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In this paper, we introduce a new class of epidemics on networks which we call SI(S/I). SI(S/I) networks differ from SIS networks in allowing an infected individual to become reinfected without first passing to the susceptible state. We use a covering-graph construction to compare SIR, SIS, and SI(S/I) networks. Like the SIR networks that cover them, SI(S/I) networks exhibit infection probabilities that are monotone with respect to both transmission probabilities and the initial set of infectives. The same covering-graph construction allows us to characterize the recurrent states in an SIS or SI(S/I) network with reinfection.  相似文献   

An effective degree approach to modeling the spread of infectious diseases on a network is introduced and applied to a disease that confers no immunity (a Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible model, abbreviated as SIS) and to a disease that confers permanent immunity (a Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered model, abbreviated as SIR). Each model is formulated as a large system of ordinary differential equations that keeps track of the number of susceptible and infectious neighbors of an individual. From numerical simulations, these effective degree models are found to be in excellent agreement with the corresponding stochastic processes of the network on a random graph, in that they capture the initial exponential growth rates, the endemic equilibrium of an invading disease for the SIS model, and the epidemic peak for the SIR model. For each of these effective degree models, a formula for the disease threshold condition is derived. The threshold parameter for the SIS model is shown to be larger than that derived from percolation theory for a model with the same disease and network parameters, and consequently a disease may be able to invade with lower transmission than predicted by percolation theory. For the SIR model, the threshold condition is equal to that predicted by percolation theory. Thus unlike the classical homogeneous mixing disease models, the SIS and SIR effective degree models have different disease threshold conditions.  相似文献   

Multi-species compartment epidemic models, such as the multi-species susceptible–infectious–recovered (SIR) model, are extensions of the classic SIR models, which are used to explore the transient dynamics of pathogens that infect multiple hosts in a large population. In this article, we propose a dynamical Bayesian hierarchical SIR (HSIR) model, to capture the stochastic or random nature of an epidemic process in a multi-species SIR (with recovered becoming susceptible again) dynamical setting, under hidden mass balance constraints. We call this a Bayesian hierarchical multi-species SIR (MSIRB) model. Different from a classic multi-species SIR model (which we call MSIRC), our approach imposes mass balance on the underlying true counts rather than, improperly, on the noisy observations. Moreover, the MSIRB model can capture the discrete nature of, as well as uncertainties in, the epidemic process.  相似文献   

Kar TK  Batabyal A 《Bio Systems》2011,104(2-3):127-135
This paper focuses on the study of a nonlinear mathematical SIR epidemic model with a vaccination program. We have discussed the existence and the stability of both the disease free and endemic equilibrium. Vaccine induced reproduction number is determined and the impact of vaccination in reducing the vaccine induced reproduction number is discussed. Then to achieve control of the disease, a control problem is formulated and it is shown that an optimal control exists for our model. The optimality system is derived and solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta fourth order procedure.  相似文献   

Simple deterministic models are still at the core of theoretical epidemiology despite the increasing evidence for the importance of contact networks underlying transmission at the individual level. These mean-field or 'compartmental' models based on homogeneous mixing have made, and continue to make, important contributions to the epidemiology and the ecology of infectious diseases but fail to reproduce many of the features observed for disease spread in contact networks. In this work, we show that it is possible to incorporate the important effects of network structure on disease spread with a mean-field model derived from individual level considerations. We propose that the fundamental number known as the basic reproductive number of the disease, R0, which is typically derived as a threshold quantity, be used instead as a central parameter to construct the model from. We show that reliable estimates of individual level parameters can replace a detailed knowledge of network structure, which in general may be difficult to obtain. We illustrate the proposed model with small world networks and the classical example of susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) epidemics.  相似文献   

Anticipating infectious disease emergence and documenting progress in disease elimination are important applications for the theory of critical transitions. A key problem is the development of theory relating the dynamical processes of transmission to observable phenomena. In this paper, we consider compartmental susceptible–infectious–susceptible (SIS) and susceptible–infectious–recovered (SIR) models that are slowly forced through a critical transition. We derive expressions for the behavior of several candidate indicators, including the autocorrelation coefficient, variance, coefficient of variation, and power spectra of SIS and SIR epidemics during the approach to emergence or elimination. We validated these expressions using individual-based simulations. We further showed that moving-window estimates of these quantities may be used for anticipating critical transitions in infectious disease systems. Although leading indicators of elimination were highly predictive, we found the approach to emergence to be much more difficult to detect. It is hoped that these results, which show the anticipation of critical transitions in infectious disease systems to be theoretically possible, may be used to guide the construction of online algorithms for processing surveillance data.  相似文献   

Competing events concerning individual subjects are of interest in many medical studies. For example, leukemia-free patients surviving a bone marrow transplant are at risk of developing acute or chronic graft-versus-host disease, or they might develop infections. In this situation, competing risks models provide a natural framework to describe the disease. When incorporating covariates influencing the transition intensities, an obvious approach is to use Cox's proportional hazards model for each of the transitions separately. A practical problem then is how to deal with the abundance of regression parameters. Our objective is to describe the competing risks model in fewer parameters, both in order to avoid imprecise estimation in transitions with rare events and in order to facilitate interpretation of these estimates. Suppose that the regression parameters are gathered into a p x K matrix B, with p and K as the number of covariates and transitions, respectively. We propose the use of reduced rank models, where B is required to be of lower rank R, smaller than both p and K. One way to achieve this is to write B = AGamma(intercal) with A and Gamma matrices of dimensions p x R and K x R, respectively. We shall outline an algorithm to obtain estimates and their standard errors in a reduced rank proportional hazards model for competing risks and illustrate the approach on a competing risks model applied to 8966 leukemia patients from the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.  相似文献   

Changing scale, for example, the ability to move seamlessly from an individual-based model to a population-based model, is an important problem in many fields. In this paper, we introduce process algebra as a novel solution to this problem in the context of models of infectious disease spread. Process algebra allows us to describe a system in terms of the stochastic behaviour of individuals, and is a technique from computer science. We review the use of process algebra in biological systems, and the variety of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques available. The analysis illustrated here solves the changing scale problem: from the individual behaviour we can rigorously derive equations to describe the mean behaviour of the system at the level of the population. The biological problem investigated is the transmission of infection, and how this relates to individual interactions.  相似文献   

We consider the recently introduced edge-based compartmental models (EBCM) for the spread of susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) diseases in networks. These models differ from standard infectious disease models by focusing on the status of a random partner in the population, rather than a random individual. This change in focus leads to simple analytic models for the spread of SIR diseases in random networks with heterogeneous degree. In this paper we extend this approach to handle deviations of the disease or population from the simplistic assumptions of earlier work. We allow the population to have structure due to effects such as demographic features or multiple types of risk behavior. We allow the disease to have more complicated natural history. Although we introduce these modifications in the static network context, it is straightforward to incorporate them into dynamic network models. We also consider serosorting, which requires using dynamic network models. The basic methods we use to derive these generalizations are widely applicable, and so it is straightforward to introduce many other generalizations not considered here. Our goal is twofold: to provide a number of examples generalizing the EBCM method for various different population or disease structures and to provide insight into how to derive such a model under new sets of assumptions.  相似文献   

The SIR epidemic model for disease dynamics considers recovered individuals to be permanently immune, while the SIS epidemic model considers recovered individuals to be immediately resusceptible. We study the case of temporary immunity in an SIR-based model with delayed coupling between the susceptible and removed classes, which results in a coupled set of delay differential equations. We find conditions for which the endemic steady state becomes unstable to periodic outbreaks. We then use analytical and numerical bifurcation analysis to describe how the severity and period of the outbreaks depend on the model parameters.   相似文献   

In this paper we consider an age-duration-structured population model for HIV infection in a homosexual community. First we investigate the invasion problem to establish the basic reproduction ratio R(0) for the HIV/AIDS epidemic by which we can state the threshold criteria: The disease can invade into the completely susceptible population if R(0)>1, whereas it cannot if R(0)<1. Subsequently, we examine existence and uniqueness of endemic steady states. We will show sufficient conditions for a backward or a forward bifurcation to occur when the basic reproduction ratio crosses unity. That is, in contrast with classical epidemic models, for our HIV model there could exist multiple endemic steady states even if R(0) is less than one. Finally, we show sufficient conditions for the local stability of the endemic steady states.  相似文献   

In this paper, we outline the theory of epidemic percolation networks and their use in the analysis of stochastic susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) epidemic models on undirected contact networks. We then show how the same theory can be used to analyze stochastic SIR models with random and proportionate mixing. The epidemic percolation networks for these models are purely directed because undirected edges disappear in the limit of a large population. In a series of simulations, we show that epidemic percolation networks accurately predict the mean outbreak size and probability and final size of an epidemic for a variety of epidemic models in homogeneous and heterogeneous populations. Finally, we show that epidemic percolation networks can be used to re-derive classical results from several different areas of infectious disease epidemiology. In an Appendix, we show that an epidemic percolation network can be defined for any time-homogeneous stochastic SIR model in a closed population and prove that the distribution of outbreak sizes given the infection of any given node in the SIR model is identical to the distribution of its out-component sizes in the corresponding probability space of epidemic percolation networks. We conclude that the theory of percolation on semi-directed networks provides a very general framework for the analysis of stochastic SIR models in closed populations.  相似文献   

Differential susceptibility epidemic models   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We formulate compartmental differential susceptibility (DS) susceptible-infective-removed (SIR) models by dividing the susceptible population into multiple subgroups according to the susceptibility of individuals in each group. We analyze the impact of disease-induced mortality in the situations where the number of contacts per individual is either constant or proportional to the total population. We derive an explicit formula for the reproductive number of infection for each model by investigating the local stability of the infection-free equilibrium. We further prove that the infection-free equilibrium of each model is globally asymptotically stable by qualitative analysis of the dynamics of the model system and by utilizing an appropriately chosen Liapunov function. We show that if the reproductive number is greater than one, then there exists a unique endemic equilibrium for all of the DS models studied in this paper. We prove that the endemic equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable for the models with no disease-induced mortality and the models with contact numbers proportional to the total population. We also provide sufficient conditions for the stability of the endemic equilibrium for other situations. We briefly discuss applications of the DS models to optimal vaccine strategies and the connections between the DS models and predator-prey models with multiple prey populations or host-parasitic interaction models with multiple hosts are also given.This research was partially supported by the Department of Energy under contracts W-7405-ENG-36 and the Applied Mathematical Sciences Program KC-07-01-01.  相似文献   

We describe a new approach for investigating the control strategies of compartmental disease transmission models. The method rests on the construction of various alternative next-generation matrices, and makes use of the type reproduction number and the target reproduction number. A general metapopulation SIRS (susceptible–infected–recovered–susceptible) model is given to illustrate the application of the method. Such model is useful to study a wide variety of diseases where the population is distributed over geographically separated regions. Considering various control measures such as vaccination, social distancing, and travel restrictions, the procedure allows us to precisely describe in terms of the model parameters, how control methods should be implemented in the SIRS model to ensure disease elimination. In particular, we characterize cases where changing only the travel rates between the regions is sufficient to prevent an outbreak.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases present ecological and public health challenges that can be addressed with mathematical models. Certain pathogens, however, including the emerging West Nile virus (WN) in North America, exhibit a complex seasonal ecology that is not readily analysed with standard epidemiological methods. We develop a single-season susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) model of WN cross-infection between birds and mosquitoes, incorporating specific features unique to WN ecology. We obtain the disease reproduction number, R0, and show that mosquito control decreases, but bird control increases, the chance of an outbreak. We provide a simple new analytical and graphical method for determining, from standard public health indicators, necessary mosquito control levels. We extend this method to a seasonally variable mosquito population and outline a multi-year model framework. The model's numerical simulations predict disease levels that are consistent with independent data.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to use analytical method and optimization tool to suggest a vaccination program intensity for a basic SIR epidemic model with limited resources for vaccination. We show that there are two different scenarios for optimal vaccination strategies, and obtain analytical solutions for the optimal control problem that minimizes the total cost of disease under the assumption of daily vaccine supply being limited. These solutions and their corresponding optimal control policies are derived explicitly in terms of initial conditions, model parameters and resources for vaccination. With sufficient resources, the optimal control strategy is the normal Bang–Bang control. However, with limited resources, the optimal control strategy requires to switch to time-variant vaccination.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine the parameters of transmission of Aeromonas salmonicida in chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, and to develop a deterministic model of the dynamics of experimental furunculosis. For determination of disease transmission coefficient (beta), disease-related mortality rate (alpha) and natural mortality rate (gamma), fish in 70 tanks (approximately 42 fish tank(-1)) were each exposed to a single infectious donor fish, 7 tanks were randomly selected daily and all individuals were examined for the presence of A. salmonicida in the kidney. The proportion of susceptible (S), infected (I) and removed (R, dead) individuals were determined daily. The parameters beta, alpha, gamma, reproductive ratio (R0) and threshold density were estimated to be 0.0214 infected ind. d(-1), 0.29 infected ind. d(-1), 0.00015 ind. d(-1), 3.23 and 13.56 ind., respectively. Using these parameters, a deterministic disease model of A. salmonicida infection as a cause of furunculosis was constructed. The net rate at which new individuals became infected (the incidence rate) per unit time was proportional to S x I x beta. The model-produced data for S were significantly associated with experimental data (r2 = 0.92). In brief, a simple SIR (susceptible-infected-removed) model was successfully utilized to simulate observed data  相似文献   

In this paper the optimal control strategies of an SIR (susceptible–infected–recovered) epidemic model with time delay are introduced. In order to do this, we consider an optimally controlled SIR epidemic model with time delay where a control means treatment for infectious hosts. We use optimal control approach to minimize the probability that the infected individuals spread and to maximize the total number of susceptible and recovered individuals. We first derive the basic reproduction number and investigate the dynamical behavior of the controlled SIR epidemic model. We also show the existence of an optimal control for the control system and present numerical simulations on real data regarding the course of Ebola virus in Congo. Our results indicate that a small contact rate(probability of infection) is suitable for eradication of the disease (Ebola virus) and this is one way of optimal treatment strategies for infectious hosts.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the evolution of the susceptible individuals during the spread of an epidemic modeled by the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) process spreading on the top of complex networks. Using an edge-based compartmental approach and percolation tools, we find that a time-dependent quantity , namely, the probability that a given neighbor of a node is susceptible at time , is the control parameter of a node void percolation process involving those nodes on the network not-reached by the disease. We show that there exists a critical time above which the giant susceptible component is destroyed. As a consequence, in order to preserve a macroscopic connected fraction of the network composed by healthy individuals which guarantee its functionality, any mitigation strategy should be implemented before this critical time . Our theoretical results are confirmed by extensive simulations of the SIR process.  相似文献   

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