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Some mechanisms that promote long-distance dispersal of tree seeds by wind are explored. Winged seeds must be lifted above the canopy by updrafts to have a chance of further dispersal in high velocity horizontal winds aloft or in landscape-scale convection cells. Shear-induced turbulent eddies of a scale up to one-third of canopy height provide a lifting mechanism. Preliminary data suggest that all seeds of a given species may be viable candidates for uplift and long-distance dispersal, despite the evidence that slow-falling seeds are dispersed farther under any given wind conditions. Turbulence is argued more often and more extensively to advance long-distance dispersal than to retard it. Seeds may take advantage of Bernoulli sailing to move with faster than average winds. Elasticity of branches and trees may play a role in regulating the release of seeds into unusually favorable winds. Dispersal is at least biphasic, and the study of long-distance dispersal calls for mixed models and mixed methods of gathering data.  相似文献   

Mechanistic models of seed dispersal by wind   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Over the past century, various mechanistic models have been developed to estimate the magnitude of seed dispersal by wind, and to elucidate the relative importance of physical and biological factors affecting this passive transport process. The conceptual development has progressed from ballistic models, through models incorporating vertically variable mean horizontal windspeed and turbulent excursions, to models accounting for discrepancies between airflow and seed motion. Over hourly timescales, accounting for turbulent fluctuations in the vertical velocity component generally leads to a power-law dispersal kernel that is censored by an exponential cutoff far from the seed source. The parameters of this kernel vary with the flow field inside the canopy and the seed terminal velocity. Over the timescale of a dispersal season, with mean wind statistics derived from an “extreme-value” distribution, these distribution-tail effects are compounded by turbulent diffusion to yield seed dispersal distances that are two to three orders of magnitude longer than the corresponding ballistic models. These findings from analytic models engendered explicit simulations of the effects of turbulence on seed dispersal using computationally intensive fluid dynamics tools. This development marks a bifurcation in the approaches to wind dispersal, seeking either finer resolution of the dispersal mechanism at the scale of a single dispersal event, or mechanistically derived analytical dispersal kernels needed to resolve long-term and large-scale processes such as meta-population dynamics and range expansion. Because seed dispersal by wind is molded by processes operating over multiple scales, new insights will require novel theoretical tactics that blend these two approaches while preserving the key interactions across scales.  相似文献   

This report presents data from experiments on seed dispersal by wind for ten species of the family Apiaceae. Seed shadows were obtained in the field under natural conditions, using wind speeds between four and ten m/s. The flight of individual seeds was followed by eye, and seed shadows were acquired, with median distances varying from 0.7 to 3.1 m between species. Multiple regression models of wind speed and seed weight on dispersal distance were significant for six out of ten species; wind speed had significant effects in seven cases, but seed weight only once. A good correlation between mean terminal falling velocity of the seeds of a species and median dispersal distance, indicates the promising explanatory power that individual terminal velocity data might have on dispersal distance, together with wind speed and turbulence. The theory that seeds that seem to be adapted to wind dispersal travel much longer distances than seeds that have no adaptation was tested. Flattened and winged seeds were indeed found to be transported further by wind, but not much further. Moreover, the species with wind-adapted seeds were also taller, being an alternative explanation since their seeds experienced higher wind speeds at these greater heights. Furthermore, flattened and winged seeds were disseminated from ripe umbels at lower wind speeds in the laboratory. This means that the observed difference in dispersal distance would have been smaller when species specific thresholds for wind speed were incorporated in the field experiments. We argue therefore, that seed morphology is not always the best predictor in classifying species in groups with distinctly different dispersal ability.  相似文献   

Zhu  Jinlei  Liu  Minghu  Xin  Zhiming  Liu  Zhimin  Schurr  Frank M. 《Plant Ecology》2019,220(4-5):541-552
Plant Ecology - The seeds of most plant species are dispersed by multiple mechanisms. Whether functional traits mediate positive correlations or negative correlations (trade-offs) between different...  相似文献   

Questions: What is the potential of sheep to serve as seed dispersers via ingestion and defecation in calcareous grasslands? Is the presence of viable seeds from dung correlated with specific seed traits? Location: Calcareous grasslands, South Limburg, the Netherlands/Belgium. Methods: Dung samples (n=24) from sheep were collected between September 2006 and November 2007 from five sites with Mesobromion plant communities, and communities of Nardo‐Galion saxatilis. Germinability and identity of seeds in the dung samples were ascertained from germination of seedlings under glasshouse conditions. Seed traits of species with viable seeds in dung were compared with those present in the local species pool. Results: Seventy‐two plant species from 23 plant families had viable seeds in sheep dung. The plant families encountered most frequently were Gramineae and Compositae. The most abundant and frequently recorded plant species in dung samples was Urtica dioica, accounting for >80% of the total number of seeds. Mean seed density in sheep dung was 0.8 seeds g?1 dry matter. Seeds with low seed mass and a high seed longevity index were over‐represented in dung. Viable seeds >2.5 mg were infrequent in the dung samples. Conclusions: We conclude that sheep are potentially important dispersers of plant species in Dutch calcareous grasslands. Although smaller seeds were relatively abundant in sheep dung, it cannot be excluded that this was mainly caused by differences in seed abundance.  相似文献   

The size and shape of the tail of the seed dispersal curve is important in determining the spatial dynamics of plants, but is difficult to quantify. We devised an experimental protocol to measure long-distance dispersal which involved measuring dispersal by wind from isolated individuals at a range of distances from the source, but maintaining a large and constant sampling intensity at each distance. Seeds were trapped up to 80 m from the plants, the furthest a dispersal curve for an individual plant has been measured for a non-tree species. Standard empirical negative exponential and inverse power models were fitted using likelihood methods. The latter always had a better fit than the former, but in most cases neither described the data well, and strongly under-estimated the tail of the dispersal curve. An alternative model formulation with two kernel components had a much better fit in most cases and described the tail data more accurately. Mechanistic models provide an alternative to direct measurement of dispersal. However, while a previous mechanistic model accurately predicted the modal dispersal distance, it always under-predicted the measured tail. Long-distance dispersal may be caused by rare extremes in horizontal wind speed or turbulence. Therefore, under-estimation of the tail by standard empirical models and mechanistic models may indicate a lack of flexibility to take account of such extremes. Future studies should examine carefully whether the widely used exponential and power models are, in fact, valid, and investigate alternative models. Received: 7 March 1999 / Accepted: 2 April 2000  相似文献   

Dispersal is a critical process in ecology. It is an important biological driver of, for example, invasions, metapopulation dynamics, spatial pattern formation and pathogen movement. Much is known about the effect of environmental variability, including turbulence, on dispersal of diaspores. Here, we document experimentally the strong but under-explored influence of turbulence on the initiation of dispersal. Flower heads of two thistle species (Carduus nutans and Carduus acanthoides) with ripe seeds were exposed to series of laminar and turbulent air flows of increasing velocity in a wind tunnel. Seed release increased with wind speeds for both laminar and turbulent flows for both species. However, far more seeds were released, at significantly lower wind speeds, during turbulent flows. These results strongly suggest a need for more quantitative studies of abscission in the field, as well as dispersal models that incorporate variability in the diaspore release phase.  相似文献   

Ingle NM 《Oecologia》2003,134(2):251-261
In the moist Neotropics, vertebrate frugivores have a much greater role in the dispersal of forest and successional woody plants than wind, and bats rather than birds play the dominant role in dispersing early successional species. I investigated whether these patterns also occurred in a Philippine montane rainforest and adjacent successional vegetation. I also asked whether seed mass was related to probability of dispersal between habitats. A greater number of woody species and stems in the forest produced vertebrate-dispersed seeds than wind-dispersed seeds. Although input of forest seeds into the successional area was dominated by vertebrate-dispersed seeds in terms of species richness, wind-dispersed seeds landed in densities 15 times higher. Frugivorous birds dispersed more forest seeds and species into the successional area than bats, and more successional seeds and species into the forest. As expected, seed input declined with distance from source habitat. Low input of forest seeds into the successional area at the farthest distance sampled, 40 m from forest edge, particularly for vertebrate-dispersed seeds, suggests very limited dispersal out of forest even into a habitat in which woody successional vegetation provides perches and fruit resources. For species of vertebrate-dispersed successional seeds, probability of dispersal into forest declined significantly with seed mass.  相似文献   

为了深入了解啮齿动物在不同种子丰富度条件下对不同大小和单宁含量种子的觅食行为策略及其与植物种群更新的关系,在宁夏六盘山区的华北落叶松人工林,研究了不同大小和单宁含量[0%Tannin(T)、2%T、8%T和15%T]的人工种子在模拟结实小年和结实大年对啮齿动物取食和扩散行为的影响.结果表明: 啮齿动物消耗种子速度在结实小年更快,结实大年的种子消耗速度相对缓慢. 种子就地取食率(ISPR)在不同结实年份间无显著差异,扩散后取食率(PRAD)在结实小年显著高于结实大年,但前者的扩散后贮藏率(HRAD)显著低于后者;种子扩散后的取食距离(PDAD)和贮藏距离(HDAD)在结实小年均显著大于结实大年.在结实小年,大种子的PDAD和HDAD均大于小种子,前者在不同大小种子间均差异显著,而后者仅在2%T和15%T的不同大小种子间差异显著;在结实大年,除0%T外的其他单宁含量种子的PDAD和HDAD在不同大小种子间均差异显著.ISPR在中等单宁含量种子最大,高单宁含量种子最小;PRAD分别在结实小年的高单宁含量种子和结实大年的无单宁种子最大;不论在结实大年还是结实小年,HRAD均在高单宁含量种子最大,中等单宁含量种子最小.这说明结实大年可延缓啮齿动物对种子的消耗速率,提高种子的HRAD,但种子扩散距离减小;啮齿动物在结实大年和小年均表现出对大种子的扩散偏好,且大种子被扩散的距离更远;啮齿动物在不同结实年份均偏好于就地取食中等单宁含量种子,而扩散高单宁含量种子.  相似文献   

The patterns of repositioning by wind and water following their initial dispersal from the parent plant, of winged and unwinged seeds of the heteromorphic halophyte Spergularia salina were Investigated experimentally in both dense vegetation and bare ground under field conditions in a sea shore meadow in eastern Sweden Seeds were placed in situ in the field, and after four days with wind as the sole dispersing agency, 19% of the seeds were repositioned After another 11 days, during which both wind and water acted as dispersing agencies, all seeds of both types had either become repositioned and were still visible (1/3 of the seeds), had penetrated into the ground at the point of release or after dispersal (1/3), or were not recovered (1/3) The probability to become lifted secondarily by water was similar in both seed types Of those seeds repositioned and recovered on the ground, more of the winged type had been transported any distance horizontally than the unwinged type The seed dispersal curve was strongly skewed to the left, and the winged seed type was transported slightly further than the unwinged type, both during primary and secondary dispersal All seeds were transported further when placed on bare soil than when placed in dense vegetation Vertical transportation was quicker in dense vegetation, and unwinged seeds disappeared more quickly into the ground In dense vegetation, unwinged seeds were more frequently encountered in the seed bank than winged seeds, whereas in the absence of vegetation cover, seeds of both types recovered in the soil were found in equal shares  相似文献   

The hypothesis that seed dormancy may be dependent on environmental conditions and seed morphological traits was tested for six Ribes species, across an altitudinal gradient of 1300 m and a longitudinal separation of 120°. Embryo measurements and seed germination experiments were conducted for R. alpinum L., R. hudsonianum Richardson var. petiolare (Douglas) Jancz., R. nevadaense Kellogg, R. roezlii Regel var. cruentum (Greene) Rehder and R. speciosum Pursh, and data taken from the literature for R. multiflorum Kit. ex Schult. ssp. sandalioticum Arrigoni. Germination was compared with seed viability to reveal proportional seed dormancy, which was then correlated to seed/embryo morphological traits and these traits related to the seed provenance environment. The embryos of all the investigated species are linear underdeveloped and all had a morphological component of seed dormancy (MD). Seeds of R. roezlii, R. hudsonianum and R. nevadaense required a temperature and/or hormone pre‐treatment in order to germinate, highlighting morphophysiological seed dormancy (MPD). Seed dormancy was found to be strongly negatively correlated with embryo length, but not with embryo to seed (E:S) ratio or seed mass. Initial embryo length was positively related to mean annual temperature. Seed dormancy in the investigated Ribes species could be quantified and predicted by the interaction of embryo traits and environmental conditions. This approach may be helpful in assessing and predicting seed dormancy in the Ribes genus and in other genera and families with underdeveloped embryos.  相似文献   

Habitat loss can alter animal movements and disrupt animal seed dispersal mutualisms; however, its effects on spatial patterns of seed dispersal are not well understood. To explore the effects of habitat loss on seed dispersal distances and seed dispersion (aggregation), we created a spatially explicit, individual‐based model of an animal dispersing seeds (SEADS—Spatially Explicit Animal Dispersal of Seeds) in a theoretical landscape of 0%–90% habitat loss based on three animal traits: movement distance, gut retention time, and time between movements. Our model design had three objectives: to determine the effects of (1) animal traits and (2) habitat loss on seed dispersal distances and dispersion and (3) determine how animal traits could mitigate the negative effects of habitat loss on these variables. SEADS results revealed a complex interaction involving all animal traits and habitat loss on dispersal distances and dispersion, driven by a novel underlying mechanism of fragment entrapment. Unexpectedly, intermediate habitat loss could increase dispersal distances and dispersion relative to low and high habitat loss for some combinations of animal traits. At intermediate habitat loss, movement between patches was common, and increased dispersal distances and dispersion compared to continuous habitats because animals did not stop in spaces between fragments. However, movement between patches was reduced at higher habitat loss as animals became trapped in fragments, often near the parent plant, and dispersed seeds in aggregated patterns. As movement distance increased, low time between movements and high gut retention time combinations permitted more movement to adjacent patches than other combinations of animal traits. Because habitat loss affects movement in a nonlinear fashion under some conditions, future empirical tests would benefit from comparisons across landscapes with more than two levels of fragmentation.  相似文献   

Conflicts of selection on diaspore traits throughout the dispersal cycle can limit the evolutionary consequences of seed dispersal. However, these conflicts have never been investigated in directed dispersal systems. We explored conflicts of selection through life stages of dispersal in the myrmecochorous herb Helleborus foetidus. Seeds are subject to two contrasting partial selective scenarios. Undispersed seeds are subject to positive directional selection on seed size characters, whereas seeds dispersed are subject to stabilizing selection for size. In both scenarios, seedling establishment determined the magnitude and direction of selection. This does not reflect ant preferences for seed size. However, total selection still depends largely on ant activity, as ants control the relative importance of each selective scenario. We advocate the use of analytical approaches combining multiplicative fitness and microenvironment‐specific selection to more realistically estimate the realized selection on traits functional during several life stages. This approach may be extended to any organism dispersing offspring to different environments.  相似文献   

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