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Biological control is a valuable and effective strategy for controlling arthropod pests and has been used extensively against invasive arthropods. As one approach for control of invasives, exotic natural enemies  from the native range of a pest are introduced to areas where control is needed. Classical biological control began to be used in the late 1800s and its use increased until, beginning in 1983, scientists began raising significant concerns and questions about nontarget and indirect effects that can be caused by these introductions. In recent years, similar issues have been raised about augmentative use of exotic natural enemies. Subsequently, international guidelines, national regulations and scientific methods being used for exotic natural enemies in biological control have changed to require appropriate specificity testing, risk assessment and regulatory oversight before exotic natural enemies can be released. National and international standards aimed at minimizing risk have increased awareness and promoted more careful consideration of the costs and benefits associated with biological control. The barriers to the implementation of classical and augmentative biological control with exotic natural enemies now are sometimes difficult and, as a consequence, the numbers of classical biological control programs and releases have decreased significantly. Based in part on this new, more careful approach, classical biological control programs more recently undertaken are increasingly aimed at controlling especially damaging invasive arthropod pests that otherwise cannot be controlled. We examine evidence for these revised procedures and regulations aimed at increasing success and minimizing risk. We also discuss limitations linked to the apparent paucity of post-introduction monitoring and inherent unpredictability of indirect effects.  相似文献   

T cells regulate the immune responses to pathogens and autoantigens. The immune responses are tolerizing or anti-inflammatory against autoantigens but are inflammatory against pathogens and allografts. Such contradictory immune responses have been attributed to two counteracting effector cell types or to two counterregulatory sets of molecules: cell-surface expressed or secreted. By contrast, recent reports suggest that CD40, a co-stimulatory molecule on antigen-presenting cells, is a crucial controller of these counteractive immune responses, and emphasize reciprocal inhibition as an essential feature of biological responses. The molecular mechanism of such reciprocity in CD40 functions is the basis of immunotherapy in many diseases.  相似文献   

Jennifer A. Lau 《Oikos》2013,122(3):474-480
As invasive species become integrated into existing communities, they engage in a wide variety of trophic interactions with other community members. Many of these interactions are direct (e.g. predator–prey interactions or interference competition), but invasive species also can affect native community members indirectly, by influencing the abundances of intermediary species in trophic webs. Observational studies suggest that invasive plant species affect herbivorous arthropod communities and that these effects may flow up trophic webs to influence the abundance of predators. However, few studies have experimentally manipulated the presence of invasive plants to quantify the effects of plant invasion on higher trophic levels. Here, I use comparisons across sites that have or have not been invaded by the invasive plant Medicago polymorpha, combined with experimental removals of Medicago and insect herbivores, to investigate how a plant invasion affects the abundance of predators. Both manipulative and observational experiments showed that Medicago increased the abundance of the exotic herbivore Hypera and predatory spiders, suggesting positive bottom–up effects of plant invasions on higher trophic levels. Path analyses conducted on data from natural habitats revealed that Medicago primarily increased spider abundance through herbivore‐mediated indirect pathways. Specifically, Medicago density was positively correlated with the abundance of the dominant herbivore Hypera, and increased Hypera densities were correlated with increased spider abundance. Smaller‐scale experimental studies confirmed that Medicago may increase spider abundance through herbivore‐mediated indirect pathways, but also showed that the effects of Medicago varied across sites, including having no effect or having direct effects on spider abundance. If effects of invasive species commonly flow through trophic webs, then invasive species have the potential to affect numerous species throughout the community, especially those species whose dynamics are tightly connected to highly‐impacted community members through trophic linkages.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):231-233
There are two hypotheses to explain the emergence of the technical behaviour: (1) a sudden and fast appearance across the African continent; (2) a long period of emergence and consolidation before it began to spread. We defend this second hypothesis and suggest that the hominid project started around 3 Myr ago, with a ‘biofunctional’ stage. Later than 2.5 Myr, the ‘biomorphotechnical’ stage began (Mode 1), and, at around 1.7 Myr, another stage emerged and developed: the ‘biopotential’ stage (Mode 2). All these stages consist of a two-part process: innovation/emergence, and socialization/generalization of a technical mode.  相似文献   

The relation between population density and body mass has vexed ecologists for nearly 30 years as a consequence of high variability in the observed slope of the relation: No single generalisation of the relation has been accepted as universally representative. Here, we use a simple computational approach to examine how observational scale (the body mass range considered) determines variation in the density–mass pattern. Our model relies on two assumptions: (1) resources are partitioned in an unbiased manner among species with different masses; (2) the number of individuals that can be supported by a given quantity of resources is related to their metabolic rate (which is a function of their mass raised to the power of a scaling coefficient, b). We show that density (1) scales as a function of body mass raised to the power of ?b on average, but (2) the slope of the relation varies considerably at smaller scales of observation (over narrow ranges of body mass) as a consequence of details of species’ ecology associated with resource procurement. Historically, the effect of body mass range on the slope of the density–mass relation has been unfailingly attributed to a statistical effect. Here we show that the effect of body mass range on the slope of the density–mass relation may equally result from a biological mechanism, though we find it impossible to distinguish between the two. We observe that many of the explanations that have been offered to account for the variability in the slope of the relation invoke mechanisms associated with differences in body mass and we therefore suggest that body mass range itself might be the most important explanatory factor. Notably, our results imply that the energetic equivalence rule should not be expected to hold at smaller scales of observation, which suggests that it may not be possible to scale the mass- and temperature-dependence of organism metabolism to predict patterns at higher levels of biological organisation at smaller scales of observation.  相似文献   



Standard graphs, where each edge links two nodes, have been extensively used to represent the connectivity of metabolic networks. It is based on this representation that properties of metabolic networks, such as hierarchical and small-world structures, have been elucidated and null models have been proposed to derive biological organization hypotheses. However, these graphs provide a simplistic model of a metabolic network's connectivity map, since metabolic reactions often involve more than two reactants. In other words, this map is better represented as a hypergraph. Consequently, a question that naturally arises in this context is whether these properties truly reflect biological organization or are merely an artifact of the representation.  相似文献   


World-wide, our coastal waters have been subject to an increased nutrient input since the latter part of the nineteenth century. This has led to the eutrophication or ‘nutrient pollution’ of many coastal sites, including Langstone Harbour and the Ythan Estuary here in the UK. Eutrophication at these and, indeed, at other nutrient enriched sites is evident by the appearance of large blooms of fast-growing opportunistic macroalgae. Blooms of macroscopic species of green algae (Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae) are particularly common and the phenomenon is often referred to as the occurrence of green tides.

Green tides may have a dramatic environmental impact, causing much damage to the local ecosystem. Numerous strategies have hence been employed in order to combat the problem, but to date there has been limited success. For this reason, current research in the UK is aimed at increasing our knowledge of green tide algae in terms of their ecophysiology, whilst further investigation of the nutrient pathways and fluxes within specific ecosystems has been deemed necessary. It is anticipated that this ‘backto basics’ approach will ultimately contribute to the development of new, successful eutrophication management strategies.  相似文献   

One of the most studied problems in population ecology has been to understand the relative roles of top–down and bottom–up forces in regulating animal populations. This has also been a key issue in studies of vole population dyna mics. Vole populations exhibit a wide variation of dynamics, from seasonal fluctuations to multiannual variations or cyclicity. One of the hypotheses to explain cyclic population dynamics is predation by the specialist predators. A common counterargument against the predation hypothesis has been the lack of conclusive observations of the time delay in the predators’ numerical response. We studied the interaction between voles and their specialist small mustelid predators, the stoat Mustela erminea and the least weasel Mustela n. nivalis, by modelling their interaction to data sets that cover large areas of Finland. Vole abundance was monitored with biannual trappings and their predators with snow‐tracking. Results show a high dependence of the predators on the voles, and this connection is generally tighter in weasels than in stoats. Weasel abundance is affected most strongly by the vole abundance in previous spring, 8.5– 10 months earlier, while in stoats the effect of autumn abundance of voles, 2.5–6 months earlier, was the strongest. These results, together with the observation that the weasels’ effects on voles are stronger after a time lag of 6–9.5 than 2–4.5 months, indicate the existence of a time lag in weasels’ numerical response. A time lag in the predators’ numerical response is a necessary condition for the predators to drive population cycles in its prey, and therefore our results support the specialist predation hypothesis.  相似文献   

A proposed Internet based standard based on primary chemical MIME types used in conjunction with the World-Wide Web information delivery systems allows molecular structural and spectroscopic information to be transparently integrated into scientific publications, providing unparalleled access and control for the user. Examples of “hyperactive molecules” from the areas of organic synthesis, quantitative structural modelling, molecular dynamics, crystallography, NMR and mass spectrometry are discussed. The implications of these mechanisms for scientific publication in general, the impact on the quality and reproducibility of published experimental data and the enhancement of serendipitous discoveries are discussed.  相似文献   

Senile dementia of Alzheimer's type (AD) is commonly characterized as a neurodegenerative disorder, which exhibits gradual changes of consciousness, loss of memory, perception and orientation as well as loss of personality and intellect. AD prevalence increases dramatically with age and is the fourth cause of death in Europe and in the USA. Currently, there are no available biological markers, which gives clinicians no other alternative than to rely upon clinical diagnosis by exclusion. There is no assay of objective ante mortem biochemical phenomena that relate to the pathophysiology of this disease. The pathophysiology of AD is connected with alterations in neurotransmission, plaque formation, cytoskeletal abnormalities and disturbances of calcium homeostasis. The search for a test, which is non-invasive, simple, cheap and user-friendly, should be directed at accessible body fluids. Only abnormalities replicated in large series across different laboratories fulfilling the criteria for a biological marker are likely to be of relevance in diagnosing AD. To date, only the combination of cerebrospinal fluid tau and Abeta42 most closely approximate an ideal biomarker of Alzheimer's disease. A short review on the role of biological markers in AD on the basis of the literature, contemporary knowledge and our own recent findings are presented.  相似文献   

The evolution of regeneration: adaptive or inherent?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If regeneration were adaptive, it would have arisen autonomously by natural selection from non-regenerative antecedents. Unless each episode coincidentally reinvented the same method of regeneration independently, one would expect the various lineages to differ basically from each other, which they do not. On the other hand, if regeneration were inherent to metazoan life, a derivative of embryogenesis, its various expressions should be as much like each other as they resemble the development of embryonic appendage buds, which they do. It follows that the uneven distribution of regeneration must have been due to its extinction here and there, not as a negative adaptation by natural selection but as a pleiotropic epiphenomenon linked to more useful adaptations with which it was incompatible. In vertebrate evolution, these adaptations have included the transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats and the modification of poikilothermic to homeothermic metabolism. The former advance rendered the regeneration of weight-bearing limbs impractical; the latter favored rapid wound healing and scar formation which effectively precluded blastema formation. If the latent capacity for regeneration persists in non-regenerative appendages, as would seem to be the case, then the restoration of its overt expression should be possible if the mechanisms of its inhibition could be discovered and eventually rendered ineffectual.  相似文献   

Both secondary metabolites and inorganic acids have been hypothesized to protect adult ascidians from predation, raising the possibility of alternative defensive strategies in these sessile, soft-bodied, benthic invertebrates. The objective of this investigation was to determine if ascidian species from the Western Atlantic have these chemical defenses against fish predators, and if so, to determine their location within the body of the ascidian. The palatability of crude organic extracts of whole ascidians, as well as the dissected tunics, viscera, and gonads (when possible) were determined at natural volumetric concentrations using laboratory feeding assays with the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum. Acidified food pellets were also assayed to determine the effect of lowered pH on predation. Sixteen of the 17 species tested had deterrent organic extracts from some region of the body (Aplidium constellatum, Aplidium stellatum, Ascidia interrupta, Ascidia nigra, Botrylloides sp., Clavellina picta, Didemnum candidum, Didemnum vanderhosti, Diplosoma listerianum, Ecteinascidia turbinata, Eudistoma capsulatum, Eudistoma hepaticum, Rhopalaea abdominalis, Styela plicata, Symplegma rubra, and Trididemnum solidum). The location of the deterrent secondary metabolites was isolated in the gonad in all three solitary species, raising the possibility that these defenses are passed on to eggs or larvae. Nine ascidian species sequestered acid in their tunics (A. interrupta, A. nigra, A. stellatum, D. candidum, D. vanderhosti, E. capsulatum, E. hepaticum, R. abdominalis, and T. solidum) at levels that were effective in deterring fish predation (pH≤3.0). Only one species (Botrylloides nigrum) had neither chemical defense. Results of this study indicate that there is not a clear trade-off between the presence of secondary metabolites and inorganic acid defenses in ascidians, suggesting that these defenses are redundant, or that alternative chemical defenses may have evolved for different predators or for different stages in the life history of the ascidians producing them.  相似文献   

Research in many fields of biology has been extremely successful in decomposing biological mechanisms to discover their parts and operations. It often remains a significant challenge for scientists to recompose these mechanisms to understand how they function as wholes and interact with the environments around them. This is true of the eukaryotic cell. Although initially identified in nineteenth-century cell theory as the fundamental unit of organisms, researchers soon learned how to decompose it into its organelles and chemical constituents and have been highly successful in understanding how these carry out many operations important to life. The emphasis on decomposition is particularly evident in modern cell biology, which for the most part has viewed the cell as merely a locus of the mechanisms responsible for vital phenomena. The cell, however, is also an integrated system and for some explanatory purposes it is essential to recompose it and understand it as an organized whole. I illustrate both the virtues of decomposition (treating the cell as a locus) and recomposition (treating the cell as an object) with recent work on circadian rhythms. Circadian researchers have both identified critical intracellular operations that maintain endogenous oscillations and have also addressed the integration of cells into multicellular systems in which cells constitute units.  相似文献   

Poaching for wildlife in Malawi's national parks and wildlife reserveshas forced the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to resort totranslocating animals from Kasungu to Liwonde National Park. The rationale forthis action has been influenced by the perception that Liwonde National Park issafer from incursions by poachers than Kasungu National Park. An examination ofanthropogenic threats in terms of encroachment and illegal activities, however,suggests that this premise may have been misapplied. The higher human populationdensity neighbouring Liwonde compared with Kasungu National Park is a potentialthreat to the conservation of wildlife in the former. Furthermore, the magnitude ofillegal activities in Liwonde is not any different from that observed inKasungu. Therefore, it is questionable if translocation is the ultimate solutionto the plight of wildlife in Malawi. Two translocations have been undertaken todate, but both have been disastrous failures. We recommend that the DNPW shouldimprove in situ conservation of wildlife by curbingpoaching pressure and ensuring that communities neighbouring protected wildlifeareas are given sufficient incentives to support wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

A key parameter influencing the rate and trajectory of the evolution of antibiotic resistance is the fitness cost of resistance. Recent studies have demonstrated that antibiotic resistance, whether caused by target alteration or by other mechanisms, generally confers a reduction in fitness expressed as reduced growth, virulence or transmission. These findings imply that resistance might be reversible, provided antibiotic use is reduced. However, several processes act to stabilize resistance, including compensatory evolution where the fitness cost is ameliorated by additional mutation without loss of resistance, the rare occurrence of cost-free resistance mechanisms and genetic linkage or co-selection between the resistance markers and other selected markers. Conceivably we can use this knowledge to rationally choose and design targets and drugs where the costs of resistance are the highest, and where the likelihood of compensation is the lowest.  相似文献   

The importance of the acarine predator, Zetzellia mali, in the control of phytophagous mites in apple orchards is not well understood. Zetzellia mali tends to prefer the eriophyid, Aculus schlechtendali, over the economically more significant tetranychid, Panonychus ulmi, but quite a wide range of preference values have been reported in the literature. In sets of laboratory choice trials, we determined that prey preference of this predator varies with the relative but not absolute density of its prey. We attempt to explain these results in terms of behavioural mechanisms and discuss the potential implications of our results for the effectiveness of Z. mali in the biological control of phytophagous mites in apple orchards.  相似文献   

Abstract: Production of bulk chemicals by biological processes is presently limited by failure of contemporary biological and bioreactor technology to deliver high product concentrations in high space-time yields in fluids of sufficiently low water content for subsequent down-stream processing operations. Limitations in the bioreactor portion of the process can arise due to failure to process sufficient substrate, substrate inhibition, inadequate rates or yields, and product inhibition. Various process approaches for addressing many of these limitations have been demonstrated or conceptualized. Less developed but potentially effective are genetic strategies addressing these process limitations. Ideally, the most effective combination of genetic and process approaches should be integrated in a synergistic fashion to maximize the economic potential of biological production of chemicals.  相似文献   

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