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Summary Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) catalyzes the reversible interconversion of mannose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate. Plant cells lacking this enzyme are incapable of surviving on synthetic medium containing mannose as a carbon source. Maize, wheat and barley plants, genetically modified to express the Escherichia coli manA gene (pmi) under the control of a plant promoter, were able to survive selection on mannose-containing medium. Transformation frequencies averaged 45% for maize transformation via Biolistics 35% for maize Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, 20% for wheat, 3% for barley, and 2% for watermelon transformation. Moreover, the frequencies exceeded those obtained for maize and wheat using the pat or bar gene with Basa? selection. A preliminary safety assessment has been conducted for PMI. Purified PMI protein demonstrates no adverse, effects in an acute mouse toxicity test. Purified PMI protein was readily digested in simulated mammalian gastric and intestinal fluids. Plants derived from surgar beet and corn cells that had been genetically modified to express the E. coli manA gene were evaluated for biochemical changes in mannose-associated pathways. No detectable changes in glycoprotein profiles were detected in PMI-transformed plants as compared to nontransgenic controls. The yield and nutritional composition of grain from PMI-transformed corn plants compared to their non-transformed isogenic counterparts were also determined and no statistically significant differences were found. The inherent safety of a system based on simple sugar metabolism coupled with high transformation frequencies for monocots make pmi and ideal selectable marker for plant transformation.  相似文献   

Azospirillum is used extensively in rice and other cereal crops as a biofertilizer. There is a substantial opportunity to improve the efficiency of this bacterium through the transfer of genes of agricultural importance from other organisms. Chitinases are antifungal proteins, and expression of chitinase genes in Azospirillum would help to develop strains with potential antifungal activities. So far there are no reports about transfer of plant genes into Azospirillum and their expression. The present study was aimed at expressing an antifungal gene (a rice chitinase) of plant origin in Azospirillum brasilense. A rice chitinase cDNA (RC 7) that codes for a 35 kDa protein was subcloned into a broad host range plasmid pDSK519 under the control of LacZ promoter. The plasmid was mobilized into the nitrogen-fixing bacterium, Azospirillum brasilense strain SP51eFL1, through biparental mating. The conjugation frequency was in the range of 35-40 x 10(-6). The transconjugants grew in nitrogen-free media and fixed gaseous nitrogen in vitro. However, their growth and nitrogen-fixing ability were slightly less than those of the wild-type. Expression of the protein was demonstrated through western blotting of the total cell protein, which detected a 35 kDa band that was immuno-reactive to a barley chitinase antibody. The cell lysates also hydrolyzed various chitin substrates, which resulted in release of free sugars demonstrating the chitinase activity of transconjugants. The expressed protein also had antifungal activity as demonstrated by inhibition of growth of the plant pathogenic fungus, Rhizoctonia solani.  相似文献   

Summary Recent advances in plant molecular biology have depended largely on the development of efficient methods of introducing foreign DNA into plant cells. Gene transfer into plant cells can be achieved by either direct uptake of DNA or the natural process of gene transfer carried out by the soil bacteriumAgrobacterium. Although both of these processes allow the generation of stably transformed plants, the former offers the advantage of allowing the study of transient expression of gene constructs in protoplasts cultured in vitro. In addition to the potential application of transgenic plants in agriculture and biotechnology they can be used to study the expression of foreign DNA, to carry out the functional analysis of plant DNA sequences, to investigate the mechanism of viral DNA replication and cell-to-cell spread, as well as to study transposition. Moreover, the versatility of the gene transfer vectors is such that they may be used to isolate genes unamenable to isolation using conventional protocols. Presented in the Formal Symposium Frontiers in Cell Biotechnology at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Houston, Texas, June 10–13, 1990.  相似文献   

Even the most successful transformation systems for monocotyledonous plants have a very low efficiency. To overcome this, the selection system is of utmost importance. Established selection systems based on kanamycin resistance are not generally applicable for monocotyledonous plants because monocot cells and tissues are relatively insensitive to kanamycin. Selection can be improved by using other antibiotics or herbicides and their respective resistance genes, which can lead to a substantial reduction in the number of untransformed regenerants. In choosing a selection system the resistance mechanism, either detoxification of the selective agent or modification of the target enzyme, should also be taken into account. Detoxification of the selective agent by expression of a modifying enzyme in transformed cells can enable untrasformed cells to escape. This does not happen when resistance is based on the production of a modified target enzyme. By use of vectors specifically designed for high expression in monocots, the level of resistance in transformed cells and tissues can be enhanced, resulting in an increased efficiency of selection. This paper presents an overview of the various antibiotics and herbicides available and the application of the related resistance genes to improve transformation of monocots.  相似文献   

The sC sequence from Aspergillus niger was cloned and developed into a homologous marker system for genetic transformation. The coding region of the sC gene amplified by PCR from the A. niger genome was provided with Aspergillus nidulans expression signals (gpdA promoter and trpC terminator). This chimeric construct was used to successfully transform a spontaneous sC- isolate of A. niger to prototrophy. The transformants analyzed by Southern analysis showed integration of multiple copies of the transforming DNA. They also exhibited much higher ATP sulfurylase activity than the wild-type A. niger strain reinforcing the molecular data. This demonstrates the usefulness of the sCniger construct, driven by PgpdA, as a marker for A. niger transformation.  相似文献   

The major anthocyanin compound in buckwheat sprouts was determined to be cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside (C3R), based on HPLC data and MS/MS spectra. Investigation of the content of phenolic compounds in commercial buckwheat sprouts indicated that hypocotyls are abundant in C3R and rutin, whereas all of the detected flavonoids are abundant in cotyledons. The superoxide anion radical-scavenging activities (SOD-like activities) of phenolic compounds in buckwheat sprouts and their contents indicated that rutin, isoorientin, and orientin contributed mainly to the SOD-like activity of the extract from buckwheat sprouts. In contrast, the contribution of C3R was substantially lower than that of flavonoids.  相似文献   

Three natural somatic mutations at codon 304 of the phytoene desaturase gene (pds) of Hydrilla verticillata (L. f. Royle) have been reported to provide resistance to the herbicide fluridone. We substituted the arginine 304 present in the wild-type H. verticillata phytoene desaturase (PDS) with all 19 other natural amino acids and tested PDS against fluridone. In in vitro assays, the threonine (Thr), cysteine (Cys), alanine (Ala) and glutamine (Gln) mutations imparted the highest resistance to fluridone. Thr, the three natural mutations [Cys, serine (Ser), histidine (His)] and the wild-type PDS protein were tested in vitro against seven inhibitors of PDS representing several classes of herbicides. These mutations conferred cross-resistance to norflurazon and overall negative cross-resistance to beflubutamid, picolinafen and diflufenican. The T3 generation of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants harbouring the four selected mutations and wild-type pds had similar patterns of cross-resistance to the herbicides as observed in the in vitro assays. The Thr304 Hydrilla pds mutant proved to be an excellent marker for the selection of transgenic plants. Seedlings harbouring Thr304 pds had a maximum resistance to sensitivity (R/S) ratio of 57 and 14 times higher than that of the wild-type for treatments with norflurazon and fluridone, respectively. These plants exhibited normal growth and development, even after long-term exposure to herbicide. As Thr304 pds is of plant origin, it could become more acceptable than other selectable markers for use in genetically modified food.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of different promoters for use in Indica rice transformation was compared. Plasmids encoding the Escherichia coli uidA (gus) gene under the control of CaMV 35S, Emu, Act1 or Ubi1 promoters were delivered into cell suspension cultures by particle bombardment. Transient gene expression, 48 h after delivery, was greatest from plasmids utilising the constitutive promoters, Act1 and Ubi1. Gene expression in stably transformed tissue was examined by bombarding embryogenic Indica rice calli with a pUbi1-gas plasmid and a plasmid containing either the selectable marker gene, hph, which confers hygromycin resistance, or bar, which confers resistance to the herbicide phosphinothricin (BASTA) each under the control of the CaMV 35S, Emu, Act1 or the Ubi1 promoters. The bombarded calli were placed on the appropriate selection media and stained for GUS activity at 1 day, 3 weeks and 5 weeks after shooting. Callus bombarded with the pUbi1-hph or the pEmu-hph constructs gave a dramatic increase in the size of the GUS staining areas with time. No such increase in the size of GUS staining areas was observed in calli co-bombarded with pUbi1-gus and any of the bar containing constructs.Co-bombardment of calli with either the pEmu-hph or pUbi1-hph construct and a virus minor coat protein (cp) gene construct resulted in many fertile transgenic Indica rice plants, containing one to eight copies of both the hph and cp genes. These genes were stably inherited by the T1 generation.  相似文献   

Actinomycetes from the genus Frankia induce nitrogen-fixing root nodules on actinorhizal plants in the "core rosid" clade of eudicots. Reported here are nine partial Frankia 16S rRNA gene sequences including the first from host plants of the rosaceous genera Cercocarpus and Chamaebatia, 24 partial glutamine synthetase (GSI; glnA) sequences from Frankia in nodules of 17 of the 23 actinorhizal genera, and the partial glnA sequence of Acidothermus cellulolyticus. Phylogenetic analyses of combined Frankia 16S rDNA and glnA sequences indicate that infective strains belong to three major clades (I-III) and that Clade I strains consisting of unisolated symbionts from the Coriariaceae, Datiscaceae, Rosaceae, and Ceanothus of the Rhamnaceae are basal to the other clades. Clock-like mutation rates in glnA sequence alignments indicate that all three major Frankia clades diverged early during the emergence of eudicots in the Cretaceous period, and suggest that present-day symbioses are the result of an ancestral symbiosis that emerged before the divergence of extant actinorhizal plants.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of anthocyanins in plant tissues either requires light or is enhanced by it. Light-dependent anthocyanin synthesis has been extensively used as a model system for studies of the mechanism of photoregulation of plant development. Two components can be distinguished in the action of light on anthocyanin production. The first component is the red-far red reversible, phytochrome-mediated response induced by short irradiations; the amount of anthocyanin formed in response to a single, short irradiation is small. The second component is the response to prolonged exposures; the formation of large amounts of anthocyanin requires prolonged exposures to high fluence rates of visible and near-visible radiation (290 to 750 nm) and shows the typical properties of the “High Irradiance Reaction” (HIR) of plant photomorphogenesis. Phytochrome is involved in the photoregulation of the HIR response and is the only photoreceptor mediating the action of prolonged red and far red irradiations. The response to prolonged ultraviolet and blue radiation is probably mediated, at least in some systems, by two photoreceptors: phytochrome and cryptochrome, the latter being a specific ultraviolet-blue-light photoreceptor. The nature of the interaction between phytochrome and cryptochrome in the regulation of plant photomorphogenic responses is still unclear.  相似文献   

The Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA) was founded in 2004 by the Rockefeller Foundation in response to concerns that public investments in agricultural biotechnology benefiting developing countries were facing delays, high transaction costs and lack of access to important technologies due to intellectual property right (IPR) issues. From its inception, PIPRA has worked broadly to support a wide range of research in the public sector, in specialty and minor acreage crops as well as crops important to food security in developing countries. In this paper, we review PIPRA's work, discussing the failures, successes, and lessons learned during its years of operation. To address public sector's limited freedom-to-operate, or legal access to third-party rights, in the area of plant transformation, we describe PIPRA's patent 'pool' approach to develop open-access technologies for plant transformation which consolidate patent and tangible property rights in marker-free vector systems. The plant transformation system has been licensed and deployed for both commercial and humanitarian applications in the United States (US) and Africa, respectively.  相似文献   

The growth of tobacco and carrot cells in suspension cultures and on solidified medium was strongly inhibited by the antibiotic chloramphenicol. This effect was irreversible. The drug had no effect on [3H]-uridine incorporation but inhibited protein synthesis and induced striking morphological alterations in intoxicated cells. O2 consumption was also reduced in treated cells. Tobacco and carrot cells were unable to inactivate chloramphenicol by enzymatic acetylation.  相似文献   

 A dual marker plasmid comprising the reporter gene sgfp (green fluorescent protein) and the selectable bar gene (Basta tolerance) was constructed by replacing the uidA (β-glucuronidase, GUS) gene in a uidA-bar construct with sgfp. A particle inflow gun was used to propel tungsten particles coated with this plasmid into immature inflorescence-derived embryogenic callus of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). GFP was observed in leaf tissue and pollen of transgenic plants. Nearly 100 plants tolerant to Basta were obtained from the experiments, and Southern blot hybridization confirmed the presence of both the bar and sgfp genes. Plants regenerated from in vitro cultures of transgenic plants grew on medium with 10 mg l–1 bialaphos. When the pH indicator chlorophenol red was in the medium, the transgenic plantlets changed the medium from red to yellow. Basta tolerance was observed in T1 plants resulting from crosses between transgenic and nontransgenic control plants, indicating inheritance of the bar transgene. Received: 11 May 2000 / Revision received: 21 August 2000 / Accepted: 22 August 2000  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding Cryptococcus neoformans orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (OMPPase) has been isolated by complementation of the cognate Escherichia coli pyrE mutant. The cDNA was used as a probe to isolate a genomic DNA fragment encoding the OMPPase gene (URA5). By using electroporation for the introduction of plasmid DNA containing the URA5 gene, C. neoformans ura5 mutants could be transformed at low efficiency. Ura+ transformants obtained with supercoiled plasmids containing the URA5 gene showed marked mitotic instability and contained extrachromosomal URA5 sequences, suggesting limited ability to replicate within C. neoformans. Transformants obtained with linear DNA were of two classes: stable transformants with integrated URA5 sequences, and unstable transformants with extrachromosomal URA5 sequences.  相似文献   

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