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We studied swimming of goldfish fries about 3 cm long in a narrow channel by calculating the numbers of spontaneous turns on different sides. The ratio of fishes preferring to turn to the right vs to the left was 1.5:1.0, respectively; two-thirds of the fishes demonstrated an ambilateral behavior. Experiments with compulsory 10-min-long rotation of the fishes (clockwise around the longitudinal body axis for fishes preferring right-side turns and anticlockwise for fishes preferring left-side turns) showed that the behavioral asymmetry smoothed somewhat after such a procedure, and a greater number of the fishes became ambilateral in their preference to turn to one side or another. After a one- or two-day-long test, the initial asymmetry of motor behavior completely recovered. Compulsory rotation of similar fishes in the opposite direction exerted no influence on the asymmetry in the choice of the turning direction. Adaptation-induced training of the fishes (using fatiguing long-lasting vestibular stimulation) resulted in some smoothing of motor asymmetry but did not change its general pattern. Thus, our findings allow us to believe that a noticeable proportion of the goldfish individuals (similarly to other animals and humans) is characterized by an innate asymmetry of the motor function with a clear preference for either right- or left-side turnings. These relations can be smoothed under experimental influences but are recovered later on, i.e., they are stable and are not fundamentally transformed. We assume that the asymmetry of motor behavior of fishes in a narrow channel can be an adequate pre-requisite for further examination of the asymmetry of the brain and motor centers controlling changes in locomotion (body turnings)Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 52–60, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

We examined the terminations of sensory afferents in the brainstem and spinal cord of squirrel monkeys and prosimian galagos 4-8 years after a therapeutic forelimb or hindlimb amputation within 2 months of birth. In each animal, the distributions of labeled sensory afferent terminations from remaining body parts proximal to the limb stump were much more extensive than in normal animals. These sprouted afferents extended into the portions of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord as well as the cuneate and external cuneate nuclei of the brainstem (forelimb amputees) or spinal Clarke's column (hindlimb amputee) related to the amputated limb. Such reorganization in sensory afferents along with reorganization of the motor efferents to muscles (Wu and Kaas, J Neurosci 19: 7679-7697, 1999, Neuron 28: 967-978, 2000) may provide a basis for mislocated phantom sensations of missing forelimb movements accompanying actual shoulder movements during cortical stimulation or movement imagery in patients with amputations.  相似文献   

Hindlimb patterning and mandible development require the Ptx1 gene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The restricted expression of the Ptx1 (Pitx1) gene in the posterior half of the lateral plate mesoderm has suggested that it may play a role in specification of posterior structures, in particular, specification of hindlimb identity. Ptx1 is also expressed in the most anterior ectoderm, the stomodeum, and in the first branchial arch. Ptx1 expression overlaps with that of Ptx2 in stomodeum and in posterior left lateral plate mesoderm. We now show that targeted inactivation of the mouse Ptx1 gene severely impairs hindlimb development: the ilium and knee cartilage are absent and the long bones are underdeveloped. Greater reduction of the right femur size in Ptx1 null mice suggests partial compensation by Ptx2 on the left side. The similarly sized tibia and fibula of mutant hindlimbs may be taken to resemble forelimb bones: however, the mutant limb buds appear to have retained their molecular identity as assessed by forelimb expression of Tbx5 and by hindlimb expression of Tbx4, even though Tbx4 expression is decreased in Ptx1 null mice. The hindlimb defects appear to be, at least partly, due to abnormal chondrogenesis. Since the most affected structures derive from the dorsal side of hindlimb buds, the data suggest that Ptx1 is responsible for patterning of these dorsal structures and that as such it may control development of hindlimb-specific features. Ptx1 inactivation also leads to loss of bones derived from the proximal part of the mandibular mesenchyme. The dual role of Ptx1 revealed by the gene knockout may reflect features of the mammalian jaw and hindlimbs that were acquired at a similar time during tetrapod evolution.  相似文献   

We examined the terminations of sensory afferents in the brainstem and spinal cord of squirrel monkeys and prosimian galagos 4-8 years after a therapeutic forelimb or hindlimb amputation within 2 months of birth. In each animal, the distributions of labeled sensory afferent terminations from remaining body parts proximal to the limb stump were much more extensive than in normal animals. These sprouted afferents extended into the portions of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord as well as the cuneate and external cuneate nuclei of the brainstem (forelimb amputees) or spinal Clarke's column (hindlimb amputee) related to the amputated limb. Such reorganization in sensory afferents along with reorganization of the motor efferents to muscles (Wu and Kaas, J Neurosci 19 : 7679-7697, 1999, Neuron 28 : 967-978, 2000) may provide a basis for mislocated phantom sensations of missing forelimb movements accompanying actual shoulder movements during cortical stimulation or movement imagery in patients with amputations.  相似文献   

Motor maps and electrical thresholds for evoking movements from motor areas of the cerebral cortex were evaluated in normal cats by using intracortical microstimulation techniques. Stainless steel chambers were implanted over craniotomies in adult cats trained to perform reaching and retrieval movements with their forelimbs. Prehensile motor training was continued and movement performance monitored for about 6–10 weeks during which the cortex was progressively explored with sharp tungsten electrodes inserted into cortical gyri (anterior and posterior sigmoid, and coronal) and the banks of sulci (cruciate, presylvian and coronal). Twice weekly, under light general anaesthesia, 3–4 tracks were made in either hemisphere till about 50 tracks were made in each hemisphere. Mean thresholds for evoking forelimb movements from different cytoarchitectonic areas (4γ, 4δ, 6aγ and 3a) were compared and no consistent or significant differences were observed between the different areas. In the animals (4/6) which used either forelimb to perform the tasks, there were no consistent differences in the mean thresholds for evoking forelimb movements from the two hemispheres. However, in 2 animals, which used their right forelimbs predominantly or exclusively to perform all the tasks, mean thresholds for evoking forelimb movements was significantly higher in areas 4γ and 6aγ of the left hemisphere (compared to the right); no consistent differences in the mean thresholds for evoking hindlimb or facial movements were observed between the two hemispheres. These findings suggest that ICMS thresholds for evoking forelimb movements may be similar in different sensorimotor areas of the cat cerebral cortex, and these thresholds could be influenced by motor training.  相似文献   

Motor maps and electrical thresholds for evoking movements from motor areas of the cerebral cortex were evaluated in normal cats by using intracortical microstimulation techniques. Stainless steel chambers were implanted over craniotomies in adult cats trained to perform reaching and retrieval movements with their forelimbs. Prehensile motor training was continued and movement performance monitored for about 6-10 weeks during which the cortex was progressively explored with sharp tungsten electrodes inserted into cortical gyri (anterior and posterior sigmoid, and coronal) and the banks of sulci (cruciate, presylvian and coronal). Twice weekly, under light general anaesthesia, 3-4 tracks were made in either hemisphere till about 50 tracks were made in each hemisphere. Mean thresholds for evoking forelimb movements from different cytoarchitectonic areas (4gamma, 4delta, 6agamma and 3a) were compared and no consistent or significant differences were observed between the different areas. In the animals (4/6) which used either forelimb to perform the tasks, there were no consistent differences in the mean thresholds for evoking forelimb movements from the two hemispheres. However, in 2 animals, which used their right forelimbs predominantly or exclusively to perform all the tasks, mean thresholds for evoking forelimb movements was significantly higher in areas 4gamma and 6agamma of the left hemisphere (compared to the right); no consistent differences in the mean thresholds for evoking hindlimb or facial movements were observed between the two hemispheres. These findings suggest that ICMS thresholds for evoking forelimb movements may be similar in different sensorimotor areas of the cat cerebral cortex, and these thresholds could be influenced by motor training.  相似文献   

When insects turn from walking straight, their legs have to follow different motor patterns. In order to examine such pattern change precisely, we stimulated single antenna of an insect, thereby initiating its turning behavior, tethered over a lightly oiled glass plate. The resulting behavior included asymmetrical movements of prothoracic and mesothoracic legs. The mesothoracic leg on the inside of the turn (in the apparent direction of turning) extended the coxa-trochanter and femur-tibia joints during swing rather than during stance as in walking, while the outside mesothoracic leg kept a slow walking pattern. Electromyograms in mesothoracic legs revealed consistent changes in the motor neuron activity controlling extension of the coxa-trochanter and femur-tibia joints. In tethered walking, depressor trochanter activity consistently preceded slow extensor tibia activity. This pattern was reversed in the inside mesothoracic leg during turning. Also for turning, extensor and depressor motor neurons of the inside legs were activated in swing phase instead of stance. Turning was also examined in free ranging animals. Although more variable, some trials resembled the pattern generated by tethered animals. The distinct inter-joint and inter-leg coordination between tethered turning and walking, therefore, provides a good model to further study the neural control of changing locomotion patterns.  相似文献   

The spinal cord can generate motor patterns underlying several kinds of limb movements. Many spinal interneurons are multifunctional, contributing to multiple limb movements, but others are specialized. It is unclear whether anatomical distributions of activated neurons differ for different limb movements. We examined distributions of activated neurons for locomotion and scratching using an activity-dependent dye. Adult turtles were stimulated to generate repeatedly forward swimming, rostral scratching, pocket scratching, or caudal scratching motor patterns, while sulforhodamine 101 was applied to the spinal cord. Sulforhodamine-labeled neurons were widely distributed rostrocaudally, dorsoventrally, and mediolaterally after each motor pattern, concentrated bilaterally in the deep dorsal horn, the lateral intermediate zone, and the dorsal to middle ventral horn. Labeled neurons were common in all hindlimb enlargement segments and the pre-enlargement segment following swimming and scratching, but a significantly higher percentage were in the rostral segments following swimming than rostral scratching. These findings suggest that largely the same spinal regions are activated during swimming and scratching, but there are some differences that may indicate locations of behaviorally specialized neurons. Finally, the substantial inter-animal variability following a single kind of motor pattern may indicate that essentially the same motor output is generated by anatomically variable networks.  相似文献   

The limb used to perform seven common activities was recorded during weekly observations of an infant orang-utan. For five of these behaviors, preferences were found that remained consistent in their direction, although there were week to week fluctuations in magnitude. Most notably, a right hand preference was found for nonfood reaching and a right hindlimb preference appeared for initiating locomotion. Although initially, food reaching was predominantly with the right hand, a shift toward preferential left hand use occurred during the final weeks of the study. Additionally, a left hand preference appeared when the infant touched either its body or head.  相似文献   

The side of preference (first turn of head) was recorded in calves in situation of free equal probability two-sides choice, and rate of reconstruction of conditioned reflex to food presented from the left or from the right was determined. Initially the calves preferred the left turn, i.e. manifested motor asymmetry. Preference to the left turn changed depending on the calves age with the period of 22-23 days. The rate of conditioned reflexes reconstruction was higher in calves with the left-side preference. Correlation of the motor asymmetry and rate of conditioned reflex reconstruction in calves of different age changed in analogy with age changes of asymmetry. Probably the observed periodical changes of asymmetry and its correlation with the rate of reconstruction reflect formation of interhemispheric interactions in regulation of the organism functions in animals ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Quadrupedal locomotion of squirrel monkeys on small-diameter support was analyzed kinematically and kinetically to specify the timing between limb movements and substrate reaction forces. Limb kinematics was studied cineradiographically, and substrate reaction forces were synchronously recorded. Squirrel monkeys resemble most other quadrupedal primates in that they utilize a diagonal sequence/diagonal couplets gait when walking on small branches. This gait pattern and the ratio between limb length and trunk length influence limb kinematics. Proximal pivots of forelimbs and hindlimbs are on the same horizontal plane, thus giving both limbs the same functional length. However, the hindlimbs are anatomically longer than the forelimbs. Therefore, hindlimb joints must be more strongly flexed during the step cycle compared to the forelimb joints. Because the timing of ipsilateral limb movements prevents an increasing amount of forelimb retraction, the forelimb must be more protracted during the initial stance phase. At this posture, gravity acts with long moment arms at proximal forelimb joints. Squirrel monkeys support most of their weight on their hindlimbs. The timing of limb movements and substrate reaction forces shows that the shift of support to the hindlimbs is mainly done to reduce the compressive load on the forelimb. The hypothesis of the posterior weight shift as a dynamic strategy to reduce load on forelimbs, proposed by Reynolds ([1985]) Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 67:335-349; [1985] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 67:351-362), is supported by the high correlation of ratios between forelimb and hindlimb peak vertical forces and the range of motion of shoulder joint and scapula in primates.  相似文献   

Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) respond to air displacement produced by an approaching predator by turning and running away. A set of 4 bilateral pairs of ventral giant interneurons is important in determining turn direction. Wind from a given side is known to produce more spikes, an earlier onset of the spike trains, and different fine temporal patterning, in the ipsilateral vs the contralateral set of these interneurons. Here we investigate which of these spike train parameters the cockroach actually uses to determine the direction it will turn.We delivered controlled wind puffs from the right front, together with intracellular injection of spike trains in a left ventral giant interneuron, under conditions where the animal could make normally directed turning movements of the legs and body. In trials where our stimuli caused the left side to give both the first spike and more total spikes than the right, but where our injected spike train included none of the normal fine temporal patterning, 92% of the evoked turns were to the rightopposite of normal (Figs. 4–6). In trials where the left side gave the first spike, but the right side gave more spikes, 100% of the turns were to the left-the normal direction (Figs. 8, 9). Comparable results were obtained when each of the left giant interneurons 1, 2 or 3 were electrically stimulated, and when either weak or stronger wind puffs were used. Stimulating a left giant interneuron electrically in the absence of a wind puff evoked an escape-like turn on 9% of the trials, and these were all to the right (Fig. 9).These results indicate that fine temporal patterning in the spike trains is not necessary, and information about which side gives the first spike is not sufficient, to determine turn direction. Rather, the key parameter appears to be relative numbers of action potentials in the left vs the right group of cells. These conclusions were supported by similar experiments in which extracellular stimulation of several left giant interneurons was paired with right wind (Figs. 11, 12).Abbreviations GI giant interneuron - vGI ventral giant interneuron - dGI dorsal giant interneuron - LY Lucifer yellow - CF carboxyfluorescein  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis exhibits an ontogenetic decline in the ability to regenerate its limbs: Young tadpoles can completely regenerate an amputated limb, whereas post metamorphic froglets regenerate at most a cartilagenous "spike." We have tested the regenerative competence of normally regenerating limb buds of stage 52-53 Xenopus tadpoles grafted onto limb stumps of postmetamorphic froglets. The limb buds become vascularized and innervated by the host and, when amputated, regenerate limbs with normal or slightly less than normal numbers of tadpole hindlimb digits. Reciprocal grafts of froglet forelimb blastemas onto tadpole hindlimb stumps resulted in either autonomous development of tadpole hindlimb structures and/or formation of a cartilaginous spike typical of froglet forelimb regeneration. Our results suggest that the Xenopus froglet host environment is completely permissive for regeneration and that the ability to regenerate a complete limb pattern is an intrinsic property of young tadpole limb cells, a property that is lost during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

After emerging from underground nests, sea turtle hatchlings migrate through the surf zone and out to the open ocean. During this migration, both waves and water currents can disrupt hatchling orientation by unpredictably rotating the turtles away from their migratory headings. In addition, waves cause turtles to roll and pitch, temporarily impeding forward swimming by forcing the hatchlings into steeply inclined positions. To maintain seaward orientation and remain upright in the water column, hatchlings must continuously compensate for such displacements. As a first step toward determining how this is achieved, we studied the responses of loggerhead (Caretta caretta L.) sea turtle hatchlings to rotational displacements involving yaw, roll, and pitch. Hatchlings responded to rotations in the horizontal plane (yaw) by extending the rear flipper on the side opposite the direction of rotation. Thus, the flipper presumably acts as a rudder to help turn the turtle back toward its original heading. Turtles responded to rotations in the roll plane with stereotypic movements of the front flippers that act to right the hatchlings with respect to gravity. Finally, hatchlings responded to rotations in the pitch plane with movements of the hind flippers that appear likely to curtail or counteract the pitching motion. Thus, the results of these experiments imply that young sea turtles emerge from their nests possessing a suite of stereotypic behavioral responses that function to counteract rotational displacements, enable the animals to maintain equilibrium, and facilitate efficient movement toward the open sea.  相似文献   

Asymmetry was investigated in the forelimbs of 150 rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) skeletons using measurements of right and left humerii, radii, ulnae, second metacarpals, and femora. Seven of the ten forelimb dimensions were larger on the right than on the left side. Paired t-tests revealed that the mean of the right side was significantly larger than that for the left for two measurements of the ulna and two of the humerus. No measurement was significantly larger on the left than on the right side. These results indicate a small but significant asymmetry in the forelimb bones of rhesus monkeys and, as is the case for humans, the direction of asymmetry favors the right side. Our findings are consistent with an interpretation of hypertrophy of certain muscles and opens the question of whether rhesus monkeys preferentially use their right forelimbs for manipulative tasks that require manual dexterity, as is the case for humans. These forelimb skeletal asymmetries are discussed in light of the recent literature on cortical asymmetry and handedness in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

A goal of the study was to investigate cortical reorganization corresponding to inhibition of innate motor patterns during motor learning. Functional changes in the sensorimotor cortex during learned rearrangement of the natural diagonal pattern of postural adjustment (PA) accompanying a hindlimb movement into a new one, the so-called unilateral pattern, were studied in dogs by testing somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) in response to stimulation of a forelimb during PA immediately before the limb movement onset. During PA the latency and the amplitude of several SEP components decreased. In general, changes in SEP were less pronounced in the learned unilateral pattern of postural adjustment in comparison with the innate diagonal pattern, but the difference was significant only for some SEP components. The SEP late positivity in the learned postural pattern was replaced by a negativity. The SEP changes were similar independently of whether the test stimulus was applied on the forelimb loaded or unloaded during postural adjustment. The data suggest that changes in interrelations between different neuronal populations in the sensorimotor cortex during formation and realization of a learned motor program can be reflected in SEP changes.  相似文献   

A new specimen of Kingoria nowacki (von Huene) with a complete pelvic girdle and hindlimb is reconstructed and the method of locomotion analysed. It is concluded that the hindlimb was modified from the normal dicynodont pattern in a direction comparable to that of advanced mammal-like reptiles which are presumed to have given rise to mammals. The pectoral girdle also had a modified form, but the humerus was probably conservative in its morphology. The hindlimb stride relied on protraction and retraction to effect movement while the forelimb relied on long axis rotation of the humerus. Possible reasons for the difference in morphology and function of the fore-and hindlimbs are discussed, and a functional sequence for the generation of the Kingoria pelvic girdle from that of other Permian dicynodonts is suggested.  相似文献   

The functional status of brachially innervated hindlimbs, produced by transplanting hindlimb buds of chick embryos in place of forelimb buds, was quantified by analyzing the number and temporal distribution of spontaneous limb movements. Brachially innervated hindlimbs exhibited normal motility until E10 but thereafter became significantly less active than normal limbs and the limb movements were more randomly distributed. Contrary to the findings with axolotls and frogs, functional interaction between brachial motoneurons and hindlimb muscles cannot be sustained in the chick embryo. Dysfunction is first detectable at E10 and progresses to near total immobility by E20 and is associated with joint ankylosis and muscular atrophy. Although brachially innervated hindlimbs were virtually immobile by the time of hatching (E21), they produced strong movements in response to electrical stimulation of their spinal nerves, suggesting a central rather than peripheral defect in the motor system. The extent of motoneuron death in the brachial spinal cord was not significantly altered by the substitution of the forelimb bud with the hindlimb bud, but the timing of motoneuron loss was appropriate for the lumbar rather than brachial spinal cord, indicating that the rate of motoneuron death was dictated by the limb. Measurements of nuclear area indicated that motoneuron size was normal during the motoneuron death period (E6-E10) but the nuclei of motoneurons innervating grafted hindlimbs subsequently became significantly larger than those of normal brachial motoneurons. Although the muscle mass of the grafted hindlimb at E18 was significantly less than that of the normal hindlimb (and similar to that of a normal forelimb), electronmicroscopic examination of the grafted hindlimbs and brachial spinal cords of E20 embryos revealed normal myofiber and neuromuscular junction ultrastructure and a small increase in the number of axosomatic synapses on cross-sections of motoneurons innervating grafted hindlimbs compared to motoneurons innervating normal forelimbs. The anatomical data indicate that, rather than being associated with degenerative changes, the motor system of the brachial hindlimb of late-stage embryos is intact, but inactive. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dominant hemimelia (Dh) is a dominant mutation that arose spontaneously in mice; Dh animals exhibit reduced numbers of lumbar vertebrae and preaxial hindlimb defects. Absence of spleen occurs in both Dh/+ and Dh/Dh animals. This study was undertaken to characterize asymmetry of skeletal defects in the Dh mouse, specifically hindlimb asymmetries in association with axial defects. METHODS: A total of 29 Dh/+ and 100 +/+ fetuses (gestational day [GD] 18) were identified by phenotype and linked DNA and their skeletons were analyzed. RESULTS: The results revealed an asymmetry of hindlimb skeletal defects in Dh/+ animals. In +/+ fetuses, the left and right tibia were symmetrical with 99.0% of the animals possessing 6 lumbar vertebrae. However, Dh/+ fetuses showed asymmetry in length of left and right tibia and a reduction to 5 lumbar vertebrae in 86.2% of animals. There was a range from mild to severe asymmetry as evidenced by direct comparison of the length of the left to the right tibia of each animal. Tibial shortening was greater on the left than the right in 65.5% of Dh/+ fetuses; only 20.7% had symmetrical tibia. Oligodactyly, defined as absence of the first or second toe, was similarly more frequent on the left. CONCLUSIONS: Asymmetry is characteristic of many human limb malformations, although analysis of the molecular basis is difficult. Therefore, Dh/+ mice, which exhibit reduced numbers of lumbar vertebrae, asymmetric hindlimb defects, and complete absence of spleen, provide an important model for studying the relationship between axial patterning and asymmetric skeletal defects.  相似文献   

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