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The effects of the pure stereoisomers of the novel dihydropyridine 202-791 on voltage sensitive calcium channels in nerve and cardiac muscle were examined. The (-)-isomer blocked depolarization-induced uptake of 45Ca2+ into NG108-15 neuroblastoma X glioma cells, blocked the depolarization-induced release of [3H]-norepinephrine from PC12 cells and reduced the Vmax of the slow response action potential recorded from guinea pig papillary muscle. In contrast, the (+)-isomer enhanced these same processes. In papillary muscle, greater enhancement of the slow responses was observed at lower stimulation frequencies. Thus, the (-) and (+) stereoisomers of 202-791 can be shown to be calcium channel antagonist and agonist respectively.  相似文献   

J L Anderson 《Life sciences》1983,32(16):1791-1801
Early biochemical research on antidepressant treatments provided evidence that the treatments alter catecholaminergic and serotonergic activity. The mechanisms of action proposed by the resulting biogenic amine hypotheses of affective disorders, however, are not consistent with the delayed onset of therapeutic effects of antidepressant treatments nor with the acute effects of more recently developed antidepressant drugs. Recent investigation of chronic antidepressant treatments using ligand binding, electrophysiological, and behavioral techniques have attempted to identify subgroups of receptors that might be affected uniquely and specifically by chronic antidepressant treatments. Such receptor changes have been suggested to form a basis for the mechanism of action of antidepressants. At the present time, however, the data produced by ligand binding experiments and electrophysiological experiments investigating serotonergic functioning do not fit together. In addition, interpretational problems and internal contradictions exist within each of the three bodies of data when straightforward hypotheses regarding a serotonergic role in antidepressant treatment are formulated. In order to clarify the serotonergic role in antidepressant drug and ECS effects the functional significance of observed changes in putative serotonergic receptors must be discovered. Unfortunately, putative receptors identified by ligand binding cannot be directly compared to those identified by electrophysiological techniques, because these two methods require the disassembly of the organism in mutually incompatible ways. In order to prove that either or both techniques do in fact identify functional serotonin receptors, investigators need to proceed both more microscopically and also more globally. Further anatomical and physiological studies are necessary to locate putative receptors and to demonstrate their place in existing serotonergic networks. Further behavioral studies must be done to relate alterations in receptor characteristics to the functioning of the intact organism.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) mechanism of cardiac excitation-contraction (e-c) coupling is dependent on the close apposition between the sarcolemmal dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR) and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) ryanodine receptors (RyR). In particular, high RyR/DHPR ratio is considered to reflect strong dependence on SR Ca2+ stores for the intracellular Ca2+ transient. To indirectly evaluate the significance of CICR in fish hearts, densities of cardiac DHPRs and RyRs were compared in ventricular homogenates of three fish species (burbot, rainbow trout, and crucian carp) and adult rat by [3H] PN200-110 and [3H] ryanodine binding. The density of RyRs was significantly (P<0.05) higher in the adult rat (124+/-10 channels/microm3 myocyte volume) than in any of the fish species. Among the fish species, cold-acclimated (4 degrees C) trout had more RyRs than burbot, and crucian carp. The density of DHPRs was highest in the trout heart. RyR/DHPR ratio was significantly (P<0.05) higher in rat (4.1+/-0.5) than in the fish hearts (varying from 0.97+/-0.16 to 1.91+/-0.49) suggesting that "mammalian type" CICR is less important during e-c coupling in fish ventricular myocytes. In rainbow trout, acclimation to cold did not affect the RyR/DHPR ratio, while in crucian carp it was depressed in cold-acclimated animals (4 degrees C; 0.97+/-0.16) when compared to warm-acclimated fish (23 degrees C; 1.91+/-0.49). Although RyR/DHPR ratios were relatively low in fish hearts, there was a close correlation (r2=0.78) between the RyR/DHPR ratio and the magnitude of the Ry-sensitive component of contraction in ventricular muscle among the fish species examined in this study.  相似文献   

Bay k 8644 produced a concentration-dependent positive inotropic effect followed by a negative inotropic effect in isolated and intact cardiac preparations. Nimodipine in low concentrations produced slight positive inotropy and in higher concentrations, the usual negative inotropic action. Radioligand binding experiments revealed equilibrium dissociation constants that, taken together with the pharmacological data, suggest that dihydropyridines bind to receptor subtypes and have varying intrinsic activities.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to relate molecular and structural properties of in vitro reconstructed cardiac muscle with its electrophysiological function using an in vitro model system based on neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds, and bioreactors. After 1 wk of cultivation, we found that engineered cardiac muscle contained a 120- to 160-microm-thick peripheral region with cardiac myocytes that were electrically connected through gap junctions and sustained macroscopically continuous impulse propagation over a distance of 5 mm. Molecular, structural, and electrophysiological properties were found to be interrelated and depended on specific model system parameters such as the tissue culture substrate, bioreactor, and culture medium. Native tissue and the best experimental group (engineered cardiac muscle cultivated using laminin-coated scaffolds, rotating bioreactors, and low-serum medium) were comparable with respect to the conduction velocity of propagated electrical impulses and spatial distribution of connexin43. Furthermore, the structural and electrophysiological properties of the engineered cardiac muscle, such as cellularity, conduction velocity, maximum signal amplitude, capture rate, and excitation threshold, were significantly improved compared with our previous studies.  相似文献   

The rat adenine receptor (rAdeR) was the first member of a family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activated by adenine and designated as P0-purine receptors. The present study aimed at gaining insights into structural aspects of ligand binding and function of the rAdeR. We exchanged amino acid residues predicted to be involved in ligand binding (Phe1103.24, Asn1153.29, Asn1734.60, Phe17945.39, Asn1945.40, Phe1955.41, Leu2015.47, His2526.54, and Tyr2687.32) for alanine and expressed them in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells. Membrane preparations subjected to [3H]adenine binding studies revealed only minor effects indicating that none of the exchanged amino acids is part of the ligand binding pocket, at least in the inactive state of the receptor. Furthermore, we coexpressed the rAdeR and its mutants with mammalian Gi proteins in Sf9 insect cells to probe receptor activation. Two amino acid residues, Asn1945.40 and Leu2015.47, were found to be crucial for activation since their alanine mutants did not respond to adenine. Moreover we showed that—in contrast to most other rhodopsin-like GPCRs—the rAdeR does not contain essential disulfide bonds since preincubation with dithiothreitol neither altered adenine binding in Sf9 cell membranes, nor adenine-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells transfected with the rAdeR. To detect rAdeRs by Western blot analysis, we developed a specific antibody. Finally, we were able to show that the extended N-terminal sequence of the rAdeR constitutes a putative signal peptide of unknown function that is cleaved off in the mature receptor. Our results provide important insights into this new, poorly investigated family of purinergic receptors.  相似文献   

In a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study in 12 healthy volunteers, the effects of single oral doses of 100 mg rac-atenolol were compared during exercise to those of equal amounts of the optically pure enantiomers, i.e., 50 mg (R)- and 50 mg (S)-atenolol. The mean rate pressure product decreased with rac-atenolol (?37%; P < 0.01) and half-dosed (S)-atenolol (?35%; P < 0.01) to the same extent, whereas (R)-atenolol caused no effect. Radioligand binding studies in beta-adrenergic receptors of the guinea pig heart yielded a eudismic ratio of 46 for (S)- to (R)-atenolol. The mean AUCs, maximal plasma concentrations, and plasma half-lives of the enantiomers were similar regardless of whether they were administered as optically pure enantiomers or as racemic mixture. On the other hand, the AUC of (R)-atenolol was 1.08-fold greater (P < 0.01) than that of the (S)-enantiomer. The reason for this finding remains unclear. We conclude that only (S)-atenolol, but not (R)-atenolol, contributes to the beta-blocking effect of currently used rac-atenolol since the same effect can be elicited with the (S)-enantiomer alone. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ca2+-entry via L-type Ca2+ channels (DHPR) is known to trigger ryanodine receptor (RyR)-mediated Ca2+-release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The mechanism that terminates SR Ca2+ release is still unknown. Previous reports showed evidence of Ca2+-entry independent inhibition of Ca2+ sparks by DHPR in cardiomyocytes. A peptide from the DHPR loop II-III (PepA) was reported to modulate isolated RyRs. We found that PepA induced voltage-dependent “flicker block” and transition to substates of fully-activated cardiac RyRs in planar bilayers. Substates had less voltage-dependence than block and did not represent occupancy of a ryanoid site. However, ryanoids stabilized PepA-induced events while PepA increased RyR2 affinity for ryanodol, which suggests cooperative interactions. Ryanodol stabilized Imperatoxin A (IpTxA) binding but when IpTxA bound first, it prevented ryanodol binding. Moreover, IpTxA and PepA excluded each other from their sites. This suggests that IpTxA generates a vestibular gate (either sterically or allosterically) that prevents access to the peptides and ryanodol binding sites. Inactivating gate moieties (“ball peptides”) from K+ and Na+ channels (ShakerB and KIFMK, respectively) induced well resolved slow block and substates, which were sensitive to ryanoids and IpTxA and allowed, by comparison, better understanding of PepA action. The RyR2 appears to interact with PepA or ball peptides through a two-step mechanism, reminiscent of the inactivation of voltage-gated channels, which includes binding to outer (substates) and inner (block) vestibular regions in the channel conduction pathway. Our results open the possibility that “ball peptide-like” moieties in RyR2-interacting proteins could modulate SR Ca2+ release in cells.  相似文献   

Several minutes after the injection of small quantities of 3H-spiroperidol into the tail vein of the rat, radioactivity in the brain exhibited the characteristics of a major association with dopamine receptors. These characteristics included: a regional distribution paralleling that of dopamine receptors; saturability; an appropriate pharmacology in that only dopaminergic drugs blocked the accumulation; lack of metabolism of 3H-spiroperidol. Autoradiographs revealed a great density of 3H-spiroperidol binding sites in the neuropil of the striatum, nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle, all areas receiving a dopaminergic input. Other areas without such an input exhibited background levels of autoradiographic grains.  相似文献   

To investigate the ontogenesis of potential cholinergic influences on growth hormone secretion we administered the cholinesterase inhibitor neostigimine, (120 micrograms/kg) to fetal sheep (n = 16) between 77 and 143 days of gestation and to infant lambs (n = 5). Neostigmine administration was associated with a marked rise in fetal growth hormone concentrations. The integrated release of growth hormone in the hour following fetal neostigmine administration was 2880 +/- 425 ng.min/ml compared to -618 +/- 206 ng . min/ml (P less than 0.001) following saline administration (n = 19). There was no relationship between gestational age and the response to neostigmine. In the infant lamb, neostigmine was associated with a lesser (P less than 0.001) but significant (P less than 0.02) growth hormone response. The integrated release was 704 +/- 410 ng . min/ml (n = 5) compared to -44 +/- 40 ng . min/ml following saline (n = 11). The fetal response to neostigmine was abolished by the administration of atropine (200 micrograms/kg bolus followed by 400 micrograms/kg per h infusion) 5 min prior to neostigmine (n = 4). This demonstrates that the effect of neostigmine was mediated by muscarinic receptors. Atropine itself had no effect on fetal growth hormone release (n = 6). In vitro binding studies with the muscarinic ligand, 1-quinuclidinyl [phenyl-4 (n) -3H] benzilate) were performed on homogenates of fetal (n = 3) and adult (n = 3) pituitaries. Scatchard analysis demonstrated both a high affinity and low affinity binding site. The concentration per mg. of original tissue of each of these binding sites was higher (P less than 0.05) in fetal than adult homogenates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The four stereoisomers of mesoridazine were synthesized and evaluated in D2, 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, D1, and D3 receptor binding and functional assays. Two isomers demonstrated potent D2 receptor binding (Ki < 3 nM) and functional antagonism (IC50 < or = 10 nM) activities. These two isomers also showed moderate affinity for the 5-HT2A and D3 receptors. A third isomer was devoid of significant D2 receptor binding, but did have moderate affinity for the 5-HT2A and D3 receptors. The fourth isomer demonstrated poor affinity for all the receptors tested. Most significantly, the stereochemistry of the sulfoxide moiety played a dominant role in the observed structure-activity relationship (SAR).  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors encoded by viruses represent an unexplored class of potential drug targets. In this study, we describe the synthesis and pharmacological characterization of the first class of inverse agonists acting on the HCMV-encoded receptor US28. It is shown that replacement of the 4-hydroxy group of lead compound 1 with a methylamine group results in a significant 6-fold increase in affinity. Interestingly, increasing the rigidity of the spacer by the introduction of a double bond also leads to a significant increase in binding affinity compared to 1. These novel inverse agonists serve as valuable tools to elucidate the role of constitutive signaling in the pathogenesis of viral infection and may have therapeutic potential as leads for new antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

The calcitonin-like receptor (CLR) and the calcitonin receptor (CTR) interact with receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) at the cell surface to form heterodimeric receptor complexes. CLR and CTR are members of the class II (family B) G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) and bind calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) with similar affinities when coexpressed with RAMP1. The observation that various nonpeptide CGRP receptor antagonists display a higher affinity for the CLR/RAMP1 complex than for CTR/RAMP1 provided an opportunity to investigate the molecular determinants of the differential receptor affinities of these antagonists. A chimeric receptor approach was utilized to identify key domains within CLR responsible for conferring high-affinity antagonist binding. Initial chimera experiments implicated distinct regions within CLR as responsible for the affinities of structurally diverse CGRP receptor antagonists. Dissection of these key regions implicated amino acids 37-63 located in the amino terminus of CLR as responsible for the high-affinity interaction of one structural class, while transmembrane domain (TM) 7 was responsible for the interaction of a second class of antagonist. A unique binding interaction in the amino terminus of CLR is consistent with the observation that these compounds also interact with the extracellular region of RAMP1 and could suggest the formation of a binding pocket between the two proteins. Conversely, a compound which interacted with TM7 did not display a similar RAMP1 dependence, suggesting an allosteric mechanism of antagonism. Collectively, these data provide insight into two alternative mechanisms of antagonism for this unique heterodimeric receptor complex.  相似文献   

Prolonged anoxia tolerance of facultative anaerobes is based on metabolic depression and thus on controlled reduction of energy-utilizing processes. One proposed survival mechanism is the closing of ion channels to decrease energetic cost of ion pumping (Hochachka PW. Science 231: 234-241, 1986). To test this hypothesis, the involvement of L-type Ca2+ channels in seasonal anoxia tolerance of the vertebrate heart was examined by determining the number of [methyl-3H]PN200-110 (a ligand of L-type Ca2+ channel alpha-subunit) binding sites of the cardiac tissue and the density of Ca2+ current in ventricular myocytes of an anoxia-resistant fish species, the crucian carp. In their natural environment, the fish were exposed for > 3 mo of hypoxia (O2 < 2.5 mg/l) followed by almost 8 wk of anoxia that resulted in abrupt depletion of cardiac glycogen stores in late spring. Unexpectedly, however, the number of [methyl-3H]PN200-110 binding sites did not decline in hypoxia/anoxia as predicted by the channel arrest hypothesis but remained constant for most of the year. However, in early summer, the number of [methyl-3H]PN200-110 binding sites doubled for a period of approximately 2 mo, which functionally appeared as a 74% larger Ca2+ current density. Thus the anoxia tolerance of the carp heart cannot be based on downregulation of Ca2+ channel units in myocytes but is likely to depend on suppressed heart rate, i.e., regulation of the heart at the systemic level, and direct depressive effects of low temperature on Ca2+ current to achieve savings in cardiac work load and ion pumping. The summer peak in the number of functional Ca2+ channels indicates a short period of high cardiac activity possibly associated with reproduction and active perfusion of tissues after the winter stresses.  相似文献   

Two series of fentanyl-derived hybrid molecules bearing potent I2-imidazoline binding site (IBS) ligands (i.e., guanidine and BU224 moieties) linked with an aliphatic (m=2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 methylene units) or aromatic spacer were prepared. Their affinities for the mu-opioid receptors and for the I2-IBS were determined through competition binding studies on human postmortem brain membranes. Whereas the BU224 hybrid molecules bound to the mu-opioid receptor and the I2-IBS in the micromolar to low micromolar range, the alkaneguanidine series exhibited remarkable affinities in the nanomolar range for both receptors. [35S]GTPgammaS functional assays were performed on human postmortem brain membranes with selected ligands from each series (4f and 8g) showing the highest dual affinity for the mu-opioid receptor and I2-IBS affinities. Both compounds displayed agonist properties: at the mu-opioid receptor for the alkaneguanidine derivative 4f (spacer: six methylene units) and at a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) which remains to be determined for 8g. The lack of analgesic properties of 4f in vivo (i.e., hot plate and writhing tests in mice), discordant with the good in vitro binding data (Ki mu=1.04+/-0.28 nM, Ki I2=409+/-238 nM), may possibly be due to the low intrinsic efficacy of the compound. Alternatively, a low access to the central nervous system for this kind of hybrid molecules cannot be ruled out. Two new compounds reported here (9f and 13), which were not dual acting, are worth mentioning for their outstanding binding affinities; 9f bound to the mu-opioid receptor with a picomolar affinity (Ki=0.0098+/-0.0033 nM), whereas 13 presented an I2-IBS affinity (Ki=18+/-11 nM) similar to the reference compound BU224.  相似文献   

The effects of cationic polyamino acids on insulin binding to soluble insulin receptor preparations were studied. Incubation of partially or fully purified receptor preparations with polylysine (pLys) increased by several-fold the amount of [125I]insulin that remained associated with the receptor, as determined both by precipitation of receptor-insulin complexes by polyethylene glycol or by separation of the complexes from the free hormone by gel filtration. This elevation in the amount of bound insulin resulted from increased number of insulin binding sites, and could not be attributed to an increased affinity of the receptors to insulin. In fact, pLys reduced 2-3-fold the affinity of insulin binding to its receptor as determined by equilibrium binding studies, and by monitoring the rate of exchange of bound [125I]insulin with unlabeled hormone. pLys induced specific interactions between insulin and its native receptor since other basic compounds such as histone, spermidine, polymixin B, compound 48/80, lysine, and arginine failed to reproduce its effects. pLys did not interact with the free ligand, nor did it promote interactions between insulin and denatured receptor forms. Furthermore, pLys did not induce binding of insulin to other proteins present in the partially purified receptor preparations. The effects of pLys were time and dose-dependent and were proportional to the pLys chain length. The longer the chain, the greater was the effect. Enhanced insulin binding and receptor beta-subunit autophosphorylation (in the presence of insulin) exhibited a similar dependency on the chain length of pLys. pLys effects on insulin binding were associated with formation of large protein aggregates that remained trapped at the top of Sephacryl S-300 columns. These aggregates contained substantial amounts of receptor-insulin complexes. Our results suggest that pLys induces formation of receptor clusters that create de novo insulin binding sites among adjacent receptor tetramers. Alternatively, formation of receptor aggregates might facilitate insulin binding to a soluble receptor subfraction that otherwise fails to bind the hormone.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate binding specificities of the galectin family of animal lectins has been the source of intense recent investigations. Isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) provides direct determination of the thermodynamics of binding of carbohydrates to lectins, and has provided important insights into the fine carbohydrate binding specificities of a wide number of plant and animal lectins. Recent ITC studies have been performed with galectin-1, galectin-3 and galectin-7 and their interactions with sialylated and non-sialylated carbohydrates. The results show important differences in the specificities of these three galectins toward poly-N-acetyllactosamine epitopes found on the surface of cells.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate binding specificities of the galectin family of animal lectins has been the source of intense recent investigations. Isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) provides direct determination of the thermodynamics of binding of carbohydrates to lectins, and has provided important insights into the fine carbohydrate binding specificities of a wide number of plant and animal lectins. Recent ITC studies have been performed with galectin-1, galectin-3 and galectin-7 and their interactions with sialylated and non-sialylated carbohydrates. The results show important differences in the specificities of these three galectins toward poly-N-acetyllactosamine epitopes found on the surface of cells. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to study the relationship between binding affinity to the benzodiazepine receptor and pharmacological activity, especially anti-anxiety activity, of clinically useful benzodiazepines. In the in vitro experiments, fludiazepam showed the highest affinity to the benzodiazepine receptor with 4 times more potency than that of diazepam, which paralleled the in vivo activity. Diazepam and nimetazepam also bound with high affinities as expected from their in vivo activities. On the contrary, medazepam and cloxazolam showed extremely low affinities and oxazolam showed no affinity, although they showed moderate in vivo activity. However, their metabolites were found to have both high affinity and in vivo activities. These results strongly suggest that in the case of medazepam, cloxazolam and oxazolam, their metabolites may bind to receptor sites in the brain and then elicit pharmacological action. This conclusion was supported by the fact that a good correlation between the binding affinity and the anti-anxiety activity of the tested compounds was observed.  相似文献   

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