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The construction of a microsensor which can be used to measure O2 and N2O simultaneously is described. The microsensor exhibited a linear response to both O2 and N2O, and the response to N2O was independent of the O2 concentration and vice versa. The N2O detection limit of a microsensor with a tip diameter of 20 μm was around 1 μmol liter−1. The signals for O2 and N2O were affected by hydrogen sulfide, but other interfering agents were not observed in the biofilms and sediments analyzed. Microprofiles of O2 and N2O were measured in a biofilm which was exposed to acetylene to block the N2O reductase activity of denitrifying bacteria. O2 penetrated about 0.5 mm into the biofilm and was not affected by acetylene, but the N2O concentration at 1.4 mm depth increased from 32 to 411 μmol liter−1 after the addition of the inhibitor. The shape of the N2O profile after the addition of acetylene showed that denitrification (denitrifying activity) was detectable in all anoxic layers of the biofilm.  相似文献   

Denitrification in aquatic sediments was measured by an N2O reductase assay. Sediments consumed small added quantities of N2O over short periods (a few hours). In experiments with sediment slurries, N2O reductase activity was inhibited by O2, C2H2, heat treatment, and by high levels of nitrate (1 mM) or sulfide (10 mM). However, ambient levels of nitrate (<100 μM) did not influence activity, and moderate levels (about 150 μM) induced only a short lag before reductase activity began. Moderate levels of sulfide (<1 mM) had no effect on N2O reductase activity. Nitrous oxide reductase displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics in sediments from freshwater (Km = 2.17 μM), estuarine (Km = 14.5 μM), and alkaline-saline (Km = 501 μM) environments. An in situ assay was devised in which a solution of N2O was injected into sealed glass cores containing intact sediment. Two estimates of net rates of denitrification in San Francisco Bay under approximated in situ conditions were 0.009 and 0.041 mmol of N2O per m2 per h. Addition of chlorate to inhibit denitrification in these intact-core experiments (to estimate gross rates of N2O consumption) resulted in approximately a 14% upward revision of estimates of net rates. These results were comparable to an in situ estimate of 0.022 mmol of N2O per m2 per h made with the acetylene block assay.  相似文献   

Resting cells of Corynebacterium nephridii reduce nitrate, nitrite, and nitric oxide to nitrous oxide under anaerobic conditions. Nitrous oxide production from nitrite was optimal from pH 7.0 to 7.4. The stoichiometry of nitrous oxide production from nitrite was 99% of the theoretical-two moles of nitrite was used for each mole of nitrous oxide detected. Hydroxylamine increases gas evolution from nitrite but inhibits the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide. Hydroxylamine is converted to nitrogenous gas(es) by resting cells only in the presence of nitrite. Under certain conditions nitric oxide, as well as nitrous oxide, was detected.  相似文献   

We used a combination of 15N tracer methods and a C2H2 blockage technique to determine the role of sediment nitrification and denitrification in a deep oligotrophic arctic lake. Inorganic nitrogen concentrations ranged between 40 and 600 nmol · cm−3, increasing with depth below the sediment-water interface. Nitrate concentrations were at least 10 times lower, and nitrate was only detectable within the top 0 to 6 cm of sediment. Eh and pH profiles showed an oxidized surface zone underlain by more reduced conditions. The lake water never became anoxic. Sediment Eh values ranged from −7 to 484 mV, decreasing with depth, whereas pH ranged from 6.0 to 7.3, usually increasing with depth. The average nitrification rate (49 ng of N · cm−3 · day−1) was similar to the average denitrification rate (44 ng of N · cm−3 · day−1). In situ N2O production from nitrification and denitrification ranged from 0 to 25 ng of N · cm−3 · day−1. Denitrification appears to depend on the supply of nitrate by nitrification, such that the two processes are coupled functionally in this sediment system. However, the low rates result in only a small nitrogen loss.  相似文献   

Similar temporal patterns were found in three mineral soils for the composition of the gaseous products of denitrification following the onset of anaerobic conditions. During the early period of anaerobiosis (0 up to 1 to 3 h), N2 was the dominant product of denitrification. The NO3 → N2O activity then increased, but was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in N2O-reducing activity. This resulted in a relatively extended period of time (1 to 3 up to 16 to 33 h) during which N2O was a major product. Eventually (after 16 to 33 h), an increase in N2O-reducing activity occurred without a comparable increase in the N2O-producing activity. The increase in the rate of N2O reduction did not occur in the presence of chloramphenicol and required the presence of N2O or NO3 during the preceding anaerobic incubation. During the final period (16 to 33, up to 48 h), N2 was generally the sole product of denitrification, since the rate of N2O reduction exceeded the rate of N2O production. A similar sequential pattern was also found for a culture of a denitrifying Flavobacterium sp. shifted to anaerobic growth. A staggered synthesis of the enzymes in the denitrification sequence apparently occurred in response to anoxia, which caused first a net production of N2O followed by consumption of N2O.  相似文献   

Temporary accumulation of nitrite and nitrous oxide was observed in soil incubated under anaerobic conditions when derivatives of the insecticide chlordimeform [(N-4-chloro-o-tolyl)-N′,N′ -dimethylformamidine] were added. Chlordimeform did not affect the denitrification process, but N-formyl-4-chloro-o-toluidine and 4-chloro-o-toluidine caused an inhibition as determined by the accumulation of nitrite and nitrous oxide. A simultaneous application of the insecticide and its derivatives resulted in a stronger inhibitory effect than the application of each compound separately. Aniline intermediates of other pesticides also inhibited denitrification in soil, and they proved to be more effective than their parent compound.  相似文献   

The kinetics of denitrification and the causes of nitrite and nitrous oxide accumulation were examined in resting cell suspensions of three denitrifiers. An Alcaligenes species and a Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate characteristically accumulated nitrite when reducing nitrate; a Flavobacterium isolate did not. Nitrate did not inhibit nitrite reduction in cultures grown with tungstate to prevent formation of an active nitrate reductase; rather, accumulation of nitrite seemed to depend on the relative rates of nitrate and nitrite reduction. Each isolate rapidly reduced nitrous oxide even when nitrate or nitrite had been included in the incubation mixture. Nitrate also did not inhibit nitrous oxide reduction in Alcaligenes odorans, an organism incapable of nitrate reduction. Thus, added nitrate or nitrite does not always cause nitrous oxide accumulation, as has often been reported for denitrifying soils. All strains produced small amounts of nitric oxide during denitrification in a pattern suggesting that nitric oxide was also under kinetic control similar to that of nitrite and nitrous oxide. Apparent Km values for nitrate and nitrite reduction were 15 μM or less for each isolate. The Km value for nitrous oxide reduction by Flavobacterium sp. was 0.5 μM. Numerical solutions to a mathematical model of denitrification based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics showed that differences in reduction rates of the nitrogenous compounds were sufficient to account for the observed patterns of nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide accumulation. Addition of oxygen inhibited gas production from 13NO3 by Alcaligenes sp. and P. fluorescens, but it did not reduce gas production by Flavobacterium sp. However, all three isolates produced higher ratios of nitrous oxide to dinitrogen as the oxygen tension increased. Inclusion of oxygen in the model as a nonspecific inhibitor of each step in denitrification resulted in decreased gas production but increased ratios of nitrous oxide to dinitrogen, as observed experimentally. The simplicity of this kinetic model of denitrification and its ability to unify disparate observations should make the model a useful guide in research on the physiology of denitrifier response to environmental effectors.  相似文献   

Denitrification and consumption of oxygen and nitrate in sediments from Tama Estuary, Odawa Bay, and Tokyo Bay were measured in an experimental sediment-water system. Filtered seawater containing [15N]nitrate flowed continuously over undisturbed sediments, and the concentrations of O2, nitrate, and nitrite in the influent and effluent and of 15N2 in the effluent were monitored. Under steady-state conditions, the rate of nitrate consumption was the same order of magnitude as the rate of oxygen consumption in Tama Estuary sediments, whereas the former rate was one order of magnitude lower than the latter rate in Odawa Bay and Tokyo Bay sediments. Denitrification accounted for 27 to 57% of the nitrate consumption.  相似文献   

Diversity of the nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) gene was examined in sediments obtained from the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean continental shelves. Approximately 1,100 bp of the nosZ gene were amplified via PCR, using nosZ gene-specific primers. Thirty-seven unique copies of the nosZ gene from these marine environments were characterized, increasing the nosZ sequence database fourfold. The average DNA similarity for comparisons between all 49 variants of the nosZ gene was 64% ± 10%. Alignment of the derived amino acid sequences confirmed the conservation of important structural motifs. A highly conserved region is proposed as the copper binding, catalytic site (CuZ) of the mature protein. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated three major clusters of nosZ genes, with little overlap between environmental and culture-based groups. Finally, the two non-culture-based gene clusters generally corresponded to sampling location, implying that denitrifier communities may be restricted geographically.  相似文献   

The intramolecular distribution of nitrogen isotopes in N2O is an emerging tool for defining the relative importance of microbial sources of this greenhouse gas. The application of intramolecular isotopic distributions to evaluate the origins of N2O, however, requires a foundation in laboratory experiments in which individual production pathways can be isolated. Here we evaluate the site preferences of N2O produced during hydroxylamine oxidation by ammonia oxidizers and by a methanotroph, ammonia oxidation by a nitrifier, nitrite reduction during nitrifier denitrification, and nitrate and nitrite reduction by denitrifiers. The site preferences produced during hydroxylamine oxidation were 33.5 ± 1.2‰, 32.5 ± 0.6‰, and 35.6 ± 1.4‰ for Nitrosomonas europaea, Nitrosospira multiformis, and Methylosinus trichosporium, respectively, indicating similar site preferences for methane and ammonia oxidizers. The site preference of N2O from ammonia oxidation by N. europaea (31.4 ± 4.2‰) was similar to that produced during hydroxylamine oxidation (33.5 ± 1.2‰) and distinct from that produced during nitrifier denitrification by N. multiformis (0.1 ± 1.7‰), indicating that isotopomers differentiate between nitrification and nitrifier denitrification. The site preferences of N2O produced during nitrite reduction by the denitrifiers Pseudomonas chlororaphis and Pseudomonas aureofaciens (−0.6 ± 1.9‰ and −0.5 ± 1.9‰, respectively) were similar to those during nitrate reduction (−0.5 ± 1.9‰ and −0.5 ± 0.6‰, respectively), indicating no influence of either substrate on site preference. Site preferences of ~33‰ and ~0‰ are characteristic of nitrification and denitrification, respectively, and provide a basis to quantitatively apportion N2O.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1970,1(5698):709-713
Trials have been organized by a Medical Research Council committee to assess the effectiveness and safety for analgesia in labour of oxygen and nitrous oxide mixtures in different proportions. In a preliminary trial concentrations of 50% and 60% v/v nitrous oxide were compared, but, as the replies of 409 mothers revealed little difference between the two, the results of administering either 50% or 70% nitrous oxide to 778 mothers were then compared. The data relating to normal labour, obtained on 501 of the mothers in this main trial, showed that the relief of pain given was much the same. There was a suggestion, however, that the higher concentration of nitrous oxide might be useful in abnormal labour. The proportion of mothers with normal deliveries who lost consciousness, though very small, was significantly higher with 70% nitrous oxide than with the lower concentration. Ninety-two per cent. of mothers found the gas and oxygen machine helpful, and midwives reported complete or good co-operation by 77% of those using it. It is concluded that the 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide mixture can safely be used by unsupervised midwives.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and oxygen transformations were studied in a bioturbated (reworked by animals) estuarine sediment (Norsminde Fjord, Denmark) by using a combination of 15N isotope (NO3-), specific inhibitor (C2H2), and microsensor (N2O and O2) techniques in a continuous-flow core system. The estuarine water was NO3- rich (125 to 600 μM), and NO3- was consistently taken up by the sediment on the four occasions studied. Total NO3- uptake (3.6 to 34.0 mmol of N m-2 day-1) corresponded closely to N2 production (denitrification) during the experimental steady state, which indicated that dissimilatory, as well as assimilatory, NO3- reduction to NH4+ was insignificant. When C2H2 was applied in the flow system, denitrification measured as N2O production was often less (58 to 100%) than the NO3- uptake because of incomplete inhibition of N2O reduction. The NO3- formed by nitrification and not immediately denitrified but released to the overlying water, uncoupled nitrification, was calculated both from 15NO3- dilution and from changes in NO3- uptake before and after C2H2 addition. These two approaches gave similar results, with rates ranging between 0 and 8.1 mmol of N m-2 day-1 on the four occasions. Attempts to measure total nitrification activity by the difference between NH4+ fluxes before and after C2H2 addition failed because of non-steady-state NH4+ fluxes. The vertical distribution of denitrification and oxygen consumption was studied by use of N2O and O2 microelectrodes. The N2O profiles measured during the experimental steady state were often irregularly shaped, and the buildup of N2O after C2H2 was added was much too fast to be described by a simple diffusion model. Only bioturbation by a dense population of infauna could explain these observations. This was corroborated by the relationship between diffusive and total fluxes, which showed that only 19 to 36 and 29 to 62% of the total O2 uptake and denitrification, respectively, were due to diffusion-reaction processes at the regular sediment surface, excluding animal burrows.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented the capacity of European earthworms belonging to the family Lumbricidae to emit the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O), an activity attributed primarily to the activation of ingested soil denitrifiers. To extend the information base to earthworms in the Southern Hemisphere, four species of earthworms in New Zealand were examined for gut-associated denitrification. Lumbricus rubellus and Aporrectodea rosea (introduced species of Lumbricidae) emitted N2O, whereas emission of N2O by Octolasion cyaneum (an introduced species of Lumbricidae) and emission of N2O by Octochaetus multiporus (a native species of Megascolecidae) were variable and negligible, respectively. Exposing earthworms to nitrite or nitrate and acetylene significantly increased the amount of N2O emitted, implicating denitrification as the primary source of N2O and indicating that earthworms emitted dinitrogen (N2) in addition to N2O. The alimentary canal displayed a high capacity to produce N2O when it was supplemented with nitrite, and alimentary canal contents contained large amounts of carbohydrates and organic acids indicative of fermentation (e.g., succinate, acetate, and formate) that could serve as sources of reductant for denitrification. nosZ encodes a portion of the terminal oxidoreductase used in denitrification. The nosZ sequences detected in the alimentary canals of L. rubellus and O. multiporus were similar to those retrieved from soil and were distantly related to sequences of uncultured soil bacteria and genera common in soils (i.e., Bradyrhizobium, Azospirillum, Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodospirillum, Pseudomonas, Oligotropha, and Sinorhizobium). These findings (i) suggest that the capacity to emit N2O and N2 is a general trait of earthworms and not geographically restricted, (ii) indicate that species belonging to different earthworm families (i.e., Megascolecidae and Lumbricidae) may not have equal capacities to emit N2O, and (iii) also corroborate previous findings that link this capacity to denitrification in the alimentary canal.Earthworms are dominant members of the soil fauna and affect the structure and fertility of soils (5, 20, 22, 23). Various species of European earthworms belonging to the family Lumbricidae (e.g., Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus rubellus, and Octolasion lacteum) emit dinitrogen (N2) and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O), and their burrowing activities and feeding habits in combination with in situ conditions can influence the emission of nitrogenous gases from soils that they inhabit (1, 2, 13, 17, 25, 27, 39).The microbiology of the earthworm alimentary canal has been addressed in numerous studies (3, 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 32). The alimentary canal of the earthworm is anoxic, in marked contrast to the aerated material that earthworms ingest (14, 39). Anoxia and other in situ conditions of the alimentary canal appear to stimulate soil microbes capable of surviving under anaerobic conditions during passage through the gut (3, 4). Soils are rich in denitrifying bacteria (37), and the capacity of European earthworms to emit nitrogenous gases has been attributed primarily to the in situ activity of ingested denitrifying bacteria that appear to be highly active under the anoxic conditions of the earthworm alimentary canal (12, 15, 17, 25, 39). However, it is not known if the capacity to emit nitrogenous gases is a general trait of earthworms independent of their taxonomic family or geographic location. The main objectives of this study were to examine the capacity of Southern Hemisphere earthworms in New Zealand to emit N2O and to determine if this capacity was linked to denitrifying bacteria in the alimentary canal.  相似文献   

Microprofiles of O2 and NO3- were measured simultaneously in freshwater sediment with microsensors which were completely free from electrical interference because of coaxial designs. Depth profiles of nitrification (NO3- production) and denitrification (NO3- consumption) were subsequently determined by computer simulation of the measured microprofiles. The nitrifying bacterial community responded very quickly to changes in environmental conditions, and new steady-state microprofiles of O2 and NO3- were usually approached within a few hours after perturbation. Nitrification started quickly after introduction of O2 in previously anoxic layers, suggesting prolonged survival of the nitrifiers during anaerobiosis. Changes in the availability of O2 and NH4+ greatly affected the nitrification profile, and there was a high rate of coupled nitrification-denitrification under conditions in which nitrification occurred right above the oxic-anoxic interface. Addition of C2H2 rapidly removed the NO3- peaks, indicating that NO3- production was due mainly to autotrophic nitrification.  相似文献   

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