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Neuronal cell fates are specified by a hierarchy of events mediated by cell-intrinsic determinants and cell-cell interactions. The determination of cell fate can be subdivided into three general steps. First, cell fate is restricted by the cell's position in the animal. For example, neurons are specified along the anterior-posterior body axis through the action of the Hox genes lin-39, mab-5, and egl-5. Second, a decision is made to generate a particular cell type, such as the progenitor of a neurogenic lineage as opposed to that of an epidermal lineage. Among the genes that influence this decision is the proneural gene lin-32. Third, characteristics of a particular cell type are specified. For example, in a neurogenic lineage, a decision may be made to generate a specific neuron type such as a sensory or motor neuron. Genes that affect neuronal fate can act in different ways to influence the development of different types of neurons. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell autonomy of lin-12 function in a cell fate decision in C. elegans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
G Seydoux  I Greenwald 《Cell》1989,57(7):1237-1245
The lin-12 gene of C. elegans encodes a predicted transmembrane protein that controls a decision by two cells, Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa, between the anchor cell (AC) and ventral uterine precursor cell (VU) fates. We performed laser ablation experiments to demonstrate that specification of the VU fate of Z1.ppp or Z4.aaa depends on an "AC-to-VU" signal from the presumptive AC. We generated genetic mosaics in which defined cells lacked lin-12 activity. By correlating the fates of Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa with the lin-12 genotype of nearly every cell in these mosaics, we conclude that lin-12 function is VU cell autonomous. We present a model in which lin-12 functions in the receiving mechanism for the "AC-to-VU" signal leading to the specification of the AC and VU fates of Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction (DR) increases life span, health span and resistance to stress in a wide range of organisms. Work from a large number of laboratories has revealed evolutionarily conserved mechanisms that mediate the DR response. Here, we analyzed the genome-wide gene expression profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans under DR versus ad libitum conditions. Using the Ortho2ExpressMatrix tool, we searched for C. elegans orthologs of mouse genes that have been shown to be differentially expressed under DR conditions in nearly 600 experiments. Based on our bioinformatic approaches, we obtained 189 DR-responsive genes, and 45 of these are highly conserved from worm to man. Subsequent testing of sixteen genes that are up-regulated under DR identified eight genes that abolish the DR-induced resistance to heat stress in C. elegans. Further analyses revealed that fkb-4, dod-22 and ikb-1 genes also abolish increased life span in response to DR. The identified genes that are necessary for the DR response are sensitive to certain stress signals such as metabolic perturbances (dod-22, fkb-4 and nhr-85), DNA damage (ikb-1), heat shock (hsp-12.6) and cancer-like overgrowth (prk-2 and tsp-15). We propose that most of the DR-responsive genes identified are components of the recently discovered cellular surveillance-activated detoxification and defenses pathway, which is, among others, important for the survival of organisms in times of food deprivation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12263-013-0363-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The lin-4 gene encodes a small RNA that is required to translationally repress lin-14 toward the end of the first larval stage of Caenorhabditis elegans development. To determine if the timing of LIN-14 protein down-regulation depends on the temporal profile of lin-4 RNA level, we analyzed the stage-specificity of lin-4 RNA expression during wild-type development and examined the phenotypes of transgenic worms that overexpress lin-4 RNA during the first larval stage. We found that lin-4 RNA first becomes detectable at approximately 12 h of wild-type larval development and rapidly accumulates to nearly maximum levels by 16 h. This profile of lin-4 RNA accumulation corresponded to the timing of LIN-14 protein down-regulation. Transgenic strains that express elevated levels of lin-4 RNA prior to 12 h of development display reduced levels of LIN-14 protein and precocious phenotypes consistent with abnormally early loss of lin-14 activity. These results indicate that the temporal profile of lin-4 RNA accumulation specifies the timing of LIN-14 down-regulation and thereby controls the timing of postembryonic developmental events.  相似文献   

The adult cuticle of the soil nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is a proteinaceous extracellular structure elaborated by the underlying layer of hypodermal cells during the final molt in the animal's life cycle. The cuticle is composed of an outer cortical layer connected by regularly arranged struts to an inner basal layer. The cuticle can be isolated largely intact and free of all cellular material by sonication and treatment with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Purified cuticles exhibit a negative material in the basal cuticle layer. The cuticle layers differ in their solubility in sulfhydryl reducing agents, susceptibility to various proteolytic enzymes and amino acid composition. The struts, basal layer, and internal cortical layer are composed of collagen proteins that are extensively cross-linked by disulfide bonds. The external cortical layer appears to contain primarily noncollagen proteins that are extensively cross-linked by nonreducible covalent bonds. The collagen proteins extracted from the cuticle with a reducing agent can be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into eight major species differing in apparent molecular weight.  相似文献   

Galvin BD  Kim S  Horvitz HR 《Genetics》2008,179(1):403-417
Two types of cell death have been studied extensively in Caenorhabditis elegans, programmed cell death and necrosis. We describe a novel type of cell death that occurs in animals containing mutations in either of two genes, lin-24 and lin-33. Gain-of-function mutations in lin-24 and lin-33 cause the inappropriate deaths of many of the Pn.p hypodermal blast cells and prevent the surviving Pn.p cells from expressing their normal developmental fates. The abnormal Pn.p cells in lin-24 and lin-33 mutant animals are morphologically distinct from the dying cells characteristic of C. elegans programmed cell deaths and necrotic cell deaths. lin-24 encodes a protein with homology to bacterial toxins. lin-33 encodes a novel protein. The cytotoxicity caused by mutation of either gene requires the function of the other. An evolutionarily conserved set of genes required for the efficient engulfment and removal of both apoptotic and necrotic cell corpses is required for the full cell-killing effect of mutant lin-24 and lin-33 genes, suggesting that engulfment promotes these cytotoxic cell deaths.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans represents an excellent model in which to dissect the biosynthesis and assembly of the nematode cuticle. A sequenced genome, straightforward transgenesis, available mutants and practical genome-wide RNAi approaches provide an invaluable toolkit in the characterization of cuticle components. We have performed a targeted RNAi screen in an attempt to identify components of the cuticle collagen biosynthetic pathway. Collagen biosynthesis and cuticle assembly are multi-step processes that involve numerous key enzymes involved in post-translational modification, trimer folding, procollagen processing and subsequent cross-linking stages. For many of these steps, the modifications and the enzymes are unique to nematodes and may represent attractive targets for the control of parasitic nematodes. A novel serine protease inhibitor was uncovered during our targeted screen, which is involved in collagen maturation, proper cuticle assembly and the moulting process. We have confirmed a link between this inhibitor and the previously uncharacterised bli-5 locus in C. elegans. The mutant phenotype, spatial expression pattern and the over-expression phenotype of the BLI-5 protease inhibitor and their relevance to collagen biosynthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

In C. elegans, steroid hormones function in conjunction with insulin/IGF-1-like signaling in promoting reproductive development over entry into the diapausal dauer stage. The NCR-1 and -2 (NPC1-related) intracellular cholesterol transporters function redundantly in preventing dauer arrest, presumably by regulating the availability of substrates for steroid hormone synthesis. We have identified hsd-1 as a new component of this cholesterol trafficking/processing pathway, using an ncr-1 enhancer screen. HSD-1 is orthologous to 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta(5)-Delta(4) isomerases (3beta-HSDs), which are key steroidogenic enzymes in vertebrates, and is exclusively expressed in two neuron-like XXX cells that are crucial in preventing dauer arrest, suggesting that it is involved in biosynthesis of dauer-preventing steroid hormones. The hsd-1 null mutant displays defects in inhibiting dauer arrest: it forms dauers in the deletion mutant backgrounds of ncr-1 or daf-28/insulin; as a single mutant, it is hypersensitive to dauer pheromone. We found that hsd-1 defects can be rescued by feeding mutant animals with several steroid intermediates that are either downstream of or in parallel to the 3beta-HSD function in the dafachronic acid biosynthetic pathway, suggesting that HSD-1 functions as a 3beta-HSD. Interestingly, sterols that rescued hsd-1 defects also bypassed the need for the NCR-1 and/or -2 functions, suggesting that HSD-1-mediated steroid hormone production is an important functional output of the NCR transporters. Finally, we found that the HSD-1-mediated signal activates insulin/IGF-I signaling in a cell non-autonomous fashion, suggesting a novel mechanism for how these two endocrine pathways intersect in directing development.  相似文献   

We describe the assembly of a set of overlapping clones from the lin-12 III chromosomal region that spans approximately 600 kb, and the identification of two restriction fragment length polymorphisms, eP6 and eP7, that flank the lin-12 locus. A comparison of the physical map and the genetic map yields approximate measurements of 930 kb/map unit for the eP6--lin-12 interval and 830 kb/map unit for the lin-12--eP7 interval. We interpret these values as supporting the proposal that the apparent clustering of genes observed for C. elegans autosomes results from decreased recombination frequency in clusters and not from nonrandom distribution of genes on the physical map.  相似文献   

Hsu V  Zobel CL  Lambie EJ  Schedl T  Kornfeld K 《Genetics》2002,160(2):481-492
The protein kinase Raf is an important signaling protein. Raf activation is initiated by an interaction with GTP-bound Ras, and Raf functions in signal transmission by phosphorylating and activating a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase named MEK. We identified 13 mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans lin-45 raf gene by screening for hermaphrodites with abnormal vulval formation or germline function. Weak, intermediate, and strong loss-of-function or null mutations were isolated. The phenotype caused by the most severe mutations demonstrates that lin-45 is essential for larval viability, fertility, and the induction of vulval cell fates. The lin-45(null) phenotype is similar to the mek-2(null) and mpk-1(null) phenotypes, indicating that LIN-45, MEK-2, and MPK-1 ERK MAP kinase function in a predominantly linear signaling pathway. The lin-45 alleles include three missense mutations that affect the Ras-binding domain, three missense mutations that affect the protein kinase domain, two missense mutations that affect the C-terminal 14-3-3 binding domain, three nonsense mutations, and one small deletion. The analysis of the missense mutations indicates that Ras binding, 14-3-3-binding, and protein kinase activity are necessary for full Raf function and suggests that a 14-3-3 protein positively regulates Raf-mediated signaling during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

Directed cell rearrangements occur during gastrulation, neurulation, and organ formation. Despite the identification of developmental processes in which invagination is a critical component of pattern formation, little is known regarding the underlying cellular and molecular details. Caenorhabditis elegans vulval epithelial cells undergo morphological changes that generate an invagination through the formation of seven stacked rings. Here, we study the dynamics of ring formation during multivulva morphogenesis of a let-60/ras gain-of-function mutant as a model system to explore the cellular mechanisms that drive invagination. The behavior of individual cells was analyzed in a let-60/ras mutant by three-dimensional confocal microscopy. We showed that stereotyped cell fusion events occur within the rings that form functional and nonfunctional vulvae in a let-60/ras mutant. Expression of let-60/ras gain-of-function results in abnormal cell migration, ectopic cell fusion, and structural fate transformation. Within each developing vulva the anterior and posterior halves develop autonomously. Contrary to prevailing hypotheses which proposed three cell fates (1 degrees, 2 degrees, and 3 degrees), we found that each of the seven rings is a product of a discrete structural pathway that is derived from arrays of seven distinct cell fates (A, B, C, D, E, F, and H). We have also shown how autonomous ring formation is the morphogenetic force that drives invagination of the vulva.  相似文献   

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