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A chloroplast protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was previously proposed to regulate translation of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast psbA mRNA, encoding the D1 protein, in response to light. Here we show that AtPDI6, one of 13 Arabidopsis thaliana PDI genes, also plays a role in the chloroplast. We found that AtPDI6 is targeted and localized to the chloroplast. Interestingly, AtPDI6 knockdown plants displayed higher resistance to photoinhibition than wild‐type plants when exposed to a tenfold increase in light intensity. The AtPDI6 knockdown plants also displayed a higher rate of D1 synthesis under a similar light intensity. The increased resistance to photoinhibition may not be rationalized by changes in antenna or non‐photochemical quenching. Thus, the increased D1 synthesis rate, which may result in a larger proportion of active D1 under light stress, may led to the decrease in photoinhibition. These results suggest that, although the D1 synthesis rates observed in wild‐type plants under high light intensities are elevated, repair can potentially occur faster. The findings implicate AtPDI6 as an attenuator of D1 synthesis, modulating photoinhibition in a light‐regulated manner.  相似文献   

Light, controls the “blueprint” for chloroplast development, but at high intensities is toxic to the chloroplast. Excessive light intensities inhibit primarily photosystem II electron transport. This results in generation of toxic singlet oxygen due to impairment of electron transport on the acceptor side between pheophytin and QB -the secondary electron acceptor. High light stress also impairs electron transport on the donor side of photosystem II generating highly oxidizing species Z+ and P680+. A conformationsl change in the photosystem II reaction centre protein Dl affecting its QB-binding site is involved in turning the damaged protein into a substrate for proteolysis. The evidence indicates that the degradation of D1 is an enzymatic process and the protease that degrades D1 protein has been shown to be a serine protease Although there is evidence to indicate that the chlorophyll a-protein complex CP43 acts as a serine-type protease degrading Dl, the observed degradation of Dl protein in photosystem II reaction centre particlesin vitro argues against the involvement of CP43 in Dl degradation. Besides the degradation during high light stress of Dl, and to a lesser extent D2-the other reaction centre protein, CP43 and CP29 have also been shown to undergo degradation. In an oxygenic environment, Dl is cleaved from its N-and C-termini and the disassembly of the photosystem II complex involves simultaneous release of manganese and three extrinsic proteins involved in oxygen evolution. It is known that protein with PEST sequences are subject to degradation; D1 protein contains a PEST sequence adjacent to the site of cleavage on the outer side of thylakoid membrane between helices IV and V. The molecular processes of “triggering” of Dl for proteolytic degradation are not clearly understood. The changes in structural organization of photosystem II due to generation of oxy-radicals and other highly oxidizing species have also not been resolved. Whether CP43 or a component of the photosystem II reaction centre itself (Dl. D2 or cy1 b559 subunits), which may be responsible for degradation of Dl, is also subject to light modification to become an active protease, is also not known. The identity of proteases degrading Dl, LHCII and CP43 and C29 remains to be established  相似文献   

Effect of quality, quantity and minimum duration of light on the process of recovery was investigated in the photoinhibited cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Complete and rapid reactivation of photosynthesis took place in diffuse white light of 25 mol m–2 s–1. The recovery was partial (< 10%) in the dark. Far red (725 nm), red (660 nm) and blue light (480 nm) in the range of 10 to 75 mol m–2 s–1 did not enhance the process of reactivation. Photoinhibited cells incubated in dark for 15 min when exposed for 5 min to diffuse light (25 mol m–2 s–1) showed complete reactivation. Even exposure of 15 min dark incubated photoinhibited cells to photoinhibitory light (2500 mol m–2 s–1) for 5 s fully regained the photosynthesis. The study indicated a very precise and triggering effect of light in the process of reactivation. The dark respiratory inhibitor KCN and uncouplers FCCP and CCCP increased the susceptibility of C. reinhardtii to photoinhibition and also prevented photoinhibited cells to reactivate fully even after longer period of incubation under suitable reactivating conditions. Of the various possibilities envisaged to assign the role of dark respiration in recovery process, supply of ATP by mitochondrial respiration appeared sound and pertinent.Abbreviations CCCP- carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - D1- 32 kDa protein of PS II reaction center - FCCP- carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone - KCN- potassium cyanide - PBQ- phenyl-p-benzoquinone - PFD- photon flux density - SHAM- salicylhydroxamic acid NBRI Research Publication No. 431.  相似文献   

The D1-precursor protein of the photosystem II reaction centre contains a carboxy-terminal extension whose proteolytic removal is necessary for oxygen-evolving activity. To address the question of the role of the carboxy-terminal extension in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we truncated D1 by converting codon Ser345 of the psbA gene into a stop codon. Particle gun transformation of an in vitro modified psbA gene fragment also carrying mutations conferring herbicide resistance yielded a homoplasmic transformant containing the stop codon. Since oxygen evolution capacity is not affected in this mutant as compared with herbicide-resistant control cells, the carboxy-terminal extension is dispensable for a functional photosystem II complex under normal growth conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of introduced chloroplast gene mutations affecting D1 synthesis, turnover and function on photosynthesis, growth and competitive ability were examined in autotrophic cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta) adapted to low or high irradiance. Few discernible effects were evident when the mutants were grown in low light (LL, 70 μmol m?2 s?1). The herbicide-resistant psbA mutation Ser264→ Ala (dr) slowed electron transfer and accelerated D1 degradation in cells grown under high light (HL, 600 μmol m?2 s?1). The maximum rate of light-and CO2-saturated photosynthesis, cell growth rate and competitive ability in the dr mutant were reduced compared to wild type under HL. However, the wild-type rate of D1 synthesis in dr was adequate to compensate for accelerated D1 degradation. 16S rRNA mutations conferring resistance to streptomycin and spectinomycin (spr/sr) that altered chloroplast ribosome structure and assembly were used to inhibit chloroplast protein synthesis. In spr/sr cells grown under HL, D1 synthesis was reduced by 40–60% compared to wild type and D1 degradation was accelerated, leading to a 4-fold reduction in D1 pool size. The reduced D1 levels were accompanied by an elevation of Fo and a decline in Fv/Fm, quantum yield and maximum rate of CO2-saturated photosynthesis. Chemostat experiments showed that the growth rate and competitive ability of spr/sr were reduced against both wild type and dr.  相似文献   

Irradiation of Spinach oleracea intact leaf tissue and of mesophyll protoplasts of Valerianella locusta at 20° C with strong light resulted in severe (40–80%) inhibition of photosynthesis, measured as photosystem II electron transport activity in isolated thylakoids or as fluorescence parameter FV/FM on intact leaf disks. No net degradation of the D1 protein of photosystem II was seen under these conditions. However, in the presence of streptomycin, an inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis, net D1 degradation (up to about 80%) did occur with a half-time of 4–6h, and photoinhibition was enhanced. Thylakoid ultrastructure remained stable during photoinhibition, even when substantial degradation of D1 took place in the presence of streptomycin. When leaf disks were irradiated at 2°C, streptomycin did not influence the degree of photoinhibition, and net Dl degradation did not occur. These results suggest that in excess (photoinhibitory) light at 20°C, turnover (coordinated degradation and synthesis) of D1 diminished the degree of photoinhibition. The observed photoinhibition is thought to be due to the accumulation of inactive photosystem II reaction centres still containing D1. In the presence of streptomycin, the Dl protein was degraded (probably in the previously inactivated centres), but restoration of active centres via D1 synthesis was blocked, leading to more severe photoinhibition. Low temperature (2°C), by restricting both degradation and resynthesis of D1, favoured the accumulation of inactive centres. Streptomycin and chloramphenicol (another inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis) were tested for side-effects on photosynthesis. Strong inhibitory effects of chloramphenicol, but much less severe effects of streptomycin were observed.  相似文献   

The effects of low temperature on the synthesis and stability of the 32 kDa D1 protein of photosystem II were investigated in chloroplasts isolated from maize (Zea mays cv. LG11) leaves. The synthesis of D1 by intact chloroplasts in vitro was strongly dependent on temperature; the Q10 for the initial rate of incorporation of [35S]-methionine into D1 was ca. 2.6 over the range 13–25°C. The synthesis of other thylakoid polypeptides exhibited a similar temperature dependence, whilst synthesis of stromal proteins was considerably less temperature-dependent, with the exception of two polypeptides of ca. 56 and 59.5 kDa. The stability of newly-synthesized D1 in the thylakoid membranes was dependent both on the temperature at which the plants were grown and on the temperature during the pulse-labelling period when the protein was synthesized. In chloroplasts isolated from maize leaves grown at 25°C, D1 that was synthesized and assembled at 25 °C in vitro was rapidly degraded during the chase period. At lower chase temperatures the protein was more stable. When chloroplasts from 25°C-grown leaves were pulse-labelled at 13°C, the stability of D1 was markedly enhanced at all temperatures during the chase period. This effect was even more pronounced in chloroplasts isolated from plants grown at 14°C. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to the ability of maize to recover from photoinhibitory damage at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation of the D1 reaction centre protein of photosystem II (PSII) occurs in thylakoid membranes of higher plants. The significance of D1 protein phosphorylation in the function of PSII is not yet clear. This paper summarizes the data implying that phosphorylation of D1 protein in higher plants is involved in the regulation of the repair cycle of photoinhibited PSII centres. Photoinhibition of PSII, D1 protein phosphorylation and degradation have been studied in vivo in higher plant leaves acclimated to different growth irradiances. It is shown that photoinhibitory illumination induces maximal phosphorylation of the D1 protein. Under these conditions D1 turnover is also saturated. We postulate that phosphorylation retards the degradation of damaged D1 protein under conditions where rapid replacement by a new D1 copy is not possible. This would protect PSII from total disassembly and degradation of all PSII subunits. We conclude that the phosphorylation of D1 protein and the regulation of D1 protein degradation may have evolved together. Furthermore, these characteristics seem to be related to the highly organized structure of higher-plant type thylakoid membranes, since the capability to phosphorylate D1 protein is restricted to seed plants.  相似文献   

One of the photosystem II reaction center proteins, D1, is encoded by the psbA gene and is synthesized as a precursor form with a carboxyl-terminal extension that is subsequently cleaved between Ala-344 and Ser-345. We have generated three psbA transformants of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in which Ala-344 or Ser-345 have been substituted with Pro or Glu (A344P, S345E, and S345P) to understand the effects of the amino acid substitutions on the processing of the precursor D1. S345E grew photoautotrophically and showed PSII activity like the wild type. However, A344P and S345P were unable to grow photoautotrophically and were significantly photosensitive. A344P was deficient in the processing of precursor D1 and in oxygen-evolving activity, but assembled photosystem II complex capable of charge separation. In contrast, both precursor and mature forms of D1 accumulated in S345P cells from the logarithmic phase and the cells evolved oxygen at 18% of wild-type level. However, S345P cells from the stationary phase contained mostly the mature D1 and showed a twofold increase in oxygen-evolving activity. The rate of processing of the accumulated pD1 was estimated to be about 100 times slower than in the wild type. It is therefore concluded that the functional oxygen-evolving complex is assembled when the precursor D1 is processed, albeit at a very low rate. These results suggest the functional significance of the amino acid residues at the processing site of the precursor D1.  相似文献   

Degradation of the reaction center-binding protein D1 of Photosystem II (PS II) during photoinhibition is dependent on the action of active oxygen species and/or D1-specific proteases. Protein conformational changes may be involved in the process of D1 degradation. In the present study, we determined the effect of H2O2 on spinach PS II-enriched membranes and core complexes with respect to electron transport, Mn content and protein secondary structural changes as measured by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. H2O2 is effective in removing catalytic Mn in PS II, especially in PS II core complexes depleted of OEC18 and OEC24, impairing the donor-side. By quantitative analysis of the amide I band (1600 – 1700 cm-1) with both aqueous and dehydrated PS II samples, we found that no significant secondary structural changes are associated with H2O2 treatment in the dark, even though there is some cleavage of the D1 protein by H2O2 treatment as determined by Western analysis with specific antibodies. In contrast, a large decrease in the -helices in the PS II core occurs, with or without H2O2 treatment, after 20 min strong illumination and there is more extensive degradation of the D1 protein. Our results suggest that high light enhances the cleavage of the D1 protein which is reflected in the large protein secondary structural changes in PS II detected by FTIR measurements.  相似文献   

In the north of China, wheat plants are often stressed by heat and high light during grain-filling stage, which leads to injury in photosynthetic apparatus and decline in photosynthetic rate. In order to develop a method to protect photosynthetic apparatus in wheat leaves subjected to heat and high light stress, the effects of SA (salicylic acid) and FSBA (5′-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine) on PK (protein kinase) activity, D1 protein degradation and the performance of PSII were investigated in present work. Our results showed that PK activity enhanced under heat and high light stress and declined when stress was removed. FSBA pretreatment resulted in marked decreases in PK activity and D1 protein level, suggesting a correlationship between degradation of D1 protein and phosphorylation. After 2 h of stress, D1 protein level in water-pretreated leaves decreased to 79% of control and then recovered to 81% after 3 h of recovery. This clearly indicated that the damage of D1 protein induced by heat and high light stress was reversible. Compared to the control, SA pretreatment could not only increase PK activity, retard the degradation of D1 protein during heat and high light stress, but also accelerate the recovery of D1 protein level when the stress was removed. Correspondingly, Fv/Fm (maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII), ΦPSII (actual photochemical efficiency of PSII), ETR (electron transfer rate) and Pn (net photosynthetic rate) in SA-treated leaves were higher than that in leaves of control under both stress and non-stress conditions. Taken together, our results revealed that SA pretreatment could significantly alleviate damages of heat and high light stress on D1 protein and PSII of wheat leaves, and accelerate restoration of photosynthetic function.  相似文献   

In the north of China, wheat plants are often stressed by heat and high light during grain-filling stage, which leads to injury in photosynthetic apparatus and decline in photosynthetic rate. In order to develop a method to protect photosynthetic apparatus in wheat leaves subjected to heat and high light stress, the effects of SA (salicylic acid) and FSBA (5′-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine) on PK (protein kinase) activity, D1 protein degradation and the performance of PSII were investigated in present work. Our results showed that PK activity enhanced under heat and high light stress and declined when stress was removed. FSBA pretreatment resulted in marked decreases in PK activity and D1 protein level, suggesting a correlationship between degradation of D1 protein and phosphorylation. After 2 h of stress, D1 protein level in water-pretreated leaves decreased to 79% of control and then recovered to 81% after 3 h of recovery. This clearly indicated that the damage of D1 protein induced by heat and high light stress was reversible. Compared to the control, SA pretreatment could not only increase PK activity, retard the degradation of D1 protein during heat and high light stress, but also accelerate the recovery of D1 protein level when the stress was removed. Correspondingly, Fv/Fm (maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII), ΦPSII (actual photochemical efficiency of PSII), ETR (electron transfer rate) and Pn (net photosynthetic rate) in SA-treated leaves were higher than that in leaves of control under both stress and non-stress conditions. Taken together, our results revealed that SA pretreatment could significantly alleviate damages of heat and high light stress on D1 protein and PSII of wheat leaves, and accelerate restoration of photosynthetic function.  相似文献   

TIA-1 and the related protein TIAR promote DNA fragmentation in digitonin-permeabilized thymocytes. These proteins contain RNA Recognition Motifs (RRMs) and bind uridine-rich sequences. These observations suggested that TIA-1/TIAR are pro-apoptotic factors that influence some aspect of RNA metabolism. Here we review recent data implicating TIA-1 as a regulator of translation of Tumor Necrosis Factor- mRNA and as regulator of alternative splicing of a variety of pre-mRNAs, including those of the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 and the Fas receptor. We also discuss how some of these activities could be integrated in the control of programmed of cell death.  相似文献   

Illumination of intact pumpkin leaves with high light led to severe photoinhibition of photosystem II with no net degradation of the D1 protein. Instead, however, a modified form of D1 protein with slightly slower electrophoretic mobility was induced with corresponding loss in the original form of the D1 protein. When the leaves were illuminated in the presence of chloramphenicol the modified form was degraded, which led to a decrease in the total amount of the D1 protein. Subfractionation of the thylakoid membranes further supported the conclusion that the novel form of the D1 protein was not a precursor but a high-light modified form that was subsequently degraded.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition of PSII and turnover of the D1 reaction-centre protein in vivo were studied in pumpkin leaves (Cucurbita pepo L.) acclimated to different growth irradiances and in low-light-grown moss, (Ceratodon purpureus) (Hedw.) Brid. The low-light-acclimated pumpkins were most susceptible to photoinhibition. The production rate of photoinhibited PSII centres (kPI), determined in the presence of a chloroplast-encoded protein-synthesis inhibitor, showed no marked difference between the high- and low-light-grown pumpkin leaves. On the other hand, the rate constant for the repair cycle (kREC) of PSII was nearly three times higher in the high-light-grown pumpkin when compared to low-light-grown pumpkin. The slower degradation rate of the damaged D1 protein in the low-light-acclimated leaves, determined by pulsechase experiments with [35S]methionine suggested that the degradation of the Dl protein retards the repair cycle of PSII under photoinhibitory light. Slow degradation of the D1 protein in low-light-grown pumpkin was accompanied by accumulation of a phosphorylated form of the D1 protein, which we postulate as being involved in the regulation of D1-protein degradation and therefore the whole PSII repair cycle. In spite of low growth irradiance the repair cycle of PSII in the moss Ceratodon was rapid under high irradiance. When compared to the high- or low-light-acclimated pumpkin leaves, Ceratodon had the highest rate of D1-protein degradation at 1000 mol photons m–2 s–1. In contrast to the higher plants, the D1 protein of Ceratodon was not phosphorylated either under high irradiance in vivo or under in-vitro conditions, which readily phosphorylate the D1 protein of higher plants. This is consistent with the rapid degradation of the D1 protein in Ceratodon. Screening experiments indicated that D1 protein can be phosphorylated in the thylakoid membranes of angiosperms and conifers but not in lower plants. The postulated regulation mechanism of D1-protein degradation involving phosphorylation and the role of thylakoid organization in the function of PSII repair cycle are discussed.Abbreviations Chl Chlorophyll - D1* phosphorylated form of D1 protein - Fmax and Fv maximal and variable fluorescence respectively - kPJ and kREC rate constants of photoinhibition and concurrent recovery respectively - LHCII lightharvesting chlorophyll a/bprotein of PSII - PFD photon flux density Dr. R. Barbato (Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita di Padova, Padova, Italy), Prof. P. Böger (Lehrstuhl fur Physiologie und Biochemie der Pflanzen, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany), Prof. A. Melis (Department of Plant Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA), Prof. I. Ohad (Department of Biological Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel) and Mr. A. Soitamo (Department of Biology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland) are gratefully acknowledged for the D1-protein-specific antibodies. The authors thank Ms. Virpi Paakkarinen for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland and the Foundation of the University of Turku.  相似文献   

The PS II-S protein and the so-called early light-inducible proteins (ELIPs) are homologous to the chlorophyll a/b-binding (Cab) gene products functioning in light-harvesting. The functional significance of these two CAB homologues is not known although they have been considered to bind pigments and in the case of the PS II–S protein this has been experimentally supported. The role of these two proteins does not appear to be light-harvesting but instead they are suggested to play a role as quenchers of free chlorophyll molecules during biogenesis and/or degradation of pigment-binding proteins. Such a role would be essential to eliminate the toxic and damaging effects that can be induced by free chlorophyll in the light. To this end the expression and characteristics of the ELIPs and the PS II–S protein were investigated in spinach leaves acclimating from low to high light intensities. Under these conditions there is a reduction in the antenna size of Photosystem II due to proteolytic digestion of its major chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHC II). During this acclimative proteolysis, up to one third of LHC II can be degraded and consequently substantial amounts of chlorophyll molecules will lose their binding sites. Our results reveal that there is a close correlation between ELIP accumulation and the onset of the LHC II degradation as low light-grown spinach leaves are subjected to increased light intensities. In contrast, there was no change in the relative level of the PS II–S protein during the acclimation process. It is concluded that the role for the ELIPs may be related to binding of liberated chlorophyll molecules and quenching of the toxic effects during LHC II degradation. In addition it was shown that in spinach four different ELIP species can be expressed and that they show different accumulation patterns in response to increased light intensities.  相似文献   

To study the effects of limitations in the Calvin-cycle on Photosystem (PS) II function and on its repair by D1-protein turnover, glycerinaldehyde (DLGA) was applied to 1 h dark-adapted pea leaves via the petiole. The application resulted in a 90% inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution after 90 min illumination at either 120 or 500 µmol m–2 s–1. In the control leaves an increase of light-dependent oxygen production to 147 and 171% was observed after 90 min illumination. According to chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis the inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport by DLGA led to a substantial increase in the reduction state of the primary quinone acceptor of PS II, QA, and to a rise in membrane energetisation. However, PS II functionality was hardly affected by DLGA at the low light intensity as indicated by the constant high yield of variable fluorescence, Fv/Fm. Only at 500 µmol m–2 s–1 a 15% loss of Fv/Fm was observed in the presence of DLGA indicating that inactivated PS II centres had accumulated. The control leaves also showed a slight loss of Fv/Fm which did not affect photosynthetic electron transport due to a faster reoxidation of QA. The relative stability of PS II function in the presence of DLGA could not be ascribed to an increased repair by the rapid turnover of the D1-protein. Radioactive pulse-labelling studies with [14C] leucine in combination with immunological determination of the protein content revealed that both synthesis and degradation of the protein were inhibited in DLGA-treated leaves whereas in the control leaves a stimulation of D1-protein turnover was observed. The changes of D1-protein turnover could be explained by differences in the occupancy state of the QB-binding niche. A relation between the phosphorylation status of the PS II polypeptides and the turnover of the D1-protein could not be established. As shown by radioactive labelling with [32P]i, addition of DLGA led to an increase in the phosphorylation level of the PS II polypeptides D1 and D2 at the low light intensity when compared to the non-treated control. At the higher light intensity the phosphorylation level of the PS II polypeptides in control and DLGA-treated leaves were identical in spite of the substantial differences in D1-protein turnover.  相似文献   

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