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Genetic parameters for test-day milk flow (TDMF) of 2175 first lactations of Holstein cows were estimated using multiple-trait and repeatability models. The models included the direct additive genetic effect as a random effect and contemporary group (defined as the year and month of test) and age of cow at calving (linear and quadratic effect) as fixed effects. For the repeatability model, in addition to the effects cited, the permanent environmental effect of the animal was also included as a random effect. Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method in single- and multiple-trait and repeatability analyses. The heritability estimates for TDMF ranged from 0.23 (TDMF 6) to 0.32 (TDMF 2 and TDMF 4) in single-trait analysis and from 0.28 (TDMF 7 and TDMF 10) to 0.37 (TDMF 4) in multiple-trait analysis. In general, higher heritabilities were observed at the beginning of lactation until the fourth month. Heritability estimated with the repeatability model was 0.27 and the coefficient of repeatability for first lactation TDMF was 0.66. The genetic correlations were positive and ranged from 0.72 (TDMF 1 and 10) to 0.97 (TDMF 4 and 5). The results indicate that milk flow should respond satisfactorily to selection, promoting rapid genetic gains because the estimated heritabilities were moderate to high. Higher genetic gains might be obtained if selection was performed in the TDMF 4. Both the repeatability model and the multiple-trait model are adequate for the genetic evaluation of animals in terms of milk flow, but the latter provides more accurate estimates of breeding values.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of three milkability traits from two commercial dairy farms in Germany were used to estimate heritabilities and breeding values (BVs). Overall, 6352 cows in first, second and third lactations supplied 2 188 810 records based on daily values recorded from 1998 to 2003. Only the records between day 8 and day 305 after calving were considered. The estimated genetic correlations between different parities within the three milkability traits ranged from rg = 0.88 to 0.98, i.e. they were sufficiently high to warrant a repeatability model. The resulting estimated heritability coefficients were h2 = 0.42 for average milk flow, h2 = 0.56 for maximum milk flow and h2 = 0.38 for milking time. We analysed the genetic correlation between milkability and somatic cell score (SCS) and between milkability and the liability to mastitis, respectively, as the optimum milk flow for udder health is not well defined. There were 66 146 records with information on somatic cell count. Furthermore, 23 488 days of medical treatment for udder diseases were available, resulting in 2 600 302 days of observation in total. Heritabilities for the liability to mastitis, estimated with a test-day threshold model, were h2 = 0.19 and h2 = 0.13, depending on the data-recording period (first 50 days of lactation and first 305 days of lactation, respectively). With respect to the relationship between milkability and udder health, the results indicated a slight and linear correlation insofar as one can assume: the higher the milk flow, the worse the udder health. For this reason, bulls and cows with high BVs for milk flow should be excluded from breeding to avoid a deterioration of udder health. The establishment of a special data-recording scheme for functional traits such as milkability and mastitis on commercial dairy farms may be possible according to these results.  相似文献   

Application of test-day models for the genetic evaluation of dairy populations requires the solution of large mixed model equations. The size of the (co)variance matrices required with such models can be reduced through the use of its first eigenvectors. Here, the first two eigenvectors of (co)variance matrices estimated for dairy traits in first lactation were used as covariables to jointly estimate genetic parameters of the first three lactations. These eigenvectors appear to be similar across traits and have a biological interpretation, one being related to the level of production and the other to persistency. Furthermore, they explain more than 95% of the total genetic variation. Variances and heritabilities obtained with this model were consistent with previous studies. High correlations were found among production levels in different lactations. Persistency measures were less correlated. Genetic correlations between second and third lactations were close to one, indicating that these can be considered as the same trait. Genetic correlations within lactation were high except between extreme parts of the lactation. This study shows that the use of eigenvectors can reduce the rank of (co)variance matrices for the test-day model and can provide consistent genetic parameters.  相似文献   

Health traits are of paramount importance for economic dairy production. Improvement in liability to diseases has been made with better management practices, but genetic aspects of health traits have received less attention. Dairy producers in Canada have been recording eight health traits (mastitis (MAST), lameness (LAME), cystic ovarian disease (COD), left displaced abomasum (LDA), ketosis (KET), metritis (MET), milk fever (MF) and retained placenta (RP)) since April 2007. Genetic analyses of these traits were carried out in this study for the Holstein breed. Edits on herd distributions of recorded diseases were applied to the data to ensure a sufficient quality of recording. Traits were analysed either individually (MAST, LAME, COD) or were grouped according to biological similarities (LDA and KET, and MET, MF and RP) and analysed with multiple-trait models. Data included 46 104 cases of any of the above diseases. Incidence ranged from 2.3% for MF to 9.7% for MAST. MET and KET also had an incidence below 4.0%. Variance components were estimated using four different sire threshold models. The differences between models resulted from the inclusion of days at risk (DAR) and a cow effect, in addition to herd, parity and sire effects. Models were compared using mean squared error statistic. Mean squared error favoured, in general, the sire and cow within sire model with regression on DAR included. Heritabilities on the liability scale were between 0.02 (MET) and 0.21 (LDA). There was a moderate, positive genetic correlation between LDA and KET (0.58), and between MET and RP (0.79).  相似文献   

Covariance components for test day milk yield using 263 390 first lactation records of 32 448 Holstein cows were estimated using random regression animal models by restricted maximum likelihood. Three functions were used to adjust the lactation curve: the five-parameter logarithmic Ali and Schaeffer function (AS), the three-parameter exponential Wilmink function in its standard form (W) and in a modified form (W*), by reducing the range of covariate, and the combination of Legendre polynomial and W (LEG+W). Heterogeneous residual variance (RV) for different classes (4 and 29) of days in milk was considered in adjusting the functions. Estimates of RV were quite similar, rating from 4.15 to 5.29 kg2. Heritability estimates for AS (0.29 to 0.42), LEG+W (0.28 to 0.42) and W* (0.33 to 0.40) were similar, but heritability estimates used W (0.25 to 0.65) were highest than those estimated by the other functions, particularly at the end of lactation. Genetic correlations between milk yield on consecutive test days were close to unity, but decreased as the interval between test days increased. The AS function with homogeneous RV model had the best fit among those evaluated.  相似文献   

Longer-lived cows tend to be more profitable and the stayability trait is a selection criterion correlated to longevity. An alternative to the traditional approach to evaluate stayability is its definition based on consecutive calvings, whose main advantage is the more accurate evaluation of young bulls. However, no study using this alternative approach has been conducted for Zebu breeds. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare linear random regression models to fit stayability to consecutive calvings of Guzerá, Nelore and Tabapuã cows and to estimate genetic parameters for this trait in the respective breeds. Data up to the eighth calving were used. The models included the fixed effects of age at first calving and year-season of birth of the cow and the random effects of contemporary group, additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual. Random regressions were modeled by orthogonal Legendre polynomials of order 1 to 4 (2 to 5 coefficients) for contemporary group, additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Using Deviance Information Criterion as the selection criterion, the model with 4 regression coefficients for each effect was the most adequate for the Nelore and Tabapuã breeds and the model with 5 coefficients is recommended for the Guzerá breed. For Guzerá, heritabilities ranged from 0.05 to 0.08, showing a quadratic trend with a peak between the fourth and sixth calving. For the Nelore and Tabapuã breeds, the estimates ranged from 0.03 to 0.07 and from 0.03 to 0.08, respectively, and increased with increasing calving number. The additive genetic correlations exhibited a similar trend among breeds and were higher for stayability between closer calvings. Even between more distant calvings (second v. eighth), stayability showed a moderate to high genetic correlation, which was 0.77, 0.57 and 0.79 for the Guzerá, Nelore and Tabapuã breeds, respectively. For Guzerá, when the models with 4 or 5 regression coefficients were compared, the rank correlations between predicted breeding values for the intercept were always higher than 0.99, indicating the possibility of practical application of the least parameterized model. In conclusion, the model with 4 random regression coefficients is recommended for the genetic evaluation of stayability to consecutive calvings in Zebu cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic correlations between milk yield, somatic cell score (SCS), mastitis, and claw and leg disorders (CLDs) during first lactation in Holstein cows by using a threshold–linear random regression test-day model. We used daily records of milk, fat and protein yields; somatic cell count (SCC); and mastitis and CLD incidences from 46 771 first-lactation Holstein cows in Hokkaido, Japan, that calved between 2000 and 2009. A threshold animal model for binary records (mastitis and CLDs) and linear animal model for yield traits were applied in our multiple trait analysis. For both liabilities and yield traits, additive genetic effects were used as random regression on cubic Legendre polynomials of days on milk. The highest positive genetic correlations between yields and disease incidences (0.36 for milk and mastitis, 0.56 for fat and mastitis, 0.24 for protein and mastitis, 0.32 for milk and CLD, 0.44 for fat and CLD and 0.31 for protein and CLD) were estimated at about the time of peak milk yield (36 to 65 days in milk). Selection focused on early lactation yield may therefore increase the risk of mastitis and CLDs. The positive genetic correlations of SCS with mastitis or CLD incidence imply that selection to reduce SCS in the early stages of lactation would decrease the incidence of both mastitis and CLD.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare linear models and survival analysis for genetic evaluation of ovulatory disorders, which included veterinary treatments of silent heat/anestrus and cystic ovaries. Data of 23 450 daughters of 274 Austrian Fleckvieh sires were analyzed. For linear model analyses, ovulatory disorders were defined as a binary response (presence or absence) in the time periods from calving to 150 days after calving and from calving to 300 days after calving. For survival analysis, ovulatory disorders were defined either as the number of days from calving to the day of the first treatment for an ovulatory disorder (uncensored record) or from calving to the day of culling, or the last day of the period under investigation (until 150 or 300 days after calving; censored record). Estimates of heritability were very similar (0.016 to 0.020) across methods and periods. Correlations between sire estimated breeding value from linear model and survival analysis were 0.98, whereas correlations between different time periods were somewhat lower (0.95 and 0.96). The results showed that the length of time period had a larger effect on genetic evaluation than methodology.  相似文献   

Milk production, fertility, longevity and health records, were extracted from databases of two milk recording organisations in the United Kingdom for the first three lactations of the Holstein–Friesian breed. These included data related to health events (mastitis and lameness), voluntarily recorded on a proportion of farms. The data were analysed to calculate disease incidence levels and to estimate genetic parameters for health traits and their relationships with production and other functional traits. The resulting dataset consisted of 124 793 lactations from 75 137 animals of 1586 sires, recorded in 2434 herds. Incidence of health events increased with parity. The overall incidence of mastitis (MAS) and lameness (LAM), defined as binary traits, were 17% and 16%, respectively. Heritability estimates for MAS and LAM were 0.04 and 0.02, respectively, obtained from repeatability linear sire models. Heritability estimates of mastitis and lameness as count traits were slightly higher, 0.05 and 0.03, respectively. Genetic correlations were obtained by bivariate analyses of all pair-wise combinations between milk 305-day yield (MY), protein 305-day yield (PY), fat 305-day yield (FY), lactation average loge transformed lactation average somatic cell count (SCS), calving interval (CI), days to first service (DFS), non-return at 56 days (NR56), number of inseminations (NINS), mastitis (MAS), number of mastitis episodes (NMAS), lameness (LAM), number of lameness episodes (NLAM) and lifespan score (LS). As expected, MAS was correlated most strongly with SCS (0.69), which supports the use of SCS as an indicator trait for mastitis. Genetic correlations between MAS and yield and fertility traits were of similar magnitude ranging from 0.27 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between MAS with LAM and LS were 0.38 and −0.59, respectively. Not all genetic correlations between LAM and other traits were significant because of fewer numbers of lameness records. LAM had significant genetic correlations with MY (0.38), PY (0.28), CI (0.35), NINS (0.38) and LS (−0.53). The heritability estimates of mastitis and lameness were low; therefore, genetic gain through direct selection alone would be slow, yet still positive and cumulative. Direct selection against mastitis and lameness as additional traits should reduce incidence of both diseases, and simultaneously improve fertility and longevity. However, both health traits had antagonistic relationships with production traits, thus genetic gain in production would be slower.  相似文献   

Records were collected in an experimental herd over an 11-year period from purebred Charolais heifers (n = 351), cows (n = 615) and young entire bulls (n = 383). The objective of the study was to estimate the genetic relationship between the components of female ovarian activity (age at puberty and postpartum anoestrus length), their growth rate and body condition score and beef traits measured on related bulls. Two methods were used to estimate age at puberty and postpartum anoestrus length: the detection of oestrous behaviour and a test of cyclicity based on plasmatic progesterone assay. This study shows the existence of significant heritability estimates for the different cyclicity traits (h2 between 0.11 and 0.38). Most of the genetic correlation coefficients between ovarian activity and growth rate of females and males are negative and favourable (rg between -0.43 and 0.06). Cyclicity is also favourably related with body condition score in young or adult females (rg between -0.65 and -0.22). The genetic relationship between female ovarian activity and proportion of adipose tissue in the male carcass is, however, close to zero. These results show that an antagonism between male beef traits measured in this study and female ovarian activity is unlikely to be a cause for concern in the short term.  相似文献   

Weaning weights from 83 389 Limousin calves born between 1993 and 2002 in France and the Trans-Tasman block (Australia/New Zealand) were analysed to compare different strategies for running an international genetic evaluation for the breed. These records were a subset of the complete data for both countries and comprised a sample of herds that had recorded progeny of sires used across both countries. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for weaning weight were estimated within the countries. The estimates of direct genetic heritabilities were higher in France than in the Trans-Tasman block (0.31 vs. 0.22), while direct-maternal genetic correlations were less negative in the Trans-Tasman block (-0.10) than in France (-0.21). Different strategies for an international evaluation were studied, and the correlations between the estimated breeding values (EBV) of national evaluations and these strategies were derived. The international evaluation strategies were a) an animal model on raw performance data with non unity genetic correlations and heterogeneous residual and genetic variances across countries; b) the same animal model applied to pre-corrected (for fixed effects) performance data; and c) a sire model on de-regressed proofs (MACE). Estimates of the genetic correlations between weaning weight in both countries were 0.86 (0.80) for direct (maternal) genetic effects for the first strategy. Estimation of variance components by MACE appeared to be very sensitive to the sample of bulls and their reliability approximations. Variance component estimates obtained using pre-corrected data were inconsistent with estimates on raw data. However, the EBV predicted using pre-corrected data and parameters estimated from the raw data were similar to those predicted from raw data. Correlations between national and international EBV were always high (> 0.90) for sires, whichever genetic effect (direct or maternal) or international evaluation model was considered. The ranking of the bulls in the top 100 is of primary interest in terms of international genetic evaluation. In this study, some re-ranking of sires was observed for the top 100 bulls between countries and between the three international evaluation models. Thus, the origin of top sires may vary according to the implemented international evaluation strategy.  相似文献   

An experimental population (1216 lambs from 30 sires) of the Inra401 sheep was created in an Inra flock to allow QTL detection for susceptibility to Salmonella infection, wool and carcass traits. The Inra401 is a sheep composite line developed from two breeds: Berrichon du Cher and Romanov. At 113 days of age on average, the lambs were inoculated intravenously with 108 Salmonella abortusovis Rv6 (vaccinal strain). They were slaughtered 10 days after the inoculation. Several traits were measured at inoculation and/or slaughtering to estimate the genetic resistance of the lambs to Salmonella infection: specific IgM and IgG1 antibody titres, body weight loss, spleen and pre-scapular node weights and counts of viable Salmonella persisting in these organs. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the genetic variability of the traits related to salmonellosis susceptibility. The heritabilities of the traits varied between 0.10 and 0.64 (significantly different from zero). Thus, in sheep as well as in other species, the determinism of resistance to Salmonella infection is under genetic control. Moreover, the correlations between the traits are in agreement with the known immune mechanisms. The genetic variability observed should help QTL detection.  相似文献   

Mink skin size in Finland, as well as in other countries, has increased considerably during last decade. However, there are signs that selection for large body size has a negative impact on litter size (LS) and also for survival of kits. Therefore, it is important to study the genetic relationships among fertility traits and animal size (AS). The variance components for age at first mating (AFM) and first three parity LS and AS were estimated using multi-trait restricted maximum likelihood animal model. Data included 82 945 animals born during 1990 to 2004, originating from nine farms. Heritability estimates for the fertility traits were from 0.10 to 0.15. For AS, heritability was estimated to be 0.18. Genetic correlation between AS and all fertility traits was estimated to be negative (varying from -0.004 to -0.38). It is important to recognize this antagonistic relationship and include the reproductive traits into breeding goals to maintain good reproductive performance when selecting for increased body size and hence larger pelts in fur animals. Genetic correlations between the traits should be accounted in breeding value evaluations by using a multi-trait model. Including AFM into breeding value estimation would also improve the accuracy of breeding value estimation for fertility, because females missing the first LS still have record on AFM.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of body weight at weaning and of prolificacy were estimated in three commercial lines of pigeons selected by BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) on both traits. The model of analysis took into account the direct genetic effects for both traits and the effect of parental permanent environment for body weight. Depending on the line considered, body weight varied from 556.7 g to 647.6 g and prolificacy ranged from 12.5 to 16.8 pigeons weaned per couple of parents per year. Heritability of body weight was high, varying between 0.46 and 0.60, and permanent environment was responsible for 6% to 9% of the total variability. On the contrary, prolificacy was poorly heritable (0.04 to 0.12). They were highly and negatively correlated (-0.77 to -0.82). Body weight showed significant genetic trends in lines B and C. No significant genetic difference could be observed between males and females for both traits.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic parameters related to feed intake (FI), feed efficiency traits (including feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI) of digestible crude protein (DCP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN)), beef marbling score (BMS), melting point of fat (MP) and fatty acid composition. Fat and meat (Musculus trapezius) samples were taken from the carcasses of 863 Japanese Black steers derived from 65 sires, for determination of the MP and fatty acid composition of the total lipid in intramuscular adipose tissue. Genetic parameters were estimated using uni- and bivariate animal models. In addition, pedigree information for 4841 animals was used. Heritability estimates for BMS, MP, individual fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), the ratio of saturated fatty acids to MUFA (MUS) and the ratio of elongation (ELONG) were generally high. The FI values of TDN and DCP were also high, but FCRs and RFIs of those were low (0.09 to 0.22). Genetic correlation of BMS with MP was -0.34 (favorable) and with C18:1, MUFA, MUS and ELONG values were 0.40, 0.28, 0.29 and 0.37, respectively (favorable). Genetic correlations of MP with C18:1, MUFA, MUS and ELONG were negative (also favorable) and high (-0.85, -0.98, -1.00 (-0.996) and -0.66, respectively). The correlation estimates for feed efficiency traits of DCP were quite similar to those of TDN. Genetic correlations of BMS with FCRs and RFIs of TDN and DCP were all positive (unfavorable; 0.21 to 0.51), and in particular, the correlations with RFIs of those were high. The correlations of C18:1, MUFA, MUS and ELONG with RFIs of TDN and DCP were positive (unfavorable) but low (0.06 to 0.17), whereas the corresponding correlations with FCRs of those were all negative (favorable; -0.38 to -0.10). These results suggest that the quantity and quality of beef fat can be simultaneously improved and that the quality of beef fat (fatty acid composition) can be improved directly or indirectly with MP. Furthermore, selecting MP or fatty acid traits does not significantly affect feed efficiency.  相似文献   

Dietary fat may play a role in the aetiology of many chronic diseases. Milk and milk-derived foods contribute substantially to dietary fat, but have a fat composition that is not optimal for human health. We measured the fat composition of milk samples in 1918 Dutch Holstein Friesian cows in their first lactation and estimated genetic parameters for fatty acids. Substantial genetic variation in milk-fat composition was found: heritabilities were high for short- and medium-chain fatty acids (C4:0-C16:0) and moderate for long-chain fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated C18). We genotyped 1762 cows for the DGAT1 K232A polymorphism, which is known to affect milk-fat percentage, to study the effect of the polymorphism on milk-fat composition. We found that the DGAT1 K232A polymorphism has a clear influence on milk-fat composition. The DGAT1 allele that encodes lysine (K) at position 232 (232K) is associated with more saturated fat; a larger fraction of C16:0; and smaller fractions of C14:0, unsaturated C18 and conjugated linoleic acid (P < 0.001). We conclude that selective breeding can make a significant contribution to change the fat composition of cow's milk.  相似文献   

Selection for beef traits in Italian dual-purpose breeds is often carried out using growth and in vivo conformation recorded on young, performance tested bulls and muscularity traits scored during routinely linear type evaluation on primiparous cows. In this context, the knowledge of the genetic structure of traits obtained in different sexes and at different times is necessary for a proper selection plan. This study aimed to estimate, in the local dual-purpose Rendena breed, the genetic relationships between muscularity linear type traits from primiparous cows, the same traits scored on candidate young bulls, and the performance test traits recorded in candidate young bulls. Type traits included: front (chest and shoulder), back (loins and rump); thigh, buttocks side and rear views (two traits). Performance test traits were: average daily gain; EUROP fleshiness evaluation; and dressing percentage. Muscularity linear type traits were recorded on 11 992 first parity cows, and the muscularity type traits were scored on 957 candidate young bulls. Heritability estimates obtained for muscularity traits were moderate in young bulls (on average 0.326), about 16% higher than in primiparous cows. The average heritability for performance test traits in young bulls resulted 0.342. Moderate to strong genetic correlations were found between performance test and muscularity type traits collected in young bulls (from 0.500 between front (chest and shoulder) and average daily gain to 0.955 between thigh, buttocks side view and in vivo dressing percentage). The genetic relationships obtained between muscularity linear type traits of primiparous cows and performance traits of young bulls were variable (from a null correlation between front (chest and shoulder) and average daily gain to 0.822 between thigh, buttocks rear view and dressing percentage), with an average genetic correlation of 0.532. Generally, the traits measured during performance testing in young bulls were favourably correlated with muscularity traits evaluated on primiparous cows, indicating a common selection pathway.  相似文献   

The variability in dairy cow gait characteristics, determined by measurements of footprints (trackway measurements), was analysed. Seven gait parameters were determined from 32 non-lame dairy cows during free-speed walking on a slatted concrete walkway. The footprints were revealed by application of a thin lime powder-slurry layer to the walkway surface. The cows were observed on two test occasions with a 3-week interval, with measurements from four consecutive strides used within each test session. The variance components for cow, test and cow-test interaction were estimated by a residual (restricted) maximum likelihood method. The percentage of each variance component was calculated to assess the relative impact of each factor on total variance. Between-test variation was generally low, suggesting that cows maintain the same average gait pattern, at least over a 3-week period. The proportion of within-test variation was considerable for most trackway measurements. Stride length, step angle, step width and tracking (overlap) showed low to moderate within-test variation (12% to 27%), whereas for mediolateral displacement of rear feet and step length it was rather high (54% and 62%, respectively). Within-test variation in step asymmetry was very high (77%), suggesting the occurrence of natural, non-systematic changes in inter-limb coordination in non-lame cows. For better understanding the gait pattern in non-lame cows, linear associations between the trackway measurements and with body size were assessed. It was concluded that trackway measurements were able to describe the gait pattern in walking cows under dairy farm conditions. However, considering the relatively high within-test variation in gait, several strides should be used to obtain a representative gait pattern.  相似文献   

Fertility records (n = 1 802) were collected from 615 Charolais primiparous and multiparous cows managed in an experimental herd over an 11-year period. The objectives of the study were to describe the genetic variability of the re-establishment of postpartum reproductive activity and the relationship with body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) at calving and age at puberty. The length of postpartum anoestrus was estimated based on weekly blood progesterone assays and on twice daily detection of oestrus behaviour. The first oestrus behaviour was observed 69 days (± 25 days s.d.) post-calving and the first positive progesterone measurement (≥ 1 ng mL-1) was observed at 66 days (± 22 days s.d.) for the group of easy-calving multiparous suckling cows. Estimates of heritability and repeatability were h2 = 0.12 and r = 0.38 respectively, for the interval from calving to first oestrus (ICO). Corresponding values were h2 = 0.35 and r = 0.60 for the interval from calving to the first positive progesterone test (ICP). The genetic correlation between both criteria was high (rg = 0.98). The genetic relationships between postpartum intervals and BW and BCS of the female at calving were negative: the genetic aptitude to be heavier at calving and to have high body reserves was related to shorter postpartum intervals. A favourable genetic correlation between age at puberty and postpartum intervals was found (rg between 0.45 and 0.70). The heifers which were genetically younger at puberty also had shorter postpartum intervals.  相似文献   

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