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A redefinition of the cyanobacterial lineage has been proposed based on phylogenomic analysis of distantly related nonphototrophic lineages. We define Cyanobacteria here as “Organisms in the domain bacteria able to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis with water as an electron donor and to reduce carbon dioxide as a source of carbon, or those secondarily evolved from such organisms.”  相似文献   

Immigration and the ways in which host societies receive newcomers pose challenges for modern civil societies. This article contributes to the ongoing discussion about how ethnic diversity influences tolerance towards immigrants. Compared to previous studies, we analyse tolerance as a sequential concept in order to uncover the effects of contextual diversity on attitudes towards immigrants and the granting of certain rights to this group. Moreover, we distinguish different shares of ethnic groups based on their ethnic and cultural origins both on the independent and dependent variable. The analysis relies on a subnational survey of sixty municipalities in Switzerland, revealing that only certain ethnic groups are seen as an economic and cultural threat.  相似文献   

The ongoing Covid-19 is a contagious disease, and it is characterised by different symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Rising concerns about Covid-19 have severely affected the healthcare system in all countries as the Covid-19 outbreak has developed at a rapid rate all around the globe. Intriguing, a clinically used drug, acetazolamide (a specific inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, CA, EC, is used to treat high-altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPE), showing a high degree of clinical similarities with the pulmonary disease caused by Covid-19. In this context, this preliminary study aims to provide insights into some factors affecting the Covid-19 patients, such as hypoxaemia, hypoxia as well as the blood CA activity. We hypothesise that patients with Covid-19 problems could show a dysregulated acid–base status influenced by CA activity. These preliminary results suggest that the use of CA inhibitors as a pharmacological treatment for Covid-19 may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Weedy rice is a representative of the extensive group of feral weeds that derive from crops, but has returned to the lifestyle of a wild species. These weeds develop either from a hybridization of crops with wild relatives (exoferality), or by mutation of crops to weedy forms (endoferality). Due to the close relation of weed and crop, the methods for weed‐targeted containment are limited to date. A deeper understanding of the development of such weeds might help to design more efficient and sustainable approaches for weed management. Weedy rice poses a serious threat to rice yields worldwide. It is widely accepted that weedy rice has originated independently in different regions all over the world. However, details of its evolution have remained elusive. In the current study, we investigated the history of weedy rice in northern Italy, the most important rice‐growing area in Europe. Our approach was to analyze genes related to weedy traits (SD1, sh4, Rc) in weedy rice accessions compared to cultivars, and to integrate these results with phenotypic and physiological data, as well as historical information about rice farming in Italy. We arrive at a working model for the timeline of evolution of weedy rice in Italy indicating that both exoferality and endoferality acted as forces driving the development of the diverse weedy rice populations found in the region today. Models of weed evolution can help to predict the direction which weed development might take and to develop new, sustainable methods to control feral weeds.  相似文献   

The chloroplast peripheral reticulum (PR) is a structure of unknown function. Some authors postulated that it is a characteristic feature of C4 plants, although it was reported from C3 species as well. It is unknown whether the occurrence of PR follows a phylogenetic (it is found in clades containing C4 species, regardless of the photosynthetic type) or functional (photosynthetic pathway dependent) pattern. Here, we present a phylogenetically controlled analysis of the occurrence, form and functional aspects of PR in grasses. The occurrence of the PR follows a functional and not a phylogenetic pattern. Its most elaborated form (PR type I) is a unique feature of C4 species. Although PR was found in some of the studied C3 grasses, it was always less developed than PR in the chloroplasts of Kranz mesophyll cells of C4 species. The size of PR in C4 plants was found to increase when the plants were grown under low light intensity. Additional observations, such as a negative correlation between PR size and chloroplast surface and PR occurrence in vicinity of mitochondria or plasmodesmata, suggest that PR may play some role in C4 metabolism.  相似文献   

Although the rattling of rattlesnakes (Crotalus and Sistrurus) is widely accepted as being aposematic, the hypothesis that rattling deters approach from the snake's potentially dangerous adversaries has not been well tested. In a controlled study using rattling recorded from captive rattlesnakes (C. oreganus helleri) and a variety of comparison sounds or no-sound controls, domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) showed no hesitation to approach camouflaged speakers projecting the recorded rattles. The dogs were equally likely to approach speakers projecting rattling as they were to approach speakers playing control sounds, or speakers that were silent. Furthermore, the dogs spent no less time in front of the speakers projecting the rattles than they did in front of speakers projecting control sounds or no sound. The dogs' reactions may not be representative of other species with whom rattlesnakes come into contact, but the data suggest a need for some circumspection about the role of rattling in the rattlesnake's defensive repertoire. Our results also suggest that dogs may be vulnerable to envenomation because they fail to react to the sound of rattling with avoidance.  相似文献   

Vaccination is one of the most efficient ways to control the spread of infectious diseases. Simulations are now widely used to assess how vaccination can limit disease spread as well as mitigate morbidity or mortality in susceptible populations. However, field studies investigating how much vaccines decrease the velocity of epizootic wave-fronts during outbreaks are rare. This study aimed at investigating the effect of vaccination on the propagation of bluetongue, a vector-borne disease of ruminants. We used data from the 2008 bluetongue virus serotype 1 (BTV-1) epizootic of southwest France. As the virus was newly introduced in this area, natural immunity of livestock was absent. This allowed determination of the role of vaccination in changing the velocity of bluetongue spread while accounting for environmental factors that possibly influenced it. The average estimated velocity across the country despite restriction on animal movements was 5.4 km/day, which is very similar to the velocity of spread of the bluetongue virus serotype 8 epizootic in France also estimated in a context of restrictions on animal movements. Vaccination significantly reduced the propagation velocity of BTV-1. In comparison to municipalities with no vaccine coverage, the velocity of BTV-1 spread decreased by 1.7 km/day in municipalities with immunized animals. For the first time, the effect of vaccination has been quantified using data from a real epizootic whilst accounting for environmental factors known to modify the velocity of bluetongue spread. Our findings emphasize the importance of vaccination in limiting disease spread across natural landscape. Finally, environmental factors, specifically those related to vector abundance and activity, were found to be good predictors of the velocity of BTV-1 spread, indicating that these variables need to be adequately accounted for when evaluating the role of vaccination on bluetongue spread.  相似文献   


We analysed the patterns of genetic variability of eastern Mediterranean populations of the scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa, from the Aegean and Levantine seas, using 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci, 11 of which were newly characterized. The observed genetic pattern reflects a scenario of isolation by environment: FST comparisons showed a higher degree of genetic differentiation between the two Cypriot populations that are separated by only 11 km than between these two Levantine populations and the Aegean population in Greece, which are separated by 1300 km. We hypothesize that local-scale oceanographic factors influenced the dispersal of planulae between the geographically close populations, playing a crucial role in the genetic structure of this coastal coral. Yet, despite being characterized as a species with limited dispersal and high self-recruitment, large-scale migration does eventually occur as first-generation migrants were identified between the most distant populations. In line with previous findings of reproductive plasticity in C. caespitosa, we also found localized differences in reproduction mode (sexual vs. asexual) within a geographically limited context. Several individuals were identified as clones, indicating the predominance of asexual reproduction in one of the Cypriot populations. We interpret this predominance either as a direct response to or as an indirect consequence of perturbations suffered by this C. caespitosa population. These perturbations are caused by unfavourable environmental conditions that threatened local survival, in particular water temperature changes and windstorm swells. Asexual reproduction may be a mechanism used by C. caespitosa to counteract mortality events and recolonize devastated areas, and likely accounts for the occasional high levels of clonality and low levels of genetic diversity. Local adaptations such as these should therefore be considered in conservation and management strategies to maintain and preserve the gene pool of this endangered species.


The Bonelli’s eagle (BE) is considered by the European Union as a high-priority species for conservation in the Valencian Community (East of Spain). However, in 2006 the European Union opened a legal procedure against the Spanish Kingdom, accused of lacking of an adequate network of special protected areas (SPAs) to preserve the BE in the region. Here we evaluate whether important bird areas (IBAs) and SPAs network is enough to preserve this species, on the basis of a thorough analysis of habitat preferences. A GAP analysis is performed to conduct a revision of current SPAs and BirdLife proposed IBAs. Our results suggest that the current network of SPAs becomes insufficient to protect the BE. The IBAs network, although improves the current network of SPAs, increasing the percentage of BE potential habitat included, also results inadequate. We propose a new SPAs network according to the potential suitable habitat for the species. Given the trade-off between financial investment and the conservation of biodiversity, we propose to maximize the surface of potential habitat included in the protected network minimizing the surface of the region that would be necessary to protect, thus avoiding an unnecessary expense and otherwise unrealistic results.  相似文献   



Spring wetlands in arid regions of Australia provide habitat for many highly endemic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and plants, but these unique ecosystems have been under pressure since the arrival of Europeans about 250 years ago. Arguments over whether particular plant species are long‐term spring inhabitants or recent immigrants are confounding efforts to conserve spring flora. One such example is the swamp foxtail, Cenchrus purpurascens, a grass that is variably listed in the literature as being native to Australian wetlands or as being an introduced weedy species from Asia.


Australia, China and Korea.


We use DNA sequences of the nuclear ITS and the chloroplast DNA regions trnL‐F and matK, complemented with newly designed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, to assess the native status of C. purpurascens in Australia and determine whether there is genetic differentiation among spring populations.


We find that, although there has been gene flow between Asia and Australia in the geological past, the populations are now strongly differentiated: C. purpurascens has probably been present in Australia through the Pleistocene. In Australia, there is also strong genetic differentiation among populations from different springs, and between springs and non‐springs populations, indicating long‐term occupancy of some springs sites.

Main conclusions

Cenchrus purpurascens was present in Australia well before European colonization of the continent. The level of genetic differentiation among populations enhances the existing conservation values of Elizabeth Springs, Edgbaston, Doongmabulla and Carnarvon Gorge springs complexes within the Great Artesian Basin.

This paper studies BMI as a correlate of the early spatial distribution and intensity of Covid-19 across the districts of India and finds that conditional on a range of individual, household and regional characteristics, adult BMI significantly predicts the likelihood that the district is a hotspot, the natural log of the confirmed number of cases, the case fatality rate, and the propensity that the district is a red zone. Controlling for air-pollution, rainfall, temperature, demographic factors that measure population density, the proportion of the elderly, and health infrastructure including per capita health spending and the proportion of respiratory cases, does not diminish the predictive power of BMI in influencing the spatial incidence and spread of the virus. The association between adult BMI and measures of spatial outcomes is especially pronounced among educated populations in urban settings, and impervious to conditioning on differences in testing rates across states. We find that among women, BMI proxies for a range of comorbidities (hemoglobin, high blood pressure and high glucose levels) that affects the severity of the virus while among men, these health indicators are also important, as is exposure to risk of contracting the virus as measured by work propensities. We conduct sensitivity checks and control for differences that may arise due to variations in timing of onset. Our results provide a readily available health marker that may be used to identify and protect especially at-risk populations in developing countries like India.  相似文献   

Rapid range expansions are becoming more prevalent, especially as climate continues to change. The escape of ornamental plants within their native range represents a significant, but often overlooked component of this process. Few studies have focused on the role of ornamental plants in range expansions using molecular markers to identify the possibility of mixed native and cultivar populations. The purpose of the present study was to determine the genetic variation of a native woody plant with ornamental conspecifics at the edge of its distribution. We selected Ilex aquifolium L. (English holly) which grows naturally in Denmark but is spreading eastward in Scandinavia, possibly due to a combination of climate change and introduction of more frost-tolerant cultivars. We sampled 187 individuals from older and recently established populations, and cultivated I. aquifolium throughout Denmark, and compared them using nuclear SSR and AFLP. The overall results showed no structure or clustering of plants from the historical or the expanding range, or of wild or cultivated plants. The only clusters found were for a group of cultivated hybrid I. aquifolium. The samples represented four genetic groupings, indicating either hybridization between cultivated and wild I. aquifolium or replacement of the latter by cultivars. Thus, ornamental genotypes of I. aquifolium contribute to the northeastern range expansion of the species and eventual invasiveness within its native range.  相似文献   

A controversy of relevance to the study of biological form involves the concept of adaptation. This controversy is illustrated by the structure and function of the human hand. A review of the principal definitions of adaptation points to two main problems: (1) they are qualitative and make reference to the whole structure (or substructural feature) and (2) they are based on the idea of natural selection as a moulding factor. The first problem would be solved by a definition that encompasses quantitative measures of the effects of selection, drawing on new advances in the comparative method. The second problem is deeper and presents greater conceptual difficulties. I will argue that the idea of natural selection as a moulding factor depends on the notion of a genetic program for development. But regarding the hand, experimental evidence on limb development challenges the idea of a genetic program for skeletal pattern formation, undermining a simple application of standard adaptationist concepts. These considerations lead to a revised definition of adaptation and interpretation of the evolutionary determinants of the hand’s form.  相似文献   

Sheue CR  Pao SH  Chien LF  Chesson P  Peng CI 《Annals of botany》2012,109(6):1065-1074

Background and Aims

Foliar variegation is recognized as arising from two major mechanisms: leaf structure and pigment-related variegation. Begonia has species with a variety of natural foliar variegation patterns, providing diverse examples of this phenomenon. The aims of this work are to elucidate the mechanisms underlying different foliar variegation patterns in Begonia and to determine their physiological consequences.


Six species and one cultivar of Begonia were investigated. Light and electron microscopy revealed the leaf structure and ultrastructure of chloroplasts in green and light areas of variegated leaves. Maximum quantum yields of photosystem II were measured by chlorophyll fluorescence. Comparison with a cultivar of Ficus revealed key features distinguishing variegation mechanisms.

Key Results

Intercellular space above the chlorenchyma is the mechanism of variegation in these Begonia. This intercellular space can be located (a) below the adaxial epidermis or (b) below the adaxial water storage tissue (the first report for any taxa), creating light areas on a leaf. In addition, chlorenchyma cell shape and chloroplast distribution within chlorenchyma cells differ between light and green areas. Chloroplasts from both areas showed dense stacking of grana and stroma thylakoid membranes. The maximum quantum yield did not differ significantly between these areas, suggesting minimal loss of function with variegation. However, the absence of chloroplasts in light areas of leaves in the Ficus cultivar led to an extremely low quantum yield.


Variegation in these Begonia is structural, where light areas are created by internal reflection between air spaces and cells in a leaf. Two forms of air space structural variegation occur, distinguished by the location of the air spaces. Both forms may have a common origin in development where dermal tissue becomes loosely connected to mesophyll. Photosynthetic functioning is retained in light areas, and these areas do not include primary veins, potentially limiting the costs of variegation.  相似文献   

The intent of this paper is to outline a process by which we redefined an ambiguous behavioral category, rough-and-tumble play (R&T), using ethological and ethnographic methods (i.e., factor analyses, motivational/functional analyses, and interviews). Results suggest that sociometrically rejected and popular elementary school children have different concepts of R&T. For the former group, R&T and aggression seem to be interrelated and serve similar functions, while for the latter group R&T is a playful, social affiliative category. Interview results suggest that a cognitive processing difference between the groups may be at the root of this difference.  相似文献   

Several Asian-American groups are more educated than their non-migrant compatriots in Asia and their native-born white competitors in America. Lee and Zhou show that this “educational hyper-selectivity” has significant implications for the socio-economic success of Asian immigrants and their children. But they devote relatively little attention to its causes. This paper develops an answer in the Taiwan case. Using interviews and statistics, it shows that the Taiwanese secured an educational advantage because those arriving before 1965 consisted almost entirely of graduate students. Although they entered on student visas, prevailing political and economic conditions led them to settle in the U.S. After the passage of the Hart–Celler Act, these movers reproduced their advantage by sponsoring the arrival of kin, most of whom were also well-educated. The paper’s conclusion assesses the ability of American immigration law to foster the formation of hyper-selected groups.  相似文献   

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