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DNA damaging agents are a constant threat to genomes in both the nucleus and the mitochondria. To combat this threat, a suite of DNA repair pathways cooperate to repair numerous types of DNA damage. If left unrepaired, these damages can result in the accumulation of mutations which can lead to deleterious consequences including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. The base excision repair (BER) pathway is highly conserved from bacteria to humans and is primarily responsible for the removal and subsequent repair of toxic and mutagenic oxidative DNA lesions. Although the biochemical steps that occur in the BER pathway have been well defined, little is known about how the BER machinery is regulated. The budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a powerful model system to biochemically and genetically dissect BER. BER is initiated by DNA N-glycosylases, such as S. cerevisiae Ntg1. Previous work demonstrates that Ntg1 is post-translationally modified by SUMO in response to oxidative DNA damage suggesting that this modification could modulate the function of Ntg1. In this study, we mapped the specific sites of SUMO modification within Ntg1 and identified the enzymes responsible for sumoylating/desumoylating Ntg1. Using a non-sumoylatable version of Ntg1, ntg1ΔSUMO, we performed an initial assessment of the functional impact of Ntg1 SUMO modification in the cellular response to DNA damage. Finally, we demonstrate that, similar to Ntg1, the human homologue of Ntg1, NTHL1, can also be SUMO-modified in response to oxidative stress. Our results suggest that SUMO modification of BER proteins could be a conserved mechanism to coordinate cellular responses to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that ubiquitin-like modifications are tightly regulated, it has been unclear how their E1 activities are controlled. In this study, we found that the SAE2 subunit of the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) E1 is autoSUMOylated at residue Lys-236, and SUMOylation was catalyzed by Ubc9 at several additional Lys residues surrounding the catalytic Cys-173 of SAE2. AutoSUMOylation of SAE2 did not affect SUMO adenylation or formation of E1·SUMO thioester, but did significantly inhibit the transfer of SUMO from E1 to E2 and overall SUMO conjugations to target proteins due to the altered interaction between E1 and E2. Upon heat shock, SUMOylation of SAE2 was reduced, which corresponded with an increase in global SUMOylation, suggesting that SUMOylation of the Cys domain of SAE2 is a mechanism for "storing" a pool of E1 that can be quickly activated in response to environmental changes. This study is the first to show how E1 activity is controlled by post-translational modifications, and similar regulation likely exists across the homologous E1s of ubiquitin-like modifications.  相似文献   

Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins act in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, but the pathway specificity of the three major isoforms has not been defined. In experiments in which we depleted the endogenous SUMO protein by RNAi, we found that SUMO1 functioned in all subpathways of either homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), whereas SUMO2/3 was required for the major NHEJ pathway, called conservative NHEJ, but dispensable in other DSB repair pathways. To our surprise, we found that depletion of UBC9, the unique SUMO E2 enzyme, had no effect in HR or alternative NHEJ (Alt-NHEJ) but was required for conservative NHEJ. Consistent with this result, both non-conjugatable mutant and wild-type SUMO1 proteins functioned similarly in HR and Alt-NHEJ. These results detail the functional roles of specific SUMO isoforms in DSB repair in mammalian cells and reveal that SUMO1 functions in HR or Alt-NHEJ as a free protein and not as a protein conjugate.  相似文献   

The dsRNA-dependent kinase PKR is an interferon-inducible protein with ability to phosphorylate the α subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-2 complex, resulting in a shut-off of general translation, induction of apoptosis, and inhibition of virus replication. Here we analyzed the modification of PKR by the small ubiquitin-like modifiers SUMO1 and SUMO2 and evaluated the consequences of PKR SUMOylation. Our results indicate that PKR is modified by both SUMO1 and SUMO2, in vitro and in vivo. We identified lysine residues Lys-60, Lys-150, and Lys-440 as SUMOylation sites in PKR. We show that SUMO is required for efficient PKR-dsRNA binding, PKR dimerization, and eIF2α phosphorylation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that SUMO potentiates the inhibition of protein synthesis induced by PKR in response to dsRNA, whereas a PKR SUMOylation mutant is impaired in its ability to inhibit protein synthesis and shows reduced capability to control vesicular stomatitis virus replication and to induce apoptosis in response to vesicular stomatitis virus infection. In summary, our data demonstrate the important role of SUMO in processes mediated by the activation of PKR.  相似文献   

Sumoylation is a post-translational modification essential in most eukaryotes that regulates stability, localization, activity, or interaction of a multitude of proteins. It is a reversible process wherein counteracting ligases and proteases, respectively, mediate the conjugation and deconjugation of SUMO molecules to/from target proteins. Apart from attachment of single SUMO moieties to targets, formation of poly-SUMO chains occurs by the attachment of additional SUMO molecules to lysine residues in the N-terminal extensions of SUMO. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae there are apparently only two SUMO(Smt3)-specific proteases: Ulp1 and Ulp2. Ulp2 has been shown to be important for the control of poly-SUMO conjugates in cells and to dismantle SUMO chains in vitro, but the mechanism by which it acts remains to be elucidated. Applying an in vitro approach, we found that Ulp2 acts sequentially rather than stochastically, processing substrate-linked poly-SUMO chains from their distal ends down to two linked SUMO moieties. Furthermore, three linked SUMO units turned out to be the minimum length of a substrate-linked chain required for efficient binding to and processing by Ulp2. Our data suggest that Ulp2 disassembles SUMO chains by removing one SUMO moiety at a time from their ends (exo mechanism). Apparently, Ulp2 recognizes surfaces at or near the N terminus of the distal SUMO moiety, as attachments to this end significantly reduce cleavage efficiency. Our studies suggest that Ulp2 controls the dynamic range of SUMO chain lengths by trimming them from the distal ends.  相似文献   

Thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) initiates the repair of G·T mismatches that arise by deamination of 5-methylcytosine (mC), and it excises 5-formylcytosine and 5-carboxylcytosine, oxidized forms of mC. TDG functions in active DNA demethylation and is essential for embryonic development. TDG forms a tight enzyme-product complex with abasic DNA, which severely impedes enzymatic turnover. Modification of TDG by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins weakens its binding to abasic DNA. It was proposed that sumoylation of product-bound TDG regulates product release, with SUMO conjugation and deconjugation needed for each catalytic cycle, but this model remains unsubstantiated. We examined the efficiency and specificity of TDG sumoylation using in vitro assays with purified E1 and E2 enzymes, finding that TDG is modified efficiently by SUMO-1 and SUMO-2. Remarkably, we observed similar modification rates for free TDG and TDG bound to abasic or undamaged DNA. To examine the conjugation step directly, we determined modification rates (kobs) using preformed E2∼SUMO-1 thioester. The hyperbolic dependence of kobs on TDG concentration gives kmax = 1.6 min−1 and K1/2 = 0.55 μm, suggesting that E2∼SUMO-1 has higher affinity for TDG than for the SUMO targets RanGAP1 and p53 (peptide). Whereas sumoylation substantially weakens TDG binding to DNA, TDG∼SUMO-1 still binds relatively tightly to AP-DNA (Kd ∼50 nm). Although E2∼SUMO-1 exhibits no specificity for product-bound TDG, the relatively high conjugation efficiency raises the possibility that E2-mediated sumoylation could stimulate product release in vivo. This and other implications for the biological role and mechanism of TDG sumoylation are discussed.  相似文献   

The small ubiquitin-like modifiers (SUMOs) regulate many essential cellular functions. Only one type of SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) has been identified that can extend the β-sheet of SUMO as either a parallel or an antiparallel strand. The molecular determinants of the bound orientation and paralogue specificity of a SIM are unclear. To address this question, we have conducted structural studies of SUMO1 in complex with a SUMO1-specific SIM that binds to SUMO1 with high affinity without post-translational modifications using nuclear magnetic resonance methods. In addition, the SIM sequence requirements have been investigated by peptide arrays in comparison with another high affinity SIM that binds in the opposing orientation. We found that antiparallel binding SIMs tolerate more diverse sequences, whereas the parallel binding SIMs prefer the more strict sequences consisting of (I/V)DLT that have a preference in high affinity SUMO2 and -3 binding. Comparison of two high affinity SUMO1-binding SIMs that bind in opposing orientations has revealed common SUMO1-specific interactions needed for high affinity binding. This study has significantly advanced our understanding of the molecular determinants underlining SUMO-SIM recognition.  相似文献   

Small ubiquitin-related modifiers (SUMOs) are post-translationally conjugated to other proteins and are thereby essential regulators of a wide range of cellular processes. Sumoylation, and enzymes of the sumoylation pathway, are conserved in the malaria causing parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. However, the specific functions of sumoylation in P. falciparum, and the degree of functional conservation between enzymes of the human and P. falciparum sumoylation pathways, have not been characterized. Here, we demonstrate that sumoylation levels peak during midstages of the intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle, concomitant with hemoglobin consumption and elevated oxidative stress. In vitro studies revealed that P. falciparum E1- and E2-conjugating enzymes interact effectively to recognize and modify RanGAP1, a model mammalian SUMO substrate. However, in heterologous reactions, P. falciparum E1 and E2 enzymes failed to interact with cognate human E2 and E1 partners, respectively, to modify RanGAP1. Structural analysis, binding studies, and functional assays revealed divergent amino acid residues within the E1-E2 binding interface that define organism-specific enzyme interactions. Our studies identify sumoylation as a potentially important regulator of oxidative stress response during the P. falciparum intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle, and define E1 and E2 interactions as a promising target for development of parasite-specific inhibitors of sumoylation and parasite replication.  相似文献   

Sumoylation affects many cellular processes by regulating the interactions of modified targets with downstream effectors. Here we identified the cytosolic dipeptidyl peptidase 9 (DPP9) as a SUMO1 interacting protein. Surprisingly, DPP9 binds to SUMO1 independent of the well known SUMO interacting motif, but instead interacts with a loop involving Glu67 of SUMO1. Intriguingly, DPP9 selectively associates with SUMO1 and not SUMO2, due to a more positive charge in the SUMO1-loop. We mapped the SUMO-binding site of DPP9 to an extended arm structure, predicted to directly flank the substrate entry site. Importantly, whereas mutants in the SUMO1-binding arm are less active compared with wild-type DPP9, SUMO1 stimulates DPP9 activity. Consistent with this, silencing of SUMO1 leads to a reduced cytosolic prolyl-peptidase activity. Taken together, these results suggest that SUMO1, or more likely, a sumoylated protein, acts as an allosteric regulator of DPP9.  相似文献   

The RanBP2 nucleoporin contains an internal repeat domain (IR1-M-IR2) that catalyzes E3 ligase activity and forms a stable complex with SUMO-modified RanGAP1 and UBC9 at the nuclear pore complex. RanBP2 exhibits specificity for SUMO1 as RanGAP1-SUMO1/UBC9 forms a more stable complex with RanBP2 compared with RanGAP1-SUMO2 that results in greater protection of RanGAP-SUMO1 from proteases. The IR1-M-IR2 SUMO E3 ligase activity also shows a similar preference for SUMO1. We utilized deletions and domain swap constructs in protease protection assays and automodification assays to define RanBP2 domains responsible for RanGAP1-SUMO1 protection and SUMO1-specific E3 ligase activity. Our data suggest that elements in both IR1 and IR2 exhibit specificity for SUMO1. IR1 protects RanGAP1-SUMO1/UBC9 and functions as the primary E3 ligase of RanBP2, whereas IR2 retains the ability to interact with SUMO1 to promote SUMO1-specific E3 ligase activity. To determine the structural basis for SUMO1 specificity, a hybrid IR1 construct and IR1 were used to determine three new structures for complexes containing UBC9 with RanGAP1-SUMO1/2. These structures show more extensive contacts among SUMO, UBC9, and RanBP2 in complexes containing SUMO1 compared with SUMO2 and suggest that differences in SUMO specificity may be achieved through these subtle conformational differences.  相似文献   

Caveolin (Cav) proteins in the plasma membrane have numerous binding partners, but the determinants of these interactions are poorly understood. We show here that Cav-3 has a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) consensus motif (ΨKX(D/E, where Ψ is a hydrophobic residue)) near the scaffolding domain and that Cav-3 is SUMOylated in a manner that is enhanced by the SUMO E3 ligase PIASy (protein inhibitor of activated STAT-y). Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the consensus site lysine is the preferred SUMOylation site but that mutation of all lysines is required to abolish SUMOylation. Co-expression of a SUMOylation-deficient mutant of Cav-3 with β-adrenergic receptors (βARs) alters the expression level of β(2)ARs but not β(1)ARs following agonist stimulation, thus implicating Cav-3 SUMOylation in the mechanisms for β(2)AR but not β(1)AR desensitization. Expression of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (NOS3) was not altered by the SUMOylation-deficient mutant. Thus, SUMOylation is a covalent modification of caveolins that influence the regulation of certain signaling partners.  相似文献   

Shan SF  Wang LF  Zhai JW  Qin Y  Ouyang HF  Kong YY  Liu J  Wang Y  Xie YH 《FEBS letters》2008,582(27):3723-3728
Prospero-related homeobox protein (Prox1) plays essential roles in the development of many tissues and organs. In the present study, we show that Prox1 is modified by the small ubiquitin-like protein SUMO-1 in cultured cells. Mutation analysis identified at least four potential sumoylation sites within the repression domain of Prox1. Our data indicate that sumoylation of Prox1 reduces its interaction with HDAC3 and as a result downregulates its corepressor activity. These findings suggest that sumoylation may serve as a novel mechanism for the regulation of Prox1’s corepressor activity.

Structured summary

PROX1 (uniprotkb:Q92786) physically interacts (MI:0218) with HDAC3 (uniprotkb:O15379) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)
PROX1 (uniprotkb:Q92786) physically interacts (MI:0218) with SUMO-1 (uniprotkb:P63165) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)

Ring finger protein 4 (RNF4) is a SUMO-targeted ubiquitin E3 ligase with a pivotal function in the DNA damage response (DDR). SUMO interaction motifs (SIMs) in the N-terminal part of RNF4 tightly bind to SUMO polymers, and RNF4 can ubiquitinate these polymers in vitro. Using a proteomic approach, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 11 (USP11), a known DDR-component, as a functional interactor of RNF4. USP11 can deubiquitinate hybrid SUMO-ubiquitin chains to counteract RNF4. SUMO-enriched nuclear bodies are stabilized by USP11, which functions downstream of RNF4 as a counterbalancing factor. In response to DNA damage induced by methyl methanesulfonate, USP11 could counteract RNF4 to inhibit the dissolution of nuclear bodies. Thus, we provide novel insight into cross-talk between ubiquitin and SUMO and uncover USP11 and RNF4 as a balanced SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase/protease pair with a role in the DDR.  相似文献   

Protein sumoylation by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins is an important post-translational regulatory modification. A role in the control of chromosome dynamics was first suggested when SUMO was identified as high-copy suppressor of the centromere protein CENP-C mutants. CENP-C itself contains a consensus sumoylation sequence motif that partially overlaps with its DNA binding and centromere localization domain. To ascertain whether CENP-C can be sumoylated, tandem mass spectrometry (MS) based strategy was developed for high sensitivity identification and sequencing of sumoylated isopeptides present among in-gel-digested tryptic peptides of SDS-PAGE fractionated target proteins. Without a predisposition to searching for the expected isopeptides based on calculated molecular mass and relying instead on the characteristic MS/MS fragmentation pattern to identify sumolylation, we demonstrate that several other lysine residues located not within the perfect consensus sumoylation motif psiKXE/D, where psi represents a large hydrophobic amino acid, and X represents any amino acid, can be sumolylated with a reconstituted in vitro system containing only the SUMO proteins, E1-activating enzyme and E2-conjugating enzyme (Ubc9). In all cases, target sites that can be sumoylated by SUMO-2 were shown to be equally susceptible to SUMO-1 attachments which include specific sites on SUMO-2 itself, Ubc9, and the recombinant CENP-C fragments. Two non-consensus sites on one of the CENP-C fragments were found to be sumoylated in addition to the predicted site on the other fragment. The developed methodologies should facilitate future studies in delineating the dynamics and substrate specificities of SUMO-1/2/3 modifications and the respective roles of E3 ligases in the process.  相似文献   

Accurate morbidity prediction can contribute greatly to the efficiency of medical services. Gastrointestinal infectious diseases are largely influenced by environmental pollutants, but predicting their morbidity based on pollution indicators is quite difficult because of the complex relationship between the pollutants and the infections. This study presents a deep neural network (DNN) model for estimating the morbidity of gastrointestinal infections based on 129 types of pollutants contained in soil and water. The DNN uses a deep Boltzmann machine (DBM) to model the unknown probabilistic relationship between the pollutants, and employs a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to output the estimated morbidity. We also propose an evolutionary algorithm for efficiently training the DNN. Experiment on a data set from four counties in central China shows that the proposed model can estimate the morbidity much more accurately than traditional neural network and linear regression models.  相似文献   

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