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溢油对南海海洋生态系统的影响及珠江口溢油现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕颂辉  陈翰林 《生态科学》2006,25(4):379-384
详细介绍了溢油的化学组成及其进入水体后的变化过程,在此基础上简述了溢油对海洋中的初级生产力、鸟类、贝类和鱼类等生物的影响,以及对红树林和珊瑚礁等重要生态系统的破坏,并说明了溢油对生物和生态系统的破坏机制.统计了近年来在珠江口及其附近海域发生的溢油事件,综述了国内外有关的研究成果并科学阐明了溢油对南海海洋生态系统可能产生的影响,为相关部门研究相应的溢油应急对策及控制方法提供参考.  相似文献   

Field evaluations of marine oil spill bioremediation.   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Bioremediation is defined as the act of adding or improving the availability of materials (e.g., nutrients, microorganisms, or oxygen) to contaminated environments to cause an acceleration of natural biodegradative processes. The results of field experiments and trials following actual spill incidents have been reviewed to evaluate the feasibility of this approach as a treatment for oil contamination in the marine environment. The ubiquity of oil-degrading microorganisms in the marine environment is well established, and research has demonstrated the capability of the indigenous microflora to degrade many components of petroleum shortly after exposure. Studies have identified numerous factors which affect the natural biodegradation rates of oil, such as the origin and concentration of oil, the availability of oil-degrading microorganisms, nutrient concentrations, oxygen levels, climatic conditions, and sediment characteristics. Bioremediation strategies based on the application of fertilizers have been shown to stimulate the biodegradation rates of oil in aerobic intertidal sediments such as sand and cobble. The ratio of oil loading to nitrogen concentration within the interstitial water has been identified to be the principal controlling factor influencing the success of this bioremediation strategy. However, the need for the seeding of natural environments with hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria has not been clearly demonstrated under natural environmental conditions. It is suggested that bioremediation should now take its place among the many techniques available for the treatment of oil spills, although there is still a clear need to set operational limits for its use. On the basis of the available evidence, we have proposed preliminary operational guidelines for bioremediation on shoreline environments.  相似文献   

Coastal salt marshes are highly sensitive wetland ecosystems that can sustain long-term impacts from anthropogenic events such as oil spills. In this study, we examined the microbial communities of a Gulf of Mexico coastal salt marsh during and after the influx of petroleum hydrocarbons following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Total hydrocarbon concentrations in salt marsh sediments were highest in June and July 2010 and decreased in September 2010. Coupled PhyloChip and GeoChip microarray analyses demonstrated that the microbial community structure and function of the extant salt marsh hydrocarbon-degrading microbial populations changed significantly during the study. The relative richness and abundance of phyla containing previously described hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria) increased in hydrocarbon-contaminated sediments and then decreased once hydrocarbons were below detection. Firmicutes, however, continued to increase in relative richness and abundance after hydrocarbon concentrations were below detection. Functional genes involved in hydrocarbon degradation were enriched in hydrocarbon-contaminated sediments then declined significantly (p<0.05) once hydrocarbon concentrations decreased. A greater decrease in hydrocarbon concentrations among marsh grass sediments compared to inlet sediments (lacking marsh grass) suggests that the marsh rhizosphere microbial communities could also be contributing to hydrocarbon degradation. The results of this study provide a comprehensive view of microbial community structural and functional dynamics within perturbed salt marsh ecosystems.  相似文献   

The stomach oil produced by many marine birds of the order Procellariiformes is an important aspect of their breeding ecology. Fifty-seven samples of stomach oil from six species of subantarctic sea birds were examined by thin-layer and gas chromatography to determine the degree of variation in stomach oil composition between individuals of the same species. The wide variability detected, the typically marine composition of the component fatty acids and alcohols of the wax esters and triacyglycerols examined and the presence of pristane, squalene, and astaxanthin in the stomach oils all indicate that the bulk of the oil is derived directly from the food. This is in contrast to the nutritive fluids produced by secretion in several other groups of birds. Many of the stomach oils contain large amounts of wax ester and marine birds represent a significant link in the marine food web for the reconversion of zooplankton wax ester to triacylglycerol. No substantial offshore pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons was indicated by the samples; stomach oil samples from pelagic birds may be valuable in monitoring offshore pollution.  相似文献   

The distribution of thermophilic marine sulfate reducers in produced oil reservoir waters from the Gullfaks oil field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea was investigated by using enrichment cultures and genus-specific fluorescent antibodies produced against the genera Archaeoglobus, Desulfotomaculum, and Thermodesulforhabdus. The thermophilic marine sulfate reducers in this environment could mainly be classified as species belonging to the genera Archaeoglobus and Thermodesulforhabdus. In addition, some unidentified sulfate reducers were present. Culturable thermophilic Desulfotomaculum strains were not detected. Specific strains of thermophilic sulfate reducers inhabited different parts of the oil reservoir. No correlation between the duration of seawater injection and the numbers of thermophilic sulfate reducers in the produced waters was observed. Neither was there any correlation between the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and the numbers of thermophilic sulfate reducers. The results indicate that thermophilic and hyperthermophilic sulfate reducers are indigenous to North Sea oil field reservoirs and that they belong to a deep subterranean biosphere.  相似文献   

The effort of clean up the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, included the use of fertilizers to accelerate natural microbial degradation of stranded oil. A program to monitor various environmental parameters associated with this technique took place during the summer of 1990. Microbiological assays for numbers of heterotrophic and oil-degrading microbes and their hydrocarbon mineralization potentials were performed in support of this program. Fertilizer addition resulted in higher hexadecane and phenanthrene mineralization potentials on treated plots than on untreated reference plots. Microbial numbers in treated and reference surface sediments were not significantly different immediately after the first nutrient application in May 1990. However, subsurface sediments from treated plots had higher numbers of hydrocarbon degraders than did reference sediments shortly after treatment. The second application of fertilizer, later in summer, resulted in surface and subsurface increases in numbers of hydrocarbon degraders with respect to reference sediments at two of the three study sites. Elevated mineralization potentials, coupled with increased numbers of hydrocarbon degraders, indicated that natural hydrocarbon biodegradation was enhanced. However, these microbiological measurements alone are not sufficient to determine in situ rates of crude oil biodegradation.  相似文献   

The effort of clean up the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, included the use of fertilizers to accelerate natural microbial degradation of stranded oil. A program to monitor various environmental parameters associated with this technique took place during the summer of 1990. Microbiological assays for numbers of heterotrophic and oil-degrading microbes and their hydrocarbon mineralization potentials were performed in support of this program. Fertilizer addition resulted in higher hexadecane and phenanthrene mineralization potentials on treated plots than on untreated reference plots. Microbial numbers in treated and reference surface sediments were not significantly different immediately after the first nutrient application in May 1990. However, subsurface sediments from treated plots had higher numbers of hydrocarbon degraders than did reference sediments shortly after treatment. The second application of fertilizer, later in summer, resulted in surface and subsurface increases in numbers of hydrocarbon degraders with respect to reference sediments at two of the three study sites. Elevated mineralization potentials, coupled with increased numbers of hydrocarbon degraders, indicated that natural hydrocarbon biodegradation was enhanced. However, these microbiological measurements alone are not sufficient to determine in situ rates of crude oil biodegradation.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Oil pollution of the sea, especially damage of oil tankers, may cause severe effects on populations of sea and coastal birds, especially as far as bird aggregations in winter quarters or breeding places are concerned.2. Examples of oil pollution effects on birds are given and the most severely affected species of European waters quoted.
Die Wirkungen der Ölverschmutzung auf Populationen von Meeres- und Küstenvögeln
Kurzfassung Mit zunehmender Ölverschmutzung des Meeres als Folge wachsenden Öltransportes mit Schiffen wuchsen die Gefahren für Vögel des marinen Pelagials und noch mehr des Litorals. Die durch die Verschmutzung mit Öl fast durchweg moribund gewordenen und unter verschiedenen Symptomen eingegangenen Vögel umfassen in Nord- und Ostsee über 20 Arten und können bei einer einzigen Katastrophe über 500 000 Individuen ausmachen. Da nicht selten ganze Populationen von See- und Wasservogelarten außerhalb von Brutraum und Brutzeit auf relativ kleinem Raum zusammenkommen, besteht die Gefahr einer hochgradigen Dezimierung oder gar Bestandsauslöschung.

Turnover times for toluene in Resurrection Bay after the Exxon Valdez grounding were determined to be decades, longer than expected considering that dissolved hydrocarbons were anticipated to drift with the current and stimulate development of additional hydrocarbon-utilizing capacity among the microflora in that downcurrent location. These turnover times were based on the recovery of 14CO2 from added [14C]toluene that was oxidized. The concentrations of toluene there, 0.1 to 0.2 microgram/liter, were similar to prespill values. Oxidation rates appeared to be enhanced upstream near islands in the wake of the wind-blown slick, and even more within the slick itself. Specific affinities of the water column bacteria for toluene were computed with the help of biomass data, as measured by high-resolution flow cytometry. They were a very low 0.3 to 3 liters/g of cells.h-1, indicating limited capacity to utilize this hydrocarbon. Since current-driven mixing rates exceeded those of oxidation, dissolved spill components such as toluene should enter the world-ocean pool of hydrocarbons rather than biooxidize in place. Some of the floating oil slick washed ashore and permeated a coarse gravel beach. A bacterial biomass of 2 to 14 mg/kg appeared in apparent response to the new carbon and energy source. This biomass was computed from that of the organisms and associated naphthalene oxidation activity washed from the gravel compared with the original suspension. These sediment organisms were very small at approximately 0.06 microns 3 in volume, low in DNA at approximately 5.5 g per cell, and unlike the aquatic bacteria obtained by enrichment culture but quite similar to the oligobacteria in the water column.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

海洋溢油生态环境损害因果关系判定方法与模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔冰  兰儒  李涛  陈明波  聂宁  石敬  任利利  段君雅  俞博凡 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5266-5278
海洋溢油对生态环境造成污染损害,构成了对海洋环境安全和人体健康的重大威胁,科学地评估溢油污染损害可以发挥为损害修复和赔偿仲裁提供依据的重要作用,为成就这一目标,亟待加强有关溢油污染损害的因果关系及其判定方法与准则的相关理论、技术方法和业务化应用的研究。为此,在对不同原油的各馏分占比和分类组分及含量进行统计分析的基础上,构建了溢油成分统计均值指标体系,基于WHO/IARC化学物质引起人类癌症危险性评价,揭示了不同种类溢油所造成的海洋生态环境损害类型和程度有所不同的因果关系,进而研究提出了基于溢油环境归宿和POPs毒性理论的损害机理分析方法,构建了包括事故发生、成分含量、分类后果、时空分布4类判定准则及其相应指标体系的海洋生态环境损害因果关系判定方法,提出了包括因果关系判定模型、多类型辅助评估模型、调查试验诊断评估方法及业务化流程、以及损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的海洋生态损害评估模型体系总体架构,设计阐述了多类型辅助评估模型、损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的构建方案。针对辅助评估模型中具有代表性的易受损因子--海水水质指标的损害因果关系判定和损害程度量化问题,构建了基于溢油风化缩比仿真试验的溢油风化水质影响评估模型,采用溢油事故引起海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积,以及事故发生前后实测的相关海域海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积发生变化以及出现峰值的状况,作为判定损害因果关系存在和评估损害程度的量化指标,通过开展"塔兹曼海"、大连"7.16"等发生于渤海和黄海的溢油及危化品事故案例调查,实施了判定方法与模型的应用研究,对模型参数进行了率定,模型和实测结果均显示,在具有连通性的渤海和黄海海域,不同时段超过不同等级海水水质标准的超标面积增量与该海域实际发生溢油事故的时间存在显著的关联响应关系。综合判断,溢油污染损害与污染事故发生的时间和位置、所处海域的连通性及扩散条件、入海溢油的总量及环境污染持久性呈密切相关的因果关系。  相似文献   

Turnover times for toluene in Resurrection Bay after the Exxon Valdez grounding were determined to be decades, longer than expected considering that dissolved hydrocarbons were anticipated to drift with the current and stimulate development of additional hydrocarbon-utilizing capacity among the microflora in that downcurrent location. These turnover times were based on the recovery of 14CO2 from added [14C]toluene that was oxidized. The concentrations of toluene there, 0.1 to 0.2 microgram/liter, were similar to prespill values. Oxidation rates appeared to be enhanced upstream near islands in the wake of the wind-blown slick, and even more within the slick itself. Specific affinities of the water column bacteria for toluene were computed with the help of biomass data, as measured by high-resolution flow cytometry. They were a very low 0.3 to 3 liters/g of cells.h-1, indicating limited capacity to utilize this hydrocarbon. Since current-driven mixing rates exceeded those of oxidation, dissolved spill components such as toluene should enter the world-ocean pool of hydrocarbons rather than biooxidize in place. Some of the floating oil slick washed ashore and permeated a coarse gravel beach. A bacterial biomass of 2 to 14 mg/kg appeared in apparent response to the new carbon and energy source. This biomass was computed from that of the organisms and associated naphthalene oxidation activity washed from the gravel compared with the original suspension. These sediment organisms were very small at approximately 0.06 microns 3 in volume, low in DNA at approximately 5.5 g per cell, and unlike the aquatic bacteria obtained by enrichment culture but quite similar to the oligobacteria in the water column.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nearly all microbes require iron for growth. The low concentration of iron found in the ocean makes iron acquisition a particularly difficult task. In response to these low iron conditions, many bacteria produce low-molecular-weight iron-binding molecules called siderophores to aid in iron uptake. We report herein the isolation and structural characterization of a suite of amphiphilic siderophores called the ochrobactins-OH, which are produced by a Vibrio species isolated from the Gulf of Mexico after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The citrate-based ochrobactins-OH are derivatives of aerobactin, replacing the acetyl groups with fatty acid appendages ranging in size from C8 to C12, and are distinctly different from the ochrobactins in that the fatty acid appendages are hydroxylated rather than unsaturated. The discovery of the marine amphiphilic ochrobactin-OH suite of siderophores increases the geographic and phylogenetic diversity of siderophore-producing bacteria.  相似文献   

Evidence for in situ crude oil biodegradation after the Prestige oil spill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In November 2002, the oil tanker Prestige sank off the Spanish coast after releasing approximately 17,000 tones of heavy fuel, coating several hundred kilometers of coastline in oil sludge. In December 2002 and February 2003, samples were collected from the shore of the Galician coast to analyse the indigenous population ability to carry out crude oil degradation in situ. Carbon isotopic ratio of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in seawater samples was used as a rapid method to directly assess activity of microbes on the oil components. 12CO2/13CO2 ratio in samples from certain locations along the coast revealed degradation of a very delta13C-negative source such as the Prestige crude oil (-30.6 per thousand). Putative biodegradation processes taking place at areas with high income of fresh seawater could not be detected with this technique. Laboratory-scale biostimulation processes carried out in samples with the highest oil biodegradation activity showed that N/P deficiency in seawater is a limiting factor for crude oil degradation. The most probable number (MPN) of crude oil component degraders was estimated for several aromatic compounds (naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene) and for undecane. Our results clearly show that bacteria present in the contaminated water are readily able to transform components of the crude oil into inorganic carbon.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by marine birds in relation to water depth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
David C.  Schneider 《Ibis》1997,139(1):175-178

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill resulted in a massive influx of hydrocarbons into the Gulf of Mexico (the Gulf). To better understand the fate of the oil, we enriched and isolated indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from deep, uncontaminated waters from the Gulf with oil (Macondo MC252) and dispersant used during the spill (COREXIT 9500). During 20 days of incubation at 5°C, CO(2) evolution, hydrocarbon concentrations and the microbial community composition were determined. Approximately 60% to 25% of the dissolved oil with or without COREXIT, respectively, was degraded, in addition to some hydrocarbons in the COREXIT. FeCl(2) addition initially increased respiration rates, but not the total amount of hydrocarbons degraded. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed a succession in the microbial community over time, with an increase in abundance of Colwellia and Oceanospirillales during the incubations. Flocs formed during incubations with oil and/or COREXIT in the absence of FeCl(2) . Synchrotron radiation-based Fourier transform infrared (SR-FTIR) spectromicroscopy revealed that the flocs were comprised of oil, carbohydrates and biomass. Colwellia were the dominant bacteria in the flocs. Colwellia sp. strain RC25 was isolated from one of the enrichments and confirmed to rapidly degrade high amounts (approximately 75%) of the MC252 oil at 5°C. Together these data highlight several features that provide Colwellia with the capacity to degrade oil in cold, deep marine habitats, including aggregation together with oil droplets into flocs and hydrocarbon degradation ability.  相似文献   

The massive influx of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) disaster triggered dramatic microbial community shifts in surface oil slick and deep plume waters. Previous work had shown several taxa, notably DWH Oceanospirillales, Cycloclasticus and Colwellia, were found to be enriched in these waters based on their dominance in conventional clone and pyrosequencing libraries and were thought to have had a significant role in the degradation of the oil. However, this type of community analysis data failed to provide direct evidence on the functional properties, such as hydrocarbon degradation of organisms. Using DNA-based stable-isotope probing with uniformly 13C-labelled hydrocarbons, we identified several aliphatic (Alcanivorax, Marinobacter)- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (Alteromonas, Cycloclasticus, Colwellia)-degrading bacteria. We also isolated several strains (Alcanivorax, Alteromonas, Cycloclasticus, Halomonas, Marinobacter and Pseudoalteromonas) with demonstrable hydrocarbon-degrading qualities from surface slick and plume water samples collected during the active phase of the spill. Some of these organisms accounted for the majority of sequence reads representing their respective taxa in a pyrosequencing data set constructed from the same and additional water column samples. Hitherto, Alcanivorax was not identified in any of the previous water column studies analysing the microbial response to the spill and we discuss its failure to respond to the oil. Collectively, our data provide unequivocal evidence on the hydrocarbon-degrading qualities for some of the dominant taxa enriched in surface and plume waters during the DWH oil spill, and a more complete understanding of their role in the fate of the oil.  相似文献   

Although petroleum hydrocarbons discharged from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) blowout were shown to have a pronounced impact on indigenous microbial communities in the Gulf of Mexico, effects on nearshore or coastal ecosystems remain understudied. This study investigated the successional patterns of functional and taxonomic diversity for over 1 year after the DWH oil was deposited on Pensacola Beach sands (FL, USA), using metagenomic and 16S rRNA gene amplicon techniques. Gamma- and Alphaproteobacteria were enriched in oiled sediments, in corroboration of previous studies. In contrast to previous studies, we observed an increase in the functional diversity of the community in response to oil contamination and a functional transition from generalist populations within 4 months after oil came ashore to specialists a year later, when oil was undetectable. At the latter time point, a typical beach community had reestablished that showed little to no evidence of oil hydrocarbon degradation potential, was enriched in archaeal taxa known to be sensitive to xenobiotics, but differed significantly from the community before the oil spill. Further, a clear succession pattern was observed, where early responders to oil contamination, likely degrading aliphatic hydrocarbons, were replaced after 3 months by populations capable of aromatic hydrocarbon decomposition. Collectively, our results advance the understanding of how natural benthic microbial communities respond to crude oil perturbation, supporting the specialization-disturbance hypothesis; that is, the expectation that disturbance favors generalists, while providing (microbial) indicator species and genes for the chemical evolution of oil hydrocarbons during degradation and weathering.  相似文献   

Is clutch size in birds affected by environmental conditions during growth?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Only environmental conditions occurring at the time of breeding have been shown to affect clutch size in birds, even though conditions experienced during growth are known to affect body size or egg size. We show here that environmental conditions experienced during early life can affect clutch size in captive zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and wild great tits (Parus major). Not only do factors outside the immediate breeding season affect clutch size, but clutch size control mechanism is permanently influenced by conditions experienced during ontogeny.  相似文献   

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