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Evolutionary Ecology - Body size influences nearly every aspect of an organism’s biology and ecology. When studying body size, researchers often focus on a single dimension, such as length,...  相似文献   

The simple structure of mosses, a major component of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation, has led to suggestions that they might be exceptionally sensitive to enhanced UV from the ozone hole. The results presented here show that the mosses Ceratodon purpureus and Bryum subrotundifolium are resistant to UV-A and that the latter species can rapidly change its protection to suit the UV environment. The studies were made using a UV-A PAM chlorophyll fluorescence fluorometer that allowed absorption of UV-A before arrival at the chloroplast (i.e. UV-A shielding) to be estimated. Both C. purpureus and B. subrotundifolium have sun and shade forms that differ markedly in colour and their protection from UV-A. Shade forms of B. subrotundifolium, initially low in UV-A protection, achieve full, sun-form levels in about 6 days when exposed to ambient sunlight. These results, taken with other recent studies, suggest that not only are Antarctic mosses well protected from ambient UV, but are also as adaptable to incident UV as higher plants.  相似文献   

  • Functional traits respond to environmental drivers, hence evaluating trait‐environment relationships across spatial environmental gradients can help to understand how multiple drivers influence plant communities. Global‐change drivers such as changes in atmospheric nitrogen deposition occur worldwide, but affect community trait distributions at the local scale, where resources (e.g. light availability) and conditions (e.g. soil pH) also influence plant communities.
  • We investigate how multiple environmental drivers affect community trait responses related to resource acquisition (plant height, specific leaf area (SLA), woodiness, and mycorrhizal status) and regeneration (seed mass, lateral spread) of European temperate deciduous forest understoreys. We sampled understorey communities and derived trait responses across spatial gradients of global‐change drivers (temperature, precipitation, nitrogen deposition, and past land use), while integrating in‐situ plot measurements on resources and conditions (soil type, Olsen phosphorus (P), Ellenberg soil moisture, light, litter mass, and litter quality).
  • Among the global‐change drivers, mean annual temperature strongly influenced traits related to resource acquisition. Higher temperatures were associated with taller understoreys producing leaves with lower SLA, and a higher proportional cover of woody and obligate mycorrhizal (OM) species. Communities in plots with higher Ellenberg soil moisture content had smaller seeds and lower proportional cover of woody and OM species. Finally, plots with thicker litter layers hosted taller understoreys with larger seeds and a higher proportional cover of OM species.
  • Our findings suggest potential community shifts in temperate forest understoreys with global warming, and highlight the importance of local resources and conditions as well as global‐change drivers for community trait variation.

Global environmental changes are expected to alter the functional characteristics of understorey herb-layer communities, potentially affecting forest ecosystem functioning. However, little is known about what drives the variability of functional traits in forest understories. Here, we assessed the role of different environmental drivers in shaping the functional trait distribution of understorey herbs in fragmented forests across three spatial scales. We focused on 708 small, deciduous forest patches located in 16 agricultural landscape windows, spanning a 2500-km macroclimatic gradient across the temperate forest biome in Europe. We estimated the relative effect of patch-scale, landscape-scale and macroclimatic variables on the community mean and variation of plant height, specific leaf area and seed mass. Macroclimatic variables (monthly temperature and precipitation extremes) explained the largest proportion of variation in community trait means (on average 77% of the explained variation). In contrast, patch-scale factors dominated in explaining community trait variation (on average 68% of the explained variation). Notably, patch age, size and internal heterogeneity had a positive effect on the community-level variability. Landscape-scale variables explained only a minor part of the variation in both trait distribution properties. The variation explained by shared combinations of the variable groups was generally negligible. These findings highlight the importance of considering multiple spatial scales in predictions of environmental-change effects on the functionality of forest understories. We propose that forest management sustainability could benefit from conserving larger, historically continuous and internally heterogeneous forest patches to maximise ecosystem service diversity in rural landscapes.  相似文献   

姜炎彬  邵小明  李融 《广西植物》2010,30(6):818-820
在四川省马边大风顶国家级自然保护区的高山草甸上发现了生长在牦牛骨头上的苔藓。共有四种藓类植物:真藓科的真藓、刺叶真藓、丛藓科的短叶小石藓以及葫芦藓科的中华葫芦藓,它们都是顶蒴藓类。这是骨生苔藓植物在中国的首次记录报道。  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of trophic interactions for ecosystem functioning is challenging, as contrasting effects of species and functional diversity can be expected across trophic levels. We experimentally manipulated functional identity and diversity of grassland insect herbivores and tested their impact on plant community biomass. Herbivore resource acquisition traits, i.e. mandible strength and the diversity of mandibular traits, had more important effects on plant biomass than body size. Higher herbivore functional diversity increased overall impact on plant biomass due to feeding niche complementarity. Higher plant functional diversity limited biomass pre‐emption by herbivores. The functional diversity within and across trophic levels therefore regulates the impact of functionally contrasting consumers on primary producers. By experimentally manipulating the functional diversity across trophic levels, our study illustrates how trait‐based approaches constitute a promising way to tackle existing links between trophic interactions and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Urbanization causes major environmental changes globally, which can potentially homogenize biota across cities through the loss and gain of particular types of species. We examine whether urban environments consistently select for plants with particular traits and the implications of such changes on the functional composition of urban floras. We classified plant recorded in 11 cities around the globe as species that have either colonized (arrived and naturalized), persisted or been lost (local extirpation) following urbanization. We analyzed how 10 traits previously linked with plant responses to environmental conditions explained membership of these three groups, by comparing colonisers with persistent and extirpated plants through individual city‐level Bayesian models. Then, we used meta‐analysis to assess consistency of traits across urban areas. Finally, we explored several possible scenarios of functional change using these results. On average, urban colonizers had heavier seeds, unspecialised nutrient requirements, were taller and were annual species more often, especially when compared to locally extirpated plants. Common trends of functional change in urban plant communities include shifts towards taller and heavier‐seeded plants, and an increased prevalence of the short‐lived species, and plants without mutualistic nutritional strategies. Our results suggest that plant traits influence the species that succeed in urban environments worldwide. Different species use different ecological strategies to live in urban environments, as suggested by the importance of several traits that may appear as trait constellations. Plant height and seed mass were the only traits associated with both colonizer and extirpated plant status in urban environments. Based on our data, predicting colonization in urban environments may be easier than identifying extirpation‐prone plants; albeit some regional variation, colonization seems strongly driven by environmental conditions common to most cities (e.g. altered disturbance regimes), whereas extirpation may depend more on processes that vary across cities.  相似文献   

Nitrogen relationships in intensively managed temperate grasslands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Most studies of N relationships in grassland have used cut swards. These have shown that for annual inputs of 200 to 400 kg N/ha from fertilizer or fixation, 55 to 80% of the N is recovered in harvested herbage. Generally, no more than 5 to 15% is lost through leaching and denitrification with most of the remaining N incorporated into soil organic matter. The relatively high efficiency of N use by cut swards reflects rapid uptake of N and the removal of a large part of the input in herbage. Inclusion of the grazing ruminant alters the efficiency of N use; only 5–20% of the input is recovered in meat or milk, and 75 to 90% of the N ingested is excreted, mainly as urea in urine. Application of N in urine ranges from 30–100 g/m2. Too much N is voided for effective recovery by the sward whilst soils usually contain insufficient C to allow appreciable immobilization. The surfeit is lost. Hydrolysis of urea is usually complete within 24 h of urine deposition. For urine-treated pasture in New Zealand (NZ) losses by NH3 volatilization of up to 66% of applied N are found during warm dry weather, with an average of 28% for a range of seasonal conditions. In the UK, the average rate of NH3 loss from an intensively grazed ryegrass sward was 0.75 kg N/ha/day during a 6-month season. NH 4 + remaining in the soil may be nitrified, nitrification being complete within 3 to 6 weeks. Although some NO 3 is recovered by plants, a substantial portion is leached and/or denitrified. On average such losses were 42%, with only 30% of the added N recovered by plants in urine-treated pasture in NZ. In the UK annual leaching of 150 to 190 kg N/ha has been observed for grazed swards receiving 420 kg N/ha/yr. Low retention of N by grazing ruminants results in a breakdown of N relationships in intensively managed grasslands. The substantial losses through NH3 volatilization, leaching and denitrification have serious agronomic, economic and environmental implications.  相似文献   

Empirical studies indicate that the exponents governing the scaling of plant respiration rates (R) with respect to biomass (M) numerically vary between three‐fourth for adult plants and 1.0 for seedlings and saplings and are affected by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content. However, whether the scaling of R with respect to M (or N and P) varies among different phylogenetic groups (e.g., gymnosperms vs. angiosperms) or during the growing and dormant seasons remains unclear. We measured the whole‐plant R and M, and N and P content of the seedlings of four woody species during the growing season (early October) and the dormant season (January). The data show that (i) the scaling exponents of R versus M, R versus N, and R versus P differed significantly among the four species, but (ii), not between the growing and dormant seasons for each of the four species, although (iii) the normalization constants governing the scaling relationships were numerically greater for the growing season compared to the dormant season. In addition, (iv) the scaling exponents of R versus M, R versus N, and R versus P were numerically larger for the two angiosperm species compared to those of the two gymnosperm species, (v) the interspecific scaling exponents for the four species were greater during the growing season than in the dormant season, and (vi), interspecifically, P scaled nearly isometric with N content. Those findings indicate that the metabolic scaling relationships among R, M, N, and P manifest seasonal variation and differ between angiosperm and gymnosperm species, that is, there is no single, canonical scaling exponent for the seedlings of woody species.  相似文献   

Summary Analyses of some 700 photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) experiments made on natural marine phytoplankton assemblages in over six years of field work are summarized. Observed variations in P-I parameters are discussed in relation to geographical location, sample depth and temporal cycles (diel to interannual). Results suggest that P-I characteristics and therefore regional primary production are largely under physical control; temperature and light appear to be the most important environmental covariables.  相似文献   

Historically, allometric equations relate organismal traits, such as metabolic rate, individual growth rate, and lifespan, to body mass. Similarly, Boltzmann or Q(10) factors are used to relate many organismal traits to body temperature. Allometric equations and Boltzmann factors are being applied increasingly to higher levels of biological organization in an attempt to describe aggregate properties of populations and ecosystems. They have been used previously for studies that analyse scaling relationships between populations and across latitudinal gradients. For these kinds of applications, it is crucial to be aware of the "fallacy of the averages", and it is often problematic or incorrect to simply substitute the average body mass or temperature for an entire population or ecosystem into allometric equations. We derive improved approximations to allometric equations and Boltzmann factors in terms of the central moments of body size and temperature, and we provide tests for the accuracy of these approximations. This framework is necessary for interpreting the predictions of scaling theories for large-scale systems and grants insight into which characteristics of a given distribution are important. These approximations and tests are applied to data for body size for several taxonomic groups, including groups with multiple species, and to data for temperature at locations of varying latitude, corresponding to ectothermic body temperatures. Based on these results, the accuracy and utility of these approximations as applied to biological systems are assessed. We conclude that approximations to allometric equations at the species level are extremely accurate. However, for systems with a large range in body size, evaluating the skewness and kurtosis is often necessary, so it may be advantageous to calculate the exact form for the averaged scaling relationships instead. Moreover, the improved approximation for the Boltzmann factor, which uses the average and standard deviation of temperature, is quite accurate and represents a significant improvement over previous approximations.  相似文献   

AimIndicators are an important tool by which conservationists monitor biodiversity because resources and expertise needed to survey biodiversity in a more direct way are often lacking. We aim to examine the effectiveness of species richness in birds as an indicator of species richness in other taxa. Birds are perhaps the most widely monitored species group so it is important to understand whether they can act as surrogates for distribution and abundance of other taxa.MethodsWe use a meta-analytical approach to assess the effectiveness of birds as indicators of cross-taxonomic species richness on spatial data from terrestrial temperate studies.ResultsThe literature showed mixed results but, in general, species richness in birds only weakly reflected species richness in other taxa. On average 19% of the variation in total species richness in other taxa was explained by species richness in birds. This is marginally higher than results found in a previous meta-analysis of species richness correlations between all taxa. Birds were more effective at reflecting cross-taxa species richness in study areas that were dominated by agricultural mosaics or mixtures of habitat types; they were less effective in forests and grassland environments. Overall, birds were better at reflecting species richness in mammals than other taxa, and relationships were more effective at larger spatial scales.Main conclusionsSpecies richness in birds only weakly reflected that of other taxa. Birds might be most useful as indicators of spatial variation in wider biodiversity in relatively patchy environments and for taxa that have similar spatial requirements. Species richness is one of many potential metrics for measuring biodiversity. There is a need to assess whether temporal change in bird populations and assemblages, as opposed to spatial variation, reflects change in other taxa and to identify elements of biodiversity for which birds could be the most effective surrogates.  相似文献   

Environmental change is not likely to act on biodiversity in a random manner, but rather according to species traits that affect assembly processes, thus, having potentially serious consequences on ecological functions. We investigated the effects of anthropogenic land use on functional richness of local hoverfly communities of 24 agricultural landscapes across temperate Europe. A multivariate ordination separated seven functional groups based on resource use, niche characteristics and response type. Intensive land use reduced functional richness, but each functional group responded in a unique way. Species richness of generalist groups was nearly unaffected. Local habitat quality mainly affected specialist groups, while land use affected intermediate groups of rather common species. We infer that high species richness within functional groups alone is no guarantee for maintaining functional richness. Thus, it is not species richness per se that improves insurance of functional diversity against environmental pressures but the degree of dissimilarity within each functional group.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of relationships among plant traits have generated important insights into plant form and function. However, relationships involving leaf area, leaf shape and plant height remain poorly resolved. Previous work has also focused on correlations between average trait values for individual species. It is unclear whether similar relationships occur within species. We searched for novel plant trait correlations by comparing leaf area, leaf circularity, specific leaf area (SLA) and plant height among 16 common woody plant species from a temperate forest in New Zealand. Analyses were conducted both within species (intra‐specifically) and among species (inter‐specifically) to determine whether trait correlations were scale dependent. Leaf area was unrelated to other leaf traits inter‐specifically. However, leaf area declined with plant height and increased with SLA intra‐specifically. Leaf circularity decreased with plant height inter‐specifically, but increased with plant height intra‐specifically. SLA increased with plant height both inter‐ and intra‐specifically. Leaf circularity increased with SLA inter‐specifically, but decreased with SLA intra‐specifically. Overall results showed that leaf shape, SLA and plant height are interrelated. However, intra‐specific relationships often differed substantially from inter‐specific relationships, suggesting that the processes shaping relationships between this suite of plant traits are scale‐dependent.  相似文献   

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