slipped TLS), while extension of the correctly aligned lesion terminus yields error-free (non-slipped) TLS. The results indicate that there is a strong requirement for Rev7p during Pol zeta-mediated TLS measured in vivo. Furthermore, Rev1p is needed only for non-slipped TLS; slipped TLS remains efficient in its absence, revealing a previously uncharacterized Rev1p activity similar to Escherichia coli UmuDC function. Specifically, this activity is required for elongation from a correctly aligned lesion terminus.  相似文献   

Telomere attrition, DNA damage and constitutive mitogenic signaling can all trigger cellular senescence in normal cells and serve as a defense against tumor progression. Cancer cells may circumvent this cellular defense by acquiring genetic mutations in checkpoint proteins responsible for regulating permanent cell cycle arrest. A small family of tumor suppressor genes encoding the retinoblastoma susceptibility protein family (Rb, p107, p130) exerts a partially redundant control of entry into S phase of DNA replication and cellular proliferation. Here we report that activation of the p53-dependent DNA damage response has been found to accelerate senescence in human prostate cancer cells lacking a functional Rb protein. This novel form of irradiation-induced premature cellular senescence reinforces the notion that other Rb family members may compensate for loss of Rb protein in the DNA damage response pathway. Consistent with this hypothesis, depletion of p107 potently inhibits the irradiation-induced senescence observed in DU145 cells. In contrast, p130 depletion triggers a robust and unexpected form of premature senescence in unirradiated cells. The dominant effect of depleting both p107 and p130, in the absence of Rb, was a complete blockade of irradiation-induced cellular senescence. Onset of the p107-dependent senescence was temporally associated with p53-mediated stabilization of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 and decreases in c-myc and cks1 expression. These results indicate that p107 is required for initiation of accelerated cellular senescence in the absence of Rb and introduces the concept that p130 may be required to prevent the onset of terminal growth arrest in unstimulated prostate cancer cells lacking a functional Rb allele.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(15):1833-1846.e6
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In this issue of Molecular Cell, Wood et al. (2011) provide mechanistic insight into the regulation of insulators that helps explain how they can organize chromatin in a cell type-specific fashion.  相似文献   

NSF and p97 are related AAA proteins implicated in membrane trafficking and organelle biogenesis. p97 is also involved in pathways that lead to ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, including ER-associated degradation (ERAD). In this study, we have used dominant interfering ATP-hydrolysis deficient mutants (NSF(E329Q) and p97(E578Q)) to compare the function of these AAA proteins in the secretory pathway of mammalian cells. Expressing NSF(E329Q) promotes disassembly of Golgi stacks into dispersed vesicular structures. It also rapidly inhibits glycosaminoglycan sulfation, reflecting disruption of intra-Golgi transport. In contrast, expressing p97(E578Q) does not affect Golgi structure or function; glycosaminoglycans are normally sulfated and secreted, as is the VSV-G ts045 protein. Instead, expression of p97(E578Q) causes ubiquitinated proteins to accumulate on ER membranes and slows degradation of the ERAD substrate cystic-fibrosis transmembrane-conductance regulator. In addition, expression of p97(E578Q) eventually causes the ER to swell. More specific assessment of effects of p97(E578Q) on organelle assembly shows that the Golgi apparatus disperses and reassembles normally after treatment with brefeldin A and during mitosis. These findings demonstrate that ATP-hydrolysis-dependent activities of NSF and p97 in the cell are not equivalent and suggest that only NSF is directly involved in regulating membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Lag1p and Lac1p catalyse ceramide synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This study shows that Lag1 family proteins are generally required for polarized growth in hemiascomycetous yeast. However, in contrast to S. cerevisiae where these proteins are functionally redundant, C. albicans Lag1p (CaLag1p) and Lac1p (CaLac1p) are functionally distinct. Lack of CaLag1p, but not CaLac1p, caused severe defects in the growth and hyphal morphogenesis of C. albicans. Deletion of CaLAG1 decreased expression of the hypha-specific HWP1 and ECE1 genes. Moreover, overexpression of CaLAG1 induced pseudohyphal growth in this organism under non-hypha-inducing conditions, suggesting that CaLag1p is necessary for relaying signals to induce hypha-specific gene expression. Analysis of ceramide and sphingolipid composition revealed that CaLag1p predominantly synthesizes ceramides with C24:0/C26:0 fatty acid moieties, which are involved in generating inositol-containing sphingolipids, whereas CaLac1p produces ceramides with C18:0 fatty acid moieties, which are precursors for glucosylsphingolipids. Thus, our study demonstrates that CaLag1p and CaLac1p have distinct substrate specificities and physiological roles in C. albicans.  相似文献   

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