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Prior research has shown that people place more trust in a counterpart referred to as a “partner” than as an “opponent” in a bargaining game. This is thought to be because the appellations “partner” or “opponent” serve as subtle cues activating a postulated friend-or-foe (FOF) mental module. However, no research has investigated the association between FOF cues and trust in an investment game from an evolutionary perspective. The present research demonstrates the effect of FOF cues on trust among Chinese samples in an actual investment game (Study 1) and in a hypothetical investment game (Study 2), and further demonstrates the moderating role of survival pressure on the association between FOF cues and trust—FOF cues influence trust in a scenario involving survival pressure but not in a scenario lacking survival pressure (Study 3). These findings are consistent with the existence of an adaptive FOF mental mechanism used by human beings to solve survival challenges.  相似文献   

In competitive situations, individuals need to adjust their behavioral strategy dynamically in response to their opponent’s behavior. In the present study, we investigated the neural basis of how individuals adjust their strategy during a simple, competitive game of matching pennies. We used entropy as a behavioral index of randomness in decision-making, because maximizing randomness is thought to be an optimal strategy in the game, according to game theory. While undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), subjects played matching pennies with either a human or computer opponent in each block, although in reality they played the game with the same computer algorithm under both conditions. The winning rate of each block was also manipulated. Both the opponent (human or computer), and the winning rate, independently affected subjects’ block-wise entropy during the game. The fMRI results revealed that activity in the bilateral anterior insula was positively correlated with subjects’ (not opponent’s) behavioral entropy during the game, which indicates that during an interpersonal competitive game, the anterior insula tracked how uncertain subjects’ behavior was, rather than how uncertain subjects felt their opponent''s behavior was. Our results suggest that intuitive or automatic processes based on somatic markers may be a key to optimally adjusting behavioral strategies in competitive situations.  相似文献   

Most evolutionary game theory models solve for equilibrium levels of some behaviour on the restrictive assumptions that players choose their actions simultaneously, and that a player cannot change its action after observing that of its opponent. An alternative framework is provided by sequential or 'Stackelberg' games in which one player commits to a 'first move' and the other has an opportunity to observe this move before choosing its response. Recent interest in the economic literature has focused on Stackelberg games which exhibit 'endogenous timing', i.e. games in which a leader and a follower arise spontaneously as a consequence of each player attempting to maximize its reward. Here, we provide the first demonstration of endogenous timing in an evolutionary context using a simple model of resource competition (the 'tug-of-war' model). We show that whenever two related individuals compete for a share of communal resources, both do best to adopt distinct roles in a sequential game rather than engage in simultaneous competition. Somewhat counterintuitively, the stable solution is for the weaker individual to act as leader and commit to a first move, because this arrangement leads to a lower total effort invested in competition. Endogenous timing offers a new explanation for the spontaneous emergence of leaders and followers in social groups, and highlights the benefits of commitment in social interaction.  相似文献   

The repeated Prisoner's Dilemma is usually known as a story of tit-for-tat (TFT). This remarkable strategy has won both of Robert Axelrod's tournaments. TFT does whatever the opponent has done in the previous round. It will cooperate if the opponent has cooperated, and it will defect if the opponent has defected. But TFT has two weaknesses: (i) it cannot correct mistakes (erroneous moves) and (ii) a population of TFT players is undermined by random drift when mutant strategies appear which play always-cooperate (ALLC). Another equally simple strategy called 'win-stay, lose-shift' (WSLS) has neither of these two disadvantages. WSLS repeats the previous move if the resulting payoff has met its aspiration level and changes otherwise. Here, we use a novel approach of stochastic evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations to study mutation-selection dynamics in the presence of erroneous moves. We compare four strategies: always-defect (ALLD), ALLC, TFT and WSLS. There are two possible outcomes: if the benefit of cooperation is below a critical value then ALLD is selected; if the benefit of cooperation is above this critical value then WSLS is selected. TFT is never selected in this evolutionary process, but lowers the selection threshold for WSLS.  相似文献   

The honeybee, Apis mellifera L., is one of the living creatures that has its colour vision proven through behavioural tests. Previous studies of honeybee colour vision has emphasized the relationship between the spectral sensitivities of photoreceptors and colour discrimination behaviour. The current understanding of the neural mechanisms of bee colour vision is, however, rather limited. The present study surveyed the patterns of chromatic information processing of visual neurons in the lobula of the honeybee, using intracellular recording stimulated by three light-emitting diodes, whose emission spectra approximately match the spectral sensitivity peaks of the honeybee. The recorded visual neurons can be divided into two groups: non-colour opponent cells and colour opponent cells. The non-colour opponent cells comprise six types of broad-band neurons and four response types of narrow-band neurons. The former might detect brightness of the environment or function as chromatic input channels, and the latter might supply specific chromatic input. Amongst the colour opponent cells, the principal neural mechanism of colour vision, eight response types were recorded. The receptive fields of these neurons were not centre surround as observed in primates. Some recorded neurons with tonic post-stimulus responses were observed, however, suggesting temporal defined spectral opponency may be part of the colour-coding mechanisms.  相似文献   

The current study examined the economics of cooperation in controlled-payoffgames by using captive blue jays, Cyanocitta cristata. Thisinvestigation used a special feeding apparatus to test for thestability of cooperative choice in a series of iterated games.The jays experienced experimentally determined game theoreticalpayoff matrices, which determined the distribution of food tothemselves and their opponent, depending on their decision tocooperate or defect. The experiment tested four game matrices,called the cooperate only, defect only, prisoner's dilemma,and opponent control treatments. This study found little cooperationin the defect only and prisoner's dilemma treatments. Cooperationoccurred significantly more often in the opponent control treatment.These findings suggest that the jays attend to short-term consequences;they do not cooperate in the absence of an immediate benefit(defect only), even if a long-term benefit may exist (prisoner'sdilemma). The opponent control treatment suggests that cooperationcan occur when an individual's benefits depend completely onthe actions of others; therefore, generosity is cheap. Thisstudy, therefore, agrees with recent studies in proposing alternativemodels of cooperation.  相似文献   

S Waner  Y H Wu 《Bio Systems》1988,21(2):115-124
We propose an automata-theoretical framework for structured hierarchical control, in terms of rules and meta-rules, for sequences of moves on a graph. This leads to a notion of a "universal" hierarchically structured automaton mu which can move on a given graph in such a way as to emulate any automaton which moves on that graph in response to inputs. This emulation is achieved via a mapping of the inputs in the given automaton to those of mu, and we think of such a mapping as an encoding of the given automaton. We see in several examples that efficient encodings of graph-search algorithms correspond to their natural hierarchical structure (in terms of rules and meta-rules), and this leads one to a precise notion of the "depth" of an automaton which moves on a given graph. By way of application, we discuss a proposed structure of a series of stochastic neural networks which can learn, by example, to encode a given sequence of moves on a graph, so that the encoding obtained is structurally the "natural" one for the given sequence of moves. Thus, such a learning system would perform both structural pattern recognition (in terms of "patterns" of moves), and encoding based on a desired outcome.  相似文献   

Although recent evidence has shown that hepatocyte senescence plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis and development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the mechanism is still not clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the signal transduction pathways involved in the senescence of hepatocyte, in order to provide a potential strategy for blocking the process of NAFLD. The results confirmed that hepatocyte senescence occurred in HFD-fed Golden hamsters and PA-treated LO2 cells as manifested by increased levels of senescence marker SA-β-gal, p16 and p21, heterochromatin marker H3K9me3, DNA damage marker γ-H2AX and decreased activity of telomerase. Further studies demonstrated that iron overload could promote the senescence of hepatocyte, whereas the overexpression of Yes-associated protein (YAP) could blunt iron overload and alleviate the senescence of hepatocyte. Of importance, depression of lncRNA MAYA (MAYA) reduced iron overload and cellular senescence via promotion of YAP in PA-treated hepatocytes. These effects were further supported by in vivo experiments. In conclusion, these data suggested that inhibition of MAYA could up-regulate YAP, which might repress hepatocyte senescence through modulating iron overload. In addition, these findings provided a promising option for heading off the development of NAFLD by abrogating hepatocyte senescence.  相似文献   



Animal and human adult studies reveal a contribution of serotonin to behavior regulation. Whether these findings apply to children is unclear. The present study investigated serotonergic functioning in boys with a history of behavior regulation difficulties through a double-blind, acute tryptophan supplementation procedure.


Participants were 23 boys (age 10 years) with a history of elevated physical aggression, recruited from a community sample. Eleven were given a chocolate milkshake supplemented with 500mg tryptophan, and 12 received a chocolate milkshake without tryptophan. Boys engaged in a competitive reaction time game against a fictitious opponent, which assessed response to provocation, impulsivity, perspective taking, and sharing. Impulsivity was further assessed through a Go/No-Go paradigm. A computerized emotion recognition task and a staged instrumental help incident were also administered.


Boys, regardless of group, responded similarly to high provocation by the fictitious opponent. However, boys in the tryptophan group adjusted their level of responding optimally as a function of the level of provocation, whereas boys in the control group significantly decreased their level of responding towards the end of the competition. Boys in the tryptophan group tended to show greater perspective taking, tended to better distinguish facial expressions of fear and happiness, and tended to provide greater instrumental help to the experimenter.


The present study provides initial evidence for the feasibility of acute tryptophan supplementation in children and some effect of tryptophan supplementation on children''s behaviors. Further studies are warranted to explore the potential impact of increased serotonergic functioning on boys'' dominant and affiliative behaviors.  相似文献   



Game theory and the Prisoner''s Dilemma (PD) game in particular, which captures the paradox of cooperative interactions that lead to benefits but entail costs to the interacting individuals, have constituted a powerful tool in the study of the mechanisms of reciprocity. However, in non-human animals most tests of reciprocity in PD games have resulted in sustained defection strategies. As a consequence, it has been suggested that under such stringent conditions as the PD game humans alone have evolved the necessary cognitive abilities to engage in reciprocity, namely, numerical discrimination, memory and control of temporal discounting.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We use an iterated PD game to test rats (Rattus norvegicus) for the presence of such cognitive abilities by manipulating the strategy of the opponent, Tit-for-Tat and Pseudo-Random, or the relative size of the temptation to defect. We found that rats shape their behaviour according to the opponent''s strategy and the relative outcome resulting from cooperative or defective moves. Finally, we show that the behaviour of rats is contingent upon their motivational state (hungry versus sated).


Here we show that rats understand the payoff matrix of the PD game and the strategy of the opponent. Importantly, our findings reveal that rats possess the necessary cognitive capacities for reciprocity-based cooperation to emerge in the context of a prisoner''s dilemma. Finally, the validation of the rat as a model to study reciprocity-based cooperation during the PD game opens new avenues of research in experimental neuroscience.  相似文献   

The middle temporal area of the extrastriate visual cortex (area MT) is integral to motion perception and is thought to play a key role in the perceptual learning of motion tasks. We have previously found, however, that perceptual learning of a motion discrimination task is possible even when the training stimulus contains locally balanced, motion opponent signals that putatively suppress the response of MT. Assuming at least partial suppression of MT, possible explanations for this learning are that 1) training made MT more responsive by reducing motion opponency, 2) MT remained suppressed and alternative visual areas such as V1 enabled learning and/or 3) suppression of MT increased with training, possibly to reduce noise. Here we used fMRI to test these possibilities. We first confirmed that the motion opponent stimulus did indeed suppress the BOLD response within hMT+ compared to an almost identical stimulus without locally balanced motion signals. We then trained participants on motion opponent or non-opponent stimuli. Training with the motion opponent stimulus reduced the BOLD response within hMT+ and greater reductions in BOLD response were correlated with greater amounts of learning. The opposite relationship between BOLD and behaviour was found at V1 for the group trained on the motion-opponent stimulus and at both V1 and hMT+ for the group trained on the non-opponent motion stimulus. As the average response of many cells within MT to motion opponent stimuli is the same as their response to non-directional flickering noise, the reduced activation of hMT+ after training may reflect noise reduction.  相似文献   

1. Medulla interneurons of the optic lobe of P. americana were studied to determine their spectral properties. These neurons exhibited tonic firing which changed with monochromatic broadfield illumination of the ipsilateral eye. The response patterns of these neurons were analyzed by inferring their relation to the ultraviolet (UV) and green (G) photoreceptor groups of the eye. Their anatomy was described after injection of Lucifer yellow. 2. Broadband neurons received either excitatory or inhibitory input from both UV and G receptors. These neurons were not strictly sensitive to luminosity levels and had large cell bodies in the central rind of the medulla and wide dendritic arbors in the medulla neuropil. 3. Narrow band neurons received input from predominantly one receptor type. Their spectral sensitivity curves were more finely tuned than those of the primary receptors presumably due to neural interactions within the optic lobe. 4. Color opponent neurons were inhibited by UV and excited by G inputs in their sustained response. Under certain conditions, some of these neurons also showed G inhibition. These neurons suggested the presence of a subsystem involved in color vision. 5. Broadband, narrow band and color opponent properties were seen in some single neurons when tested over a 5-6 log unit range of intensity. The responses of some of these neurons changed when stimulus duration was increased. These findings indicated that functional classification for these neurons was dependent on stimulus intensity and duration. 6. Polarizational sensitivity was tested in preliminary experiments. Two neurons responded to the movement and direction of polarized light.  相似文献   

An evolutionary model based on the Taylor-Jonker game dynamics is presented. A set of strategies is compatible if there exists a dynamical equilibrium between its members and there is an evolutionary transition to another compatible set if new mutant strategies bring about a passage to another equilibrium. We apply these concepts to supergame strategies, which play repeatedly a given matrix game and at each time step choose their pure strategy according to the preceding moves of the opponent. We investigate the patterns of evolution in zero-sum games, games of partnership, the prisoner's dilemma and the hawkdove game.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal game between predators and prey is a fundamental process governing their distribution dynamics. Players may adopt different tactics as the associated costs and benefits change through time. Yet few studies have investigated the potentially simultaneous and dynamic nature of movement tactics used by both players. It is particularly unclear to what extent perceived predation risk mediates the fine‐scale distribution of large and dangerous prey, which are mostly driven by bottom–up, resource‐related processes. We built habitat use and movement models based on 10 years of monitoring GPS‐collared grey wolves Canis lupus and plains bison Bison bison bison in Prince Albert National Park, Canada, to investigate the predator–large prey game in a multi‐prey system. Bison did not underuse patches of high‐quality vegetation at any time during the seasonal cycle even though wolves were selectively patrolling these areas. Rather, in at least one season, bison engaged in complex tactics comprised of proactive responses to the long‐term distribution (risky places) and reactive responses to the immediate proximity (risky times) of their opponent. In summer–autumn, bison reduced the time spent in food‐rich patches as both the long‐term use and the immediate proximity of wolves increased. By demonstrating that wolf distribution triggers patch abandonment by bison, we provide a key element in support of the shell game hypothesis – where prey move constantly to avoid predators attempting to anticipate their location. In winter, a season of relatively high energetic stress, bison no longer abandoned food‐rich patches as predation risk increased, while no bison responses to wolves were observed in spring–summer. Our work demonstrates the highly dynamic and complex nature of the predator–large prey spatiotemporal game, a key trait‐mediated mechanism by which trophic interactions structure ecological communities.  相似文献   

Motion camouflage is a stealth strategy that allows a predator to conceal its apparent motion as it approaches a moving prey. Although male hoverflies have been observed to move in a manner consistent with motion camouflage to track females, the successful application of the technique has not previously been demonstrated. This article describes the implementation and results of a psychophysical experiment suggesting that humans are susceptible to motion camouflage. The experiment masqueraded as a computer-game competition. The basis of the competition was a game designed to test the comparative success of different predatory-approach strategies. The experiment showed that predators were able to approach closer to their prey (the player of the game) before being detected when using motion camouflage than when using other approach strategies tested. For an autonomous predator, the calculation of a motion-camouflage approach is a non-trivial problem. It was, therefore, of particular interest that in the game the players were deceived by motion-camouflage predators controlled by artificial neural systems operating using realistic levels of input information. It is suggested that these results are especially of interest to biologists, visual psychophysicists, military engineers and computer-games designers.  相似文献   

Game theory analyses optimal strategies for multiple decision makers interacting in a social group. However, the behaviours of individual humans and animals often deviate systematically from the optimal strategies described by game theory. The behaviours of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in simple zero-sum games showed similar patterns, but their departures from the optimal strategies were well accounted for by a simple reinforcement-learning algorithm. During a computer-simulated zero-sum game, neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex often encoded the previous choices of the animal and its opponent as well as the animal's reward history. By contrast, the neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex predominantly encoded the animal's reward history. Using simple competitive games, therefore, we have demonstrated functional specialization between different areas of the primate frontal cortex involved in outcome monitoring and action selection. Temporally extended signals related to the animal's previous choices might facilitate the association between choices and their delayed outcomes, whereas information about the choices of the opponent might be used to estimate the reward expected from a particular action. Finally, signals related to the reward history might be used to monitor the overall success of the animal's current decision-making strategy.  相似文献   

DNA computing study is a new paradigm in computer science and biological computing fields. As one of DNA computing approaches, DNA automaton is composed of the hardware, input DNA molecule and state transition molecules. By now restriction enzymes are key hardware for DNA computing automaton. It has been found that DNA computing efficiency may be independent on DNA ligases when type IIS restriction enzymes like FokI are used as hardware. In this study, we compared FokI with four other distinct enzymes HgaI, BsmFI, BbsI, and BseMII, and found their differential independence on T4 DNA ligase when performing automaton reactions. Since DNA automaton is a potential powerful tool to tackle gene relationship in genomic network scale, the feasible ligase-free DNA automaton may set an initial base to develop functional DNA automata for various DNA technology development and implications in genetics study in the near future.  相似文献   

Recent studies on video game playing have uncovered a wide range of measurable physiological effects on the organism, such as increases in cardiovascular activity and breathing responses. However, the exact source of these effects remains unclear. Given the well-known effects of sound on physiological activity, especially those of noise and of music, and on the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol in particular, we hypothesized that music may be a major source of stress during video game playing. We thus examined the effect of built-in music on cortisol secretion as a consequence of video game playing. Players were assigned quasi-randomly to either a Music or a Silence condition. Four saliva samples were taken, that is, after practice (T1), immediately after having played for 10 minutes (T2), 15 minutes after the end of the experiment (T3), and 30 minutes after the end of the experiment (T4). The results show that the Music group had significantly higher cortisol levels at T3, that is, when cortisol levels are assumed to reflect the stress induced by the game. These findings suggest for the first time that the auditory input contributes significantly to the stress response found during video game playing.  相似文献   

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