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In attempting to determine the traits associated with invasive plant species, ecologists have often used species native to the invaded range as "control species." Because many native species themselves are aggressive colonizers, comparisons using this type of control do not necessarily yield information relevant to distinctions between invasive and noninvasive species. Here we implement an alternative study design that compares phenological, architectural, size, and fitness traits of several introduced invasive species to introduced noninvasive species within two genera of Asteraceae (Crepis and Centaurea). While there were many significant differences between the genera, there were few shared attributes among invasive or noninvasive congeners, even for traits as seemingly important as the number of inflorescences produced and the size of seed heads. Instead, the results suggest that differences in invasiveness between closely related species is better explained as the result of complex trait interactions and specific introduction histories.  相似文献   

Question: Does the upward shift of species and accompanied increase in species richness, induced by climate change, lead to homogenization of Alpine summit vegetation? Location: Bernina region of the Swiss Alps. Methods: Based on a data set from previous literature we expand the analysis from species richness to beta‐diversity and spatial heterogeneity. Species compositions of mountain summits are compared using a two‐component heterogeneity concept including the mean and the variance of Sørensen similarities calculated between the summits. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling is applied to explore developments of single summits in detail. Results: Both heterogeneity components (mean dissimilarity and variance) decrease over time, indicating a trend towards more homogeneous vegetation among Alpine summits. However, the development on single summits is not strictly unidirectional. Conclusions: The upward shift of plant species leads to homogenization of alpine summit regions. Thus, increasing alpha‐diversity is accompanied by decreasing beta‐diversity. Beta‐diversity demands higher recognition by scientists as well as nature conservationists as it detects changes which cannot be described using species richness alone.  相似文献   

The system of concepts used when estimating the rarity of plants is analyzed and the basic categories of rarity are defined, namely: true, diffuse, peripheral and temporal. The insufficiency of scientific information on ecological and coenotic relationships of rare plants is demonstrated and the necessity of a complex assessment of population system of a rare plant species is substantiated. The importance and limitations of the information on rare plants contained in the Red Books and the Red Lists for phytosozological practice is discussed.  相似文献   

In the past, the floristic diversity of arable fields has been described in terms of species diversity (SD) and their degree of coverage (C), but never in combination with the recording of the actually flowered species (FS) and their flowering intensity (FI) to striking differences in the cultivation methods on arable land. In relation to SD and C, however, FS and FI may provide important additional information on the functional biodiversity of fields. The aim was therefore to investigate the effects of (a) conventional, (b) organic, and (c) smallholder (never application of herbicides) on the floristic diversity. Using a region in Germany, we investigated SD, C, FS, and FI synchronously in (a), (b), and (c), by 356 vegetation surveys (5 × 5 m plots) conducted in spring and summer in 2019 in winter cereals. Statistical tests were used to analyze the differences between (a), (b), and (c). The medians were used to compare the floristic diversity of (a), (b), and (c) and finally relationships of FS and FI to SD were analyzed in relation to the cultivation methods. Significant differences in SD, C, FS, and FI were found between the (a), (b), and (c) in spring and summer characterized by sharp declines from (c) to (b) to (a). A drastic reduction in floristic diversity from (c) 100 to (b) 52 to (a) 3 was determined. Plants in flower (FS, FI) were very poorly in (a), moderately well to well in (b), and well to very well represented in (c). (C) to (a) was characterized by a sharp decline and from (a) to (b) by sharp increase in floristic diversity. With current acreage proportions of (a) in mind, this would affect, about one third of land area in Germany, associated with a drastic reduction in functional biodiversity for insects.  相似文献   

Two nonnative Caribbean frogs, the Puerto Rican coqui and the Cuban greenhouse frog, recently invaded Hawaii. Because of its louder breeding call, management efforts have focused on the coqui, while little has been done to address the more cryptic greenhouse frog, even though it may be as widespread and have similar ecological impacts. The goal of this research was to determine the distribution and detection probability of both species on the island of Hawaii. We conducted a breeding call presence/absence survey at 446 sites every 2 km along major road networks. We re-surveyed 125 sites twice to determine detection and occupancy probabilities. Greenhouse frog detection probabilities (0.24, 0.29, 0.48, for each of the three visits, respectively) were lower than coqui detection probabilities (0.58, 0.73, 0.50, respectively) and increased with visits while those of the coqui did not. Greenhouse frog detection probabilities were lower in the presence of coquis for the first two surveys (0.12, 0.14) than in sites with greenhouse frogs alone (0.41), while greenhouse frogs had no effect on the detection of coquis. Site occupancy estimates for the greenhouse and coqui frog were 0.35 and 0.31, respectively, suggesting the species are similarly widespread. Results suggest multiple visits to sites are required to detect the greenhouse frog. Furthermore, results suggest that accounting for detectability is essential when determining the extent of invasion of cryptic species.  相似文献   

J. T. Wootton 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):325-331
Summary House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus), natives of western North America, have expanded their range in the eastern United States since their 1940 release in New York City. Range and the relation of House Finch population growth to the population dynamics of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Purple Finches (Carpodacus purpureus) were examined, using data from the Breeding Bird Survey and the Christmas Bird Count. The House Finch population grew exponentially throughout its eastern range. Significant negative relationships in population density, relative to spatial and temporal control populations, were found between House Finches and House Sparrows in summer and winter, and between House Finches and Purple Finches in summer. Purple Finch and House Sparrow populations outside of the House Finch range appeared to have no effect on each other throughout the study. Neither changes in 74 weather variables, nor changes in forest, field or developed habitat explained the observed trends in population density. The results indicate that House Finches compete with these two species, but winter migration complicates the picture.  相似文献   

Summary The primary purpose of this paper is to propose empirical measures of the structural differences between two communities of plants or animals composed of the same species. Structure is defined to consist of; 1) the species in the community, 2) the pattern of interactions as represented by the covariance or correlation matrix of successive observations on each species, and 3) the mean abundances of each species in each of the two communities. Statistical tests are proposed for testing whether the covariance matrices and the vectors of mean densities for each community are equal and empirical measures of the differences between the covariance matrices and mean vectors are proposed. Given unequal covariance or correlation matrices the factor analysis model is used to derive empirical measures of the degree to which each variable of the ecosystem is responsible for the observed defferences in the pattern of interactions in each community. These tests and measures were applied to data gathered byHunter (1966) on the abundances of six species ofDrosophila censused monthly over a period of approximately two and a half years in two adjacent, but different habitats near Bogota, colombia. The two covariance matrices were significantly different indicating different patterns of interactions in the twoDrosophila communities.  相似文献   

Invasion success is favoured by the introduction of pre-adapted genotypes. In addition, novel pressures in the introduced range may lead to phenotypic changes related to fitness or competitive ability of introduced plants. Polyploidy appears to be over-represented in invasive plants, but differences between cytotypes in growth strategies including trade-offs among plant traits have received little attention so far in the context of biological invasions. We grew Centaurea stoebe L. and Senecio inaequidens D.C. in a greenhouse experiment to test for differences in fitness (shoot biomass, reproductive output) and competitive ability (vegetative size, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, root–shoot ratio) between diploid and polyploid cytotypes as well as between native and introduced plants. For both species, diploid and tetraploid genotypes occur in the native range, whereas only tetraploids are present in the introduced range. In the native range of both species, diploid and tetraploid genotypes had different growth strategies. Tetraploid genotypes of C. stoebe and S. inaequidens had, respectively, higher specific leaf area and stem height than diploid ones. Thus, for both species, native tetraploids appeared more competitive than native diploids, which could explain, at least partially, the invasion success of the pre-adapted tetraploid genotypes. The comparison of native and introduced tetraploid genotypes revealed differences in traits linked to competitive ability, which could be linked to novel selection in the new environment. In S. inaequidens, we found evidence for a competition-colonisation trade-off, whereas persistence of C. stoebe in the new range seemed to be linked to a competition-defence trade-off.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of planting density and relative ground height (distance from the water table) on the early establishment of two introduced tree species [Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) and white poplar (Populus alba var. pyramidalis)] in the Mu Us Sandy Land of China; we used GLMM to analyze experimental effects. In total, 14 afforestation plots (seven plots per species) with variable relative ground heights were established on a shifting sand dune. Trees were planted at intervals of 3, 5, and 7 m, and the distances between neighboring trees were fixed within plots. Planting intervals and numbers of neighboring trees were treated as measures of planting density, and relative ground height was treated as an indicator of water supply stability. For both species, tree survival rates decreased with increasing planting interval; the number of neighboring trees had a positive effect on survival. The effect of relative ground height differed between species. Pine tree survival rates decreased with increased relative ground height, while the survival rates of poplar trees were unaffected. We recommend that pine trees be planted at high density on lower sectors of sand dunes to prevent wind erosion in early spring. Poplar trees should be planted at high density without reference to relative ground height for the provision of fuelwood.  相似文献   

曹丽娟  何萍  王汨  徐杰  任颖 《应用生态学报》2018,29(4):1367-1372
植物区系质量评价法(FQA)是一种利用植物物种对特定生境的保守性和植物群落的物种丰富度快速评估栖息地质量的方法.基于样方物种组成和专家赋值的植物物种保守系数,运用简单的公式即可计算出样方的植物区系质量指数(FQI).该指数能够反映植被的完整性和退化程度,可以用于对栖息地质量进行时空对比,已经在美国、加拿大等十余个国家广泛应用.本文介绍该方法的原理、计算公式和应用案例,为生态管理工作者和研究人员提供一种简单、可重复、可对比的生境质量评估工具.  相似文献   

On the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia two species of predatory beetle, Trechisibus antarcticus and Oopterus soledadinus (Coleoptera, Carabidae), were accidentally introduced. The colonisation process offers unique opportunities for testing ecological hypotheses in the field. As a basis for such studies, the spatial dynamics of the two species in the coastal lowland around Stromness Bay and Cumberland Bay were monitored during the period 1988–1996. Data are presented on the expansion of the two species and on the thermal characteristics of the tussock-forming grass Parodiochloa flabellata, which dominates the coastal lowlands. The largest expansion was shown by T. antarcticus, occurring as two populations in the Stromness Bay area. The origin of one of the populations, discovered in 1982, is Husvik Harbour, from where the species has colonised the central part of Stromness Bay. The second population, discovered in 1988 at Harbour Point, is invading the northern part of the area around Stromness Bay. Up to the present, three populations of O. soledadinus have been discovered. One population was found in 1988 at Husvik Harbour, co-existing with T. antarcticus, from where it is slowly expanding its distribution into the coastal zone. A second, very small, population of O. soledadinus was found in 1996 at Jason Harbour (Cumberland West Bay). The largest population of O. soledadinus, first reported in 1963, inhabits the area around Grytviken and King Edward Point (Cumberland East Bay), where it is the sole carabid species. The tussock grass vegetation offers a highly stable thermal environment compared with the more variable surroundings. Together with an ample food supply in the form of small arthropods and beetle larvae, and a vacant niche for arthropod predators, the benign microclimate of the tussock vegetation may explain the success of these predator introductions. Results of field observations on population parameters of the carabids, and laboratory measurement of egg production indicate the potential for large-scale co-existence. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

In this paper a multivariate linear regression model is proposed for predicting and mapping regional species richness in areas below the timberline according to environmental variables. The data used in setting up the model were derived from a floristic inventory. Using a stepwise regression technique, five environmental variables were found to explain 48.9% of the variability in the total number of plant species: namely temperature range, proximity to a big river or lake, threshold of minimum annual precipitation, amount of calcareous rock outcrops and number of soil types. A considerable part of the unexplained variability is thought to have been influenced by variations in the quality of the botanical inventory. These results show the importance of systematic floristic sampling in addition to conventional inventories when using floristic data as a basis in nature conservation. Nevertheless it is still possible to interpret the resulting diversity patterns ecologically. Regional species richness in Switzerland appears to be a function of: (i) environmental heterogeneity; (ii) threshold values of minimum precipitation; and (iii) presence of calcareous rock outcrops. According to similar studies, environmental heterogeneity was the strongest determinant of total species richness. In contrast to some studies, high productivity decreased the number of species. Furthermore, the implications of this work for climate change scenarios are discussed.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate species of Dinophysis, in particular D. acuminata and D. acuta, produce lipophilic toxins that pose a threat to human health when concentrated in shellfish and jeopardize shellfish exploitations in western Europe. In northwestern Iberia, D. acuminata has a long growing season, from spring to early autumn, and populations develop as soon as shallow stratification forms when the upwelling season begins. In contrast, D. acuta blooms in late summer, when the depth of the pycnocline is maximal and upwelling pulses are moderate. In situ observations on the hydrodynamic regimes during the two windows of opportunity for Dinophysis species led us to hypothesize that D. acuta should be more sensitive to turbulence than D. acuminata.To test this hypothesis, we studied the response of D. acuminata and D. acuta to three realistic turbulence levels low (LT), ε ≈ 10−6 m2 s-3; medium (MT), ε ≈ 10-5 m2 s-3 and high (HT), ε ≈ 10-4 m2 s-3 generated by Turbogen, a highly reproducible, computer-controlled system. Cells of both species exposed to LT and MT grew at rates similar to the controls. Marked differences were found in the response to HT: D. acuminata grew slowly after an initial lag phase, whereas D. acuta cell numbers declined. Results from this study support the hypothesis that turbulence may play a role in shaping the spatio-temporal distribution of individual species of Dinophysis. We also hypothesize that, in addition to cell disturbance affecting division, sustained high shear generated by microturbulence may cause a decline in Dinophysis numbers due to decreased densities of ciliate prey.  相似文献   

Solidago altissima and S. gigantea were introduced from North America to Europe ~250 yr ago and are now considered aggressive weeds in abandoned fields and conservation areas. We studied patterns of genetic differentiation in these two species along their present latitudinal range in Europe (44-61 degrees N). Two generations of clonally propagated ramets from randomly selected genets of 24 populations of each species were grown in a common-garden experiment at latitude 47 degrees N from 1991 to 1992. Both species showed significant variation among populations in morphological and life-history characters: at this southern location, plants from northern populations were smaller and flowered earlier than plants from southern populations. The gradient of clinal variation was more pronounced in the second year of cultivation than in the first and was steeper in S. altissima than in S. gigantea. Within-population variation among genotypes was significant tot most characters in the case of S. altissima. Phenological rate (reciprocal of days to flowering) and size at maturity showed a significant negative correlation among populations bot not among genotypes within populations, indicating that genetic trade-offs may occur at one but not another infraspecific level. We suggest that the pattern of among-population variation reflects rapid adaptive population differentiation after introduction of the species to Europe.  相似文献   

Critics from the fields of history, philosophy, sociology, gardening, and landscape architecture have recently attacked attempts to control introduced species as infected by nativism, racism, and xenophobia. Many appeals against introduced species, beginning in the 19th century, focus on aesthetic issues. It is impossible to prove a particular aesthetic judgment is in no way underlain by xenophobia or racism. Certainly the Nazi drive to eliminate non-indigenous plants was related to the campaign to eliminate non-Aryan people, while the writings of some early 20th century garden writers are laden with the language of contemporary nativism. Most judgments about the aesthetics of introduced species, however, cannot be clearly linked to such motives. Further, invasion biologists and conservationists today depict their motivation as preventing ecological or economic harm, as did their precursors a century ago. Because such harm is readily documented, this stated motivation is highly plausible, and attempts to impute baser motives are unconvincing if not tortuous. Critics of efforts to control invasions often ignore their ecological and economic impacts. These impacts, rather than aesthetic judgments or appeals to questionable concepts of naturalness, constitute a cogent, ethical basis for management of introduced species. Claims that modern introduced species activity targets all introduced species, not just invasive ones, and neglects benefits of certain introduced species have no basis in fact and becloud an urgent, important issue.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The effects of human presence on the behavioural response and productivity of a native wasp species of North America ( Polistes fuscatus ) and an invasive wasp species ( Polistes dominulus ) were examined in a field experiment. Over a 3-month period, colonies of each species were exposed to human presence at either low (biweekly) or high (daily) levels. At 2-week intervals, wasp response to human presence was recorded for all colonies via an index, ranging from no response (0) to an attack (4).
2. The levels of human presence had no effect on wasp response or colony productivity but foundresses of both species increased their response level the closer a human was to the nest. In addition, foundresses of P. fuscatus became more aggressive over time, corresponding to after adult offspring emerged, whereas foundresses of P. dominulus did not change their response level after the emergence of offspring.
3. The adult offspring of P. dominulus responded to human presence at a level similar to that of the foundress, whereas adult offspring of P. fuscatus exhibited a lower response to human presence than that of the foundress. The more distinctive aposematic coloration of P. dominulus may play a role in the behavioural differences between species; it may be more effective in deterring predators, and with the result that leaving the nest to defend it is less often necessary. Accordingly, the less aggressive response to human presence by P. dominulus may contribute to its success as an introduced species in North America.  相似文献   

People have moved species around the world for millenia, sometimes by accident, but often with considerable enthusiasm. English garden birds in New Zealand are merely quaint curiosities introduced by settlers wanting the familiar species of their former homes. Some introductions have been devastating - goats or rabbits on various islands, for example. Other introductions, such as those of genetically engineered organisms, present potential problems yet to be considered in any detail. What should we expect the impact of introduced species to be?  相似文献   

Molluscivorous fish, especially carp, have been adopted as bio-control agents of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata, but previous studies have focused on their effectiveness, with little attention paid to their undesirable effects on non-target plants and animals. We conducted an 8-week mesocosm study to compare the effectiveness of two indigenous fish, common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), in removing P. canaliculata, and their potential side effects on macrophytes and non-target mollusks in a freshwater wetland. Three species of macrophytes and a community of mollusks in the wetland sediment were enclosed in 1 × 1 × 1 m enclosures either with apple snails (AS), with apple snails and common carp (AS + CC), with apple snails and black carp (AS + BC), or without apple snails and fish. Both species of carp were effective predators of P. canaliculata, removing most of the individuals in the enclosures except a few that were too big to fit into their mouth. By reducing apple snail population, black carp reduced grazing of apple snail on macrophytes. In contrast, although common carp controlled apple snail population, it did not reduce overall loss in plant biomass as the fish might also fed on macrophytes. Both species of carp preyed on non-target mollusks. Application of bio-control agents in invasive species management needs to consider their effects on both the pest and non-target plants and animals. Adoption of common and/or black carp to control apple snail populations thus depends on the weight given to their effectiveness and subtle different effects on non-target organisms by wetland management authority.  相似文献   

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